Watch Awake: A Dream from Standing Rock.  A Dream from Standing Rock (89 min) What kind of social movement is the standing rock protest? Explain why and give an example from the movie to support your claim.  (There is a right answer here, you don’t get credit for a guess).  What social conditions are they trying to change? Who are the opposing forces?  Give an example from the movie to support your claim. (There is a right answer here, you don’t get credit for a guess).  Define social movement tactics in your own words.   What are the Standing Rock protester’s tactics? Give an example from the movie to support your claim. (There is a right answer here, you don’t get credit for a guess).  Define Resource mobilization in your own words.   How are they practicing resource mobilization?  Give an example from the movie to support your claim. (There is a right answer here, you don’t get credit for a guess).  Define in your own words the free rider problem.  Now, discuss who might be a free rider in the standing rock social movement.  Now, discuss why they might be a freerider.   Give an example from the movie to support your claim. (There is a right answer here, you don’t get credit for a guess).  Define frame alignment in your own words.  Now, discuss whether or not Standing Rock has achieved or not achieved frame alignment.    Word Count: 1000 Words

Watch the Jim Crow Museum

  1. Citing an explicit example from the Jim Crow Museum clip, how was white supremacy an active construction in society, created through a structural level process?

  2. Citing an explicit example from the Jim Crow Museum clip, how was white supremacy an active construction in society, created through a cultural level process?
  3. Citing an explicit example from the Jim Crow Museum clip, how was white supremacy an active construction in society, created through an interactional level process?
  4. Why is the propensity of folks to say “All Lives Matter” a cultural level race process?  What part of American culture does it draw from?
  5. Explain what a symbolic interactionist would say about the interactional effects of racial microaggression on an individual.  How is the concept of ‘looking glass self’ connected? 
  6. How is Tim Wise’s argument about guilt vs responsibility an argument about race at the structural and institutional level? 


  1. Define sex and gender essentialism in your own words.  Now Define sex and gender constructionism in your words.  What is the scientific evidence that sex is not a binary?
  2. Discuss thoroughly the use of heteronormativity in our culture.  Discuss what the Kinsey scale found about the nuances of sexuality.  Pick an example of a structural, cultural, OR interactional way in which society reinforces and reproduces heteronormativity. 
  3. Discuss how a structural functionalist would view gender socialization.  If sex and gender are empirically NOT binaries, why are we culturally beholden to the idea of sex as a binary?
  4. Now, discuss how a conflict theorist would see gender socialization.  the way the structure is set up…. conflicting interests built into systems.)
  1. Now, discuss how a Symbolic Interactionist would view gender socialization. State a cultural belief, norm, or value about your gender.  Now discuss if you have conformed or rebelled to the gender norm, value, of belief.   Was this value, norm, or belief instilled in your primary or secondary socialization?  Who were the agents of socialization for this gender norm, value, or belief?


Summaries: (50 words or more each answer) (which is a paragraph)

1.1 Describe fully why the sick role is a cultural level health phenomenon

1.2 Describe how illness is socially constructed via structural factors

1.3 Describe the historical events that led to widespread distrust of the medical community in Black folks.

1.4 Describe the state of health care access in the U.S.

1.5 Describe how we can use a sociological lens to inform public health measures.

Sociological Discussion Questions: (50 words or more for each answer)

  1. 1. Why are the poor more likely than their middle class counterparts to be overweight or obese? What sociological factors might researchers look at to understand the correlation?
  2. What sociological factors help explain the rise of opiod use and abuse in U.S. communities?





Watch John Oliver (25 min)


  1. What is the epidemiological transition? Why was the epidemiological transition so impactful for society?
  2. What are some positive social outcomes of medicalization?  What are some negative social outcomes of medicalization?
  3. What impact can the doctor patient interaction have on health outcomes for groups?  Why is doctor-patient congruence an effective solution for health disparities?
  4. State Wanda’s remedy for bias in doctor-patient interaction.  Which sociological theory is implicated in her solution? Explain thoroughly
  5. Explain thoroughly how sociologists of health and illness interrogate social factors as contributing the prevalence of disease in society. 
  6. How can stigma affect the sick role and why is this cultural?



