prepare and submit a paper on regional trade blocs-small companies.

Your assignment is to prepare and submit a paper on regional trade blocs-small companies.

The small companies are initially confined to the designated region under their vicinity. The smaller companies as per their categorization mean that they operate with confined resources with respect to their financial resources.

The governmental organization needs to provide the following initiatives to enable the small companies to actively participate in the regional trading blocs:

Create logistic support for the small companies or enable them to use the economical logistic resources with funding their activities through the public-owned means of transport. Liberalization of aviation policies for transport among the regional trading block countries.The governments should form forums and communities for developing the multinational business etiquettes and cultural knowledge to enable the small companies’ leadership team to be more constructive in enhancing the business terms.The governments should create marketing zones for the indigenous products at the regional trading blocs.Framing the regional trading blocs business policies to promote business opportunities among the member countries.Liberalization of trade policies in the respective countries to promote healthy competition among the member nations.The management teams of small companies should be encouraged to accumulate knowledge on cross-cultural trade and exporting the products or services to a region where there is a good demand.Governments should provide consulting advisory boards on the industries, functions specific to enhance the knowledge about the opportunities for the small companies with respect to business volumes, clientele, and consumer base.

write an article on Does the mixture of debt and equity in a firms financial structure matter why. It needs to be at least 1250 words.

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on Does the mixture of debt and equity in a firms financial structure matter why. It needs to be at least 1250 words. There must be a certain proportion of debt and equity in the balance sheet of a company. Variation in the debt and equity ratio of the firm can be seen at the arrival of a firm’s tangible assets and the reduction of its intangible asset. A company with large amount of purchased goodwill forms heavy acquisition activities which may end up with forming a negative equity position for the company.

Suppose a firm has a long term debt of $3000 and the value of its assets is $12,000, its debt to equity ratio is 0.25. This ratio indicates that the firm’s 25 percent assets have been financed through debt.

If a company debt to equity ratio is greater than one, this means that majority of the firm’s assets have been financed by debt and therefore there are increased chances of bankruptcy. Such firms are considered riskier in terms of investment in the sight of investors and financial institutions.

A company with a balanced debt to equity ratio is considered healthy in the eyes of the investors and lenders. The mixture of debt and equity is considered to be important with respect to the firm’s financial structure as it is used as a standard for judging the financial performances of companies. It measures the ability of the firm to be able to repay its debt or not. If the debt to equity ratio of a firm is increasing this indicates that the firm’s assets are rapidly being financed by the debt rather than the company’s own finances. The lenders and investors would rather give preference to companies with low debt to equity ratio because their interest would be better protected in the case of business decline. Therefore the companies with low financial leverage ratio are able to attract more investors (Debt-to-Equity Ratio).

The optimal financial leverage ratio is 1. This means that all the long term liabilities of a company are equal to its assets.

We have looked at several ways that technology can be used as a medical device. Chose any one of the devices, used inside or outside the hospital, and write a short 1 – 2 page report on: 1. What the device does? 2. What data is being collected? Is any data being sent to the device? 3. How is data transmitted to a medical practitioner? 4. Do you see a security or privacy issue? 5. Are there any regulations that govern the use of the device? 6. Would you recommend it to a family member Why?

We have looked at several ways that technology can be used as a medical device. Chose any one of the devices, used inside or outside the hospital, and write a short 1 – 2 page report on:

1. What the device does?

2. What data is being collected? Is any data being sent to the device?

3. How is data transmitted to a medical practitioner?

4. Do you see a security or privacy issue?

5. Are there any regulations that govern the use of the device?

6. Would you recommend it to a family member Why?

Create a 12 pages page paper that discusses the role of women in religion throughout history. The paper highlights the main events in the development of the religions from the position of the female roles in the process.

Create a 12 pages page paper that discusses the role of women in religion throughout history. The paper highlights the main events in the development of the religions from the position of the female roles in the process.

Though most of the religions began as ones serving both male and female interests, in the course of time and as a result of male dominance, the initial messages were distorted, depriving women of economic, social and religious rights.

