One year ago, Sarah started a new business, House Tech, with her husband, Paul. They came up with an innovative business strategy, taking a unique approach to interior design. Their goal was to give customers an IKEA-like “feel” to what their home might look like, but with the use of virtual reality and their home.

Case Study

One year ago, Sarah started a new business, House Tech, with her husband, Paul. They came up with an innovative business strategy, taking a unique approach to interior design. Their goal was to give customers an IKEA-like “feel” to what their home might look like, but with the use of virtual reality and their home.

It started with an idea to take virtual reality goggles into customers homes so they could see how a renovation may look. Sarah takes a high-definition camera to her initial no-cost, no-obligations meeting with customers and records the tour of the house with explanations of what her customers want done. Then, her and Paul watch the footage and make virtual modifications, adding their own expertise to the customer’s vision along with specific products they can build or buy. Sarah meets with the customers again and shows them what their home may look like with the virtual reality goggles.

Nearly always, the customers are amazed by the experience and agree to the work done with little or no alterations. Some customers are more insistent on sticking with exactly what they envisioned, but Sarah is always happy to help them realize their dreams. She estimates that in 95% of cases, she does end up securing immediate work. A small portion of the homeowners end up contacting her in coming weeks or months for the same work she quoted earlier.

Most of the work is done by the couple, but they do hire contractors for certain jobs. On average, contractors accounted for 35% of the costs last year, while purchased appliances and furniture made up 55%. The remaining 10% was for other supplies, small tools, and materials for projects. Sarah estimates that there is a profit margin of 30% on each job, but she has not taken vehicle expenses into account. Paul suspects this expense will total $2,000 a month (they use the vehicles for personal errands 20% of the time). She wonders if they might be overlooking other expenses as well.

Sarah is specifically wondering what the correct accounting treatment for the high-end technology is. A year ago, House Tech purchased two virtual reality goggles for $700 each, a high-definition camera for $600, and two MacBooks for $1,750 each (everything on account). Although the equipment is expected to last five years with no salvage value, Sarah plans to sell everything after two years of use for half its original cost (cash sale). This will allow her to keep using the best technology for her work and sales pitches. She is looking for guidance on all journal entries on this equipment, including purchase, payment, annual usage, and eventual sale.

In addition to construction, Paul has some experience with building furniture, so he has started making tables and chairs himself. After customers saw his work, they also requested custom pieces, which he started charging a premium for. In the first year, House Tech completed 30 interior design engagements. Two-thirds of these were engagements where all major pieces were purchased. On average, the revenues totaled $6,000 for these jobs. The remaining third heavily involved Paul’s specialty items, resulting in higher revenue of $9,000.

Paul estimates he spends $200 of material and 4.5 hours on average per piece. He believes he made 25 pieces last year. He wonders if the extra money is worth pursuing more higher revenue jobs. By advertising $2,500 a month, the annual numbers could be increased to 40 engagements, half of them including significant specialty items made by him.

ACCT 621: Group Assignment

Case Study

Page 2 of 2

Sarah and Paul’s own basement was unfinished, so they did some work on it to create a similar setup to IKEA. Basically, they added new furniture and appliances, which customers might find appealing. Then, customers are invited to the basement to view and even try furniture and appliances. Even though House Tech only recently started the practice, many customers have purchased pieces on the spot and Paul later delivered them to their houses. Sarah is wondering if the construction of the basement should be considered a business expense. She wants to be as ethical as possible and is leaning towards only including the furniture and appliances sold as expenses. However, some guidance on correct and ethical accounting treatments would be appreciated.

Sarah and Paul are thinking of buying or renting another house to showcase even more products and ideas. They are wondering if the house could be partially rented out to a tenant who would agree to keep things clean and permit customers to visit with advance notice. The tenant could also help with adding or removing furniture and appliances once sales have been completed to customers. Sarah estimates that the monthly rental income of $1,000 would potentially make up half of the mortgage payment (35% interest on average over ten years) and four-fifths of the entire rental payment. In both a rental and ownership scenario, House Tech would incur additional monthly expenses of $500 a month. Sarah expects the new house will boost current sales by 10%. She also expects its value to increase by $30,000 over ten years. Sarah is asking for your input on whether they should rent, buy, or avoid the house altogether.


