research paper on creativity in secondary school. Needs to be 6 pages.

Need an research paper on creativity in secondary school. Needs to be 6 pages. Please no plagiarism.

Parents and teachers can help students in devising thinking patterns and problem-solving skills by utilizing creativity. It includes giving the students the choice and the liberty to learn by trying and making as many mistakes as they safely can. It also implies that the teachers will have to drown their rigid normative thinking and respect the creative ways that the students pursue. It must be noted that this type of parental encouragement and education requires creative teaching processes as well, which is hard to practice in secondary schools considering their rigid subjects.

The learned curriculum is everything that students learn in school (Fautley and Savage, 2010). The selection of words communicated in language and encouragement to experiment without the fear of failure are the two crucial aspects in achieving such a goal.To use creativity the students have to look at a problem from various angles. It also implies that there cannot be a rigid solution to a problem. Artful activities have been proven to help students overcome learning barriers (Cochran, 1996).

This is important because when a student comes up with a creative solution that does not strictly match the predetermined result it can discourage him from further experimenting, especially when the result translates into bad grades. The teachers should be aware that this pattern can be incredibly negative that weeds out the creative process from their students’ psychology.To encourage children to think creatively the teachers and parents should make efforts in asking them to observe their surroundings differently.

An artist sees away when there is an ‘aha!’ moment (Jalongo, 1999). Secondary school education should be based around this principle where the students figure things out for themselves through their ‘aha!’ moment.Connecting the right and the left side of the brain can help learn better. The students should look for cues for getting inspiration from various processes, designs, and objects in their surroundings.

At this point, you should be gathering information and research about the definition of your theme. In about 5 sentences, briefly summarize what you have learned about your theme so far. Good research should teach the researcher some new things. What is the most surprising thing you have learned so far in your research about your theme? 

Discussion #2

Respond to each question below.

1.  At this point, you should be gathering information and research about the definition of your theme. In about 5 sentences, briefly summarize what you have learned about your theme so far. Good research should teach the researcher some new things. What is the most surprising thing you have learned so far in your research about your theme?  (150 WORDS)

2.  In his TED Talk, David Peterson suggests that “Basically, language is the most important thing in the entire world. All of our civilization rests upon it.” Do you agree with these statements? Why or why not? Respond in about 7 sentences. (100 WORDS)

3. Reflect on the theme you’ve chosen to study this semester. How might “civilization rest upon” that theme, in some way? Why is your theme important as a component of language? Make at least one specific connection to the Peterson TED Talk, and respond in about 5 sentences.

(100 WORDS)

Provide a 5 pages analysis while answering the following question: Methods of Waste Disposal Landfills. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required.

Provide a 5 pages analysis while answering the following question: Methods of Waste Disposal Landfills. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required.

Landfills have been used commonly for waste management of industrial residues, municipal refuse, wastewater slush, and recycle junk. A brief comparison will be presented between the conventional landfills and the bioreactor landfills followed by some issues that are associated with landfills which include the gas generation process and leachate production. The overview of the landfill gas generation process will give the readers an idea of how actually a landfill works. Moreover, leachate creation and its management will also be discussed in short as it might be a serious issue related to landfills if not properly managed.

The following section will consist of the discussion of the research highlighting the different forms of landfills, their effects and their advantages and disadvantages followed by landfill gas generation to give a basic idea of how a landfill works and leachate management techniques adopted to get rid of leachate (output of the landfill) which is a threat to the environmental health.A conventional Landfill is the one where trash is deposited in the ground and buried. Though with the advancement in environmental awareness, measures have been taken to design these landfills in order to protect environments. both human and natural.

On the other hand, a bioreactor landfill makes use of advanced microbiological methods and procedures to convert the decomposable waste. Bioreactor landfills are widely used in most developed countries due to their numerous advantages which include an increase in the extent of waste decomposition, the overall effectiveness of the process, and conversion rates. (Urban Land Institute, 1996).Conventional landfills also commonly known as dry landfills have a higher volume of decomposed waste as compared to bioreactor landfills even after years.

In a conventional landfill, the wastes are spread out evenly, compressed, and later covered with soil until a specific landfill depth is reached.

Pragmatic Communication Problems. The work is to be 5 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page.

I will pay for the following article Pragmatic Communication Problems. The work is to be 5 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page. Pragmatics is a sub-branch of linguistics developed in the late 1970s that deals with the study of how people comprehend and produce a communicative act or speech act in a concrete speech situation which is usually a conversation. It differentiates two intents or meanings in each utterance or communicative act of verbal communication. One may be the informative intent or the sentence meaning, and the other may be the communicative intent of speaker meaning (Leech, 1983. Sperber and Wilson, 1986). Kasper (1997) defined pragmatics as the ability to comprehend and produce a communicative act that frequently includes one’s knowledge about the social distance, the social status between the speakers involved, the cultural knowledge such as politeness, and the linguistic knowledge explicit and implicit.

