Frequency Response of Networks. The work is to be 5 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page.

I will pay for the following article Frequency Response of Networks. The work is to be 5 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page. The essay “Frequency Response of Networks” talks about the theory behind frequency response in inductive and capacitive reactances and presents the plot of frequency response of the RC filter and which regions that these filters operate in. Frequency domain analysis is easier than time domain analysis It is important to obtain the frequency response of a circuit because we can predict its response to any Input signal. There are four general types of filters: Low-pass filters (LPF), Band-pass filters, High-pass filter (HPF) and Band-Reject (Stop). In this laboratory experiment, we will plot the frequency response of a network by analyzing RC passive filters.

Capacitive reactance derivation from equation Vcos(ω t + p) where V is the amplitude (can be current or potential), ω is the angular frequency, t is time, and Φ is a phase shift. The current flowing through a capacitor is given by i = C(dv/dt). Naturally, since v = V cos(ωt+ Φ), DV/dt would equal – ω Vsin(ωt+ Φ). Using trigonometric identity we can rewrite sin as cos and get –ωVcos (ωt+ {Φ -90}) (subtracting 90 degrees from sin to get cosine) by taking the derivative of the voltage and multiplying it by the capacitance we get the current flowing through the capacitor i = – ωCVcos(ωt+ [Φ -90]). This is in the time domain. In order to derive the impedance/reactance, it must be converted to the frequency domain by writing the voltage and current as a phasor solving using Euler’s Identity where ejx = cosx + jsinx j is the imaginary number.

research paper on freedom of the press, democracy, and democratization. Needs to be 5 pages.

Need an research paper on freedom of the press, democracy, and democratization. Needs to be 5 pages. Please no plagiarism. The political rights, which encompass the right to participate freely in the political process, depending on how freely communication and expression through the electronic and printed media are guaranteed. Freedom of the press also makes political leaders and public office holders be responsible and accountable to the citizens. Furthermore, the civil liberties that allow for freedom of expression and belief, associational and organizational rights, rule of law, and personal autonomy without government control are intrinsically linked to the degree of freedom of the press. Thus, the political stability of any state is strongly dependent on the freedom of the press and as a result, freedom of the press is a politically relevant issue.

The political rights, which include the right to vote and be voted for, depends on the degree of freedom of the press. The right to vote and be voted for is the distinguishing factor between democratic governments and their undemocratic counterparts. Democracy involves free, fair and regular contestation for political offices and freedom of the press is an implicit requirement for free and fair elections (Sachs, 2007, 2). For an election to be free and fair, the electorate must communicate and express themselves freely without fear, favor, threats or domination from government and other parties of potential domination. Indeed, freedom of the press ensures free communication and expression that eventually leads to free and fair elections. It is noted that governments that suppress the media are notorious for conducting flaw elections. This was the case with the Iranian government. In fact, the Iranian government aggressively crackdown on the media in the wake of its flaw presidential elections.

prepare and submit a term paper on The Impact Facebook Rituals Can have on a Romantic Relationship.

You will prepare and submit a term paper on The Impact Facebook Rituals Can have on a Romantic Relationship. Your paper should be a minimum of 1250 words in length. People, especially the youth, have taken to social networks not only to communicate with their friends but to make new ones. Many love relationships have also been formed and flourished online on these social networks. indeed, there are those who join Facebook with the sole intention of dating and finding love. While many of these relationships become successful, there are many more which end up in heartbreak and sometimes even tragically because even criminals and stalkers use the internet to lure their victims. Therefore, it is imperative that we consider several questions, such as if Facebook poses a threat to the security of already existing relationships. What motivates people to look for love on Facebook? Can Facebook be considered a realistic and practical way of starting and building relationships? This essay will focus on the last question. it shall discuss, argue, and contest the appropriateness of Facebook as a facilitator for relationships by examining the issues that surround Facebook relationships.

There are several issues that make Facebook a shaky setting for developing and growing relationships, one of these is the effect Facebook has on pre-existing relationships. Consider that two people are in a relationship and both happen to be friends on Facebook. One of them may join a group or make friends with a member of the opposite sex who might send suggestive messages or gifts to them. Bearing in mind that the line between innocent flirting and cheating might mean different things to different partners, a post on someone’s timeline may cause friction and result in the termination of a relationship (Ilana 878). In another situation, when couples that are friends on Facebook have a falling out or disagreement, one of them may update something about it on their page, and this can cause their partner to feel humiliated.

Moreover, youths often use media and technology to promote sexual behavior through highly sexually suggestive messages and sometimes picture in what has been dubbed sexting (Pascoe 6). Facebook easily offers an avenue for this: when people are online, they are able to hide their shyness and will be bolder.

