write an article on taiwan and the one country, two systems Paper must be at least 2500 words.

Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on taiwan and the one country, two systems Paper must be at least 2500 words. Please, no plagiarized work!

After the Second World War, the Republic of China, led by their leader by then, was the governing polity in the island. Following the Chinese civil war in 1949, the government of the Republic of China withdrew their control of Taiwan. In 1952, Japan officially renounced all territorial rights in San Francisco Peace Treaty. The KMT ruled Taiwan as a single party state for four decades, until democracy was realized in the 1980s. These reforms which were instigated by Chiang Ching-Kuo who was then the leader in the mainland China were continued by his predecessor Lee Teng-hui, which eventually led to the first presidential election in the island in 1996.

Until today, the island is a democracy with a presidential system of governance.

History and creation of “one country, two systems” policy (Deng Xiaoping)

“One country, two systems “translated as “one China, two systems” is a constitutional principle that was established by Deng Xiaoping. Deng Xiaoping was an executive leader of the People’s Republic of China. His purpose in formulating this principle was major to reunify China during the early 1980s. This leader gave suggestions for the establishment of only one China, but different regions such as Macau, Taiwan, and Hong Kong to retain their capitalist political and economic systems while the rest of China to remain on a socialist system.

Under this principle, Macau, Taiwan, and Hong Kong regions should go on with their legal, political, financial or economic affairs including how they relate to other foreign states.

write an article on taiwan and the one country, two systems Paper must be at least 2500 words.

Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on taiwan and the one country, two systems Paper must be at least 2500 words. Please, no plagiarized work!

After the Second World War, the Republic of China, led by their leader by then, was the governing polity in the island. Following the Chinese civil war in 1949, the government of the Republic of China withdrew their control of Taiwan. In 1952, Japan officially renounced all territorial rights in San Francisco Peace Treaty. The KMT ruled Taiwan as a single party state for four decades, until democracy was realized in the 1980s. These reforms which were instigated by Chiang Ching-Kuo who was then the leader in the mainland China were continued by his predecessor Lee Teng-hui, which eventually led to the first presidential election in the island in 1996.

Until today, the island is a democracy with a presidential system of governance.

History and creation of “one country, two systems” policy (Deng Xiaoping)

“One country, two systems “translated as “one China, two systems” is a constitutional principle that was established by Deng Xiaoping. Deng Xiaoping was an executive leader of the People’s Republic of China. His purpose in formulating this principle was major to reunify China during the early 1980s. This leader gave suggestions for the establishment of only one China, but different regions such as Macau, Taiwan, and Hong Kong to retain their capitalist political and economic systems while the rest of China to remain on a socialist system.

Under this principle, Macau, Taiwan, and Hong Kong regions should go on with their legal, political, financial or economic affairs including how they relate to other foreign states.

write an article on Kuwait unversity is loosing its ranking. It needs to be at least 500 words.

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on Kuwait unversity is loosing its ranking. It needs to be at least 500 words.

Kuwait is losing its Ranking The Kuwait government must endeavor to fast track the implementation of information technology within the higher education sector. Kuwait University has seen its worldwide ranking drop significantly. The University Ranking by Academic Performance (URAP) Center in 2011 ranked the university at position 779 in the world. However, this has plummeted to 1,199th in January, 2012 (Ranking Web of World Universities). The Ministry of Higher Education estimates that an average of 60% of the population’s 18-24 year olds attend their higher education at Kuwait University.

This population accounts for at least half the population of Kuwait. thereby raising alarm amongst scholars and educators alike as to whether this drop in world rank is representative of a drop in the quality of skills and competency transfer within the institution? What does this portend on the institution’s capacity to attract international students in light of an ever globalizing world?To a country whose population comprised almost half by teens aged 18-24 years, the youth represent a significant component towards the future development of Kuwait as a country.

The former Minister for education in Kuwait, Noria Al-Sabeeh ably identified that, “investing in young people is actually investing in the future.” But this is not so evident at the university. In a 21st century environment, the use of ICT learning is one of the most revolutionary concepts for all proactive educators. According to the Kuwait University 2011-2012 catalogue, there seems to be a failure to reconcile this thought in its academic policies. Emphasis is still being placed on student’s physical attendance in class without providing clear stipulations as to how open-distance learning can be effected.

