write an article on using of rtms and antidepressant drugs simultaneously to increase the therapeutic efficacy for patients with psychotic depression Paper must be at least 1000 words.

Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on using of rtms and antidepressant drugs simultaneously to increase the therapeutic efficacy for patients with psychotic depression Paper must be at least 1000 words. Please, no plagiarized work!

Psychotic depression is a fairly common psychiatric condition that has been found to occur in nearly 20% of patients with major depression (Flores et al., 2006). The preferred treatment for psychotic depression so far has consisted of tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs) as also neuroleptic and electroconvulsive therapies (O’Neal et al., 2000). Patients with psychotic depression have a more severely disordered hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenocortical (HPA) axis (Kathol et al., 1989). The psychotic features of psychotic depression have been attributed also to excessive glucocorticoid activity (Schatzberg et al., 1985). Interestingly, HPA axis activity is, to a large extent, regulated by the combination of mineralocorticoid receptors (MR) and glucocorticoid receptors (GR) (Spencer et al.

, 1998. Young et al., 2003). Any mismatch between them could lead to inappropriate responses to stress, and incidence of major depression (Young et al., 2003). Decreases in MR sensitivity postulated to occur in major depression could result in elevated cortisol levels (Gesing et al., 2001. Young et al., 2003). In contrast, GR gives rise to feedback modifications in response to rising levels of cortisol as, for example, in response to stress or following the circadian rhythm. Hence, a GR antagonist e.g., the anti-progesterone steroid mifepristone (dimethylaminophenyl (17(-hydroxy-11(1(4-dimethylaminophenyl) 17(1- propynyl)estra-4,9-dien-3-one) exerts a powerful effect in the rising section of the HPA axis (Flores et al., 2006). A major effect of mifepristone occurs through obstruction of GR in crucial regions of the brain and in monaminergic nuclei, thereby, directly leading to recovery of symptomatic and cognitive faculties.

First observed by Bickford et al.

Provide a 6 pages analysis while answering the following question: The US Army and the Cyber Domain. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required.

Provide a 6 pages analysis while answering the following question: The US Army and the Cyber Domain. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. It is noteworthy that cyberspace has actually enhanced the operational efficiency of the US Army and has actually increased the convenience of exchange of information. Overall, development has been inducted into the operation of the military forces. However, the introduction of technology has also increased dependency of the department on ‘cyberspace’, which has at times proved to be crucial for the army. Numerous flaws and loopholes persisting in the system are further examined that might become fatal in due course to support army operations, making it more important for the department to have continuous monitoring of the issue2. Correspondingly, this research paper briefly defines the term ‘cyber’, as used by the military at present, stating the roles that the military should be taking in order to enhance their responsibilities into the domain, and subsequently, structuring a rough layout about the future mode of operation.

Cyber, popularly called Cyberspace, is an electromagnetic domain, which serves as a spectrum to store, modify and exchange data through the virtually networked association3. At present, the use of cyberspace has increased at a vast magnitude with chances of massive disruptions with the unauthorized intervention, further raising the risks that the capabilities projected can be seized4. As the size of cyberspace is increasing, the complexity of the network is also accelerating in the manifold. The gap in understanding the terminology of cyberspace has in turn increased its vulnerabilities to be adequately sound in its effectiveness. The modeling and simulation have also become the most important facet, which needs to be explored and refined with increasing dependency on the networking domain. As the domain is connected with thousands of networks, the healthy functioning of the domain has become a myth5. To be noted in this regard, the Department of Defence, which is one of the important departments of the government, has become highly&nbsp.dependent on Cyber in the current context.

Complete 5 pages APA formatted article: Impact of Cell Phones on the Social Relationships Society. They are also able to do several other things such as listening to music, chatting on the internet, and taking photographs among others. These photographs could be sent to people in different parts of the world.

Complete 5 pages APA formatted article: Impact of Cell Phones on the Social Relationships Society. They are also able to do several other things such as listening to music, chatting on the internet, and taking photographs among others. These photographs could be sent to people in different parts of the world.

