Mindfulness Is One of the Most Popular Subjects at Present Time. The work is to be 6 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page. Mindfulness is a mental process of observing an individual’s internal and external environment.

I will pay for the following article Mindfulness Is One of the Most Popular Subjects at Present Time. The work is to be 6 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page. Mindfulness is a mental process of observing an individual’s internal and external environment. Further, Brown denotes that “ (A) mindful mode of processing involves a receptive state of mind, where inattention is kept to a bare minimum. allowing for registering of the facts observed…”(Brown et al., 2007, p. 212).

According to Amishi et al (2007) mindfulness is about being aware of the moment-to-moment experience by focusing one’s senses and being aware of one’s feelings and thoughts at this present time. Mindfulness is expertly described as follows: “Bringing one’s complete attention to the present experience on a moment-to-moment basis” (Marlatt & Kristeller, 1999, p. 68).

Based on an interpretation of Roth et al (2004) mindfulness could be described as “ being in the reality”. thus an individual is aware and self-conscious of their own behaviour, self well-being, or healthful functioning. However, most importantly, the individuals who are able to demonstrate mindfulness are able to put self-attention into everyday life. Moreover, research showed that by completing the mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) program, people’s energy, creativity and self-confidence increased and they noticed a subsequent reduction of stress in their lives (Roth et al., 2004).

One of the most useful measurements that exist with regard to mindfulness is known as the psychometric “Mindfulness Attention Awareness Scale” (MAAS). The MASS was made to estimate a core characteristic of mindfulness (Brown & Ryan, 2003). Based on Brown et al. (2007), mindfulness has roots in Buddhism. Moreover, Carlson et al. (2004) presented Buddhist “psychology” as something that encourages a human-being to avoid the antagonistic interruption in their life as the interruption causes an individual to generate unreal impressions of the world and self-identity.

According to Carlson et al (2004) by living in a world with false perception, an individual creates a barrier from being conscious of reality.&nbsp.

Provide a 12 pages analysis while answering the following question: Cross Cultural Sensitization. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required.

Provide a 12 pages analysis while answering the following question: Cross Cultural Sensitization. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. My purpose for attending the course was specifically to prepare myself for the formal learning of business management. My expectations from the course included sufficient exposure to business management concepts, to develop an aptitude for the learning of business management and an environment which is both exciting and challenging. The foundation course has done what I had envisaged before taking admission. The subjects that I have studied in Term 1 and term 2 have stimulated my mind to think as a business manager now I understand how a piece of news which may not seem to have anything to do with business or economics can have its impact on the economic or business environment. Having read the book, “Understanding organizations” by HANDY C. has provided me sufficient exposure the concepts of business management like Motivation, role, power and influence, group dynamics, leadership, organizational structure etc has stimulated my mind to think in terms of organizational context. Before attending the course though I had seen lot of organizations like my school, my father’s company etc but my mind never thought on how salaries are to be decided and how do they structure the organization etc but this course has sensitized my mind to generate those questions, now looking at any organization I wonder how the roles would have been laid down, authorities delegated, people are motivated or led etc. but I am nowhere near to answer these questions and that’s where I believe my final degree in business management will help. But this foundation course has done what it was supposed to do.&nbsp.

research paper on managers and their employees. Needs to be 5 pages.

Need an research paper on managers and their employees. Needs to be 5 pages. Please no plagiarism. The previous researches have indicated that the managers are concerned about the fairness in rewards distribution. The decision is also affected by the personal relationships of the employees with the resource allocator. It has also been revealed in previous studies that the managers categorize their subordinates into favorable and unfavorable groups. The style of management differs in the Chinese environment from the Western organizations. According to the article, the Chinese managers categorize their workers according to three criteria. The first being personal relationships, second is the loyalty and the third being competence of the individuals. Previous researches have studied this relationship but none has ever expedited upon the effect of this categorization on reward allocation. Therefore this study is focused on reward allocation and categorization behavior of the managers.

