self-evaluation, write it in a professional manner

Over my 2 years practical training at OpenRoad entertainment. I was responsible for developing graphic concepts and layouts for the company’s media products such as website, promotional advertisements, animations, labels, logos, business stationeries, etc.

I have been involved projects that have strengthened my design knowledge and exposed me to real life design challenges in design. Among the practical experiences I have had, I played a key role on the marketing promo design of the How I Met Your Mother on 20th Century Fox Television as a lead designer and also designed various promotions for boardcast show such as Selena + Chef on HBOmax, Teen Choice Awards on FOX … etc. While working with the OpenRoad design team, I was also significantly involved in the design of movie title and trailer graphics for different films. Among these, I was involved in the design of title graphics associated with the movies: Enola Holmes, The Sky os Everywhere, Reagan, Dont Look Up, Time is Up, America Boggiewomen…

As part of my development, I participated  in three Promax Silver award winning projects as a key designer. I was also successfully expand my skillset and refine additional knowledge of artistic methods of design executions. Though my two years experience at OpenRoad, I learned how to center on design conceptualizing and strengthen my understanding of clients need with the effected creation speed and able to handle a project on my own. With my employer’ oversight and supervision I was able to familiarize myself with core operational responsibilities and gain access to professional development opportunities.


Describe ageism and its impact on societal views of older adult clients. Explain how ageism can influence the healthcare provisions of older adult clients. As a healthcare provider, how can one best assess and confront attitudes, perceptions, behaviors, and biases toward older adults?

Activity Time:

2 hours; Additional Time for Study, Research, and Reflection: 1 hour



Due to the increasing percentage of older adult clients in the U.S., it is imperative that healthcare providers assess and confront their own attitudes and perceptions toward older adults.


In your initial post, address the following:

  1. Describe ageism and its impact on societal views of older adult clients.
  2. Explain how ageism can influence the healthcare provisions of older adult clients.
  3. As a healthcare provider, how can one best assess and confront attitudes, perceptions, behaviors, and biases toward older adults?


Respond to at least one of your peers who has different perspectives than your own.


Please make your initial post by midweek, and respond to at least one other student’s post by the end of the week. Please check the Course Calendar for specific due dates.


Think of the organization, criminal justice or not, that you work for (can be past or present/paid or volunteer; you do not have to list company/organization names or any other identifying/personal information, general is fine). Make a list of the model management practices listed by the authors. Check off where you think your work is meeting these standards and where they fall short. Discuss your findings. In what ways could things be changed in order to create a positive outcome? Explain your answer.

Please focus your discussion on the following questions:

1) Think of the organization, criminal justice or not, that you work for (can be past or present/paid or volunteer; you do not have to list company/organization names or any other identifying/personal information, general is fine). Make a list of the model management practices listed by the authors. Check off where you think your work is meeting these standards and where they fall short. Discuss your findings. In what ways could things be changed in order to create a positive outcome? Explain your answer.

2) List the model management practices that you believe you possess and those that you could learn more about. Make a list and compare and discuss this list with your classmates.

I’m looking for well-thought-out answers. Please take your time and be as honest as you can with your reflection statement. Please consult the discussion rubric link (above) for guidance on how to earn full credit for your discussion.

Pick your favorite song, book, drink, food, movie, TV show, social media platform, or sport. Just one, but it has to be FOREIGN( and not of your own same culture or ethnic origin. (Don’t pick the topic about China)   Tell us why you picked it. What about its culture and background influences you? How does it communicate to you about our world? How does it help you understand Intercultural Communication better today?

It must be written in strict accordance with the instructions.

Pick your favorite song, book, drink, food, movie, TV show, social media platform, or sport. Just one, but it has to be FOREIGN( and not of your own same culture or ethnic origin. (Don’t pick the topic about China)

Tell us why you picked it. What about its culture and background influences you? How does it communicate to you about our world? How does it help you understand Intercultural Communication better today? Is our global society more balanced today in terms of an embrace of the many cultures around the world or are we still narrow and western-centric/one-sided?

Use the questions above to help you answer. Explain it according to our PPT on Intercultural Communication and some of your own insights and experience.

2 pages maximum, single-spaced, no references, no cover sheet required.

