Create a 2 pages page paper that discusses analysis of image world by michael posner. 18 October Article Analysis In his article, Michael Posner has touched upon a vast majority of the ways in which our lives are being influenced by the digital media.

Create a 2 pages page paper that discusses analysis of image world by michael posner. 18 October Article Analysis In his article, Michael Posner has touched upon a vast majority of the ways in which our lives are being influenced by the digital media. From sports, to pornography and video games, Posner has discussed how the digital media is affecting people belonging to all age groups. The influence of digital media on our minds and perception is so overpowering that we tend to prefer seeing things in media than in reality. Likewise, we tend to idealize the fanaticized pictures and videos shown in media because they reflect just the emotions that we want to feel, without any effect of the problems and complications of relationships that complicate such emotions in the real life. Since the advent of the digital media, there has occurred a revolutionary change in our lifestyles from all aspects. Media has changed the way we think about things, the way we socialize, the way we dress and eat, and the way we argue and the topics we argue upon. There is no doubt in the fact that media today is the driver of the contemporary lifestyle.

Michael Posner has put forth a weighty argument in that all aspects that he has discussed in the argument are supported with examples e.g. he has shared his personal experience to emphasize that we prefer watching sports on television than on ground even if we are in the stadium, he has given the statistics of the profits made by the porn industry that are worth more than the combined profitability of many sports, and he has given the examples of Madonna while discussing the music videos and the strategies adopted by the composers to influence the young generation. To validate his argument, Michael Posner has not only identified examples pertaining to every point of discussion, but has added to the argument’s credibility by including quotes of other scholars, educationalists and experts in the article, which convey this feeling that Michael Posner is not the only one who thinks that media and visual image has an overpowering effect on our lives, there are many renowned and famous people who think like him as well. The article sounds even more appealing because Michael Posner has maintained a balanced approach in discussing the effects of media i.e. he has discussed both the positive and negative influences. Among the positive influences discussed, the transition of painters to cinema is a good example whereas the promotion of ugliness through music is an example of the negative influence.

Concluding, Michael Posner’s article provides a comprehensive insight into the effects of media on our psychology and lifestyle in the contemporary age. Michael Posner’s article is explanatory in effect since it explains how media has influenced everybody’s life from a common man to a celebrity, or a painter. However, an in-depth study of his argument reveals the message that we are being overly controlled by media, like it is something too much. I personally think that every era has its own sources of influence and drivers. Likewise, the contemporary age is governed by media. There is no doubt that media is very important in the present age, but accordingly, if we restraint our interaction with media, it would be like drawing back from engaging in and playing a role in the society. Rather than thinking of the influence of media as a negative thing, I think we should use media as a platform to spread our positive views, messages, and opinions. Today, the coverage we have got is like it was never before. One statement tweeted by somebody on the Twitter reaches every corner of the world. This is the real time that we can make a local change as well as a global change because we are interconnected in the global village.

Works Cited:

Posner, Michael. “Image World” In Rosenwasser, David, and Stephen, Jill. Writing Analytically.

USA: Cengage Learning, 2011. Print.

The Inside Story of the 1996 Welfare Reform. The work is to be 1 page with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page.

I will pay for the following article The Inside Story of the 1996 Welfare Reform. The work is to be 1 page with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page. They may simply be living off other taxpayers. Money has been taken from those who work hard and give to those who don’t work. The result is that the taxpayer is actually poorer than before and the poor person is a little richer. This may reduce the overall levels of depredation, but the amount of money or productivity has not increased. So this is not really effective.

What would be a more effective use for many of the able-bodied people who currently receive benefits would be to work on large infrastructure projects in order to receive their benefits. These jobs may be hard, but these individuals are under no compulsion to do the work. If they don’t want to do the job that is fine, but they will not be paid. We need to get past the idea that able-bodied individuals should be able to live off other taxpayers. This just creates dependence and leaves no one better off than before.

write an article on Effects of Ideology, News Source, and Geography on the Medias Framing of Immigrants. It needs to be at least 1500 words.

