Create a 5 pages page paper that discusses the city beautiful movement vs henry david thoreau.

Create a 5 pages page paper that discusses the city beautiful movement vs henry david thoreau. Transcendentalists’ role in urban planning was to sensitize America on nurturing the environment which was being threatened by urbanization. Their success was significant. Henry David Thoreau was one of the transcendentalists, and his influence sufficed during the Romantic Period. A little later, after the Romantic Period was born, the City Beautiful Movement was born. These two, apart from existing in almost similar time contexts, were common in that they pointed at nature as an integral element necessary in America’s emerging urban planning. In this study, Henry David Thoreau, representing the Romantic Movement, will be compared to the City Beautiful Movement with regards to their differences and similarities in defining America’s urban planning.

The Romantic Movement emerged at the end of the 18th century and is said to have been a reaction to the scientific rationalization of nature, the Age of Enlightenment, aristocratic norms, and specifically for this study. the Industrial revolution (Rodwell, 2008). The movement sought to create awareness of nurturing nature as an important part of man which, if he related closely, life [in the cities] would be more bearable. Thoreau as a key icon in this movement had lived his entire life relating closely with nature, and sought to extend the benefits he had realized with the world through Romanticism. Concisely, Thoreau transformed urban planning into more of recreation and conservation than it was in rural and estate design (Jackson, n.d.).

Similar to Thoreau, the city Beautiful movement of the late 18th century was born to advocate for a reform in the philosophies of American urban planning and architecture. It was originally affiliated to Washington DC, Detroit, Cleveland and Chicago, but was later spread across America (Schuyler, n.d.). Although its key objectives were monumental grandeur and beautification, the movement perceived of beautification through nature as an effective way of promoting social harmony as well as simplifying and improving the quality of human life (Burnham & Bennett, 1909). This movement was first elaborated in 1893 at the World’s Columbian Exposition in Chicago by architect Daniel Burnham. It was its first large-scale elaboration (Miller, 2013).

Write 5 pages with APA style on Food Chemistry. Breakfast has been labeled as the most important meal of the day.

Write 5 pages with APA style on Food Chemistry. Breakfast has been labeled as the most important meal of the day. It allows the person to kick start his day. A healthy breakfast is known to be beneficial for the overall health and well being of a person. Scientific studies have shown that consuming a healthy breakfast correlated positively with weight, nutritional adequacy and academic performance (Rampersaud et al, 2005, p.743). Many people want their breakfasts to be light yet packed with energy and nutrition. However few people have the time to pay much attention to what they consume early in the morning given to the time constraints before going out to school, college, or for work.

Breakfast is one meal that I do not pay much attention to. On a personal level, I like to consume a flavourful breakfast which fills me up and provides me with a lot of energy. The Tick Programme in New Zealand recommends that one eats a substantial amount of breakfast with increased levels of dietary fiber, calcium and key ingredient content (fruit/vegetable) and decreases the intake of trans fat, sodium and high-calorie food (Tick heart Foundation, 2013).

Wholegrain oats make up 72% of the breakfast cereal that I consume. This ingredient is the main source of fiber. Grains are considered an essential part of one’s daily diet since it contains almost negligible fat and has a high content of vitamins and minerals. Oats are known to lower cholesterol levels owing to the presence of beta-glucan. Therefore eating oats can considerably decrease risks of developing cardiovascular diseases. Scientific studies conducted to see the effect of wholegrain oats on health have shown that diet containing these kinds of fiber-rich oats improves BP and regulates glucose and lipid levels in the body (Pinn et al, 2002). Wholegrain oats are known to lower the blood glucose level and contribute substantially to a low- glycemic load diet and are also potential probiotic (Connolly et al, 2012).

write an article on Biological Predisposition to Criminal Behavior. It needs to be at least 1250 words.

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on Biological Predisposition to Criminal Behavior. It needs to be at least 1250 words. The idea that genes could be responsible for criminal behavior was conceived by Joseph Gall, a German physician, and neuroanatomist through his theory of phrenology. The theory proposed that brain functions in distinct organs in the brain. These organs have been categorized into three regions responsible for controlling the moral, intellectual and lower faculties and can be identified by the bumps on somebody’s head. If any bump was larger than the standard size, then that personality characteristic was more pronounced than the rest. Phrenologists believed that such abnormalities could be cured through the development of moral and intellectual faculties. The discipline later declined but it had already set the ground for further exploration.

