Consider the looping plume form due to windy conditions, and recall that the Gaussian model presumes a normal curve distribution. What problems do you perceive that a Gaussian model might pose when attempting to exclusively use this model in variable wind areas? Do you think these factors are considered enough in issuing pollution forecasts when frontal systems affect urban areas? Why, or why not? ALSO PLEASE REPLY TO ANOTHER STUDENTS

Consider the looping plume form due to windy conditions, and recall that the Gaussian model presumes a normal curve distribution. What problems do you perceive that a Gaussian model might pose when attempting to exclusively use this model in variable wind areas? Do you think these factors are considered enough in issuing pollution forecasts when frontal systems affect urban areas? Why, or why not?

To ensure the success of a program evaluation, a social worker must generate a specific detailed plan. That plan should describe the goal of the evaluation, the information needed, and the methods and analysis to be used. In addition, the plan should identify and address the concerns of stakeholders. A social worker should present information about the plan in a manner that the stakeholders can understand. This will help the social worker receive the support necessary for a successful evaluation. To prepare for this Assignment, identify a program evaluation you would like to conduct for a program with which you are familiar. Consider the details of the evaluation, including the purpose, specific questions to address, and type of information to collect. Then, consider the stakeholders that would be involved in approving that evaluation. Review the resources for samples of program evaluations.

Week 6: Program Evaluation: What, Why, and How

Most agencies prepare an annual report that includes the number of services or units of service provided, the number of individuals served, and information about demographics of the population served. This is generally accompanied by a budget summary, which includes sources and amounts of income and categories of expenses. In the past, that might have been adequate information to satisfy the public and funders, but today, stakeholders are demanding greater accountability for measurable results.

Program evaluations can provide insights into questions that such reports leave unanswered. As a social worker, you may be asked to play a role in a program evaluation. You should understand the nature and purpose of program evaluations and how they contribute to better social work practice. Then, you can reap the full benefit of such evaluations and adequately address the concerns of stakeholders.

This week, you analyze the benefits of two types of program evaluations, process, and outcome evaluations. You also analyze stakeholder concerns about evaluation. Finally, you recommend a program evaluation model and plan a program evaluation.

Learning Objectives

Students will:

  • Analyze program evaluation models
  • Analyze stakeholder concerns about program evaluation
  • Create a program evaluation plan

Learning Resources

Required Readings

Dudley, J. R. (2020). Social work evaluation: Enhancing what we do (3rd ed.) Oxford University Press.

  • Chapter 1, “Evaluation and Social Work: Making the Connection” (pp. 3–26)
  • Chapter 4, “Common Types of Evaluations” (pp. 78-95)
  • Chapter 5, “Focusing an Evaluation” (pp. 96-110)

Document: Logan, T. K., & Royse, D. (2010). Program evaluation studies. In B. Thyer (Ed.), The handbook of social work research methods (2nd ed., pp. 221–240). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. (PDF)

Copyright 2010 by Sage Publications, Inc.
Reprinted by permission of Sage Publications, Inc. via the Copyright Clearance Center.

  1. K. Kellogg Foundation. (2017). The step-by-step guide to evaluation: How to become savvy evaluation consumers. Retrieved from–how-to-become-savvy-evaluation-consumers



Assignment: Developing a Program Evaluation

To ensure the success of a program evaluation, a social worker must generate a specific detailed plan. That plan should describe the goal of the evaluation, the information needed, and the methods and analysis to be used. In addition, the plan should identify and address the concerns of stakeholders. A social worker should present information about the plan in a manner that the stakeholders can understand. This will help the social worker receive the support necessary for a successful evaluation.


To prepare for this Assignment, identify a program evaluation you would like to conduct for a program with which you are familiar. Consider the details of the evaluation, including the purpose, specific questions to address, and type of information to collect. Then, consider the stakeholders that would be involved in approving that evaluation. Review the resources for samples of program evaluations.


