Write 6 pages with APA style on The Issues Surrounding Mixed-Race Children.

Write 6 pages with APA style on The Issues Surrounding Mixed-Race Children. Throughout the years, these mixed race children have been treated with ambiguity – not quite discriminated against like their minority counterparts and not quite accepted among the majority population. Their behavior also straddles these two extremes. consequently, their peer acceptance is not quite improved on either side of the fence. And now with the election of a mixed-race president, it is a possible opening into more acceptable standards of recognition of these children. There are various implications that can now be drawn for and about the future of mixed race children. These implications shall be drawn from various discussions of experts and socio-cultural theorists and analysts. Future implications would mostly focus on sociological aspects and discussions.

In an article by Khan (2007), he mentions that the present acceptance and prevalence of mixed race relations and children are the most visible signs of racial harmony. In a way, this is a truce between and among the different races of the world. There is now a greater acceptance of mixed race children and the possibility of improved relations among the different races that exist around the globe. It is important to note, however, that this acceptance was started in the 2001 census which featured boxes for mixed race children. Where before, the boxes broadly covered general categories, now, more specific descriptions and classifications are available for these mixed race children (Khan, 2007). This implies that mixed children are now slowly but surely being identified as they are – not as whites, or as blacks, or even as Asians, but as mixed race children. In a big way, these children would now have the chance to be themselves and to be accorded the same rights and privileges and even responsibilities that their pure-breed counterparts enjoy.

Write a 6 pages paper on the nature of a political leader. When Machiavelli talks about a common man and his nature, he contents that men possess good and bad qualities and traits, some of which are inherent in human nature.

Write a 6 pages paper on the nature of a political leader. When Machiavelli talks about a common man and his nature, he contents that men possess good and bad qualities and traits, some of which are inherent in human nature. The majority is content, happy, and trustworthy in prosperous times. However, when circumstances change, the bad qualities and traits prevail and most men quickly turn selfish, deceitful, and self-interested. Therefore, Machiavelli, repeatedly calls humans fickle creatures. He, almost ironically, notices how most people admire honor, generosity, courage, and piety without ever displaying those virtues themselves. Since most men are weak and lacking the virtue of the good citizen, they need a new leader, a heroic one, who will infuse his own virtue into all the citizens. “Thus, the miserable creatures that human beings ordinarily are or become when not properly guided, are thereby transformed into patriotic citizens, capable of sacrifice, self-exertion, and other patriotic values” (Prince, 1513). It is interesting to notice how Machiavelli, not only in the Prince, gives importance to outside factors influencing human nature. In the Prince, he asserts that men tend to be satisfied with the status quo as long as they are not victims of something terrible. Very few men express real ambition. In his other famous work,&nbsp.Discourses on Livy (1517), Machiavelli writes: “Men never do good unless necessity drives them to it. but when they are free to choose and can do just as they please, confusion and disorder become rampant” (Discourses, Book 1, chapter 3, 1517). Also, in his Florentine Histories,&nbsp.through the eyes of an anonymous citizen, Machiavelli describes the state of the city of Florence at the time: “The young are lazy, the old lascivious. both sexes at every age are full of foul&nbsp.customs, for which good laws because they are spoiled by wicked us, are no remedy. From this grows the avarice that is seen in our citizens and the appetite, not for true glory, but for the contemptible honors in which hatreds, enmities, differences and sects depend. and from these arise deaths, exiles, persecution of the good, exaltation of the wicked” (Florentine Histories 1525).

Write a 6 pages paper on the nature of a political leader. When Machiavelli talks about a common man and his nature, he contents that men possess good and bad qualities and traits, some of which are inherent in human nature.