Let us imagine that aliens arrived to the Earth to get acquainted with humanity. In order to understand people better, it was decided that the envoys should be incarnated as human, being born as usual girls and boys. The agents were to have enough freedom to move, think and speak, make decisions and choices of their own, – to put it in the nutshell, have all the opportunities for work and research of the complex subject on the study – the mankind. Several well-trained agents were prepared. However, the question was where they should be born. The population of the Earth was known for having numerous religions, differing in content and messages. These religions played a vital role in the life of the national, ethnic and racial societies, uniting them, dictating norms of behaviour, obligations and restrictions. The significance of the religions was so great that for many centuries religious communities stood at the top of the social ladder and were responsible for numerous wars and fights in the name of Gods. By the time the agents were to be incarnated, the Earth calendar declared the beginning of the twenty-first century. Most of the countries had secular societies, ruled by leading political parties. Yet, religious views continued influencing the decisions of policy-makers. After making some research on religions, the aliens were a bit puzzled. They could easily place their male agents in almost any part of the world, but they had some apprehensions as to the female agents. It seemed preferable to send them in the families of non-believers, somewhere in Europe or North America, while otherwise, the agents risked losing control of the situation and be strongly restricted by the religions.&nbsp.&nbsp.

write an article on The Immigration. It needs to be at least 1500 words.

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on The Immigration. It needs to be at least 1500 words.

Settlements concentrated in areas with sizeable industrial activity such as New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania. Immigrants with intentions of farming preferred Midwest or Great Lakes states. 1960-2010 saw the integration of immigrants, for instance, through the significant increase of arrival of African immigrants at will. Mexicans currently top the list of 21st-century immigrants to the United States. However, European immigrants make up more than 15 percent of America’s total immigrants each year in the 1960-2010 periods.

Push and pull factors:

Social: a history of immigrants in the U.S was particularly crucial in influencing immigration. This is because immigrants prefer to move in with already established relatives and friends in the U.S. for instance, most Jews chose to settle in New York in the 19th century, and this trend remains the same in the 20th and 21st century.

Geographic positioning: it is crucial to note that transport was tiresome and unreliable during the 1820-1920 period. Therefore, migration was subject to proximity to the U.S. Most immigrants were from Europe because it is close to the U.

S. however, the change from sailboats to steamboats made transport faster and more convenient. Steamboats also led to immigrants’ ability to move in and out of America quickly, therefore, reducing the chances of them permanently settling in the U.S. There were even movements in the 1900’s such as the Eugenics movement that discriminated against immigrants, not from North Europe, like Mexicans and southern immigrants because they were inferior races. Eugenics also influenced the passing of the Immigration Restriction Act of 1924.

1960-2010: advanced technology and fast means of transportation favor immigration. Proximity no longer tops the list as a pull factor for immigrants.

&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp. Laws: In the 1920s, immigration policies had prejudice tendencies, unlike in the 21st century, and this discouraged immigration of specific nationalities. There are various acts set up as of 1921 that have restricted immigration, for instance, the Quota act. Other actions include the 1882 Chinese Exclusion Act.

The 1965 Immigration and Nationality Act is not biased against a nation (Organization of Americans 15).

writing homework on Law. Write a 250 word paper answering;

Need help with my writing homework on Law. Write a 250 word paper answering;

Law Case Study-B Question A. The tort of negligence as was defined by Judge Alderson in the case of Blyth v Birmingham Waterworks Co, 1856 states that it is “the breach of duty caused by the omission to do something which a reasonable man, guided upon those considerations, which ordinarily regulate the conduct of human affairs, would do, or doing something which a prudent and reasonable man would not do” (Magnus, Martín-Casals & Boom, 2003). Consequently, this definition may be rightly put to imply the neglect of the use of ordinary care or skill towards a person to whom the defendant owes the duty of observing ordinary care and skill by which neglect, the plaintiff has suffered injury to hi person or property.

In the ensuing case of Prof. Robinson, a prima facie case of negligence can be brought, based on the elements of negligence:i. Duty of care owed to the plaintiff by the defendant.ii. A breach of the duty of care.iii. A cause in fact i.e. an actual causal connection between the harm caused to the plaintiff and the conduct of the defendant.iv. A proximate cause related to whether the harm could have been foreseen.v. Damages resulting from the conduct of the defendant.In articulating a case for the plaintiff, I would base on these elements and factor out the following.

First, the defendant, ABC Go-Kart, owes everyone that enters the premise guarantee for their safety especially when using their equipment and cars for racing. In this particular case, the defendant’s employee fails to inspect the brakes which results in the failure of the breaks of Obama. As such an accident occurs and Robinson dies from it. Consequently, the defendant owes the plaintiff, a duty of care since it was expected that by the nature of the races that take place in the area, the waiting area should have been shielded from the tracks. thus, no wheels could fly and ram into those in the waiting area.