Write 5 pages thesis on the topic rachmaninov’s piano concerto. He never gave up. He chose later in his career to only limit his playing to the “Salons of Paris”.

Write 5 pages thesis on the topic rachmaninov’s piano concerto. He never gave up. He chose later in his career to only limit his playing to the “Salons of Paris”.

The second piece chosen was to compare a 20th-century composer Rachmaninov who had perfect command of the symphony orchestra and was able to compose for both. The Concerto N°2 mvt 2 was used as these two movements were slow and moderately slow: moderato and larghetto. Rachmaninov was considered neo-classism.

Chopin was born in Poland in 1810 and died in Paris in 1849. His father was born in France and had moved back to Poland. Frédéric was considered one of the first nationalistic composers of his time. The politics of the time were difficult. Russia was expanding. Poles were emigrating. Nationalistic feelings were high. It was common to compose using nationalistic songs. Rachmaninov did not have the same priorities.

Chopin’s music is full of Polish influence, dances, and melodies. He left Poland permanently in 1831 and settled in Paris. As a perfectionist, he could no longer accept the Warsow public as a judge of his abilities as a musician, composer, and conductor. He had already composed his first two piano concertos Opus I & II. Chopin composed in the height of the Romantic Period. He wanted to learn from others.

In Paris, Chopin was overwhelmed with the bubbly atmosphere of nationalism. Artists from the different artistic movements met frequently (literary, music, art). There was a large Polish community due to the Russian evasion of Poland. As of 1832, he had made a place for himself in the music world. It is important to note that he did not like his playing technique saying that it was not good for large halls. He had composed and trained on a 19th century piano which was still not loud enough for large concert halls. He would perform in the small, private salons which were from the patronage system of the 18th century. He performed once a year for a large concert hall. This had an effect on the type of music he composes.

All of his music is written for piano or piano concerto or piano and chamber orchestra

The Concerto N°1 Opus 11 pour piano and orchestra can be played with other instrumentation. It is partly due to the importance of the different colors of the piano and the way Chopin used the orchestra. Joseph Hofman orchestrated the concerto for piano et quintet (2 violins, one viola, one cello, and one bass).

prepare and submit a paper on analysis on the story barn burning by william faulkner.

Your assignment is to prepare and submit a paper on analysis on the story barn burning by william faulkner. Compelled by his habit, he gets annoyed with De Spain’s attitude and he drops some horse droppings on his very expensive carpet. De Spain asks him to give him 20 bushels of corn against the charge of the rug. Furious, Abner sues him and the court orders to give De Spain 10 bushels of corn instead of 20. Abner still furious decides to set the De Spain’s barn on fire. Sarty stops his father from doing wrong but when he does not listen, he warns De Spain and runs away and never looks back towards his family again (Wilson 434).

The story has been one of the best selling of its time. It was also adapted to a short film in 1980, which was very much loved around the world. The story basically gives the idea of believing in what is right and never standing by lies and falsehood. It is pretty much proven that the Snopes’ family completely relies on each other in right or wrong decisions. The family seems to be living in their own world which is outside society values and even outside the law, rather than on traditional values of right and wrong.

Even though it’s your own father, one should stand what is right always even if they are standing alone. Family loyalty is very important but what is more important is that you never give anybody a chance to questions your honesty, integrity, and truthfulness. This will make you away from your family once in a while, but there will come a time when the family will be reunited and you will get the reward of your good deeds.

The story has decently listed characters, the main being the father, Abner Snopes and the son, Sarty Snopes. A peace demanding judge is mentioned twice on different occasions. The first person who complained was named Mr. Harris and the second was the person that was sued who also was the new landlord De Spain. Mentioned only one are Sarty’s mother, his two sisters, his brother, and his aunt. The characters have not been overdone by the writer.

Write 2 pages with APA style on GMO foods. GMO Foods The debate on GMO food has been going on for a while where people are divided on its merits and demerits.

Write 2 pages with APA style on GMO foods. GMO Foods The debate on GMO food has been going on for a while where people are divided on its merits and demerits. GMO foods are good because they help in increasing the food basket of many nations, as well as individuals. Today, the weather is unpredictable making it very hard for people to harvest agricultural produce to feed the ever-growing population. Most GMOs are a pest and diseases resistant and mature very faster. Because of this, many nations as well as individuals prefer them as an alternative source of food for the growing population. However, GMO foods are sometimes dangerous to the living organisms as well as for consumption. For instance, GMO foods are harmful to human beings to some extent. Some of the opposing views of GMOs are discussed in subsequent paragraphs.

First, GMOs are unhealthy since numerous studies have found that they can leave materials inside the human body hence causing long-term problems (IRT 2). Because of this, doctors advise their patients to take or consume non-GMO diets because they have no effects. For instance, there are pieces of evidence that genes inserted into GM soy can transfer into the DNA of a bacteria living in a human being (IRT 2). Moreover, GMO food increases food allergies among individuals making it unsafe for consumption.