Write a 6 pages paper on the nature of a political leader. When Machiavelli talks about a common man and his nature, he contents that men possess good and bad qualities and traits, some of which are inherent in human nature. The majority is content, happy, and trustworthy in prosperous times. However, when circumstances change, the bad qualities and traits prevail and most men quickly turn selfish, deceitful, and self-interested. Therefore, Machiavelli, repeatedly calls humans fickle creatures. He, almost ironically, notices how most people admire honor, generosity, courage, and piety without ever displaying those virtues themselves. Since most men are weak and lacking the virtue of the good citizen, they need a new leader, a heroic one, who will infuse his own virtue into all the citizens. “Thus, the miserable creatures that human beings ordinarily are or become when not properly guided, are thereby transformed into patriotic citizens, capable of sacrifice, self-exertion, and other patriotic values” (Prince, 1513). It is interesting to notice how Machiavelli, not only in the Prince, gives importance to outside factors influencing human nature. In the Prince, he asserts that men tend to be satisfied with the status quo as long as they are not victims of something terrible. Very few men express real ambition. In his other famous work,&nbsp.Discourses on Livy (1517), Machiavelli writes: “Men never do good unless necessity drives them to it. but when they are free to choose and can do just as they please, confusion and disorder become rampant” (Discourses, Book 1, chapter 3, 1517). Also, in his Florentine Histories,&nbsp.through the eyes of an anonymous citizen, Machiavelli describes the state of the city of Florence at the time: “The young are lazy, the old lascivious. both sexes at every age are full of foul&nbsp.customs, for which good laws because they are spoiled by wicked us, are no remedy. From this grows the avarice that is seen in our citizens and the appetite, not for true glory, but for the contemptible honors in which hatreds, enmities, differences and sects depend. and from these arise deaths, exiles, persecution of the good, exaltation of the wicked” (Florentine Histories 1525).

research paper on the culture of ancient rome revealed through its leisure. Needs to be 10 pages.

Need an research paper on the culture of ancient rome revealed through its leisure. Needs to be 10 pages. Please no plagiarism. The philosophies of the period combined with the attitudes that were adopted toward work and leisure reveal important aspects of that culture. In an examination of the leisure of ancient Rome, vital aspects of the culture are revealed and examined for philosophical content.

According to philosopher Josef Pieper (2009), leisure is the basis of culture. How a culture chooses to spend its time is directly relevant to how it will work towards having that time. Pieper (2009, 20) quotes Aristotle in that leisure is the center of life around which all other activities revolve. Through the concept of what one chooses to do comes the idea of what one must do in order to be able to facilitate that desire. The way in which the modern world defines work and leisure is far different from that of the ancient world. These concepts have evolved in ways in which work has become the center of life rather than the facilitation of life.

Studying leisure allows for an understanding of what a culture values. How time is spent outside of the necessities of life allows for an evaluation of what aspects of life are most important. According to Toner (1995, 7), the way in which leisure is experienced will “express beliefs&nbsp.about a desired order of things, and simultaneously reflect the order as it actually stands”. Leisure time reflects not only what is desired, but the status of how things actually exist. In creating a study on ancient Rome, looking at the way in which leisure time was defined and the philosophies that are associated with it can create a larger point of view on the culture of the region and period.

A study of leisure can reveal what it meant to be Roman in the ancient period. As in any other culture, leisure represented what was considered the good life. Being able to attain leisure created a certain level of status. According to Toner (1995, 8) “Leisure discourse was integral to ideas concerning the ordering of society and the worth of the individual within it”. This is conceptually similar to modern society and the point of view that reveres the financially&nbsp.successful over the financially strained. This suggests that it requires financial success to truly experience leisure.&nbsp.

Compose a 2000 words assignment on is it right to take your own life. Needs to be plagiarism free! Sad isn’t it.

Compose a 2000 words assignment on is it right to take your own life. Needs to be plagiarism free! Sad isn’t it. Yet the dilemma of the situation is that people can still make it a debatable point. They can provide you with a long list of reasons which will justify his desperate action. We have come to that level of insensitivity that today I am required to pen down an assignment that questions the righteousness of the action of committing suicide. Under no circumstances will I call the action of killing oneself correctly.

