write an article on Synthesis apaer. It needs to be at least 1250 words.

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on Synthesis apaer. It needs to be at least 1250 words.

According to them, ‘communication is a central phenomenon in organizations and is especially important for management. Certainly, as an activity it occupies a vast majority of a manager’s time, and thus any increase in manager’s effectiveness or skill as a communicator should contribute directly or indirectly to improved organizational performance’ (cited in Hargie, Dickson & Tourish, 1999. p.1). Communication in an organization constitutes two major roles, information flow and maintaining harmonious relations.

In both cases, managers and/or leaders play a major part in their execution. All essentials of driving the right management principles and organizational culture, i.e. leadership, teambuilding, and assertiveness, require, not just good or excellent, but appropriate communication skills.

Communication, as a concept, emphasizes on getting the point across effectively and setting the right expectations with people. Effectiveness of communication is measured by the results or actions in response.

Effective communication does not need to be very complex or use sophisticated language, and should effectively focus on its main aim of informing others. Effective communication is the one which is complete and clear. Business communication happens through various media, verbal, written, electronic etc. Whatever be the medium, effectiveness in the content delivered is what matters the most. Managers’ role in management communication is much beyond ‘delivering information,’ and extends to gaining people’s confidence, convincing them, and displaying and promoting the right behavior and attitude.

Good communication skills entail certain characteristics to be possessed by the managers.

writing homework on The Positivist Schools of Criminology and Feminist Criminology.

Need help with my writing homework on The Positivist Schools of Criminology and Feminist Criminology. Write a 2000 word paper answering;

Feminist criminology rejects criminological explanations for offending on the basis that these theories have been informed by masculine perspectives and do not take account of women who commit crimes. Feminist criminologists, therefore, focus attention on gender roles as a means of attempting to understand criminal behavior. Feminist criminologists look to empirical evidence of the treatment of males and females in the criminal justice system and the patriarchal institutions emphasizing gender distinction and male dominance (Daly and Chesney-Lind, 498).

Feminists criminologists are especially at odds with the omission of women in the positivist school of criminology and where they are considered, the misrepresentation of female criminality. In conducting a comparative analysis of feminist criminology and the positivist school of criminology, this paper is divided into two main parts. The first part of this paper provides an overview of feminist criminology and the positivist school of criminology. The second part of this paper compares and contrasts the positivist school of criminology and feminist criminology.

Positivism is prefaced by the concept that all truths are observable and measurable, otherwise, purported facts are nothing more than conjecture. In this regard, any social process is a result of ‘the measurable interaction between relationships and events’ (Siegel, 141). Human conduct is thus influenced by a number of factors including social factors including income and status, politics, history, and conditions which might include drought or way. However, other factors are individualistic such as psychological and/or biological factors.

Anyone or more of each of these factors influences human behavior. In this regard, human beings are not born ‘good’ or ‘bad’, they are shaped by individual and external factors after birth (Siegel, 141).Italian criminologist Cesare&nbsp.Lombroso often referred to as the father of modern criminology had a slightly different view.&nbsp. Influenced by Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution, Lombroso was of the view that while all criminals were not born bad, many were.

Provide a 6 pages analysis while answering the following question: On Orientalism: An Insight Into The Real Middle East. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide.

Provide a 6 pages analysis while answering the following question: On Orientalism: An Insight Into The Real Middle East. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. In this essay the researcher discusses the video ‘On Orientalism,’ in which Edward Said has discussed his book ‘orientalism’ and the motivation and essence of the term ‘orientalism’. Said has given excellent references of imperialism, colonialism, News coverage and Hollywood movies to explain how orientalism is used in different mediums to distort the truth about Muslims and the Middle Eastern people. The researcher states that strength of the video is the depth with which Said has discussed the penetration of orientalism in every medium. At the same time, he has also discussed the selfish political motives of the American government in creating fear and threat about the Arabs in the minds of Americans. The in depth analysis of orientalism and the insight of the American motive in creation of American orientalism is the strength of the video. However, the researcher also suggests that it would have strengthened the impact of the analysis if Said had discussed the violence and terrorist acts by the western organization like Ku Klux Klan, civil war between White and Black people, hooliganism etc. This would have shown that terrorism exists not only in Arab countries but also in the US and Europe. However, overall, Edward Said has completely succeeded in developing a feeling of sympathy and understanding towards the people from Middle East and hence, this video can be highly recommended to anyone who desires to know the real Middle East and not just its exotic and majestic part.

Write a 7 pages paper on experience of staying in a foster care.

Write a 7 pages paper on experience of staying in a foster care.