The program we will utilize for this Assignment is the Client Transportation Program at an agency whose clients have mental health conditions and substance use disorder.  The agency picks up client in the morning around 7:30am to bring them to the agency for Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) group and counseling services.  Transportation then returns the clients to the sober living houses after group.  Client are required to visit with their counselors and therapists after IOP group on a regularly scheduled basis.  Client’s who remain in the building for services are often not sure how and when they will return to their sober living houses because transportation is out returning the other clients.  Evaluating and improving this process would benefit the client as they would have a scheduled transportation appointment and reduce the stress on the clients and agency staff as client’s currently feel rushed to complete their counseling sessions to not miss their transportation.



Submit the following:

  • A 1-page stakeholder analysis that identifies the stakeholders, their role in the agency and any concerns that they might have about the proposed program evaluation
  • A 2-page draft of the program evaluation plan to submit to the stakeholders that:
    • Identifies the purpose of the evaluation
    • Describes the questions that will be addressed and the type of information that will be collected
    • Addresses the concerns of the stakeholders that you identified in your Stakeholder Analysis


This paper must contain at least 3 references from the about list “Required Readings” materials


The purpose of this assignment is to explain the principles of design usability and analyze the impact of human factors on electronic applications for health care systems. Write a 750-1,000 word paper on the usability of health informatics applications. Include the following: Describe an example of an electronic health record (EHR) application used in a health care setting. Describe the key elements of design usability for that application. Analyze and describe how human factors or heuristic principles affect the electronic EHR in the chosen application. Recommend an improvement to the chosen electronic application. Provide a rationale for the suggested improvement based on knowledge of design usability. Support your findings with a minimum of two scholarly resources. Please provide intext citations and references using APA 7

The purpose of this assignment is to explain the principles of design usability and analyze the impact of human factors on electronic applications for health care systems.

Write a 750-1,000 word paper on the usability of health informatics applications. Include the following:

  1. Describe an example of an electronic health record (EHR) application used in a health care setting.
  2. Describe the key elements of design usability for that application.
  3. Analyze and describe how human factors or heuristic principles affect the electronic EHR in the chosen application.
  4. Recommend an improvement to the chosen electronic application.
  5. Provide a rationale for the suggested improvement based on knowledge of design usability.

Support your findings with a minimum of two scholarly resources.

Please provide intext citations and references using APA 7

Question 1. Database normalization is a very important process in designing and organizing tables (relations) and their columns (attributes or fields) in a relational database. Therefore, what are the consequences (problems) if a database was designed without it? Would the database still work?


  1. Database normalization is a very important process in designing and organizing tables (relations) and their columns (attributes or fields) in a relational database. Therefore, what are the consequences (problems) if a database was designed without it? Would the database still work?

As you view the screencast for this case study, use this worksheet to record your answers.  You will submit these answers by completing the “Case Study #2 – Enzyme Inhibition & Weight Loss Drugs Worksheet Answers” in Canvas. a. Based on the structure of Alli, what enzyme do you predict it to inhibit? (1 pt) 1.b. Do you predict it to be a competitive or non-competitive inhibitor? Explain your answer. (2 pts) If someone on Alli eats a high-fat meal where does the fat end up, and why? (2 pts) What do the data suggest about Alli® and weight loss? Does Alli® result in more weight loss? Significantly more? (2 pts)

Case Study #2 – Enzyme Inhibition and Weight Loss Drugs







As you view the screencast for this case study, use this worksheet to record your answers.  You will submit these answers by completing the “Case Study #2 – Enzyme Inhibition & Weight Loss Drugs Worksheet Answers” in Canvas.


