write an article on segregation in cities Paper must be at least 1250 words.

Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on segregation in cities Paper must be at least 1250 words. Please, no plagiarized work!

This implies that populations may just be divided into their occupied space or residences, in the school, or even in hospitals and other social places. This paper seeks to evaluate if segregation in the cities is easy to measure and also examine the difficulties in examining this phenomenon.&nbsp.

Measuring Segregation in the Cities

It is conceivable that residential segregation is a multidimensional phenomenon that lies with various measurements (Aldrich et al1999). This implies that measuring segregation can easily be achieved through various mechanisms. The indices of measuring segregation in urban environments entail carefully constructed and controlled methodologies to compare different groups. There are five distinct indices of dissimilarities along which segregation can be measured (Massey and Denton 2006. Schelling 1971 and Phillips 2006). These axes include exposure, evenness, clustering, centralization, and concentration. However, this does not eliminate the possibility of other classifications.

Foremost, evenness is the difference in the distribution of two or more population groups in a city. It is measured through scaling a group’s locality about other groups. Therefore, it is measured by comparing the shares of every locality in the group’s total population and the locality’s share of the ee population along with the index of dissimilarities (Johnston, Forrest, and Poulsen 2002).

The index of dissimilarities (I.D.D.) is often denoted as the segregation index. I.D.D. calculates the summary measure of how a group is spread across residents compared with the rest of the populations (Centre on Dynamics of Ethnicity2013). According to Massey and Denton (2006), I.D.D. Ranges between 0 and 1.0 and ideally represent the section occupied by the minority groups required to shift their residence area to attain even distribution.&nbsp. Similarly, Peach (1996) &nbsp.argue that I.D.D. Values have a direct verbal meaning that represents the percentage of one of the groups being compared that would d have to shift their areas of residence to replicate the spread of the other groups.

Compose a 1250 words assignment on the danger of a winter storm.

Compose a 1250 words assignment on the danger of a winter storm. Needs to be plagiarism free! People can be stuck at home, minus benefits or other services. Dense snowfall and blizzards can trap drivers in their vehicles. Trying to walk for aid in a blizzard can be a lethal conclusion. Winter storms can make walking and drive tremendously dangerous. The outcome of a winter storm can have an effect on a region or community for months, weeks, or days. Storm impacts such as tremendously cold temperatures and snow buildup, and on occasion coastal submerging, can lead to dangerous states and unseen issues for people in the prone area (Stewart, 67).

A winter storm may range from average snow over a small period of hours to blizzard state with outstanding wind-driven snow that persists for several days. Several winter storms may be big enough to impact several nations, while others may impact only a given community. Several winter storms are supplemented by low temperatures and hefty or blowing snow, which can harshly decrease visibility.

It also developed by originating their vigor from the clash of 2 air masses of diverse temperatures and dampness levels. Winter storms normally develop when an air mass of cold, dry, Canadian air passes south and intermingles with a warm, moist air mass blowing north from the Gulf of Mexico. The point at which the 2 air masses encounter is known as a front. If cold air progresses and thrusts away the warm air, it develops a cold front. When warm air progresses, it rides up over the denser, cold air mass to create a warm front. If neither air mass moves, it forms a static front (Stewart, 29).

Winter storms can also state otherwise in different parts of the state. Hefty snow in the south can be a sprinkling in the mountains. Frozen rain is raindrops that freeze into ice pellets before hitting the ground. Frozen rain normally recoils when striking a surface and does not hold onto objects. however, it can collect like snow and lead to a danger to drivers.&nbsp.

Compose a 1250 words assignment on model for assessing the unique characteristics of children with autism.

Compose a 1250 words assignment on model for assessing the unique characteristics of children with autism. Needs to be plagiarism free! This study hypothesizes that children with autism will behave differently from children with mental retardation and children with typical development during natural situations. It proposes that a standardized way of observing children in the everyday context of school recess would be a helpful assessment tool. The playground observation checklist is just such an observation tool, and the article describes how it was used and the results it produced. These results were then checked for accuracy against other information obtained by the usual autism assessment methods.

