Write a 1 page paper on given that users prefer redress mechanisms to be independent, what justifications explain why some parts of redress mechanism are independent and others are not.

Write a 1 page paper on given that users prefer redress mechanisms to be independent, what justifications explain why some parts of redress mechanism are independent and others are not.

Redress mechanisms in UK Redress mechanisms in UKThe UK Administrative and Constitutional law requires that the redress systems be of service to the citizens as opposed to adherences of the set regulations1. In this case, these systems will be more inclined on championing for the rights of the citizens of UK. For instance, in the UK the Ombudsman must be vocal enough in pointing out the issues facing the public. thus, a straightforward complaint process. However, it is important to note that, despite the fact that persons wish that these mechanisms be independent, not all redress mechanisms are independent.

A good example is the tribunals that are managed by independent tribunals that automatically have to be independent. This is for the reason that they function in a quasi-judicial approach that needs no influence from other forces. These tribunals would, therefore, make it easier for implementation of policies of the tribunals. The Ombudsmen services are yet other independent bodies2. They are run under the leadership of independent Ombudsmen, mostly referred to as commissioners. These bodies need to be independent for the reason that they are charged with the responsibility of investigating various complaints from the citizens.

In the case of poor administration, or even offering of poor services to the citizens, these organizations ought to operate independently, if the results have to be free and fair. The Parliamentary and Health Services Ombudsman Offices are the most common in UK.Of essence, it would be justified to argue that redress mechanisms need to operate independently so that they can conduct reasonable investigations, and give extensive reports. References Great Britain: Law Commission, 2010. Administrative Redress: Public Bodies and the Citizen.

London: The Stationery Office.

Planting a Tree. The work is to be 3 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page.

I will pay for the following article Planting a Tree. The work is to be 3 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page.

1. Identifying which tree you want to plant is the first step in this regard. Clearly define which tree you want to plant and what your purpose of planting the tree is. If you are planting a tree just for the purpose of planting, your choice may differ. However, if you are planting the tree so that you can grow it and eat its fruit your overall effort may be different. It is therefore extremely important to define the purpose for which the tree is being planted.2. Selecting the right time of the year is another important step because not all trees can be planted in every season.

Planting trees in summer or late spring may not be suitable as the heat may not allow the plant to grow properly and may ultimately die down. It is critical that the right time of the year must be chosen to plan the tree. 3. Digging the hole in the right size and width is another important step to be performed in order to successfully plant the tree. Many times, people dig holes that are either large or wider and thus may not be suitable for the planting of the tree. One can learn from the intuition as to what should be the right width and depth of the hole considering the size of the tree being planted.

A typical standard to dig the hole of the right size is to dig it at least twice as large as the root ball of the tree. You may also need to check the local requirements for digging the hole of the right size especially if you are digging it near a telephone booth or other public places. There may be certain restrictions on digging the hole over the particular size in local areas so better check with the local requirements. 4. Once the hole is dug, the next step is to place the tree in the hole in a manner that it can easily fit the tree inside the hole.

The overall process to place the tree in the hole is, however, different for large and small trees. If you are planting a small tree, it is easier to upside down the pot and removes the tree to plant it. However, if the tree is large, you may require a large scissor or knife to actually cut through the packing and then place the tree in the hole of the right size. Sometimes, large trees have ropes around their trunk therefore if you find one. try to cut it after you actually place the tree in the hole.

Once you unpack the tree, try to place the tree gently and ensure that the hole is wide enough to accommodate the tree. At this moment, it is extremely important to ensure that the hole is not shallow neither is deep and then gently places the tree.5. Once you place the tree in the hole, it is important to cover back the hole with the soil removed while digging the hole. Sometimes, the soil may not be suitable therefore you may require some composted manure to fill the hole. Composted manure will actually further fertile the soil and will also make it soft so that enough water can reach the roots of the tree.

Make sure that you have composted readily available at the time of planting the tree.6. Make sure that you use the proper organic fertilizer for the tree to grow as commercial fertilizer may burn the tree. Once you cover the hole with the soil and manure, the use of good quality fertilizer is essential to help the tree to grow easily.7. Continue to water the plant and ensure that the plant gets adequate sunlight, water, and fertilizer to grow. Planting tree is a lifelong process therefore continues to take care of your tree till gives the fruit and increases your efforts to get more fruit by properly watering the plant.

Create a thesis and an outline on Drinking History. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required.

I need help creating a thesis and an outline on Drinking History. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required.

