Write 2 pages thesis on the topic circuit project 2. Lab Report, Engineering and Construction Circuit Project 2 Simulation Simulation The equations are xn = Ax + BU and y = Cx + Du 1.1. Source Code

Write 2 pages thesis on the topic circuit project 2. Lab Report, Engineering and Construction Circuit Project 2 Simulation Simulation The equations are xn = Ax + BU and y = Cx + Du 1.1. Source Code

% Function definition

Function [xdot] = trans_analysis(tim, xn)

xn1 = zeros (4, 2).

xn1 = [xn(1). xn(2). xn(3). xn(4)].

Ln1 = 1.4.

Rn1 = 3300.

Ln2 = 0.15.

Cn1 = 51e-6.

Cn2 = 14e-6.

un = 150 * sin(10 * tn).

Ax = [0 1 1 0.(-Ln2 – Ln1) / (Ln1 * Ln2 * Cn1) (-Rn1 * Ln2 – Rn1 * Ln1) / (Ln1 * Ln2) – 1 / (Ln2 * Cn2) 0. 0 0 1 1.-1 / (Ln2 * Cn1) -Rn1 / Ln2 -1 / (Ln2 * Cn2) 0].

Bx = [0. (Ln2 + Ln1) / (Ln1 * Ln2).0.1 / Ln2].

Un = un.

xn = A * xn1 + B * U.

Calling Functions File

t0 = 0.

tnf = 3.

tn_interval = 0.10.

xn0 = [].

tspan = t0: tn_interval:tf.

[tn, xn] = ode22(trans, tspan, x1).


plot(tn, xn(:,5),Tn / Xn)

grid on

title(circuit current)

xlabel(Time – seconds)

ylabel(Current Amp [A])


plot(tn, xn(:, 5),Ks)

grid on

title( Current / Time)

xlabel(Time seconds)

ylabel(Current [Amps])


plot(t, (xn (:, 5) – xn(:, 5)), ks)

grid on

title(Current / Time)

xlabel(Time sec’)

ylabel(Current [Amps])

Y = C * x + d * U

% first condition is ST. input and FT:

yt = 0. Tn = 0.11. Nt = 15.

ut = 5. %

for ii = 0 : t : N

knt1 = Tnx * f (yy, t, tt).

knt1 = Tnx * f (yt + knt1, ut, tNt + T).

yt = yt + 0.20 * (kt1 + kt2).


1.2. &nbsp.Using ODE

1.2.1. Output Display

1.3. Using State Space block in Simulink

1.3.1. Output Display


1.4. Building scheme applying Powersim toolbox

1.4.1. Output Display

Fig 4: Current against Time

2. Report

2.1. Values of the Parameters

The parameters being used in the simulation are voltage, electric current, electric charge from the capacitors, resistance, power and time. The ranges of the values used are shown below:


Upper Limit

Lower Limit

Voltage (V)



Electric Charge – Te



Electric Charge – Ti



Resistance R1



Resistance R2



Time (Seconds)



2.2. Introduction

The simulation of the electric circuit in this exercise takes three dimensions, each of which shows a unique result. The methods are simulation with ODE, Powersim toolbox and Simulink and State Space block (Brian, 27). The output demonstrates the variation of the electric properties against time.

2.3. Schematic Diagram

2.4. Comparison of the three Results

The first simulation shows three lines of voltage for Vx1, Vx2 and vx3. These are the three variables representing the voltage at different time and at different currents. Vx3 has the greatest amplitude followed by vx1 then finally vx2. The second simulation shows non linear relationship between the voltage and the time (Shailendra, 54) and (Khaled 38). The bode plottting shows almost constant boud against the time variable then a decline from the midle to the end. Simulation 3 shows results in separate plotting for y1 and y2 in which the amplitude of the voltages are higher that in a separate y1 plotting.

Works Cited

Brian Su-Ming Fan,&nbsp.Modeling and Simulation of a Hybrid Electric Vehicle Using MATLAB/Simulink and ADAMS, NewYork: University of Waterloo, 2007. DepaRnment of Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering, 2007.