  1. a. Based on the structure of Alli, what enzyme do you predict it to inhibit? (1 pt)





1.b. Do you predict it to be a competitive or non-competitive inhibitor? Explain your answer. (2 pts)






  1. If someone on Alli eats a high-fat meal where does the fat end up, and why? (2 pts)







  1. What do the data suggest about Alli® and weight loss? Does Alli® result in more weight loss? Significantly more? (2 pts)









  1. a. Why are the side-effects to be expected, and why are they an indication that the drug is working as it should? Be as specific as you can. (2 pts)










4.b. Based on what you know, how could patients taking Alli reduce the occurrence of side-effects? Explain your answer. (2 pts)







  1. Why are people taking Alli® advised to take a supplement with Vitamins A, D, E and K? Explain your answer. (2 pts)














  1. Write four bullet points that could be part of an ad for Alli®. You need to include at least one bullet point that accurately conveys what weight loss a person taking Alli® can expect, at least one bullet that notes a side effect, and at least on bullet that explains how to avoid/minimize that side effect. (2 pts)

Find an instance in your community where community organizers were involved in helping to enact change. Explain the principles of community organization that were used in the example you found. What role do social workers play in using those principles to address the needs of the community?

Find an instance in your community where community organizers were involved in helping to enact change. Explain the principles of community organization that were used in the example you found. What role do social workers play in using those principles to address the needs of the community?




I have chosen the Homeless Coalition of Southern Indiana, they are currently working to get the homeless population vaccinated which can be a tricky since the homeless does not trust many people and do not like to be bothered. The Homeless Coalition of Sothern Indiana seeks to build a community of collaboration. Through education, advocacy, and awareness, we want each member of the community to know they have a role to play. They work with local government, organizations, businesses, and other volunteers to coordinate services to those homeless and at-risk. Our power is in the strength of our relationships. Through collaboration and partnership with our community, we minimize the time an individual spends homeless. Their coalition also sponsors the White Flag Emergency Shelter for men, women, and families during inclement weather. All communities’ members in need of a warm place to sleep are welcome (Homeless Coalition, 2021).

Members of the Vigo County Health Department are strategizing new ways to vaccinate underserved populations. This includes nearly 600 homeless people living in the area. However, this does not come without challenges. There is one big way the Vigo County Health Department will help with this effort. The department recently received a grant worth $221,000 from the Indiana State Department of Health. They say this grant will help vaccinate populations that are underserved, including the homeless. The department is planning on using the Johnson and Johnson vaccine. They say this is because a one-shot vaccine will be less of an inconvenience to the already hesitant homeless population (Follman, 2021). Members of the Coalition will help the health department administer those vaccine. The member s of the coalition team is made of social workers, case workers, health department members, and several other prominent members of the community also volunteers that help out as well.

Follman, H., (2021). Vaccinating the homeless in Vigo County. WTHI-TV10 news retrieved

Homeless Coalitaion, (2021) A colation to the end homlessness in Southern Indaian. Homeless Coalition retrieved




Breanna Williams 

1 posts

Re: Topic 4 DQ 2

When COVID-19 started, and many individuals found themselves without a job the local school and churches in my community began to collect non-perishable foods and household items to help alleviate the lack of income on some families with children and the elderly. Staff members from the school would deliver the food to these families and leave them on their front steps to keep everyone safe.

Community organizations are an essential part of social work and according to Farley et al., (2011) it is one of the three major methods of social work. One principle of a community organization that this example shows is a community organization for social welfare. Many people faced a lack of income during the pandemic and were faced with not being able to provide the basic necessities for living. This organization of the community helped alleviate some of the stress to local families by providing these necessities. Another principle that can be found in this example is that the client is primarily the community and is to be accepted however and wherever it is (Farley et al., 2011). This organization provided meals and household items to any family that was in need regardless of their situation or how rural of an area they lived in.

Social workers utilize many of these principles when addressing problems with individuals or communities. Many social workers advocate for the individual so that they are able to receive the resources that are needed. They are not prejudiced against an individual based on their situation or where they may live. Farley et al. (2011), explains that there are laws that are formulated that individuate what behavior is acceptable and which is not and are based on the community values and norms that are deemed to be most important. Community organizers and social workers both must follow the laws and regulations that are put in place to better serve their communities.


