writing homework on Aerobic Training as the Way One Can Burn Fat. Write a 250 word paper answering; Much has been written in popular magazines about aerobic training and how it is the only way one can burn fat. Explain this belief, evaluate it and tell why it may or may not be appropriate. Are there other ways to burn fat? If so, what are some of them?

Need help with my writing homework on Aerobic Training as the Way One Can Burn Fat. Write a 250 word paper answering; Much has been written in popular magazines about aerobic training and how it is the only way one can burn fat. Explain this belief, evaluate it and tell why it may or may not be appropriate. Are there other ways to burn fat? If so, what are some of them?

Aerobic exercise, which can take the form of jogging, cycling, etc is one of the most effective ways of burning fat in the body. So there is veracity to the hype surrounding this form of exercise, in terms of its ability to tone down body fat. Physiotherapists have identified a generic formula for determining the requisite heart rate at which fat burning happens. Usually, the optimal heart rate to be maintained during aerobic exercise is determined by the formula 220 minus age, multiplied by 0.75. Though this is an approximate calculation, it has consistently proven that maintaining heart rate at this level will aid the fat burning process.

But in recent years, physiotherapists have discovered that aerobic exercises might not work for all individuals. It is identified that regular aerobic workouts plateaus after two months, beyond which it is not an effective way of burning fat. Aerobic training is also said to increase oxidative and adrenal stress making the individual prone to ageing and even gaining weight. And aerobic training can actually be counterproductive for individuals who are highly stressed.

Create a 1 page page paper that discusses creating memorable performances for film & television. I have always been unable to drive my points home while acting due to panic. This led me to think of pursuing further studies to enhance my capacity to act.

Create a 1 page page paper that discusses creating memorable performances for film & television. I have always been unable to drive my points home while acting due to panic. This led me to think of pursuing further studies to enhance my capacity to act. My long term goal is to acquire skills in acting and pursue a career in acting. I would like to establish a theatre company that will inspire talented people to work towards the accomplishment of individual and company goals.

I chose to study at Lee Strasberg Theatre & Film Institute because of the institution’s great reputation and besides, it is the father of method acting and I am convinced that this form of acting will help me do better as an actor. Method acting is regarded as the original standardized training that apart from developing the capacity of actors also enhances their internal capabilities (Weston, 1999). I realized that the institution where an actor study has a considerable impact on his/her success in the field of acting. I am therefore convinced that my goals of studying in the field of acting will be accomplished at the reputable Institute. I feel privileged while presenting my application to a prestigious institution. I am looking forward to your consideration.

prepare and submit a paper on what is playbour.

Your assignment is to prepare and submit a paper on what is playbour. Kücklich (2009) however introduced the term ‘playbour’ to dispute the premise given earlier by stressing that there are ways in which play could be used in productive ways for game players. This paper, therefore, looks at the concept of playbour from the perspective of the digital game and game culture by examining how playbour challenges the conceptualization that digital game players are merely the audience. It also analyses how the digital game and game culture impact issues of copyright and intellectual property. The latter will be done by delving into modding as a central practice within the later concept of playbour.

Several definitions and explanations have been given on what playbour is, and what it represents. In the opinion of Kucklich (2009), playbour is any interaction, stimulatory or networked experience of a person who uses the techniques of play to extract some kind of labor from a user that might contribute to a corporate bottom-line. In essence, playbour is the productive utilization of play to create value. For most analysts and experts, the real bone of contention on the validity of playbour is the final beneficiary of the value created, whether it is the game player or the game maker (Sotamaa, 2010). Later in the paper, both dimensions of gainers will be assessed, but the main argument of the paper is that the game player benefits tremendously from playbour due to the interactive and participatory nature of the digital games and modern game culture. Whilst defining playbour as the productive component of play, there were four major techniques of play that were emphasized by Kücklich (2009). These are absorption, immersion, repetition, and recombination. Also writing on playbour, Postigo (2003) stressed that the term makes game players good citizens as it enables them to use their devices to help process information that clearly creates social and collective&nbsp.use.

Write a 8 pages paper on ischemic ulcer in a diabetic patient.

