prepare and submit a paper on common symptoms and causes of depression and coping mechanisms.

Your assignment is to prepare and submit a paper on common symptoms and causes of depression and coping mechanisms. Depression is regarded as a long-lasting state in which one is mentally unfit or suffers a mental disorder. There are more than 100 million people around the world who suffer from accelerated depression (Gilbert 3). In addition, it is critical to examine depression due to the fact that it is the primary reason for suicide (Torpy et al 1). As a means of understanding depression to a greater extent, this brief analysis will discuss some of the determinants and different types of the exhibition of depression within society as well as some of the most common and least understood causes of depression.

Examining the three following principles is vital to assess depression scientifically: the techniques of determining depression among people, the biological and social causes and risk factors, and methods that patients employ in order to deal with depression. Mental health specialists often diagnose major depression in a patient by acknowledging the symptoms that affect the patient’s life. nevertheless, medical technology and developments in medical devices have created a new technique to diagnose depression. In addition to such diagnosis, professionals analyze biological factors such as genes, gender, and chemicals that can lead to depression, as well as looking at social factors, such as financial problems, loneliness, traumatic experiences, and other social statuses, which could lead to depression. Moreover, learning how patients should deal with depression is an important aspect. A closer look at the symptoms of depression can produce a clear image of how mental health specialists determine depression patients among others.

Mental health specialists diagnose depression by identifying the symptoms that are disturbing patients’ lives. Nevertheless, medical technology today might assist mental health specialists to recognize depression in patients. According to Miller and Reynolds, “Mental health specialists have agreed on the following standardized definition of major depression: symptoms persist for two weeks or longer, either a depressed mood or an inability to enjoy life is present and any four of the following seven criteria must also be present” (4). these seven criteria are symptoms of depression. Change in sleeping and eating habits are the first and second symptoms of depression. for example, depression patients might suffer from insomnia and sleeping without rest, although some patients may oversleep (Miller and Reynolds 4).&nbsp.

Create a thesis and an outline on UK Strategy for Radioactive Discharges. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide.

I need help creating a thesis and an outline on UK Strategy for Radioactive Discharges. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. Various regulatory authorities make sure that the Government policy is implemented. The regulatory authorities include SEPA (Scottish Environment Protection Authority) in Scotland, NII (Nuclear Installations Inspectorate) of the HSE (Health and Safety Executive), NIEA (Northern Ireland Environment Agency) in Northern Ireland, and Environment Agency in Wales and England. For instance, the NII regulates radioactive waste accumulation on nuclear sites in the United Kingdom. The regulation is made regarding its treatment, production, and storage (Department of Energy & Climate Change 2009, p11).&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.

Q3. What requirements does the Euratom Treaty place on member states about radioactive discharges?

The Euratom Treaty necessitates compliance with reporting and monitoring radioactivity in the European environment based on Articles 35 and 36. It also requires compliance in preventing waste disposal or radioactive discharges in one Member State, leading to the contamination of a neighboring Member State’s environment based on Article 37. Therefore, the European Commission decides on whether a plan for disposal of radioactive waste can lead to contamination of the soil, water, or air of another Member State. It is essential to state that the defense sites are not subjected to the Euratom Treaty regulation (Department of Energy & Climate Change 2009, p12-13).

Q4. Identify the principal sectors of the nuclear industry that are responsible for radioactive discharges. What types of operations are undertaken, and what kinds of the atomic facility are involved?

The nuclear industry in the United Kingdom is divided into five sectors: defense facilities, research facilities, spent fuel reprocessing, nuclear energy production, and nuclear fuel manufacture and uranium enrichment. The sectors are responsible for the prevention of radioactive discharges from their facilities. Each industry has its form of discharge and abatement technologies that help them control such shots (Department of Energy & Climate Change 2009, p24). The major releases from the nuclear sectors include total-alpha discharges, total-beta discharges, and tritium discharges (Department of Energy & Climate Change 2009, p25-26).