You will be graded on:

Critical thinking supporting arguments with evidence effective expression and communicationInterpret and applying masking connections between concepts

Recognizing Big Ideas with Meaning

Derivative the following functions: i) f (x) = x5 – 3 + 7 x2 ii) f (x) = 2x -1 x + 1 iii) f (x) = ex ln x2

  1. Derivative the following functions:



  1. i) f (x) = x5 – 3 + 7




f (x) = 2x -1

x + 1



f (x) = ex ln x2



  1. Solve the equations:



x2 + 2x +1

  1. 2x – 5

= x +1

  1. ii) 2000 = 200e

0.025 x




  1. Solve the diffrences:


  1. i) 2x2 – 35 > -9x




x2 + 2x +1 >     +



2x – 5


  1. Calculate the integrals:



  1. i) 1 (x2 + 3)dx



ò x2ex3 dx



Oppgave 2



We have the function

f (x) = x3 + x2x + 2



  1. Show that f(-2) = 0 and use this to find other eventual zero-points for f(x)


Calculate f“(x) and show when f(x) grows and declines


  1. Find eventual maximum and minimumspoints for
  2. Make a sketch of the graph to f (x)


Oppgave 3

f (x) .



Remember to show the calculation, it’s not sufficient to show results on the calculator

The value of a apartment is 4 000 000. As a result of a longlasting


Verdien av en leilighet er 4 000 000. Som en følge av en langvarig recession the value sinks the apartment prices with 10% yearly, assume that the whole price-drop happens on the end of each year.


  1. Whats the value of the apartment after 5 years?


  1. How long does it take before the value of the apartment is halved?




You’re granted a loan for 3 000 000 to buy a apartment. The loan is a annuity loan (morgage) for 30 years with fixed yearly repayments, and the first repayment happens a year after the loan is granted.

The interest rate is 2% each year.

Renten er 2% per år.


  1. How much is the yearly term amount (innstalment)?


  1. Right after the 5th repayment, you decide to redeem the loan. What is the outstanding debt at this point?



Oppgave 4    (Vekttall 4)


The aviation company «Up in the Air» has estiamted that the demand for pyjamas at a chosen route (with A380) as a function of the price (P) is given by x(p) = 600 – p, where 0<p<600.

Flyselskapet Up in the Air har beregnet at etterspørselen etter pyjamaser på en bestemt flyrute


(med A380) som funksjon av prisen (p) er gitt ved

x( p) = 600 – p , der 0 < p < 600





  1. Find the phrase/expression for price elasticity Elp x( p)






  1. Calculate the price elasticity if the price is given by p=200, and give a interpretation of the result.


p = 200 , og gi en tolkning av


  1. Assume that «Up in the air» wishes to increase their sale income by selling pyjamas. base it of the answer you got in task b) and explain why the company should increase, reduce or hold the price unchanged fra the point p=200





  1. Calculate which price the demand is price-neutral, meaning that the price elascity is equal -1 . Explain why this price maximizes the sale-income.

Oppgave 5    (Vekttall 5)



A company sells the products A and B, where product A sells in x units and product B sells in y units. By sale of x units of A the compant achieves the price p per united given by


p = 400 -1.5x y ,


And by sale of y units of product B, the company achieves the price q per unit given by


q = 450 – x – 2 y .


The costs of production by producing and selling x and y units of the two products is given by


C(x, y) = 100x + 50 y + 0.5x2 + y2 +10000 .


  1. Show that the companys profit function is given with

f (x, y) = -2x2 – 2xy – 3y2 + 300x + 400 y -10000 .