Pragmatics also describes the problems or difficulties faced by the speakers while communicating their feelings or views. This happens when a person undergoes injuries due to accidents. In other words, the communication deficits or cognitive impairment caused by brain injury or any other disorder result in failure of self-monitoring. For example, the pragmatic communication problems caused by Acquired brain injury are severe and need effective assessment and treatment. Semantic Pragmatic Disorder is another example.

Friedland and Miller (1998) explained about the pragmatic communication problems faced by the closed head injury patients. It was identified that the language impairments and speaking abnormalities varied from person to person and hence the approach for treatment has to be different. It may be opined that poor self-monitoring qualities associated with the pragmatic communication problems are mainly influenced by some receptive communication deficits caused by brain injury etc. The receptive communication deficit due to Asperger’s disorder may also lead to pragmatic communication problems, severe language conversation problems and poor self-monitoring (Bishop, 1989). Asperger’s disorder is characterized by the following symptoms which lead to receptive communication deficits and language problems.

Create a thesis and an outline on Islamic Financial Engineering and Prospects for Addressing the Credit Crunch. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required.

I need help creating a thesis and an outline on Islamic Financial Engineering and Prospects for Addressing the Credit Crunch. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. El-Gamal has pointed out that Islamic financial jurisprudence has aimed at enhancing human welfare but transaction costs have been substantially reduced rendering contract-based jurisprudence incoherent (2007, p. 1). El-Gamal (2007) provides a basis for Islamic financial engineering aiming for an Islamic law compliant as well as legal risk compliant financial instruments.

An authority on the Islamic financial system is the Islamic Financial Services Board (IFSB) based in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The Islamic Financial Services Board is an international standard-setting organization that seeks to promote the stability of the Islamic financial services industry by issuing standards and guiding principles (IFSB 2009, p. 1). The member central banks/countries of the IFSB include Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, Bahrain, Iran, the Islamic Development Bank, Pakistan, Qatar, Singapore, Sudan, and the United Arab Emirates.

A key dimension of Islamic financial services pertains to Shari-ah governance. Unfortunately, according to IFSB documents (2009, p. 1), Shari-ah governance, despite being an often-used word within the Islamic financial service institutions (IFSI), has never been “properly” defined. Nevertheless, Shari-ah governance is deemed to have been realized when a Shari-ah board believes so (IFSB 2009, p.1). El-Gamal (2003, p. 4), however, associates the Shari-ah with the Islamic Law. Following El-Gamal, Shari-ah compliance is therefore compliance with Islamic Law as the judgment of competent authorities of the Shari-ah or the Islamic Laws. Gait and Worthington (2007, p. 27) clarified, however, that the main sources of the Shari-ah law are the Qu’ran, Hadith, Sunnah, Ijma, Qiyas, and Ijtihad.

Using Vans “Off The Wall” company as an example, write a 1-2 page paper and compare and contrast the American business culture versus foreign business cultures; explain why this is a strategic issue. Include a cover page and a reference page in the assignment. Follow APA, with table of contents, introduction, conclusion, and reference page. Include at least two sources other than the textbook (David, F.R. & F. David (2016). Strategic Management: Concepts (16th ed.). NJ: Prentice Hall, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-4-15397-1) for the assignment.

Using Vans “Off The Wall” company as an example, write a 1-2 page paper and compare and contrast the American business culture versus foreign business cultures; explain why this is a strategic issue. Include a cover page and a reference page in the assignment. Follow APA, with table of contents, introduction, conclusion, and reference page. Include at least two sources other than the textbook (David, F.R. & F. David (2016). Strategic Management: Concepts (16th ed.). NJ: Prentice Hall, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-4-15397-1) for the assignment.

Create a 11 pages page paper that discusses attitudes towards the consumption of fashion brands. The research proposal “Attitudes Towards The Consumption of Fashion Brands” analyzes the attitude of the middle-class youths of Generation Y of Nigeria towards the consumption of conspicuous fashion goods.

Create a 11 pages page paper that discusses attitudes towards the consumption of fashion brands. The research proposal “Attitudes Towards The Consumption of Fashion Brands” analyzes the attitude of the middle-class youths of Generation Y of Nigeria towards the consumption of conspicuous fashion goods.

The current generation of the globe can be recognized as Generation Y. Generation Y is also known as Millennial Generation. These Millennials are the demographic group following the Generation X. The precise dates of the starting and the ending of Generation Y are not available. The birth year of this Generation Y is ranging from the 1980s to 2000s.According to several researchers, class characteristics cannot be applied to the people of Generation Y. Generally, young people aged between 20 and 35 can be considered as the people of Middle-Class Generation Y.