Q5. For the two sectors specified [(a) Nuclear Energy Production Sector and (b) Spent Nuclear Fuel Reprocessing Sector], identify the locations in the UK where operations leading to radioactive discharges carried out

For Nuclear Energy Production Sector, there are different power stations located across the United Kingdom. For Magnox, there are eleven Magnox gas-cooled power stations in the United Kingdom. However, ten of the mentioned sites have terminated power production and are in the process of decommissioning. Five of the sites have been wholly defueled. The only operational site is Wylfa, and the site is anticipated to end the operation in December 2010 (Department of Energy & Climate Change 2009, p72).

write an article on Advantages and Disadvantages of Married Couples Having Children either Early or Late. It needs to be at least 3750 words.

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on Advantages and Disadvantages of Married Couples Having Children either Early or Late. It needs to be at least 3750 words. In about 50 years ago or so, options for enhancing or controlling fertility have greatly grown. The changes started with the institution of oral contraception and have led to the legalization of abortions and the advancement of more complex techniques of obstetrics and in vitro fertilization that enables safe deliveries even at later ages in marriage. The older women largely benefit from these since they have increased the age bracket at which women can bear children.

Advantages of married couples having children early in their marriages

Getting children early in a marriage is beneficial in many ways. For instance, it is effective for letting individuals have enough room for improvement in becoming successful parents in their marriage life. Getting a child in any marriage is the most vital and major decision of couples’ lives, so they need to be keen on deciding the right time to get an extra member to their family. Taking such a decision earlier in their marriage life will enable the couples to live happily and enjoy married life.

Spouses who make a decision to get a child early in their marriage have higher chances of becoming successful couples (Coleman & Coleman 22). Getting a kid early in marriage life lets the couples enjoy the chance to understand each other’s roles as parents quite early. Childbearing in the initial stages of life has been proved to enhance better cooperation of couples. The marriage life of young couples with kids remains full of activeness and excitement. Hence, they can obviously have better chances and reasons to know each other more and adopt parental habits accordingly.

Religious Practices and follow-ups in marriage are always supporting early parentage, immediately couples are tied as husband and wife. Many religions such as Hindu, Christianity, and Islam prefer couples getting kids early in their marriage. They strongly oppose any medications that seem to postpone childbearing. Therefore, people belonging to these religions give preference to getting kids early in life so that their religious beliefs and values are followed properly. Getting kids in the initial stages of marriage seems to boost the energies of spouses.

write an article on Advantages and Disadvantages of Married Couples Having Children either Early or Late. It needs to be at least 3750 words.

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on Advantages and Disadvantages of Married Couples Having Children either Early or Late. It needs to be at least 3750 words. In about 50 years ago or so, options for enhancing or controlling fertility have greatly grown. The changes started with the institution of oral contraception and have led to the legalization of abortions and the advancement of more complex techniques of obstetrics and in vitro fertilization that enables safe deliveries even at later ages in marriage. The older women largely benefit from these since they have increased the age bracket at which women can bear children.

Advantages of married couples having children early in their marriages

Getting children early in a marriage is beneficial in many ways. For instance, it is effective for letting individuals have enough room for improvement in becoming successful parents in their marriage life. Getting a child in any marriage is the most vital and major decision of couples’ lives, so they need to be keen on deciding the right time to get an extra member to their family. Taking such a decision earlier in their marriage life will enable the couples to live happily and enjoy married life.

Spouses who make a decision to get a child early in their marriage have higher chances of becoming successful couples (Coleman & Coleman 22). Getting a kid early in marriage life lets the couples enjoy the chance to understand each other’s roles as parents quite early. Childbearing in the initial stages of life has been proved to enhance better cooperation of couples. The marriage life of young couples with kids remains full of activeness and excitement. Hence, they can obviously have better chances and reasons to know each other more and adopt parental habits accordingly.

Religious Practices and follow-ups in marriage are always supporting early parentage, immediately couples are tied as husband and wife. Many religions such as Hindu, Christianity, and Islam prefer couples getting kids early in their marriage. They strongly oppose any medications that seem to postpone childbearing. Therefore, people belonging to these religions give preference to getting kids early in life so that their religious beliefs and values are followed properly. Getting kids in the initial stages of marriage seems to boost the energies of spouses.