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on Effects of Ideology, News Source, and Geography on the Medias Framing of Immigrants. It needs to be at least 1500 words. The media has a tremendous effect on contributing to and reflecting public sentiments about immigration in the United States, largely because of how it frames arguments around the latter (Fryberg et al. 3) and people’s selective media consumption (de Zúñiga, Correa, and Valenzuela 599). Framing pertains to “the way that an argument is packaged… so as to make accessible and encourage a particular interpretation of a given issue” (Fryberg et al. 3). The media has a significant role in affecting the public debate of immigration through its framing and slanting of news about it, although political ideology, exposure to different sources of news, and geographic location affects the framing perspective and public sentiments on immigration also. The media affects current immigration issues through its different ways of controlling information, as it builds and contributes to the formation of civil society through the informatization of the world. In reality, numerous news and media content compete for media coverage, and immigration is only one of many possible everyday topics. The media has the power to decide which topics to cover, how it can cover it, and how many times it can cover it, although their coverage also depends on what the public wants or what politicians what to talk about in the news (Fryberg et al. 3. Hayes 1). Some scholars have already noted that the media has become powerful in shaping civil society through influencing the availability of and access to the different content of news and information. In Social History of the Media Asa Briggs and Peter Burke describe the rise of the information age, which evolved from the printing press to the radios and television to the electronic and digital media. They note the informatization of civil society, as people in power and related to them understand that “[c]ontrol of information…would be the essence of wealth and power in the future” (Briggs and Burke 232).&nbsp.

write an article on Effects of Ideology, News Source, and Geography on the Medias Framing of Immigrants. It needs to be at least 1500 words.

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on Effects of Ideology, News Source, and Geography on the Medias Framing of Immigrants. It needs to be at least 1500 words. The media has a tremendous effect on contributing to and reflecting public sentiments about immigration in the United States, largely because of how it frames arguments around the latter (Fryberg et al. 3) and people’s selective media consumption (de Zúñiga, Correa, and Valenzuela 599). Framing pertains to “the way that an argument is packaged… so as to make accessible and encourage a particular interpretation of a given issue” (Fryberg et al. 3). The media has a significant role in affecting the public debate of immigration through its framing and slanting of news about it, although political ideology, exposure to different sources of news, and geographic location affects the framing perspective and public sentiments on immigration also. The media affects current immigration issues through its different ways of controlling information, as it builds and contributes to the formation of civil society through the informatization of the world. In reality, numerous news and media content compete for media coverage, and immigration is only one of many possible everyday topics. The media has the power to decide which topics to cover, how it can cover it, and how many times it can cover it, although their coverage also depends on what the public wants or what politicians what to talk about in the news (Fryberg et al. 3. Hayes 1). Some scholars have already noted that the media has become powerful in shaping civil society through influencing the availability of and access to the different content of news and information. In Social History of the Media Asa Briggs and Peter Burke describe the rise of the information age, which evolved from the printing press to the radios and television to the electronic and digital media. They note the informatization of civil society, as people in power and related to them understand that “[c]ontrol of information…would be the essence of wealth and power in the future” (Briggs and Burke 232).&nbsp.

Compose a 1250 words assignment on training and development: tbt and mentoring.

Compose a 1250 words assignment on training and development: tbt and mentoring. Needs to be plagiarism free! The adult learning methodology is significantly different from childhood and adolescent learning techniques. For children and young adults, education is compulsory—adults have relatively free choice as to whether or not to develop themselves through post-secondary education. The term relatively is used here because, in many professions, e.g., medical, legal, and educational occupations, continuing education is a requirement. Nevertheless, many of these professionals have some degree of subject matter choice in accumulating the required number of hours for their continuing education. There are traits, however, which have been observed regarding the successful adult learner. In one study, five assumptions for the adult learner were developed to help assess the required components of the successful adult student: “…an independent self-concept [to] direct his or her own learning, [the accumulation of] a reservoir of life experiences, learning needs closely related to changing social roles, is problem-centered and interested in immediate application of knowledge and is motivated to learn by internal rather than external factors” (Merriam, 2001, p. 5). These assumptions, when true, describe the ideal adult learner who will benefit from all methods of instruction, particularly TBT and mentoring. The element of self-motivation implied in this list is significant. a company will realize considerable cost savings when selecting and retaining these individuals—they are, by definition, trainable. Even in the workplace, mandated training forced upon an unwilling or uncooperative worker will have significantly fewer results and amount to a waste of both time and money if the ability and motivation to learn and succeed are not present. On the other side of the coin, the presentation and methodology employed in educating adults are also important regardless of the career level of the student. Assisting low-income&nbsp.individuals through vocational training has proven to be beneficial, if the “programs are made intensive, close attention is paid to quality, and basic education is linked to further training and employment” (Martinson & Strawn, 2002, p. 1).