There were ten items on the behavior checklist, which is a very small amount, and for each child, in the sample of 81, a score of yes/no was recorded against each item during a 15 minute observation period. Two observers recorded the sessions simultaneously, and any instance where a child interacted with an adult during the 15 minutes was discounted, and the observation was repeated until a session with the only peer to peer interaction took place. The results showed a 94% success rate in identifying children with autism, and there were clear differences in the scores of the three categories of children. Variables such as age, parent occupation, gender, and IQ were recorded, and small effects caused by these variables were noted. The authors conceded that the observers were not blind to the diagnosis of the children observed and that this raises the possibility of observer bias. The authors conclude that this method is therefore very suitable as an initial assessment tool, to be followed up by a more detailed diagnosis later.

From the perspective of an educator, this is an interesting article that recommends an intervention that is relatively inexpensive, easy to administer, and suitable for operation in a school context in a way that does not place any undue pressure on the child. This article was an exploration of the method itself, and more needs to be done on that to ensure that the criteria are worded well, for example avoiding gender bias in the way interactions are described and scored. Assuming these details could be ironed out, this observation checklist does appear to be a good method for making initial assessments to indicate what kind of specialist referral, if any, would be appropriate for a particular child.

Write a 6 pages paper on the hominid ancestors.

Write a 6 pages paper on the hominid ancestors.

Felicia: “We are PRIMATES. that is, we are MAMMALS that belong to the order Primate. Our ancestors lived in tropical forests. Recently the people working on naming different animal species: the TAXONOMISTS have split up us primates into two sub-orders.” &nbsp.

Mark to Zozo: “Tell us something about your behaviors and cognition.”

Zozo: “We nonhuman hominids have a well defined social living structure. We live in groups having one male leader, some species like that chimpanzees also hunt animals for their food. We are intelligent animals. Many researches on COGNITIVE ANTHROPOLOGY show that we possess amusing problem-solving skills, and we are fast learners. The PLIO-PLEISTOCENE archeological period gives a clear view of constant development in hominins concerning their learning abilities and behaviors” (Ian Tattersall, 2012)

Mark to Felicia: “Since you are a female primate, tell us if there is any difference of social behaviors than that of male primates.”

Felicia: “Yes, there are a few behavioral differences. though we live in troops, the female primates move away from the group in which they were born. Male primates are usually involved in the defense mechanism of the group.”

Mark:” And what are the characteristics of your cognition and communications?”

Felicia: “We have sophisticated cognitive skills. Some of us even make tools and ARTIFACTS to be used for hunting or social exhibit. We can easily learn the usage of symbols and understand human language and behaviors. We have sharp memories and exceptional numerical and abstract concepts. We have small HOME RANGES where we live and hunt. The hunting SITES are somewhat away from our dwelling sites.”

Zozo: “We are considered old world LARGE BODIED HOMINOIDS, belonging to the family of Hominidae. By the term large-bodied hominoids, we are somewhat similar to humans, giving birth to babies, not eggs. We dwell in forests, and our diets include tree leaves, seeds, fruits, nuts, etc. Most of our species are HERBIVOROUS. that is, they eat grass and leaves, while others also hunt animals and are OMNIVOROUS. We are also referred to as HOMININS that is belonging to the class of Hominidae.

Provide a 5 pages analysis while answering the following question: The Effect of Light and Moisture on Distribution of Woodlice. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. Woodlice show an innate behavioral response in moving towards sources of moisture and away from light sources (Allott, 2001). This indicates that both of these factors are important in the decisions that woodlice make concerning their habitats.

Provide a 5 pages analysis while answering the following question: The Effect of Light and Moisture on Distribution of Woodlice. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. Woodlice show an innate behavioral response in moving towards sources of moisture and away from light sources (Allott, 2001). This indicates that both of these factors are important in the decisions that woodlice make concerning their habitats.

This study focuses on two aspects of the environment in which woodlice inhabit, these are light and moisture level. These two effects work in combination with one another, as the dampness help woodlice to breathe, while the darkness prevents them from drying out. It was hoped that it could be determined which of these effects was predominant or whether they were both equally important. The aim of this study is to investigate the way in which light and moisture affect the way that woodlice distribute themselves and their preferences for environments. To do this, the variables of moisture and light intensity were modified independently to produce a total of four distinct environments. These environments were damp-dark, damp-light, dry-dark, and dry-light. It was hypothesized that woodlice would preferentially move towards areas that were dark and moist, and away from those that were light and dry. This would result in an increased concentration of woodlice in the former areas, and few in the latter.

