Create a thesis and an outline on Damaging Effect of a Global Warming. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide.

I need help creating a thesis and an outline on Damaging Effect of a Global Warming. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. Greenhouse gases contribute to the global warming situation. In some areas, extreme winter conditions are increasing in quantity. In other areas, there is an increase in the number of extremely high temperatures. Some animals and plants cannot adapt to the changing temperature. When this happens, some animal and plant species will avoidably become extinct.

Further, global warming produces damaging effects on the world’s environment. The IPCC group Climatologists affirms that global warming contributes to the increase in the number and intensity of hurricanes. Global warming increases the temperature of the world’s oceans. The warmer oceans generated more hurricanes. With hotter oceans, the hurricanes’ intensities rose to more life-threatening levels, damaging more properties along the path of the encroaching avoidable hurricanes. Global warming leads to more floods. With more floods, more people will drown. The increasing number and intensity of floods result in more damaging effects on the environment and the people living within such an environment. More hurricanes will ravage the coastal areas of the world’s communities (Brevik 338).

Furthermore, global warming leads to a rise in the world’s ocean levels. The hotter temperature melts the ice areas of the world. The melted ice areas lead to the water literally swallowing or taking away huge areas of many coasting communities around the world. The huge ice groups formed in Antarctica and Greenland melted into the nearby ocean. Consequently, several islands will be underneath the oceans’ water levels, constantly changing the world’s geographic picture. Specifically, the 20th century saw the water level rose 20 centimeters. Research conducted in 2003 affirmed global warming leads to the thermal warming of the oceans (Houghton 176).

Moreover, global warming leads to more forest fires.

Compose a 2000 words assignment on management organisational learning knowledge.

Compose a 2000 words assignment on management organisational learning knowledge. Needs to be plagiarism free! On the basis of neo-classists, the last two hundred years have witnessed the replacement of the two known factors of production, labor, and capital. Information and knowledge have arisen to replace the above two factors. It is at this stage that the economy has come to be referred to as a knowledge economy. In addition to this, the present technological advancements have revolutionized the economic world. The move has been characterized by the shift from physicality to knowledge-based (Dolfsma 2006).

To offer support to the knowledge economy has been the developments in the mobility of both information and human expertise. This implies that technological developments can in a very easy way to be transmitted across country borders in an instance. Of note here is also the ability to move expertise from place to place, an attribute that narrows the development gap between companies. So the advantage that could be gained by a researching company is washed away as such knowledge can easily be replicated elsewhere within a very short period of time. The only enjoyment of a company in this era could only emanate from the activities of innovations within the company. Through the combination of knowledge and market know-how, a company would be in a position to derive a competitive status. Equally important would be the ability of a company to gather and act on meaningful information. This reflects the economic environment as one that is basically driven by knowledge, hence the reference to the knowledge economy (Debra, M 1997).

The need to be in possession of better skills and qualifications underlie the sustainability of employment status. This is the basic work ingredient that ensures that individuals secure employment and most importantly retain the jobs or enjoy the likelihood of shifting to better opportunities when they arise.

Once people have secured work, the learning process does not need to end there. This is so because the global economic setting is fast changing. New technologies and ways of doing things do emerge at an alarming rate. As a result, good employees will continue offering training to their staff to ensure that they keep pace with the ever-changing economic landscape.

Create a thesis and an outline on Are Reason and Emotions Equally Necessary in Justifying a Moral Decision. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required.

I need help creating a thesis and an outline on Are Reason and Emotions Equally Necessary in Justifying a Moral Decision. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. For a balanced view of the situation and an effective solution to it, both emotion and reason are instrumental to a moral decision.

Reason and emotion are deceptively simple concepts. The varying significance given to these concepts by moral philosophers like David Hume and Immanuel Kant has attributed a level of sophistication to them, which may lead to misconceptions. One has to decide whether reason and emotion are independent entities. In fact, both of them are interlinked and inter-dependant. An emotionally charged mind may not completely be devoid of traces of reason. Otherwise, people would forget the world altogether in their moments of emotional heights. Likewise, there is no instance of thought or act of reason which is not informed and influenced by emotion. However, the varying degrees of emotion and reason may lead to situations where the thought or act is understood as influenced solely by either one of them.