Prepare a well-organized business report for House Tech. Discuss all relevant issues, including pros and cons of each course of action. Outline any questions or inquiries which should be directed to Sarah or Paul and why the information is important to certain decisions. Please make sure your quantitative analysis is supported with a qualitative analysis.

      Address the following research question using crosstabulations with the appropriate measure of association: RQ 1: Is there a significant relationship between the rewarding of creativity and innovation by employees and the employees’ length of service in the federal government? ·        H01: There is no statistically significant relationship between the rewarding of creativity and innovation by employees and the employees’ length of service in the federal government. ·        Ha1: There is a statistically significant relationship between the rewarding of creativity and innovation by employees and the employees’ length of service in the federal government.

Quantitative Analysis Report: Crosstabulation & Correlation Assignment Instructions




You will take part in several data analysis assignments in which you will develop a report using tables and figures from the IBM SPSS® output file of your results. Using the resources and readings provided, you will interpret these results and test the hypotheses and writeup these interpretations.




·        Copy and paste all tables and figures into a Word document and format the results in APA current edition.

·        Interpret your results.

·        Final report should be formatted using APA current edition, and in a Word document.

·        4-5 double-spaced pages of content in length (not counting the title page or references).


This second assignment uses the 2018 Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey (Federal Employee Survey 2018. sav).


1.      Address the following research question using crosstabulations with the appropriate measure of association:


RQ 1: Is there a significant relationship between the rewarding of creativity and innovation by employees and the employees’ length of service in the federal government?

·        H01: There is no statistically significant relationship between the rewarding of creativity and innovation by employees and the employees’ length of service in the federal government.

·        Ha1: There is a statistically significant relationship between the rewarding of creativity and innovation by employees and the employees’ length of service in the federal government.


1.      Open the data file.

2.      Click on Analysis.

3.      Click on Descriptives.

4.      Click on Crosstabs.

5.      Follow directions in Cronk and the provided resources.




2.      Address the following research question using a Spearman rho correlation for ordinal variables:


RQ 2: Is there a significant relationship between the level of satisfaction with the policies and practices of senior leaders and the overall quality of work done by the employee’s work unit?

·        H02: There is no statistically significant relationship between the level of satisfaction with the policies and practices of senior leaders and the overall quality of work done by the employee’s work unit.

·        Ha2: There is a statistically significant relationship between the level of satisfaction with the policies and practices of senior leaders and the overall quality of work done by the employee’s work unit.


Copy and paste all tables and interpret your results.  Text and tables in Word format (no rtf files or pdf) and APA current edition.


General Instructions


As doctoral students, your assignments are expected to follow the principles of high-quality scientific standards and promote knowledge and understanding in the field of public administration. You should apply a rigorous and critical assessment of a body of theory and empirical research, articulating what is known about the phenomenon and ways to advance research about the topic under review. Research syntheses should identify significant variables, a systematic and reproducible search strategy, and a clear framework for studies included in the larger analysis.


Manuscripts should not be written in first person (“I”). All material should be 12-point, Times New Roman type, double-spaced with margins of one inch.


All manuscripts should be clearly and concisely written, with technical material set off. Please do not use jargon, slang, idioms, colloquialisms, or bureaucratese. Use acronyms sparingly and spell them out the first time you use them. Please do not construct acronyms from phrases you repeat frequently in the text.


Structure of Assignment Paper


1.      Use the following structure for your research article: Abstract, Introduction, Literature Review/Theory, Methods, Results, Discussion, and Conclusion. Include a robust discussion section distinct from your conclusion.


2.      Give your article a Title that is both descriptive and inviting to prospective readers. Your article title should appeal to both scholars and practitioners. Use a shortened version of the main idea of your article in the title.




3.      Your Abstract should inform readers what your article is about and its most important findings. Readers, including scholars and practitioners, should be able to understand your topic, argument, and conclusions. Make your abstract straightforward and do not use technical language or jargon.


