Watch the Jim Crow Museum 1. Citing an explicit example from the Jim Crow Museum clip, how was white supremacy an active construction in society, created through a structural level process? 2. Citing an explicit example from the Jim Crow Museum clip, how was white supremacy an active construction in society, created through a cultural level process? 3. Citing an explicit example from the Jim Crow Museum clip, how was white supremacy an active construction in society, created through an interactional level process? 4. Why is the propensity of folks to say “All Lives Matter” a cultural level race process? What part of American culture does it draw from? 5. Explain what a symbolic interactionist would say about the interactional effects of racial microaggression on an individual. How is the concept of ‘looking glass self’ connected? 6. How is Tim Wise’s argument about guilt vs responsibility an argument about race at the structural and institutional level? Summaries: (50 words or more each answer) (which is a paragraph) 1.1 Describe how family gender socializes us 1.2 Describe how peer influences gender socialize us 1.3 Describe how the media gender socialize us 1.4 Describe how schools gender socialize us 1.5 Describe the concept of “doing gender” as performance Sociological Discussion Questions: (50 words or more for each answer) 1. Describe and reflect on the structural factors for the gender wage gap. Now describe and reflect on the gendered socialized traits based on cultural ideas about femininity in women that contribute to the gender wage gap. 2. Describe and reflect on the argument sociologists of gender make about the construction of masculinity in our society.

Watch the Jim Crow Museum

  1. Citing an explicit example from the Jim Crow Museum clip, how was white supremacy an active construction in society, created through a structural level process?

  2. Citing an explicit example from the Jim Crow Museum clip, how was white supremacy an active construction in society, created through a cultural level process?
  3. Citing an explicit example from the Jim Crow Museum clip, how was white supremacy an active construction in society, created through an interactional level process?
  4. Why is the propensity of folks to say “All Lives Matter” a cultural level race process?  What part of American culture does it draw from?
  5. Explain what a symbolic interactionist would say about the interactional effects of racial microaggression on an individual.  How is the concept of ‘looking glass self’ connected? 
  6. How is Tim Wise’s argument about guilt vs responsibility an argument about race at the structural and institutional level? 


Summaries: (50 words or more each answer) (which is a paragraph)

1.1 Describe how family gender socializes us

1.2 Describe how peer influences gender socialize us

1.3 Describe how the media gender socialize us

1.4 Describe how schools gender socialize us

1.5 Describe the concept of “doing gender” as performance

Sociological Discussion Questions: (50 words or more for each answer)

  1. 1. Describe and reflect on the structural factors for the gender wage gap.  Now describe and reflect on the gendered socialized traits based on cultural ideas about femininity in women that contribute to the gender wage gap.
  2. Describe and reflect on the argument sociologists of gender make about the construction of masculinity in our society.


In the definition essay, there are a number of different ways in which we can use biblical passages to illustrate and illuminate our definitions. The following will outline the different methods of definition with examples using the topic of biblical justice. These methods can be used to guide entire paragraphs or as useful ways to discuss the evidence used. 1. Historical Origin: Exploring a word in regards to its history, and how its meaning might have changed through the years, may help to illustrate your definition. Ways I can use this in my essay: • In this essay, please compare or contrast Old Testament Evidence with New Testament Evidence. Does the concept appear to change from Old to New? Or did it stay the same? Both are meaningful in their own way. • Don’t forget to use the assertion key word historical origin for this paragraph. Make sure the evidence comes from the Old AND New Testaments 2. Contrast or Comparison: How the biblical definition is similar (comparison) or different (contrast) to other ways in which the word is defined. Ways I can use this in my essay: • Please use the key word accurately. Comparison means similar, contrast means different! • There are a number of different ways you can compare contrast. Some of the more common include: o Biblical vs Other Religion such as Buddhism or Islam, etc. (You must use evidence from the other religion, either from their religious text or an authority in the religion, to support the comparison or contrast) o Biblical vs Secular (You must at least use a dictionary definition as evidence of the secular to support the comparison or contrast) o Biblical vs Other Culture such as Canadian culture or Chinese culture, etc. (You must have credible or authoritative evidence from the other culture to support the comparison or contrast)

