write an article on exam 1 Paper must be at least 1000 words.

Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on exam 1 Paper must be at least 1000 words. Please, no plagiarized work!

Edmund Wilson publicized that literary writers worked like modern scientific theory in the new idea of reality. Scientists always work to produce formal explanation of the world whereas poets’ works to interpreted lively models that would help them explain a particular culture. In as much as many studies are related to science researchers have tried to find out hoe matters pertaining to science and literature has some form of relationships (Picasso, 133).

It is often said that tradition, like history, is continually being recreated and remodeled.

To what extent did writers, painters, and composers of the early twentieth century deliberately break with tradition? Explain how they accomplished that goal.

Music took a very different turn in the years’ 1900-2000, with lots of changes due to technological discoveries. Though it is clear that music has grown over the years, it is difficult to point out the exact date and time when music modernized. Researchers try to place their fingers on when exactly the progress officially began and have given their maker as 1907.

German and Australian composers made mammoth strides towards wider range of tonal vocabulary. Gustav Mahler who worked amid 1860-1911, at this point, considered more of a romantic musician than a modernistic one (Picasso, 38).

As the director, to Vienna Opera Orchestra, Manher set the pace and has done numerous works of art. At that time, German remained rich in culture. The country’s pride was at its peak, theses also led to the rise of Adolf Hitler and Third Reich. John Corigliano and Tan Dun have maintained in composition of music into the twenty first century.

The two are internationally approved for integrating famous styles, folks and traditional in their music genres.

submit a 1500 words paper on the topic A description of the UK economy.

Hi, need to submit a 1500 words paper on the topic A description of the UK economy.

The UK economy is currently doing well and might be begrudged by many emerging economies. It has high employment levels, minimal inflation rates and a good annual growth of 0.2%. however, if the government continues increasing its expenditure, the UK might soon find itself in another self-imposed crisis. The UK government should realize that the real risk from increased government expenditure is the burden of interest that has to be paid on the money borrowed to finance government activities. Though the government has the role of stimulating economic growth, it must use methods and/or policies that will not conflict with some of its goals and/or objectives.

Apparently, tax reduction might work in further improving the performance of the UK economy but such reductions must not be at the expense of government revenues. Vast as it is, the UK government requires lumpsome amounts of money to provide for its population and finance its numerous activities hence taxes must still be considered as an important source of the government’s existence.

research paper on creativity in secondary school. Needs to be 6 pages.

Need an research paper on creativity in secondary school. Needs to be 6 pages. Please no plagiarism.

Parents and teachers can help students in devising thinking patterns and problem-solving skills by utilizing creativity. It includes giving the students the choice and the liberty to learn by trying and making as many mistakes as they safely can. It also implies that the teachers will have to drown their rigid normative thinking and respect the creative ways that the students pursue. It must be noted that this type of parental encouragement and education requires creative teaching processes as well, which is hard to practice in secondary schools considering their rigid subjects.

The learned curriculum is everything that students learn in school (Fautley and Savage, 2010). The selection of words communicated in language and encouragement to experiment without the fear of failure are the two crucial aspects in achieving such a goal.To use creativity the students have to look at a problem from various angles. It also implies that there cannot be a rigid solution to a problem. Artful activities have been proven to help students overcome learning barriers (Cochran, 1996).

This is important because when a student comes up with a creative solution that does not strictly match the predetermined result it can discourage him from further experimenting, especially when the result translates into bad grades. The teachers should be aware that this pattern can be incredibly negative that weeds out the creative process from their students’ psychology.To encourage children to think creatively the teachers and parents should make efforts in asking them to observe their surroundings differently.

An artist sees away when there is an ‘aha!’ moment (Jalongo, 1999). Secondary school education should be based around this principle where the students figure things out for themselves through their ‘aha!’ moment.Connecting the right and the left side of the brain can help learn better. The students should look for cues for getting inspiration from various processes, designs, and objects in their surroundings.

submit a 2500 words paper on the topic Comparison of Villa Rotonda and Palazzo Della Ragione or Basilica.

Hi, need to submit a 2500 words paper on the topic Comparison of Villa Rotonda and Palazzo Della Ragione or Basilica.