Write a 8 pages paper on ischemic ulcer in a diabetic patient. Other important findings in the history include the presence of intermittent claudication of the left lower limb for one year. John is a chronic smoker. He decreased smoking since one year after the onset of claudication symptoms, following advice from a physician. However, he has not been able to completely quit smoking. During the current visit to the hospital, there is no history of fever or any other symptoms. The patient complains that the onset of ulcer started after he began to wear new slip-on shoes with a narrow toe box. The patient reported being allergic to penicillin. There is no history suggestive of occupational injury, trauma, varicose veins, previous history of lower limb wounds/ulcers/gangrene, history of amputations and history of any other surgeries. There is no family history of similar ulcers either. The patient is not suffering from any collagen diseases. He is not on any anti-inflammatory drugs or steroids.

The condition of the patient is stable. He is afebrile. He looks well nourished. Vitals signs are stable. A systemic examination is within normal limits. The ulcer is located over the lateral malleolus of the left leg. The size of the ulcer is 3cm in length, 2 cm in width and about 0.5 cm in depth. The borders are regular and the wound appears punched out and clean. The color of the ulcer is yellowish. There is minimal granulation tissue. The exudate from the ulcer is mainly serious and minimal. The surrounding skin appears pale, non-edematous, shiny and has decreased hair. Dorsalis pedis pulsation appears normal.

Lower extremity ulcers are very common in patients with diabetes and in fact, these are the most common causes for limb amputation in diabetic population (Armstrong and Lavery, 1998). Factors which contribute to the development of ulcers in the diabetic population are diabetic neuropathy, peripheral arterial disease and structural deformity (Armstrong and Lavery, 1998).&nbsp.&nbsp.

write an article on Muscle Mutants and Sports Nutrition Supplements. It needs to be at least 1250 words.

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on Muscle Mutants and Sports Nutrition Supplements. It needs to be at least 1250 words. The purpose of this paper is to accurately define anabolic steroids as well as to discuss not only the risks involved with steroid use but also the benefits which are often not discussed.

The term anabolic means to build up. It originates from the Greek word above which simply means ’to build up’. It is the opposite of the term metabolic which means to break down. Our bodies are able to utilize energy and create heat (heat is energy) through the process of metabolism. Conversely, anabolism is the process of building up. Anabolic steroids are so named because they do just that, they build up or rather allow the body to generate muscle mass more efficiently. On a cellular level, anabolic steroids promote protein synthesis which generates new cellular tissue resulting in greater muscle mass. This is the reason that professional athletes sometimes turn to steroid use.

Anabolic steroids are typically related to the male hormone testosterone. Testosterone promotes the development of male characteristics such as body hair, vocal cords (deeper voice), and other male-specific features. Naturally, women have a proportionally lower overall muscle mass than men. Testosterone is present in higher volumes in men, promotes more lean muscle mass which is also a male characteristic. Because of the tissue-building qualities of anabolic steroids, they are often used to treat diseases such as cancer and AIDS. Both cancer and AIDS can be referred to as diseases that cause wasting. This means that they work to break down or destroy the body’s healthy tissue over time. Anabolic steroids can be given to patients suffering from these diseases in order to work against the effects of wasting. Anabolic steroids are also excellent for stimulating the growth of healthy bone tissue, not just muscle tissue. In some cases, patients who are chronically or terminally ill may be given steroids to increase appetite.

As with any medication, anabolic steroids also have side effects. Additionally, as with any medication, the benefits of the medication must outweigh the risks of taking it, in order for its administration to be justified. Certainly in the case of patients with cancer or AIDS, steroids are easily justified as their benefits can be life-extending.

Write a 5 pages paper on light and darkness of the renaissance period.

Write a 5 pages paper on light and darkness of the renaissance period. The works of antique art were used extensively to preserve the uniqueness of the ancient artistic identity and, simultaneously, reconsider the most vital elements of creative art. However, the idea of uniting space gradually transformed into a unique paradox, which ultimately put an end to the era of Renaissance: according to Panofsky, “The Middle Ages had left antiquity unburied and alternately galvanized and exercised its corpse. The Renaissance stood weeping at its grave and tried to resurrect its soul” (in Ermarth 27). Simply stated, instead of preserving the uniqueness of antiquity, Renaissance gradually shifted toward distorting the ideas of the past. Consequentially, anachronism became the dominant trend of substitution, which replaced the authentic past with massive cultural misperceptions and, ultimately, resulted in a colossal failure of the Renaissance to produce a permanent change.