Definition Essay Assignment
(20% of Final Grade)
Grade Breakdown
PART 1 Definition Essay 10% Due July 23
PART 2 In-Session Writing Test 10% To be held July 21
PART 1: Definition Essay (10%) Due July 23
Choose ONE term from the list below. Write a 3-4 page essay (APA format) to define the term using the Bible
as the primary source of evidence. The essay should include an introduction, three (3) body paragraphs, and a
conclusion. A background paragraph is not needed.
You can use additional sources (make sure they are authoritative/credible) to help you understand the term.
Make sure to include citations for these sources if you use ideas from them in the discussion sections of your
body paragraphs.
A reference for the Bible is NOT necessary (i.e. if the Bible is your only source of evidence, no References page
However, additional resources are needed as evidence for comparison/contrast paragraphs (as well as a
references page, in that case). Make sure to use correct citations. This includes the use of Bible Dictionaries or
Encyclopedias, such as those found at , or
You can also try a Google search by entering your “term (below)” + “definition or meaning in the Bible”
For example, search:
justice definition or meaning in the Bible
or “justice in the Bible”
or “definition of biblical justice”
or “meaning of biblical justice”
Another option is to try searching with the “method of definition” + “term” + “in the Bible”
For example, search:
Examples of Justice in the Bible
or Function of Justice in the Bible
(Choose only one term, and the choice must come from the list below. Essays about terms other than on the
list below without approval will not receive a grade):
• Idolatry
(Example Story: The Golden Calf Exodus Chapter 32)
• Mercy
(Example Story: The Parable of the Unmerciful Servant, Matthew Chapter 18: 23-35)
• Repentance
(Example Story: Jonah and the city of Nineveh, Jonah Chapter 1:1-2 & Jonah Chapter 3 & 4)
• Resurrection
(Example Story The Crucifixion and Resurrection of Jesus, Luke Chapter 22-24)
• Sacrifice
(Example Story: Crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus, John Chapter 19-20)
• Wickedness
(Example Story: The Story of Kind Ahab/Queen Jezebel & Naboth’s Vineyard, 1 Kings 21: 1-26)
PART 2: In-Session Writing Test (10%) July 21
The in-session writing will be a similar format to what was done for personal response writing. You will have
1.5 hours to write an integrated thesis and one body paragraph of integrated writing. The theory will be the
UDHR. The case will be provided for you at the time of the test.
Defining with Biblical Passages
Methods of Definition
In the definition essay, there are a number of different ways in which we can use biblical passages to illustrate
and illuminate our definitions. The following will outline the different methods of definition with examples
using the topic of biblical justice. These methods can be used to guide entire paragraphs or as useful ways to
discuss the evidence used.
1. Historical Origin:
Exploring a word in regards to its history, and how its meaning might have changed through the
years, may help to illustrate your definition.
Ways I can use this in my essay:
• In this essay, please compare or contrast Old Testament Evidence with New Testament Evidence.
Does the concept appear to change from Old to New? Or did it stay the same? Both are meaningful
in their own way.
• Don’t forget to use the assertion key word historical origin for this paragraph. Make sure the
evidence comes from the Old AND New Testaments
2. Contrast or Comparison:
How the biblical definition is similar (comparison) or different (contrast) to other ways in which the
word is defined.
Ways I can use this in my essay:
• Please use the key word accurately. Comparison means similar, contrast means different!
• There are a number of different ways you can compare contrast. Some of the more common include:
o Biblical vs Other Religion such as Buddhism or Islam, etc. (You must use evidence from the
other religion, either from their religious text or an authority in the religion, to support the
comparison or contrast)
o Biblical vs Secular (You must at least use a dictionary definition as evidence of the secular to
support the comparison or contrast)
o Biblical vs Other Culture such as Canadian culture or Chinese culture, etc. (You must have
credible or authoritative evidence from the other culture to support the comparison or
3. Functions:
Explaining the purpose of the defined term.
4. Causes/Effects:
Explaining how the term begins an action/phenomenon/condition (cause) or the results of the term
5. Characteristics or Qualities:
Demonstrating the different attributes or aspects that characterize the word defined (i.e. What
“humanizes” the concept).
6. Appearance:
Demonstrating what the word looks like using images, symbols, and examples.
Ways I can use this in my essay:
• The evidence for this paragraph should include clear mental “pictures” or visual imagery from the
Bible. The discussion should focus on how the images prove your differentiation
7. Analogy:
Drawing similarities between things that are otherwise dissimilar.
Ways I can use this in my essay:
• For this essay, please create your own analogy and then compare/contrast it (in the discussion
section of the body paragraph) to an analogy about your term that you discovered in your research
(Biblical Evidence).
8. Connotation:
Demonstrating the association of secondary meanings to the word being defined.
Ways I can use this in my essay:
• Connotation refers to co-related ideas that are associated with the word that are not the
differentiation. For instance, the term “justice” often connotes police, crime, jail, anger, judges, the
court system, revenge, forgiveness, etc. None of those terms explains what justice is, but they are
common thoughts/ideas that come up when one thinks of the term.
9. Process:
Demonstrating how the word might work with detailed explanation and examples.
Ways I can use this in my essay:
• For this essay, the discussion and evidence should include clear “steps” (i.e. use the transition words
“First, Second, Third”). It is important to follow the paragraph pattern in this situation, so you must
choose your main evidence carefully.
10. Examples:
Sharing a few of the more significant people/stories that help explain the term.
Ways I can use this in my essay:
• In this essay, using an example could be done in two ways. First, using one example from the Bible,
provide two pieces of evidence that demonstrate the differentiation. Alternatively, you could use two
examples from the Bible that have a close relationship to the differentiation. In this case, only quote
the most meaningful line from the story, introduced with concise context to support your
• Because your paragraph cannot exceed one page in writing, DO NOT retell the story in the
paragraph. Instead, give only sufficient context from the story, including a quotation, to support
your differentiation. It is much more important to DISCUSS how the example supports your
differentiation than to summarize what the story is about.
Methods of Definition
Method Definition
1 Historical Origin Exploringawordinregardstoitshistory,andhowitsmeaningmighthavechangedthroughtheyears,mayhelptoillustrateyour
In this essay, please compare or contrast Old Testament Evidence with New Testament Evidence
