Write 6 pages thesis on the topic the issues of privacy and surveillance about the internet. &nbsp.&nbsp. &nbsp.

Write 6 pages thesis on the topic the issues of privacy and surveillance about the internet. &nbsp.&nbsp. &nbsp.&nbsp.Although the N.S.A. claims its online surveillance as simple intelligence work against terrorism and other crimes, the very nature of digital technology today proves otherwise. On the Internet, profiling has become comfortable not only because of the technology but also because the required information to profile people is free and readily accessible on online social networking sites. “The digital technologies that have revolutionized our daily lives have also created minutely detailed records of those lives” (Richards 1934). These profiles can be used for whatever purpose most useful and most profitable to those who have them (Buchholz and Rosenthal 34). In the end, profiling makes us vulnerable to anything, whether good or bad. &nbsp.

Breaching people’s privacy is not a new thing. Today’s difference is the sophistication and subtleness of violating one’s privacy than even the law meant to protect an individual’s privacy is rendered ineffective. Hence, it is more chilling. The resurgence of our assertion for privacy, specifically Internet privacy, does not mean we condone terrorism. Instead, we wanted to draw a clear line between privacy and security interest, as we see how easily online surveillance can be abused not only for cybercrimes but much more frightening for witch-hunting. Internet privacy is not a trivial matter but has become more necessary and urgent today as global insecurity reigns. it has become more compelling as the intrusive nature of the Internet (Garfinkel 260) has blurred the line between privacy and security and in defining what is public information and what is private information.

Internet Privacy

&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp. Since its inception, the Internet has become the center of all human communications, whether personal, business-related, social, or political. Every time we communicate via the Internet, we store bits and pieces of information about ourselves and other people that can be easily retrieved and accessed, not by us, because we rarely retrieve information about us.

writing homework on Civil Engineering Management. Write a 3000 word paper answering; In the planning process of an effective way to manage an organization or company, compliance with the laws and regulations is compulsory.

Need help with my writing homework on Civil Engineering Management. Write a 3000 word paper answering; In the planning process of an effective way to manage an organization or company, compliance with the laws and regulations is compulsory. Therefore, a practical approach to safety and health management should come first in every process of controlling an organizational process, and the integral segments of the workplace attitudes and behaviors. In the management operations of Visionary Construction Company, there exist outstanding recognition on the core elements in the effective management health and safety to include leadership and management, trained human resource, and an environment of trusted and involved personnel. Planning must therefore ensure that such measures are established and rolled out for implementations.

Under this category, there must be well-drafted policies on safety and health. employees provided with proper information regarding possible risks at their workstations, and provision of instructions on how to avoid and deal with risks. For the confirmation on the appropriateness of the policies, the management has to consult with the employees to check on the risks involved at their stations, preventive and protective measures.

Assessments of the possible risks to constructors, employees, management, partners, and the surrounding on the impact of the company’s operations are vital, and findings recorded. This also comes with adequate appraisal strategies that ensure accessibility by all employees to ensure total inclusion (Health and Safety Executive, 2009). Performance assessments will therefore see into it that adequate and appropriate supervision exists, everyone has access to competent safety and health advice, and there are an effective organization, planning, control, and review of preventive/protective established from the risk assessments.

The intertwined relationship that exists between the current Scientific Management and health and safety is relatively significant to the foundation of the present health and safety management system.

writing homework on Civil Engineering Management. Write a 3000 word paper answering; In the planning process of an effective way to manage an organization or company, compliance with the laws and regulations is compulsory.

Need help with my writing homework on Civil Engineering Management. Write a 3000 word paper answering; In the planning process of an effective way to manage an organization or company, compliance with the laws and regulations is compulsory. Therefore, a practical approach to safety and health management should come first in every process of controlling an organizational process, and the integral segments of the workplace attitudes and behaviors. In the management operations of Visionary Construction Company, there exist outstanding recognition on the core elements in the effective management health and safety to include leadership and management, trained human resource, and an environment of trusted and involved personnel. Planning must therefore ensure that such measures are established and rolled out for implementations.

Under this category, there must be well-drafted policies on safety and health. employees provided with proper information regarding possible risks at their workstations, and provision of instructions on how to avoid and deal with risks. For the confirmation on the appropriateness of the policies, the management has to consult with the employees to check on the risks involved at their stations, preventive and protective measures.

