write an article on general knowledge and overview of the theory of existentialism Paper must be at least 1250 words.

Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on general knowledge and overview of the theory of existentialism Paper must be at least 1250 words. Please, no plagiarized work! Kierkegaard is the first philosopher who in his work has stated it clearly that each and every individual has the duty to give life that has a meaning and living according to one emotion. This is the reason why philosophers base their arguments on the nature of human beings since they have different problems. Thus, their problems can only be addressed through the nature of human beings.

Existentialism is regarded as a movement if philosophy is not considered. this is based on the fact that existentialists are more known in the philosophical movements. Existentialism is influential outside philosophy for example in arts and other theories (Solomon, 2004). ). Existentialism movements are counted to be having loose movements since though the individuals are recognized in their different works, they do not have a lot of impact on philosophy but their ideas are important. The challenge is that existentialism as used by philosopher, it tends to be ambiguous even to existentialist, for example, Sartre was asked about existentialism and said that he has no idea of it. This makes other immerging existentialists ignore and even degrade philosophical positions and thus bring other ideas that tend to be harming the work that was done early than doing well to it. This is the reason why they consider existentialism as a philosophical movement that uses different doctrines that involve individual existence in the known world. This means that their problems are known and they must be willing to carry their responsibility on free will. Their knowledge depending on their problem is not considered as a plight but must carry the responsibility being either good or bad.

In the 19th century, Kierkegaard and Nietzsche were the first philosophers who contributed to existentialism theory. Though they justified their intentions on existentialism, they did not seem to support existentialism around the 20th century. In their work, the two existentialists did corporate mathematics&nbsp.and science but they believed in the experience of individuals which was subjective.&nbsp.

prepare and submit a term paper on Relationship Marketing, Electronic Marketing and Integrated Marketing Communications. Your paper should be a minimum of 1750 words in length.

You will prepare and submit a term paper on Relationship Marketing, Electronic Marketing and Integrated Marketing Communications. Your paper should be a minimum of 1750 words in length.

This essay stresses that electronic marketing comprises of all those realms where product promotion and customer relations come in direct contact with the various electronic media forms. These can entail the television, the radio, the Internet and other related disciplines. Since the electronic marketing discussion is centered on a wider spectrum than relationship marketing, its positives as well as negatives are immensely drawn so as to gain a fair enough understanding. The relational sentiment is thus made apparent through the efforts of the people who bring forward the relationship marketing, electronic marketing and the integrated marketing communications domains to the fore.

This paper makes a conclusion that the marketing discipline is indeed comprised of a number of entities, all of which play one role or the other. These dictate the essential basis of understanding where the problems lie and how these can be done away with as and when required. Also a proactive measure sets the basis of undertaking quite a few steps which are geared to achieve results for the betterment of both the business and the end consumers. All said and done, the overlapping of the three forms of marketing is always a good omen for the marketers, the end consumers and the marketing process.

It is because of these measures that the brands and campaigns are able to reach out to newer markets, reclaim the old ones and thus reinforce sales whilst building a positive word of mouth all along.

prepare and submit a paper on role of a student nurse in higher education and future healthcare.

Your assignment is to prepare and submit a paper on role of a student nurse in higher education and future healthcare.

As the discussion declares&nbsp.there is a need to change the nursing practice in the transformation of the health care system. Nurses find themselves in providing care to people from diverse cultures. In addition, technological advancements in the medical field present new treatment approaches.&nbsp.From the report it is clear that&nbsp.the current transformation of Health Care demands that nurses take up more roles and responsibilities in the society. For example, nurses are required to develop their leadership skills to advocate for improved services.

Nurses are also required to collaborate with other medical practitioners in the provision of quality care. Currently, nurses have been engaged in many changes. For example in 2010, the NHS England engaged nurses and other practitioners in the development of a new approach to patient care. The collaboration involved 269 groups of nurses together with other practitioners, who provided recommendations on how to bring care closer to the people in the society according to NHS England. The NHS England has recommended several approaches to care to bridge the gap between cheap and affordable care in the society.

&nbsp.Nurses in their professional careers are required to be committed to their role in providing care and ensuring the well-being of patients. The value of competence requires professional nurses to be up to date with knowledge and understanding of the needs of the patients.

https://m.facebook.com/watch/?v=3274658159227953&_rdr Watch the video The Greediest Contestant in Quiz Show History. After watching the video clip, answer the following questions: How does the Prisoners’ Dilemma apply in the game of Golden Balls? Is the Prisoner’s Dilemma entirely applicable in this game? Why or why not? What would you do if you were playing this game? Explain your reasoning.


Watch the video The Greediest Contestant in Quiz Show History.