Therefore, based on these incidences, I find that the defendant breached the duty of care by failing to exercise reasonable care in ensuring that the wheels of the cars for racing are properly fitted and the braking system is working. Consequently, they failed to show reasonable care in that the waiting area was left open when the same, according to Pennsylvania law, ought to have been covered so people would not get hurt from such incidences. Therefore, a cause in fact may be determined on these two grounds in that had it not been for the defendant’s negligent actions, the injury through death would have not occurred to the plaintiff.

In considering the proximate cause for this incident, it is evident that ABC Go-Kart as the defendant would have foreseen such the scope of such an occurrence and taken adequate responsibility to prevent it. For instance, had they paid the mechanic well, he would have performed his duty accordingly and the brakes of Obama would have not failed. As a result, the plaintiff can seek for damages for such actions of negligence. The death of Professor Robinson in itself is a legal ground for which negligence can be proved hence, damages sought for.

Failure of the defendant to exercise care is not enough but, payment of damages to the plaintiff will be legal (Best & Barnes, 2007).ReferencesBest, A., & Barnes, D. W. (2007). Basic tort law: Cases, statutes, and problems. Austin: Wolters Kluwer Law & Business.Magnus, U., Martín-Casals, M., & Boom, W. H. (2003). Unification of tort law: Contributory negligence. New York: Kluwer Law International.

Ethical policy, corporate social responsibility and larger social impact (intentional or unintentional) within UBS and the value it creates (or possibly destroys) for the local and/or global community. The work is to be 12 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page.

I will pay for the following article Ethical policy, corporate social responsibility and larger social impact (intentional or unintentional) within UBS and the value it creates (or possibly destroys) for the local and/or global community. The work is to be 12 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page.

Thus, the companies are now evaluated based on the Triple Bottom Line (TBL) principle, which incorporates both economic success and environmental and social efficiency. Companies around the world are now accountable for their performance through environmental and social Reporting. The collapse of giant enterprises like Enron, World Com and Tyco in the USA or Ahold and Parmalat in Europe, moved the focus to business ethics and basic management. The paper considers one very aspect of business ethics that includes social and environmental awareness of an organization.

The discussion incorporates how corporate practices can contribute to individual learning and development, and hence bring about awareness about the society and environment. In addition, this would actually help managers better understand and manage their role as managers and lead to more moral behavior in a company. Most organizations do not follow these business ethics. It is usually overlooked, to pursue the most common motive of earning profit at the cost of ethics. Business organizations might be referred as the most efficient economic tools, as they can impact human development and enhance the well being of the entire society.

The impact can be global for multi-nationals. (The Aspen Institute’s Business & Society Program, 2007. Slack & Chambers, 2006) How managers see this role and understand their ability is the most important contributing factor and the biggest question about their ethical conduct. Corporate Social Responsibility has been the focus of most organizations.

Corporate social responsibilities include an organization’s policies and measures on issues such as environment, education, regeneration, empowerment, governance and anti-money laundering.

(McEwan, 2007, pp.9-10. Mullins, 2007) These social, environmental, and economic impacts of a particular company’s operations and products cannot be studied from the annual report of the company.

research paper on creativity in secondary school. Needs to be 6 pages.

Need an research paper on creativity in secondary school. Needs to be 6 pages. Please no plagiarism.

Parents and teachers can help students in devising thinking patterns and problem-solving skills by utilizing creativity. It includes giving the students the choice and the liberty to learn by trying and making as many mistakes as they safely can. It also implies that the teachers will have to drown their rigid normative thinking and respect the creative ways that the students pursue. It must be noted that this type of parental encouragement and education requires creative teaching processes as well, which is hard to practice in secondary schools considering their rigid subjects.

The learned curriculum is everything that students learn in school (Fautley and Savage, 2010). The selection of words communicated in language and encouragement to experiment without the fear of failure are the two crucial aspects in achieving such a goal.To use creativity the students have to look at a problem from various angles. It also implies that there cannot be a rigid solution to a problem. Artful activities have been proven to help students overcome learning barriers (Cochran, 1996).

This is important because when a student comes up with a creative solution that does not strictly match the predetermined result it can discourage him from further experimenting, especially when the result translates into bad grades. The teachers should be aware that this pattern can be incredibly negative that weeds out the creative process from their students’ psychology.To encourage children to think creatively the teachers and parents should make efforts in asking them to observe their surroundings differently.

An artist sees away when there is an ‘aha!’ moment (Jalongo, 1999). Secondary school education should be based around this principle where the students figure things out for themselves through their ‘aha!’ moment.Connecting the right and the left side of the brain can help learn better. The students should look for cues for getting inspiration from various processes, designs, and objects in their surroundings.

submit a 250 words paper on the topic Memo about ap stylebook.