Assessments of the possible risks to constructors, employees, management, partners, and the surrounding on the impact of the company’s operations are vital, and findings recorded. This also comes with adequate appraisal strategies that ensure accessibility by all employees to ensure total inclusion (Health and Safety Executive, 2009). Performance assessments will therefore see into it that adequate and appropriate supervision exists, everyone has access to competent safety and health advice, and there are an effective organization, planning, control, and review of preventive/protective established from the risk assessments.

The intertwined relationship that exists between the current Scientific Management and health and safety is relatively significant to the foundation of the present health and safety management system.

write an article on Human Right to Humane Treatment. It needs to be at least 2000 words.

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on Human Right to Humane Treatment. It needs to be at least 2000 words. The European Convention on Human Rights has, therefore, set out certain provisions with the aim of securing to all citizens, the rights and freedoms guaranteed under the EC treaty. Under the Treaty, inhuman and degrading punishment would violate the rights of an individual, or even a child, to freedom from arbitrary treatment – such as excessive punishment or torture under imprisonment. There have been allegations of inhuman and degrading treatment in prisons and the provisions of the Geneva Convention have been found inadequate in this regard. However, Article 3 of the European Convention addresses all such violations of the right to freedom from discriminatory treatment. Article 3 has been primarily applied in respect to international victims of torture and cruel, arbitrary treatment while imprisoned. However corporal punishment of children is also emerging as an area where the provisions of Article 3 would apply. Such punishment would be equivalent to mental and physical torture which is deemed to be unacceptable under the Convention. Yet traditional belief has held that corporal punishment is an essential part of discipline and this conflict between punishment and freedom from torture has generated controversy within the European Union.

The right of the individual to humane treatment is recognized under Article 3 of the European Convention of Human Rights, which states clearly that, “No one shall be subjected to torture or inhuman or degrading treatment, or&nbsp.punishment”.

Because “we live in a society in which violence is spreading like a plague” and incidents of terrorist violence and destruction are soaring, the provisions of Article 3 of the Convention help to protect individuals from violence. When the violence or torture is perpetrated on children through corporal punishment, there is a special cause of action that arises for the exercise of Article 3, since children are in a weaker position as compared to adults. Corporal punishment can sometimes be excessive and thereby constitute degrading treatment that harms the child physically, emotionally, and mentally.

Create a 15 pages page paper that discusses homosexuality as a deviant behavior.

Create a 15 pages page paper that discusses homosexuality as a deviant behavior. Sociologically, deviance is characterized by four necessary ingredients: the existence of specific rules or norms. violation of those norms. the presence of an audience that considers these normative violations as wrong. and adverse reaction (consisting of criticism, condemnation, censure, stigma, disapproval, and so on) by the audience (Goode, 2011, p. 5). However, societal attitudes and norms towards deviant behavior vary from one social circle to another. An act or conduct that is condemned in one society may be acceptable to another.

Similarly, a behavior or act considered to be deviant in a particular society may acquire more social acceptance in the long run. In multicultural societies, norms that are valid for a group may not be regarded as right and acceptable by other groups or subcultures. As such, the adverse reaction of society forms a significant criterion for deviance.&nbsp.

One also needs to distinguish between societal and situational deviance. Societal deviance refers to those actions and conditions that are generally considered deviant and, therefore, are condemned by most society (Goode, 2011, p. 7). For instance, there is a high degree of consensus among members of the community to consider crimes such as rape, robbery, corporate theft, or terrorism as forms of societal deviance. On the other hand, situational deviance evaluates deviant behavior within a specific group, social circle, setting, or context where such actions occur. Behaviors that are regarded as social deviance in many communities are not considered situational deviance in others and vice versa. For instance, heterosexual dancing is viewed as deviant among the Haredi, whereas it is widely accepted in many Western nations. It can also be seen that societal deviance is widely recognized by most society whereas situational deviance is low-consensus deviance as public opinion is divided on their deviant status. However, relativity theory is widely applicable in how different cultures perceive deviance as one can find “variations in judgments of deviance from one group, subculture, social circle, or individual to another within the same society” (Goode, 2011, p. 13). For instance, the deviance status of marijuana use is relative as certain social circles approve it, whereas others condemn it.&nbsp.&nbsp.

Write 5 pages with APA style on Sex and Sexuality: a Cultural Taboo.