Subsequently, with the high levels of student intake it seems clear that the existing four campuses were inadequate for the increasing student level approximated at over 19,000 in 2005. The continued falling of teacher-student ratio nationally which currently stands at a paltry 0.06:1 may have contributed to a decline in the state university ranking (StateUniversity.com). The educational statistics for 1997-98 shows a greater decline of Kuwaiti educators at university level. the tendency to rely on foreign educators has an indirect impact on the student performance because learning cannot be effectively “localized” in the sense of practical exemplification of theoretical concepts. development and assessment of student projects and proposals.

Finally, the occurrence of religious intolerance against Muslim students who do not don veils (a religious cloth prescribed by the Islamic faith for women) by a campus group advocating for the dress code and who have political connections with the Constitutional Movement. The group resorted to open harassment of said students through verbal slurs “sparking political tension between anti-government MPs and the prime minister”-Kuwait City, 4th January, 2011. This intolerance to freedom of choice and religion undermines the basic harmony for which universities are founded.

The ministry for higher education must place priority to ICT incorporation within state universities. In response to hiring of educators, government and lecturers’ union must take active steps towards employing more local educators in the university. Students are called to be more tolerant towards individual rights and liberties in so far as they don’t impede those of others or rules of the institution.Works CitedAl-Sharaf, Adel. “New perspectives on teacher education in Kuwait.” Journal of Education for Teaching: International research and pedagogy (2006): 105-109.

Ranking Web of World Universities. Ranking Web of World Universities. January 2012. 23 March 2012 .StateUniversity.com. Kuwait – History & Background, Constitutional & Legal Foundations, Educational System—overview, Preprimary & Primary Education, Secondary Education. 23 March 2012 .University Ranking by Academic Performance. World University Ranking. 11 November 2011. 23 March 2012 .

Create a 2 pages page paper that discusses gender roles in families.

Create a 2 pages page paper that discusses gender roles in families.

Mad MenThe show on the “Mad Men” is an interesting series that reflects on the societal changes in terms of gender roles and issues that concern the women today. These issues were neglected by the past generations of women and they saw them as normal. According to the different views in the article I would like to conquer with some of the views and opinions of the various writers who have expressed opinions about the value that the show portrays in the contemporary society. First ResponseAccording to the first respondent, the show is based on the past, the 1960(s).

During this time, there were different gender roles as women were viewed just as subordinates and not equal partners in the society. The series presents, through its characters a society that undermines the power of women. For instance, women are given tasks that are feminine in a way. In the whole series, the women are just secretaries that are working under their bosses who are males. There are also women who are homemakers .There is a scene where the sectaries discuss the contraceptive pills.

They take pills in order to continue sleeping with their bosses. This shows how men viewed women in the past. The series is a throwback. However, things have changed since that time. The current society is a totally different society, women have been empowered by the changes in time and societal beliefs. The women are voiceless in the whole series in that the males mistreat them and no one talks about it. For example, when Joan is raped by her fiancé, she never talks about it in the first place.

This is a violation of her rights. She is rendered voiceless in this scene. This typically describes how women were viewed back then.Second ResponseThe second respondent views the series as a reminder of how the situation was for women in the 1960(s). This is, in my view, appreciating change, because of that past we see women appreciating how much space they have in the contemporary society. The society of back in those days had so many stereotypes about the women and gender roles. On the other hand, it also presents two choices for the women today.

The two choices are detailed in two characters in the series. In the series, we have the characters of Betty and Peggy. Betty is the stylish wife while Peggy is that woman who is keen about her career and really works hard in her job. This show emphasizes the changes that have occurred at the work place as being of help to the women. The changes have given them space to perform, unlike in the past that there were a lot of stereotypes that hindered their performance at the work place.These two scenarios are of importance to the current generation.