Shailendra, Jain, MODELING & SIMULATION USING MATLAB SIMULINK (With CD). New Delhi: Wiley India Pvt. Limited, 2007

Khaled M. Gharaibeh, Nonlinear Distortion in Wireless Systems:&nbsp.Modeling and Simulation with MATLAB, New York: John Wiley & Sons, 2011.

Write a 7 pages paper on impact of existentialism on the 20th century humanity. An existentialist holds that an individual ought not to be coerced to make decisions and be accountable without uniform application of regulations, ethnic systems, or cultures.

Write a 7 pages paper on impact of existentialism on the 20th century humanity. An existentialist holds that an individual ought not to be coerced to make decisions and be accountable without uniform application of regulations, ethnic systems, or cultures.

Impact of existentialism on 20th century Society

&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp. Existentialistic philosophies were discovered when human persons across the world were grappling with a profound sense of hopelessness following the economic challenges of the Great Depression and the Second World War. Nonetheless, there was a ray of hope among humanity that had been devastated by extensive wars and calamities that rocked the world in the 1940s (West, 2008). This dejection had been expressed by existentialist thinkers well into the second half of the twentieth century and has assumed more prominence ever since. The central tenet of existentialism that extended into the twenty-first century revolves around the act of allowing humanity the liberty to choose their preferred ethical beliefs and way of life. For instance, an existentialist could either exhibit religious morality or amoral atheism, or agnostic relativism (Dore, 2010).

&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp. Existentialism essentially holds that human existence falls short of being successful and enjoyable because of pain and damages that occur when looking into the lack of faultlessness, authority, and composure that one enjoys over their existence. Whereas the philosophers do concur that fact is not somewhat satisfying, it has essence Twentieth-century existentialism involved exploring and process for actual self and true individual essence in life (Hufford, 2010). Notably, the arbitrary acts define the negative sense of existentialism. that is, an individual’s or a society’s attempt to compel or put demands that their philosophies, morals, or principles must be duly accepted and respected, waters down the essence of existentialism. Existentialists believe that this erodes individuality from humanity and renders them more of puppets of the leaders who hold influential positions. Existentialism then accentuates that an individual’s decision defines his or her essence. Arbitrary spiritual or worldly values, however, contravene individual liberty.

Provide a 8 pages analysis while answering the following question: The Mundell-Fleming Model. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required.

Provide a 8 pages analysis while answering the following question: The Mundell-Fleming Model. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. This paper shall discuss the Mundell-Fleming Model as applied to a specific condition of floating exchange rates in an open small economy and perfect capital mobility, with special attention to how fiscal and monetary policies impact the macroeconomy. The writer shall attempt to test and explain the proposition that “fiscal policy is likely to be ineffective, while monetary policy may be effective, in achieving internal and external balance. ”

The Mundell-Fleming model uses the Hicksian IS and LM framework to analyze the effectiveness of fiscal and monetary policies for small open economies under fixed and flexible exchange rates, assuming perfect capital mobility. The seed of the model is found in his published article (Mundell 1962), which later appeared in his book in 1968 and a collection of macroeconomics essays in 1970.

An attempt will be made to discuss some basic concepts relevant to the topic with the aim of leading the reader towards a clearer understanding of the premises and the relationships that underpin the effectiveness, or lack thereof, of fiscal and monetary policies in bringing about the desired changes that would result in an internal and external balance.