White and Hayman (2006) told to scrutinize whether the parental source of drinks was linked with the occurrence of risky drinking for short-term harm (RSOD) and alcohol-related difficult behaviors, for example bodily attacking or vocally ill-treating somebody amid a sample of underage drinkers.The research indicates that large percentages 86% of adolescents aged 16-17 years are existing alcohol consumers. Over and above, a considerable percentage (20%) appears to be weekly RSOD and more than 34% get involved in minimum one alcohol-linked problem conduct.

It is observed that merely barring alcohol to people aged under 18 is not practically working. Hence, fresh plans for timely mediation and avoidance are essential. In this study parental supply was linked with lesser rates of RSOD and alcohol-related problem conducts. This proposes the likelihood that by changing the normal alcohol supply source other than their parents to their parents alone might be one method to restrict consumption and injury among the adolescents. This idea to improve parental restriction of alcohol supply is mostly not explored, however, this must be developed and thoroughly examined (Dietze, Livingston, 2010)Till up to 1933 there was the prohibition in the United States and after that, all states endorsed a minimum legal drinking age (MLDA) at 21 years.

However, due to the social disturbance of the 1960s and the Vietnam War, which forced the reduction in the lawful voting age to 18.&nbsp.

prepare and submit a term paper on Achieving Goals for Personal and Professional Reasons. Your paper should be a minimum of 500 words in length.

You will prepare and submit a term paper on Achieving Goals for Personal and Professional Reasons. Your paper should be a minimum of 500 words in length.

There are people who are highly motivated to achieve the goals for personal and/or professional reasons. They even put their own ego aside just to make sure that the workflows smoothly. Their commitment to the task leads them to use a variety of resources so that the task is achieved in time. So it cannot be said that the success of a group should be attributed to all group members playing different roles. However, the extent to which different group members contribute also depends upon the leadership and supervision of the group.&nbsp.

Having different personalities as part of the team helps in the development of a holistic approach toward the achievement of goals. Personality depicts the thoughts, opinions, perceptions, and reactions of an individual toward the challenges at hand. So when people with different personalities ponder over a matter, they are able to identify far more opportunities than anyone could have done individually. For example, a person who is very social can easily form ties with others. His/her oratory skills and friendly personality help him/her acquire the most suitable resources for the task at hand.

Social people are also generally very friendly, so people find it easy to approach them and discuss all kinds of issues with them. This helps deter confusion and promotes mutual understanding among the group members. On the other hand, people with dominating and aggressive personalities help a group achieve its goal by keeping everything on track. They have the power to command others, and thus are skilled in taking work from others.

Balancing a team of people with different personalities is a leadership skill. A leader should have a fair understanding of the personalities of different group members, and he/she should decide and assign them roles accordingly. For example, a leader should give more authority to sharks and dolphins compared to pufferfish. When forming a task force, a leader should ensure that there is at least one member of each kind of fish in it. It is equally important to establish a code of ethics from day one so that everyone knows their limits and nobody offends others.&nbsp.

I identify the most with the dolphins. I would try to keep the number of puffer fish to a minimum in my workgroup. I would also ensure the presence of at least two sharks in my workgroup. Being a dolphin, I would like to have mostly dolphins in my social group, but at least one shark is always welcome in my social profile to help me recognize opportunities and avail them.

Write a 5 pages paper on offensive-neorealism as the international political theory.

Write a 5 pages paper on offensive-neorealism as the international political theory.

The offensive-neorealist approach is the only realistic approach in explaining international relations and the most appropriate International political theory.Offensive neorealism argues that states are principally concerned with maximizing their power in order to preempt any threat from other states. Mearsheimer offers a discussion on how states “care deeply about the balance of power and compete among themselves either to gain power…or make sure they do not lose power” (77).

As offensive realists argue, the structure of “competition for power” encourages states to maximize their share of world power. This maximization comes in terms of “pursuing hegemony which tends to intensify security competition” (77). This means that states are in a constant struggle to dominate other states since they ensure maximum security by maximizing this power. One of the strengths of offensive neorealism theory is that it has directed its focus on these differentials of power between states.

Offensive neorealism directs its main focus on the analysis of great powers arguing that great powers are the only ones capable of moving first in the international power struggle.Mearsheimer applies the offensive-neorealist approach to explaining the current situation at the international level where China is seen to be increasingly becoming a global power in its own right (88). He further argues that it makes good strategic sense for states such as China and the United States to gain much power and pursue hegemony.

According to offensive neorealists such as Mearsheimer, domination is the only way a state can gain overwhelming power in order to ensure its survival. Offensive neorealists are right to argue that in its rise, China will imitate the USA in its attempt to become a regional hegemon in Asia. In addition, China is likely to “push US military forces out of Asia….in the same way, the USA pushed European states out of the Western&nbsp.hemisphere” (Mearsheimer 89). In conclusion, Mearsheimer argues that such policy goals make good strategic sense.