The interaction of the Chinese managers with different categories of workers differs as they categorize the workers based on relationship, loyalty, and competence. The employees having a distant relationship with the managers, having a lesser degree of loyalty with the organization and having low performance are not treated fairly and vice versa. The author presents his hypothesis in the article that the relationship, loyalty, and competence, each will have a different effect on the reward allocation of the Chinese managers. A Chinese manager tends to favor their relatives even if a non-relative employee is more competent than the relative employee. The employees who are very close and loyal to the manager tend to get more rewards than those who are not. When an employee is loyal as well as highly competent, they can earn high level of trust as well as high rewards. The second hypothesis presented by the author is that the three criteria will interactively affect the decision of the manager’s reward allocation. The third hypothesis says that compared to a public context, the effects of relationship, competence or loyalty on reward allocation will be greater in private context.

research paper on managers and their employees. Needs to be 5 pages.

Need an research paper on managers and their employees. Needs to be 5 pages. Please no plagiarism. The previous researches have indicated that the managers are concerned about the fairness in rewards distribution. The decision is also affected by the personal relationships of the employees with the resource allocator. It has also been revealed in previous studies that the managers categorize their subordinates into favorable and unfavorable groups. The style of management differs in the Chinese environment from the Western organizations. According to the article, the Chinese managers categorize their workers according to three criteria. The first being personal relationships, second is the loyalty and the third being competence of the individuals. Previous researches have studied this relationship but none has ever expedited upon the effect of this categorization on reward allocation. Therefore this study is focused on reward allocation and categorization behavior of the managers.

The interaction of the Chinese managers with different categories of workers differs as they categorize the workers based on relationship, loyalty, and competence. The employees having a distant relationship with the managers, having a lesser degree of loyalty with the organization and having low performance are not treated fairly and vice versa. The author presents his hypothesis in the article that the relationship, loyalty, and competence, each will have a different effect on the reward allocation of the Chinese managers. A Chinese manager tends to favor their relatives even if a non-relative employee is more competent than the relative employee. The employees who are very close and loyal to the manager tend to get more rewards than those who are not. When an employee is loyal as well as highly competent, they can earn high level of trust as well as high rewards. The second hypothesis presented by the author is that the three criteria will interactively affect the decision of the manager’s reward allocation. The third hypothesis says that compared to a public context, the effects of relationship, competence or loyalty on reward allocation will be greater in private context.

Write 13 pages thesis on the topic social media and facebook for mcdonalds.

Write 13 pages thesis on the topic social media and facebook for mcdonalds. The accessibility of the internet and mobile devices has also made it possible for almost any person in any part of the world to connect to other people. Under this context, the rise or the fall of any person, possibly politicians or celebrities can unfold easily through social media. The failure or success of any product in the market can also be easily determined by social media. In the case of McDonald’s Corporation, social media has also had both positive and negative effects on the food chain. This research paper will assess and examine the role that social media plays in the success of the McDonald’s Corporation USA. It shall examine social media’s usage and the impact it has had on the vision and business strategies of the organization. It would also analyze the success/failure of their social media strategies in securing corporate goals. This paper would compare the usage of social media in relation to traditional media and present an analysis of the benefits gained from each kind of media.

McDonald’s Corporation Profile

The official McDonald’s website (2014) presents the recent profile for the corporation. They state that the company is the global leader in foodservice retail with close to 35,000 locations covering 70 million consumers in 100 states daily. About 80% of their outlets are owned and being managed by local independent businessmen. Their goal has become a customer favorite place to eat and drink with their core food items including McDonald’s Fries, Big Mac, Quarter Pounder, Chicken McNuggets, and other favorites. The direction of the corporation has been to secure success and they seek such success by leveraging their system, identifying and implementing ideas that serve the challenging needs and preferences of consumers. They are also aiming towards securing locally-relevant experiences for their customers. They have also focused on securing three main goals, including the optimization of their menu, the modernization of the customer experience, and increasing the accessibility of the brand.

Complete 17 pages APA formatted article: Vibration of Continuous Media.

Complete 17 pages APA formatted article: Vibration of Continuous Media.