Since the earliest years of the cultural Renaissance, the idea to erase the boundaries of temporality and develop a new awareness of time and space had been one of the dominant trends. That the Renaissance was the first cultural era to choose a past for itself is difficult to deny (Heller 90). Really, the idea of the Renaissance initially rested on a belief in the unity of space and rationalization of time, which aimed at redefining the most important historical events through the prism of the new human consciousness (Ermarth 25). To a large extent, a redefinition of time and space during the Renaissance owed a lot to humanism (Ermarth 25). Renaissance had to reduce and deny the discontinuities in the medieval beliefs about history. Further, the Renaissance had to build new human awareness about time, the distinctions in which would rely on the contrast between eternity and time, and not a contrast between present and past (Ermarth 25). The elimination of the persistent distinction between past and present during the Renaissance implied that historians and creative geniuses during the Renaissance considered past and present equally informative (Ermarth 25). Such attitudes toward temporality and space matched the moral purpose of the Renaissance because they helped to represent and preserve the most significant elements of historical achievement (Ermarth 25).

writing homework on Briggs & Stratton quantum engine-Interim. Write a 3750 word paper answering; Exhaust emissions and the performance of engines have been experimentally researched over for neat gasoline or the n-brutanol blends in a number of ways of working speed (2600-3400 r/min) without any modification or turning on the gasoline engine systems.

Need help with my writing homework on Briggs & Stratton quantum engine-Interim. Write a 3750 word paper answering; Exhaust emissions and the performance of engines have been experimentally researched over for neat gasoline or the n-brutanol blends in a number of ways of working speed (2600-3400 r/min) without any modification or turning on the gasoline engine systems. Among the abilities of the experiment is to evaluate performance and also characteristics of emissions, for instance, break power, volumetric efficiency, in-cylinder pressure, exhaust gas temperatures, and CO2, CO, and UHC concentrations. (Science direct: Dunn-Rankin, 2008).&nbsp.

The beginning of 1908 marked the establishment of the great company, Briggs & Stratton when the founders Briggs and Stratton laid the base for the future since they had an unrelenting vision of innumerable possibilities (Stern & Shiely, 2004: 315). The great effort put the company into the success path of engine-powered bicycles, fuses, auto igniters, locks, coined-operated paper towel dispensing machine, electric refrigerators among other machines. The US-based company has gained mileage as it is dynamic in its operations and embraces the call for change and advancement in doing business.

Briggs & Stratton Corporation, have its headquarter in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. It is the biggest producer of gasoline engines for open-air power equipment (Christians & Ritchie, 2002: 95). The company’s wholly-owned subsidiaries include the biggest marketer of portable generators and also pressure washers in North America, being the leading marketer, designer, and manufacturer of turf care, lawn, and garden equipment. Briggs & Stratton products are serviced, marketed, designed, and manufactured in more than 100 countries on six continents (Stern & Shiely, 2004: 298).

The infusion of temperately priced premium engines of a Japanese origin, between 1980 and 1995, and successful cost-cutting efforts of its&nbsp.local competitors represented a significant challenge to the leadership position of the company. Again, the retail market, during this time, for the outdoor power equipment started to concentrate on the control of a few influential mass retailers who advocated for greater product diversity and lower prices. John Shiely and Fred Stratton Jr., in the late 1980s, led an effort to respond to this challenge by restructuring the company to product-focused divisions.&nbsp.

write an article on Are the Conclusions of the National Audit Office Correct. It needs to be at least 2000 words.