The other significant thing that has shaped my life is the class of my family. I come from a middle-class family. My parents had a chance of going to reputable schools and got well-paying jobs n the country. As a result, their well-being in society has influenced my life in a significant way. I have managed to go to good schools in the state. In the schools, I also met other children from middle-class families with the same opportunities as mine. In the school, there has been an emphasis on sports and creativity, such as drama. Most of the students participate in these activities, and the teacher keeps on telling us that sports are beneficial for our overall wellbeing. On the other hand, my parents have been insisting on learning how to manage our finances early. My parents call for accountability on how I use the little money they give me. As a result, I have learnt ways to manage money well while still in college and from my parents. On the other hand, I have managed to develop friendship within my social class. We also go out with my friends in the same social class. In fact, my girlfriend is from my parent’s friends that live in the same neighbourhood. My parent’s friends are also middle class and enjoy seeing us together. My social class has affected me in a significant big. First, I dream of making it big in society. I have also developed more friend and girlfriend within my social class. However, being an Asian, I have witnessed several forms of stereotype. One of the sign has been teasing due to my accent in class. As a result, I opt to be quiet in class than responding to teacher question as some of my fellow students laugh at me. Moreover, being a male in my race makes me unable to access some of the rights accessed by my female counterparts. In the foreword section, the author describes the situation he faced from reporting some of the incidences faced by people in New York. The author notes of challenges of ensuring people understand the problems faced by such people.

Complete 8 pages APA formatted article: Slavery and the Rise of Capitalism.

Complete 8 pages APA formatted article: Slavery and the Rise of Capitalism.

In the year between 1526 and 1867 Sub Saharan Africa lost more than 12.5 million people. Slavery is the universal phenomena which have existed from the early history of the human being. Even though the ideologies and the culture have an influence on the system of slavery the industrialization and capitalist development boosted up slavery. The cultural and ideological features of the society acted as the catalyst for the system of slavery. Along with the development of human society, the nature and complexity of the slave system also developed.

Robin Black burn points out that slavery is the dark side of human progress. “Robin Blackburn suggests that it points us towards the “dark side of progress” (p5) in that the inhumanity of the system developed side by side with huge steps forward in knowledge and technique, such as the exploration of the Atlantic and the development of new navigational techniques.” (Blackburn & Verso 1998). Europeans are not sold as chattel slaves. There are many reasons for this. The cultural background may be one reason.

During the middle ages, the white Christians were not bought as slaves because they belong to an implicit community. The law enforced a clear distinction between punitive and chattel slavery. Due to this, the chattel slavery has virtually disappeared from northern Europe by about1400. The basis of the implicit community was ethnicity rather than religion. Galley slavery – Theologians could cite unambiguous scriptural authority for hereditary slavery for outsiders which may be a punishment for original sin.

Baptism does not redeem black skin from slavery. In the book of Genesis in the Bible, we cannot find out any proof from the Bible that the nations of Ham are black. But, the genealogies and apocryphal remarks imply that the nations of Ham are migrated to other lands notably to Ethiopia. Ethiopia came to be inhabited by black people. The&nbsp.literal reading of bible sanctions that black people were divinely ordained for perpetual servitude.&nbsp.

writing homework on Organization Security Plan. Write a 1250 word paper answering;

Need help with my writing homework on Organization Security Plan. Write a 1250 word paper answering;

Nonetheless, each office should have a computer with restricted use:The Sever and other computers in the department are linked by certain internet cables while the remainders are connected by an 800.11 g wireless network with an access port. All machines, laptops and other computers run Windows XP Professional (Erbschloe, 2005).After comparing each computer against a checklist in a security guide for the department, it is identified that virus protection was missing on six computers, antivirus was not updated for three computers, many users complained about spam while no protection was in place.

A random sampling found that many people did not use passwords (International Maritime Organization, 2011). None of the computers was password protected. The department had the insurance people the previous year. thus, the department had ensured a good quality on all doors, alarms and window locks. However, no computer had a serial number etched on the case while the department did not also have a log of the serial numbers. The department faces the risk of email and password cracking by intruders who want to access the weapon information (Vellani, 2007). hence, the use of passwords must be ensured.

Ensuring that weapons or arsenals used by the military are listed in documents that are kept secret and accessed only by specific persons accredited by the department. The trusted people with such information should be protected and their moves monitored to prevent sharing of important information with other people.Restore procedure sand review backup. This would ensure that user data is stored on the server or even copied across regularly before reviewing the backups. Daily backups should be implemented and ensuring that a full backup is password protected and encrypted (Hunsicker, 2008).

After completing the first draft, the directors shall review it together with the company attorney general before rolling it out.&nbsp.

Create a thesis and an outline on The People Have Never Stopped Dancing: Native American Modern Histories by Jacqueline Shear Murphy. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide.

I need help creating a thesis and an outline on The People Have Never Stopped Dancing: Native American Modern Histories by Jacqueline Shear Murphy. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. Dance exists in manifold contexts thus there is a tension between studying it at depth and doing it within its wider and immediate contexts. The study of the background history of dances goes way back to prehistoric times since through doing this is when researchers are able to trace the gradual changes that it has undergone. Dance can be referred to as the moving of one’s body part rhythmically or in a specific pattern which in most cases is done in the accompaniment of music. This can also be defined as a pattern of movement using improvised gestures and steps. Dance is done for musical enjoyment especially when someone is excited and wants to express their particular state. Dance can also be done to express one’s sentimental feelings.