2 Comparison/ Contrast How the biblical definition is similar (comparison) or different (contrast) to other ways in which the word is defined.
3 Function Explaining the purpose of the defined term
4 Cause/Effect Explaining how the term begins an action/phenomenon/condition (cause) or the results of the term (effect).
5 Characteristics/qualiti
Demonstrating the different attributes or aspects that characterize the word defined.
6 Appearance Demonstrating what the word looks like using images, symbols, and examples
7 Analogy Drawing similarities between things that are otherwise dissimilar.
For this essay, please create your own analogy and then compare/contrast it (in the discussion section of the body paragraph)to an
analogy about your term that you discovered in your research (Biblical Evidence).
8 Connotation Demonstrating the association of secondary meanings or emotions to the word being defined
9 Process Demonstrating how the word might work with detailed explanation and examples.
Forthis essay, the discussion and evidence should include clear“steps”(i.e. use the transition words “First,Second, Third”). It is
important to follow the paragraph pattern in this situation, so you must choose your main evidence carefully.
10 *Examples
(always be the last one
Sharing a few of the more significant people/stories that help explain the term.
In this essay, using an example could be done in two ways. First, using one example from the Bible, provide two pieces of evidence
differentiation.Inthiscase,onlyquotethemostmeaningful linefromthestory,introducedwithconcisecontexttosupportyour
Becauseyourparagraphcannotexceedonepageinwriting,DONOTretellthestoryintheparagraph. Instead,giveonlysufficient
context from the story, including a quotation, to support your differentiation. It is much more important to DISCUSS how the example
supports your differentiation than to summarize what the story is about.
Biblical Deceit Explains Wickedness
HOOK needed here. INTRODUCTORY sentence needed here. TOPIC sentence needed here. Biblical
deceit is an emotional condition that God’s heart wishes to change for human’s wickedness in many forms
through the following methods: comparison, characteristics and examples.
Both the biblical deceit and the secular social deceit by comparison express an expectation of changing
human’s wickedness. In other words, both definitions represent an aversion to deception. In the Book of Psalms,
the author King David states the form of deceit in the mouths of the wicked. “For people who are wicked and
deceitful have opened their mouths against me; they have spoken against me with lying tongues” (Psalm 109:2
NIV). This indicates that deceit is an unfriendly and hurtful behavior towards others, which builds their own
desire on others pain. People whose habits are deceptive have lost the ability to consider the feelings of others.
Thus, the Bible mentions Christians to change their wickedness by describing the evils of deceit. In comparison,
in the secular society, the dictionary has described “deceit as dishonest behavior that is meant to fool or trick
someone” (Deceit, n. d.). It is clear that deceit is the action of telling dishonest information and playing with
others’ trust in them. At the same time, using deceitful behavior to hurt others in order to meet their own
interests. The significance of people living in this society does not lie in such improper behavior, but in order to
develop their own talents and build a more harmonious and just society, avoid deceit is necessary. Therefore,
exhorting the world to avoid or change this deceit behavior of wickedness is the same as what God intended in
the Bible.
Biblical deceit reveals changing human’s wickedness in many forms through characteristics. More
specifically, deceit does not primarily represent untruthful behavior, it’s more of an expression of evil being
purposeful and attractive. In the book of Proverbs, the author Solomon states considering the advice of the
wicked carefully, “The plans of the righteous are just, but the advice of the wicked is deceitful” (Proverbs 12:5
NIV). This indicates that deceptive behavior is an evil habit, same as real behavior is belong to justice. On the
other hand, the followers of God lie is not just about hiding the truth, it is likely to hide a bigger plan. God’s
followers have more or fewer actions of deceit, and the reason for deceit is to achieve a certain purpose. For
example, Nazis in order to destroy the Jews, they lied that some of the Christian children were killed by Jews.
Thus, God wants to mention the followers should beware of suggestion from the wicked. Moreover, in the book
of Hebrews the author, who is unknown, writes do not be attracted by deception, “But encourage one another
daily, as long as it is called “Today,” so that none of you may be hardened by sin’s deceitfulness” (Hebrews
3:13 NIV). With is in mind, God hopes Christians to help each other, surrounded by justice to prevent being
attracted by deceit and becomes to the evil side. The reason why deceit is hard to see is because it is very
charming, and the biggest attraction is that it can easily achieve a certain purpose. At the same time, the
encouragement of others is the most influential. Therefore, purposeful and attractive are the most obvious
characteristics of biblical deceit in the way to change the wickedness of human.
In the way of changing human’s wickedness, the Biblical deceit demonstrates the ugliness of evil
through examples. In more detail, the greatest effect of deceit is the ability to hide one’s inner love and express
only evil. The Book of Genesis, whose author is disputed but traditionally believed to be Moses, writes about
Cain hiding the fact that he killed Abel, “Then the LORD said to Cain, “Where is your brother Abel?” “I don’t
know,” he replied. “Am I my brother’s keeper?”” (Genesis 4:9 NIV). Considering this, deceit would have been
with Cain for the rest of his life until he realized his sin. In fact, he had a chance to change his wickedness when
the Lord asked about Abel. However, deceit is selfish, in order to hide his own behavior, there is no expression
of remorse. The Book of Genesis states God wanted Cain to understand about his sin, ‘“If you do what is right,
will you not be accepted? But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have
you, but you must rule over it.”’ (Genesis 4:7 NIV). This highlights that when people become wicked, they will
automatically have more deceit behavior with greater sin. Moreover, the thoughts of the heart will become evil,
Cain believed that all people would treat him in the same way he did. Imagine this, if the world were full of evil
deceit and treated each other in the most negative way, the society would be darker. However, God believes that
love exists in the heart of Christians and he does not want it to be covered by deceit. Therefore, the desire and
sincere expectation of God is to develop this secular society and make it full of love, change the habit of deceit
is to discover the love not hidden by wickedness.
In conclusion, deceit is not only an act of hiding the truth, but it is also enough to change intrinsic values
and qualities in any person. Honesty is the most basic condition to build a relationship between people.
Therefore, it is significant to change the wickedness deceitful behaviors, only deliver more love and honesty
behaviors can make the secular society brighter.

