Eurocentrism and Life Span Development

Theories Doctoral students often ask, “How do I decide what theory to use in my dissertation or DSW capstone study?” Sometimes, researchers select their theory based on the study population. For example, if a researcher is studying middle-age adults, it may make sense to use a life span development theory. Or perhaps the researcher is studying characteristics inherent to a particular stage of life; then it may also make sense to use a life span development theory. Before you choose a theory to apply to your study population, consider whether the theoretical concepts or constructs reflect a Western perspective and are insensitive to the needs of the target population. Some scholars, for example, have questioned whether theories developed by theorists who hold White European or Anglo-American cultural perspectives respect the values from other cultures that may be more collectivist. As you read the articles for this Assignment, pay particular attention to how Griffin, Mroczek, and Wesbecher critique the life span theories.

 To prepare: Review the following articles from the Learning Resources: “Living happily despite having an illness: Perceptions of healthy aging among Korean American, Vietnamese American, and Latino older adults” by Nguyen, Lee, Sorkin, and Gibbs. “Personality Development Across the Lifespan: Theory, Research, and Application” by Griffin, Mroczek, and Wesbecher. Using your potential doctoral capstone topic as a guide, identify a specific topic with which you can incorporate Levinson’s theory on midlife development or Neugarten’s theory on aging and one of the three diverse populations (Asian immigrants, Latino immigrants, or Native Americans). For example, if your topic is domestic violence, a specific topic that incorporates the above elements might be domestic violence among Latino immigrant elders. 

Submit a 2- to 3-page analysis that addresses the following: Identify your topic and its connection to a diverse population group.

 In 2–3 sentences, briefly summarize the assumptions of the life span development theory you selected. 

Describe the cultural values and belief systems of the group you chose, using literature to ground your claims.

 Analyze the extent to which the assumptions of Levinson’s theory or Neugarten’s theory are culturally relevant to the group you selected. Relative to the topic and population, describe one social work practice recommendation from each of the micro, meso, and macro levels when working with the population in relation to your topic or problem. 

Remember that the social work practice recommendations need to be informed by the life span theory you selected. Evaluate how the life span theory you selected is consistent with social work ethics.

Erikson’s Theory: Generativity vs. Stagnation

Erikson’s theory is one of the most popular theories to explain psychosocial development. His theory consists of eight stages, and each is characterized by a psychosocial crisis. Generativity versus stagnation is the seventh stage, experienced by adults between the ages of 40 and 65. To better understand this concept of generativity, Warburton, McLaughlin, and Pinsker (2006) conducted a qualitative study with older Australians. In this Discussion, you analyze and apply the findings of the Warburton et al. study.

To prepare:

  • Review the following article from the Learning Resources: “Generative Acts: Family and Community Involvement of Older Australiansfrom The International Journal of Aging and Human Development.
  • Review the remaining required resources from your Learning Resources this week, and cite at least one additional resource in your posts.


Post a response to the following:

  • Summarize Erikson’s description of generativity in 2–3 sentences.
  • Analyze how the findings from Warburton et al. (2006) are consistent or not consistent with Erikson’s definition of generativity.
  • Imagine that you are a researcher on the Warburton et al. research team, and then formulate two additional interview questions that align with Erikson’s theory about generativity versus stagnation.
  • Identify two specific recommendations for social work interventions or social work service delivery that align with the findings of the study and Erikson’s theory about generativity versus stagnation.
  • Explain how the two social work recommendations are aligned with the study’s findings and Erikson’s theory.



To Negotiate “or not” with Terrorists


Rather than me posting a series of questions, each of you will instead develop a graduate level question (i.e., not simply one which can be answered via regurgitation and no original thought), and then you will answer the very question you composed. 

1. Compose a graduate level question directly related to Course Learning Objective #7, that is “Judge the assertion that it is always best to not negotiate with Terrorist Group’s” Note: In forming your question, one of the following verbs must be used: argue, interpret, assess, defend, propose, develop, analyze, or compare. 


2. Fully answer the question you have created. Again this discussion (based on both the readings contained to prepare for it, and the posts to be made) is directly connected to the following Course Learning Objective: CO7: Judge the assertion that it is always best to not negotiate with Terrorist Group’s  







Safety and Agency Responsibility

Please paraphrase the attached document. 

dentify, discuss, and compare the roles of members assigned to a crisis team.


Consist of a minimum of 14 double spaced pages of written content (not including title page, images, charts, abstract, table of contents, and or reference pages). The paper will address the following topic:


Identify, discuss, and compare the roles of members assigned to a crisis team. As a minimum include (a) negotiators, tactical team members, and health care/mental health professionals. Please make sure to discuss (in specifics) what each brings to the team and how they can or and should be used.


Note: This paper is directly linked to the following course learning objective:


CO8: Extrapolate the role that health care professionals, hostage negotiators, and tactical team members play in successfully dealing with crisis and hostage situations


This paper must have at least 10 references from primary sources, for example the weekly readings, peer-reviewed journals, etc. Use of newspapers, news magazines, and similar periodicals must be kept to a minimum but a fine for background material. Students are encouraged to use the APUS online library in order to utilize peer-reviewed journals to the maximum extent possible.


