prepare and submit a paper on modern literature 1.

Your assignment is to prepare and submit a paper on modern literature 1.

The Heart of Darkness and Things Fall Apart Most of the African novels that were written in the 19th century were Marjory based of colonization. It was a period in history when Africans encountered the whites and writers felt that the events of this period were best documented through writing. The Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad and Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe are some of the novels that were written during this time in history. They are both centered on the African struggles against European colonialism.

Although the books contain almost similar subject-matters, they are seemingly different. A careful analysis of both The Heart of Darkness and Things Fall Apart evidences that Conrad and Achebe differ in the manner in which they both write about the colonizing Europeans and the native Africans. It is important to note that Achebe was an African, while Conrad was Polish and did actually not learn English until in his twenties. The very initial difference in the two stories can be derived form a careful interpretation of their titles.

In Chinua’s Things fall apart, he elaborates on the manner in which Europeans came and destroyed the then peaceful systems of African traditions and resulted to everything literary falling apart. In The Heart of Darkness on the other hand, Conrad exposes how the African continent can be described as a dark continent as far as development and civilization are concerned. Characters are fundamental vehicles that writers employ in conveying their meaning. Another significant difference in these two stories is evidenced through the characters.

Marlow, the main character in The Heart of Darkness, travels to the central station from the outer station and encounters scenes of brutality and cruelty against the Africans. Marlow’s adventures portray the hypocrisy in the rhetoric employed to justify imperialism. The men working in the company describe their actions as trade and their ill treatment against Africans as part of civilization. Kurtz, another character in this story, agrees that he does not trade, but takes ivory by force. In his own words, his treatment to the Africans is extermination and suppression (56).

In Things Fall Apart, on the other hand, the author describes the Native Africans with intense praise. Okonkwo, the main character, is described as a hard-working and a determined man. He achieves a lot of social and financial success through his hard work and is viewed as a pillar in his clan and society. He is however, resistance to change and this leads to his final downfall. He has a strong sense of self-worth, which rests upon the standards the society judges him. Africans in The Heart of Darkness are presented as objects.

For instance, Marlow refers and views his helmsman as a machinery. He also refers to Kurt’s African mistress as a piece of statuary. Africans to Marlow are just backdrops or human screens on which he can play his existential and philosophical struggles. In Things Fall Apart on the other hand, Africans are viewed as people who are bold and with strong determination. For instance, Ezinma, the only child of Ekwefi and Okonkwo’s favorite daughter, is presented as one with a masculine spirit. She has kindred spirits that boost her precociousness and confidence.

Whites in this book have, on the contrary, being painted as evil and cruel. Reverent Smith, Mr. Brown’s successor, is vengeful, zealous, manipulative and small-minded. Madness in The Heart of Darkness is linked to imperialism. In this book, Africa is shown as a continent responsible for physical illness and mental degradation. From the onset, Marlow is told that Kurtz is mad. However, with a complete picture of Kurtz, it appears that his madness is relative. Generally, the picture that Conrad paints of Africans and Africa at large is entirely different from the manner in which Achebe illustrates them.

It is therefore arguable that, though the two books were written during similar historic times, they differ in their presentation of Africans and Whites. Achebe once accuses Conrad of making his point in the book by dehumanizing Africans. Work CitedPaul Davis, Gary Harrison, David Johnson, and John Crawford. Western & World Literature. New York: Bedford/St. Martins. 2003. 1-200. print.

Write 4 pages with APA style on Becoming who we are.

Write 4 pages with APA style on Becoming who we are.

For instance, my mother constantly updates the photos of herself in face-book platforms, so that her friends and peers may comment on them. This has an impact of shaping her identity and values, specifically because the comments normally determine the manner in which people are able to view her. For instance, I remember that one time, she was able to post a photo on her face-book platform, and she had put on some weights. This was able to attract a lot of comments from her friends, who suggested to her on the various methods that can be used for purposes of cutting on her weight.

This was one of the values that was being decimated ton her, that weight increase is not desirable. Telephones, specifically smart phones and mobile telephones play a role in shaping our values and attitudes. As a young person, I am interested in the sending of short messages, to my friends, as a mode of communication. We normally communicate on a variety of issues, ranging from sports, relationships, and politics. This has an impact of shaping my values and attitudes, mostly because I am able to know on the values and perceptions of others regarding a topic, and reflect on it, if, they are able to reconcile with my values and perceptions.