This debate was discussed through further investigation by other criminologists such as Cesare Lombroso through his popular theory of evolutionary atavism in 1867. He believed there were three categories of criminal behavior: Pseudocriminals- those who kill for self-defense or at the spur of the moment. Habitual criminals- criminals because of their poor education as well as upbringing. and Criminaloids- those who are naturally predisposed to commit a crime but which could only be revealed under certain circumstances. Richard Dugdale conducted a genealogical study in 1877 of the Jukes family, which revealed that there were high incidences of criminality dating back 200 years. In 1913, Henry Goddard studied the Kallikak family, which showed that feeblemindedness was hereditary and increased chances of criminality.

Johannes Lange, through his 1931 work Crime and Destiny moved the debate from previous studies filled with theoretical and methodological flaws.&nbsp. &nbsp.

Compose a 1250 words assignment on natural environment of escherichia coli.

Compose a 1250 words assignment on natural environment of escherichia coli. Needs to be plagiarism free! E.coli also causes bloody and non-bloody diarrhoea and is transmitted via the faecal-oral route (thus it is important to wash hands and foods very well in addition to proper handling and disposal of sewage, faeces etc). E.coli and other Enterobacteriaceae are the commonest pathogens in existence, alongside the Staphylococci and Streptococci.

E.coli is regarded as part of the normal flora of the animal and human body. It is usually present in the colon (large intestine) i.e. its natural habitat is mainly the gastrointestinal tract. By virtue of its enteric location, E.coli can be present in very high concentrations (reaching levels up to 108 per gram) in human faeces.

E.coli is a facultative anaerobe depending on the prevailing circumstances i.e. E.coli can make use of oxygen when it is present or generate energy by anaerobiosis in an oxygen-poor environment. In another word, E.coli can metabolize nutrients by respiration or fermentation. E.coli also carries out the fermentation of quite a number of carbohydrates. It has been firmed that E.coli grows well on meat extract medium without adding sodium chloride and also reproduce well on MacConkey’s agar. E.coli also ferments lactose rapidly. In fermentation, a substance (preferable an organic compound) will accept the hydrogen ion being donated as against respiration in which oxygen is the hydrogen acceptor.

It was hypothesized that E.coli will produce growth with a particular pattern which can be shown as a growth curse when measured amounts of bacteria inoculations are added to the fresh liquid media (when can be MacConkey’s agar) L. Broth which was used in this experiments.

1ml of E.coli in inoculums from a saturated culture was added to a fresh sample of 50ml of L-Broth. The L-Broth is expected to produce a unique and particularly nutrient-rich environment that will encourage the growth of E.coli.&nbsp.&nbsp.

Provide a 5 pages analysis while answering the following question: New York as a Magnificent Catastrophe.

Provide a 5 pages analysis while answering the following question: New York as a Magnificent Catastrophe. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. Large companies were also called on board to solve this menace over the years, to build and to assist the government to upgrade these housing units. The government and those in the housing sector continue to address the different issues challenging them in this sector to date. (

A story captured in the New York Times of a couple whose basement was destroyed by city officials only tells to what extent the problem has escalated in the recent past. Illegal conversions have been purported to be crimes as the victims pay dearly. In the case of the Sarkars, they lost tenants, paid fines and destroyed the unit they had converted and upgraded for their tenant. City inspectors have been seen to use force to evict and destroy cellars and basement apartments as it is against the law to live in such. Reasons given to these include safety and health issues. (Navarro, 2013)

The question, therefore, is how do we reform the policy to fit and incorporate all stakeholders in this struggle? Different stakeholders have views on what to be done to make this situation bearable for all.

The already existing plans fail to capture the needs of everyone. Therefore not everyone is entitled to a house. This presents a great challenge to many New Yorkers who cannot afford legal housing units, thus opt for the illegal housing units.

This body is put in a tricky situation as it is not concerned with regulating the population increase but also are in a position to improve the situation of homeless people by supporting the amendment of the policy.

The client should learn that there are several opposing views regarding the legalization of basement apartments. Nevertheless, safety must be the number one priority, protecting the public is what matters in this scenario. In addition, financial assistance has to be provided to cater for the needs of individuals.

Write a 5 pages paper on clonal integration in ochthochloa compressa ecotypes under various environmental conditions.