4.      In the Lit Review/Theory, cite only literature and theory pertinent to the specific issue and not those that are of only tangential or general significance. When summarizing earlier works, avoid nonessential details; instead, emphasize pertinent findings, relevant methodological issues, and major conclusions. Citation of relevant earlier literature is a  sign of scholarly responsibility and it is critical for the growth of a doctoral student in public administration.


5.      Methods: The Methods section “describes in detail how the study was conducted, including conceptual and operational definitions of the variables used in the study. Different types of studies will rely on different methodologies; however, a complete description of the methods used enables the reader to evaluate the appropriateness of your methods and the reliability and the validity of your results” (APA current edition).  Include a description of your sample size and procedure, participants, how data collected, and research design.


6.      Results include data analysis used, results of the analysis including tables and figures.


7.      Discussion section includes interpretations from the analysis. How do your analyses relate to the results found by scholars in your lit review/theory section. In this section, evaluate and interpret their implications, especially with respect to your original hypotheses.


8.      Provide a distinct Conclusion that tells readers what you found, why it is important, and what difference it will make for research and practice. Ensure you separate your discussion section from the conclusion of the article. Synthesize your article; do not summarize it. Show readers how the pieces of your article fit together. Answer the question “So what?” Why is your article significant, and how is it relevant?


Visit the following websites and ascertain the scope of duties that each organization performs. You should be able to identify how each agency or organization impacts the standards and operation of aviation, nationally and globally. Be prepared to explain the mission of each organization and its cause and effect on aviation safety.


Review the attached slide presentations provided by the publisher of the textbook.

Chapter 1 – Operations and Productivity

Chapter 2 – Operations Strategy in a Global Environment

Also, Review the following Youtube video:

Read attached pdf in Chapter 1: Airports and Airport Systems: An Introduction

Aviation Safety – Regulation and Rulemaking

Administrative Procedure Act

The Administrative Procedure Act sets the rules on how a regulatory agency such as the Federal Aviation Administration, Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) turns law into the regulations that dictate much of what we do in aviation.

The following links will open sections of the Attorney General’s Manual of the Administrative Procedure Act at FSU College of Law:


Visit the following websites and ascertain the scope of duties that each organization performs. You should be able to identify how each agency or organization impacts the standards and operation of aviation, nationally and globally. Be prepared to explain the mission of each organization and its cause and effect on aviation safety.

Supplemental Material

Here are some other materials that may be helpful with research. You are encouraged to explore them.

1. What is primitive accumulation (videos will help you answer this question)? 2. Look at some of the figures on this page.  (Links to an external site.)Relate capitalism as an enhancer (and perhaps even the most central piece) of global wealth inequality.

1. What is primitive accumulation (videos will help you answer this question)?

2. Look at some of the figures on this page.  (Links to an external site.)Relate capitalism as an enhancer (and perhaps even the most central piece) of global wealth inequality.

Here is a link to the page just in case. (Links to an external site.) **These questions are a little harder. Tip: Write things out and draw lines (like math) to help connect the conceptual dots if you are having trouble, that helps me.

Identify and discuss the following: what is known/not known about the topic and the gap in knowledge the study is intended to fill. the research design, purpose of the study, and setting. information about the sample:  method; size; inclusion/exclusion criteria, attrition/loss to follow up/respon



Purpose:  Summarize and appraise an article for bias and validity in a collaborative environment.

Instructions: Carefully read, summarize, and appraise your group’s assigned article.

  1. Identify and discuss the following:
    • what is known/not known about the topic and the gap in knowledge the study is intended to fill.
    • the research design, purpose of the study, and setting.
    • information about the sample:
      • method;
      • size;
      • inclusion/exclusion criteria,
      • attrition/loss to follow up/response rate, if any;
      • important characteristics of the sample.
  1. Appraise and debate the sampling methods. Consider the following questions:
    • Was the sampling method and inclusion/exclusion criteria adequate to reduce sampling bias?
    • Do the sample characteristics representative of the target population?
    • Was the sample size adequate?
    • Was there a decrease in sample size?  If so, did the researchers identify decreases early and attempt to reduce the impact?  Was a decrease, if any, adequately explained by the researchers?
    • How would you rate the quality of the sampling procedures and your confidence in drawing inferences to the target population?


