Going Out to Eat at a Nice Restaurant. The work is to be 2 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page.

I will pay for the following article Going Out to Eat at a Nice Restaurant. The work is to be 2 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page. There were many occasions where we would go out to eat at a nice restaurant because of a special occasion, i.e. birthday, Christmas, or just a general celebration, but none of these really stick in my mind. The reason is that all of these things came around once each year so it was more like a ritual or a habit rather than a celebration. The time that I remember the most is when my family and I went on our holiday out of the country. It was a small island located in the Caribbean, and it was a special moment in my childhood. The setting was remarkable as the waves crashed against the shore while a magnificent sunset occurred daily. There was one restaurant on that island that I shall never forget because of the awesome feeling I got from the delicious food that they served.

Once we arrived to eat, the waiters and waitresses came to take our order. My siblings and I were given permission from our parents to select whatever dish or dishes we wanted because we would likely never be able to return here again. As all kids do, I immediately fixed my eyes on the most expensive item on the menu. It did not occur to me at that young age that price doesn’t necessarily equate to quality, but that did not matter to me. I was feeling famished and I couldn’t wait to tuck into the most delicious dinner dish I had ever tasted. While we were waiting for our food to arrive, we noticed the ambiance in this particular restaurant. There was a young lady quietly playing the violin over in the corner, while the flickering lights created a sense of calm over the whole place.

After some time our food was brought out to us. not the main course, just the entrée. As I chose not to order one of these, I had to wait a little bit longer for my food. After the rest of my family had finished their appetizers, we noticed a long-bearded man come into the room and begin to play his guitar. He was quite talented with this musical instrument, and the remarkable sound coming from his guitar kept our minds off the impending arrival of our main courses.

1. Submit a summary of six of your articles on the discussion board. Discuss one strength and one weakness for each of these six articles on why the article may or may not provide sufficient evidence for your practice change. 2. Name two different methods for evaluating evidence. Compare and contrast these two methods Use references and Intext citation

1. Submit a summary of six of your articles on the discussion board. Discuss one strength and one weakness for each of these six articles on why the article may or may not provide sufficient evidence for your practice change.

2. Name two different methods for evaluating evidence. Compare and contrast these two methods

Use references and Intext citation

research paper on teaching and learning for the millennial generation. Needs to be 6 pages.

Need an research paper on teaching and learning for the millennial generation. Needs to be 6 pages. Please no plagiarism.

&nbsp.A number of studies and research have thus been carried out to be able to provide possible solutions to these issues facing the various forms of knowledge dispensation. This paper, in a view to enhancing a further understanding of these differences existing within the generations and in enhancing positivity in learning and the satisfaction derived from it, will provide an analysis and their possible solutions from three separate academic resources including Preferred Learning Methods of the Millennial Generation, Learning, and Millennial Students, and Generational Differences in Using Online Learning Systems and Teaching.

The millennial generation, believed by Nicholas to be born from 1981-2001, has been raised during times of comparable and environmental conditions including that of technological change (Nicholas, 2008). The author goes further to point out that this generation, as a result, has experienced greater technological revolutions than any other past generation. Wilson reveals however that the access to these technological innovations has not evenly spread to this generation and there are a couple of disadvantaged children, especially from the working-class families and of the first generation that should be taken into consideration (Wilson, 2004).

Technology application in the fields of teaching has expanded and this can be clearly pointed out by the adoption of the online learning platforms in institutions (Stapleton, Wen, Starret and Kilburn, 2007). Nicholas describes the millennial cohort as being techno-literate, techno-savvy, technologically fluent, and dependent. This he attributes to the high percentage of students owning cell phones and using instant messaging as a top communication choice in schools. Coexistence with technology has been brought forward as one of the major characteristics of this generation, however, others too exist.

One of the other main attributes of this generation is their reliance on parental guidance. Arlene Nicholas explains that these students’ experiences within their schools and society have been guarded and stricter (Nicholas, 2008).

writing homework on Natural Disaster Projection in Films. Write a 250 word paper answering;

Need help with my writing homework on Natural Disaster Projection in Films. Write a 250 word paper answering;

Natural disasters have been projected in many Hollywood movies but with the mere representation of drama to make it look larger than life. This paper aims to discuss the representation of natural disasters in the movie and their occurrence in reality. The paper shall undertake the discussion by considering the movie Old Chicago. This will allow in understanding the fact that circumstances and occurrence of natural disaster are different from how it is projected in the movies. It can be seen in the particular scenic representation of the fire accident which spreads all around the neighborhood taking grasp of the closer blocks as well.

The directors have shown people to be in the panic situation trying to save their homes despite the entire neighborhood was on fire. In reality, this is far different because the fire extinguishers and the firemen are allotted to the accident site. People are evacuated from the accident site so that there no more fatalities. Most prominently, the movie projects heroes saving human lives stuck in homes that are on fire. In real life, the heroes saving human life stuck in the homes on fire are rather the firemen (Keane).

write an article on 2008 Presidential Campaign. It needs to be at least 1250 words. Speed is a business graduate from Harvard and has done business on several fronts before entering into politics in the year 1981.

