Write a 6 pages paper on social media in save water campaign project.

Write a 6 pages paper on social media in save water campaign project.

Consequently, the planning process involves the management consideration of what the campaign is all about. Therefore, the general format for this discussion is campaign description, planning and analysis, media comparison, and the principle ethics in social media.Campaign DescriptionThe aim of the campaign on journalism, mass media, and communication is aimed at the determination of the role of social media in playing the responsibility in the success of the research projects (Konsti-Laakso, Pihkala, and Kraus, 2012).

The campaign in the determination of the success involves brainstorming on the importance and the relevant topics that can be used in carrying out the research. The campaign also involves the consideration of the planning that is done to the campaigns and the management during the campaign to bring out the meeting the desired objectives of the campaign. The research campaigns that are always carried out by social media involves the achievement of the goals that mainly include those of increasing the market for business and enhancement of services.

Campaign planning and analysisPlanning of research campaignIn the planning of the research campaign, there are several considerations that are made by social media. In the planning, a previous campaign on the issue is considered. In the previous ones, there can be a review of the approaches that the social media used in carrying out the campaign and the outcomes that were got from the campaign can be used to improve on the campaign.In planning, the linking activities that exist are also necessary.

The social media in the planning will link the existing activities and this will enable the utilization of the available time and also the targeted audience will be reached through the linking of the activities. The consideration of the activities that go around in social media is also important in the planning of activities that they will use in achieving the objectives of the campaign. The market strategies and the campaigns of the competitors that are done on the same objective should be identified such that the campaigns are detailed and give an added advantage to the social media in the campaigns.

Write a 6 pages paper on human reproductive biology questions.

Write a 6 pages paper on human reproductive biology questions.

Once the male is sexually aroused, the epididymis’s walls tighten to eject sperm into the subsequent portion of the duct system—the vas deferens. The vas deferens drains into the ejaculatory tube that pushes the sperm out of the urethra.Periodic changes in the discharge of female hormones lead to the menstrual cycle. Although progesterone and estrogen discharged by the ovaries are the most commonly recognized female hormones, other hormones produced by the hypothalamus and the anterior pituitary also serve a vital function in the female monthly cycle by controlling the discharge of the ovarian hormones.

Female hormones are discharged in different amounts at different moments throughout the reproductive cycle. Such a periodic system of secretion causes recurrent changes in the breasts, cervix, uterus, and ovaries (Jones & Lopez 75). The female reproductive hormones bringing about such changes are the gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) released by the hypothalamus, the luteinizing hormone (LH), and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) discharged by the anterior pituitary, and the progesterone and estrogen (Jones & Lopez 6-7).

Five types of birth control are (1) male condom, (2) intrauterine device—hormonal type, (3) diaphragm, (4) cervical cap, and (5) Depo-Provera. The (1) male condom is a thin protective covering. It blocks the sperm from the penis. It is quite effective in preventing pregnancy as long as it is used correctly. It is also one of the most effective protection against STDs, especially those made from latex. The potential risks are irritation and allergic reaction. The (2) intrauterine device (IUD)—hormonal type—is a tiny, T-shaped instrument that is implanted in the uterus.

The hormonal IUD has a birth control&nbsp.hormone, progestin. The hormonal IUD is one of the best types of birth control. However, it does not protect from STDs. Possible risks are pelvic inflammatory disease, bacterial vaginosis, and cramps (Jones & Lopez 369-70). The (3) diaphragm is circular latex that a woman places inside her vagina. It covers the cervix or blocks the sperm.

Create a 14 pages page paper that discusses manifestations of national identity in popular culture in contemporary.

Create a 14 pages page paper that discusses manifestations of national identity in popular culture in contemporary.

The millennium dome was made to celebrate the new 21st millennium and was started as a cultural center where people would go to celebrate the arrival of the millennium. Although the dome was not as successful as it was intended, it still remains to be an icon for London as well as the UK culture. Apart from the millennium dome, the UK has also used other types of architecture to define its contemporary culture. Architectural marvels such as the London Eye are also good examples. The UK still goes on to continue its culture in the contemporary world using modern pop culture.

Music is also another form of pop culture in the UK (Gilbert & Pearson, 1999). While many aspects of traditional or history-born culture in the UK have waned, the shift has gone to music. Today, a lot of music in Britain and its three co-states which make up the UK can be seen to be geared towards creating a culture that is unique to the UK. As Bennett, Shank, and Toynbee (2006) argue, BritPop is, for instance, one of the pop music that identifies contemporary British culture. The music is characterized by melody and chorus that are hooky and that are easy for listeners to master and sing along.