After watching the video clip, answer the following questions:

  • How does the Prisoners’ Dilemma apply in the game of Golden Balls?
  • Is the Prisoner’s Dilemma entirely applicable in this game? Why or why not?
  • What would you do if you were playing this game? Explain your reasoning.

prepare and submit a term paper on Importance of 1963 and 1964 in the History of the US. Your paper should be a minimum of 1250 words in length.

You will prepare and submit a term paper on Importance of 1963 and 1964 in the History of the US. Your paper should be a minimum of 1250 words in length. 1963 was a year that was characterized by civil rights demonstrations and grand civil unrest. The national outrage was fuelled by wide media coverage of police brutality and actions against African-Americans in Birmingham, Alabama. The police were using fire hoses and canines against protestors, many of whom were very young. The riots in Birmingham, Alabama on the 11th of May 1963, where bombing occurred, compelled President John F Kennedy to release troops who gravely harassed the protestors. On the 19th of June the same year, the president forwarded an all-inclusive Civil Rights bill to the Congress for consideration. The massive support for this pending bill is what led to the March on Washington on the 28th of August, probably the largest mass action that the nation’s capital has ever witnessed. It was attended by more than three hundred thousand people, organized by Martin Luther King, Jr. alongside other activists.

The demands stated during the demonstration paved the way for the meaningful legislation of civil rights. In addition, the matching led to the elimination of segregation based on race in public schools, the safeguarding of protestors against police brutality, the passage of a law forbidding racial prejudice in the public and private sectors and finally a program that provided jobs equally to both the blacks and whites. All these featured in the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which was passed after the assassination of President John F Kennedy and are still functional to date.

Create a 7 pages page paper that discusses women stepping up in american history.

Create a 7 pages page paper that discusses women stepping up in american history.

Of course, this was not by choice. therefore, they decided to take a stand, and when both World Wars came, their prayers were answered. Nevertheless, the paper will focus on discussing the role of women in American business, from 1900 until now. After finally making their way into the manual labor force in America and overseas, women took further steps towards equal pay and became subjects of propaganda. Although the fight for equal pay continued, once all wars ended women were then immediately expected to give away their jobs and settle back into their caregiver role.

This did not run smoothly in the eyes of women, and they revolted in strikes since they knew that their efforts would prove to be triumphant, hence leave an interminable mark on American society. After the two wars, women were free to create their own lives, able to vote and allowed the right to a full education, and this increase in freedom led to an increase in occupied American women. Not only were they evolving in the work force, but also over the last century, fashion in America has experienced continual upheavals and radical changes.

Ranging from dress length to head pieces, women used fashion as another way to express themselves and make their unique mark throughout history. Historically, women earned their living by keeping boarding houses while others were in occupations that were available to men. In this case, some of the women were doctors, lawyers, teachers and writers, and by the end of the nineteenth century, there was acceptable for women’s professions, though there were few women working in factories or as domestic workers.

Nevertheless, there was an exclusion of women from their profession apart from working as writers or teachers, for instance in the medical profession, there was a changed attitude during nineteenth and twentieth century concerning the occupation, which was suitable for women.

submit a 1250 words paper on the topic Chiles Economic Growth.

Hi, need to submit a 1250 words paper on the topic Chiles Economic Growth.

By liberalizing the trade policy, Chile’s economic growth has improved and thus elevated to seven percent. Chile’s trade policy is overviewed with a positive interest in the recent space by the entire nation’s policymaker (The National Bureau of Economic Research, 1998). With this concern, the assignment intends to establish certain methods by which Chile has been able to perform unilateral trade liberations successfully to the full elimination of quantitative restrictions and exchange controls. The trade liberalization of Chile could be classified under five stages of the development process. Generally, the unilateral trade liberalization technique involves the risk-sharing mechanism. By deducting the interest of domestic political affairs, unilateral trade relaxation may get blocked.

The unilateral tariff cutback by a certain degree gets rid of this incompetence, but in certain situations, the factor concerning trade liberalization becomes more effective in the nation (Edwards and Lederman, 1998). Trade liberalization is duly considered to be one of the significant topics from the preceding two decades as a form of economic policy for developing countries. It is worth mentioning in this regard that public-private partnership has played a pivotal role in framing the emerging economy for Chile.

The reduction of tariff towards the import of goods aided the private enterprises of the nation to grow extensively. In the past, executing free trade agreement has always been a subject of conflict for the agricultural sector. Agricultural product has been the issue of dynamic export arena accounting for fifteen percent of total exports. The main contrast appears from the traditional inward thoughts of the people (Saez, 2005). The first stage ranged from the period of 1974-1978 and thus categorized by the reduction and the simplification of trade barriers.

The second stage could be identified from 1978-1982, which reflected the picture of variation of its stabilization program.&nbsp.

write an article on George Washington as a Great Military Leader. It needs to be at least 1250 words.

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on George Washington as a Great Military Leader. It needs to be at least 1250 words.