This is because every human being has some elements of beliefs and values (Steinem, 3). The personality of an individual can also be influenced through the methods used in communication. For example, mobile phone texting enables younger people to chat with each other, and these results to the passage of some information that may not be conducive. This would in turn lead to changes in the personalities of an individual, mainly because of the kind of information passed, during the process of chatting.

Explanation 2: Because of the emergence of the new methods of communication, many people have replaced the traditional methods of communication with these new forms of communication.

Write 5 pages with APA style on Unplugging Philco.

Write 5 pages with APA style on Unplugging Philco. All that happened after this lead to the establishment of a strict order and control in the state in order to save the citizens from the threat of terrorism. The purpose of strict measures, total control, and bureaucracy seems reasonable: protection of common people from Australians but the results it gave turned out to be unpredictable: general paranoia and subsequent madness. Every little accident, as well as disease and crime, are explained by the cunning efforts of terrorists. The main hero dares to get out of his zone of comfort by unplugging himself from governmental surveillance and gets into the secret and extremely weird society of Unpluggers, people united by the idea of freedom and quiet life. The idea of Knipfel is not new. It looks like numerous conspiracy theorists and dystopian writers try to warn the population of the world about the consequences of the choices we make starting from growing consumerism, increasing powers of corporations and government manipulation. However, the author makes readers think about the price we pay for ignoring these tendencies and thus accepting them in our everyday life. So with this satirical novel “Unplugging Philco” Knipfel tries to show people how even the most unnoticeable attempt of understanding the reality and changing it can prevent a huge catastrophe.

Knipfel had a rather serious challenge to accomplish as a writer- to create the text that would become a new dystopia not parodying and not copying the ideas of great writers and he managed to do just concentrating on the époque. In the center of every dystopia, there is some decline in society involving either undesirable totalitarian regime, loss of humanity or excessive robotization and technological development. “Unplugging Philco” combines all these characteristic features but the most frightening is that it is depicting not-so-distant reality, it is possible to even say, tomorrow reality of civilization.&nbsp.

prepare and submit a term paper on African-American Population. Your paper should be a minimum of 750 words in length.

You will prepare and submit a term paper on African-American Population. Your paper should be a minimum of 750 words in length. The fact that there is an upsurge in the population growth of Austin, Texas from the time it was incepted, the declining rate of African-Americans is perplexing. Could it be an issue of racial segregation in zones such as education or employment?

US data on population found that there is a major decline in the American-American population in the city of Austin, Texas as compared to other major fast-growing cities in the United States. The outmigration of African-American residents in some cities was also experienced but such cities didn’t have the same general population growth rate as compared to Austin1. The findings are more troubling in Austin, Texas than other cities due to the fact that they emerge statistically outlier as compared to other cities.

Between the years 2000 and 2010, Austin was ranked as the third fastest-growing city in the United State of America. The declaration was a result of the population growing by double digits, precisely 20.4%. It can also be described as a major city due to the fact that it has a population of more than 500,000.

It was also reported by US census Data that African-Americans were the only racial group that declined in the period 2000-2010. Other major racial groups saw a positive population growth rate. the White increased by 10.9%, Hispanic increased by 38.5%, Asians increased by 60.8% while African-American decreased by -5.8%. This indicated that Austin was the major city that experienced a double-digit population growth rate (20.4%), yet it experienced a decline in American-American.

write an article on Marketing: Mini-Cooper. It needs to be at least 2000 words. Demand in the United States, especially, has taken off, thanks to a marketing strategy designed to build mystique through stealth advertising and limited distribution”( Maynard)

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on Marketing: Mini-Cooper. It needs to be at least 2000 words. Demand in the United States, especially, has taken off, thanks to a marketing strategy designed to build mystique through stealth advertising and limited distribution”( Maynard)

Mini Cooper has attracted the world not only because of the unique features but because of the innovative marketing strategies as well. The manufacturer BMW has created waves of innovation in marketing and advertising strategies adopted for their car Mini Cooper which captured the attraction of worldwide people. This paper briefly analyses the features of Mini cooper and the marketing strategies adopted by BMW for marketing their product mini cooper in the international market.