These kinds of songs have been made popular by many groups each of which makes different flavors of the music. For instance, Blur and Radiohead have produced songs in this genre and they prefer to be more experimental in their music. Oasis and Black Grape also offer different flavors of this music to its listeners. Regardless of the flavor of BritPop that any band of musicians prefers, the music is uniquely British and this forms the larger UK culture. Garage rock is also another form so pop UK music.

Although its origin is in the USA, it has been assimilated in the UK culture and now there is British pop culture. This kind of music is very widespread among young people in the UK and the UK Garage is very unique to the UK and makes part of the pop culture in contemporary UK culture. Glam Rock (Glitter Rock) is one of the foundations that gave way to modern pop culture music in the UK. Its origin is in the 1970s and although today is it not very much into the modern culture, it is a very good part of the formation of UK British culture.

It is distinguished from other forms of music especially from outside the UK by its freaky mode of dressing.

Create a 14 pages page paper that discusses manifestations of national identity in popular culture in contemporary.

Create a 14 pages page paper that discusses manifestations of national identity in popular culture in contemporary.

The millennium dome was made to celebrate the new 21st millennium and was started as a cultural center where people would go to celebrate the arrival of the millennium. Although the dome was not as successful as it was intended, it still remains to be an icon for London as well as the UK culture. Apart from the millennium dome, the UK has also used other types of architecture to define its contemporary culture. Architectural marvels such as the London Eye are also good examples. The UK still goes on to continue its culture in the contemporary world using modern pop culture.

Music is also another form of pop culture in the UK (Gilbert & Pearson, 1999). While many aspects of traditional or history-born culture in the UK have waned, the shift has gone to music. Today, a lot of music in Britain and its three co-states which make up the UK can be seen to be geared towards creating a culture that is unique to the UK. As Bennett, Shank, and Toynbee (2006) argue, BritPop is, for instance, one of the pop music that identifies contemporary British culture. The music is characterized by melody and chorus that are hooky and that are easy for listeners to master and sing along.

These kinds of songs have been made popular by many groups each of which makes different flavors of the music. For instance, Blur and Radiohead have produced songs in this genre and they prefer to be more experimental in their music. Oasis and Black Grape also offer different flavors of this music to its listeners. Regardless of the flavor of BritPop that any band of musicians prefers, the music is uniquely British and this forms the larger UK culture. Garage rock is also another form so pop UK music.

Although its origin is in the USA, it has been assimilated in the UK culture and now there is British pop culture. This kind of music is very widespread among young people in the UK and the UK Garage is very unique to the UK and makes part of the pop culture in contemporary UK culture. Glam Rock (Glitter Rock) is one of the foundations that gave way to modern pop culture music in the UK. Its origin is in the 1970s and although today is it not very much into the modern culture, it is a very good part of the formation of UK British culture.

It is distinguished from other forms of music especially from outside the UK by its freaky mode of dressing.

Provide a 11 pages analysis while answering the following question: Civil Engineering Management of Leeds Metropolitan. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required.

Provide a 11 pages analysis while answering the following question: Civil Engineering Management of Leeds Metropolitan. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required.

The policy is founded on multiple strategic values derived from legislation, guidance, and recognition of good practice. The values are entrenched in the institution’s policy statement and reflected in responsibilities assigned to all stakeholders. Health and safety management system are structured such that each and every individual has a role to play in ensuring safe work and study environment. Ranging from the Board of Governors to the student body, all are charged with the responsibility of ensuring the workplace is safe and free from any forms of hazard.

The Board of Governors is responsible for the creation of policies for safety, health, and wellbeing, in addition to maintaining oversight of the policy’s effectiveness.On the other hand, the Corporate Management Team has the responsibility of implementing Safety, Health, and Well-being Policy, in addition to ensuring accountability in the management of health and safety across all the university’s levels. The line managers are on the other and found at all of the university’s levels and are responsible for the management of safety, health, and wellbeing of staff and where applicable, students, visitors, contractors as well as the general public.

The staff on the other and have a responsibility for their individual safety, health, and wellbeing, in addition to liaising and cooperating with line managers to ensure health and wellbeing. Students are not spared off responsibilities. rather they have a responsibility for their own safety, health as well as well-being, in addition to cooperating with academic supervisors with regard to their safety, health, and well-being. This is reflected in the diagram below:Implementation and assessment of Leeds University’s health and safety system are based on individual assessment of individual cases as well as the extent to which health and safety are integrated, health and safety responsibilities are assigned and applied, the extent of employee involvement, nature, and operations of specific health and safety program elements and indicators of safe person and safe place control strategies.&nbsp.