The unfortunate state is that we have been so much infused with the words our rights that we think we can also interfere in God’s decisions. I know sometimes the situation gets out of hand. Like the above-mentioned boy, there are people, who get stuck in such a manner that no outlet could be found. We go so deep into the ocean of disappointments that no light reaches us. Still, I do not believe that the light has disappeared altogether. It is just the fact that we are not facing it. Let’s first analyze the motives which instigate a person to take this extreme measure.

Depression is the root cause that pushes people so hard against the wall that the only escape seems to be suicide. And this just proves that people act so desperately when they are not totally fit. Nine out of 10 people who commit suicide have a diagnosable mental illness and up to three out of four individuals who take their own life had a physical illness when they committed suicide (Dryden-Edwards). The way we perceive society usually depends upon the health of our brain. The state, where we have convinced ourselves about the cruel nature of the world, can only occur if a person has some psychological illness. And as we do not hold a psychologically upset patient responsible for his actions we can’t allow him to take his own valuable life. Studies have shown that the majority of the people who take their lives are mentally sick and so their actions cannot be justified under any circumstances.&nbsp.

Write 2 pages thesis on the topic venezuela.

Write 2 pages thesis on the topic venezuela. Hugo Chavez Hugo Chavez About Chavez Leftist politics continue to control the politics of Latin America as observed with election of Hugo Chavez in 1999. Chavez was good kid who joined the Venezuelan Academy of Military Sciences where he underwent training of becoming a disciplined officer. However, he still encountered the hard poverty affecting the working class that increased his decision to get social justice for all citizens. Consequently, he participated actively in the communal activities to know with the realities of Venezuelans while still playing softball and basketball. Similarly, his like for reading and writing intensified as he engaged in texts of Marxist revolutionaries such as Che Guevara and Simon Bolivar.


After becoming president, Chavez embarked on social reforms. These included seeking for 20,000 trained personnel from Cuba who comprised of educators and medics in exchange for oil. Unfortunately, even with social and economic benefits, on April, 2002, a few military officers organized a coup to overthrow Chavez and later succeeded. The new leader was later opposed by the masses that brought Chavez back to power. This forced him to moderate some of his radical decisions of dismissing the board of directors in oil.

Illness and Death

The illness of Chavez becomes a major issue for a long time. This prompted him to announce to his country of the need to undergo operation to remove cancerous cells in his system. However, the efforts and those of his team did not help matters. Two years later, on March, 2013, the vice-president announcing the death of Hugo Chavez.

Best Things He Did

Chavez is widely remembered as a socialist and radical president who put Venezuela on the international map in terms of progressive economy. This resulted to differences with the US that labeled a place for terrorists especially in its War on Terror.

Hugo Chavez

His Life

Hugo Chavez is a leftist Marxist who became president in 1999 with sweeping popularity. In collaboration with Latin American leaders such as Cuban Revolutionary Fidel Castro and Lula da Silva of Brazil, Chavez performed his pledges and promises of using Venezuela’s oil to achieve beneficial economic guidelines. Chavez arose from a poverty-stricken family, Catholic, but moderately happy where he improved his hobbies that included writing, drawing, and playing baseball. He also adopted strong political ideas.


The presidency of Chavez championed the banning of the neoliberal economic policies that had resulted to bad inflation. As a result, the economy dropped significantly and the urgency for a regime change increased. Chavez became president and made big reforms in the social and economical structures of the country. He started constitutional reforms to give the citizens an opportunity to vote out corrupt leaders. Under his presidency, he also increased his ideological relationship with Cuba to supply them with 53,000 barrels of oil daily within preferential rates.

Illness and Death

Chavez first made a televised announcement of his cancer in 2011 when hospitalized in Havana, Cuba. He explained the need for the removal of a tumor that had cancerous cells, but still increased his commitment to lead. However, his illness continued to worsen as the president refused to reveal about his cancer to public. Eventually, on March, 2013, Chavez succumbed to his cancer.