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on Are the Conclusions of the National Audit Office Correct. It needs to be at least 2000 words. A unilateral contract would turn into a bilateral contract through a valid acceptance, signified by a performance of the stipulated terms within the offer. According to I.M. Wormser, the justification for fixing acceptance to a unilateral contract upon the completed performance of the stipulated terms is based upon symmetry. Therefore in terms of the tender, there is no obligation upon the offerer, neither is there any obligation upon the offeree unless and until the stipulated terms of the offer have been completed. An offeree need not perform the stipulated terms, in which case no contract exists. Therefore, the initial tender was sent to Widget by Dig-it Builders but when accepted by Widget, did not yet constitute a formal contract because Dig-it sent a counteroffer and when it was not accepted within the stipulated time period, they sent the fax withdrawing their offer. However, the original term of the tender is 60 days so the tender still remains open since only one party has withdrawn the offer. The mail indicating acceptance by Widget was posted by the architect on the same day, and the courts have deemed acceptance when a letter is posted. However, it is received on the subsequent day (the 35th) day of the tender. Therefore, this will still be subject to the general rule regarding acceptance, which is the requirement of actual communication. No legal commitment will be deemed to exist until the acceptance of the offer is communicated to the offerer and up to that point, either party is free to change their minds. However, Dig-it’s fax will be construed to be a counteroffer in the sense that it is a withdrawal of the original offer, which no longer exists. But the tender is not yet closed because Dig-it has made a counteroffer reducing the price, although this will still not be a contract until acceptance is obtained&nbsp.from Widget and communicated to Dig-it. Therefore, at no point during this process can a formal contract be said to exist.

research paper on contract law: carlill v carbolic smoke ball co. Needs to be 5 pages. Please no plagiarism.

Need an research paper on contract law: carlill v carbolic smoke ball co. Needs to be 5 pages. Please no plagiarism. The advertisement which Kelly has placed in the local newspaper is an offer that has been made to the world at large, such as for example in the case of Carlill v Carbolic Smoke Ball Co.3 A mere offer will only constitute a unilateral contract, which will also be deemed valid only if some party proffers an unconditional acceptance of the terms of the offer.4

John has seen the advertisement in the paper and has posted his acceptance to Kelly. However as McKendrick states, for a contract to be valid, “there must be a definite offer mirrored by a definite acceptance.”5 Acceptance will be said to occur when the offeree’s words or conduct can give rise to an objective reference that he/she has assented to the terms offered.6 On this basis, Kelly’s advertisement in the paper constitutes a definite offer and John’s reply constitutes acceptance of the terms of the offer.

In the case of Gibson v Manchester City Council, it was held that the acceptance of the offer must also be communicated before it can be valid on a contractual basis.7 According to Lord Denning, no contract will come into existence unless and until the acceptance has been communicated to the offerer8. Therefore, if a contract is to exist between Kelly and John, then Kelly should have received John’s acceptance of her original offer, without any changes in its terms. John has indeed accepted the offer as per its original terms and since John’s acceptance of the offer has been sent by post then it will be held to be a valid acceptance as soon as he posted his letter.9 In fact, the courts have held that where a postal. acceptance is concerned, it will hold good even in those instances where the letter is delayed or lost in the post so that it never reaches the offerer.10

However, an offer cannot be accepted by the offeree unless and until the offer is communicated to him/her and silence.

Create a 16 pages page paper that discusses energy saving between air-cooled and water-cooled chiller water system in hong kong.

Create a 16 pages page paper that discusses energy saving between air-cooled and water-cooled chiller water system in hong kong. Subsequently, considering that this study was piloted in order to define the effectiveness of the water-cooled chillers and the air-cooled chillers in the hope of establishing which of the two systems is more conservative towards energy consumption in commercial residences, in Hong Kong. The greater emphasis for the data analysis shall be on the conditioning aspects such as the cooling rate of the refrigerants, the energy consumption rates of the chillers in the two systems, and the coefficient of performance (COP) for the systems (Langley 2000. Chan & Yu 2002b.p.31-41).

This chapter shall be concerned with the addressing of the data acquisition methods and techniques that have been detailed in this study, as well as provide the detailed results for the collected data in appropriate formats and presentation formats as discussed in the earlier chapters of the study.

The main sources of data for such a study that seeks to relate the energy consumption of a given chiller system to its adaptability by commercial building owners in Hong Kong would be the use of primary data from the collected temperature readings using the WBGT instrument. This would be supplemented by the collection and analysis of secondary data available in various government agencies relating to the building and construction sector (Kimmel, 2007). Subsequently, experimental data on the efficacy and efficiency of the WBGT instrument as used in measuring humidity and temperature rates would be obtained from the meteorological department, as well as from publications related to the current study. The nature of such data to be obtained may vary. however, through adequate analysis and presentation using the appropriate graphical techniques, it is possible to attain a conclusive report on the study’s objectives.&nbsp.