Summaries: (50 words or more each answer) (which is a paragraph)

1.1 Describe how sociologists use demography to study populations

1.2 Describe the structural factors that led to the first demographic transition

1.3 Describe the debate over population growth and consumption

1.4 Describe U.S. historical and contemporary trends in urbanization and the rise of global cities

1.5 Describe the sociological perspective on issues of environmental protection and destruction

Sociological Discussion Questions: (50 words or more for each answer)

  1. 1. What is gentrification? What are some of the key costs and benefits of gentrification in U.S. cities?
  2. As you saw in the chapter, urbanization continues to increase across the globe.  What draws populations to cities? What sociological factors point to this trend continuing?








Watch The Story of Stuff (20 min)


Watch City Rising (40 min)


Watch Gentrification SNL LINK (3 min)

  1. Define in your own words the treadmill of production.  What does Annie Leonard mean by “externalizing the costs of production”?
  2. Is the need for a vigorous economy and the need for a clean and sustainable environment irreconcilable? Demonstrate an understanding of the two highlighted concepts and their connection in your answer.  What does Annie Leonard say about this?
  3. CITY RISING-Define gentrification in your own words.  Discuss how previous redlining of neighborhoods leaves neighborhoods open to risk of gentrification.  (Make the links, show your sociology).  Use an explicit example from the film to support your argument.
  4. CITY RISING-What is environmental racism in your own words?  How is environmental racism linked to gentrification? Use explicit examples from the film to support your argument. 
  5. Describe fully in your own words the social phenomena of spatial mismatch.   Besides employment, what other negative social outcomes could arise from spatial mismatch?
  6. What factors have contributed to the decline of population growth in many modern countries? What are the benefits and consequences of fertility declines?



 Summaries: (50 words or more each answer) (which is a paragraph)

1.1 Describe the funtionalist perspective on social change

1.2 Describe the conflict theorist perspective on social change

1.3 Describe the rise and fall theory of social change

1.4 Describe Blumer’s theory of contagion and social change

1.5 Describe how social movements practice resource mobilization

Sociological Discussion Questions: (50 words or more for each answer)

  1. 1. Consider what you have learned about social movements and social change in this chapter.  how is the global expansion of social media likely to change how people pursue change? How has it done so already?
  2. Under what kinds of societal conditions do movements for social change emerge? Describe a societal context that has brought about or could bring about the development of such a movement.







Watch Awake: A Dream from Standing Rock.  A Dream from Standing Rock (89 min)

  1. What kind of social movement is the standing rock protest? Explain why and give an example from the movie to support your claim.  (There is a right answer here, you don’t get credit for a guess). 
  2. What social conditions are they trying to change? Who are the opposing forces?  Give an example from the movie to support your claim. (There is a right answer here, you don’t get credit for a guess). 
  3. Define social movement tactics in your own words.   What are the Standing Rock protester’s tactics? Give an example from the movie to support your claim. (There is a right answer here, you don’t get credit for a guess). 
  4. Define Resource mobilization in your own words.   How are they practicing resource mobilization?  Give an example from the movie to support your claim. (There is a right answer here, you don’t get credit for a guess). 
  5. Define in your own words the free rider problem.  Now, discuss who might be a free rider in the standing rock social movement.  Now, discuss why they might be a freerider.   Give an example from the movie to support your claim. (There is a right answer here, you don’t get credit for a guess). 
  6. Define frame alignment in your own words.  Now, discuss whether or not Standing Rock has achieved or not achieved frame alignment.   



Word Count: 1000 Words

title it with the topic: “Socialization and Social Interaction”

write an essay with the topic “Socialization and Social Interaction” as if you are teaching someone close to you concepts from this class.

Section One: (1 Paragraph Max)

Introduce the person you are writing to, and tell them what you plan to teach them in this letter. Tell them what you knew or thought about this topic before you took this class.

Section Two: (1-2 Paragraphs)

Describe to your reader what it means to have a sociological imagination.  State for them how sociologists interrogate social processes.  Explain to them what it means to study structure and agency.

Section Three: (3-4 Paragraphs)

Tell your letter recipient what you’ve learned about this topic.  Start by describing to them how sociologists view this particular topic.  You’ll use vocabulary words here, and you will bold them.  You need not exhaust your vocab list. the five vocabulary that you want to discuss with your reader, the five that you were struck by and want to discuss further with your reader.

Vocab: Ego, role-taking, social learning, behaviorism, socialization.

Section Four:  (1 Paragraph)

Tell your reader what you are still curious about with this topic and would love to talk over with them the next time you see them.  Tell them what questions you still have, and what you wonder about.  Ask your reader a structural question, a cultural question, and an interactional question about this topic.

End your letter by wishing them well!