They are presented with a chance to be either of the two. This move is positive in the fight for equality in the 21st century. However, most of the women today have had to choose the lifestyle of a Becky. They admire that life that is of less hard work and more of just being provided for. A few in the society have learnt to appreciate the women taking advantage of the empowerment that has since enabled them be major partners in various ways in the world issues.Referencehttp://www.forbes.

prepare and submit a term paper on David Coles Interview with Dr. Franciszcek Piper. Your paper should be a minimum of 250 words in length.

You will prepare and submit a term paper on David Coles Interview with Dr. Franciszcek Piper. Your paper should be a minimum of 250 words in length.

The truth has to be in the middle of Holocaust experts and revisionists. The problem is the historical facts can be questioned due to the circumstances of the last days of World War II.If revisionists want to change the way history is remembered, picking and choosing facts to attack is not an option. To convince the general public, much fewer experts, Mr. Cole would have to look at Auschwitz as a whole. He focused all of his attention on Auschwitz I. Eye witness accounts (which he totally dismisses) and camp records show that Auschwitz I was not made of solely Jews.

Political prisoners and privileged prisoners were housed in this camp. Auschwitz-Birkenau was the place most eyewitnesses reported gassings. These gas chambers and crematoriums were destroyed as the Germans retreated from the Russians. Mr. Cole only briefly mentioned the destroyed remains and solid proof at this camp. If the goal was to find proof that gas chambers did not exist, why did Mr. Cole not explore this avenue more?The truth lies in the middle. Mr. Cole wants irrefutable proof now about Auschwitz.

That is impossible due to the fact Russia controlled the area until the collapse of communism. Why not research the records of the time that do exist? Too many questions linger to conclude that the gas chambers did not exist.

Create a 1 page page paper that discusses from what you know about action potentials describe feasible mechanisms whereby anaesthetics might prevent pain.

Create a 1 page page paper that discusses from what you know about action potentials describe feasible mechanisms whereby anaesthetics might prevent pain.

Feasible mechanisms whereby anesthetics might prevent pain. Local based anesthetics are globally used in the treatment or preventionof acute pain as well as chronic pain, inflammatory ailments, prognostic and diagnostic needs. To this end, there are myriad anesthetics such as dissociation anesthetics. These drugs result to an elevated feeling of environmental dissociation within the patient. Evidently, these categories of drugs include Ketalar or Ketamine Hydrochloride (Nagelhout & Plaus, 2005).

It is a non barbiturate, non narcotic anesthetic that results to a mental dissociative state that is consistent with amnesia, sedation and analgesia (Ouellette & Joyce 2011). Moreover, its pharmacological effect is evidenced by normal laryngeal-pharyngeal reflexes and extreme analgesia. To this end, the drug’s central point of action in the Central Nervous System is the thalamo-neocortical projection area. Consequently, the ketamine discriminately lowers the neuronal action in certain parts of the cortex.

This is action is more evident in the thalamus and association areas. At the same time, it stimulates the certain areas in the limbic system and hypothalamus (Reiss, Evans, & Broyles 2002). This ultimately results to functional disorganization of unprescribed pathways in the thalamic and midbrain region. Ketalar equally lowers the impulse transmission within the medial medullary formation in the reticular. This area is critical in transmitting the emotional-affective parts on noiception the higher brain areas from the spinal cord.

In addition, the analgesic effects of ketamine are attributed to its occupation of the opiate receptors in the spinal cord and brain. The interaction with the N-Methyl-d-aspartate at times mediates the analgesic and anesthetic action of ketamine (Rosdahl & Kowalski 2008). Moreover, Ketamine’s analgesic effect on the spinal cord is due to the prevention of neuronal action on the dorsal horn wide range dynamic. Evidently, the notion that CNS sodium blockade channels are the mechanism by which ketamine results to anesthesia, has been scientifically dispelled.

ReferencesAnesthesia Related Drugs. (n.d.).hirnforschung.kyb.mpg.de. Retrieved January 24, 2013, from hirnforschung.kyb.mpg.de/fileadmin/uploads/files/Methoden/Betäubungsverfahren_und_Chirurgie/SOP_DrugDescriptions.pdfNagelhout, J. J., & Plaus, K. L. (2005).Handbook of nurse anesthesia&nbsp.(3rd ed.). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier Saunders.Ouellette, R. G., & Joyce, J. A. (2011).Pharmacology for nurse anesthesiology. Sudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.Reiss, B. S., Evans, M. E., & Broyles, B. E. (2002).