Best Things He Did

In Venezuela and around the world, Chavez is remembered for several good things he did. For example, he was a tough opponent of America’s control and imperialistic tendencies. He equally condemned the traditional rich men for making the world poor. Chavez corrected this problem by giving citizens independence to vote out corrupt leaders. Additionally, he introduced strict oil regulations policies to reduce the control of cartels.

Write 7 pages with APA style on 1906 San Francisco Earthquake.

Write 7 pages with APA style on 1906 San Francisco Earthquake. I have heard the 1906 San Francisco earthquake variously described as The Great Quake and Fire, The Great Shake, and The Great San Francisco Earthquake- whatever the names might be, the fact remains that the worst-ever natural disaster to hit a segment of the human population on that fateful day of April 18th is forever etched in our memories whether through hearsay or the media or books or pictures. Nothing said or done can lessen that horrific sequence of events which unfolded that morning when people were literally caught ‘napping’ in the wee hours of the morning at around 5.13 A. M. Those who felt the foreshock would have had no idea that devastating tremors would follow immediately and hundreds of lives would be lost, thousands would be rendered homeless and the whole city would be caught up in massive fires due to broken gas lines and stoves. No help would be forthcoming initially because the water mains would also be broken and the whole city would be in a state of siege. Scientists may place the magnitude of the earthquake at 7.7 to 7.9 on the Richter scale or even higher at 8.3 according to the analysis made by more advanced equipment available now but eventual analyses become inconsequential in the wake of the destruction of such ferocity. (Wald, Hiroo, Helmberger, and Heaton) More than half of San Francisco’s population was left without a home by the earthquake and the fires that followed and 28000 buildings had been destroyed and approximately3000 people died.&nbsp. In the aftermath of the horror, massive planning and reconstruction took place and the people of San Francisco slowly picked up the shattered pieces of their lives and set about returning to normal. (“Timeline of the San Francisco Earthquake”)

In cold facts, the 1906 San Francisco earthquake took place on the 18th of April, 1906 at around 5.13 A.M jolting people out of their morning slumber and immediately after the foreshock at that time, the quake hit with devastating ferocity within 20-30 seconds at around 5.15 A.M. Before people could realize what was happening, huge buildings were crashing down like a pack of cards, people were being crushed underneath the falling debris, the asphalt on the roads was buckling and piling up and gas lines and water mains had burst open. Raging fires engulfed the city and people were helpless in the face of nature’s fury. I have read that the epicenter was near the city and for this reason, the entire city was rocked by tremors. Though the quake lasted for only about 40 to 60 seconds, it destroyed the city beyond recognition besides taking an unlimited toll on its people. The first natural disaster to be recorded by photography the pictures bring alive the horrors of that terrible day.

Create a 5 pages page paper that discusses how sound technologies and musical and listening practices co-evolve. Music was never so easily available and impactful as it is today, and that is only because of how easy technology has made it to reach music everywhere and anywhere.

Create a 5 pages page paper that discusses how sound technologies and musical and listening practices co-evolve. Music was never so easily available and impactful as it is today, and that is only because of how easy technology has made it to reach music everywhere and anywhere.

Music is the best form of expression and ever since the historical ages, humans have been inspired and refreshed by the rhythms, beats, and hums. However, in traditional societies, reaching music wasn’t as easy as it is today. Cassettes, CDs, tapes, and records were expensive. People had to buy them to listen to their favourite music and often they would listen to a single tape for a whole month or more. People also visited public places and bought expensive concert tickets to take the joy of listening to their favourite musicians (Turino 178). This trend has been changed due to the tools that we have now.

Today, technology has changed everything, even the way we listen to music. There are several ways in which music can be downloaded, listened to, and enjoyed anywhere. Technology introduced several gadgets, machines, and mediums through which media reaches to us. From being an expensive thing, music has now become the most inexpensive thing ever (Turino 178). Songs and all kinds of music videos can be downloaded on our computers, laptops, and mobiles absolutely free. We can reach all kinds and types of music in the flash of a second and even carry it anywhere we want in our phones or portable players.