The problem faced by many economies concerns the achievement of internal stability and balance of payments equilibrium. Mankiw (1997) defines stabilization policy as a public policy aimed at keeping output and employment at their natural rate levels. Fiscal and monetary policy can be used as instruments to attain these objectives if capital flow responds to differences in interest rates among the economies. An appropriate policy mix should be one where a country with a balance of payments surplus and facing inflationary pressures will attempt to ease the monetary situation through selling in open market operations and at the same time raising taxes, thereby reducing the money supply. A deficit country with unemployment problem or less than full employment will reduce interest rates and lower taxes or increase government spending.

teen sport positively contributes to adolescent’s live as they transition to adult life

I need some assistance with these assignment. teen sport positively contributes to adolescent’s live as they transition to adult life Thank you in advance for the help! The adolescents need to develop skills to prepare them for adult life. The community is thus required to provide an enabling environment that enhances competence of the teens in academic, social and cultural lives.For the teens to successfully move to adulthood, it is a central requisite for them to develop and interact with the world.

Sports play an important role in modeling the lives of adolescents as it bears a positive impact on development. Teen sports include. basketball, football, gymnastics, athletics among others (Steinberg 96). Teen sports are usually offered through community recreation centers, learning institutions, and private clubs. Teen sports nurture adolescents’ self-esteem and enhance positive peer relations. This helps in evading negative pressures. The engagement of teens in sports ensures that they do not lay idle. This eliminates the incidences of evils associated with idleness such as adultery, theft, alcoholism among others. However, it is necessary to have controlled teen sports because some are unhealthy, dirty, and risky. The community and the government in general should take an initiative to control teen sports to prevent moral decadence (Wepner, Feeley, and Strickland 67).

Sports enhance the interaction of teens from various ethnic groups, races,s, and gender. This encourages the exchange of ideas, experiences, and learning from each other’s way of life. . This promotes the diverse relationship of peers. Diverse relationship eliminates the evils of ethnicity, racism, and gender disparities. The relationship brought about by teen sports castigates courage in the way adolescents conduct themselves. The diverse relationship makes the teens stop considering parents and relatives as the only people to relate love and interact with. Thus sports play an integral part in molding the relationship interaction of the adolescents.

Participation in sports makes adolescents proactive and healthy.

The history of south africa between 1650 and 1913. The work is to be 4 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page.

I will pay for the following article The history of south africa between 1650 and 1913. The work is to be 4 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page. The Dutch colony in South Africa, established after their arrival in 1652, was “accidental” (Keegan 15). The Dutch had initially intended South Africa to be no more than a trading post. They hoped that they would be able to trade with the native population to ensure supplies for their ships. However, this arrangement did not work out as well as the Dutch had planned and a decision to colonise the area was made. In order to do this, the Dutch came into conflict with the Khoikhoi natives through colonising their land. This act of force was met with heavy native resistance (Ross 22-23). The first Khoikhoi-Dutch war began in 1659 and was ended with a treaty, acknowledging Dutch rights over the disputed territory. The Dutch had successfully exploited native tribal tensions despite low morale and limited numbers. The conflict did not end with the imposition of the treaty. in 1673 a four year war began as a result of the murder of white elephant hunters. At the end of the war, the Dutch seized at least 1,765 Khoikhoi cattle and 4,930 sheep. Even though the Dutch never again declared war on the them, this was the beginning of the end for the Khoikhoi and they were forced to retreat to other areas (Frederickson 30-31).

The second point to be analysed is the arrival of the British and how this impacted on the Dutch and the Bantu, with particular reference to the Xhosa. Like the Dutch, the British occupation in South Africa was not initially about colonisation. The first occupation, beginning in 1795, was a “temporary measure” aimed at preventing the French from gaining authority in the area and to “guarantee provisions and a safe harbor for Britains great Asian fleets” (Beck 42).

research paper on preventing and removal of ransomware. Needs to be 6 pages. Please no plagiarism. Ransomware is a threat due to the inability to recover information from the infected computer.

Need an research paper on preventing and removal of ransomware. Needs to be 6 pages. Please no plagiarism. Ransomware is a threat due to the inability to recover information from the infected computer.

Ransomware is a hijacking threat in the computer system using encryption technology to limit or prevent the user’s access to their system. The three types of ransomware include encrypting malware, lock-screen viruses, and scareware. The ransomware makes is in the form of police blocking computer access or FBI virus while others use pornographic images to embarrass the victim. The victims of this malware are usually internet users though the hijacking of their user files. It often requires the user to pay ransom to the malware creator before removing the restriction. The attacker may seize the files or computer until the user pays the ransom to online currency accounts such as Webmoney or eGold. The attacks using ransomware are becoming more sophisticated and refined in algorithm posing great challenges to data protection.