Directions In at least 200 words, tell us about a time when you had poor interactions with a company or a situation either through a letter you have received, an email received, an interaction at a business you’ve visited, or a boss or manager who did not treat you as you expect to be treated. Feel free to be as detailed as possible, however, you do NOT need to include specific information as to the company or persons you interacted with, especially if you have negative feelings toward that person. Specifically, I wish to create a dialogue about what constitutes professional behaviors in language communication. How did language shape these interactions? What could have produced a more productive outcome? What lessons can we learn from these situations? After writing your post, please read some of your classmates’ posts and respond to at least three posts (50 words or so, each post). If you see three responses posted already, please look for other open responses to engage. Filter replies by unread


  1. In at least 200 words, tell us about a time when you had poor interactions with a company or a situation either through a letter you have received, an email received, an interaction at a business you’ve visited, or a boss or manager who did not treat you as you expect to be treated. Feel free to be as detailed as possible, however, you do NOT need to include specific information as to the company or persons you interacted with, especially if you have negative feelings toward that person. Specifically, I wish to create a dialogue about what constitutes professional behaviors in language communication. How did language shape these interactions? What could have produced a more productive outcome? What lessons can we learn from these situations?
  2. After writing your post, please read some of your classmates’ posts and respond to at least three posts (50 words or so, each post). If you see three responses posted already, please look for other open responses to engage.
Filter replies by unread

After completing any project, it is important to conduct a review of the project to ensure that all activities have been completed and delivered in scope. Reviews also help gather lessons learned for future project managers. Remember that a project is temporary in that it has a defined beginning and end, with a defined scope. It is unique in that it is not a routine operation, but a specific set of operations designed to accomplish a single goal. For example, your involvement in this course can be viewed as a project: it has a definite beginning and end, it has a defined scope (the syllabus), and it is designed to accomplish a single goal (to provide you with an overview of project management). Your final assignment for this course will be to conduct a project evaluation as part of its closeout. You are to create a PowerPoint presentation of at least 9 slides. In your presentation, you will perform a review of this course (the course represents the project, and the course syllabus represents the project plan). Your presentation should apply closeout best practices and should capture lessons learned. You may use any checklists and templates from your text or find them online. You are free to be creative with this assignment. Be sure to cite your sources (if applicable) using APA. Include your references and in-text citations. Submitting your assignment in APA format means, at a minimum, you will need the following: Title slide: Remember the running head. The title should be in all capitals. Length: 9 slides minimum Body slides: This begins on the slide following the title slide and must be double-spaced (be careful not to triple- or quadruple-space between paragraphs). The typeface should be 12-pt. Times Roman or 12-pt. Courier in regular black type. Do not use color, bold type, or italics, except as required for APA-level headings and references. The deliverable length of the body of your presentation for this assignment is 8 slides. In-body academic citations to support your decisions and analysis are required. A variety of academic sources is encouraged. Reference slide: References that align with your in-body academic sources are listed on the final slide of your presentation. The references must be in APA format using appropriate spacing, hanging indent, italics, and uppercase and lowercase usage as appropriate for the type of resource used. Remember, the Reference slide is not a bibliography but a further listing of the abbreviated in-body citations used in the paper. Every referenced item must have a corresponding in-body citation.

After completing any project, it is important to conduct a review of the project to ensure that all activities have been completed and delivered in scope. Reviews also help gather lessons learned for future project managers.

Remember that a project is temporary in that it has a defined beginning and end, with a defined scope. It is unique in that it is not a routine operation, but a specific set of operations designed to accomplish a single goal. For example, your involvement in this course can be viewed as a project: it has a definite beginning and end, it has a defined scope (the syllabus), and it is designed to accomplish a single goal (to provide you with an overview of project management).

Your final assignment for this course will be to conduct a project evaluation as part of its closeout. You are to create a PowerPoint presentation of at least 9 slides. In your presentation, you will perform a review of this course (the course represents the project, and the course syllabus represents the project plan). Your presentation should apply closeout best practices and should capture lessons learned.

You may use any checklists and templates from your text or find them online. You are free to be creative with this assignment. Be sure to cite your sources (if applicable) using APA. Include your references and in-text citations.