Create a thesis and an outline on The Calculation of the Coefficient of Friction Using Projectile Motion. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required.

I need help creating a thesis and an outline on The Calculation of the Coefficient of Friction Using Projectile Motion. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. The surface beneath the tube was lined with white paper on top of which a carbon paper was laid.The distance between the tube and the table and the ground were measured using a standard measuring tape.Several identical steel balls of measured mass (weighing machine) were taken.A laser pointer was taken and adjusted so that the laser’s beam would pass through the axis of the tube.

Analysis of the experimental setup

The ball falls through the tube due to gravitational acceleration. however, it also experiences friction while moving through the line. We note that:

While falling through the tube, the potential energy of the balls gets converted to kinetic energy. Also accounting for the loss due to friction, the conservation of energy gives that:

Where W is the energy expended due to friction.

&nbsp.&nbsp.(Kleppner & kolenklow, 2010)

Where µ is the coefficient of friction between the ball and the surface of the tube.


Solving for v,

Solving for v,

This gives the velocity of the ball while exiting the tube. After this, the ball is a projectile. The maximum distance traveled in the y-direction must be equal to the height of the tube H. Thus,

Or the time of projectile transit t is given by:

And therefore, the displacement of the ball in the x-direction is given by:

Also, solving for v in terms of x, it can be shown that:

This value of velocity has been obtained by the direct application of Newton’s laws of motion. This must be the same as the value obtained by the natural energy calculation. Thus,

Using the relation,

But this must be proportional to the work done by the normal force acting between the ball and the surface, that is.

Independent, dependent, and control variables

The independent variable is the variable that we change during the experiment. The dependent variables change their values when we change the independent variable. Control variables are kept constant throughout the investigation to nullify any effects that they may have on the result.

We note that the only variable that we change during the experiment is the tilt of the tube. In this experiment, this is adjusted by changing L’s value, which is related to the Tangent of the angle by the relation Ltanq=H. This, in turn, changes both the distance of projectile fall x and the value of frictional force by the association established above. Thus, the amount of the energy lost due to friction W is a dependent variable, and so is the distance of projectile fall (x). Both of these variables are related to the independent variable L by the relationship established above. The mass of the ball (m) and the height of the table (H) remain unaltered during the experiment and are the control variables.


writing homework on Why Are Fundamentalists in All Religions so Bitterly Opposed to Women Being Educated. Write a 2250 word paper answering; Fundamentalists do not tolerate dissent and are opposed to all forms of secularism primarily since that threatens their way of life.

Need help with my writing homework on Why Are Fundamentalists in All Religions so Bitterly Opposed to Women Being Educated. Write a 2250 word paper answering; Fundamentalists do not tolerate dissent and are opposed to all forms of secularism primarily since that threatens their way of life. The increase of religious fundamentalists in modern society has made the role of fundamentalists more impactful. From a secular, modernist perspective, fundamentalists are perceived as religious extremists who do not value the importance of human rights. From a fundamentalist perspective, the modern world encourages immorality, decadence, and, worst of all, equal rights for women. This holds true for Judaism, Christianity as well as Islam. in fact, the desire to control women may be the only trait these religions have in common.&nbsp.

In regards to most religions, they are anything but misogynistic. in fact, they see themselves as the true guardians of women, the ones who honor and respect them by structuring their lives along religious lines. For fundamentalists, the holy books offer ample justification for their need to control women. In the Christian Bible, for example, women are required to be pure, obedient, silent, and nurturing, or else they must die. The book of Deuteronomy 22: 21 declares that if a woman does bleed on her wedding night then all men should stone her to death (The English Standard Version). In I Timothy 2, St. Paul declares that the women should be silent (The English Standard Version). This assumption was a creation by the early church and is still held with much significance. In addition, religious fundamentalists are perceived as a creation of the early church. For this reason, the negativity towards the liberation of women may be justified by the provisions of the scriptures and early church.

Men usually denied women opportunities to develop intelligence and challenge them as religious and society leaders. In an argument by Guity & Lois the traditional society blindly adhered to religious teachings (93). The authors further point out that, the interpretation of religious teachings lacked depth and direction (Guity & Lois 93).

write an article on negative effects of technology and social media Paper must be at least 1500 words.

Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on negative effects of technology and social media Paper must be at least 1500 words. Please, no plagiarized work! Social media and technology have made it easy to understand someone’s culture despite the distances or complexity of their language. However, social media and technology has also brought a serious burden to our society. Most users of social media waste their time chatting with their friends. It has also made some people to isolate themselves from others. This and other negative effects will be discussed in this paper.


Application of social media and technology has been developed extensively in business fields and traditional firms with the most recent development of web-based information. Such developments are good for businesses. Additionally, the Web-based information uses to avail personal and business information in real-time in case the need arises. For example, social media such as MySpace, Twitter, Facebook can be used to transfer information in real-time to a variety of users through Internet-enabled phones, laptops, and iPads. Corporations have benefited a lot from social media and technology. They use the mentioned social media platforms for communications, advertising, and business transactions.

Additionally, firms have been using social media to show their experiences and legality. On the other hand, students use social media to show their legitimacy and to socialize with other interested parties. Social media came to light in the early 1990s. Users were able to communicate privately, one on one. However, with the development of social media platforms such as Facebook and MySpace, user’s information can be seen by every person on social media. Since the invention of such social media sites, many people flocked to take the advantage of free registration. Statistics show that in 2008, close to 25% of adult populations used Facebook. This was an increase from 8% in 2005. Users of Facebook were able to view the personal information of other users after it was launched by Mark Zuckerberg. Changes were however made by the company after several lawsuits were filed by users regarding privacy settings. It enabled users to control the viewers of their personal information such as date of birth (Lane and Coleman 3).

There is a variety of forms that can be used as a medium of socialization.

Write a 6 pages paper on jazz music listening report. Full personnel: The band’s name is: Art Blakey & The Jazz Messengers. The members include Art Blakey – drums. Lee Morgan – trumpet. Benny Golson – saxophone. Bobby Timmons – piano. Jymie Merritt – bass.

Write a 6 pages paper on jazz music listening report. Full personnel: The band’s name is: Art Blakey & The Jazz Messengers. The members include Art Blakey – drums. Lee Morgan – trumpet. Benny Golson – saxophone. Bobby Timmons – piano. Jymie Merritt – bass.

Role (s) of drums, cymbals, and sticks: Drums were not used. Cymbals were used to make continuous and clear beats in the song and to add excitement to the song when it was at its climax. Sticks were used to hit the cymbals.

Description of events: The front of the song had the trumpet, bass, piano, and saxophone being played. Cymbals followed to provide a continuous beat. Cymbals took a stroll as the trumpet, bass, piano, and saxophone was being played. Trumpet took the head and was accompanied by the cymbals, bass, piano only. Trumpeter took a stroll as the saxophone was being played. Bass, piano, and cymbals accompanied the saxophone notes. Piano notes took the head and it was accompanied by the bass and cymbals only. No chorus was played.

Full personnel: The band’s name is: Art Blakey & The Jazz Messengers. The members include Art Blakey – drums. Lee Morgan – trumpet. Benny Golson – saxophone. Bobby Timmons – piano. Jymie Merritt – bass.

Description of events: The intro had all the instruments except the drums and cymbals being played with a slow and cool jazz rhythm. The trumpet and saxophone played alongside each other. They were accompanied by the bass and the piano. They both took a stroll and the piano took the head and played single and continuous notes. The trumpet set into harmony together with the saxophone until the end. There was no chorus.

Full personnel: The band’s name is: Art Blakey & The Jazz Messengers. The members include Art Blakey – drums. Lee Morgan – trumpet. Benny Golson – saxophone. Bobby Timmons – piano. Jymie Merritt – bass.

Where and when the concert took place? Belgium. the year was 1958.

prepare and submit a term paper on Wind Energy: the Costs and Benefits of Harnessing Power to Generate Electricity from Wind Energy.

