prepare and submit a paper on on george orwell and kate chopin and discuss some of their work use the stories the storm and the story of an hour.

Your assignment is to prepare and submit a paper on on george orwell and kate chopin and discuss some of their work use the stories the storm and the story of an hour. also use george orwells stories of shooting an elephant and a hanging and use lite. In the wake of having received extremely harsh criticism for her novel The Awakening, Kate Chopin would never publish another piece of her writing. The story “The Storm “was not published until it was included in a book of her work titled The Complete Works of Kate Chopin in 1969 (Ward 89). The story uses this storm as a metaphor for quick passion, erupting in the middle of a thunderstorm and the electricity of the attraction compared to the crack of lightning storm. The descriptions of the storm intermingled description of passion even as the storm and when Chopin writes “with one hand she clasped his head, her lips lightly touching his way. The other hand stroked the sitting with his muscular shoulders. The growl of thunder was distant and passing” (Ward 93). Both Calixta and Alcee went back to their normal lives, acting as if nothing happened in the storm. At the end Chopin writes “so the storm passed and everyone was happy” (Ward 94).

In “The Story of an Hour” Chopin writes about a very different experience that lasts for a short period of time. The hour that Chopin writes about also contains a certain amount of joy and a sense of freedom that was expressed through passion in “The Storm”. When Louise Mallard discovers that her husband has been killed she retreats to her room and experiences a sense of relief that is a surprise to the reader. Elements of nature as well as descriptions of the room both come together to describe a sense of prison and a sense of release. As spring begins to emerge outside her window she also begins to experience a sense of rebirth. At the same time, he the window is a symbol of the prison that shes been living in during her marriage (The Story of an Hour 3). When it is discovered that her husband still lives, she drops that her joy ended even as she should have felt joy for his safe return.

Create a 5 pages page paper that discusses child development theory. It serves as a reference point for understanding and highlighting achievements, and alerting professional for individual differences.

Create a 5 pages page paper that discusses child development theory. It serves as a reference point for understanding and highlighting achievements, and alerting professional for individual differences.

Gaining control over the body, being able to walk, climb and run, being able to use the limbs in the right manner, being able to understand and communicate, eat healthy and safe food, having the ability to be a part of the community.

Linking past experiences with the present situations, combining various areas of knowledge and experience, making the strengths, interests and rights of every child cohesive, providing individualized experience to each child, looking beyond behaviour and reflecting on the messages behind the behaviour, are some of the things caregivers can do.

Through daily experience he builds a sense of identity, determines his dependence on others. He develops a sense of self-esteem and values his beliefs. He is willing to improve himself and develops confidence that he will be able to achieve it. The sense of self is derived from the relationship with other people. He wants to see himself as a valued contributor to society.

As child care professionals we should give due recognition to the child on the assumption that each child has unique characteristics. The individual strengths and interests should be identified and the child should be helped to develop a positive and realistic sense of self. Encouragement when necessary and disapproval of undesirable behaviour in a decent way should be demonstrated. Professionals should help children to know and understand&nbsp.themselves. Professionals should provide a conducive environment where usage of the rich language is encouraged, and children have space and opportunity to communicate and respond. Encourage children to use verbal and non-verbal forms of communication, professionals should also respond to children’s attempt to communicate in a meaningful way. Children should be encouraged to recognize the power of language and the non-verbal form of communication.

writing homework on Cigarette product called F&H cigarette in China and UK. Write a 1500 word paper answering; A strategy known as marketing mix is used to undertake a SWOT analysis in identifying a target market mentioned above.

Need help with my writing homework on Cigarette product called F&H cigarette in China and UK. Write a 1500 word paper answering; A strategy known as marketing mix is used to undertake a SWOT analysis in identifying a target market mentioned above.

The term marketing mix is considered a tool of business utilized by marketers in the market for developing an effective strategy, which creates a successful product mix concerning a suitable product that is sold at a suitable price in a suitable place while using a suitable promotion strategy (Kotler and Armstrong 1991). This product mix is what is known as the 4 Ps which incorporates price, product, promotion, and placement. The term SWOT analysis is an organized method of planning used to assess the weaknesses, strengths, threats and opportunities involved in a business or a project (Kotler and Armstrong 1991). In this paper, we will examine the use of the marketing mix information in undertaking a full SWOT analysis and create a new design for our F&H cigarette product in task 3 and 4.