Write 5 pages with APA style on Sex and Sexuality: a Cultural Taboo. It refers to all procedures involving partial or total removal of external genital organs for non-medical reasons. It is classified into four categories: Type I or clitoridectomy, it is a partial or total removal of the clitoris and/or the prepuce. Type I is subdivided into two: Type 1a which is the removal of clitoral hood or prepuce only, while Type Ib is the removal of the clitoris with the prepuce. Type II or excision is a partial or total removal of the clitoris and the labia minora, with or without excision of the labia majora. It is subdivided into three: Type IIa is the removal of labia minora only, Type IIb is the partial or total removal of the clitoris, and the labia minora and Type IIc is the partial removal of the clitoris together with the labia minora and the labia majora. Type III or infibulations is the narrowing of the vagina. orifice with the creation of covering seal by cutting and positioning the labia minora and/or the labia majora, with or without excision of the clitoris. Type IIIa also subdivided into two: Type IIIa is the removal or apposition of the labia, Type IIIb is the removal or apposition of the labia major, and Type IV: All other harmful procedures to the female genitalia for a non-medical purpose, for example, pricking, piercing, incising, scraping and cauterization (WHO 2008 pp.24).

Female circumcision is a practice widely in Africa, some countries in Asia, the Middle East, and immigrant communities in North America and Europe (WHO 2008). It is practiced and widely accepted by cultural groups and society due to numerous reasons which include health and hygiene benefits, religious, traditional, and gender-related reasons (END FGM 2009 pp.8). Female circumcision marks the sexual debut of a woman. It also promotes identification in the culture or lineage group. Uncircumcised women prohibit in participating ritual rites such as burial rites and preparing food for the male members of the community with the circumcised women. Another reason for female circumcision is family honor, cleanliness because an uncircumcised female is considered unclean and unmarriageable. They also considered it as insurance to virginity and faithfulness (Althus, 1997).

submit a 1500 words paper on the topic Gender Roles in TV Show Friends. There are six main characters and each of them has their own traits. Almost all the characters have traits which would make them look funny, it is a sitcom and the characters must appear funny to be able to convince the audience.”

Hi, need to submit a 1500 words paper on the topic Gender Roles in TV Show Friends. There are six main characters and each of them has their own traits. Almost all the characters have traits which would make them look funny, it is a sitcom and the characters must appear funny to be able to convince the audience.” (Television and Gender Roles)

Dominant social values are more often than not presented on TV serials these days, traditions gender stereotypes are presented in almost every show, these shows reinforce the gender stereotypes making matters much worse than they actually are.

Girls are taught to be sensitive. on the contrary, boys are made rough and tough. Parents play a pivotal role in passing their beliefs on to their children, the way they think matters the most and the same also reflects on the thinking of their children. We live in a society, in which sons and daughters are treated very differently, pink is considered feminine, and blue is considered an ideal color for boys. Boys are given much more freedom than girls. this is often fought against by the mothers.

Boys make their own groups when they reach infancy, such groups operate independently but when girls make such groups they have to be dependent on someone to operate effectively. A girl who displays masculine traits is considered abnormal and a boy who displays feminine traits is considered abnormal, this is very stereotypical thinking and something which must change very soon. Girls are encouraged to play with dolls and boys on the contrary engage in activities that suit their gender. “While both mothers and fathers contribute to the gender stereotyping of their children, fathers have been found to reinforce gender stereotypes more often than mothers.” (Ruble, 1988) These were some of the socio-cultural and biological factors which affect gender role development.

Sexuality and Sexual Orientation

“Sexuality has three stages: Desire is an interest in being sexual. Excitement is the state of arousal that sexual stimulation causes. And orgasm is sexual pleasure’s peaking. A sexual disorder occurs when there’s a problem in at least one of these stages.

Compose a 1500 words assignment on multitester electronic measuring device.

Compose a 1500 words assignment on multitester electronic measuring device. Needs to be plagiarism free! Also known as a Multitester or a Volt-Ohm meter (VOM), a multimeter is an electronic measuring device that merges various measurement units (voltage, current, and resistance) into one component. It is one of the most common test equipment in the electronics industry. Initially, analog multimeters were used for testing electronics, but this was later replaced by digital multimeters which have a variety of functions and an increased level of precision (Kalsi, 2010).

I have prepared a digital multimeter user safety guide to enlighten users of digital multimeters on how to handle and maintain the multimeter as well as how to ensure safety when using it. This user manual was prepared using data gathered from internet sources. Moreover, a professional electrician was also consulted to advise on the most suitable DMM as well as give information about safe usage of the DMM.