Changes in the field of expertise are a common phenomenon in the modern world. with the idea of globalization, the world has become accessible and open to everyone. This has happened through the use of cellphones. This is not the situation at the moment, as the subscriptions stand near five billion across the world. It was further surprising as the number of cellphone owners in the less developed countries is higher than that of developed nations (Rebello et al. 2010). In a study conducted in Norway, the usage of cellphones is high among younger people. The study showed that close to one hundred percent of sixteen-year-old teenagers had a phone in 2001 (Ling, 2001).

The text message service has become the most popular means by which people are able to chat with others. A study conducted in the United States by Fernando (2007), revealed that the number of people making calls dropped by fifty-eight percent in 2006, up from eighty percent. Other studies conducted have shown that sending messages will create stronger relationships between individuals. This is because the service gives the person ample time to prepare for the communication process unlike the face to face method. The text message service has enabled the creation of new lingua that has deteriorated the rules of grammar.

In research conducted by the Nokia Company in 2001 across the world, it revealed that eighty percent of the people fewer than forty-five years of age used the messaging service. (Reid 2004). Teenagers in this study agreed to have spent an equal amount of time texting as well as talking to each other. They agreed that the cellphone has enabled them to creates stronger relationships amongst themselves.

Write 17 pages with APA style on Effect of Nuclear Power Plants on Cancer Incidents.

Write 17 pages with APA style on Effect of Nuclear Power Plants on Cancer Incidents.

Similarly, milk products from the nearby Stare Silo Village and the Preheadache Village were contaminated. The Chernobyl cows ate the radiation-infected grass. The grass grew on radiation-contaminated soil (Stepanova et al., 2008). The residents’ eating contaminated cow’s milk was a confounder variable. The winds blowing the radioactive particles to the tepa articular community is another confounder variable. The people’s long exposure within the vicinity of the Chernobyl community is a third confounder variable. Info cows were eating the grass, the people will not drink the cows’ milk or eat the infected cows’ meat. Consequently, the number of cancer incidents would favorable.

Consequently, the contamination spread. The contaminated soil contaminated the grass that grew on the contaminated soil. Next, the cows ate the radiation contaminated. By eating the contaminated grass, the cows were contaminated with radiation. When the farmers extracted the milk from the cows, the milk products were contaminated by the Chernobyl radiation (Zamostian et al., 2002). The contaminated soil was another confounder that increased the number of cancer incidents within the Chernobyl community. Another confounder was the quantity of contaminated food eaten. With more people eating radiation-contaminated food, more people died from the deadly cancer ailment.&nbsp.

Further, the Chernobyl accident research focused on soil contamination measurements from Ukraine’s 38 Narodichesky region communities (Karmaus et al., 2008) The sixysearcharch included children respondents belonging to the 18 years old and below age range. The PROC MIXED linear measurement model to gather radiation data, controlling confounders.&nbsp. The findings indicate erythrocyte, blood platelet count and hemoglobin are lower in children living within the Chernobyl explosion area. After 6 years, the erythrocyte, starting at 4 x 1012 cells per liter to 4.1 x 1012 cells per liter, and blood platelet counts of the “infected” children improved. However, there was no improvement in the affected children’s hemoglobin status. The two power plant accidents, Chernobyl nuclear power plant explosion and Three Mile Island China Syndrome meltdown, results &nbsp.I in thousands of funds allocated to cleaning the escaped radioactive materials from the atmosphere and the community environment (Caldicott, 2006).

Tyson and Ella work at the Ruby Red Movie Theater in town. After work, they decide to watch a movie. After purchasing their tickets, they stop by the concession stand and purchase popcorn, drinks, and candy. Use the circular flow diagram to describe the purchases that Tyson and Ella made and the services and goods that were provided to them.Your response must be at least 75 words in length.


This assignment will give you an opportunity to apply the concepts taught in this unit. You will complete this assignment in two parts.

  • Part 1 requires a short written response.
  • Part 2 involves working problems based on provided background information. Examples of how to complete these problems can be found in the Unit I Introduction and associated videos presented in the unit.

Both parts of the assignment will be completed using a worksheet on which you will show your work and provide your answers to the questions listed. A link to the worksheet is provided below the instructions.