There are different aspects of a marketing mix of competitors, such as product characteristics, their prices, how they promote and how they distribute their products to different customers. The table below shows a marketing mix strategy for Pall Mall London.

This is the amount of money customers have to pay to get a product. Pall Mall cigarette London charges premium for its cigarettes because of its perceived high quality which is described as “smoother” and “full flavour” (BAT 2013).

This involves a company’s activities that make a product available to customers who have been targeted. Pall Mall cigarette store in the United Kingdom is located in London because it targets high end customers who have high disposable income and like smoking (BAT 2013).

This implies activities that talk about the merits of a product that persuade customers to purchase it.

Create a 2 pages page paper that discusses edgar allan poe: comparing and contrast between his life with the philosophy of composition and the poem the raven. Prof’s Loss and Remembrance in the Raven The Raven is one of the, if not the, best known works by Edgar Allan Poe.

Create a 2 pages page paper that discusses edgar allan poe: comparing and contrast between his life with the philosophy of composition and the poem the raven. Prof’s Loss and Remembrance in the Raven The Raven is one of the, if not the, best known works by Edgar Allan Poe. There have been innumberable attempts to connect aspects of this story to his poem. In his own “Philosophy of Composition” Poe rejects most of these ideas – making himself seem almost a detached craftsman following clear contours of rational thought. However, an analysis of the poem “The Raven” demonstrate that its underlying theme is loss, and loss’s partner, remembrance, two inseparable sides the same coin that never leave a life untouched, and that certainly played a central role in Poe’s life.

One of the most interesting things about “The Raven” is that, reversing the normal trend, remembrance precedes loss. Typically, the loss is the thing that comes first, only once the initial shock of loss has been fully experienced can the body and mind rest enough to remember their lost love – even if this remembrance is melancholy in nature.

In Poe’s poem, however, remembrance occurs almost at the outset of the poem. After briefly establishing a setting in the first stanza, Poe moves on and describes that the protagonists was trying to wear through the day to get to the next day, where hopefully he would experience “surcease of sorrow” for his love Lenore, who has been lost (Poe 10). Poe thus sets the tone for the poem by establishing it as an act of remembrance in and of itself, and makes the memory of Lenore the central focus of the poem.

One could argue that the character indicates that he has experience loss by calling his love “the lost Lenore,” but this is not the case. The protagonist has never fully processed the loss – which is why, when he investigates a sound that he could not find a source of, he calls out to her, asking “Lenore?” (26) – in his heart he thinks that she may not be lost, he reaches out to her when something seemingly mystical happens.

Poe then springs the trap of loss. It is not Lenore who made the tapping sound, but a raven, a raven whose name is “Nevermore.” This name brings the loss home to the protagonist. Everything he tries to say or do is countered by the simple phrase, which tells him in no uncertain terms that he will experience his love “nevermore” – that she is lost forever. Thus loss comes rushing after its partner remembrance, and stays with the protagonist for the rest of his days. Because of his unwillingness to experience loss before remembrance, he will never actually be able to move past the loss, in the form of this raven, sitting forever on his mantle.

Poe’s life probably relates quite closely to this story – he experienced a great deal of loss early in his life, with his father abandoning his family quite early and his mother dying shortly after that, and his foster mother in his mid 20s. Poe’s experience of loss and remembrance as interconnected ideas probably drove forward much of the experience of this poem.

Create a 2 pages page paper that discusses edgar allan poe: comparing and contrast between his life with the philosophy of composition and the poem the raven.