  1. Calculate the partially derivated first order for f(x,y) and find the only stationary point






  1. Show that the stationary point to f(x,y) is a local maximumpoint, show the profit in this case.




  1. Beacuse of capacity restrictions the compant must produce approximately 70 units totals of the two products. Calculate how many units of product A and B must be produced if the company wishes maximum profit


  1. Whats the profit gicen in the answer of the previous question?


Oppgave 6 (Vekttall 4)



Under is shown the graph for the derivated function of f(x), i.e the graph of f ` (x). The function is defined for all realistic numbers, Df = R






  1. Use the graph above to find the stationary points to f(x) and classify these. The answer shall be explained. It is not nessesary to show precisly where the stationary points are located – a approximate idication is sufficient


  1. Use the graph above to find the turning point, or the turning points for the function f(x). Your answer must be explained. It is not nessesary to show precisly where the turning point or points are located – a approximate indication is sufficient



Formler til eksamen i MET09104 Matematikk for økonomer



an                          m                                                      1          1


an × anan+m                         anm


(an )


an =


a 2 =


(a × b)n = an × bn

æ a ön


ç    ÷

è    ø

an                                 =



a ×                  =



(a + b)2 = a2 + 2ab + b2


(ab)2 = a2 – 2ab + b2

(a + b)(a b) = a2b2



2                                                                                                                                                                                              2


ax + bx + c = 0 Þ x =


som gir x1 og x2:

ax + bx + c = a(x x1 )(x x2 )


Lineære funksjoner:

y = ax + b           y y

= a(x x )

y y

= y2 – y1 (x x )


1                              1                                        1          x – x            1

2           1

Logaritmer og eksponensialuttrykk:


eln x x

ln(a × b) = ln a + ln b

ln æ a ö = ln a – ln b

ç b ÷

è    ø

ln ax = x ln a

ln e = 1      ln1 = 0

y = ex Û x = ln y


Aritmetiske rekker:

sn = a1 + a2 + ××× + an = a1 + (a1 + d ) + (a1 + 2d ) + ××× + (a1 + (n -1) × d )

s   = a1  + an × n       d = a a         a = a + (i -1) × d

n                  2                       i            i-1                i             1

Geometriske rekker:


s = a + a + ××× + a

= a + a × k + a × k 2 + ××× + a × kn1


n             1            2

kn -1

n             1           1                   1                                     1

a                       i-1


s  = a                 k =    i         a = a × k



n      1 k -1

i            1



s = a1 + a2 + a3 + ××××××××××××××××××××××××

s = a1

1- k


Annuiteter (Finansmatematikk): Sluttverdi rett etter siste innbetaling:


(1+ r)n -1

A = K         r

(1+ r)n -1


Sluttverdi ett år etter siste innbetaling:

An   = K (1+ r)         r





Nåverdi når første tilbakebetaling skjer om ett år:

K0 = K

(1+ r)n -1 (1+ r)n × r

(1+ r)n × r


Fast årlig tilbakebetaling når første tilbakebetaling skjer om ett år:

K K0 (1+ r)n -1



f (x) = xn

f (x) = g(x)n

Þ f ‘(x) = n × xn1

Þ f ‘(x) = n × g(x)n1 × g ‘(x)


f (x) =                           Þ

f ‘(x) =    1

2 x


f (x) = k

f (x) = g(x) × h(x)

f (x) = g(x)


f (x) = ln x

Þ f ‘(x) = 0

Þ f ‘(x) = g ‘(x) × h(x) + g(x) × h ‘(x)

Þ f ‘(x) = g ‘(x) × h(x) – g(x) × h ‘(x)


Þ f ‘(x) = 1



f (x) = ln g(x)

Þ f ‘(x) =




g ‘(x)


f (x) = ex

f (x) = eg(x)

f (x) = ax

Þ f ‘(x) = ex

Þ f ‘(x) = eg(x) × g ‘(x)

Þ f ‘(x) = ax × ln a







xn dx = 1 xn+1+C

n +1

n ¹ -1



1 dx = ln | x | +C x




x + a

dx = ln | x + a | +C


ò ex dx = ex + C


eax dx = 1 eax + C a

ò ln x dx = x ln x x + C



Klassifisering av stasjonære punkter for funksjoner av to variable:


A = fxx ”(x0 , y0 )

B fxy ”(x0 , y0 )      C =

f yy ”(x0 , y0 )


AC B2 > 0 og AC B2 > 0 og AC B2 < 0


A < 0  Þ

A > 0  Þ



1. Is the map Z ⇥ Z ! S3 given by (i, j) 7! (12)i (123)j a homomorphism? Prove your answer. 2. Find all possible orders in A5. (Do not list all the elements, just think of all the possible structures of a permutation in A5 as a product of disjoint cycles). 3. Prove, using induction on n, that every element in Sn is a product of transpositions. 4. Prove that every permutation in An can be written as a product of 3-cycles.