Andrea Palladio was one of the most famous renaissance architects, who single-handedly transformed the city of Vicenza changing its landscape with imposing villas, palaces, churches, and public buildings. Palladio was responsible for replacing the Gothic style with a harmony and balance of classical style complementing the renaissance taste. The Palladian architecture was characterized by symmetrical planning, proportionate consideration of mass and volume and their harmony to the human form, innovative ideas in construction and engineering, preference for classical elements such as columns, arches, atriums, and rich sculptural decorations.

Three incidents during this period necessitated the building of Villas in Venice. The attack by the Ottoman Turks in 1453, the Spanish expedition of Christopher Columbus in 1492, and Vasco da Gama’s discovery of a new sea route to Asia in 1497, finally brought security to Venice, to develop large scale agriculture. To fulfill this requirement, a group of entrepreneurs, comprising the nobility in Venice, with money to clear the land and drain the swamps and start agricultural activities, came forward.

These rich people needed houses to reflect grandeur, but suited to the purpose of country living. The houses had to be magnificent yet inexpensive, comfortable but suited to the purposes of a large agricultural establishment that required places to store grain and wine and accommodate a large number of farmhands. In this historical context, Andrea Palladio suggested his three-part solution and thus was born the legendary villas in the Palladian style. The Renaissance buildings have a plan with asymmetrical appearance.

Certain components such as the façade, columns and pilasters, arches, vaults, domes, were present in renaissance buildings. The most relevant thing about renaissance architecture was that it was not restricted to practice but ideas could&nbsp.be disseminated because of the availability of printing.&nbsp.&nbsp.

Compose a 2500 words assignment on cheapchip cookie companys procurement strategy.

Compose a 2500 words assignment on cheapchip cookie companys procurement strategy. Needs to be plagiarism free! Since every business organization has a tendency to focus its attention primarily on direct material cost and direct labor cost, the incidental and accidental costs may be disregarded. This is a costly error. Variable overhead costs contribute a significant percentage to the overall cost of production. This particular aspect needs constant watching by the management because it is here that cost-cutting measures need to be adopted in advance to maximize profit margins.

Next, fixed overhead costs must also be managed with much care because here electricity and gas costs might rise even without the knowledge of the management. A significant percentage of businesses are faced with the threat of closure nowadays because of the rising energy costs. Finally, cost centers or cost drivers as they are known in accounting jargon must be identified before costs are allocated to them. Failure to do so will lead to confusion as to which area of the business has higher costs and which less.

* Operating Leverage may be defined as the ability of a firm to use its fixed operating costs (rent etc.) to magnify the effect of changes in sales on its earnings before interest and tax (EBIT). The formula for Degree of Operating Leverage (DOL) is 3.

The number of cookies of various categories that can be baked during 180 days is 1792 x 180 = 3,22,560 while my budgeted annual sales stand at 3,87,082 (the margin of safety output). I assume that the difference of 64,522 cookies can be baked with some overtime work assigned to full-time workers.

My calculations of the break-even points or output levels are based on a realistic assumption of what is desirable and achievable given the capacity constraint imposed by the 112 batches of cookies per 30 minutes. Working hours per day cannot be stretched beyond 8 unless overtime payment is given to those workers who willingly work after the 8-hour shift during the night. My calculations of costs both fixed and overhead are based on realistic estimates that included the additional costs of selling cookies such as the cost of 0.

25 cents per cookie sold. Also, I have taken into consideration the total fixed cost as equivalent to $ 40,000 per year excluding the depreciation charge. I have assumed a breakeven point of 70,000 cookies per annum of type C1 which is priced at $ 0.50.&nbsp.

Create a 6 pages page paper that discusses the impact of discrimination against african americans.

Create a 6 pages page paper that discusses the impact of discrimination against african americans.

From a political standpoint, it is interesting to note how the criminal justice system across most societies is deliberately organized against African Americans. African Americans in the USA have faced racial discrimination in the courthouses and by the laws that have been passed by the state. also, since the Jim Crow Laws had been passed since the 1900s, the African Americans were segregated from the rest of the population, and denied equality in many areas of social life such as voting (Racial Discrimination in the Criminal Justice System, page 66).