You will prepare and submit a term paper on Wind Energy: the Costs and Benefits of Harnessing Power to Generate Electricity from Wind Energy. Your paper should be a minimum of 5000 words in length. Naturally, the need and desire to integrate with alternative energy sources and more renewable means of electrical generation is contingent upon the fact that the current process for creating electricity is inherently dirty and non-renewable. releasing tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere and polluting other aspects of the environment in a litany of other ways. Whereas it is true that there is no truly clean source of electrical energy production, certain methodologies are better than others. Accordingly, the focus of this brief analysis will be on the relative merits and drawbacks of many of the “renewable” energy sources that are currently being considered around the globe, a closer analysis of wind energy, a discussion of how it is gathered, what issues with relation to wind energy generation contribute to lost efficiency, effective turbine designs, environmental impact, public opinion, and lastly government policy and future investment.

One of the most talked-about forms of renewable energy over the past several years has been solar. Due to the decreasing natural resources that the planet exhibits, coal and nuclear sources of electrical generation are in diminished supply and represent their own unique risks. As a function of discussing this alongside presenting an alternative approach, the following analysis will promote an understanding of some of the pros and cons of the utilization of solar energy (Williams, 2014).

Firstly, it should be noted that a large majority of energy (electricity) is generated by coal plants. These coal plants are inherently a dirty way of creating electricity. due to the fact that they burn the fossil fuel coal as a means of generating that in turn drives turbines which produce electricity. Beyond the inefficiency of this process, coal is a limited and finite natural resource that once it is exhausted will be gone forever. Furthermore, the inherent damage to the environment than coal fumes and ash create has been proven by a litany of different medical researchers to be especially toxic. By means of comparison and contrast, many individuals argue for the more widespread use of nuclear energy. due to the fact that it is inherently “cleaner” than coal and less environmentally toxic to individuals that live in and around the nuclear stations that produce such energy.

Compose a 500 words assignment on creating academic and professional success.

Compose a 500 words assignment on creating academic and professional success. Needs to be plagiarism free! Team Structure: Advantages and Challenges Todays business world has embraced the concept of the team to structure an organization. A team is characterized by a group of members who are committed to a shared purpose and operate within a common set of rules and norms. Individuals will act within the rules to promote the shared purpose. If the teams purpose is to sell widgets, everything is done to further the goal of increasing sales. Members may have specialized roles, but the mission of the team is the overriding priority. While the concept of team structure has some distinct advantages, it also presents a new set of challenges.

A team is a collection of individuals that have unique talents and expertise. As a team they are able to exploit and share the knowledge that they possess. A team is able to assign a task to the most applicable member of the team and in doing so it makes the most advantageous use of their resources. This also allows the team members some flexibility in their role as a team member. In addition, the team allows management to assign workflow as needed. Teams can be assembled for a short period of time on an as needed basis.

Teams also have the advantage of sharing a common goal. When the group shares the common goal, all work and resources are devoted to reaching the goal. This reduces redundancy and ambiguity among the workforce and makes the best use of their time. It further allows the team to direct their attention to complex problem solving as a group that an individual may not be able to accomplish. This interjects more creativity and flexibility into the workflow process.

While there are many advantages, it must be remembered that teams must have the appropriate communication skills to be able to take advantage of the team structure. When using a team for decision making, the group may be guided by group-think or extreme positions advocated by powerful members. This is a major challenge to overcome to assure all team members have an equal input.

Another challenge to a team is the acceptance, by its members, that responsibility and rewards are shared equally. This may face difficulties in introducing the team concept where the organizational culture is ingrained with a task oriented and individual concept. The team may have loafers that assume they can slack off and spread the responsibility out among the other members. Miscommunication or cultural differences that are misunderstood can also challenge the team. The team will be challenged to work to overcome these problems as the team matures.

For Chris to deal with stress in the workplace, he should keep in mind that he is not alone in the workplace. He has several other workers that can help him in the workplace. When he feels stressed, he should do some deep breathing exercises to alleviate the immediate stressful feeling. He should then take a realistic appraisal of the reason for the stress and prioritize his challenges. Confronting the most important issues first can help reduce stress.

Works Consulted

Robbins, Stephen P. Organizational Behavior. 10th ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, 2003.