Conspicuous consumption can be defined as the spending of money to consume luxury goods or services in order to display economic strength or power in public or society. Conspicuous fashion brands are those brands that are consumed by people in order to display living standard and economic strength. Most importantly, conspicuous fashion brands are also termed as luxurious or premium fashion brands.

Consumer buying behavior of people depends upon the income class of people in emerging countries. Emerging countries are also can be considered as economically developing countries in which the number of the people of middle-class income group is higher comparing to the number of people of the upper class or upper-middle-class income group.

writing homework on Personal Experience of Comprehendility of the Fragility of Human Life. Write a 1250 word paper answering;

Need help with my writing homework on Personal Experience of Comprehendility of the Fragility of Human Life. Write a 1250 word paper answering;

The yummiest pancakes made by my grandmother each morning, long peaceful walks across the farm, fishing at the lake with my grandfather, and going out with my grandfather to his farmhouse was always a delightful experience and I never grew tired of it. On that particular day since I had no plans with my grandfather, I decided to meet up with a friend in the town and go out with him for horse-riding after a long time. I was really excited for the day as I was planning this for a long time but the busy school schedules and routine always became an obstacle.

I woke up to the smell of the fresh pancakes and maple syrup and hurriedly changed into my clothes that were appropriate for horse-riding. I picked up my iPod which is one of the accessories that I usually kept along with me whenever I went out. I had all my favorite playlists in it and it is one of my most valuable possessions up till today. I went downstairs to the kitchen and kissed my grandmother on the cheek, ate breakfast, and headed out of the home to complete my adventurous trip.The town boasted of natural beauty and fresh greenery and it was one of the things that always attracted me to my grandparent’s hometown.

I put on the earphones and played an upbeat tune to enjoy along with the visual treats of the town. Around two blocks away from the house was a large oak tree that I loved to observe and I always took a moment to enjoy its humongous exquisiteness. It was a really old and gigantic oak tree with thousands of birds nesting in it and assumedly it was one of the highly populated and eventful trees of the town! I stood by the tree, looking at the birds chirping and making noise, flying from one branch to another.

I moved on after a few seconds of idle observation. There was a main road in the center of the town which was the busiest and the most crowded of all the roads. I always found this road packed with cars probably owing to the shops which were present on both sides of the road. I thought about calling up my mother from the phone booth across the road before going to my friend’s house as it was her birthday yesterday and I had completely forgotten to wish her.

Women Rights in the USA. The work is to be 5 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page.

I will pay for the following article Women Rights in the USA. The work is to be 5 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page.

However, some argue that the movement ended in the 1920s as the constitution to allow women to vote was passed in this every year. This essay would further prove this claim by giving an overview of the first wave of feminism in the United States and its drawbacks (William 1969)&nbsp.Women have been treated as inferior to the men in every segment of this world until they fight for their rights to be served as equal to the men. The first wave of feminism started in 1868 and lasted until the 1960s in the United States (William 1969).

The main aim of this feminist movement was to retain the rights of women in the country. Before the first wave of feminism took place the condition of women in the United States was miserable. The women were not allowed to vote and had no shares when it came to property rights. Wives did not have any rights when it came to justice over their husbands as they were not allowed to file any petition in case of any harshness. Moreover, the child custody laws and divorce laws also favored men over the women and did not show the object of equality in them.

Workplace laws were not present at that time and women could not work easily in those times. Because of this, it could be noted that the number of working women was quite less at those times in the United States (Beaver 1980 & Clarke 1974). Most of all women students were not granted the rights to study in colleges or universities. All these factors together counted towards the miseries of the women in those times. Several of the women started this movement but the most well-known amongst the leaders were Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Lucy Stone, Lucretia Coffin Mott, and Susan B Anthony.

The women of the first feminist movement proved quite successful in achieving their objectives but on the other hand, they were not successful enough to provide all the necessary rights to women living in the United States.

Complete 1 page APA formatted article: National Labor Relations Board.

Complete 1 page APA formatted article: National Labor Relations Board.

The safety of employees in their workplace is paramount and the employer was violating their rights. The NLRB had a justifiable reason to protect the employees based on the labor relations Act (National Labour Relations Board, 2014).

&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp. If the case happened at the workplace, employees discontented with the working conditions would have the courage to protest. By that decision, employees would be possible that the NLRB addresses their welfare concerns (Nairns, 2011). As long as employees accurately present their case, they would have protection for their welfare. Employee relations in the workplace improved because of the NLRB decision to protect the rights of the five employees. The decision set a precedent that employers will lose to the NLRB if such a case happens again (Twomey, 2012).

&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp. &nbsp.Proper communication channels need to be established between employees and employers to allow them to air their complaints. If such channels do not exist, then employees are justified to present their grievances through social media, as long as they are accurate. If social media is to be used by employees then the information disclosed should be objective, unbiased, and be justified by NLRB under the labor relations Act. The requirements allow the employees to access justice justified by the NLRB.