Also, even though African Americans make up 13% of the population in the USA, in 2004 African Americans were accused of “47.2% of murders, 53.3% of robberies, 31.9% of rapes, and 32.7% of assaults,” (Racial Discrimination in the Criminal Justice System, page 67). as we can see, this seems to be a skewed and disproportionate report, one that demonstrates racial discrimination against the African Americans. Following the “Rodney King” case, it was found that there does seem to be racial prejudice and bias being practiced against the African Americans, seen from the use of excessive violence, verbal harassment and invasive actions against them by police officers, (Racial Discrimination in the Criminal Justice System, page 67).

Moving onto historic examples of discrimination against African Americans, it would be worthwhile to mention the incident of the Red Summer of 1919, in which African Americans and the white population of Chicago launched into racially charged riots that lasted for 5 days. many African Americans were lynched, shot, wounded. The most significant reason for these racial riots was due to the feeling of intolerance and xenophobia towards the African Americans (Norvell & Tuttle, page 210). There was also a general feeling amongst the white population to push the African Americans back to the “bottom rung of the&nbsp.racial ladder,” and to force them away from their houses in white neighborhoods and back to live in their “ghettos,”.

Create a 5 pages page paper that discusses eyewitness to a genocide: the united nations and rwanda.

Create a 5 pages page paper that discusses eyewitness to a genocide: the united nations and rwanda.

Hutu leaders come to believe that Hutu rescue required Tutsi annihilation. The Hutus ratified their plots with shocking efficiency. In just one hundred days they killed approximately eight hundred thousand persons. The Rwandan mass murder, therefore, has the ghoulish oddity of more than the rate of massacre attained during this genocide. And the persons behind the Rwandan genocide employed mainly low-tech and physically demanding instruments of death that necessitated an understanding of their fatalities.

The genocide was implemented with viciousness and hostility that defy the mind’s eye.Almost as incomprehensible is the response of the global community. What sets the Rwandan crisis aside from other crisis is that the global community could have mediated at a fairly low cost prior to the results were entirely realized. A crisis conference commanded states to react. There were twenty-five hundred U.N. peacekeeping troops on the land, and certainly, later on, the slaughter started, the U.N.’s commandant, Canadian Gen.

Romeo Dallaire1, satisfied with all mod cons troop to prevent the slaughter. Yet the U.N. at once arranged its army not to save nationals from harm. And on April 21, it ordered that but 270 troops are withdrawn (Dallaire 2004, pg. 231).In the background of it, the U.N. basically overlooked both the smaller carnages held in the period of 1990-1993 and the arrangements for this unforgivable genocide. It cracked down instead on creating an end to the war between the Rwandan government and the Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF), an objective indeed achieved in August 1993 with the signing of the Arusha Accords2.

An asset in the accord, the U.N. provided a conscientious objector force3 (UNAMIR) to ease the transition to a designated government and to supervise the integration of the Rwandan Militia with the RPF military. But the U.N. sought a shameful victory and remained unsuccessful to provide either the command required or the military services needed to make sure a timely and systematic transition.

Provide a 4 pages analysis while answering the following question: What to Do and How to Report Rape So That the Rapist Can Be Convicted. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required.

Provide a 4 pages analysis while answering the following question: What to Do and How to Report Rape So That the Rapist Can Be Convicted. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required.

The main instinct would be to scream, shout, kick, punch and yell at the rapist. This helps when you are in a crowd and your shouting may bring help to you. When you start getting the feeling in the first place that somebody is trying to harass you sexually by touching or through any other cues, you must first of all tell him loudly to leave you alone or shout “Help”. Then if you are attacked, then it is natural that you will and have to shout for your sake. Kick him in his groin hard enough to get his hands off you.

But what if you are in a desolate place? Rapists like deserted places where the victims cannot call for help or where there are no witnesses. In that case, screaming will do no good and the better thing would be to submit to the rapist to keep him from getting more violent and hurting you more. Men usually like to see terror they cause in women’s eyes and they enjoy it. So, when there is no help around, it would be better to stay calm so that you can come up with some ideas to end this up.

