Find an instance in your community where community organizers were involved in helping to enact change. Explain the principles of community organization that were used in the example you found. What role do social workers play in using those principles to address the needs of the community?
I have chosen the Homeless Coalition of Southern Indiana, they are currently working to get the homeless population vaccinated which can be a tricky since the homeless does not trust many people and do not like to be bothered. The Homeless Coalition of Sothern Indiana seeks to build a community of collaboration. Through education, advocacy, and awareness, we want each member of the community to know they have a role to play. They work with local government, organizations, businesses, and other volunteers to coordinate services to those homeless and at-risk. Our power is in the strength of our relationships. Through collaboration and partnership with our community, we minimize the time an individual spends homeless. Their coalition also sponsors the White Flag Emergency Shelter for men, women, and families during inclement weather. All communities’ members in need of a warm place to sleep are welcome (Homeless Coalition, 2021).
Members of the Vigo County Health Department are strategizing new ways to vaccinate underserved populations. This includes nearly 600 homeless people living in the area. However, this does not come without challenges. There is one big way the Vigo County Health Department will help with this effort. The department recently received a grant worth $221,000 from the Indiana State Department of Health. They say this grant will help vaccinate populations that are underserved, including the homeless. The department is planning on using the Johnson and Johnson vaccine. They say this is because a one-shot vaccine will be less of an inconvenience to the already hesitant homeless population (Follman, 2021). Members of the Coalition will help the health department administer those vaccine. The member s of the coalition team is made of social workers, case workers, health department members, and several other prominent members of the community also volunteers that help out as well.
Follman, H., (2021). Vaccinating the homeless in Vigo County. WTHI-TV10 news retrieved
Homeless Coalitaion, (2021) A colation to the end homlessness in Southern Indaian. Homeless Coalition retrieved
Breanna Williams
1 posts
Re: Topic 4 DQ 2
When COVID-19 started, and many individuals found themselves without a job the local school and churches in my community began to collect non-perishable foods and household items to help alleviate the lack of income on some families with children and the elderly. Staff members from the school would deliver the food to these families and leave them on their front steps to keep everyone safe.
Community organizations are an essential part of social work and according to Farley et al., (2011) it is one of the three major methods of social work. One principle of a community organization that this example shows is a community organization for social welfare. Many people faced a lack of income during the pandemic and were faced with not being able to provide the basic necessities for living. This organization of the community helped alleviate some of the stress to local families by providing these necessities. Another principle that can be found in this example is that the client is primarily the community and is to be accepted however and wherever it is (Farley et al., 2011). This organization provided meals and household items to any family that was in need regardless of their situation or how rural of an area they lived in.
Social workers utilize many of these principles when addressing problems with individuals or communities. Many social workers advocate for the individual so that they are able to receive the resources that are needed. They are not prejudiced against an individual based on their situation or where they may live. Farley et al. (2011), explains that there are laws that are formulated that individuate what behavior is acceptable and which is not and are based on the community values and norms that are deemed to be most important. Community organizers and social workers both must follow the laws and regulations that are put in place to better serve their communities.
Farley, O. W., Smith, L. L., & Boyle, S. W. (2011). Introduction to social work (12th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson. ISBN-13: 9780205001972