Merriam-Webster. (2021). Deceit. In Merriam Webster Learner’s Dictionary. Retrieved March 22, 2021, from
WRTG 101 Definition Essay Rubric
A. Formatting/Conventions: /3
1 Title page contains all necessary information in the correct place—header, title, student name, university name
2 Title is meaningful (indicates specific topic) and clear (essay type)
3 Running head: TITLE on title page in top left hand corner in the header
4 Header throughout with TITLE IN CAPITAL LETTERS (and no Running head: after title page)
5 Page numbers begin on title page (in the top, right corner)
6 Paper Size Setting (“Letter”, not “A4) & Margins are correct (2.54cm all around & “Align-text left”)
7 Title appears centred at the top of p.2 (the first writing page)
8 Font is Times New Roman 12 point & consistent (always black color, no bold/underline, italics only in the references)
9 Line spacing – double/2.0 (including references!) & no extra line spacing (especially between paragraphs)
10 Paragraphs are indented one tab space for the first line
11 Includes a References page (with correct title References, not Reference) if sources other than the Bible are used
B. Documentation: /2
1 Ideas that are borrowed/quoted (from your research and not your own thinking/idea) includes a citation (no plagiarism)
3 If used, in-text citations use the author, or if no author, the organization or title (in that order)
4 If used, in-text citations include the year, or if no year, the letters n.d.
5 In-text citations are correct in every other way (punctuation, capitalization, and correct placement)
6 If used, references are correct APA, include all necessary information, alphabetical order, and cross-referenced.
7 Essay includes accurate citation for the Bible including translation in the first reference (i.e.NRSV/NIV)
8 Citations for the Bible are done correctly according to the course pack, no reference for the Bible is included.
C. Development: /40
1 Introduction is an appropriate length and follows deductive pattern (hook+introductory sentence+topic sentence+thesis)
2 Introduction uses an appropriate hook.
3 Thesis statement contains appropriate topic, the category of RUAH and differentiation (academic concept)
4 A roadmap (indication of methods of definition) is included with or follows the thesis statement.
5 Body paragraphs use key words (Assertion/Connection), are focused on the thesis/assertion, and follow the pattern.
6 Body section moves from more general definition to more specific definition.
7 Transition words/phrases are used accurately/effectively throughout
8 Quotations are integrated (introducted with Book/Author/Context, quote, citation, transition, discussion).
9 Essay uses sufficient evidence to support each idea (two pieces of evidence for each body paragraph)
10 Conclusion is short and pulls together all the key words
D. Content: /45
1 Ideas offer insight into the topic, show depth of thought and concern for originality
2 Chosen differentiation demonstrates critical thinking.
3 Ideas grow and develop throughout the essay (not repetitive).
4 Ideas maintain focus on the differentiation (thesis key word) and method of definition (MOD, assertion key word)
5 Evidence was chosen carefully to support the differentiation and method of definition
6 Essay uses quotes and support from the Bible. The quotations add meaning and depth.
7 Discussion was sufficient and detailed.
8 If the essay uses additional research, it is meaningful and well integrated (required for comparison/contrast paragraphs)
9 Overall essay explores the definition in an academic way.
E. Grammar/Vocabulary: /15
1 Essay is basically fluent and free of error (0).
2 Essay has a few to several minor errors (4~5).
3 Essay has many minor errors, making it awkward and uncomfortable (6~10).
4 Essay has so many errors that the meaning is unclear in many parts. This essay is not acceptable (more than 10).