For this study, the dependent variable was the location of the woodlice following the five-minute adjustment period. The independent variable was the condition of the environment, which was determined by the modification of two separate variables, light and heat. Each of these variables was present in a dichotomy, light or dark and damp or dry, there were no intermediate variables.

Eight woodlice were placed in an experimental container that contained an intermediate level of moisture and light. The light and moisture levels in the container were then modified to produce four quadrants each with different environmental conditions (Figure 1). After five minutes, the number of woodlice present in each quadrant was counted and noted. If a woodlouse settled on the boundary between two quadrants, it was scored as being in the area where its head was. The experiment was repeated four times, each time using a different set of woodlice to reduce the effect of preferences specific to individual woodlice.

Solving Quadratic Equation Using Quadratic Formula. The work is to be 5 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page.

I will pay for the following article Solving Quadratic Equation Using Quadratic Formula. The work is to be 5 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page.

The simplest way of solving a quadratic equation is through factorization, but some students feel problems in solving equations using factorization. The quadratic equation is of the form ax2+bx+c= 0 where am, and c are constants with a ≠ 0. The quadratic formula is

Let us consider an example and solve it using quadratic formula, x2 + 5 x + 6= 0. The teacher should tell the students on board and explain the procedure using discriminate about the real solutions, imaginary solutions and solutions that do not exist.&nbsp.

Quadratic equations are second-degree equations with the coefficient of degree 2 not equal to zero. The graph of a quadratic equation is a parabola, and they can be solved using different methods, but the simplest way of doing it is through the quadratic formula. It gives the roots of the equations that are exact values, and they can be checked after getting the results by substituting the answer in the original equation (Sivasubramanian, 2009).

The purpose of this lesson is to discuss the differentiated instructions while teaching factors and fractions with detailed background discussions on the topics. Results have shown that students understand more using differentiated instructions as compare to others, but it is also noted that all the students do not understand the differentiated instructions.

Most of the teachers include contents like factorization, probability and fractions that are not easily understood by the students. The teacher should brainstorm the concepts before the start of the teaching to check whether the students are ready o understand the idea and warm them up. By this way, students take an active part in the class and can understand the concepts quickly and swiftly.

The teacher should give the students the results of a survey conducted to understand the differentiated instruction and after that, ask them a few questions from that survey results. Always try to ask the questions relevant to the topic and try to gather all students to take an active part in the discussion. After the question-answer session, give the students an activity so that you may be able to know about their understanding of the concepts they have learned today.

Create a thesis and an outline on Internet Security and Privacy. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide.

I need help creating a thesis and an outline on Internet Security and Privacy. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. People use the Internet today in many ways and the media available has multiplied. Internet access can be done through personal computers, laptops, netbooks and mobile devices. There are security and privacy issues whichever Internet device is used and are discussed below.

A. Security – although the standard for secure computer communications today is the SSL or the secure socket layer, there is still the potential for security lapses when people access their Internet connections for transacting whatever business they have in mind. The most common mistake that many people commit is at the so-called human-computer interface (HCI) where people do not know the security features embedded in the software program, according to the research done by the group of Radke, Boyd, Brereton & Nieto (2010).

1. User-Friendly Features – hardware designs, such as those on mobile or smartphones, must be simple to use and easily understood. This will prevent oversight that makes their computer communications vulnerable to hackers, for example, that leaves them open to possible fraud.

2. Authentication Procedures – it is vital for people to use the proper authentication process before even starting transacting online. The most common procedures are those requiring personally identifiable information such as birth dates, social security numbers or passwords. These are to be done upon logging in to their accounts to make sure it is not somebody else using their account, like in hacker attacks or the so-called MITM attack (man-in-the-middle) where there is another person pretending to be someone else.

Write 5 pages thesis on the topic internet is the greatest transformative force in human history.

Write 5 pages thesis on the topic internet is the greatest transformative force in human history. Anthony Giddens is a famous sociologist belonging to England. He is popular for giving a holistic view of modern humanity. According to him, the internet is the greatest factor which has revolutionized human history, or in other words, we can say that the internet is one of the basic drivers for the evolution of our social communities. His statement is cent percent right but if we critically review the proclamation then it can be argued that although the internet is the greatest one but still there can be many other forces which are playing their part in the transformation of human being or society. But all the social transitions are mainly caused by the involvement of technology and technology can be referred to as the internet.