Create a 10 pages page paper that discusses media representations and responsibilities.

Create a 10 pages page paper that discusses media representations and responsibilities.

One may picture this. A young girl enters a toy shop and finds the girl’s corner full of stilettos and tiaras. She buys a few and takes them. She puts them on and is immediately transported to a dreamland in which she is none other than Paris Hilton. While her parents are happy watching her happy, they have not realized that the experience would stay within the child’s psychology and she may anytime want to pursue a life when she grows up. The picture on the boy’s section is a tad bit brighter since there are doctors and builder kits for them.

But everything bogs down to the same once these very kids open up media sources like television and magazines (Kiss, 2011).The present study endeavors to dwell upon all the factors present in today’s mass media and how they cause apparent or silent sexualization of a child’s innocent mind by spreading such sexualized images and merchandise all over on the market.The discussion may begin with the most used tools in mass media that one finds in contemporary culture. While these elements have been present in society all along, their quality seems to be degrading by the day, with more adult and sexualization being used to rivet the viewer’s attention and persuade him to purchase the product being advertised.

Here is a quick listing of those tools and how some people have been using them to sell themselves or their services fast, keeping only the importance of adult life in mind.Television commercials or banner advertisements, one looks at the content being used in regular advertisements around us, and we find a lot of sexy ladies and gents ravishing their bodies and glistening skin to the viewer. No matter what the advertisement is about, whether it for a related product like a deodorant spray or, a non-related product like a refrigerator or washing machine, the advertisement still has a host of half-clad men and women calling on the viewer to enjoy the life that they seem to by using the product.

A half-naked lady could walk into a tie and dye meeting and prove herself worthy of attention, just like how a processor that is sexy and smart like her would pep up the performance of a laptop or computer.

Create a 10 pages page paper that discusses media representations and responsibilities.

Create a 10 pages page paper that discusses media representations and responsibilities.

One may picture this. A young girl enters a toy shop and finds the girl’s corner full of stilettos and tiaras. She buys a few and takes them. She puts them on and is immediately transported to a dreamland in which she is none other than Paris Hilton. While her parents are happy watching her happy, they have not realized that the experience would stay within the child’s psychology and she may anytime want to pursue a life when she grows up. The picture on the boy’s section is a tad bit brighter since there are doctors and builder kits for them.

But everything bogs down to the same once these very kids open up media sources like television and magazines (Kiss, 2011).The present study endeavors to dwell upon all the factors present in today’s mass media and how they cause apparent or silent sexualization of a child’s innocent mind by spreading such sexualized images and merchandise all over on the market.The discussion may begin with the most used tools in mass media that one finds in contemporary culture. While these elements have been present in society all along, their quality seems to be degrading by the day, with more adult and sexualization being used to rivet the viewer’s attention and persuade him to purchase the product being advertised.

Here is a quick listing of those tools and how some people have been using them to sell themselves or their services fast, keeping only the importance of adult life in mind.Television commercials or banner advertisements, one looks at the content being used in regular advertisements around us, and we find a lot of sexy ladies and gents ravishing their bodies and glistening skin to the viewer. No matter what the advertisement is about, whether it for a related product like a deodorant spray or, a non-related product like a refrigerator or washing machine, the advertisement still has a host of half-clad men and women calling on the viewer to enjoy the life that they seem to by using the product.

A half-naked lady could walk into a tie and dye meeting and prove herself worthy of attention, just like how a processor that is sexy and smart like her would pep up the performance of a laptop or computer.

Write a 14 pages paper on analog to digital inverters.

Write a 14 pages paper on analog to digital inverters.

Analog to Digital converters are used in the entire electronic world. Computer microprocessors only perform sophisticated processing on digitized signals. When a signal is in the digital form, it is less susceptible to the deleterious effects of additive noise. Analog to Digital Converters provides a link between the analog world of transducers and the digital world of signal processing and data handling. Analog to Digital converters are primarily applicable in all fields and areas where an analog signal needs to be processed, stored, or transported into a digital signal.

Some typical examples of Analog to Digital Converter usage are the digital voltmeters, thermocouples, cell phones, and digital oscilloscopes. Most microcontrollers use 8, 10, 12, or 16 Analog to Digital Convertors. Mathematical relationships are conveniently used to shows how the number of bits an Analog to Digital Converter handles determines its particular theoretical resolution: An n-bit Analog to Digital Converter has a resolution of one part in 2^n. For example, a 12-bit Analog to Digital Converter has a resolution of one part in 4,096, where 2^12= 4,096.