Write 4 pages with APA style on Governmental accounting and for profit financial accounting.

Write 4 pages with APA style on Governmental accounting and for profit financial accounting.

ards Advisory Board (FASAB).A Comprehensive Annual Financial Report is “compiled” by a state, municipal or other governmental accounting staff and “audited” by an external American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) certified accounting firm utilizing GASB requirements (Ruppel, 2009). It is composed of three sections:

Introductory, Financial and Statistical. It combines the financial information of fund accounting and Enterprise Authorities accounting. A CAFR is a report of the complete overall financial results of both those “specific groupings” of government agencies that appear in the current fiscal year General Purpose Budget and all other agencies and departments (Peterson, 2002).

These can be autonomous, enterprise (for example government or city owned golf courses), recycling, water, sewer, and financial management – often these agencies were created with the inception of that local, state or government (Wilson, 2010).

The CAFR provides information about all of these other government agencies that may have their own budgets and separate investment accounts but their financial holdings are not combined with the general purpose budget that the same government presents to the public.

The CAFR, or as it is called in CANADA CanFR can be used along with a budget document to compare the organizations total financial standing to the annual general purpose budget (Ruppel, 2009). The CAFR is the complete showing of the financial investment and income records from all sources, that reflects what has developed over decades whereas a budget report is an inferior document to the CAFR being that it is primarily focused on what revenue is expected to be brought in and spent for just the year.

Government sources funds from taxation to support the cost of providing basic services while for-profit financial accounting it offers goods and services to generate revenue.

write an article on Discussion 6. It needs to be at least 250 words.

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on Discussion 6. It needs to be at least 250 words.

Discussion Paper Daniel ushers in the first discussion through his expression that the core challenge in assessment of the social class among the witches was the reason for accusation and furthermore, the core fact that led to certain weird behavior among the witches. Essentially, different authors have diverse ways and approach towards the challenges. For instance, Levack expresses his concern over the lack of clear information over the witch, the duration that the witchcraft issue was rampant, existence of other factors such as religious, socioeconomic, legal and intellectual and the changing economic systems.

Daniel explains further that during that moment, witch-hunts were stereotyped to be related to men as opposed to women, a point that Robin objects. Daniel puts it that there was a relationship between witchcraft and gender, age, social status, marital status and geographical location. Robin dismisses the point. He notes that there were little demographics presented to the convicted people. He further notes that the trial documents did show all genders, social classes and ages as being victims of the trials.

Utilization of diverse methods such as recitation of the Lord’s Prayer, inability to cry, and naming of the witches under intense torture was a method used brings to prosecution the witch-hunt suspects in England.The second discussion expounds and generates a thoughtful discussion with reference to the witches in German and French territories. Kelly is at the verge of analyzing the past trials of the Witch suspects. She notes that all documents she does analyses support Levack presentation of a witch-hunt: the witch-hunts stereotyping as old, poor and females as incorrect.

From the documents, Kelly does express that both men and women were in equal measure victims of witch-hunts. She further does expound the common method used in bringing the victims to ultimate confession: torture. Additionally, just as Levach readings exposed, most trial victims were burnt or put to death. My tutor, Madam Tracy, is keen to note that the witch-hunting history is varied. hence, one cannot come up with a fixed chronological causes or outburst pertaining witch-hunts history. Nicole sums it all.

She notes that the documents read presented both men and women of diverse social status and educational backgrounds, even the professors. Primarily, it is worth noting that even as we present the historical evidence of witchcraft in Europe, on factor remains constant: the witches’ specifications and details remain so variable that there is no one certain methodology that explains the traits and classification of witch-hunts.

Write a 1 page paper on given that users prefer redress mechanisms to be independent, what justifications explain why some parts of redress mechanism are independent and others are not.

Write a 1 page paper on given that users prefer redress mechanisms to be independent, what justifications explain why some parts of redress mechanism are independent and others are not.

Redress mechanisms in UK Redress mechanisms in UKThe UK Administrative and Constitutional law requires that the redress systems be of service to the citizens as opposed to adherences of the set regulations1. In this case, these systems will be more inclined on championing for the rights of the citizens of UK. For instance, in the UK the Ombudsman must be vocal enough in pointing out the issues facing the public. thus, a straightforward complaint process. However, it is important to note that, despite the fact that persons wish that these mechanisms be independent, not all redress mechanisms are independent.

A good example is the tribunals that are managed by independent tribunals that automatically have to be independent. This is for the reason that they function in a quasi-judicial approach that needs no influence from other forces. These tribunals would, therefore, make it easier for implementation of policies of the tribunals. The Ombudsmen services are yet other independent bodies2. They are run under the leadership of independent Ombudsmen, mostly referred to as commissioners. These bodies need to be independent for the reason that they are charged with the responsibility of investigating various complaints from the citizens.

