Describe how the use of an electronic health record can affect privacy and security in ways that differ from the use of the paper based records. What are the pros and cons of using paper based records and electronic health records? Provide an example of a next-generation health care technology and how it can be used in a healthcare organization.

Week 5 Case Assignment

Please review the article titled “A Systematic Review of Research Studies Examining Telehealth Privacy and Security Practices Used By Healthcare Providers“, and answer the following questions below:

link is above for article


  1. Describe how the use of an electronic health record can affect privacy and security in ways that differ from the use of the paper based records.
  2. What are the pros and cons of using paper based records and electronic health records?
  3. Provide an example of a next-generation health care technology and how it can be used in a healthcare organization.


Your assignment should be 2 pages in length in Times New Roman 12pt. font. 7 APA edition.


This Market Sizing step is quite easy by using a bottom-up approach. Some of this information will be collected through the Week 3 and 4 Team Assignment.   How many coffee businesses are there in your 3-mile Geo-Zone radius? How many customers do you estimate that each shop in this zone serves per day? What are the average sales per customer-visit, per day, on coffee drinks only? (Note: don’t include food or non-coffee drinks)

Shot O’Clock

Coffee & Liquor


Business Concept

Value Proposition, and Location

Shot O’ Clock Coffee is a late-night coffee shop located in the Redmond Town Center that specializes in selling alcoholic-based coffee, alongside regular coffee, to our target audience of young adults. Furthermore, the coffee shop setting offers a conducive space for studying, working, and/or socializing.


Market Size and Market Shares

This slide will summarize the market size and competitive market shares of your Geo Zone as follows:


Market Sizing and Competitive Market Shares

This estimates the size of your market (again, within three miles of your Geo Zone center point) and will help with market segmentation and targeting in subsequent slides


Please provide an estimated market size for all coffee shops (including Kiosks found on Google)  in your Geo Zone for 2021 in terms of coffee customers and sales per day, and then extrapolate to forecast the total annual market in 2022


Assume here that COVID will no longer be present but it might still have an impact on where people consume coffee   


This Market Sizing step is quite easy by using a bottom-up approach. Some of this information will be collected through the Week 3 and 4 Team Assignment.


  1. How many coffee businesses are there in your 3-mile Geo-Zone radius?
  2. How many customers do you estimate that each shop in this zone serves per day?
  3. What are the average sales per customer-visit, per day, on coffee drinks only? (Note: don’t include food or non-coffee drinks)
  4. What is the resulting size of the market in terms of customer store-visits per year and revenue per year in the Geo Zone?
  5. What is the resulting current market share of each competitor?


Please show an image of a map showing your geographical zone and the total coffee shops in this zone. A table of the above analysis might help


Case Background:

Expresso Coffee Investments is a consulting company that specializes in helping investors research and develop markets for investments in coffee businesses in different urban areas of the United States.


The CEO of Expresso Coffee, Mr. James Reinnoldt, needs your team to develop marketing briefs for the development of some new types of coffee or tea service businesses in the Puget Sound area that will launch on January 01, 2022.


The clients of Expresso Coffee are quite open when it comes to different types of coffee service businesses as investment vehicles. For example, they could be:


         Coffee Drive-Through Kiosks

         Coffee Walk-Up Kiosks

         Coffee Delivery Only

         Coffee Sit-down/Takeaway

         Corporate Coffee Clubs

         Tea Shops

         Ethnic “Coffee Experiences”


Being coffee purists, however, these investors want these establishments to only sell coffee and tea i.e., no loose tea or coffee beans, waters, food or pastries within your geo-zone.  In fact, they like their businesses to keep a narrow product mix: Menus will offer a minimum of five and a maximum of ten types of coffee or tea drinks with no food or other beverage options.


(*) There will be no “brownie” points for offering ten versus five types of drinks. A menu selection of only 5 types of large-size coffee and/or team drinks is fine. But. Teams can offer up to ten types if they want


Mr. Reinnoldt has also taken note of a number of different trends and technologies that might help provide a competitive advantage as well as overcome Seattle’s reputation as having the highest minimum wage in the country. Any such, any coffee business endeavor must be innovative, well targeted, and highly efficient. However, the concept must also be legal and can only take advantage of technologies that already work somewhere in the world (e.g. robots from Japan).


In terms of branding, he also wants each of these coffee businesses to take on a very separate identity—logo, name etc- that is separate from the Expresso Coffee name and logo.

Write 1 page with APA style on Geology-Volcanoes.

Write 1 page with APA style on Geology-Volcanoes.