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on 2008 Presidential Campaign. It needs to be at least 1250 words. Speed is a business graduate from Harvard and has done business on several fronts before entering into politics in the year 1981. He has done different courses from MIT, Harvard, and a number of other leading universities around the world. In doing so, he has understood the cultures of various nations and is also well conversant in French and Spanish. He has delivered different lectures at Harvard and other top colleges and universities of the world. His favorite subject has been Political Science which is due to obvious reasons. His understanding of politics and more so the American politics is immense and thus we present to the American population the charismatic personality of Mr. Speed who is sure going to make things very easy for all of the Americans.

Understanding American politics is not an easy task but Speed has made it a point to contest the Presidential Elections and win for his own self as well as for the party and not to forget the people of the beloved nation that we all call the United States of America, the superpower of the world where we live in. We are the torchbearers of a lot of undertakings that are actually carried about in this world and thus we need to choose the right man when we talk about real politics. Speed has everything that one can imagine as far as one’s personal life and ambitions are concerned which will be changed for the better by “Winners.” This political party aims to give the common man of America a sense of freedom and a serious cut in the different taxes that he gives each and every year of his lifetime. There would be serious undertakings that will happen if “Winners” come into the government and gun control would also be a topic that will be discussed at length. The candidate and indeed the whole of “Winners” has the intention of legalizing the gun laws as well as freeing the society of different evils related to gun control, related lobbying, and so on and so forth.

The security aspect that the US authorities are most concerned about and keeping the same in the line of its citizens will be given the top most priority.

Write 6 pages with APA style on Of Learning to Read and Write by Frederick Douglass.

Write 6 pages with APA style on Of Learning to Read and Write by Frederick Douglass.

The reason for writing this story is to create awareness with the audience of the measures adopted by him to read and write and thus he appeals to the logos. He provides examples as to what brought him to the present level and his travails in the process. He writes, “The plan which I adopted…was making friends of all the little white boys whom I met in the street. As many of them as I could, I converted them into teachers”. Without his being aware of the science behind the procedures adopted by him, he was actually following the ‘study-buddy’ approach to learn the language.

In his determination to accomplish his goal, he gives details about those facts and he chooses the best alternative available to him.This passage also mainly appeals to pathos. This is a true story relating to the suffering, loss of dignity and self-respect, loss of identity, and in short the existence of the slave was difficult for the printed page to capture. He makes liberal use of pathos in various parts of the article. He uses this device to derive the sympathy of his audience and to make them reason about his pleas.

Though the reading applies to all audiences, his emphasis seems to be directed at the sufferers, the African-Americans, as they can connect well with his experiences. Douglas writes “The more I read, the more I was led to abhor and detest my enslavers. I could regard them in no other light than a band of successful robbers, who had left their homes, and gone to Africa, and stolen us from our homes. and in a strange land reduced us to slavery. I loathed them as being the meanest as well as the wicked of men.

” This makes it clear that he is trying to educate the audience and the white audience should regret the way they treated the slaves. The emotional world of the audience becomes one with that of Douglass and the suffering slave community. At one stage of the story, he makes mention of his sterling achievement about being able to read finally. He must have felt as if emerging out from a dark cave to a sun-lit area. This was possible only with his newfound ability to read and write. &nbsp.That was a big accomplishment for him and he was proud of his endeavors to get at that turning point in his life.

write an article on Quitting Smoking. It needs to be at least 1250 words.

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on Quitting Smoking. It needs to be at least 1250 words.

Furthermore, several intrinsic and extrinsic factors contribute to the individual’s motivation to engage in the recovery process of quitting the smoking habit. These factors include hereditary and environmental issues but are not limited to them alone. We shall analyze the brain structures and functions associated with the motivation to abstain from smoking and evaluate the influence of these extrinsic and intrinsic factors on motivation, particularly focusing on brain physiology and psychology.

“Motivation can be conceptualized as brain activity that processes’ input’ information about the internal state of the individual and external environment and determines behavioral ‘output'” (Chambers, Taylor & Potenza, 2003). The motivation for change among smokers plays a major part in recognizing the need for treatment and achieving sustained change without relapse. The recovery process for smokers is complicated by psychological and physiological addictions, making the entire treatment hard to continue. Often, most of the smokers relapse at one point with no intention to continue. This is mainly because of their fear to withstand the treatment and maintain the subsequent change of action. However, motivation in most addicts is a complex process. The recovery depends on their addiction’s intensity and how much it has influenced their physical and psychological system.

Factors influencing motivation are both extrinsic and intrinsic. Motivating individuals to quit smoking is influenced by these factors, associated with several psychological and physiological interventions. Self-control and health concerns are considered intrinsic motivational factors, while reinforcement and social influence are the extrinsic motivational factors. While extrinsic factors are based on environmental and social aspects, intrinsic factors are based on goal-oriented behavior. Any addict trying to refrain from substance abuse has to be influenced by several of these motivation-promoting factors to challenge, control, and compete with their physiological and psychological limitations. “Although extrinsic motivators can be useful in bringing a client into treatment and increasing retention, self or intrinsic motivation is important for substantive and abiding change.” (Miller, 1999, p.84).