Submitting your assignment in APA format means, at a minimum, you will need the following:

  • Title slide: Remember the running head. The title should be in all capitals.
  • Length: 9 slides minimum
  • Body slides: This begins on the slide following the title slide and must be double-spaced (be careful not to triple- or quadruple-space between paragraphs). The typeface should be 12-pt. Times Roman or 12-pt. Courier in regular black type. Do not use color, bold type, or italics, except as required for APA-level headings and references. The deliverable length of the body of your presentation for this assignment is 8 slides. In-body academic citations to support your decisions and analysis are required. A variety of academic sources is encouraged.
  • Reference slide: References that align with your in-body academic sources are listed on the final slide of your presentation. The references must be in APA format using appropriate spacing, hanging indent, italics, and uppercase and lowercase usage as appropriate for the type of resource used. Remember, the Reference slide is not a bibliography but a further listing of the abbreviated in-body citations used in the paper. Every referenced item must have a corresponding in-body citation.

ou do not offer refunds to moviegoers who don’t like a movie, and trailers before films have long been standard. Your theater, however, did just move to using “reduced power” bulbs that cut your electric cost, prolong the life of the bulbs, and enhance Hi-Def movies. For most movies, the difference is negligible, but for some dark cinematography, like horror movies, some scenes are difficult to see, so he may have a point; however, this technical information could be seen as your excuses, if you do not present your reasoning delicately. You want to protect your theater’s image, have the reader understand your reason for refusal, and attempt to maintain the relationship in the future. Write a complete company letter of response, refusing the request. You may offer him 20% off his next visit and some free snacks, but you MUST REFUSE the requested full refund. Politely. Diplomatically. Using effective strategies.

Here’s the situation: You are the manager at Sunset Place’s movie theater. Recently you received this letter:

I want my money back! I paid $50 (4 people x $12.50 to see The Monster’s Bride and because the screen was so dark, we could hardly see anything at all. Half the time, the screen was almost pitch black! Besides that, the movie was total garbage and nothing like the advertising suggested. And why did we have to sit through half an hour of trailers before the movie? You should pay me for wasting my time. You guys are a bunch of crooks! I want my money back!


Glen Quagmire

You do not offer refunds to moviegoers who don’t like a movie, and trailers before films have long been standard.

Your theater, however, did just move to using “reduced power” bulbs that cut your electric cost, prolong the life of the bulbs, and enhance Hi-Def movies. For most movies, the difference is negligible, but for some dark cinematography, like horror movies, some scenes are difficult to see, so he may have a point; however, this technical information could be seen as your excuses, if you do not present your reasoning delicately. You want to protect your theater’s image, have the reader understand your reason for refusal, and attempt to maintain the relationship in the future.

Write a complete company letter of response, refusing the request. You may offer him 20% off his next visit and some free snacks, but you MUST REFUSE the requested full refund. Politely. Diplomatically. Using effective strategies.


Helpful Chapter 17: Negative Messages (Here’s the section on Delivering Negative News (Links to an external site.))

Delivering negative messages is one of the most difficult tasks of the professional world. Think deeply about what you say and how you say it. Protect your personal image, your corporate image, and your relationship with the reader. Instructions: 1. After viewing the attached videos, select ONE that peeks your interests. 2. In an APA formatted essay(not to exceed 5 paragraphs) the Author will address the following in a response to the discussion board: Discuss the pros and cons that may cause the difference in perspectives. Apply a minimum of one Theory and one Principle to analyze the ethical implications of the issue. What are the possible long term risk to humanity. As a member of the moral community, propose a boundary and/or limitation that may lead to an ethical resolve. Please review Discussion guidelines thoroughly found in your syllabus: Your response must be written in APA format with appropriate references and aligned in-text citations. A minimum of two formatted references required. Blue hyperlinks in references will not be accepted. Your grade depends on your ability to adhere to the guidelines established for completing Discussions and producing quality work.


1. After viewing the attached videos, select ONE that peeks your interests.

2. In an APA formatted  essay(not to exceed 5 paragraphs) the Author will address the following in a response to the discussion board:

  • Discuss the pros and cons that may cause the difference in perspectives.
  • Apply a minimum of one Theory and one Principle to analyze the ethical implications of the issue.
  • What are the possible long term risk to humanity.
  •  As a member of the moral community, propose a boundary and/or limitation that may lead to an ethical resolve.

Please review Discussion guidelines thoroughly found in your syllabus:

Your response must be written in APA format with appropriate references and aligned in-text citations. A minimum of two formatted references required. Blue hyperlinks in references will not be accepted.

Your grade depends on your ability to adhere to the guidelines established for completing Discussions and producing quality work.

What is the eventual fate of MBA in Educational Leadership and Management?