This is manifested by the vibration mechanism of a catapult as well. As the toy trigger is being pulled, tension is applied to the trigger bar, relying on newton’s law. The ball is given a high pushing force by the gun, which makes it vibrate. this also depends on newton’s law. The system uses several scientific principles of operation, all of which revolve around the three Newton laws of motion. As the ball is fired from the catapult, it goes against gravity’s law to fly up in the air. this is an itinerary of Newton’s laws. As the ball lands on the ground, it is aided by gravity’s force to land down. The motion of the ball on the air forms a trajectory movement, which is also a function of Newton’s Laws. The ball is given traction power by the toy’s spring, which accelerates it towards the destination. The ball’s weight and the force with which the ball is pushed are the functions of the acceleration, which is the second law of Newton. As the child continuously shoots the ball with the toy from different destinations and obtains different results, he will effectively learn that the magnitude of the distance the ball will travel depends on the amount of force applied in triggering the gun. This will slowly sink into the head of the child as he or she prepares to understand that the distance traveled is a function of the acceleration given to the ball, which in turn is a function of both the weight of the ball and the amount of force released from the toy springs by pressing it down.


2. Apply common boundary conditions for the transverse vibration of beams to obtain natural frequencies.

The present examination concerns a disc of variable thickness of whose flexural stiffness $D$ varies with the radius $r$ according to the law $D=D_0 r^m$, where $D_0$ and $m$ are constants. The problem of finding boundary conditions for clasping this disc, which is inaccessible to straight observation, from the natural frequencies of its axisymmetric flexural oscillations, is measured. The problem in demand belongs to the class of opposite issues and is a very genuine difficulty of identifying boundary conditions. The search for the unknown conditions for clasping the disc is equivalent to finding the vectors of new Cond diseases stints. It is shown that this inverse problem is well-posed.&nbsp.

write an article on BPs Macondo Blow-out, Gulf of Mexico. It needs to be at least 1500 words.

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on BPs Macondo Blow-out, Gulf of Mexico. It needs to be at least 1500 words. Deepwater Horizon oil spill, commonly referred to as the BP oil spill or the Macondo blowout, is an oil spill that occurred in the Gulf of Mexico for an approximate period of three months in the year 2010. the good cap was blown out to allow oil seepage into the sea. It is regarded as the greatest marine oil spill and environmental disaster in the petroleum sector history. &nbsp.This work is about the general analysis of the Macondo oil spill in terms of the existing setup of the well and that entails the water depth, the type of rigs used, and any other unusual parameters that were associated with the well. The work also tends to portray the major owners of the project and their respective percentage ownership. It also tends to explain the causes of the accident as well as how such causes could have been prevented. Each accident comes with some costs and this work indicates the environmental cleanup costs incurred after the blowout and how the amount was raised.&nbsp.

The accident of the deepwater horizon explosion caused spillage of oil gushers at the seafloor. The explosion killed 11 platform workers and injured other 17 people, polluted the seawater damaging marine and wildlife habitat among other damages. According to the Bureau of Ocean Energy management, regulation, and enforcement, the major cause of the accident was the incompetency of the rig crew when they failed to stop the operations in the deepwater despite encountering several hazards and warnings. The Bp is blamed for not considering the negative impacts or consequences of settling on cheap and time-saving drilling techniques or the use of defective cement in the construction works in Deepwater Horizons. Inadequate supervision and accountability in the deepwater Horizon is also a factor that could have led to the blow-up. Generally, the investigators summarized that lack of compressive risks and their mitigations analysis increased the chances of the accident.&nbsp.

Write 16 pages with APA style on Management of the Building Engineering Processes, and Control of Effective and Safe Construction Practices. Since the project is ongoing, there are some phases of the project that have been completed.

Write 16 pages with APA style on Management of the Building Engineering Processes, and Control of Effective and Safe Construction Practices. Since the project is ongoing, there are some phases of the project that have been completed. The main objective of commissioning buildings is to ensure that the building design is constructed and operated successfully. It is a systematic process that ensures that the final product performs according to the intended design, contract documents, and the client’s needs. The purpose of this research paper is to investigate and develop a clear understanding of the management of the Building Engineering Processes, implementation, monitoring, and control of effective and safe construction practices.&nbsp.