One of the most influential technology advancements that changed the meaning of personal music is headphones. Headphones are a modern phenomenon that has evolved the meaning and interpretation of private music. Music is vastly listened to on headphones that almost every individual with a phone possesses. Young people and adults listen to music on their headphones while travelling, waiting, working, or before sleeping. In fact, many researchers believe the trends of private music have made people more energetic, happy, confident, and productive.

submit a 1250 words paper on the topic Structured Query Language: History, and Usage. SQL is used in varied environments of client-server programming, web programming, and host-based database programming.

Hi, need to submit a 1250 words paper on the topic Structured Query Language: History, and Usage. SQL is used in varied environments of client-server programming, web programming, and host-based database programming.

Knowledge about databases is a prerequisite to understanding SQL. The Webster’s Dictionary defines a database as ‘a usually large collection of data organized especially for rapid search and retrieval.’ Taken as such, a database could even not be associated with computers and simply be paper-based in the form of organized data on paper.

Databases are however closely associated with computers because computers represent the simplest, fastest, and most efficient way to store, manage, retrieve, and update data. Computer-based databases, which are the databases referred to in this paper, can range from the older Legacy mainframes often with the Virtual Storage Access Method (VSAM), dBase, and other file-based databases, the Relational DataBase Management Systems (RDBMS) and the recent XML and Object-oriented databases.

There have essentially been three types of database models – Hierarchical Databases, Network Databases, and Relational Databases. In the hierarchical model, the data is structured in what is known as a parent-child relationship. In this model, the basic logic hinges on the assumption that a child element can have only one parent, while a parent can have many children. This relationship in a database design is termed the ‘one-to-many’ relationship as opposed to the elementary ‘one-to-one’ where a single element can be linked only to another single element. The hierarchical model is nagged by the problem of data redundancy. The Network model was developed to eliminate this problem of redundancy. It represents data using set theory instead of a hierarchy. In this structure, a child element has more than one parent resulting in a child having many parents and a parent having many children in what is termed as the ‘many-to-many’ relationship. Both the hierarchical and network models had limitations. Their indexing systems are linked to the hard disk sectors in which the data resides. Moving the data across sectors leads to problems. Moreover, querying data from multiple tables requires sophisticated programming that uses proprietary languages.

Provide a 6 pages analysis while answering the following question: Problems Associated With Advancement in Technology. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required.

Provide a 6 pages analysis while answering the following question: Problems Associated With Advancement in Technology. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. New advancements in technology are brought through the knowledge of crafts, tools, methods and techniques or special scientific and technology systems. In addition, technological developments play a significant role in resolving diverse kinds of issues and problems. Basically, these technological developments can be seen in different areas such as in information technology, construction technology, space technology, medical technology, communication technology, art technology and so on. Moreover, the advancement in technology refers to the development of all the areas connected with technology. Technology normally influences animal species, humans and society. In fact, a lot of researches have been carried out on this subject shown that advancement in technology plays a significant role in the improvement of human life. Before the 20th century, this idea was rare in English. In this scenario, the earlier technology was taken as the explanation of art that was helpful. However, the description of “technology” has been changed with the development of technology (Advancements in Technology, 2012. Turban, Leidner, McLean, & Wetherbe, 2005). This paper will discuss the advancements in technology. In this scenario, this paper will discuss some of the important developments in technology that helped the human race to become much faster, competent and more developed.

Development in technology performs a significant role in a number of areas/fields. In this scenario, one of the main technology-based developments is seen in political sectors. With the advancement of technology, a wide variety of war tools, guns, bombs are made. Though, they are bad for mass people who are not concerned with the war. On the other hand, communication technology has narrowed the issues and barriers to human communication. In fact, the history of developments in technology is both rich and long.