This user guide will make use of various graphics aimed at enlightening the user of the various parts of the device and their key functions. Users are advised to read and follow the instructions, precautions, and warnings in this user guide to use the DMM correctly and safely.

A digital multimeter (DMM) is a very essential tool when resolving an electrical fault. It differs from its predecessor, the analog meter- which has a needle and a gauge, in that it has an LCD display and an improved level of accuracy. A DMM is capable of working with both energized and de-energized electrical circuits. It also has a diversity of other functions useful to both professional users and amateurs. The functions include measuring voltages and currents (both AC and DC), continuity, capacitance, resistance, frequency, and transistor tests.

When selecting test equipment, the decision should be based on the type of electrical measurement to be measured. A DMM is should be selected when measuring small value measurements as it is accurate within 0.1 – 0.5 % of the reading.

people and organization management in the built environment

I need some assistance with these assignment. people and organization management in the built environment Thank you in advance for the help! Change is indeed the one and only constant that exists within organizations. It is imperative to state that change is rampant because it makes things look easier from the long term perspectives. It makes the top management feel glad about their actions after the change philosophy has been defined, executed, and implemented to seek the best possible results for the sake of the organizations.

Within this paper, the focus would be kept on the built environment as change is witnessed at different levels so as to apprise all and sundry regarding the issues and concerns that the middle management and the lower staff have from time to time. It will also study the basis of change as a general proposition and then go on to find alternate routes in order to discern how change has been seen over the years in diverse industries and how it will be constantly viewed in the coming times as well. With that, a proper understanding of the change principles will be sought which shall tackle the nuances related to how people see change as a catalyst towards creating something big and gigantic within organizations. The role of the employees and the top management is also crucial towards forming such opinions and they will rightfully be given an opportunity to have their viewpoints expressed.&nbsp.

To begin the discussion at hand, it is quintessential to know where change can be incorporated within an organization. What this basically does is to tell the people at large how change is being seen and where its maximum uses and benefits can be drawn. It also tells the audience that change is the only element that shall remain constant at the best of times and must not be disallowed under any situation whatsoever. It only helps the processes become more focused and rationalized, allowing the people involved within it at different levels a greater mileage than ever before. However, not many businesses understand this principle as it should be (Berkowitz, 1993).&nbsp.&nbsp.

Write 9 pages with APA style on A Comparative Study of Online News. Curran et. al chose 1000 adults from each country who were given an online survey. In Greece and Colombia interviews were taken. The results that were obtained from these surveys showed the extent of media exposure in each country. In addition, the age groups which are more prone to news updates were also recognized.

Write 9 pages with APA style on A Comparative Study of Online News. Curran et. al chose 1000 adults from each country who were given an online survey. In Greece and Colombia interviews were taken. The results that were obtained from these surveys showed the extent of media exposure in each country. In addition, the age groups which are more prone to news updates were also recognized.

The younger generation in Australia, Greece, Japan, Korea, and the U.K, uses more internet for news-related information. In Italy, the case is the opposite as more aged people make use of the internet for news information. In Norway, the situation is neutral with both old aged people and young ones use the internet equally (Curran et. al, p-884).

Curran et. al (p- 887) deduced that India, Japan, and Italy have more state-oriented websites. More emphasis is given to what’s happening in politics. Civil society has a smaller representation of websites. The case is different for Australia, Greece & Norway where importance is given to individual citizens, the overall society, and the entertainment industry (fashion, movies, and celebrities).

1. Interactivity: This feature is of the utmost importance when it comes to online news websites. The authors state that it is a pure-audience-friendly feature that facilitates the use of the website. For example, interactivity features include services like email exchange with the journalist, opinion/comments on the bulletins, web chat options. Such services help in making the online platform more interactive.

2. Customization: Some websites have the option of ‘pull content’ which can be old archives and ‘push content’ which are subscriptions. Using this feature a user can customize the kind of news he or she wants by selecting certain news categories (Movies) and then the same would be sent to him/her via emails. This is known as Customization of content which is very appealing to some users.

3. Hypertexuality: Using these high-tech feature journalists are able to hyperlink the news item with original documents, making the news more authentic.

4. Multimediality: Using this feature journalists combine traditional media along with recent technologies. For example, embedding text, images, videos, and audios on the websites. The use of banner advertisement is a form of multimodality.