Write a 5 pages paper on clonal integration in ochthochloa compressa ecotypes under various environmental conditions. Ochthochloa Compressa is a perennial grass that grows up to 10 cm to 30 cm approximately. To survive under adverse conditions, this grass species has developed an ability of clonal integration. This adaptive mechanism has proven highly beneficial for its growth and survival, even in unfavorable conditions. Clonal integration has helped the species to activate its metabolic defense system to help it survive. To build such an immune mechanism, the plant has also developed a specific cellular structure (Peltzer, 2002). Compared to other species of the same genus, it becomes apparent that only a handful of grass families possess such qualities to sustain for long. Scientists studying the plant behavior revealed that Ochthochloa Compressa, with its clonal integration ability, can produce vegetative offspring in the form of ‘ramets,’ which are also genetically identical. The ramets are observed to grow fast and healthy when produced besides the mother within a specific distance. The genetic species is termed as ‘genet, which continuously spreads laterally to adapt to its surrounding microhabitat conditions (Kun, 2003. Peltzer, 2002). The produced ramets are connected even if dispersed at a distance, sharing almost similar sort of resources that include mineral nutrients, photoassimilates, and water. Through this procedure, the plant lowers the effects of harsh and sudden climatic changes on its microbiological development process.

The process also helps the plant in enhancing its survival capability through effective resource sharing. Nevertheless, the ramets of Ochthochloa Compressa are ascertained to be biologically independent (Oborny et al., 2000).The ramets of Ochthochloa Compressa are required to be produced genetically to ensure better survival and colonization. The clonal integration process is also determined as an effective procedure based on which Ochthochloa Compressa can invade a new environment and exploit heterogeneous resources. Also, clonal integration facilitates the species in colonization and the growth of ramets under stressful conditions (Oborny et al., 2000). Due to this particular reason, genets can survive in different environmental changes, adapting adversities effectively.&nbsp.

research paper on rietveld schrder house. Needs to be 5 pages.

Need an research paper on rietveld schrder house. Needs to be 5 pages. Please no plagiarism. The design of the house originated from a conceptual process that started with a grid. Eisenman worked on the grid in such a way that the house had four distinct sections (Weston 78).

In terms of structure, the two stories by Rietveld Schröder House got designed in a way that the inside is a vibrant changeable open zone (Emmons and Mindrup 45). The inside has no static amassing of rooms. On the ground floor, the designer maintained some traditional aspects. It hosts three bedrooms/sitting rooms and a kitchen. The upstairs of this house obtained a design to conform with all fire regulations and planning authorities’ requirements. Except for a separate bathroom and toilet, the rest of the upstairs consists of a large open zone (Davi 46). Mrs. Schroder felt that this living area should be functional in either form, whether subdivided or open. As such, a system of sliding as well as revolving panels took their place. This would open up space on the second floor, and at the same time leave the option of closing or partitioning the rooms when necessary (Emmons and Mindrup 47). The entirely partitioned upstairs comprises of a bathroom, living room and three bedrooms.

This plan provides a wide range of possible permutations, each permutation providing a distinct spatial experience. The outlook of this house represents random collection lines and planes whose components are separate from one another, enabling the house to have several balconies. The distinctive features of the components include color, position and form. Different colors were chosen to strengthen the liveliness of the facades, with black door and window frames, surfaces in white color and shades of grey, and several linear elements in all the primary colors (Emmons and Mindrup 54). The planes flew in a unique way, from outside to inside, and hence there is a slight distinction between exterior and interior space.&nbsp.

prepare and submit a paper on high let alpha particles. Human chromosomes can undergo structural changes in exposure to high LET alpha particles.

Your assignment is to prepare and submit a paper on high let alpha particles. Human chromosomes can undergo structural changes in exposure to high LET alpha particles. The study tries to evaluate the efficacy of three-color FISH and MFish methodology to assess and demarcate these changes. Retired male workers from the Russian Nuclear Industry who were expected to have high exposure to high LET alpha particles during work conditions were involved in the study and standard methodologies were used for the study.