Part 1

Tyson and Ella work at the Ruby Red Movie Theater in town. After work, they decide to watch a movie. After purchasing their tickets, they stop by the concession stand and purchase popcorn, drinks, and candy. Use the circular flow diagram to describe the purchases that Tyson and Ella made and the services and goods that were provided to them.Your response must be at least 75 words in length.

Part 2
Background information:

As mentioned in Part 1 of this assignment, Tyson and Ella work at the Ruby Red Movie Theater. Tyson can produce 100 bags of popcorn or 50 hot dogs in one hour. His coworker, Ella, can produce 100 bags of popcorn or 30 hot dogs in an hour. Answer the following questions based on this information. Use the worksheet to show your work and provide your answers.

Part A:
If Tyson and Ella attempted to produce both popcorn and hot dogs, how many bags of popcorn and hot dogs could each produce individually per hour? What would be the total number of bags of popcorn and hot dogs produced by the two workers combined? (Show your work.)Part B:
Calculate the opportunity cost of producing bags of popcorn for each worker. (Show your work.)Part C:
Calculate the opportunity cost of producing hot dogs for each person. (Show your work.)Part D:
Determine how many bags of popcorn should be produced by each worker per hour. (Show your work).If each worker should specialize in producing popcorn or hot dogs, explain why; use economic terminology that you have learned in this unit in your explanation.Finally, how many total bags of popcorn and hot dogs will be produced per hour by the two workers combined after specialization?Part E:
What potential ethical issues could arise from making the decision to have both employees specialize in producing popcorn or hot dogs? Name and explain at least two issues.

When you are ready to begin your assignment, access the  Unit I Assignment Worksheet in Blackboard .Once you have completed all sections of Parts 1 and 2 of the assignment, you will save and upload the worksheet into Blackboard. Name your file “Unit I Assignment Worksheet_YourName” (replace “YourName” with your own name). Make sure you include your name and class section at the top of the worksheet. Any sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations. All references and citations used must be in APA Style.

In this discussion, we will examine how firms use budget and other information to evaluate the performance of individuals and of the firm. Students should be able to exhibit a familiarity with these concepts and how they are used. Explain the concepts of responsibility accounting and performance evaluation in your own words. How can these be used by a firm to improve their performance? Describe a balanced scorecard and explain how it differs from a traditional evaluation approach. Post your initial response to the discussion question no later than Thursday 11:59 PM EST/EDT

In this discussion, we will examine how firms use budget and other information to evaluate the performance of individuals and of the firm.  Students should be able to exhibit a familiarity with these concepts and how they are used.

Explain the concepts of responsibility accounting and performance evaluation in your own words.  How can these be used by a firm to improve their performance?  Describe a balanced scorecard and explain how it differs from a traditional evaluation approach.

Post your initial response to the discussion question no later than Thursday 11:59 PM EST/EDT

Compose a 1750 words assignment on aircraft composite structures.

Compose a 1750 words assignment on aircraft composite structures. Needs to be plagiarism free!

“Metallic structure is superior to composite in strength and cost aspects. Composite structure is superior to metallic structure in weight aspect which will influence in airplane performance.” (Kalanchiam and Chinnasamy 2012, p. 1010)There are several advantages of using composite materials to manufacture aircraft structures. The most striking advantage is that the composite materials are easy to mold and give novel shapes. Perse, aircraft designers can enjoy more flexibility and room for their imagination.

Special shapes of fuselage and wings are necessary for special purposes. For example, specially designed wings are necessary to accomplish the airframe structure of a stealth bomber. Likewise, long distance jet aircraft may need corrosion-resistant and aerodynamic drag resistant designs. Composite materials are easier to use for giving variety of desired shapes and sizes.Generally, composite materials are preferred for building tougher airframes. But several manufacturers are attempting to build even the internal parts of an aircraft with the help of composite materials.

The main advantages of composite materials are explained below with special emphasis on FRP variety.Composite materials provide high specific strength. This attributes to resistance towards deformity due to stress or strain. This resistance is due to certain elastic and coherent properties of the composite material molecule. The polymer bases in which the various fibrous materials are interwoven provide shock-absorbent properties to the overall lamella. The final matrix of composite molecules becomes stronger per unit square area for offering resistance towards permanent deformities.