‘While technology shapes the future, it is people who shape technology, and decide to what uses it can and should be put, ’Kofi Annan, United Nations Secretary-General. This means that although technology is prevailing over society and caused radical changes still it is in the hands of people that they decide the possible and advantageous use of technology. The Internet, World Wide Web, mobile cell-phones, digital television, and numerous other new electronic information and communication technologies (ICTs) are spanking new conduits for transforming the way we live, work, learn, and communicate (Dutton, 13).

The use of the internet, World Wide Web and many other digital media has been so much indulged in our lives that it has transformed all of life which may include our company, businesses, education system and even leisure time also or in other words we can say the whole society at large scale (Dutton, 1).

Although there are many other sources or factors which are part of this transition process the root cause is only the use of the internet or in other words the grasp of a human hand on the internet world. Now in this 21st century, we can contact all over the through video calls while sitting in our homes and using our personal computers. Now everything starting from the recipe of a cookbook and ending at the causes of severe disease are readily available at the spacious world of the internet. This wide world of technology covers almost every aspect of human life and thus providing ease to the social animal and thus we can say that the internet is the greatest force that causes a transition in the human history.

Write 5 pages thesis on the topic internet is the greatest transformative force in human history.

Write 5 pages thesis on the topic internet is the greatest transformative force in human history. Anthony Giddens is a famous sociologist belonging to England. He is popular for giving a holistic view of modern humanity. According to him, the internet is the greatest factor which has revolutionized human history, or in other words, we can say that the internet is one of the basic drivers for the evolution of our social communities. His statement is cent percent right but if we critically review the proclamation then it can be argued that although the internet is the greatest one but still there can be many other forces which are playing their part in the transformation of human being or society. But all the social transitions are mainly caused by the involvement of technology and technology can be referred to as the internet.

‘While technology shapes the future, it is people who shape technology, and decide to what uses it can and should be put, ’Kofi Annan, United Nations Secretary-General. This means that although technology is prevailing over society and caused radical changes still it is in the hands of people that they decide the possible and advantageous use of technology. The Internet, World Wide Web, mobile cell-phones, digital television, and numerous other new electronic information and communication technologies (ICTs) are spanking new conduits for transforming the way we live, work, learn, and communicate (Dutton, 13).

The use of the internet, World Wide Web and many other digital media has been so much indulged in our lives that it has transformed all of life which may include our company, businesses, education system and even leisure time also or in other words we can say the whole society at large scale (Dutton, 1).

Although there are many other sources or factors which are part of this transition process the root cause is only the use of the internet or in other words the grasp of a human hand on the internet world. Now in this 21st century, we can contact all over the through video calls while sitting in our homes and using our personal computers. Now everything starting from the recipe of a cookbook and ending at the causes of severe disease are readily available at the spacious world of the internet. This wide world of technology covers almost every aspect of human life and thus providing ease to the social animal and thus we can say that the internet is the greatest force that causes a transition in the human history.

Compose a 1250 words assignment on curriculum design and development.

Compose a 1250 words assignment on curriculum design and development. Needs to be plagiarism free! There are several curriculum designs that exist and they aim at fulfilling different objectives depending on the design. This paper aims at discussing two of the designs which are considered to be more successful. One of the designs is a learner-centered design. This design is grounded in progressivism or essentialism. The other design is the Broad fields Design which allows for interdisciplinary inquiry into broad subjects and across different disciplines.&nbsp.

John Dewey was the first person to note that the method of instruction should change from teacher center to learner centered. Through his theories, the education proponent managed to convince the world that education should be a learner process and the teacher should remain just as an instructor to guide the learners. John Dewey mentioned several advantages related to this method of instruction which led to a learner-centered curriculum design. The importance of this design is that it takes into account the different needs of the individual learner (JM Rogan, 2010). The curriculum is in such a way that it accommodates the learner’s experience. The learner has the advantage of interacting with the environment as this curriculum takes into account societal needs. This curriculum takes into account the different teaching aids that are easily available within society and incorporates them into the learning process.

Due to the recent advancement in technology in the world, there is a need for the learners to develop their learning skills and this is best achieved through the leaner-centered design. In addition to this, there is a need for learners to develop more skills as the world&nbsp.turns into a digital age. For this reason blending of learner-centered and broad field design is seen to be an effective approach. This is because the learners will have a broader field of experience as they incorporate different disciplines into their learning. This is important since most of the subjects are related to one another. Broad field design also gives the learners the advantage of experimenting and learning for themselves.