What made Washington a great military leader is his unmatched wisdom and determination that made him prominent among his peers who also respected him and give him great importance in the decision-making process because they all realized that the presence and decision of Washington could make a significant difference in the situation2.Washington was among the few people of the world who devotedly fought for their ideologies and view regarding current affairs. He was a man with a purpose and passion and thus, this struggle was also led by this purpose and ideology and he always showed his willingness to risk his life for the sake of his convictions, beliefs, and views.

The military career of George Washington began as part of the militia in 1754 to 1758 and since then he exhibited great service responsibility as part of Virginia Militia. He was highly influenced by his brother who also prided him concrete training and directions to become an integral part of the U.S Arm forces. During his serving as an aide to General Braddock, he appeared as a determined and trustworthy militant3.When he was young, he spent many days working as a surveyor for Lord Fairfax of England that has now become the state of Virginia.

During these days he attained a great understanding of land and people with whom he later fought several battles after becoming part of the Continental Army of United States. Washington played important role in the political landscape of the United States but his services as military leaders allowed him to write his name in American history at a prominent place4.In his first battle, he was forced to surrender at the Pennsylvania frontier. Despite this defeat, Washington established his image as a reputable and courageous military leader.

In the battle of the Wilderness or Braddock’s defeat (1755), Washington proved himself as a great militant when he had two horses shot from under him but he eventually led the surviving British and colonial forces soldiers on victory when he had to assume command from General Edward Braddock who was deadly wounded.

Write 2 pages thesis on the topic long-term liabilities ( 9).

Write 2 pages thesis on the topic long-term liabilities ( 9).

Long-Term Liabilities (Assignment 9) Identify the changes in the long-term liability accounts that occurredduring the most recent accounting period. Blank spaces have been provided for you to write in additional items that appear in your firms long-term liability section.Long-term LiabilitiesAmount on Most Recent Balance Sheet Amount at End of Prior YearNet Change in DollarsNet Change in Percent Long-term debt1,395,093 1,304,225 90,8686.97%Capitalized lease obligations____Deferred tax liabilities194,469 188,9575,5122.

92%Pension liability251,551248,615 2,9361.18%Post-retirement medical and other benefits30,918 31,774 -856-2.69%Long-term income taxes payable13,38226,470-13,088-49.44%Other non-current liabilities89,863 97,039 7,1767.39%Total long-term liabilities1,975,2761,897,08078,1964.12%2. Based on the information in No. 1 and that found in the notes to the financial statements, briefly summarize the significant changes, if any, in the long-term liability accounts during the most recent year.There was one major significant change in the long-term liabilities of the company and involved long-term income taxes payable.

Long-term income taxes payable recorded a negative change of 49.44% from the previous. This clearly indicates that the company reduced its long-term income tax payable by 49.44 percent. This is a good sign of the efforts of the company tom reduce long-term liabilities. According to the notes on the financial statements, the management of the company recorded that the company recorded a significant reduction in income tax payable as a result of changes in tax policies. The U.S. federal and state tax audits resolved to lower the rate of income tax rate from 32.

5 percent in April 2, 2011 to 12.7 percent in March 31, 2012. 3. What are the approximate interest rates incurred on your firms long-term liabilities? Complete the schedule below. Some items, e.g., deferred tax liabilities, do not incur interest. Some (or most) of this information will be found in the notes to the financial statements.Long-term Liability AccountsApproximate Rate of lnterestIncome taxes payable12.7%Post-retirement medical and other benefits4%Long-term debt 5.6%4. What amount of cash is the firm obligated to pay out in each of the next five years for repayment of long-term debt, capitalized lease obligations, operating leases, and for other commitments?

YearRepayment of Long-term DebtCapital Lease ObligationsOperating LeasesOther CommitmentsYear 1294,643.6_19,407.817,972.6Year 2294,643.6_19,407.817,972.6Year 3294,643.6_19,407.817,972.6Year 4294,643.6_19,407.817,972.6Year 5294,643.6_19,407.817,972.6Totals 1,473,218.2_97,03989,8635. Go to the statement of cash flows. Observe the amount of “net cash flow from operations” generated in each of the last three years. To what extent does it appear that the company will be able to pay off the above scheduled obligations each year with cash generated from operations?

Might the company need to raise the required cash in some other way? Discuss.The company has been recording consistent increase in the amount of net cash flow from operations. In the last financial year ended in December 2011, the Pentair recorded a net cash flow from operations of 320,226,000. This is remarkable given the fact that the company has been recording consistent performance in the last three years. Taking a look at both the present and past performances of the company, the company is only able to pay long term debts.