Create a 2 pages page paper that discusses edgar allan poe: comparing and contrast between his life with the philosophy of composition and the poem the raven. Prof’s Loss and Remembrance in the Raven The Raven is one of the, if not the, best known works by Edgar Allan Poe. There have been innumberable attempts to connect aspects of this story to his poem. In his own “Philosophy of Composition” Poe rejects most of these ideas – making himself seem almost a detached craftsman following clear contours of rational thought. However, an analysis of the poem “The Raven” demonstrate that its underlying theme is loss, and loss’s partner, remembrance, two inseparable sides the same coin that never leave a life untouched, and that certainly played a central role in Poe’s life.

One of the most interesting things about “The Raven” is that, reversing the normal trend, remembrance precedes loss. Typically, the loss is the thing that comes first, only once the initial shock of loss has been fully experienced can the body and mind rest enough to remember their lost love – even if this remembrance is melancholy in nature.

In Poe’s poem, however, remembrance occurs almost at the outset of the poem. After briefly establishing a setting in the first stanza, Poe moves on and describes that the protagonists was trying to wear through the day to get to the next day, where hopefully he would experience “surcease of sorrow” for his love Lenore, who has been lost (Poe 10). Poe thus sets the tone for the poem by establishing it as an act of remembrance in and of itself, and makes the memory of Lenore the central focus of the poem.

One could argue that the character indicates that he has experience loss by calling his love “the lost Lenore,” but this is not the case. The protagonist has never fully processed the loss – which is why, when he investigates a sound that he could not find a source of, he calls out to her, asking “Lenore?” (26) – in his heart he thinks that she may not be lost, he reaches out to her when something seemingly mystical happens.

Poe then springs the trap of loss. It is not Lenore who made the tapping sound, but a raven, a raven whose name is “Nevermore.” This name brings the loss home to the protagonist. Everything he tries to say or do is countered by the simple phrase, which tells him in no uncertain terms that he will experience his love “nevermore” – that she is lost forever. Thus loss comes rushing after its partner remembrance, and stays with the protagonist for the rest of his days. Because of his unwillingness to experience loss before remembrance, he will never actually be able to move past the loss, in the form of this raven, sitting forever on his mantle.

Poe’s life probably relates quite closely to this story – he experienced a great deal of loss early in his life, with his father abandoning his family quite early and his mother dying shortly after that, and his foster mother in his mid 20s. Poe’s experience of loss and remembrance as interconnected ideas probably drove forward much of the experience of this poem.

Complete 6 pages APA formatted article: Measures for Exacerbation of COPD. Exacerbation is a serious health condition that could lead to the loss of lung normal functions. (Prince et al., 2004) For this reason, patients that are experiencing exacerbations may be hospitalized and need to go through a long period of recovery.

Complete 6 pages APA formatted article: Measures for Exacerbation of COPD. Exacerbation is a serious health condition that could lead to the loss of lung normal functions. (Prince et al., 2004) For this reason, patients that are experiencing exacerbations may be hospitalized and need to go through a long period of recovery.

For the purpose of this study, the researcher will determine and discuss the significance of exacerbations of COPD in terms of its effect on the patients and the health care service providers. With regard to the proper management of exacerbations, the researcher will highlight the available pharmacological and non-pharmacological options for exacerbations.

Exacerbations in patients with COPD are usually associated with a major decline in the long-term quality of the patients’ life and their lung functioning. (Donaldson et al., 2002. Seemungal et al., 1998) Although the etiology and mechanisms behind severe COPD exacerbations are not clear, several studies have shown that infections caused by bacteria (White, Gompertz, Stockley, 2003. Sethi and Murphy, 2001) and virus (Rohde et al., 2003. Seemungal and Wedzicha, 2003) are present during an increased frequency of exacerbations.

Exacerbations related to COPD are often associated with the increase in airway inflammation related to eosinophilia (Fujimoto et al., 2005. Zhu et al., 2001), neutrophilic (Aaron et al., 2001. Stockley et al., 2000. Sethi et al., 2000), and neutrophils in bronchial biopsies (Qiu et al., 2003). These factors may contribute to the patient’s dyspnea or difficulty in breathing. In line with this matter, it has been reported that roughly 25% of COPD patients have reported having experienced a profound total body pain. (Lynn et al., 2000)

Due to the fact that most patients with severe COPD may experience exacerbations, some patients may experience anxiety due to their functional limitations and hunger for air.&nbsp.