“From the toggle switches for the windows and fog lights to the rocker buttons for the fan-speed controls, every switch and dial in the Mini feels of a piece with Mini and only the Mini. In truth, some of the components are gently massaged BMW parts, but thats not really obvious. And besides, BMW is a prestigious brand, so it’s not as if you’re getting second hand Daewoo stuff in your Mini”( Frank). Mini Cooper is not only attractive in appearance, but it is filled with a lot of useful features that other cars of the same type may not possess. Its hatch layout is well designed, with a low well for groceries and with seat uprights that flip forward 50/50. Mini Cooper excels in safety features also compared to its competitors. It has defeated its competitors in most of the road tests and also excelled in the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration crash tests. Moreover, it comes with six airbags (front, side, headliner), while its competitors only have standard front airbags. For an additional $500, people can purchase a Mini Cooper with stability control that will help keep the car on track in an emergency situation.

‘A marvelous marriage of British character and German know-how, the 2009 Mini Cooper is stylish, fun to drive and remarkably good on gas. Stellar fuel economy, sharp handling, excellent all-around&nbsp.performance in S and John Cooper Works trims, endearing retro styling, etc are the major features of the 2009 model of Mini Cooper’ (2009 MINI Cooper Review).

Write a 14 pages paper on geography. have the various types of aid helped indonesia recover after the tsunami and what are the issues that still hinder sustainable developments.

Write a 14 pages paper on geography. have the various types of aid helped indonesia recover after the tsunami and what are the issues that still hinder sustainable developments.

This is mainly because countries who give bilateral aid want to get something in return for their help in the long-run. Additionally, in order to give the reader a clearer and better understanding of the various types of aid Indonesia has received from countries and organisations such as Germany or the World Bank. Included are Case Studies such as a Case Study from a chemical firm called BASF. The allocation of funds in each sector can be clearly identified through a table. It can record the data of how much each country donated. the cooperativeness between countries can clearly be deduced.

While causing great damage to the country and its infrastructure, it can be argued, from an economic point of view, of course, that the tsunami also had some positive effects on the development of Indonesia because through the various types of aid whether it is financial aid or aid donated for their education. Indonesia has a better perspective of becoming sustainably developed now that the catastrophe occurred. Being that the aid could be put to good use for making the environment a better place to live.

Later in the essay there will be highlights on the economic point of view.

This extended essay deals with the Tsunami that happened in December 24, 2004 and affected the whole South Asian Region with destruction and misery. The essay focuses on Indonesia’s recovery from this natural disaster. After reading the essay, these questions can be answered: Have the various types of aid helped Indonesia recover after the tsunami and did the Tsunami cause major problems for Indonesia or help it to reach sustainable development?

In this context, primarily the ‘industrial countries’ would be the main focus.

The tsunami catastrophe happened on December 26, 2004, and can be regarded as one of the most devastating and deadliest natural events in world history.

Write an article on Potasium. The work is to be 2 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page.

I will pay for the following article Potasium. The work is to be 2 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page.

POTASSIUM Potassium Potassium element plays a pivotal role in the body and plant systems. According to Roza, (2007), Humphrey Davy discovered the element 1807. He managed to isolate this element through electrolysis method making it the pioneer the use of this approach in isolation of other elements (Shaposhnik, 2007). To date, the element is acquired through electrolysis of hydroxide or chloride because it is not found freely in nature (Roza, 2007). It was until the eighteenth century that Potassium and sodium were distinguished.

Potassium is an essential dietary mineral. Regulation of potassium levels inside and outside of cells affect normal bodily functions. Potassium is a chemical element represented by the symbol K and atomic number 19. Elemental potassium is a silvery-white metal, oxidizes quickly in the air, and reacts with water (Shaposhnik, 2007). During reaction with water, hydrogen is emitted and the heat generated is sufficient to ignite the hydrogen and burns with a lilac flame (Woodford, 2002). Potassium and Lithium are the least dense known metals.

Interestingly the composition of the element makes up about 1.5% the earth crust’s weight. It is one of the most common mineral elements though it is rarely found naturally. It is found in crystalline form as feldspars or micas (Woodford, 2002).Roza (2007) ascribed that people used plant ash to make soap. Later on scientists discovered that plant ash is composed of potassium (Roza, 2007). The main applications of potash were the production of glass, soap, bleach, and gunpowder as potassium nitrate.