Romania Case Study: Please review the video ( and follow the rubric posted below. For each of the case studies, students will prepare an assessment of between 1,100 and 1,200 words of text, 1.5 spaced. Each case study should have a separate bibliography including at least 2 references (not including the videos), using APA format. Header and bibliography does not count towards word count. Each assessment should have: Title Topic sentence (a single sentence or two which summarize the student’s understanding of the situation, the actions taken by the consulting engineer, and lessons learned) Situation assessment (What was the factual situation on the ground? What were the main challenges? What role could, and should, the consulting engineer play?) Lessons learned (this should include not just the lessons learned by the consulting engineer as expressed in the case study, but the lessons learned by the student looking at the case study as a whole)

Romania Case Study: Please review the video ( and follow the rubric posted below.

For each of the case studies, students will prepare an assessment of between 1,100 and 1,200 words of text, 1.5 spaced. Each case study should have a separate bibliography including at least 2 references (not including the videos), using APA format. Header and bibliography does not count towards word count. Each assessment should have:

  1. Title
  2. Topic sentence (a single sentence or two which summarize the student’s understanding of the situation, the actions taken by the consulting engineer, and lessons learned)
  3. Situation assessment (What was the factual situation on the ground? What were the main challenges? What role could, and should, the consulting engineer play?)
  4. Lessons learned (this should include not just the lessons learned by the consulting engineer as expressed in the case study, but the lessons learned by the student looking at the case study as a whole)

 This assessment is aligned with the module objective “Develop the implementation of population-focused care through the nursing process, collaboration, and interdisciplinary skills.” As part of the written assignment, you will complete the following tasks: Describe an Accountable Care organization and how it impacts population health. Discuss the concept of ‘bundled care’ and the risks which organizations that participate in bundle payment. Explain the benefits of showing pricing for care.