Appropriate fire alarm and detection system installation design must consider the number of occupancy of the building and means of escape. The building is to accommodate 600 people. Since the building is for commercial purposes, escape means relies on phased evacuation and requires staged alarm systems (Table A1 BS 5839-1:2002)

Since the building is a commercial one, the design should incorporate suitable electrically operated fire warning systems with manual call points adjacent to exit doors with enough sounders clearly audible in the building. The building has offices and property and must be fitted in accordance with category L systems (protection of life), M manual alarm systems, and P for property protection. The L3 category fits the building because it gives warning of fire at early stages to enable the occupants to escape (Approved B 2007, p.20). To cater to the physically challenged, a vibrating paging system should be installed. Fire detection systems and alarms must be automatic and meet the BS 5839-1 regulation.

The plan has inner rooms such as kitchen, utility, WC, and bathrooms. Therefore, not more than one door should separate the rooms from the interlinked smoke alarms and the access rooms should not be a kitchen. External doors or windows to egress and a protected stairway are incorporated to lead to the final exit.

Create a thesis and an outline on State Identity in Foreign Policy Decision-Making. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide.

I need help creating a thesis and an outline on State Identity in Foreign Policy Decision-Making. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. It is evident that the US possesses negative relation with certain countries that have led towards ineffective foreign policy and decision-making. On the other hand, there are also many nations having positive relations with the US and hence, lead to the effective development of foreign policies and decision-making regarding the elimination of terrorism from the world. Thus, from the evidence and the arguments of the research, it is asserted that the states’ identity in foreign policy and decision-making has led to limited efficiency in demolishing terrorism from the world.

The objective of the research emphasizes identifying the identity of the US with regard to its active participation in the fight against terrorism. More elaborately, it intends to discover the role of the US in combating terrorism. The report also focuses on discovering the importance of foreign policies and decision making along with the international relationship in soliciting global power for combating terrorism. It is expected that by accomplishing these objectives, the report would lead to the development of a comprehensive understanding regarding the role of the US and correspondingly, its identity in designing foreign policies and decision-making. Hence, the discussion would lead towards soliciting global support, which would be further effective in combating terrorism.

Several studies have been conducted with regard to the research topic, as elaborated in the following sections of the paper. These studies were highly successful with regard to the identification of state identity in fighting against terror groups. Research studies have also been concentrated on extensively considering the foreign policies and decision-making in soliciting global support to combat terrorism from the world. However, there are very few pieces of evidence of research studies that consider both these aspects. Therefore, the rationale behind the study is to grasp the opportunity of&nbsp.considering both these aspects in a comprehensive manner and hence, lead to the development of a successful research paper.&nbsp.

write an article on Concentrating Sunlight with Fiber Optics AKA Hybrid Solar Lighting. It needs to be at least 3500 words.

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on Concentrating Sunlight with Fiber Optics AKA Hybrid Solar Lighting. It needs to be at least 3500 words. Since the price and ease of electrical illumination sources were very high, the awareness of installing the light source anywhere in the building was not implemented. Also, the disadvantages of the system which include the difficulty of control, variability, and excessive illuminance were exposed (Beshears 55).

The sunshine guidance technologies based on extremely efficient optic material have enhanced the direction of sunshine into the interior of the building that normal glazing cannot reach. The daylight interiors have beneficial effects on the well being, and also, energy conservation is permitted by the use of daylight as an alternative source of lighting interior buildings. The optical materials have been used to direct daylight in an efficient way into any part of story buildings.

TDGS is the most significant light technology which has succeeded. TDGS technology has been in use for the last nine or more years in most parts of the world with various applications. Many studies have done in light delivery methods can be used to provide comfortable and economical interior building conditions and TDGS integration with electrical lighting using various technologies.

Current technologies that combine the delivery of electrical light and sunshine into the same place have been HLS. The technology moves daylight into the interior of the building where it combines with electrical light in the systems that are equipped with various controls to increase the use of available daylight. The only setback of this system is that there has been none or few post-installation studies published, and there is little information on the design methods the performance criteria of the system in use. (Mayhoub and Carter 267)

In this technology of Hybrid Lighting Systems (HLS), daylight is combined with electrical light before delivery. Organizing of optics is more similar to artificial light and hence they may not look different. The author of the table has also included the estimates of system efficiencies for certain story applications. Information on individual components’ efficiency and size are represented in the table.