Moral decisions are demanded when there is a conflict which is to be solved in individual or social life. The decision may aggravate or alleviate the conflict, based on the emphasis given to either reason or emotion in the process of materializing it. Though it is often argued that moral decisions are the outcome of personal intuitions, contemporary social theorists and philosophers acknowledge the part played by society in shaping moral standards, and thereby decisions. However, moral standards are not universal in nature. It is easily observable that individual and societal moral standards vary. In the political sphere, one government’s moral decisions may offend or upset another government. On a personal level, no two people will have the same moral standard to react uniformly to a common situation. The moral decisions taken by individuals are heavily influenced by their varied life experiences and personal preferences and prejudices.

My subjective reaction to situations where a moral decision is to be taken is always influenced by a combination of emotion and reason. I had an unforgettable experience in which I had to take a decision regarding the well-being of my friend Sarah. However, my decision had led to some unforeseen events which made me rethink the validity of reasoning that could apply for all at the same level. Sarah was known to have quit rehab a few weeks prior to the incident.

Complete 5 pages APA formatted article: My Own Experiences with Interpersonal Relationships and the Knowledge.

Complete 5 pages APA formatted article: My Own Experiences with Interpersonal Relationships and the Knowledge. First I will discuss how self-concept impacts communication with others, second will be regarding how someone’s perception of another person can affect communication, third will be on how I feel language has created problems in one of my interpersonal relations ships, fourth I will discuss the strategies I use to maintain healthy relationships in my life and fifth I will incorporate into my paper how non-verbal cues can create communication problems. For the last three main points/key core learning outcomes I will discuss how demonstrating effective listening habits has improved my relationships with my family, which methods of conflict resolution I find to be the most useful in my life, and lastly how I have developed a supportive communication climate in my relationships.

In my opinion, the most important part of communication comes from having a good sense of self-worth and how your self-concept can either enable or disable you in a conversation. I became extremely aware of how much my self-concept really effects how I communicate with people I am in a relationship with when I had my first serious boyfriend. I realized that when I had a bad self-image it was hard for me to really be outgoing, I felt so self-conscious that I didn’t like to go out and have fun with him and his friends, I felt like I would just be judged for being weird or how I looked and this really drove a bit of a wedge between us. I also noticed that when it came to being in school and participating in class discussions I remained very quiet and timid, afraid that since I wasn’t very popular any idea I had would just be scorned. When I built up my self-image and began to have a positive outlook on myself I was able to go out and have a lot more fun and could really express what I was thinking or how I felt to my peers as well as my boyfriend and his friends because I was no longer afraid of how they’d receive it. Getting over that initial fear of how people saw me and really looking into improving how I saw myself helped me improve my communication with others and to help them perceive me how I wanted to be seen.

Provide a 6 pages analysis while answering the following question: Difficulties in Maintaining Order and Law in Cyber-Space. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required.

Provide a 6 pages analysis while answering the following question: Difficulties in Maintaining Order and Law in Cyber-Space. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. The role played by the internet to revolutionize the computer world has never been evident there before. The internet is the definition that may refer to a worldwide broadcasting capacity, information dissemination mechanism, and the medium for interaction and collaboration between individuals and their own computers irrespective of geographic locality. The internet idea and research about the same came into place in the 1960s during research on packet switching on networks such as ARPANET. Since then, more research took place and in the 1980s, access to the ARPANET system expanded when National Science Foundation made developed the Computer Science Network (Moore & Seymour, 2005). Later on, in 1982 there was the standardization of the Internet Protocol Suite and the worldwide network consisting of fully interconnected networks (internet) become operational. There have been numerous advancements in the field that has enabled people to make the world a global village.

Cybercrime entails any form of criminal activity that deals with computers and hacking (Jewkes, &Yar, 2013). It also includes crimes committed through the internet such as hate crimes, internet fraud, telemarketing, identity theft, online money account thefts and the spread of incitement or terror messages. In the modern world, terrorists are using the internet for recruitment and radicalization posing a great threat to both national and global security. The study considers the impacts of the internet on these crimes and the effect on the criminal justice system.