Required material TB

  • Chapter 11: The Health Care System
  • Chapter 12: Economics of Life

Please focus the writing on the TB chapter for resources




This assessment is aligned with the module objective “Develop the implementation of population-focused care through the nursing process, collaboration, and interdisciplinary skills.” As part of the written assignment, you will complete the following tasks:

  • Describe an Accountable Care organization and how it impacts population health.
  • Discuss the concept of ‘bundled care’ and the risks which organizations that participate in bundle payment.
  • Explain the benefits of showing pricing for care.

Points: 40


Due Date: Sun, Jul 11 by 11:59 p.m. Eastern Standard Time (EST) of the US.



Minimum of four (4) total references: two (2) references from required course materials and two (2) peer-reviewed references. All references must be no older than five years (unless making a specific point using a seminal piece of information)

Peer-reviewed references include references from professional data bases such as PubMed or CINHAL applicable to population and practice area, along with evidence based clinical practice guidelines. Examples of unacceptable references are Wikipedia, UpToDate, Epocrates, Medscape, WebMD, hospital organizations, insurance recommendations, & secondary clinical databases.


Directions: Read the two case summaries provided here. The case summaries are on page 2. Once you read the two case summaries, follow the instructions below. Initial Post Compare the appropriate nursing interventions by the nurse completed in Mississippi to the inappropriate nursing interventions by the nurse in the Texas case. Provide rationale supporting your comparison citing at least two scholarly sources. Please see next page for article. Page 2


Read the two case summaries provided here. The case summaries are on page 2. Once you read the two case summaries, follow the instructions below.

Initial Post

Compare the appropriate nursing interventions by the nurse completed in Mississippi to the inappropriate nursing interventions by the nurse in the Texas case. Provide rationale supporting your comparison citing at least two scholarly sources.

Please see next page for article. Page 2

Decide on your project program, and write a brief description of what the program will do. Prepare an IPO chart for your program. Create two or three sample screens (using Word or a drawing program) depicting what your program will look like to the user (remember that these will be console-based programs).

Course Project Overview



The objective of the Course Project is to give you practice applying the programming techniques to a complete development project.

The actual programming problem is not too difficult, but in order to be successful with the Course Project, you will need to be able to apply the programming techniques and accomplish the analysis and design of the problem as well. This implies that you need to understand the weekly concepts as well as the programming techniques so you can apply both to the software development project.


Your final project must include all of the following. Your initial submission will start simple, and you will add features each week.

  • Input and output
  • Use of variables
  • Use of conditional statements
  • Use of loops
  • Use of modules
  • Use of arrays
  • Ability to save and retrieve data

For this project, you will decide on a program to write and develop it throughout the course. Select from one of the following cases, or use a case of your choosing. If you pick your own case, it must meet the above requirements and must be approved by your instructor.

The suggested project is a programming tutorial that will teach the user basic programming skills. As you develop the project, you will add the ability to quiz the user, modularize the code, and allow for saving of the student’s data.

As an alternative, you can select a program related to your major or an interest of yours. See the following example.

Financial Calculator: You will develop a program for a bank that will allow it to process loans for customers. The user will enter information, such as interest rate, length of loan, amount borrowed, or desired payment, and the program will compute the missing information. It will also be able to display a report showing the amortization schedule for the loan. Customer data should be able to be saved and retrieved from a file or files.

Electrical Calculator: You will develop a program for an electrical contractor that will allow it to create bids for jobs. The program will be able to solve Ohm’s law for any variable. In addition, the program will be able to compute the cost of the materials and labor for a job. Either aluminum or copper wire may be used, and the user can enter the cost per feet of each gauge of wire of a particular type. Additional costs for labor based on length of wire can be entered. The program should produce a report showing total cost for labor and material. Job data should be able to be saved and retrieved from a file or files.

DJ Playlist Manager: You will develop a program for a DJ. The DJ needs to be able to enter data about his or her music collection, such as title, artist, length, genre, and so on. The user should be able to create individual playlists from a subset of the entire music collection. A report should be available showing the songs on a particular playlist, as well as their total length and average song length. There should also be a report showing the names of all the playlists and the total length of each playlist.


Each week, you will submit the following.

  1. Current IPO chart and pseudocode
  2. MS Visual Studio Project folder
  3. Completed Test Plan (Screen shots of working program)

Put the IPO chart, pseudocode, and test plan in the MS Visual Studio project folder, zip up the entire folder, and submit the compressed file.