&nbsp.Pharmacological aspects of nursing care&nbsp.(6th ed.). Australia: Delmar/Thomson Learning.Rosdahl, C. B., & Kowalski, M. T. (2008).Textbook of basic nursing&nbsp.(9th ed.). Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

Provide a 6 pages analysis while answering the following question: Territorial Disagreements between the Jewish People and the Palestinian Arabs. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required.

Provide a 6 pages analysis while answering the following question: Territorial Disagreements between the Jewish People and the Palestinian Arabs. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required.

According to this Declaration, the British government supported the Zionist movement which demanded territory in Palestine exclusively for the Jews. This territory would provide all the legal and civil rights to the Jews. With the Balfour Declaration, the British government established a national home for the Jews without violating the rights of the existing non-Jews in Palestine or the rights of the Jews in any other country (Gelvin, 2005). Both the communities asserted their legal claim on Palestine.

While the Jews demanded that they have historical rights over the territory, the Arabs have claimed that they have inhabited Palestine for many centuries (Khater, 2010, p.143).It is only political stubbornness that is causing hindrance to peace between the Israelis and the Arabs. There has been already a proposal that dictates that the two sides should accept the division of the territory into two states. This proposal has been advocated globally, and even by the majority of ordinary Israelis and Palestinians.

It now remains that the leaders on both sides come to a common agreement. Even though proposals from both sides are very close, still the current Israeli Prime Minister shows no sign of relent claiming that the conflict cannot be solved (Hill, 2012). As another possible solution there can be a one-state solution by which Jews and Arabs will stay together with common political and social rights. However, seeing the murderous hatred between them even this cannot be a viable solution as this can only probably cause another holocaust.

The impact of World War I can be long-lasting in the Middle Eastern region.&nbsp.

write an article on csr Paper must be at least 500 words.

Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on csr Paper must be at least 500 words. Please, no plagiarized work!

Corporate social responsibility Corporate social responsibility The research will define Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and show how organizations like H&M practice it. It will explain why it is important for organizations to practice CSR. The study will come up with various theories explaining why H&M practice CSR and form partnership with UNICEF after it was accused of discharging hazardous chemicals in their waste water by Greenpeace. IntroductionAccording to Ismail (2009), corporate social responsibility (CSR)definition has been evolving on a daily basis.

Today CSR is defined as the concept of a business considering the interests of the society by being considerate of its impact on the society, customers, shareholders, suppliers, employees, communities and the environment in which the business operates from. Socially responsible organizations take the initiative of following the laid down legislation and also takes care of its employees and their families voluntarily without being under any obligations (p.199).They continue to say that CSR just means the strategies that organizations use to conduct their business ethically by being society friendly.

CSR involves a lot of activities like partnering with local communities, investing in socially sensitive ventures, having an excellent employee, customers and family relations and lastly being involved in environment conservation activities (Ismail, 2009, p.199).BodyTheories of CSRAccording Gotherstrom (2012), organizations like H&M can use the Stakeholder theory of CSR. It involves the organization management putting into consideration economic and social factors that affect the business during its decision making in its operation.

in this case the stakeholders involved include investors, political groups, communities’ employees, trade associations, government etc. These all stakeholders affect the business in one way or another but the business has to find ways and means of keeping them happy. This theory is not only how the shareholders can make more profits but also of how the organization can make decisions that will affect how the society views (p.8). The application of this theory has been on the rise especially due to the rise activists and environmental groups. (p.9) In the case of H&M, we find that it is involved in its CSR activities to atone for the condemnation that it received from Greenpeace in the year 2011for discharging hazardous wastewater with chemicals which could affect the environment negatively.