A number of experiments have been reviewed by the author to support the background of the study. Seven studies have been referenced in the paper to support the view that complex aberrations are induced on exposure to high-LET radiation. The definition of insertion which is the characteristic feature of aberrations also has been included in the review. A number of studies involving the FISH technique have profoundly emphasized the importance and relevance of the complexity of radiation-induced chromosome aberrations. The relevance of the fact that the rearranged chromosomes may comprise of parts of multiple chromosomes in the study also has been reviewed. The MFish methodology demonstrated in two different studies one by R. M. Anderson, S. J. Marsden, S. J. Paice, A. E. Bristow, M. A. Kadhim, C. S. Griffin and D. T. Goodhead and another by R. M. Anderson, D. L. Stevens, and D. T. Goodhead have been supportive of this observation. The induction of complex chromosome aberrations in human peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBLs), when exposed to a low dose of high-LET under laboratory conditions, has been supported by different studies and it has been found that the insertions which were visible were parts of other complex aberrations. The references made have supported the background information that the complexity of the aberration induced is much related to the alpha particle exposure.&nbsp. &nbsp. &nbsp.&nbsp.

The study by R. M. Anderson, S. J. Marsden, S. J. Paice, A. E. Bristow, M. A. Kadhim, C. S. Griffin, and D. T. Goodhead have related the in vivo experiment with relevance to the exposure to high-LET particles. It has been opined that long after the exposure, the possibility of efficient detection of stable insertions could be unlikely. The role of Radon, which is a natural emitter of an alpha particle and which is present in the environment has been confirmed by the background information as a consistent source of high LET alpha particle exposure.

Write 5 pages thesis on the topic brain differences in men and women.

Write 5 pages thesis on the topic brain differences in men and women. A series of studies that have dealt with the specific issue is presenting in this paper trying to identify the main aspects of the brain’s functions in both the genders. Towards this direction, empirical research has been also included in the material used in the current paper. The evaluation of the results leads to the assumption that there are many differences in the construction and the functions of the brain between men and women. In the long term, this differentiation influences human behavior formulating different abilities and reactions between men and women.

The identification of the differences in brain construction between men and women was achieved approximately in the decade of the 1960s. More specifically in accordance with a research published by the Society for Neuroscience (2007) ‘in the late 1960s and early 1970s, scientists found the first clear evidence that brain differences exist, in rodents at least. one study showed differences in nerve cell body size in an area of the brain known as the hypothalamus, which is important for feeding, drinking and reproduction’. In fact, differentiation in the construction and the functions of the brain between men and women can be observed in the early years of adolescence. For this reason, the statistical data revealed through research published by the Society for Women’s Health Research (2004) showed that ‘males age 6-17 years have been shown to display more prominent age-related decreases in gray matter (the part of the brain that allows us to think) and increases in white matter (which transfers information between distant regions) than females. these changes in brain composition appear to be linked to developmental processes in which nerve cell connections are “pruned” in gray matter and made more efficient (myelinated) in white matter’. At the next level, the above differentiation can lead to a series of different reactions to specific events. however, these reactions cannot be precisely estimated in advance. Only suggestions can be made on the possible behavior of men and women under specific circumstances.

marriage in the united states and death rituals in japan

I need some assistance with these assignment. marriage in the united states and death rituals in japan Thank you in advance for the help! The perception of marriage in the United States is different from other parts of the globe. Marriage occurs in natives and foreigners, and the foundation for marriage involves romance. On the other hand, Japan features a broad range of conservative practices towards death. Japanese people carry out rituals that are used to celebrate the life of an individual with the hope that they will continue living among the living and in the afterlife. Both etic and emic perspectives for marriage in the United States and death ritual practices in Japan will be analyzed in length. The paper will also focus on the distinct rituals or practices that are carried out for each rite of passage.

Couples engage in a period of romance and form a foundation for marriage. Americans sustain romance in love with or without sexual relations. The age at which couples enter into a romantic or courtship is nearly 26. The age gives the couples time to know each and define the goals and objectives they want to accomplish in the event the relationship leads to marriage. Marriage must be built on romantic love, and the practice has received support for generations in the United States. The courtship and marriage system is dependent on the emotional attraction among couples. Marriages feature women who can get employed and earn as their male counterparts in the United States. Therefore, the ideals of romantic love are no longer edged on the financial status or contribution of the man or woman. Couples enter into marriage if their values and attitudes towards education, race, religion, education and income are compatible. Marriage is still an important institution based on the steady existence of remarriages among divorced couples in the United States. The share of remarriage has risen in recent with 29% and has been attributed to couples who feel that they want to live together with a person before retiring to death (Livingston, 2014). Additionally, marriage is a significant social entity due to the economic boost coming from marriages. Newport & Wilke (2013) reported increased spending among married couples than singles for Americans aged below 50 years.