Week 1

Decide on your project program, and write a brief description of what the program will do. Prepare an IPO chart for your program. Create two or three sample screens (using Word or a drawing program) depicting what your program will look like to the user (remember that these will be console-based programs).

Week 2

Create a flowchart for a simplified version of your program. Create a working version of it based on your flowchart. This should be a working program that accepts user input, does some calculation, and shows the results. It does not have to use conditional expressions, loops, and the like.

Examples: For the programming tutorial, you can describe and demonstrate to the user using screen output, how to declare variables, display information on the screen, get information from the user, and do calculations. You can ask the user for their name and include it in the tutorial output.

For a loan payment calculator, it asks for interest rate, length of loan, amount of loan, and it displays monthly payment. For a DJ manager, it asks for the average song length and the number of songs on a playlist, and it displays the length of the playlist.

Week 3

Add at least one conditional expression to your program.

Examples: In the programming tutorial, you would add a tutorial on conditional expressions. You can then add simple multiple choice questions to test the user’s understanding of the concepts. You might also want to break the tutorial into sections, and use conditional expressions to ask the user which tutorial they wanted to see (i.e., variable declaration, input/output, conditional expressions, etc.).

For the loan calculator, the program might ask the user if he or she wants to solve for monthly payment, loan amount, length of loan, or interest rate. The program would then ask for the required information and solve for the remaining value.

Week 4

Add loops to validate data. Add a menu to your program that allows users to use the various features or exit the program.

Examples: In the programming tutorial, add a tutorial on working with loops. Then use loops to validate user input and display an error message if they enter data outside the valid range. Use a main loop to allow the user to keep selecting different tutorials until they decide to exit the program.

Week 5

Add arrays to your program to handle more data.

Examples: In the programming tutorial, add a tutorial on working with arrays. Then use arrays to store the answers to multiple questions so that you can compute a total score.

In the DJ program, you can add the ability to handle multiple songs and playlists. The electrical program should handle multiple customer scenarios.

Week 6

Create a hierarchy chart showing the logical components of your program. Modularize your code according to your chart using the practices learned this week. Your menu should now call individual modules to do the work of the program.

Examples: In the programming tutorial, add a tutorial on working with modules. Then modularize the code so that each tutorial and quiz is in a module.

Week 7

Add the ability to save data to disk in one or more files. The menu(s) should give the user the option to save or retrieve data.

Examples: In the programming tutorial, add a tutorial on working with files. Then add the ability to save/retrieve user information or quiz results.

Grading Rubrics

Week 1

Documentation and Formatting1025%Documentation should be complete. Format should be suitable for your portfolio shown to potential employers.
Organization and Cohesiveness1025%Submissions should be well organized.
Editing1025%Text should be grammatically correct and clearly written.
Content1025%Your deliverables should fully and clearly describe your project.
Total40100%A quality paper will meet or exceed all of the above requirements.

Week 2

Flowchart2050%Add to your project document.
Working Program2050%Include a zipped project folder.
Total40100%Programs should be easy for users to use. Menus should be clear and nicely formatted. Output should be clearly labeled and formatted accordingly with proper alignment, currency formatting, decimal formatting, and so on. Program should be robust and not crash if invalid data is entered. Error message should be clear, and the user should be able to recover from data entry errors. Submissions should include all source and executable code.

Weeks 3-7

Screenshots1025%Include screenshots
Working Program3075%Include a zip file with your complete project folder. Code should be well commented. Variables and modules should follow standard naming conventions. Visual tools, such as flowcharts, hierarchy charts, and so on, should be clear and follow standard practices.
Total40100%Programs should be easy for users to use. Menus should be clear and nicely formatted. Output should be clearly labeled and formatted accordingly with proper alignment, currency formatting, decimal formatting, and so on. Program should be robust and not crash if invalid data is entered. Error message should be clear, and the user should be able to recover from data entry errors. Submissions should include all source and executable code.

Test Plan

Your test plan should test for a variety of cases. In your test plan, list the values you tested along with a screenshot for each. You should test both incorrect and correct inputs.

Week 8

Course Project Presentation

Add one new feature you have not added. This could be an additional array or function, an additional calculation, more inputs, or even try adding color. Create a powerpoint presentation explaining your course project. You should include the following slides: introduction, conclusion, purpose, challenges in your code, future improvements to your code, and conclusions. Include screenshots showing your program working through each phase. Discuss the evolution of your program through each phase.