Farley, O. W., Smith, L. L., & Boyle, S. W. (2011). Introduction to social work (12th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson. ISBN-13: 9780205001972



Ethics of International Strategies- Often, organizations have the opportunity or the need to expand globally, and this action requires a different type of strategy for successful outcomes. After reading Chapters 10 and 11 of the course text, define and discuss the differences between an international corporation and a global corporation. Choose two international strategies, define each strategy, then compare and contrast each. Discuss why organizations may choose one strategy over another and the type of industry that is best suited to the strategy. Expanding globally involves the proper forecasting of cultural issues. Consider how ethical values and corporate social responsibility (CSR) might challenge the strategic process and the planned outcomes. What are the prime ethical considerations for each of the chosen international strategies, and what type of strategic plan must accompany the international strategy to meet the ethical and CSR expectations? Your initial post must be specific and significant. The initial post must be between 300 and 350 words. You must support your post with at least two scholarly resources in addition to the text to defend your positions and findings. Use the Scholarly, Peer-Reviewed, and Other Credible Sources

Ethics of International Strategies- Often, organizations have the opportunity or the need to expand globally, and this action requires a different type of strategy for successful outcomes. After reading Chapters 10 and 11 of the course text, define and discuss the differences between an international corporation and a global corporation. Choose two international strategies, define each strategy, then compare and contrast each. Discuss why organizations may choose one strategy over another and the type of industry that is best suited to the strategy.

Expanding globally involves the proper forecasting of cultural issues. Consider how ethical values and corporate social responsibility (CSR) might challenge the strategic process and the planned outcomes. What are the prime ethical considerations for each of the chosen international strategies, and what type of strategic plan must accompany the international strategy to meet the ethical and CSR expectations?

Your initial post must be specific and significant. The initial post must be between 300 and 350 words. You must support your post with at least two scholarly resources in addition to the text to defend your positions and findings. Use the Scholarly, Peer-Reviewed, and Other Credible Sources

Explain the difference between an adjustment disorder and anxiety disorder. Provide examples to illustrate your rationale. Explain the diagnostic criteria for your assigned anxiety disorder. Explain the evidenced-based psychotherapy and psychopharmacologic treatment for your assigned anxiety disorder. Support your rationale with references to the Learning Resources or other academic resource.

Anxiety disorders are common in both primary care and psychiatric practice. Clients with anxiety disorders including generalized anxiety disorders, agoraphobia, and other specific phobias will present to the PMHNP’s office with a significant level of distress. Successful recognition and treatment of anxiety disorders includes an accurate diagnostic assessment with a treatment plan that includes a combination of psychopharmacology and psychotherapy. Although psychoanalytic theories are based on the concept of anxiety, the more recent standard of care is with the cognitive-behavioral therapies.

In this Discussion, you will analyze evidence-based treatment plans for clients with anxiety disorders.

Learning Objectives

Students will:
  • Analyze differences between adjustments disorders and anxiety disorders
  • Analyze diagnostic criteria for anxiety disorders
  • Analyze evidence-based psychotherapy and psychopharmacologic treatment for anxiety disorders
  • Compare differential diagnostic features of anxiety disorders

Note: For this Discussion, you are required to complete your initial post before you will be able to view and respond to your colleagues’ postings. Begin by clicking on the “Post to Discussion Question” link and then select “Create Thread” to complete your initial post. Remember, once you click submit, you cannot delete or edit your own posts and cannot post anonymously. Please check your post carefully before clicking Submit!

To prepare for this Discussion:

  • By Day 5 of Week 5, your Instructor will have assigned you an anxiety disorder, which will be your focus for your initial post for this Discussion.
  • Review the Learning Resources.