The use of the internet has reduced the world to a global village (Cain, 2001). People can easily connect with each, in different parts of the world without travelling and interact effectively. Thus, globalization refers to the increased interconnectedness of people, societies, and countries across the world such that events at one locality can influence different localities in the world in a very short period.&nbsp.

write an article on three types of crime are organized crime, sexual crimes and homicides.

Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on three types of crime are organized crime, sexual crimes and homicides. attempt to explain their causes by examining at least three different criminological theories for each type of crime. how do explanations for the causes of these crimes help determine Paper must be at least 2250 words. Please, no plagiarized work! The basic motive behind the establishment of the departments of police, prisons and judiciary appeared to be protecting the people from being a victim of harm, violence and offensive attacks, so that they could lead their life in a peaceful and pleasant environment. Apparently, these institutions looked successful in controlling the crimes, yet mere use of force turned out to be deficient in eliminating the crime from society. Consequently, the authorities decreed for the exploration of crime phenomenon to discover the reasons and drives behind committing of crimes. The researches were conducted and theories were articulated in order to explore the nature, type and intensity of crimes on the one hand and causes behind such despicable activities on the other. The criminologist theorists, on the concrete foundations of their researches, declared organized crimes, sexual offences and homicide as the most frequently committed crimes, which created chaos, disturbance and disorder in society. They tried to identify some solid reasons behind committing of these crimes. This paper aims to discuss these three types of crimes in the light of labeling, control and conflict theoretical frameworks devised and established by the criminologist theorists in order to wipe out the crimes by reaching their root-cause and ways to tackle with them with an iron hand.

Organized crimes refer to the crimes that are committed with prior preparation and planning in order to take benefit out of the harms inflicted upon others in cold blood. Hence, organized crimes are not accidental ones in nature, and intentions behind them are generally financial corruption, white collar crimes, drug trafficking, terrorism, embezzlement and robbery etc. “Organized crime is both more and less than the average person understands it to be. It is more pervasive, more dangerous, and more diverse.

submit a 1000 words paper on the topic Discourse Analysis of the movie Dumb and Dumber. &nbsp.

Hi, need to submit a 1000 words paper on the topic Discourse Analysis of the movie Dumb and Dumber. &nbsp.Although there are two apparent speakers in this dialogue (i.e. Mary and Lloyd), the utterances are all, in fact, constructed by one speaker which is the scriptwriter making it a synthetically constructed conversation. However, the speech act of the conversation is well planned and rehearsed, which has a positive impact on the overall appeal of the dialogue. The original script of the conversation, however, incorporates the various aspects of conversational interactions such as adjacency pairs, turn-taking, topic initiation and development, feedback and conversational openings and closings.

To analyze the context of the discourse, Lloyd, a limo driver, is taking Mary to the airport and this is when the conversation takes place. It is one of the most essential ways in which people come together, exchange information and maintain social relations. Therefore, the setting of the discourse is very much natural in the normal contexts of dialogue and social relations.

It is important to realize that the movie is categorized under the group of “humor” films, featuring slapstick comedy and nauseate humor. In fact, the hilarity or amusement of the comedy is expressed linguistically, in the choice of words of the funny man, Jim Carrey, who is playing the role of Lloyd. Throughout this whole exchange of words, Lloyd doesn’t say anything that has no linguistic value, so he is clearly able to produce a grammatically correct sentence. Significantly, the only flaw that occurs in the conversation is that Lloyd is not able to select from all the correct expressions available to him to reflect the “illocutionary” force that is suitable most to this particular&nbsp.encounter.&nbsp.

research paper on symolism: man in the maze. Needs to be 4 pages.

Need an research paper on symolism: man in the maze. Needs to be 4 pages. Please no plagiarism. The Symbol’s meaning is represented by a sign which is commonly known as “Man in the Maze” and interpretations for the symbol differ between families. As such therefore there is not one standard meaning of the symbol and different tribes and families interpret it differently.