Pragmatic Communication Problems. The work is to be 5 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page.

I will pay for the following article Pragmatic Communication Problems. The work is to be 5 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page. Pragmatics is a sub-branch of linguistics developed in the late 1970s that deals with the study of how people comprehend and produce a communicative act or speech act in a concrete speech situation which is usually a conversation. It differentiates two intents or meanings in each utterance or communicative act of verbal communication. One may be the informative intent or the sentence meaning, and the other may be the communicative intent of speaker meaning (Leech, 1983. Sperber and Wilson, 1986). Kasper (1997) defined pragmatics as the ability to comprehend and produce a communicative act that frequently includes one’s knowledge about the social distance, the social status between the speakers involved, the cultural knowledge such as politeness, and the linguistic knowledge explicit and implicit.

Pragmatics also describes the problems or difficulties faced by the speakers while communicating their feelings or views. This happens when a person undergoes injuries due to accidents. In other words, the communication deficits or cognitive impairment caused by brain injury or any other disorder result in failure of self-monitoring. For example, the pragmatic communication problems caused by Acquired brain injury are severe and need effective assessment and treatment. Semantic Pragmatic Disorder is another example.

Friedland and Miller (1998) explained about the pragmatic communication problems faced by the closed head injury patients. It was identified that the language impairments and speaking abnormalities varied from person to person and hence the approach for treatment has to be different. It may be opined that poor self-monitoring qualities associated with the pragmatic communication problems are mainly influenced by some receptive communication deficits caused by brain injury etc. The receptive communication deficit due to Asperger’s disorder may also lead to pragmatic communication problems, severe language conversation problems and poor self-monitoring (Bishop, 1989). Asperger’s disorder is characterized by the following symptoms which lead to receptive communication deficits and language problems.

Write 7 pages thesis on the topic the concept of phrenology as a pseudoscience.

Write 7 pages thesis on the topic the concept of phrenology as a pseudoscience. 4. Flourens admired the dissecting skills of Gall but highly criticized his ideas of phrenology regarding both the psychological speculations and the support of cortical localization which was based on clinical observation. He studied the ablations on animals and proved that the mind was not located in the heart, but in the brain. For his criticism, he provided experimental evidence and questioned the functional localization within the brain. He applied the technique of ablation or extirpation which is known as the surgical removal of some parts of the brain to analyze how other parts would function without that part and observing the postoperative behavior. Floren’s investigation has been a turning point in the modern era. He researched the extirpation of the cerebellum’s increasing parts which, according to him, were involved in the posture control. Through this, he examined the maintenance of physical balance in a greater deal.

5. The methods Fechner proposed are highly important for the analysis of relative and absolute thresholds. The problem in absolute thresholds is to determine the least amount of sensation detected by a person. Three methods would yield similar data in the determination of thresholds. Fechner also introduced the usage of averages to balance the differences that he realized were present due to individual differences and which needed to be controlled. His methods were the method of limits in which he showed that two stimuli were his research subjects, the method of constant stimuli in which he presented a randomly chosen from a small set, and the method of adjustment in which his research subject could make changes to one stimulus (Benjamin 65). Through these methods, he could use sound devices to determine the absolute threshold.

6. Brentano and Wundt have had opposing views in the history of psychology. Wundt had been pained in psychology as a physical reductionist while Brentano was painted as being a more holistic theorist. Brentano felt that physicist dealt with assumed realities which were assumedly objective.

prepare and submit a term paper on Creativity: Talent or Discipline. Your paper should be a minimum of 1750 words in length.

You will prepare and submit a term paper on Creativity: Talent or Discipline. Your paper should be a minimum of 1750 words in length. The following essay will focus on answering the above-mentioned questions. Also, it aims to analyze the nature of creativity, its main aspects and factors that influence the development of a person’s creative skills. As a result, it should be understood whether creativity is an inborn talent or everyone can nurture it in himself. Finally, it is pertinent to describe some techniques which help to foster individual creativity as well as how creativity may be explained to children.