This is demonstrated by the way it partners UNICEF to help children in Bangladesh. The next CSR is Legitimacy Theory. this theory and the stakeholder theory are related in one way or another. It says that the environment and the various groups in the society interact and may affect the business. This theory acts in relation to if the business is not operating in socially acceptable ways then the stakeholders act in a different way to ensure that the business survives. These include strategies which enhance the firms’ image in the eyes of the society (p.9).In conclusion, should H&M practice these theories, it will not also succeed in its business by endearing itself in the eyes of the society but it will also be a model of an organization that is socially responsible.

By the virtue of it aligning its strategies with CSR activities, means that it is a socially responsible organization.Reference pageIsmail, M. (2009). Corporate Social Responsibility and Its Role in CommunityDevelopment: An International Perspective. The Journal of International Social Research,2 (9), pp.199-209Gotherstrom, U.C. (2012). Corporate Social Responsibility and Accounting.

Write 2 pages thesis on the topic people like us david brook.

Write 2 pages thesis on the topic people like us david brook.

People Like Us – David Brook. Diversity in the United s has different interpretations owing to its melting pot in regards to the distinct lifestyles and cultures. David Brooks, through his essay ‘People Like Us,’ maintains that although the US is termed to be a diversified nation, homogeneity exists in certain aspects, such as the interactions across the populace (Caldwel 2-3). According to his essay, humans normally associate and interact with others who are similar to them. In most cases, they find it comfortable as compared to otherwise, and by so doing, a virtual boundary is created.

Using evidence, such as statistical findings, Brooks contends the segmentation that people create among themselves emerges in various situations on several grounds. Brooks uses various rhetorical strategies to capture the pathos of the situation, homogeneity in the US ethos, and to reinforce his sentiments to the audience that the ethnicity that once existed in the US is far from over, as it is a common belief, only that it is hidden in the present day US.

The importance of imagery in Literature

Associating the people living in a particular area with certain behaviors and practices helps in the understanding of prevailing homogeneity in the US through evoking emotions in the audience (Gohrab 23-4).

In his essay, Brooks says, “if you asked a Democratic lawyer to move from her $750,000 house in Bethesda, Maryland, to a $750,000 house in Great Falls, Virginia, shed look at you as if you had just asked her to buy a pickup truck with a gun rack and to shove chewing tobacco in her kids mouth” (Brooks,132).

In essence, Brooks was referring to the depraved reputation Democrats hold against Republicans, who presumably engage in drug abuse, driving pickup trucks made by American companies and often own guns, which they use during their violent acts.

Through mentioning tobacco and gun racks to the audience, who are the readers of this article, Brooks engages them emotionally and clarifies the point of homogeneity.

He emphatically employs the use of symbolism and simile rhetorical strategies in an interesting manner to drive his point effectively. Owning of pickup trucks symbolizes the loyalty of a person to America, as it is the case with Republicans, and by likening living in Great Falls, Virginia to forcing the Democratic lawyer’s kid into tobacco smoking and compelling her to own guns, emotions are evoked to the reader through the simile.

Getting attention of the audience

It is easy to evoke emotions in the reader by supporting assertions with quality evidence. Brooks talks about the manner in which people are aiding in creating homogeneity, despite its ill motives, and gives quality evidence on this issue.In his bid to show how people do not care about diversity in the US, Brooks uses several examples of firms, institutions and even suggests the use of the Bell Curve.

It is interesting that he uses examples that are widely known and the audience, which of constitute readers, can relate with them without difficulty.

When the audience is familiar with what the author is giving as evidence for a given assertion, emotions are evoked, and hence better understanding (Wainwright 104), just as Brooks did in his essay. He manages to use deductive reasoning rhetorical strategy to show the audience the manner in which homogeneity is supported through various aspects of the society. The audience is familiar with the emerging trend of marketers dividing the population into clusters depending on various factors, and this reinforces the point Brooks is trying to instill.


In conclusion, rhetorical strategies can be useful tools when an author intends to make his narration useful to the audience. Rhetorical strategies evoke emotions in the reader, making the narration more relevant and better understood. Brooks has managed to employ symbolism, deductive reasoning, point of view and simile rhetorical strategies to show the homogeneity present in the US.

In my personal experience, people do not segment themselves due to psychological comfort or racism, given the accommodating nature of my community’s culture.