Going by oral O’odham historical accounts the “Man in the Maze” is referred to as I’itoi or the creator who lives inside a cave under Baboquivari Mountain’s peak. Anyone who visits the cave is required to come with food so that their safe return is guaranteed. According to the O’odham, I’itoi brought Hohokam from the underworld to the earth and Hohokam refers to ancestors of the Pima and O’odham communities. Among the Pima, I’itoi is also referred to as “Elder Brother” but the most common reference is the “Man in the Maze,” a design that is common on their native baskets in which he is positioned at an entry to a labyrinth. Pima people believe the labyrinth is a representation of the floor plan for Elder Brother’s house while Tohono O’odham people believe it is a map of direction to the house of Elder Brother. All his belongings such as clothing and teepees were artistically decorated with symbols which depicted his achievements in life, his heroic actions and spiritual guides and other important events of his life.

In the “Man in the Maze” the figure of a human is symbolically placed at an entrance to a maze and the maze itself only has one path. This is symbolic of the journey of life that we have to take and the many circumstances associated with life such being happy or sad some times, succeeding in some courses and failing in others etc. it captures human life and choices made by people throughout the journey of life.

Create a 9 pages page paper that discusses human rights, global wrongs.

Create a 9 pages page paper that discusses human rights, global wrongs. In 1948, members of the United Nations (UN) convened at a convention aimed at addressing prevention strategies and legal implications against those found guilty of genocide crimes. It was during this convention that members defined the term as systematically planned annihilation of a group of people based on their nationality, race, ethnicity, or religion.&nbsp.

It is the presumption of most scholars that the prevention of genocide crimes hinges on the identification of intrinsic and extrinsic motivators that predispose individuals to engage in mass violence. Structural and individual theories of genocide attempt to explain these factors and conditions, which make it conducive for people with no prior intent of hurting others to participate in mass violence. Structural theories encompass cultural, situational, and institutional explanations, which are specific to a given society at a particular time (Charny 1982). Conversely, theories relating to individuals encompass situations specific to an individual and the psychology of individuals in a mob (mob psychology). Combined, these theories provide a holistic view with regard to the extent to which “ordinary” individuals perpetrate genocide crimes.

The basic presumption of structural theories centers on contextual factors, which mobilize individuals to participate in mass violence. According to proponents of structural theories, the occurrence of genocide crimes hinges on the existence of the right structural context. The contextual factors include characteristics of a specific culture, state, or the existence of a specific historical situation. Entrenched in this theory exists institutional explanations concerning individuals’ participation in genocide. The state represents an example of an&nbsp.institution whereby, these theorists argue that a state’s structure plays a pivotal role in molding citizens’ motivation. In addition, they infer that institutional hierarchy and the state’s capacity controls citizens’ inclination to perpetrate mass violence.&nbsp.

write an article on different challenges and situations throughout life and the aging process Paper must be at least 1250 words.

Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on different challenges and situations throughout life and the aging process Paper must be at least 1250 words. Please, no plagiarized work! She learned to make decisions for herself and her only daughter at a rather early age, as her circumstances had forced her to mature earlier than other girls of her age. Dr. Safia is over 70 years of age. Born in a small village in India in 1935, she had to struggle her way as a single mother while continuing her education in pursuit of building a career. She is currently working for a charity hospital in its maternity ward. She responded very well to the questionnaire I prepared, and I got an insight into her life through her detailed answers. Thus the analysis of her aging process is valid and reliable.

I learned from her when she was asked about her education, that she got married when she finished high school, at the age of 15. However, she resumed her education after two years, when her marriage dissolved. The reason for her divorce was giving birth to a girl- something that was almost considered a sin, back in the early-twentieth-century Indian subcontinent.

This incident has made a deep impact on her personality and in forming relationships in later life. Consequently, she never remarried, nor she ever developed any intimate feelings for another man and dedicated her life to the upbringing of her only daughter.

When asked what changes her education brought to her life, she replied that it enabled her to fight her circumstances in a much better way. When she resumed her education, she had a goal to achieve. She was more mature than girls of her own age, due to her marriage-divorce episode.

Her maturation helped her in pursuing her career as a doctor and it also made her really strong. She said that it was really a difficult job for a woman to lead a single life, yet she accepted the challenges of life and made it through. Today, she lives with her daughter and grandchildren and enjoys an active life.

Dr. Safia led a healthy life but with age, she has developed hypertension. She is also suffering from arthritis and thyroid-gland disorder, but her mental health is fine.