(Staszewski, Mahzan, and Traynor 2009).Despite higher specific strength, composite materials have less weight. In the case of FRP composites, the polymeric base has less density. While in materials like aluminum the molecules are heavily packed, molecules in the composite material matrix have more coherence than closer packing.

Write a 5 pages paper on learning a foreign language is an asset in the military.

Write a 5 pages paper on learning a foreign language is an asset in the military.

All of the regions maintain very different cultures and social beliefs, as well as a completely different language other than English, which requires specialized knowledge of foreign languages in order to build positive relationships with indigenous citizens and governmental representatives. Therefore, learning a foreign language is an asset in today’s military.One reason that adopting a second language is such an asset can be illustrated by recent terrorist activities that impact both citizens and representatives of the military.

In 2001, a group of Arabic-speaking terrorists hijacked several American aircraft and used these planes to attack the World Trade Center in New York, as well as the Pentagon in Washington, D.C. Because of this very real threat from terrorist activities, the need for military individuals who can speak both English and Arabic is necessary for issues of negotiation during terrorist activities and also to translate what might be said during surveillance efforts, such as with phone taps or email monitoring.

One notable publication suggests that there are only 1,850 people in the U.S. Army who maintain the ability to speak Arabic (The Economist, 50), which only represents an extremely small percentage of the total men and women currently serving in the armed forces.The need for Arabic translators, as well as other foreign language translators, is “woefully short”, which has led to countless hours of audiotape achieved through surveillance to go untranslated (The Economist, 50). Additionally, military efforts to achieve intelligence about the scientific activities of other foreign nations have produced a vast variety of technical papers regarding nuclear weapons ambitions and many other potential threats to U.S. security (The Economist).

What the aforementioned suggests is that there is a significant, potential threat to the stability of U.S. democracy which is posed by the inability to translate foreign language documents and audio, thus there is a major requirement for people to understand both English and other languages in order to assist in protecting the needs of American citizens.&nbsp.&nbsp.

Write 8 pages with APA style on Reserch Disaster Bonds (also known as CAT bonds or catastrophe bonds).

Write 8 pages with APA style on Reserch Disaster Bonds (also known as CAT bonds or catastrophe bonds). lves risk taking. investors acquire disaster bonds for a principal and then enjoy the high rate interest accumulation as long as the disaster does not occur. According to leading experts in risk management, “Catastrophe bonds are fixed income securities, typically issues by insurance companies, which pay an attractive yield to investors, but with a provision that should a specific predetermined event…..occur, bondholders suffer the loss of their income and potentially all their capital” (197). Events may be due to natural damage or human induced disasters where the bond may cover either the whole or part of the damage preventing the buyer from reaching to unbalanced sheet. The risk is conveyed to the investors rather than the insurers. The structure of CAT bonds is expressed in CAT bonds demystified (See fig. 1).

These bonds are now used widely as they may forego interest and principle either in part or whole as stated in the condition. They require investors’ specialized knowledge and skills in judgment of where to invest. However, the jurisdiction of application affects the disaster bonds effect on parties involved. In the above structure, SPV or SPE are the established entities that insurance companies forward the reinsurance agreement to, which then relay’s the default provisions, as reflected in the agreement as a note. if the terms are approved, transactions are managed to generate money market returns where the SPV or SPE transfer back the principal and accumulated interests in cases of minimal risk involved (“CAT Bonds Demystified,” Rsm).

The disaster bonds act like financial instruments. they were first issued in mid 1990s and most specific in 1997 in American history. American continent has had numerous attacks, U.S blizzard and tornadoes in 1993, Northridge earthquake in 1994 and especially the numerous hurricanes in Mexico, U.S, Caribbean, and Bahamas among others.

Using article(s) and/or appropriate video(s) create a post that focuses on how your own workplace ethics are similar/different to Islam’s approach. Remember to be specific, use the articles, as well as examples from your real-life experiences.

Using article(s) and/or appropriate video(s) create a post that focuses on how your own workplace ethics are similar/different to Islam’s approach. Remember to be specific, use the articles, as well as examples from your real-life experiences.

DUE: in 12 hours

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