By Day 3


  • Explain the difference between an adjustment disorder and anxiety disorder. Provide examples to illustrate your rationale.
  • Explain the diagnostic criteria for your assigned anxiety disorder.
  • Explain the evidenced-based psychotherapy and psychopharmacologic treatment for your assigned anxiety disorder.
  • Support your rationale with references to the Learning Resources or other academic resource.

Write a report into the extent to which females occupy senior management roles. You should use appropriate sections to cover the following topics: Background and history Current situation (regions, sectors) Possible causes Possible solutions e.g. political strategies Future scenarios You should use evidence and data to inform on the situation and include some of your own thinking and interpretation based on this evidence, for example when discussing the viability of solutions and the outlook for the future. Formalities:  Wordcount: 1200 – 1300  Font: Arial 12 pts.  Text alignment: Justified.  The in-text References and the Bibliography must be in Harvard’s citation style.

Write a report into the extent to which females occupy senior management roles. You should use appropriate sections to cover the following topics:

Background and history
Current situation (regions, sectors) Possible causes
Possible solutions e.g. political strategies Future scenarios

You should use evidence and data to inform on the situation and include some of your own thinking and interpretation based on this evidence, for example when discussing the viability of solutions and the outlook for the future.


  •   Wordcount: 1200 – 1300
  •   Font: Arial 12 pts.
  •   Text alignment: Justified.
  •   The in-text References and the Bibliography must be in Harvard’s citation style.

Discussion 4 (Obesity) Article: The Conspiracy to Keep You Fat Video: The Killer American Diet That’s Sweeping the Planet Video: Why Dieting Doesn’t Usually Work In the article, the author provides an interesting perspective on how our eating choices (i.e., behaviors) can be subconsciously manipulated to cause us to make unhealthy dietary selections and to overeat. The author discusses how the government could play a more influential role in reducing the obesity epidemic in the United States. The presenter in the first video also implies that the food companies can play an influential role in reducing the obesity epidemic. What are your thought on the author’s and presenter’s points of view? Do you think the government could (or should) play a more influential role in lowering the nation’s increasing obesity rate? Discuss your answer. The presenter in the second video provides an interesting and thought provoking perspective on how our brain controls our “normal” weight range (i.e., set point theory) and how it can counteract our weight loss efforts. What are your thoughts regarding this presenter’s presentation? During your diets, have you experienced any of the things she discussed? You should contribute one (1) comment (at least 300 words) to this week’s discussion. In your post, you should provide a detailed explanation to support your views (include references, if needed). You may use the questions I asked above or discuss another aspect of the article and video that caught your attention. Please DO NOT copy any of your classmate’s comments or plagiarize (you will not receive credit for doing this).

Discussion 4 (Obesity)

Article: The Conspiracy to Keep You Fat


Video: The Killer American Diet That’s Sweeping the Planet


Video: Why Dieting Doesn’t Usually Work


In the article, the author provides an interesting perspective on how our eating choices (i.e., behaviors) can be subconsciously manipulated to cause us to make unhealthy dietary selections and to overeat.  The author discusses how the government could play a more influential role in reducing the obesity epidemic in the United States.  The presenter in the first video also implies that the food companies can play an influential role in reducing the obesity epidemic.  What are your thought on the author’s and presenter’s points of view?  Do you think the government could (or should) play a more influential role in lowering the nation’s increasing obesity rate?  Discuss your answer.  The presenter in the second video provides an interesting and thought provoking perspective on how our brain controls our “normal” weight range (i.e., set point theory) and how it can counteract our weight loss efforts.  What are your thoughts regarding this presenter’s presentation?  During your diets, have you experienced any of the things she discussed?


You should contribute one (1) comment (at least 300 words) to this week’s discussion. In your post, you should provide a detailed explanation to support your views (include references, if needed).  You may use the questions I asked above or discuss another aspect of the article and video that caught your attention.  Please DO NOT copy any of your classmate’s comments or plagiarize (you will not receive credit for doing this).