Write a 10 pages paper on machu picchu: planning for sustainability development.

Write a 10 pages paper on machu picchu: planning for sustainability development. Many touristic attractions and the people indigenous to the area can benefit greatly from this type of travel and sightseeing, mainly in developing countries. The United Nations in collaboration with the World Tourism Organization adopted the “Sustainable Tourism – Eliminating Poverty (ST-EP)” initiative at the 2002 World Summit on Sustainable Development in Johannesburg (DSD, 2009). Not only is sustainable tourism important for local populations, but it is indeed necessary for the tourists themselves, who want to enjoy the adventures and the culture in these locations. Among its Latin American participants ST-EP projects, initiated in 2005, include countries like Peru, home to Machu Picchu (WTO, 2009).

“Inca architecture reveals itself here in all of its force with the titanic earthen works which multiplied the platforms, […] and literally sculpted the mountain whose cyclopean construction appears to be a prolongation of nature” (UNESCO, 1992). Spanish invaders that traveled to this part of the world never discovered Machu Picchu and the Inca`s that inhabited the area, lived, built, and died without experiencing any foreign invasions (AEDES, 1994). This, therefore, makes Machu Picchu a sacred site not only for enthusiastic travelers but also for academics such as archaeologists, anthropologists, and historians, both local and international, who want to study unadulterated Inca technology and culture. According to a report from the World Heritage Convention, people living around this site still do so in much the same way their Inca ancestors did, with llama as the major livestock and a diet based on potatoes, and maize. Surrounded by luscious forest, the area is also important for its content of flora and fauna (UNESCO, 1992).

Both public and private parties are involved in sustainable tourism in Peru. On the public side, the Ministry of Tourism and International Trade is in charge of the development and modification of touristic activities. Out of the& government agencies involved in tourism, developing the infrastructure for all activities of touristic nature lies in the responsibility of the Ministry of the Presidency.

Write a 5 pages paper on preparing teens to face future challenges. But this also leads them to experiment with new things that may make their life difficult. They are becoming prey to various intoxicating substances that tell upon their nervous systems making them unable to have a stable and healthy future.

Write a 5 pages paper on preparing teens to face future challenges. But this also leads them to experiment with new things that may make their life difficult. They are becoming prey to various intoxicating substances that tell upon their nervous systems making them unable to have a stable and healthy future.

(b) Involvement in various gangs is a common tendency is seen in this age. Some gangs can lead them to the wrong ways of life. Violence and sex are the two main disorders in most gangs. Other than this some of the gangs are also associated with drug dealing businesses which may make a teenager boy or girl trapped in the illegal world.

(c) Internet with its all advent has lucrative aspects (like pornography) which may show them a wrong way of lifestyle. Students are becoming addicted to this stuff that is hampering their thinking faculty a lot. A future without innovation and personality is futile.

(d) Intoxication and addiction are the two lucrative things that may draw their attention and thus doom their future prospects forever. They take a toll on both body and mind of the young generation and by the time they reach a mature age, they become useless in society or even worse than that.

(e) Media exposes a glamorous world which may distract them from thinking logically for their future. Advertisements, movies – all of them produce a world that is only about the perfect size and shape of the body. Today’s teenagers are not going through any logical or intellectual exercises which can nourish their thinking process.

(f) Problems in their families may put them in mental stress. The number of domestic violence in families is ever-increasing and no one thinks what happens in the children’s minds. Disturbance in the relationship between their parents has the worst effect on their minds. Parents are the people whom they trust and now with all those violence, they lose faith in everything.

(g) Depression problems leading to suicide. Domestic violence and many other problems are continuously disturbing the children’s minds. They feel helpless and lonely. During these turbulent times, they may even take the decisions to commit suicide.

(h) Having unprotected sex leads them to suffer from STD (Sexually Transmitted Diseases) and unwanted pregnancy. In the United States of America, early and unwanted pregnancy has become a major social issue today.