In the case of poor administration, or even offering of poor services to the citizens, these organizations ought to operate independently, if the results have to be free and fair. The Parliamentary and Health Services Ombudsman Offices are the most common in UK.Of essence, it would be justified to argue that redress mechanisms need to operate independently so that they can conduct reasonable investigations, and give extensive reports. References Great Britain: Law Commission, 2010. Administrative Redress: Public Bodies and the Citizen.

London: The Stationery Office.

Planting a Tree. The work is to be 3 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page.

I will pay for the following article Planting a Tree. The work is to be 3 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page.

1. Identifying which tree you want to plant is the first step in this regard. Clearly define which tree you want to plant and what your purpose of planting the tree is. If you are planting a tree just for the purpose of planting, your choice may differ. However, if you are planting the tree so that you can grow it and eat its fruit your overall effort may be different. It is therefore extremely important to define the purpose for which the tree is being planted.2. Selecting the right time of the year is another important step because not all trees can be planted in every season.

Planting trees in summer or late spring may not be suitable as the heat may not allow the plant to grow properly and may ultimately die down. It is critical that the right time of the year must be chosen to plan the tree. 3. Digging the hole in the right size and width is another important step to be performed in order to successfully plant the tree. Many times, people dig holes that are either large or wider and thus may not be suitable for the planting of the tree. One can learn from the intuition as to what should be the right width and depth of the hole considering the size of the tree being planted.

A typical standard to dig the hole of the right size is to dig it at least twice as large as the root ball of the tree. You may also need to check the local requirements for digging the hole of the right size especially if you are digging it near a telephone booth or other public places. There may be certain restrictions on digging the hole over the particular size in local areas so better check with the local requirements. 4. Once the hole is dug, the next step is to place the tree in the hole in a manner that it can easily fit the tree inside the hole.

The overall process to place the tree in the hole is, however, different for large and small trees. If you are planting a small tree, it is easier to upside down the pot and removes the tree to plant it. However, if the tree is large, you may require a large scissor or knife to actually cut through the packing and then place the tree in the hole of the right size. Sometimes, large trees have ropes around their trunk therefore if you find one. try to cut it after you actually place the tree in the hole.

Once you unpack the tree, try to place the tree gently and ensure that the hole is wide enough to accommodate the tree. At this moment, it is extremely important to ensure that the hole is not shallow neither is deep and then gently places the tree.5. Once you place the tree in the hole, it is important to cover back the hole with the soil removed while digging the hole. Sometimes, the soil may not be suitable therefore you may require some composted manure to fill the hole. Composted manure will actually further fertile the soil and will also make it soft so that enough water can reach the roots of the tree.

Make sure that you have composted readily available at the time of planting the tree.6. Make sure that you use the proper organic fertilizer for the tree to grow as commercial fertilizer may burn the tree. Once you cover the hole with the soil and manure, the use of good quality fertilizer is essential to help the tree to grow easily.7. Continue to water the plant and ensure that the plant gets adequate sunlight, water, and fertilizer to grow. Planting tree is a lifelong process therefore continues to take care of your tree till gives the fruit and increases your efforts to get more fruit by properly watering the plant.

Create a thesis and an outline on Drinking History. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required.

I need help creating a thesis and an outline on Drinking History. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required.

White and Hayman (2006) told to scrutinize whether the parental source of drinks was linked with the occurrence of risky drinking for short-term harm (RSOD) and alcohol-related difficult behaviors, for example bodily attacking or vocally ill-treating somebody amid a sample of underage drinkers.The research indicates that large percentages 86% of adolescents aged 16-17 years are existing alcohol consumers. Over and above, a considerable percentage (20%) appears to be weekly RSOD and more than 34% get involved in minimum one alcohol-linked problem conduct.

It is observed that merely barring alcohol to people aged under 18 is not practically working. Hence, fresh plans for timely mediation and avoidance are essential. In this study parental supply was linked with lesser rates of RSOD and alcohol-related problem conducts. This proposes the likelihood that by changing the normal alcohol supply source other than their parents to their parents alone might be one method to restrict consumption and injury among the adolescents. This idea to improve parental restriction of alcohol supply is mostly not explored, however, this must be developed and thoroughly examined (Dietze, Livingston, 2010)Till up to 1933 there was the prohibition in the United States and after that, all states endorsed a minimum legal drinking age (MLDA) at 21 years.

However, due to the social disturbance of the 1960s and the Vietnam War, which forced the reduction in the lawful voting age to 18.&nbsp.