Secondly, GMO foods are sourced from herbicides seeds, which are very harmful (IRT 4). GM crops are engineered to be herbicide tolerant hence not prone to weed attack and can survive. Because of this, they contain high chemical concentration, which causes harm to the environment. Moreover, GM food has higher residues of toxic herbicides, which is linked to several defects in the body. For instance, high concentration of herbicides and other chemicals increases one’s chances of getting sterility, hormone disruption, cancer, as well as birth defects when continuously used (IRT 4).

Thirdly, GMO involves mixing of genes from different unrelated species making it unleash unpredictable side effects not intended (IRT 6). Many researchers do not know some of the genes inserted or mixed with others to produce the quality that is needed. Therefore, the process of creating or developing a GM plant can result in a collateral damage by producing new toxins, as well as nutritional deficiencies. The natural plants that produce food are naturally modified and have a balanced makeup to provide all the desired nutrients (IRT 6). However, GM foods does not contain balanced nutrient since the composition of the species may differ to interfere with the desired outcome or known good results.

In conclusion, the debate on GM food is never ending because it has its pros and cons. As the world population increases, the need for food also increases making people resort to GM food. However, they are not safe for human consumption because they have a higher concentration of herbicides. This leads to hormone disruptions and sterility. Besides, GM food causes allergies to many individuals making it unsuitable for human consumption. Moreover, some of the materials in GM food can remain inside the human beings hence posing health risk such as cancer among others.

Work Cited

IRT. 10 Reasons to avoid GMOs. 2015.

Complete 6 pages APA formatted article: Public Transport Systems and Pollution.

Complete 6 pages APA formatted article: Public Transport Systems and Pollution. Due to the interference with national balance, production of different raw materials that are used in the manufacturing industry are affected, which consequently constraints the industry. The issue of pollution, which is global and not regional is evident in all states across the globe, although some have taken significant steps to address the menace. This essay will deeply examine the issue of pollution laying special focus on the effects of pollution on the on human health and environment, fish stocks, forestry sectors of the economy. This essay will also discuss the relationship between public transport systems and pollution as well as focus on the cost of climate change.

Air pollution has led to various adverse effects to forestry department and the industries in the sector. Pollutants that are known to cause much harm to trees are oxidants, fluorides, carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide, and volatile hydrocarbons (Gifford, 2006, p. 60). Oxidants react with the sunlight to produce toxins such as peroxyl acetyl nitrate (PAN) and ozone that are harmful to the trees. Ozone is commonly found in the upper strata of the atmosphere but, is considered to be highly harmful once found near the ground. High levels of these greenhouse gases easily damage trees and can easily wipe out an entire forest, which poses a threat to the industries in the field. Pollutants resulting from sulfur dioxide arise as a result of burning oil or coal to produce energy. They are also formed during the extraction of ores and when manufacturing products. Other manmade chemicals such as herbicide, pesticides, and fertilizers do detriment trees.

Public transport systems have contributed to air pollution in a great way. Fuels used by the current means of transportation emit harmful chemicals once combusted with carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide being very common. Mining undertakings are similarly key players in the issue of pollution.&nbsp.

research paper on understanding business and management methods. Needs to be 18 pages.

Need an research paper on understanding business and management methods. Needs to be 18 pages. Please no plagiarism. The research conducted shows that accounting education does not fill the needs of practice (workplace). The workplace aims to fill the clients’ demands (Catanach 2009). Elizabeth Smith confirmed the research (2009). In addition, the American Accounting Association research indicated there was a gap between practice and education (Hopwood 2010). The variance between what the practice needs and what the education sector (universities, colleges and other learning institutions) offers is widening through the years. The article states that the schism between the education sector and the practice of the accountancy profession emerged during the 1900s. The schism continues to widen until the present generation. In fact, many stakeholders insist that most of the accounting lessons taught in the classroom environment are irrelevant to what the practice sector needs. From the 1940s to the 1960s, the demand for university-educated accountant increased significantly. In response to the demand of the workplace, the universities granted a 400 percent accounting degree increase. The academic community increased in terms of faculty members and accounting graduates (MacDonald & Richardson 2011). The academe focuses on ensuring graduates are equipped with the basic management and accounting technologies (Gediehn 2009). The teachers are required to explain the importance of the income statement for decision-making activities (Schwartz 2008). Simulated case studies will reduce the gap between education and retail marketing environment practice (Humphrey 2007).