Provide a general overview of your select healthcare system. ·  Discuss the demographics of your select location. ·  Discuss the advantages of using each marketing tool at your healthcare system and location. ·  Discuss the disadvantages of using each marketing tool at your healthcare system and location. ·  Be sure to support your assertions with evidence-based research, scholarly articles, and well-supported strategies that support your predictions.


In this unit, you will explore the advantages and disadvantages of marketing tools used in healthcare. By the end of the unit, you will be able to make recommendations on what marketing tools would be most useful and effective given various elemental factors and internal influences.

To begin, select one (1) of the following healthcare systems that you would like to explore for this unit:

·  Acute care

·  Ambulatory care

·  Assisted living

·  Continuing care retirement community

·  Critical access hospital

·  Dialysis care

·  Home health care

·  Hospice care

·  Long-term care

·  Memory care

·  Palliative care

·  Pediatric care

·  Primary care

·  Short-term care (e.g. post-surgery therapy)

·  Skilled nursing care

·  Surgical care

·  Veterans Health Administration

·  Other (requires approval from instructor)

Next, select an environment/location:

·  Downtown New York City

·  Denver, Colorado

·  Mobile, Alabama

·  Boston, Massachusetts

·  Rural Minnesota

·  Savannah, Georgia

·  Los Angeles, California

·  Fort Worth, Texas

·  Anchorage, Alaska

·  Other (requires approval from instructor)

Finally, select three (3) marketing tools:

·  Email

·  Newspaper

·  Memorandum

·  Radio advertisement

·  Television

·  Telephone

·  Social media

·  Internet

·  Person-to-person

·  Billboard

·  Referral

·  Other (does not require approval from instructor)


Powerpoint presentation for a Board of Directors (10-12 slides; speaker notes as needed to support assertions).

·  Provide a general overview of your select healthcare system.

·  Discuss the demographics of your select location.

·  Discuss the advantages of using each marketing tool at your healthcare system and location.

·  Discuss the disadvantages of using each marketing tool at your healthcare system and location.

·  Be sure to support your assertions with evidence-based research, scholarly articles, and well-supported strategies that support your predictions.

·  The use of first person is permitted for this assignment (excluding option 1). APA formatting (e.g. title page, conclusion, reference page, etc.) should not be used.

·  Although the use of APA formatting is not required for this assignment, proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation are expected. Plagiarism is not permitted and will result in academic discipline. All content submitted needs to be original.

*Hint: Try locating a healthcare system that you are familiar with, would like to network with, have heard concerns about, or one that is completely unfamiliar to you.


Based on the information given, construct an organizational chart of the Waterways Corporation. You may create the organizational chart in Microsoft Word or Excel. ● A list of accounts and their values are given above. From this information, prepare a cost of goods manufactured schedule, an income statement, and a partial balance sheet for the month of November, which should be created using Excel.