The discovery of potassium chloride mineral deposits in Germany led to the mass production of potassium-containing fertilizers.The humans require this element for proper functioning of the system. There are events that leads to abnormal functioning that relates to deficiency of the element for instance consumption of coffee, alcohol, severe stressing of the body, excess strenuous physical and using potassium-wasting diuretics deprives the system of this element leading to hypokalemia (Roza, 2007. Woodford, 2002).

Potassium deficiency leads to muscle weakness, severe fatigue, cardiac arrest, nervous disorders and poor reflexes can occur. Other conditions that influence the risk of hypokalemia include severe vomiting or diarrhea, abuse of laxatives, anorexia or bulimia, Magnesium deficiency and congestive heart failure. Excess potassium in the body could lead to dehydration. The kidneys regulate the concentration of potassium in the body (Roza, 2007. Woodford, 2002). Potassium is the most absorbed mineral element by plants than other mineral elements and is essential for growth and metabolic processes (Woodford, 2002).

Potassium and sodium work together for several purposes. The combination aids in the regulation of body waste, control heart rhythms, and blood pressure (Roza, 2007. Woodford, 2002). It also sends oxygen to the brain thus clear thinking. Being an electrolyte, it regulates the balance of fluids in cells, including blood.It helps the plants in the growth of vegetation. It regulates and maintains the body system. Therefore, having adequate quantities of potassium helps the system performs its functions accordingly.

It must be regulated, excessive or deficiency could be hazardous to health.In conclusion, potassium is a vital element for both animal and plants because it plays essential regulatory function. Deficiency of this element can lead to problems that would be costly to manage. Its discovery was a breakthrough not only for the medical and industrial application but also for subsequent studies that aims to improve living condition.Table showing the properties of potassium elementPhysical properties of the elementColourMetal with silvery and white colour (Roza, 2007. Woodford, 2002)M.

P (melting point)Very low levels of about 145oF or 63oC (Roza, 2007. Woodford, 2002)Phase Solid in natural stateDensity Its less dense compared with waterChemical properties of the elementCompounds K2CO3, KCN, KBrReaction with waterViolent reaction that liberates hydrogen gas (Roza, 2007. Woodford, 2002)Chemical formulaeKOxidation Oxidises rapidly when exposed in airReactivity The element easily reacts explosively with non metals (S, Cl, F, P, N) and acids (Roza, 2007. Woodford, 2002)Storage Stored under oil to prevent rapid oxidation when in contact with air (Roza, 2007. Woodford, 2002)ReferencesRoza G. (2007) Potassium: Understanding the elements of the periodic table.

New York: The Rosen Publishing Group.Shaposhnik, V. A. (2007). History of the discovery of potassium and sodium (on the 200th anniversary of the discovery of potassium and sodium).&nbsp.Journal of Analytical Chemistry&nbsp.62&nbsp.(11): 1100–2.&nbsp.doi:10.1134/S1061934807110160.Woodford C. (2002) Potassium: Elements.

write an article on The Essence of Old Age. It needs to be at least 1750 words.

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on The Essence of Old Age. It needs to be at least 1750 words.

I started to dream in my early twenties. Till that time, I was kind of suppressed under my father’s strict and cold behavior. My childhood was sad due to my father’s temper and aggression. So I have always dreamt of a life which is free from tensions and emotional suffocations. So throughout my life, financial independence and a peaceful life have been my dream. It has never changed.

Q: What do you remember about your 20s? The 30s? 40s? The 50s? 60s? What events stand out in your mind?

A: The most important event was my parent’s divorce when I was 15. That was when my life began as I was freed from my father’s clutches. It took me more than three years after that to bring out my personality and life. I was good at studies, and my researches and degree in psychology got me a job as a professor. I remember being with my assistants, students, and colleagues. My most memorable events are my marriage and my daughter’s birth, which was in my 30’s. Life has been beautiful in the ’40s and ’50s. Retirement did leave a vast emptiness and gap in my life, but I have learned how to fill that gap and relax in leisure (Smiles).

Q: How was each age different from the one before it?