We will consider the history of ransomware, how ransomware functions in this article. Besides, the paper discusses the reason behind its fast growth, how to prevent it, or fix the computer after infection. The increase in the use of ransomware since the formation of the first one raises the question of why they are becoming more prominent. The ransomware is likely to evolve further with the current ones having the ability to encrypt and lock the files. The latest actions of the ransomware ensure the damage they cause continues even after removal without paying the ransom money.

History of ransomware

As the technology evolves, the malware also evolves in many ways to thrive (Elisan & Hypponen, 2013). . Ransomware has changed over time since the first case in the infection methods, directives and persistence. The early cases of ransomware were benign and easy to remove. However, new strains are more persistent and pose great threats. The first ransomware is PC Cyborg in 1989 that claimed the expiry of a license to the software and needed a payment of $189 to unlock. It encrypted all directories in C disk producing an error message to most commands. The program also protected the software from unauthorized use and during leasing of the program of PC Cyborg Corporation. The PC Cyborg is the first encryption malware.

mystery shopper

I need some assistance with these assignment. mystery shopper Thank you in advance for the help! The three travel agencies provide a wide range of services including organizing cruises, guided tours, vacations, and flights among others. However, each company has a unique offering. Although they operate in the same sector, I must admit that my experience with each of the three travel agencies was quite different. The purpose of this paper is to present a critical analysis of my experiences after visiting the three travel agencies.

Liberty Travel – when I visited Liberty Travel, the first impression I got was that of a well-established company. The office was quite big considering that it was a travel agency. There were between 50 and 60 employees in the large office that was organized in such a way that one could actually see the entire space. The employees looked motivated and welcoming. I was attended to immediately I entered the office. The employee who attended to me was very jovial, which I loved. She was very keen on listening to me and provided me with all the information that I needed. The packages they were offering were very good. I was particularly pleased to know that the company could organize personalized vacations where the customer would suggest what experiences he or she would love. However, the main weakness I found in Liberty Travel was their pricing. The company had very high prices, which I thought was over the board. If I owned the company, I would provide a variety of packages at different prices to accommodate the rich as well as the middle income people.

American Express Travel – the American Express Travel office was quite small with less than 30 employees. However, I noted that there were very many customers waiting to be served. Personally, I waited for about 10 minutes to be served, which I felt was a weakness in the company. The employees were warm and welcoming. However, they did not seem as keen with customers as I had witnessed at Liberty Travel.

Write 16 pages with APA style on Hydraulics and Pneumatics: Hydraulic Pump Design. The impulse flow pump turbine that was developed initially operated in the USA in the form of a Pelton wheel with a split bucket and a central edge in 1880.Pelton wheel with double elliptic buckets that includes a notch for the jet and a needle that controls the nozzle.

Write 16 pages with APA style on Hydraulics and Pneumatics: Hydraulic Pump Design. The impulse flow pump turbine that was developed initially operated in the USA in the form of a Pelton wheel with a split bucket and a central edge in 1880.Pelton wheel with double elliptic buckets that includes a notch for the jet and a needle that controls the nozzle.

For rotor flow at the inlet and outlet are radial, while the inflow and outflow at the runner are totally axial. Generally, the system involves the use of steel scroll cases for heads between 35 and 65 m in addition to the spiral casing for heads between 35m and 65m. The runner diameter for the largest hydraulic turbine pump is up to 10 m (Massey, 1996). The design of horizontal bulb hydraulic pump turbines include a horizontal axis with the advantage of having a straight flow path through the intake and draft tube.

It is possible to estimate the torque on any turbomachinery rotor from the inlet and outlet velocity triangles resulting in Euler equation that assists in the calculation of specific energy transferred by the runner.