This means that a 12-bit Analog to Digital Convertor with a maximum input voltage of 10 VDC can resolve the measurement into 10VDC/4096. This amounts to 0.00244 VDC, equivalent to 2.44 mV. For the same range of 0 to 10 VDC, a 16-bit Analog to Digital Converter resolution is 10/216 amounting to 10/65,536. The figure is equivalent to 0.153mV. The resolution is usually specified with respect to the full-range reading of the ADC, and not with regards to the measured value at any particular instant (Sunter & Nagi, 1997).

A successive-approximation converter comprises a Digital to Analog Converter (DAC), a comparator (single), and registers and control logic.&nbsp.When the analog voltage to be determined is available at the comparator’s input, the control system logic initially sets all the bits to zero. Then the Digital to Analog Convertor’s most significant bit, often abbreviated as MSB is set to 1, which forces the Digital to Analog Convertor output to half of full scale.

prepare and submit a paper on psychological effects of regular participation in sports.

Your assignment is to prepare and submit a paper on psychological effects of regular participation in sports.

It is a much-needed element in the contemporary lifestyle where people are constantly occupied with technology and merely find any time for sports. While the trend of going to the stadiums to watch matches live has increased over the years, common people are increasingly abandoning sports because of their busy schedules. Regular participation in sports has many positive effects on an athlete’s psychology including a generally positive approach to life, improved social skills, and a sense of achievement whereas the possible negative psychological effects include extreme physical consciousness.

Regular participation in sports invokes a liking for a healthy lifestyle in the athlete. Being able to participate in sports regularly, achieve goals through physical exertion, and have a sense of achievement regularly are all abilities that make the athlete feel different from others in a good way. One of the sport’s participants reflected upon his motivation to do sports regularly in these words, “I just like winning. I take part because I want to win and that motivates me. I want to do well and play as well as I can play and see how far [team name] can get” (Jowett and Felton, 2013).

Gradually, athletes tend to prolong the same effect in every aspect of their life. It takes some time but eventually, many athletes experience a radical change in their overall lifestyle for the better. They maintain better personal hygiene. They sleep regularly. A very obvious change takes place in their eating habits. In their passion to live a healthy lifestyle, these athletes make good choices in food. they avoid consuming foods loaded with fats and calories and substitute them with more nutritious and healthy alternatives like fresh fruits and vegetables.

Many of these athletes like eating vegetables even if they do not have a particular liking for their taste. eating vegetables, to them, is more about living healthy than relishing the&nbsp.food. Understandably, they prioritize the former over the latter. The most important change takes place in their approach to thinking and analysis.

prepare and submit a paper on the dark side of social media privacy and security risks of social media.

Your assignment is to prepare and submit a paper on the dark side of social media privacy and security risks of social media.

This subculture has evolved over the years to an extent that the computer underground is now a known community. Since the 60s, hacking on social media has greatly evolved to have different classes of hackers based on different attitudes they have. A group of hackers known as white hat hackers usually break social media security networks for non-malicious reasons hence they rarely engage in cybercrime. This hacker intends to test his/her own security system, perform penetration tests or carry out vulnerability assessments.

There are those hackers that break computer security for personal gain or other malicious intentions(Subashini & Kavitha, 2011). This group of hackers is known as the black hats, and their intention is to break the security of social networks for the purpose of destroying, modifying, stealing data or making the network unusable for those who are authorized to use it. Hacking in the early 80s was not meant for attacks and monetary gain as it is today, but the top understands the system and makes some kind of logic out of the chaos.

However, the situation changed in the mid to late 80s when legislation was passed in the United States to tackle those who trespassed on computer and phone networks(Rieder, Huey-Burns, & Ott, 2012). Privacy and security issues on social media became apparent in the late 90s and early 2000s, especially in 1998 when Chris Wysopal and his friends discovered a way of shutting down the internet. This paper is going to show the privacy and security risks of social media and how they have affected people negatively.

This study fits into the psychological realm in the sense that hackers employ some psychological game when stealing social network’s user private information(Alpcan & Basar, 2010). When hacking into social media, they use the data on experiential profiles to captivate the confidence of the stranger. This technique is commonly&nbsp.referred to as social engineering, whereby influential psychological strategies are employed to capitalize on the weakest link in social networks’ security systems.