In terms of the accounting profession, the article first article correctly discloses the widening gap between what the universities offer and what the workplace needs, a metamorphosis. The metamorphosis of the business and accounting schools from simple learning institutions to become social science training spheres.&nbsp. &nbsp.&nbsp.

research paper on marketing issues portfolio. Needs to be 7 pages.

Need an research paper on marketing issues portfolio. Needs to be 7 pages. Please no plagiarism. A micro-environment is the internal environment in which the company operates in. This environment is directly related to a given company and it affects a particular company at a given time because it is internal. These factors can be controlled or managed by the management of the company if the right measures are taken at the right time. These factors include. the company itself whereby it is found that different companies have different policies, management style and culture that regulate how business is conducted. As such each company in the economy has different objectives that they aim to achieve where some are growth oriented while others want to make profit as they reach their corporate responsibility goal. The company environment is important as it determines how marketing is done and activities controlled in the company. Suppliers are another micro-environment that affects how the customers receive the intended goods at the required time so as to increase their satisfaction. When selecting the suppliers, careful consideration has to be put into consideration to avoid any inconveniences that may affect the customers in a negative way, for example, the technology available to the supplier, their efficiency in delivering goods as well as the cost of their goods as this will affect the prices that are charged to the customers (Palmer & Worthington, 1992, p. 112).

The third aspect of a micro-environment is the intermediaries or those parties that help link the company and its final customers. These parties ensure that the goods reach the customers at the convenience place and time and they play an important role in developing the customer loyalty, for example, the retailers. The customers to the company create another aspect of a micro marketing environment.

Provide a 2 pages analysis while answering the following question: Specific Language Impairment. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide.

Provide a 2 pages analysis while answering the following question: Specific Language Impairment. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. SPECIFIC LANGUAGE IMPAIRMENT All parents look forward to when their children begin talking. Once the infant’s babble has been replaced by language, the child’s vocabulary and grasp of grammar develop in a clear sequence. Further language skills are gained as the child begins to learn how to read. Problems in any part of this development can have repercussions during school years and into adulthood. Disorders of spoken language can involve a range of problems such as very slow language development and poor understanding of long and complex sentences – these can affect up to 7 per cent of children in early school years (Leonard, 2004).

In some cases, they are due to a physical problem such as hearing loss. in others the delay is short and children catch up quickly with their peers. But about 4 per cent of children have a specific impairment that has no physical cause but requires clinical attention (Watkins, 1994). These language impairments take several different forms. Some children have problems with making the correct sounds, others with classifying speech sounds (not recognizing that ‘pat’ and ‘potato’ begin with the same sound, for example) or get sounds in the wrong sequence. Grammar can also pose problems: some children aged six or seven talk in a babyish way, using short, ungrammatical sentences such as “yesterday I go to school” (Watkins, 1994).

Professor Dorothy Bishop, a Welcome Trust Principal Research Fellow at the University of Oxford’s Department of Experimental Psychology, has been investigating this complex group of deficits and their many associated risk factors and syndromes (Leonard, 2004). Using a wide range of techniques – including experimental psychology, electrophysiology, genetics and language assessment – she is working to characterize the disorders and understand their origins. Professor Bishop has found that most children with specific language impairment have several underlying problems. The picture emerging is that there are multiple risk factors for specific language impairment that do not cause problems if they occur alone, but in combination with other deficits they do (Watkins, 1994).

For example, electrophysiological studies have found that some children show unusually rapid decay of memory for incoming sounds. This is also found in the parents, even if they have no language difficulties themselves. Impairment results when this poor short-term memory is combined with other traits such as poor discrimination of word sounds (Watkins, 1994). In studies on twins and the parents of children with specific language impairment, Professor Bishop has shown that some aspects of the disorder – such as impaired short-term memory for speech sounds – are heritable. In order to identify the genes that contribute, there must be accurate ways of selecting groups of children to study. Using behavioral genetics Professor Bishop has identified markers of family risk for specific language impairment such as the inability to repeat nonsense words (Watkins, 1994).

These markers appear to have distinct genetic origins and can be used to select groups of

Children for targeted gene studies (Leonard, 2004). Language problems are also seen as part of broader syndromes such as autism, cerebral palsy and Down’s syndrome. Professor Bishop has found it informative to compare the types of language difficulty seen in different conditions. She has, for example, found that children with Down’s syndrome and children with specific language impairment share some communication deficits. She has also found differences in the brain responses to speech of children with Down’s syndrome that could underlie some of their language deficits (Leonard, 2004).


Watkins, R. V. (1994). Specific language impairments in children. P.H. Brookes Pub. : United States.

Leonard, L. B. (2000). Children with Specific Language Impairment. MIT Press: United States.

Hulme, C. Snowling, M. J. (2009). Developmental Disorders of Language Learning and Cognition. John Wiley & Sons: New York City.