There are many different types of dances in the modern world and all these types of dance are used to express what an individual or a group of people feel about a certain situation. Dance can be used to express contentment and in most cases, this can be seen when an individual has undergone a particular situation that calls for a celebration like passing an exam, a football team has won the match, or when one has won the lotto. It is not very clear for one to state when dance became part of the human culture because there are no specific artifacts that one can use to make claims. There are many stories of how people used to celebrate in the medieval era but in all these stories there are no clear indications of whether people used to dance or not thus the background history of dancing still remains unknown to date.

Dance has been considered as a very important part of any given ceremony both in the modern world and in the previous years before civilization. Even though there is no such evidence of dance in the pre-historic times concerning dance, people have always known about dances and this has happened naturally due to the fact that people have always been performing rituals and celebrations. Some archaeological sites in parts of India and Egypt tend to depict images of dancing people with claims that they were in existence in approximately 3300 BC thus this means that the art of dancing has come a long way and human beings have been embracing it naturally.

writing homework on Travel Questionnaire Analysis. Write a 2000 word paper answering;

Need help with my writing homework on Travel Questionnaire Analysis. Write a 2000 word paper answering;

The majority (69.23 percent) of respondents were independent travel agents. 59 percent of travel agents were not owned by a parent company. Among travel agents, 49 percent had a single branch, 20 percent had 2-4 branches, 18 percent had 5-10 branches, and 13 percent had more than 10 branches.31 percent respondents felt that contributing to the local economy was very important, 49 percent respondents felt that contributing to the local economy was somewhat important, 8 percent respondents felt that contributing to the local economy was of little importance, 10 percent of respondents felt that contributing to the local economy was of no importance, and 2 percent of respondents did not respond to the question.

33 percent of the respondents felt that protecting the local environment was very important, 41 percent of the respondents felt that protecting the local environment was somewhat important, 15 percent of the respondents felt that protecting the local environment was of little importance, 8 percent of the respondents felt that protecting the local environment was of no importance, and 3 percent respondents did not respond to the question.61 percent of the respondents felt that understanding the local culture and customs was very important, 18 percent of the respondents felt that understanding the local culture and customs was somewhat important, 10 percent of the respondents felt that understanding the local culture and customs was of little importance, 8 percent of the respondents felt that understanding the local culture and customs was of no importance, and 3 percent respondents did not respond to the question.

prepare and submit a paper on political geography of britain. Hence, an electoral system strongly determines a political system’s organization. For anyone interested with the political process, electoral systems are a significant object of study. This paper is on the electoral system of Britain, particularly focusing on its advantages and disadvantages.

Your assignment is to prepare and submit a paper on political geography of britain. Hence, an electoral system strongly determines a political system’s organization. For anyone interested with the political process, electoral systems are a significant object of study. This paper is on the electoral system of Britain, particularly focusing on its advantages and disadvantages. Britain uses the single member constituency with simple majority, also referred to as the First Past the Post system as her electoral system. For general elections purposes, Britain comprises single constituencies. Every party wishing to contest for the seat/constituency must present one representative or candidate to stand. In every constituency, each voter has one vote, which they cast for the representative or candidate of their choice. Elected as the Member of Parliament for a certain constituency is the candidate with the greatest number of votes. Subsequently, the party with the largest number of elected Members of Parliament normally forms the government (Britton, p1, 2008). Pritchett (2003) asserts that such an electoral system’s mechanics have in general given support to the dominance of Britain’s parliament by two parties thereby permitting one party to form a governing majority alone. Various scholars associate several advantages as well as disadvantages to this kind of electoral system. As far as electoral systems are concerned, the First Past the Post system that Britain uses is relatively simple and straightforward for voters to comprehend. It requires each voter to place one cross only.

Write a 5 pages paper on religion in things fall apart.

Write a 5 pages paper on religion in things fall apart.

The novel is one of the most influential twentieth-century works of literature and is considered to be one of the landmark novels in English literature and postcolonial literature.What constitutes a man in the novel can be seen from the description of what constitutes success within the Igbo tribe, according to Achebe. This would include worldly success as well as spiritual ascent. This is indicated through a variety of gestures within the novel on the part of the writer and the other members of the society that the novelist is a part of.

The different aspects of the way in which Achebe and Igbo life looks atman are seen in this passage from the novelHe was still young but he had won fame as the greatest wrestler in the nine villages. He was a wealthy farmer and had two barns full of yams, and had just married his third wife. To crown it all he had taken two titles and had shown incredible prowess in two inter-tribal wars. And so although Okonkwo was still young, he was already one of the greatest men of his time. (Achebe)This idea of the man is then derived not only from the material aspects of life but also from the spiritual. aspects of it.

This can be seen from the fact that Okonkwo is also assigned spiritual responsibilities as a result of the social position that he held. He is assigned the responsibility of taking care of Ikemefuna, something that becomes very important as far as the progression of the plot is concerned. Apart from this, the fact that Okonkwo is a part of the Igbo priesthood is also very significant as it points to his position within the spiritual society of the Igbo community. His removal from the priesthood is also accompanied by a fall in his social status and this points towards a connection between religion and society in the material sense of it as far as the Igbo community was concerned.

The aim of life in such a society is to regenerate society itself through a flourishing of human lives.&nbsp.