Web sources should be evaluated based on the site sponsor, among other things, such as: How long has the site existed? Is there sufficient information to judge credentials, authenticity, credibility, and bias? Are facts supported by cited sources? Is the material published only on the web? Wikipedia is not an acceptable source.


This research paper must be written using American Psychological Association (APA) style. In part this must include the following: (b) Times New Roman style, (c) 12-point font, (d) double-spaced, with (e) 1 inch page margins all around. For general guidance see the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 7th Edition.

Applying Empowerment Theory to a Topic and Population

Empowerment theory is appropriate to use when a social worker engages with a marginalized population. A population may feel marginalized because of a perceived lack of control over their lives. They may feel that they have a limited voice or sense of power because they are seen negatively by society merely because of their membership in a particular social group (e.g., gay, lesbian, poor, racial minority, or differently abled).

One way that social workers share research—on marginalized populations and others—is through organizational conferences and meetings. The Council on Social Work Education (CSWE) sponsors the Annual Program Meeting (APM), where social work educators from all over the United States convene every year. The APM offers several types of sessions, and one of them is a poster presentation. During this session, viewers walk through the exhibit hall and interact with the presenters who are standing by their posters.

For this Assignment, imagine that your poster has been accepted and that you will be presenting it in the exhibit hall. Your poster presentation is based on your potential doctoral capstone topic and on a marginalized population. Because of the population, you are using empowerment theory to frame your topic.

To prepare:

  • Review this article from the Learning Resources: “Ten Simple Rules for a Good Poster Presentationby Erren and Bourne.
  • For samples or templates of poster presentations, browse the website noted in the Learning Resources.
  • Locate an empirical research article in the library about your topic or problem and a marginalized population.

Your poster presentation should include the following:

  • In bullet points, summarize the basic assumptions of empowerment theory.
  • Identify the key concepts or terms associated with empowerment theory.
  • Based on the article you located, summarize in three bullet points the major issues associated with the topic and population.
  • In bullet points, describe how empowerment theory explains the cause of the problem in the targeted population (for example, child abuse among poor racial minority groups).
  • Explain how change occurs to rectify the problem from the perspective of empowerment theory for this targeted population.
  • Describe two interventions (from a day-to-day social work practice perspective or a policy perspective) that address this problem and that align with empowerment theory. Provide evidence from peer-reviewed journals or other scholarly resources to support the use of the recommended interventions with this population and problem.
  • Evaluate one strength and one limitation in using empowerment theory to analyze the problem for this targeted population.

Photovoice: Empowerment Theory and Critical Theory

Photovoice is a research strategy that employs photographs to illustrate a social problem from the perspective of the research participants who experience it. On pages 49–50 of Molloy’s article, the author describes a Photovoice project, Rural Routes.

For this Discussion, imagine that you are a member of a research team asked to develop a set of questions to lead the small group of social work students in a discussion about the photographs they took representing their research ideas related to social change.

The Discussion questions should align with empowerment theory. When developing your questions, ask yourself “What concepts from empowerment theory are the Discussion questions tapping into?” For example, one question could be “What are some of the barriers that block this group from achieving their goals?” (In this case, the concept from empowerment theory is direct and indirect power blocks).

To prepare:·        

  • Review the following article listed in the Learning Resources: “Photovoice as a Tool for Social Justice Workers” by Molloy.
  • Review the optional Photovoice resources by Peabody (2013) and Mulder and Dull (2014), as needed.
  • Review the ontological, axiological, and methodological assumptions of critical theory from Week 3 and on pages 41–43 in Molloy’s article.
  • Take a picture or find an image that represents your research idea and/or the social change goals you hope to achieve through your research.

Post a response to the following:

  • Post a photo or image that represents your research.
  • Explain what this photo or image means to you.
  • Explain how Photovoice aligns with critical theory’s ontological, axiological, and methodological assumptions.
  • Analyze the underlying values of Photovoice and how it aligns with empowerment theory.
  • Explain how research using Photovoice can be used for social change.


Community Needs Assessment Plan Goals and Data Sources

Submit a 2-page paper (not including a title page or reference page) that addresses the following areas.

  • Refine the Problem Statement. Refine your problem statement, based on what you learned from your peers, your Instructor, and/or the Learning Resources this week and in previous weeks.
  • Develop a Team Strategy. Normally, after you have identified a project team, you would meet with the team and collaborate on the items listed below. In this case, since you are only planning the community needs assessment, you will address these items yourself rather than with a team.
    • Define two goals of the community needs assessment that you and your team would implement to address the social problem.
    • Identify five data sources that your team would use for the community needs assessment (e.g., policy, local laws, statistics about who from the population is impacted by the problem). Explain how your team would use the data sources to gain a better understanding of the magnitude of the problem, what has been done to address it, and/or what gaps exist.