A: Age does not matter. Every age is essential when you enter that age. People feel that you change with age, but I don’t think so. You remain the same. Wise people become wiser, but idiots keep on making the same mistakes repeatedly. My life has been smooth and straightforward. Nothing dramatic has ever happened to me. Sadly, I am not a James Bond (Laughs).

Q: There are some pages we don’t look forward to. What birthday was you least enthusiastic about? Why?

A: As I said, I have never been concerned about age. How does it matter? After all, every generation has a gift. I was somewhat worried about retirement, so I was a little nervous about crossing the 50’s. But when it came, it brought the pleasures of a relaxed life.

Q: If you could go back to any age, which age would it be and why?

A: I have lived my life to the fullest, so do not have any desire of going back.

Create a 9 pages page paper that discusses russia geopolitical profile.

Create a 9 pages page paper that discusses russia geopolitical profile.

Russia is the largest country in the world with its borders stretching from northern Europe across northern Asia to the Bering Straits. As the largest country in the world, with an area of 17,075,400 square kilometres, it is one of the few countries in the world that have a diversity of natural resources, people, as well as neighbouring countries. The result is that this country has come to exert a lot of influence over a large territory as well as its neighbours for centuries. Its geographical position is unique because it allows it to wield some influence on three continents as well as being able to project itself militarily.

Russia incorporates a wide range of climates and environments within its territory and these have had an effect on its historical development. Moreover, this country has borders with a diverse number of countries including China, Norway, Lithuania, Finland, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, the United States across the Bering Straits, among many others. The geographical position of this country has also placed it on top of the largest oil and gas reserves on the planet and this country has been able to ensure that this resource is used to further its geopolitical power over the Eurasian region.

In addition to oil and natural gas, Russia has other significant resources which include deposits of timber, coal, and as well as mineral resources that have given it an advantage over other countries in the region. As the largest producer of natural gas in the world, Russia is in a unique position to determine the futures of some of its neighbouring countries, most of which were former member states of the Soviet Union. It is through its unique position as being the number one producer of natural gas, in addition to oil, that it has been able to ensure that it maintains its influence over the&nbsp.region because it has the funding necessary to make its influence felt.

The large forests that are found in the region of Siberia are second only to the Amazon jungle in Brazil and they are believed to absorb large amounts of carbon dioxide which helps to ensure that the air in the region is kept clean.&nbsp.

Tell me the story of your educational history—the journey you’ve been on, the good, the bad, how you have felt about yourself as a learner in your past schooling, whether you had a growth mindset or a fixed mindset. Paint me a picture; make it detailed. Some things I’d like you to include: Describe one particularly good experience you’ve had in your past education and tell me about why it was good. (This may be in any subject, including trade or general life experience ) Describe one particularly bad experience you’ve had in previous education and tell me why it was bad

Essay #1: Narrative Essay– Where are you going, where have you been?

Your Educational Autobiography

This is your first FORMAL ESSAY ASSIGNMENT. That means this assignment will be:

  1. Typed with 12 point Times New Roman Font
  2. 4 pages in length
  3. Formatted in MLA with a Works Cited Page

Essay Writing Prompt:

Tell me the story of your educational history—the journey you’ve been on, the good, the bad, how you have felt about yourself as a learner in your past schooling, whether you had a growth mindset or a fixed mindset. Paint me a picture; make it detailed.

Some things I’d like you to include:

  • Describe one particularly good experience you’ve had in your past education and tell me about why it was good. (This may be in any subject, including trade or general life experience )
  • Describe one particularly bad experience you’ve had in previous education and tell me why it was bad
  • Talk about how the ideas in Carol S. Dweck’s “Brainology
  • ” relate to your educational experience (not just in English classes). In what ways have you been praised or rewarded for being talented or successful vs. being praised for hard work and effort? You must cite quotes from Dweck’s essay—you may also cite quotes from our other readings
  • You should also discuss the essay about 4 types of mistakes
  • Please include some of your past experiences with academic reading and writing. If you like doing these things, why do you? If you don’t, why not? Do you feel confident in these areas? Do you feel a desire to master reading and writing skills?
  • What are some of the obstacles that you must overcome to be successful in this class? How will you accomplish that?
  • Close by bringing me up to the present. Can you find a connection between mastering English skills and your ultimate academic goals?

A reading you might find relevant is “Shitty First Drafts”

by Anne Lamott.