Task: Geology-Volcanoes a) Crater lake – Convergent boundary b) Hawaii’s Kilauea – Intraplate boundary c) Mount St. Hellens – Divergent boundary d) East African Rift – Divergent boundarye) Yellowstone – Intraplate boundary f) Vesuvius – Intraplate boundaryg) Deccan Plateau –convergent boundaryh) Mount Etna – Intraplate boundary2. a) The diagram given is that of a strato volcano Reasons: -presence of steep upper slopes Presence of gentle lower slopes Presence of a small summit crater It is concave upwards.b) Stratovolcanoes are formed by large magma reservoir under the surface of the earth gets built over a long period of time forming hilly structure that later develops into a mountain.

The magma of this type of volcano is usually produced at a relatively slower rate by the process, thus tending to be thicker or viscous, holding more pressure and gas. The pressure and gas normally build over a long period of time. The contents of the magma include SO2, CO2, H2O, and Cl2. c) Subduction zoned) Washington D.C. (Mount St Helens)3. a) The lava is from molten magma formed due to rocks melting from below. b) The source rock melts because of the high temperature and pressure underground.c) Divergent boundaries that result into the formation of volcanic islands.

Tectonic plates move apart thus producing gaps where molten lava rise to fill. I would expect solidified lava. 4. The places where the activities take place are referred to as hot spot volcanoes. In these places, a large plume of magma from the underground magma arise and end up in the crust erupting its lava onto the earth’s surface over a long period of time building a volcano, which is usually basaltic in nature. Magma plumes also do occur at the convergent or subduction boundaries that are generated due to the melting of the subducting plate due to intense pressure and heat.

The magma arises onto the crust forming a volcanic mountain. 5. a) Intraplate zoneb) Divergent zonec) Divergent zoned) Subduction zone (d) will develop explosive eruptions. (a) will produce outpouring basaltic lava. Work CitedChallen, Paul. Volcano alert! London: Crabtree Publishing Company, 2004. Print. Fullager, Paul & West, Nancy. Project Earth Science: Geology. New York, NY: NSTA Press,2011. Print.USGS. “Hotspots”: Mantle thermal plumes. October 12, 2008. Web. September 14, 2012.

research paper on changing gender roles in things fall apart. Needs to be 5 pages.

Need an research paper on changing gender roles in things fall apart. Needs to be 5 pages. Please no plagiarism.

Women are prescribed within certain distinct roles in Ibo culture, even in planting and harvesting of “women’s crops like coco-yams, beans, and cassava. Yam, the king of crops, was a man’s crop” (Achebe 16) because it was a more difficult and painstaking job to grow them successfully. Only men were allowed to grow yams and a man’s wealth was measured by his land, his yams, and yam seed – the yam was the outward expression of social power and manhood.Okonkwo had established his manhood by rising from poverty to become one of the lords of the clan.

When he was contradicted by another man at a meeting, Okonkwo did not even look at him as he declared that the meeting was for men. By implying that he was equivalent to a woman because he had earned no titles, Achebe states that “Okonkwo knew how to kill a man’s spirit.” (Achebe 19) since women occupied a subservient place in Ibo culture. Gender roles were standardized in Ibo culture, with men and women relegated to performing specific duties.Manhood in Ibo culture was equated to hard work, self-sufficiency and strength, hence Okinkwo showed no affection for Ikemefuna despite becoming fond of him, unhesitantly killing the boy he had grown so fond of.

A man was expected to exercise power and control over his family in Ibo culture. As per the view of Okonkwo, the quintessential male in the novel, “No matter how prosperous a man as if he was unable to rule his wife and his children (and especially his women) he was not really a man”. (Achebe 39).In the novel, Okonkwo demonstrated this power and strength on many occasions, notably on the occasion when he beat his youngest wife, Ojuiguo, for not returning from a neighbor’s house in time to serve him his meal.

&nbsp.Despite his other two wives pleading in alarm that it was the Week of Peace where the goddess of the harvest was propitiated, “Okonkwo was not the man to stop beating somebody half-way through, not even for fear of a goddess.”(Achebe 21).The committing of a crime was also classified as male or female and punishment determined accordingly. For example, when Okonkwo finished the killing of Ikemefuna, it was regarded as a heroic, male act because it carried through a prescribed punishment. hence it was deserving of praise.

Compose a 500 words assignment on the advantages and disadvantages of social media.