What is the eventual fate of MBA in Educational Leadership and Management?


The DBA or Doctorate of Business Administration is a postgraduate degree program that stands for Doctorate of Business Administration. It is one of the most prestigious programs in all the educational fields. It has earned a lot of popularity as a result of its being a highly sought after professional degree program. The reason why it is so popular is because the doctorate program gives you a chance to explore the field of business. In the future, you might think that running a business is just a job. This thought is a common one for most people who are just about to embark on their careers.

A doctorate of business administration degree will give you a chance to see the future. You can choose to work in a variety of fields. In the future, you would also consider the future of the world. The world today is growing competitive. There is a constant struggle between the small business owner and the large corporation. As you study this program you would be able to foresee what is going to happen in the future.

In the future, technology would play a significant part in improving the market share of the small business owner. If you have a working knowledge of computers then you can actually do something positive for the economy. Even in the field of business, you would learn how to use new technology. Being educated and trained in the use of technology would ensure that you are able to utilize the different technologies in the 21st century. Since there are a variety of computers, software and other technologies, you would have a wide range of options for your career.

Many people who have completed their doctorate degrees have found employment in different industries. Some have gone into management positions and others have become professors at universities or teaching at colleges. Teaching is perhaps one of the most popular jobs available after completing a doctorate degree. You would be able to find a job that suits you best if you have a PhD in Business Administration.


In the future, you would also get to travel around the world. You would be able to see different cultures and learn about different ways of life. You would also witness a rise in inter-personal communication skills. This can be seen in the current scenario where there has been a notable increase in online relationship. This means that you will have a wide range of experiences that can make you look different from the rest of the students in the same university.

If you want to continue on with your doctorate studies, you can enroll in a Master’s program as well. Depending on your interests, you will be able to choose a different Master’s program. You will have to research and find a program that suits you the most. For instance, a lot of MBA applicants opt for a Master’s program in business administration to enhance their chances of finding work after graduation. You can also opt for different specializations in the field of management in order to further your education.

You would be able to learn many different things in an academic education. You would be introduced to various theories and different approaches to solve problems. You would also be introduced to different forms of technology. In fact, the current generation of business schools is making use of such tools as the Internet, which enables them to provide better services to their students. Homemarket blogs have many great articles related to DBA.

The future holds many great opportunities for people with doctorate degrees. This is a time when there will be a significant amount of competition for jobs. You would therefore want to ensure that your educational achievement is recognized by employers. The doctorate degree will open doors for you that would lead to a bright and successful future. It is important to pursue education so as to secure your future and move forward towards success.


Topic: Perception of Aging… Directions: • The original post must be at least 200 – 300 words in length • Describe what you feel is a typically older adult. • What are some of the typical characteristics you would expect to observe? • What are your thoughts about aging for your parents and/or yourself? • Share an experience you have had with an older adult (give examples). It can be positive, negative, challenging, or humorous. What did you learn from this experience?

Topic: Perception of Aging…

• The original post must be at least 200 – 300 words in length
• Describe what you feel is a typically older adult.
• What are some of the typical characteristics you would expect to observe?
• What are your thoughts about aging for your parents and/or yourself?
• Share an experience you have had with an older adult (give examples). It can be positive, negative, challenging, or humorous. What did you learn from this experience?

Boyd Air is monitoring flight arrival status as well as capacities. Before formatting the data as an Excel table, you will export it as a text file for use in the reservation software. You will filter the data in the table, build a PivotTable, and create a PivotChart.

Independent Project 4-5

Windows   Mac

Boyd Air is monitoring flight arrival status as well as capacities. Before formatting the data as an Excel table, you will export it as a text file for use in the reservation software. You will filter the data in the table, build a PivotTable, and create a PivotChart.

[Student Learning Outcomes 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 4.7, 4.8]

File Needed: BoydAir-04.xlsx (Available from the Start File link.)