But if you decide to fight which is natural, then hit the rapist if you have something sharp in your hand like a bottle or anything you can grab and hit that will make him change his mind from continuing. Another good tip is that you should pretend as if you are going to vomit on the rapist’s face (Crislip). You can also try biting his hands or ears which will cause him enough pain to get off you. You can also tell him that you are suffering from AIDS! After knowing this, he will surely not wish to rape you or will discontinue even in the middle of the rape.

Though vulgar to state here, but a sure tip to get him off you is to grab his scrotum and squeeze it hard till he yells for his life. You can do this by pretending as if you are enjoying the act and then grabbing his sensitive area and hurting it hard.

Whether you decide to stay calm or you decide to fight back, one important thing to be done is study the rapist’s face attentively so that you can, later on, tell the police what the rapist looked like.

Compose a 1750 words assignment on aircraft composite structures.

Compose a 1750 words assignment on aircraft composite structures. Needs to be plagiarism free!

“Metallic structure is superior to composite in strength and cost aspects. Composite structure is superior to metallic structure in weight aspect which will influence in airplane performance.” (Kalanchiam and Chinnasamy 2012, p. 1010)There are several advantages of using composite materials to manufacture aircraft structures. The most striking advantage is that the composite materials are easy to mold and give novel shapes. Perse, aircraft designers can enjoy more flexibility and room for their imagination.

Special shapes of fuselage and wings are necessary for special purposes. For example, specially designed wings are necessary to accomplish the airframe structure of a stealth bomber. Likewise, long distance jet aircraft may need corrosion-resistant and aerodynamic drag resistant designs. Composite materials are easier to use for giving variety of desired shapes and sizes.Generally, composite materials are preferred for building tougher airframes. But several manufacturers are attempting to build even the internal parts of an aircraft with the help of composite materials.

The main advantages of composite materials are explained below with special emphasis on FRP variety.Composite materials provide high specific strength. This attributes to resistance towards deformity due to stress or strain. This resistance is due to certain elastic and coherent properties of the composite material molecule. The polymer bases in which the various fibrous materials are interwoven provide shock-absorbent properties to the overall lamella. The final matrix of composite molecules becomes stronger per unit square area for offering resistance towards permanent deformities.

(Staszewski, Mahzan, and Traynor 2009).Despite higher specific strength, composite materials have less weight. In the case of FRP composites, the polymeric base has less density. While in materials like aluminum the molecules are heavily packed, molecules in the composite material matrix have more coherence than closer packing.

Why Torture is Justifiable. The work is to be 5 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page.

I will pay for the following article Why Torture is Justifiable. The work is to be 5 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page.

There are numerous reasons why individuals torture others and different types of torture have varying additional reasons for doing so including breaking a victim’s will, satisfy a need on the part of the torturer to cause suffering and to put into effect power, to acquire information and to terrorize some political group. Various kinds of torture can be exercised in combination or one at a time and were deemed necessary such as hooding which means that a victim’s head is sheltered by an “opaque material bag with no ventilation” (Amnesty International) except during questioning or when in separation.

The victim would frequently also be uncovered to enhance his sensation of vulnerability. Another type of torture is wall-standing which consists of forcing the victim to upright and balanced against a cell wall in the “search position” for some time at a time stirring up agonizing muscle cramps. A victim is required to remain in this same position for at least 43.5 hours as and these w prompted more than6 other recorded cases of suffering being kept similar to this for more than twenty hours.

It also includes subjection to noise where a victim of torture is placed in close nearness to the repetitive, such as a generator or compressor as a whine of machinery for as long as six or seven days (Lukes, 35). At least one prisoner subjected to this handling informed Amnesty International it is the drive to the edge of madness by the noise he had given attempt to end his life by knocking his head against metal piping in his cell. Food and water denial as a method of torture meant a strict schedule of bread and water.

Sleep denial was practiced before questioning and often in combination with wall-standing. Torture is justified under certain circumstances that will provide information to save someone’s life or the lives of many.