Write a 6 pages paper on i- 81 highway syracuse- options for rehabilitation or replacement. The average annual daily traffic ranges from 43,000 to 99,000 and has remained flat since 2003. Only 12% of this is through traffic. Buses and trucks are only 8-9%. Commute times are below national averages (NY-DoT, p 11).

Write a 6 pages paper on i- 81 highway syracuse- options for rehabilitation or replacement. The average annual daily traffic ranges from 43,000 to 99,000 and has remained flat since 2003. Only 12% of this is through traffic. Buses and trucks are only 8-9%. Commute times are below national averages (NY-DoT, p 11).

The Syracuse University and medical institutions have $ 700 million in projects which are limited by space. The I-81 acts as a physical barrier to expansion at their present location on University Hill (NY-DoT, p 18).

The City of Syracuse has made a master plan for the redevelopment of a new urban center with a town square with businesses and high-density housing around it. The I-81 is a significant visual element rising above the surface streets and most downtown buildings (NY-DoT, p 18). The viaduct acts as a barrier and prevents pedestrian and bicycle mobility (NY-DoT, p 14)

Mark Frechette, the Viaduct Project Director for the NY Department of Transportation summarized the project alternatives evaluated by the NY DoT in the slide shown Fig 2 (Frechette, p10).

The “No Build” option is the Environmental Protection Agency requirement for all such projects. For the Viaduct project, the evaluation of the “no-build” option would serve as the baseline to compare the various “build” options (Frechette, p 12).

The tunnel option and the depressed highway options have been ruled out by the NY-DoT study. The water table in the area is high and it is saline, requiring special disposal methods. This would require cut-and-cover construction, which would close the Viaduct and Almond Street for a long duration. The sub-surface utilities would need to be relocated. Ramps for access to the tunnel would cause a number of local streets to be closed or dead-ended. The estimated cost would be $ 1.50 billion – $ 1.75 billion (Frechette, p 28-30).

The rebuild options for the Viaduct are aimed at bringing the design up to current standards. The width of the new Viaduct would be increased to 82 feet from the present 66 feet with two travel lanes in each direction. The speed limit for vehicles would be 55 mph. The Viaduct height may need to be increased by 5 to 10 feet. &nbsp.The space under the Viaduct would be designed for interconnection of surface-level streets and with better pedestrian and bike access.&nbsp.&nbsp.

research paper on nursing dilemma situations. Needs to be 8 pages.

Need an research paper on nursing dilemma situations. Needs to be 8 pages. Please no plagiarism. In order to impart these duties in the most appropriate manner, nurses must not only possess sound knowledge of the subject, but they must also be aware of ethical laws and legislations and how to handle ethical dilemmas. This is because, through their career, nurses encounter many situations that are tangled in ethical complexities. As Hall (1992. cited in Silva and Ludwick, 1992) rightly put it “the ethics incorporated into good nursing practice are more important than knowledge of the law. practicing ethically saves the effort of trying to know all the laws.” Clinical ethics literature pertaining to the nursing profession identifies four important values and principles, namely, respect to the autonomy of the patient and to act with nonmaleficence, beneficence, and justice (Nettina, 2006). Awareness of these principles helps in solving issues with ethical dilemmas. In this article, resolution of an ethical dilemma pertaining to an elderly cancer patient in palliative care will be elaborated based on ethical laws and the nursing code of ethics, in the context of the review of concerned literature.

53-year-old Mrs. Cheng is admitted to a palliative care ward with a history of bowel cancer and liver metastasis. The old lady is the last surviving member of her family and her expected lifespan is one month. Mrs. Cheng is a chain smoker and she sees no meaning in giving-up this enjoyable thing in the last phase of her life. She smokes about 25 cigarettes a day. Since she cannot smoke inside the hospital, she is taken outside the ward in a wheelchair and each time this consumes 12 minutes of the care-taking nurse time. Nurses taking care of Mrs. Cheng object to the fact that she needs to smoke because it is not only bad for health, but it also disrupts the care of other patients due to increased consumption of time on the part of the nurse. However, Mrs. Cheng wants to continue to smoke and this had led to a situation of an ethical dilemma. In this essay, a solution to this problem will be discussed with reference to rules and regulations that guide the practice of nursing.