In the case of hydraulic turbines, the degree of reaction is defined as the ratio of a drop in static pressure across the runner to the static pressure drop across the stage. Pelton turbines are small turbines that do not have reactions with the occurrence of pressure drop across the stationary structures while no drop in pressure across the runner.

Pumps provide mechanisms of moving fluids from one level to another and are excellent areas of application of the hydrostatic principle (Eastop, 1997). The main types of pumps in use are hydrostatic or positive displacement pumps and centrifugal pumps.

This paper focuses on centrifugal pumps that can be understood by hydrostatic considerations. This paper provides a report about the types of modern pumps that are commonly used to accomplish functions of pipes and the aims of this report are to provide detail regarding the types of pumps used in industries, their design considerations and specifications during design.

writing homework on The Concept of Humanism.

Need help with my writing homework on The Concept of Humanism. Write a 1250 word paper answering; There are three major types of contexts that an individual can view humanity from, and these are, religious, secular, and renaissance humanism (Zimmermann, 14). On most occasions, scholars who are speaking on humanism normally tend to ignore these types of humanism, and they speak of it, from a general perspective. This has an impact of causing confusion, to the audience of these scholars. In defining humanism, Durbin explains that there does not exist a general definition of this concept of humanism, but it depends on the context in which an individual views it (Durbin, 6). For instance, renaissance humanism refers to the movement that began in the middle ages, which gave mankind the ability to determine the truth or falsehood, by themselves (Durbin, 11). This movement is also characterized by the restoration of classical letters. Secular humanism emerged in the 18th century, because of the growth of the rationalism movement, and the emergence of a well-educated group of people, who wanted to view humanity, based on a rational approach (Durbin, 22). On the other hand, religious humanism is closely associated with an ethical culture, universalism, and Unitarianism. Therefore, the best way of defining humanism, is by analyzing it, based on the different types of humanism that exists. Almási tries to come up, with a general definition of humanism, and he defines it as an ethical and philosophical stance, which is able to emphasize the value of human beings, either collectively and individually (Almasi, 16). This paper takes a stand that to understand the concept of humanism, there is a need of analyzing the three major contexts of humanism that is religious, renaissance, and secular humanism.

Religious humanism is a concept that came out of the culture of universalism, Unitarianism, and ethics. In modern times, almost everybody who advocates for ethics, and Unitarianism, can be considered as a modern-day humanist. However, there is a dilemma on whether their world views are religious or not. Good (33) argues that those who take a philosophical approach in identifying these people can be viewed as secular humanists, while those who view them from a religious perspective, are considered as religious humanists.

research paper on toshiba notebook computer assembly line. Needs to be 1 page.

Need an research paper on toshiba notebook computer assembly line. Needs to be 1 page. Please no plagiarism. Question No. 4: What about running the line at 300 units per day? If overtime were used with the engineers initial design, how much time would the line need to be run each day?

Answer: In exhibit 6.9, it has been detailed how the engineers who designed the new subnotebook computer felt that the new line should be organized. The engineers designed the line with the assumption that for every 2 minutes, one subnotebook is assembled. By using this assumption, we calculate the time needed to produce 300 units a day:

300 computers X 2 minutes = 600 minutes a day

600 minutes X (1 hour/60 minutes) = 10 hours

Therefore, ten hours is needed every day in order to produce 300 units of Toshiba Subnotebook.

Question No. 6: What other issues might Toshihiro consider when bringing the new assembly line up to speed? One example for question number 6.

Answer: Remember that in question number six, we assume that there are only six line workers working in an assembly line and they are expected to produce one unit for every 2 minute. That is already overwhelming. If Toshihiro brings the line speed up, he may need to add more workers to ensure quality. Of course, quality is an utmost consideration. However, the goal of the company is to increase productivity and reduce production cost. Speeding up the line speed may require more line workers in order to ensure quality and this would likewise increase the production cost. In a nutshell, the top concerns that Toshihiro should consider are the quality, productivity and production cost.