1. Is the map Z ⇥ Z ! S3 given by (i, j) 7! (12)i
(123)j a homomorphism? Prove your
2. Find all possible orders in A5. (Do not list all the elements, just think of all the possible
structures of a permutation in A5 as a product of disjoint cycles).
3. Prove, using induction on n, that every element in Sn is a product of transpositions.
4. Prove that every permutation in An can be written as a product of 3-cycles.
5. Suppose G is a group, a 2 G and H is a subgroup of G.
(a) Show that if aH = H then a 2 H.
(b) Show that if a 2 H, then aH = H. (Hint: Assume a belongs to H. Then prove
double inclusion: aH is a subset of H, and viceversa.)
(Together, they imply that aH = H if and only if a 2 H. )
6. Suppose G is a group, a 2 G and H is a subgroup of G.
(a) Show that aH and H have the same cardinality by exhibiting a bijection between
the two sets. (Similarly, one can show that Ha and H have the same cardinality, so
aH and Ha always have the same cardinality.)
(b) Show, by means of an example, that aH is not necessarily equal to Ha. (Hint: it
has to be a non-commutative group)
7. Suppose G is a group, a 2 G and H is a subgroup of G. Show that aH = Ha if and only
if aHa1 = H.
8. (a) Recall that we can view D2n as a subgroup of Sn. Find the partition of S4 into left
cosets of D8.
(b) Let H = SL2(R) denote the subgroup of GL(2, R) consisting of all matrices with
determinant 1. Describe the partition of GL(2, R) into left cosets of H.

Find a short argument (a letter to the editor is usually a good example) and follow the eight steps to analyze the arguments in it. Be prepared to explain the argument by relating its parts to the Toulmin diagram.

  1. Find a short argument (a letter to the editor is usually a good example) and follow the eight steps to analyze the arguments in it.
  2. Be prepared to explain the argument by relating its parts to the Toulmin diagram.

Looking for someone who can work on a new argument without any plagiarism and with references.

Create a paper about methods of data collecting to clarifying the following: 3 pages 1- Types of data collecting. 2- Advantages and dis-advantages for each type. 3- why we need to use each type of them. 4- Which type preferred to you? and why? 5- Any additional information more than I requested will be added by you is accepted. The paper will be formatted as follow: – Cover page containing your name and your – Font 12 – 14 and 16 for titles. Reference

Create a paper about methods of data collecting to clarifying the following:

3 pages

1- Types of data collecting.

2- Advantages and dis-advantages for each type.

3- why we need to use each type of them.

4- Which type preferred to you? and why?

5- Any additional information more than I requested will be added by you is



The paper will be formatted as follow:

– Cover page containing your name and your


– Font 12 14 and 16 for titles.


How important is culture in a business? How does the culture of a business differ from the culture of a country? Be specific. It must be meaningful and demonstrate relevance to the topic, knowledge of the topic, proper grammar, spelling, and SOURCE CITATIONS are expected.

How important is culture in a business? How does the culture of a business differ from the culture of a country? Be specific. It must be meaningful and demonstrate relevance to the topic, knowledge of the topic, proper grammar, spelling, and SOURCE CITATIONS are expected.

Using Vans “Off The Wall” company as an example, write a 1-2 page paper and compare and contrast the American business culture versus foreign business cultures; explain why this is a strategic issue. Include a cover page and a reference page in the assignment. Follow APA, with table of contents, introduction, conclusion, and reference page. Include at least two sources other than the textbook (David, F.R. & F. David (2016). Strategic Management: Concepts (16th ed.). NJ: Prentice Hall, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-4-15397-1) for the assignment.

Using Vans “Off The Wall” company as an example, write a 1-2 page paper and compare and contrast the American business culture versus foreign business cultures; explain why this is a strategic issue. Include a cover page and a reference page in the assignment. Follow APA, with table of contents, introduction, conclusion, and reference page. Include at least two sources other than the textbook (David, F.R. & F. David (2016). Strategic Management: Concepts (16th ed.). NJ: Prentice Hall, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-4-15397-1) for the assignment.