The United Arab Emirates has grown to be the most diverse and multicultural society in the world, Iranians, Indians and the Pakistanis all stay together without any discomfort. For this reason, The US ought to follow suit since it is beneficial and ethical to be diverse, just like Brooks suggests.

Works Cited

Caldwel Amanda. Response to David Brooks’ “People Like&nbsp.Us.” 22 October 2012. Web. 12 September 2012. &lt. http://amandacaldwellgcsu.wordpress.com/2012/10/22/response-to-david-brooks-people-like-us/&gt. Gohrab, Ali.

Metaphor and Imagery in Persian Poetry. Leiden: Brill, 2012. Print.

Wainwright, Michael.&nbsp.Faulkners Gambit: Chess and Literature. New York, N.Y.: Palgrave Macmillan, 2011. Print.

prepare and submit a paper on why is it so difficult to assess and evaluate the likelihood of terrorist attacks, both within the united states and throughout the world.

Your assignment is to prepare and submit a paper on why is it so difficult to assess and evaluate the likelihood of terrorist attacks, both within the united states and throughout the world.

Why is it so difficult to assess and evaluate the likelihood of terrorist attacks, both within the United States and throughout the world?Terrorism has become a global issue in the 21st century and every government is making efforts to make their states resilient to the terrorist attacks and terrorist activities in their premises. Terrorism can be defined as “a method of violence or military strategy that is used sometimes by states but especially by non-state actors”. George Friedman, a military analyst, describes terrorism as “an attempt to defeat an enemy by striking directly against its general population and thereby creating sense of terror” (Duncan et al 310).

The 9 September terrorist attacks in the United States made the government and counter-terrorist organizations realize the urgent and efficient need of counter-terrorist tactics and methodologies for the protection of their public, leadership and infrastructure. Governments of countries all across the world are emerging with modern and effectual strategies. However, certain hindrances are faced during the process of terrorist risk assessment and evaluation. The paper highlights such problems.

Terrorists have used a variety of tactics over a period of time to bring about fear in the minds of general public or any particular group of people. Hence, it would be safe to say that terrorists aim to cause a psychological impact significantly. Common tactics employed by terrorists are bombings, biological and chemical attacks, environmental attacks such as hazardous waste disposal and other tactics such as hijacking, kidnapping, sabotage and arson (Duncan et al 313). International counterterrorism efforts include not only state-to-state co-operation but also multilateral co-ordination such as through Interpol.

However, it has been observed that Interpol, international police agency, effectiveness has been restricted due to particular reasons. It is poorly funded and the quantity of staff is also not enough limiting its effectiveness. Moreover, Interpol is not allowed to involve in political issues (Duncan et al 315). The separation of Interpol from politics makes counterterrorism a difficult procedure as most of the terrorist attacks are related to political issues and circumstances. The European Union also developed a similarly acting agency called as Europol.

Although Europol works effectively in controlling drugs and human trafficking, the counterterrorism efforts are still lagging behind. Europol requires political, technical and financial enhancement and development to tackle terrorist organizations or activities (Duncan et al 315). One of the major problems faced by the Department of Homeland Security United States is the assessment of the terrorist target locations. Although, certain areas of United States are considered high risk areas, the DHS is unsure of what specific areas the terrorists will attack next (Bullock et al 153).

The efforts against terrorism are majorly hindered because of the financial, technical or political set-backs. United States of America has emerged as one of the most vigilant and active states working against terrorism. It is also one of those states which are at high risk for terrorist attacks. United States of America has several security and counter-terrorist agencies and organizations working in aspects of terrorist risk assessment, evaluation and management. However, factors such as difficulty in predicting the target location of terrorist attacks, low funded agencies or lack of proper staff and technical support acts as short-comings in the effectiveness of the counter-terrorist efforts.

Works CitedBullock, Jane, George Haddow, and Damon P. Coppola.&nbsp. Introduction to homeland security: principles of all-hazards response. Amsterdam . Boston : Elsevier/Butterworth Heinemann. 2009. Print. Duncan, W R, Barbara Jancar-Webster, and Bob Switky.&nbsp.World Politics in the 21st Century. Boston [etc.: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2009. Print.