Course Project Presentation Grading Rubric

Professional code/comments1610%Include comments
Working Program5635%Include a zip file with your complete project folder. Code should be well commented. Variables and modules should follow standard naming conventions. Visual tools, such as flowcharts, hierarchy charts, and so on, should be clear and follow standard practices.
Additional feature1610%Include an additional feature to the working program.
Professional PowerPoint presentation5635%PowerPoint should have no grammatical errors and should display the project with screenshots for each phase. Powerpoint should have a professional design
Introduction, Conclusion, Challenges slide1610%Include introduction, conclusion, and challenges slide.
Total160100%Programs should be easy for users to use. Menus should be clear and nicely formatted. Output should be clearly labeled and formatted accordingly with proper alignment, currency formatting, decimal formatting, and so on. Program should be robust and not crash if invalid data is entered. Error message should be clear, and the user should be able to recover from data entry errors. Submissions should include all source and executable code.

Best Practices

Each increment of the program will adhere to the following standards.

  1. Each source file will have a header describing the program, programmers name, date, purpose of the program, and increment.
  2. Each source file will adhere to the coding standards provided in the lesson or given by the professor.
  3. Each program will have an introductory output message introducing the program to the user and providing directions.
  4. All program output will be well structured, easy to read, and appropriately formatted.
  5. Program code should be properly documented with clear variable names that use standard naming conventions and comments throughout the code.


1.What is the purpose of a code of ethics for an organization? 2.Describe and discuss dramatic changes that have taken place in the business environment over the last four decades. 3.Define ethical dilemma. Give an example of an ethical dilemma. Explain the process to resolve it. 4.Define an oxymoron. Give an example of an oxymoron, and explain why it is an oxymoron.

1.What is the purpose of a code of ethics for an organization?

2.Describe and discuss dramatic changes that have taken place in the business environment over the last four decades.

3.Define ethical dilemma. Give an example of an ethical dilemma. Explain the process to resolve it.

4.Define an oxymoron. Give an example of an oxymoron, and explain why it is an oxymoron.

From the readings below, how would you characterize the relationship between hip hop culture and rap? (approximately 400-500 words) Try to minimize phrases like “I feel like…” It’s fine to write in the first person, but I want to see that you have heard and understand what authors and artists have to say on the subject. As always, please cite references, including the names of any artists quoted. Now is also the time to make sure you’re using proper MLA citation style. The punctuation “goes after the quotation and page citation” (Author Last Name, 23).

From the readings below, how would you characterize the relationship between hip hop culture and rap? (approximately 400-500 words)

  • Try to minimize phrases like “I feel like…”  It’s fine to write in the first person, but I want to see that you have heard and understand what authors and artists have to say on the subject.
  • As always, please cite references, including the names of any artists quoted.
  • Now is also the time to make sure you’re using proper MLA citation style. The punctuation “goes after the quotation and page citation” (Author Last Name, 23).

Design a women’s health brochure by choosing one of the female reproductive disorders covered in this module. In the brochure, include the following: Overview of the disease including disease process, signs and symptoms, and risk factors Preventative screening Diagnostics tests Treatment Multidimensional nursing care interventions

Identify multidimensional nursing care strategies for clients with reproductive system disorders.




You work in a gynecological office, and your office has been asked to participate in a women’s health fair. The focus of the fair is health promotion. Preventative screening for female reproductive disorders is vital to identify and treat rapidly to produce the best patient outcomes. Preventative screening includes mammogram and Pap smear and should be performed based on recommended age and associated risk factors. To promote preventative screening, your office will be creating brochures to distribute at the health fair.




Design a women’s health brochure by choosing one of the female reproductive disorders covered in this module. In the brochure, include the following:

  • Overview of the disease including disease process, signs and symptoms, and risk factors
  • Preventative screening
  • Diagnostics tests
  • Treatment
  • Multidimensional nursing care interventions
Disorder: Cervical Cancer


Discuss why knowledge of research methods is valuable as a consumer of research. As well as, discuss what it means to be a consumer of scholarly research, as opposed to conducting actual research?

Discuss why knowledge of research methods is valuable as a consumer of research. As well as, discuss what it means to be a consumer of scholarly research, as opposed to conducting actual research?