Hi, need to submit a 250 words paper on the topic Memo about ap stylebook.

Associated Press Stylebook For over sixty years now, the Associated Press Stylebook has been the most essential style guide for professionals, writers, and journalists all over the world. As a result, new additions and revisions to the book are anticipated every year. The AP stylebook changes frequently mainly to affix or clarify some entries. These may relate to the latest news stories. Carrying out revision and staying on top of the changes can be demanding. This memo explains the most important revisions that should be made to the AP Stylebook.

Revising parameters such as distance is very important. For example, all distances should be in figures, using ‘5 miles is better than using five miles. Making this change will make the sentence more appealing to the reader unlike when it is in words. There are some words that are treated as two words, yet they seem better when they are written as one. ‘Under way’ appears better and has a good meaning when it is written as one word. ‘underway’.Additionally, using a general term such as ‘partners’ seems to be better and respectable when referring to a married couple.

Husbands and wives is provocative and when it is pronounced it sounds as an offence to the one who is saying it and the people who are listening. The terms ‘husbands’ and ‘wives’ should not be used to refer to the same sex couples.The AP Stylebook should consider doing away with the term ‘illegal immigrant’. This is a loaded term and it is the action of migration that is illegal and not the person. The stylebook should instead advice clearly the action of illegal migration, because it is the controversy and not the person that is explained.

Homosexuality is another word that brings many debates. The AP Stylebook describes homosexuality as a ‘sexual orientation’. Revising it to a ‘sexual preference’ sounds better because, preference is what someone likes to do while orientation is simply what you are. There is a need to cover social media guidelines in the AP stylebook. With the increase in user generated journalism pieces, the stylebook is supposed to show how they can secure and authenticate photo captions and some video scripts.

AP should recognize Skype, Google Hangout, and flash mobs. It is important for them to develop a platform for communication with the people so that they may tell them and answer some questions or any other revisions made to the stylebook. Many people especially traditionalists have disagreed with some controversial changes that have been made in the past. Communicating with them on a regular basis will make them to understand the basis of the changes.Prior to making any changes in the stylebook, wide consultation is vital.

The editors should take feedback from the consultations and use it for any revisions and changes. Any proposals made are implemented once all the team has agreed on them. Do not go on with the implementation that may end up humiliating a given group.Thank you for your cooperation.Work citedChristian, Darrell, Sally Jacobsen, and David Minthorn.&nbsp.Associated Press Stylebook and Briefing on Media Law 2013. , 2013. Print.

research paper on the giant panda. Needs to be 8 pages.

Need an research paper on the giant panda. Needs to be 8 pages.Please no plagiarism.

Thus, the giant panda has been placed in the bear family, viz., Ursidae, and Carnivora. Interestingly, not all members of Carnivora are meat-eaters. The giant panda mostly eats bamboo. The giant panda is the only member of the genus Ailuropoda as it is not very closely related to any other bears.

Evolutionary history and distribution&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.

The giant panda’s habitat includes the temperate broadleaf and mixed forests located in regions of Southwest China (Gansu, Shaanxi, and Sichuan Provinces) to the east of the Tibetan plateau. The preferred habitats are situated at the top of the Yangtze River Basin, an ecoregion whose natural resources they have shared with other communities for thousands of years. Fossil records of the giant panda group are restricted to Eurasia. &nbsp.They show that the enormous panda populations had a much broader range in the Pleistocene, extending throughout most southern and eastern China, northern Myanmar, northern Vietnam, Laos, and Thailand. Fossil evidence also indicates that this species originated in the late Miocene, swelled during the middle Pleistocene, and started reducing in the late Pleistocene. Significant reductions in their numbers have occurred for thousands of years, mainly due to poaching by humans and climatic changes. In the 16th –19th centuries, the giant panda was distributed widely in southwest China, including Hunan, Hubei, Sichuan, Shaanxi, and Gansu provinces. &nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.

Anthropological studies indicate that the giant panda has evolved for more than three million years as a separate lineage from other bears and adapted to eating bamboo since early in its evolution. Panda is the only bear species known to exist entirely on a vegetarian diet. However, it lacks the digestive tract modifications that allow herbivores to break down plants’ cell walls. They can only digest the contents of plant cells and, since the bamboo lacks nutritional value, the pandas need to feed excessively to keep their digestive tract full. Thus, the giant panda, feeding almost exclusively on the stems and leaves of bamboo for nearly 14 hours a day, consumes around 12 – 14 kg of bamboo per day. However, pandas will also readily scavenge on meat (e.g., rodents) if they happen to come across it.