Compose a 500 words assignment on the advantages and disadvantages of social media. Needs to be plagiarism free! Technological advancement has not only improved development through industrialization but also social life. The invention of social media remains one idea that has been applauded for various reasons. Evidently, social media offer a platform for various advantages. To start with, it opens communication, hence promoting information delivery and discovery. Indeed, the 21st century has people with the highest access to information as compared to other generations. They read news through Facebook, updates on Twitter and other social sources. Apart from communication, social media has also improved the working environment. It allows employees and employers alike to post ideas, ask questions and share good links that either improve relationships or the working environment. Notably, this has helped in facilitating business growth. Additionally, social media open the playing field for business contacts. Certainly, this is because of the wide audience ranging from adults to youths. Additionally, it has served as a recruitment tool that expands market research instruments, direct clients to specific websites, and most propel marketing campaigns. In the professional fraternity, social networking initiates a like-minded platform where academicians and scholars share ideas and important research. According to Bozarth, “a blog can even be used to host an entirely online course.” (Bozarth 84) From this perspective, the process has expanded the horizon of knowledge leading to more discoveries and exposure.

Among the many disadvantages, one cannot fail to capture the social ills associated with the discovery. Notably, hackers have been on the rise mainly in social media. They commit fraud, initiate virus attacks and launch spam problems that expose personal information. People have also fallen prey to online frauds leading to identity theft and other online swindles. Identifying genuine users of social media is currently the main challenge in the social media fraternity. Conceivably, this is because of people targeting unsuspecting users hence reducing ethical levels of the modern trend. Interestingly, social media is not only a communications site but also a legal playing field. The legal consequences of postings between employees and employers in social media in many instances have resulted in lawsuits. In as much as social media has introduced discussion forums in the education sector, it has done more harm. Students are no longer interested in research but concentrate on social media (Bozarth 91). Moreover, it can affect productivity when employees are keen on updating profiles instead of concentrating on the assigned roles.

In conclusion, social media remain one of the great interventions with both advantages and disadvantages. It has improved access to information, promoted a serene work environment, and most importantly helped research. On the other hand, it opened floodgates for social ills ranging from scams, pornography, online prostitution, and identity theft. Additionally, it has shifted the attention of students and employees from their focus leading to poor productivity. In essence, social media is both a blessing but a curse in disguise.

Complete 5 pages APA formatted article: Monique and the Mango Rains.

Complete 5 pages APA formatted article: Monique and the Mango Rains. Stratification and gender norms in Mali are real, and they get different treatments from society. Additionally, both genders have different qualities, which make them survive or be oppressed in Mali. For instance, men in Mali are lazy and jealous. This is evident through the way men treat their women in the book. Most of them are unfaithful and engages in extramarital affairs (Holloway 50). Some men are also involved in rape cases in society. Similarly, men in Mali are lazy and do not work to help and provide for their families. They leave their women to do all the domestic activities as they sit and lazy. Although they are given all the power to control women and society, there has no impact on the community but instead, women play significant roles. This is replicated in other areas such as India and Brazil (Nanda 45: Scheper-Hughes 325). On the other hand, women in Mali are industrious and laborers. The author portrayed them as people taking care of the welfare of society despite the limited powers and resources they have, do not have the power of choosing for themselves but instead their husband decides for them. They also struggle to ensure their unborn children get better health by walking long distances searching for midwives. Similarly, they live in a deplorable environment but stays put for the wellbeing of their children as Lee (33) found out.

There are many forms of gender stratification and norms in the book. one example is that no divorce is allowed in society (Holloway 58). This society does not allow divorce because women do not have custodial rights over their children. Women are forced to stay in an abusive relationship and sometimes tend to engage in other activities to counter the pain and abuses they undergo in the course of their relationship. Miniakan cultural taboos are very strict on women, and they must accept their men once married and the trend or marriage has no reversal. This societal norm also pushes Monique to find comfort with Pascal, whom she loves besides knowing the societal consequences when found. In other instances, women are not allowed to keep their children because of their societal status.

research paper on symolism: man in the maze. Needs to be 4 pages.

Need an research paper on symolism: man in the maze. Needs to be 4 pages. Please no plagiarism. The Symbol’s meaning is represented by a sign which is commonly known as “Man in the Maze” and interpretations for the symbol differ between families. As such therefore there is not one standard meaning of the symbol and different tribes and families interpret it differently.