So, what is creativity? Some people amount to the artistic work of musicians, artists, actors, thinking that creativity refers only to those who have some visible talents, which differ them from the rest. At the same time, others believe that creativity is a talent itself. In fact, it can be said that creativity is a result of the talent which was developed and practically realized. Otherwise, without having a social acknowledge it, the talent is likely to fade with time. Certainly, talent can serve as a hobby. Yet, without recognition of its uniqueness, it has nothing to do with creativity.

Ken Robinson, the honored Professor of Education, defined creativity as “a process of having original ideas that have value” (Azzam 22). He has pointed out that all people, and especially children, have talents, given to them by nature (Robinson 16). Yet, as it was said, mere talent is not enough to become creative. According to Robinson, “being creative is looking for new ways of doing things within the activity you’re involved in” (Azzam 22). For instance, singers and musicians of the Beatles famous rock band definitely had talents of singing and playing musical instruments. Yet, many people have such talents and only a few become celebrated. The Beatles were called the greatest group of the rock era and one of the most influential singers of all times, whose activity&nbsp.divided the music history into “before” and “after”. However, all that was possible because of their novelty approach to performing music. Mixing rock-n-roll motives of the 50s, symphonic and psychedelic rhythms, they created a new music style, which did not exist before and which greatly affected what was done after.

write an article on didactic analysis Paper must be at least 1500 words.

Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on didactic analysis Paper must be at least 1500 words. Please, no plagiarized work! Its manifestation is shown by analysis of the current situation and the feedback received for any process applied coupled with a complete analysis of didactic elements appreciated in the course of teaching. The yields of didactic analysis bring about positive trend and progressive course of action in teaching as a whole.

The practice of didactic analysis requires the teaching staff and the entire teaching hierarchy to develop special abilities including the ability to comprehend the theoretical and methodological knowledge of didactic process and kindliness to all occurrences of educative procedures. Through didactic analysis, teachers are able to develop knowledge of the educative process courtesy of reflective learning.

Didactics gives an explanation to the teaching and learning process that is isolated from all the other methods, it assumes that the content to be learnt is the key determinant of the teaching and learning process. The didactic analysis evaluates the content in question by asking questions of the functional units of the didactics system. These units are the links between the teacher, learners and the knowledge involved in the learning process. The didactic analysis, therefore, is the study of individual units of learning and in particular environments and their impact on the development of content in teaching and learning process.

Before coming up with an education programme, one needs to have proper knowledge of the learners. He needs to know the characteristic of learners and their numbers. The first issue is answering the question of who and how many learners.

In this stage, one has to specify the target audience. The level of experience of each learner is considered and the designated job titles that the learners will be awarded after the training should be honoured. The geographical dispersion of learners is another factor to be considered in the process of evaluating the learners. The procedure of conducting learners’ analysis must be practised.

Complete 5 pages APA formatted article: Monique and the Mango Rains.

Complete 5 pages APA formatted article: Monique and the Mango Rains. Stratification and gender norms in Mali are real, and they get different treatments from society. Additionally, both genders have different qualities, which make them survive or be oppressed in Mali. For instance, men in Mali are lazy and jealous. This is evident through the way men treat their women in the book. Most of them are unfaithful and engages in extramarital affairs (Holloway 50). Some men are also involved in rape cases in society. Similarly, men in Mali are lazy and do not work to help and provide for their families. They leave their women to do all the domestic activities as they sit and lazy. Although they are given all the power to control women and society, there has no impact on the community but instead, women play significant roles. This is replicated in other areas such as India and Brazil (Nanda 45: Scheper-Hughes 325). On the other hand, women in Mali are industrious and laborers. The author portrayed them as people taking care of the welfare of society despite the limited powers and resources they have, do not have the power of choosing for themselves but instead their husband decides for them. They also struggle to ensure their unborn children get better health by walking long distances searching for midwives. Similarly, they live in a deplorable environment but stays put for the wellbeing of their children as Lee (33) found out.

There are many forms of gender stratification and norms in the book. one example is that no divorce is allowed in society (Holloway 58). This society does not allow divorce because women do not have custodial rights over their children. Women are forced to stay in an abusive relationship and sometimes tend to engage in other activities to counter the pain and abuses they undergo in the course of their relationship. Miniakan cultural taboos are very strict on women, and they must accept their men once married and the trend or marriage has no reversal. This societal norm also pushes Monique to find comfort with Pascal, whom she loves besides knowing the societal consequences when found. In other instances, women are not allowed to keep their children because of their societal status.