Completed Project File Name: [your name]-BoydAir-04.xlsx

Skills Covered in This Project

  • Export data as a text file.
  • Format data as an Excel table.
  • Use a number filter in a table.
  • Set conditional formatting with an icon set.
  • Filter data by cell icon.
  • Create and format a PivotTable.
  • Create and format a PivotChart.
  1. Open the BoydAir-04.xlsx start file. If the workbook opens in Protected View, click the Enable Editing button so you can modify it.
  2. The file will be renamed automatically to include your name. Change the project file name if directed to do so by your instructor, and save it.
  3. Rename the sheet tab Stats.
  4. The worksheet includes the Boyd Air Flight Statistics.
  5. Select cell A4 and format the data as an Excel table using Green, Table Style Medium 21.
  6. Copy the Stats sheet to the end and name the copy PM Flights.
  7. Select the PM Flights sheet, and use a Greater Than filter to display flights with a departure time after 12:00 PM (Figure 4-106).Departure label in row 4 displays filter iconFigure 4-106 Filter results for Departure Time field
  8. Select the Stats worksheet, select cells I5:I32, and set conditional formatting to use 3 Flags from the Icon Sets.
  9. Build a two-level Custom Sort for the Capacity column to sort by icon. Show the green flag at the top, followed by the yellow flag. The red flag will default to the bottom (Figure 4-107).The red flag is not used in the Sort dialog boxFigure 4-107 Custom sort for the 3 Flags icon set
  10. Select the Stats worksheet, select cells A4:I32, and use the Quick Analysis tool to create a PivotTable to display average of capacity by origin (Figure 4-108).The ScreenTip displays Average of Capacity by OriginFigure 4-108 PivotTable suggestions from the Quick Analysis tool
  11. Rename the sheet PivotTable&Chart.
  12. Select cell B3 in the PivotTable and use Field Settings to set a Number Format of Percentage with two decimal places. Edit the Custom Name to display Average Capacity.
  13. Add the Passengers field to the PivotTable Values area with a sum calculation. Edit the field settings to display # of Passengers as the custom name. Set the number format to Number with zero decimals and a thousand’s separator.
  14. Use White, Pivot Style Light 8 for the PivotTable and show banded rows and columns.
  15. Add a 3-D Pie PivotChart to the sheet and position the chart object to start in cell E3. Size the chart to reach cell N22.
  16. Select the legend in the chart and change the font size to 11 from the Home tab.
  17. Show Data Labels on the chart positioned at the Inside End. Select a data label and format all labels from the Home tab as bold and 10 pt.
  18. Select cell A1 and save and close the workbook (Figure 4-109).Excel 4-5 completedFigure 4-109 Excel 4-5 completed
  19. Upload and save your project file.
  20. Submit project for grading.

Discussion 3 77 unread replies.77 replies. Instructions This course requires students to engage in online discussions via Canvas. Posts are a way of showing that you are actively engaging with the readings and allow the instructor to provide constructive feedback on your writing and analytical skills. Reflect on the discussion questions. Post a response in order to view other’s posts. You cannot delete/edit this post after submission deadline. Respond to a classmate’s post. Respond to another classmate’s post. For further details on requirements, view the Discussion Board rubric by clicking on the kabob menu on the top right (3 vertical dots) and selecting ‘Show Rubric’. Required Format Sign your entry with your first name. Cite any references in the body of your discussion and show the works cited directly after the discussion text. No cyber speak please. Use correct grammar, English, and punctuation. Question There has been an increase in doping and performance-enhancing drugs being used in sports on an international level. When looking through U.N. treaties you will find one dealing with this issue. How should this issue be addressed and what should the punishments be for violating laws against doping?

Discussion 3

77 unread replies.77 replies.


This course requires students to engage in online discussions via Canvas. Posts are a way of showing that you are actively engaging with the readings and allow the instructor to provide constructive feedback on your writing and analytical skills.

  1. Reflect on the discussion questions. Post a response in order to view other’s posts. You cannot delete/edit this post after submission deadline.
  2. Respond to a classmate’s post.
  3. Respond to another classmate’s post.

For further details on requirements, view the Discussion Board rubric by clicking on the kabob menu on the top right (3 vertical dots) and selecting ‘Show Rubric’.

Required Format

  • Sign your entry with your first name.
  • Cite any references in the body of your discussion and show the works cited directly after the discussion text.
  • No cyber speak please. Use correct grammar, English, and punctuation.


There has been an increase in doping and performance-enhancing drugs being used in sports on an international level. When looking through U.N. treaties you will find one dealing with this issue. How should this issue be addressed and what should the punishments be for violating laws against doping?

1.) Describe the benefits of a clinical workflow and explain how an EHR-related workflow applies to informatics. 2.) What are the possible solutions to prevent data entry error? How does this relate to the overall integrity of the database and the analytic process?

1.) Describe the benefits of a clinical workflow and explain how an EHR-related workflow applies to informatics.

2.) What are the possible solutions to prevent data entry error? How does this relate to the overall integrity of the database and the analytic process?