Going by oral O’odham historical accounts the “Man in the Maze” is referred to as I’itoi or the creator who lives inside a cave under Baboquivari Mountain’s peak. Anyone who visits the cave is required to come with food so that their safe return is guaranteed. According to the O’odham, I’itoi brought Hohokam from the underworld to the earth and Hohokam refers to ancestors of the Pima and O’odham communities. Among the Pima, I’itoi is also referred to as “Elder Brother” but the most common reference is the “Man in the Maze,” a design that is common on their native baskets in which he is positioned at an entry to a labyrinth. Pima people believe the labyrinth is a representation of the floor plan for Elder Brother’s house while Tohono O’odham people believe it is a map of direction to the house of Elder Brother. All his belongings such as clothing and teepees were artistically decorated with symbols which depicted his achievements in life, his heroic actions and spiritual guides and other important events of his life.

In the “Man in the Maze” the figure of a human is symbolically placed at an entrance to a maze and the maze itself only has one path. This is symbolic of the journey of life that we have to take and the many circumstances associated with life such being happy or sad some times, succeeding in some courses and failing in others etc. it captures human life and choices made by people throughout the journey of life.

Compose a 3000 words assignment on comparison between cuba media system and western system.

Compose a 3000 words assignment on comparison between cuba media system and western system. Needs to be plagiarism free! There has also been an aspect of remains of the Spanish language, which was aimed at the consumption of by the population of Cuba. Ina similar situation, the offerings that are given out by the press on the island has been done with the division on those that are aimed at an international and domestic audience.

The situation of the press in Cuba is considered the most restrictive in Latin America. The restrictive aspect of the media has come about due to the accession by the Castro government. This has led to a lack of freedom of expression and the press on the island have had lacked freedom. The regime of Castro has maintained a monopoly on information throughout the nation, removing the property linked to independent media, and maintaining a policy of constant suppression (Brenner, 2008).

According to journalist Jose Marti on April 13, in Cuba, the government does the funding of the television stations. This is what has restricted the development of independent TV stations. Restrictions in what is to be passed through the media are minimal but the television stations work with the aim of satisfying those that fund their activities, which is the government. The policy that is followed by media in Cuba is that of education which is considered ethics in Cuban television stations. The entertainment perspective of Cuban media is not restricted to the people but it is hidden from the people. Entertainment in this aspect is for the needs of people in the country.

The nature of the audience from Cuba has also been found to be complex. In an estimation that was done by the United States government, it was found out that the population was growing at a high rate with a more complicated ethical mix (Brenner, Jiménez, Kirk & LeoGrande, 2007). In the population, 37% were found to be of European descendants, 11% being of African descendants, and 51% of the population being from mixed races. Without the consideration of slavery in the country, Cuban society has significance in race issues, which is less than that which is in the United States.

In the country, the journalists that are employed by the state are considered the voice of the Cuban government. Journalism is restricted to the content that they are to give out and the styles that they should use in bringing out the issues that are in the government (Brenner, Jiménez, Kirk & LeoGrande, 2007).

Compose a 1250 words assignment on curriculum design and development.

Compose a 1250 words assignment on curriculum design and development. Needs to be plagiarism free! There are several curriculum designs that exist and they aim at fulfilling different objectives depending on the design. This paper aims at discussing two of the designs which are considered to be more successful. One of the designs is a learner-centered design. This design is grounded in progressivism or essentialism. The other design is the Broad fields Design which allows for interdisciplinary inquiry into broad subjects and across different disciplines.&nbsp.

John Dewey was the first person to note that the method of instruction should change from teacher center to learner centered. Through his theories, the education proponent managed to convince the world that education should be a learner process and the teacher should remain just as an instructor to guide the learners. John Dewey mentioned several advantages related to this method of instruction which led to a learner-centered curriculum design. The importance of this design is that it takes into account the different needs of the individual learner (JM Rogan, 2010). The curriculum is in such a way that it accommodates the learner’s experience. The learner has the advantage of interacting with the environment as this curriculum takes into account societal needs. This curriculum takes into account the different teaching aids that are easily available within society and incorporates them into the learning process.

Due to the recent advancement in technology in the world, there is a need for the learners to develop their learning skills and this is best achieved through the leaner-centered design. In addition to this, there is a need for learners to develop more skills as the world&nbsp.turns into a digital age. For this reason blending of learner-centered and broad field design is seen to be an effective approach. This is because the learners will have a broader field of experience as they incorporate different disciplines into their learning. This is important since most of the subjects are related to one another. Broad field design also gives the learners the advantage of experimenting and learning for themselves.

As long as the technical and conceptual skills are present in a leader, human skills are unnecessary. Discuss. 400-500words

As long as the technical and conceptual skills are present in a leader, human skills are unnecessary. Discuss.