Provide a 4 pages analysis while answering the following question: Horseradish Peroxidase. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required.

Provide a 4 pages analysis while answering the following question: Horseradish Peroxidase. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required.

For each enzyme, there is a small range of pH within which it works optimally. Enzymes have&nbsp.active sites in their structures. The active site is the part of the enzyme that has the correct shape and the functional groups required to bind to the substrate (Dunford, 1999). Enzyme activity can be measured in any one of these two ways: observing the rate at which the substrate disappears during a reaction or measuring the rate at which the product is formed. Enzyme assays are used in such measurements.

Two methods have been developed for use in measuring the number of substrates or products in a chemical reaction: continuous and fixed-timed assays. Continuous essays make use of a spectrophotometer to measure the rates at which the substrate disappears and products form in real-time (Leskovac, 2003). To measure the peroxidase activity a change in the amount of product formed will be evaluated over time. For the breakdown of peroxide by peroxidase, the simplest molecule that can be measured is O2 gas, the product of the decomposition of peroxide.

To accomplish this the real volume of O2 gas produced is measured by the use of an indicator. For this experiment, an indicator (pyrogallol) that shows the presence of O2 gas will be used (Dunford, 2010). 2.50 cm3, 0.35 cm3, 0.10 cm3, and 0.35 cm3 of deionized water, buffer solution (at a pH of 6.0), hydrogen peroxide, and pyrogallol respectively were pipetted into two separate cuvettes labeled Cuvette 1 and Cuvette 2. The contents of the cuvettes were then mixed well using a small glass rod. The spectrophotometer was set to 420 nm after which Cuvette 1 was placed into it. 0.1 ml of the buffer solution was added to the cuvette and then stirred using a small glass rod.

The readings of the spectrophotometer were recorded every 10 seconds for 5 minutes. Cuvette 2 (blank) was placed into the spectrophotometer. 0.1 ml of&nbsp.the enzyme was added to it and stirred using a small glass rod. The readings of the spectrophotometer were recorded every 10 seconds for 5 minutes.&nbsp.

Provide a 7 pages analysis while answering the following question: Right to Life. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide.

Provide a 7 pages analysis while answering the following question: Right to Life. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. Abortion is immoral because it is a killing of a life. A fetus is a developing person and human information. Just because the fetus is silent and unseen it does not lose the right to live. It is a life form given chance to live in the world by God and no one has the right to abort its life. Immorality is any effort of a human to kill another life form. A fetus is human and killing is a crime and against nature’s law. A fetus has the right to live and needs to give consideration to which a human gets and hence killing a fetus is immoral. Abortion is a shame on humanity and is equal to the killing of a person.

No, Thompson does not provide a defensible argument to the right to life. Right to life is something that God bestows upon a creature and a human does not have the power to kill a fetus. A fetus is a life and a mother and a human have an obligation to protect the life. The life could be taken only if it is a threat to the life of the mother or her health. Unless and otherwise, there is no defensible argument that can justify abortion. Thompson considers the fetus out of rape as a threat to the mother, but the child which is unborn is innocent and is her offspring so she should protect it. A mother cannot unplug a child from her body like an ailing person who is connected to her. A child is the blood and gene of a mother and her in no way can steal her right to live.

George is right in arguing against abortion as they advocate fetus to be a complete person. A human being is formed from the point of fertilization. When ovum and sperm unite, the human is formed, and then it is a person. The authors are right on the fact that a mother has the responsibility of protecting her child in the womb. An embryo has pain and it can feel like a life form and has the right to live. The author explains that the fetus performs bodily action and can have sensation hence it has the right to live.&nbsp.Margaret Little in her article argues that it is permissible to perform an abortion. However, I am completely against this argument as I think life needs protection at any cost. Once life is formed it automatically receives the right to live.&nbsp.

write an article on Worker’s Compensation. It needs to be at least 1250 words. The form of compensation is mostly monetary and may be offered directly to the worker or to the immediate family of the worker in case the worker died.

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on Worker’s Compensation. It needs to be at least 1250 words. The form of compensation is mostly monetary and may be offered directly to the worker or to the immediate family of the worker in case the worker died.

The history of worker’s compensation started even before the industrial revolution and it has remained so till the present day. Even though the circumstances of the compensation were slightly different than they are now, most of the reasons for compensation and the types of compensation offered are still similar then and now. The history also runs through not the only the United States but also Europe and they increased with the industrial revolution.

In the United States, the history of the worker’s compensation is different for each state. This is major because each state has its own statutes and hence sets its own different rules and regulations according to its people. Compensation also started a bit later than it did in countries like Germany and Britain. This research paper is going to focus on worker’s compensation in the United States despite its late start.

Worker’s compensation in the United States started in the 19th Century. The first states to experience these labor law changes were Georgia and Alabama around 1855. Even though the law was basically protecting the employer against being sued and not as reformed as it is now, it still served as a worker’s compensation law because the employers paid injured workers to avoid being sued. These Acts were known as Employer Liability Acts.

There was another attempt to establish a worker’s compensation law in New York in 1898 but it failed. The first almost successful worker’s compensation law was passed and enacted in Maryland in 1902.