The other obligations have the effect of straining the company’s financial resources and this may require the company to source for additional capital. The company may pay the obligations by raising additional capital from the stock market through the sale of shares. Pentair may also source for short term loans to clear the smaller obligations in order to remain with the obligation of paying for long term debts. 6. Find and read the footnote about your firms pension plan(s). Then answer the following questions.a. Which type(s) of pension plan does your firm have?

Check all that apply. The firm may have either type of plan, both, or none. None. b. Fill in the blanks below to determine if your company has sufficient assets to satisfy its pension obligations.1) Fair value of pension plan assets 378,990Less: accumulated benefit obligation (ABO) -(282,469)Excess (deficiency) of plan assets over ABO =96,5212) Fair value of pension plan assets371,690Less: projected benefit obligation (PBO) -(276,917)Excess (deficiency) of plan assets over PBO =94,773c.

If the company were liquidated today, would there be enough pension plan assets for the firm to meet its obligations to its employees? Explain. Yes. This is because the company has more pension plan assets compared to the accumulated benefit obligation. This means that the sale of pension assets will be able to generate income that will cover the company’s accumulated benefit obligations. d. If you acquired the company and its employees today, are there enough pension plan assets to cover benefits earned-to-date when the employees retire at their normal retirement dates? Explain. Yes.

This is a similar situation to the one named above because the company has the capacity to pay the entire obligation related to employee compensation even after their retirement without compromising their age of retirement. The analysis of the company’s pension plan indicates that the company has an excess of 94,773,000 which after covering the pension scheme obligations. N/B: question number seven has been skipped because the company’s bonds are not rated be Mergent. 8. Did your firm disclose any contingencies, sometimes called contingent liabilities, in the notes to the financial statements?

Discuss the specific nature of these contingencies and how (or whether) they are expected to affect the firms financial health. Yes. The company is facing legal proceedings with regard to its business conduct. To be more specific, the company has been sued for environment pollution and the management of the company estimates its liability to be valued at around 1.3 million dollars and the company has already established a current reserve of 1.5 million dollars to handle to the legal issue. This will affect the liquidity of the firm because the creation of a current reserve involves huge amounts of money. 9. Calculate each of the following ratios for the most recent year using the computational formulas just explained.a. Debt to total assets= total liabilities/total assets b.

Times interest earned = {Net income + [Interest expense + (1-tax rate)]}/Interest expensePentair, Inc.COMPARATIVE FIRMS Lennox Lincoln Snap-on Valmont Xylema. Debt to total assets5.44×6.1×4.3×4.1×3.9×5.1xb. Times interest earned 0.9×2.1×1.9×1.6×0.6×2.1×11. How do your firms ratios compare to those of your comparative firms? Are they high, low, about the same? Is there anything specific about your firm, its industry, or your comparative firms or industries that might tend to explain the differences between your companys ratios and those of the other firms? Discuss.Pentair, Inc.

has recorded relatively similar ratios to comparative firms because most of the firms have their ratios within the same range. However, there exists some difference in the financial ratios of the firms and this can be explained by the fact that the firms have operate in a similar competitive market. This requires that the firms explore their competitive advantages which may explain the differences in ratios (Nikolai, 2009). ReferenceNikolai, L. (2009). Intermediate Accounting. Chicago: Cengage Learning.

submit a 1750 words paper on the topic Child Poverty and Life Chances.

Hi, need to submit a 1750 words paper on the topic Child Poverty and Life Chances.

Browne (2011) defines the term “life chances” as an individual’s chances of getting access to all those things which are considered desirable by society and not being affected by all those things which are considered undesirable by society. Similarly, in the opinion of Ferrante (2012), social class can be identified as the phenomenon in which an individual’s belonging to a section of society can influence their life chances. Thus, one has to infer that the term “life chances” indicates having access to at least good education, healthcare facilities, food, clothing and housing.

An important point of Marx’s theory of social class is that the bourgeoisie, or the people who own the means of production, enjoy better social standing as they are powerful enough to impose their ideas on the proletariat (the working class). As the bourgeoisie class does not share the wealth justifiably, the difference in wealth between the working class and the bourgeoisie increases. Hence, the working class is deprived of the goods and services enjoyed by the bourgeoisie (Browne 2011).

Similarly, Weber categorises society into two groups. the negatively privileged property class and the positively privileged property class. The positively privileged class is blessed with marketable abilities and hence is able to enjoy expensive consumer goods and better services. On the other hand, the other class has no marketable abilities, and hence, is deprived of good goods and services (Ferrante 2012). It is pointed out by a UK Government report that measuring child poverty is a difficult task because their life chances are influenced by a number of factors other than just the income of the family.

Some such dimensions to be included are material deprivation, worklessness, unmanageable debt, poor housing, parental skill level, access to quality education, family stability, and parental health (Secretary of State for Work and Pensions 2012)The Child&nbsp.Poverty Action Group website gives an alarming picture of the situation in the UK.&nbsp.