Waterways (Chapter 19)
For this assignment, you will apply what you have learned from the unit lesson and required unit
resources. The Waterways (WP19) case is located on page 19-39 of the textbook.
Waterways Corporation is a private corporation formed for the purpose of providing the products and
the services needed to irrigate farms, parks, commercial projects, and private lawns. It has a
centrally located factory in a U.S. city that manufactures the products it markets to retail outlets
across the nation. It also maintains a division that performs installation and warranty servicing in six
metropolitan areas.
The mission of Waterways is to manufacture quality parts that can be used for effective irrigation
projects that also conserve water. By that effort, the company hopes to satisfy its customers, perform
rapid and responsible service, and serve the community and the employees who represent them in
each community.
The company has been growing rapidly, so management is considering new ideas to help the
company continue its growth and maintain the high quality of its products.
Waterways was founded by Will Winkman, who is the company president and chief executive officer
(CEO). Working with him from the company’s inception is Will’s brother, Ben, whose sprinkler
designs and ideas about the installation of proper systems have been a major basis of the
company’s success. Ben is the vice president who oversees all aspects of design and production in
the company.
The factory itself is managed by Todd Senter, who hires his line managers to supervise the factory
employees. The factory makes all of the parts for the irrigation systems. The purchasing department
is managed by Helen Hines.
The installation and training division is overseen by vice president, Henry Writer, who supervises the
managers of the six local installation operations. Each of these local managers hires his or her own
local service people. These service employees are trained by the home office under Henry Writer’s
direction because of the uniqueness of the company’s products.
There is a small human resources department under the direction of Sally Fenton, a vice president
who handles the employee paperwork, though hiring is actually performed by the separate
departments. Teresa Totter is the vice president who heads the sales and marketing area; she
oversees 10 well-trained salespeople.
The accounting and finance division of the company is headed by Ann Headman, who is the chief
financial officer (CFO) and a company vice president; she is a member of the Institute of
Management Accountants and holds a certificate in management accounting. She has a small staff
of accountants, including a controller and a treasurer, and a staff of accounting input operators who
maintain the financial records.
A partial list of Waterways’ accounts and their balances for the month of November is itemized
Accounts Receivable $275,000
Advertising Expenses 54,000
Cash 260,000
Depreciation – Factory Equipment 16,800
Depreciation – Office Equipment 2,400
Direct Labor 42,000
Factory Supplies Used 16,800
Factory Utilities 10,200
Finished Goods Inventory, November 30 68,800
Finished Goods Inventory, October 31 72,550
Indirect Labor 48,000
Office Supplies Expense 1,600
Other Administrative Expenses 72,000
Prepaid Expenses 41,250
Raw Materials Inventory, November 30 52,700
Raw Materials Inventory, October 31 38,000
Raw Materials Purchases 184,500
Rent – Factory Equipment 47,000
Repairs – Factory Equipment 4,500
Salaries 325,000
Sales Revenue 1,350,000
Sales Commissions 40,500
Work in Process Inventory, October 31 52,700
Work in Process Inventory, November 30 42,000
● Based on the information given, construct an organizational chart of the Waterways
Corporation. You may create the organizational chart in Microsoft Word or Excel.
● A list of accounts and their values are given above. From this information, prepare a cost of
goods manufactured schedule, an income statement, and a partial balance sheet for the
month of November, which should be created using Excel.
If you elect to create your organizational chart in a Word document, then you will need to submit both
a Word document (containing the organizational chart) and an Excel document (containing the cost
of goods manufactured schedule, income statement, and partial balance sheet). If you elect to
create your organizational chart in Excel, you will only submit an Excel document, which would
contain all components of the a

– Write about the critical thinking process in this essay, the argument, and how it practically related to the profession in-question. – Did the essay present a good thesis and argument? Did the evidence support thesis? Did the essay demonstrate objectivity, accuracy, currency, and credibility while also using sound thinking?

All of us are in different professions, have different specialties, and use critical thinking to solve problems at our jobs.  Please write a well thought-out blog post and consider the following:

– Read one of the essays by an APUS faculty, staff, or student found in the Week 4 Lessons, Readings & Resources.

– Write about the critical thinking process in this essay, the argument, and how it practically related to the profession in-question.

– Did the essay present a good thesis and argument? Did the evidence support thesis? Did the essay demonstrate objectivity, accuracy, currency, and credibility while also using sound thinking?

Practice building claims and arguments based off this question: Should high-school students be required to take online classes before graduation? First, create three claims you could make in response to the question–one of fact, one of value, and one of policy. Then choose one of those claims to take through the From Claim to Draft process. Develop your outline into an essay draft of at least 500 words.

Practice building claims and arguments based off this question: Should high-school students be required to take online classes before graduation? First, create three claims you could make in response to the question–one of fact, one of value, and one of policy.  Then choose one of those claims to take through the From Claim to Draft process.  Develop your outline into an essay draft of at least 500 words.

The purpose of this assignment is for you to understand how type is selected and its functions throughout a given design. For each of the words listed below in bold-italic (ex.St Jude University), you must choose an appropriate typeface. Using InDesign, set them in the typeface that best resonates the nature of the organization or topic. Be sure you’re clear on the specific usage of the example.

The purpose of this assignment is for you to understand how type is selected and its functions throughout a given design.

For each of the words listed below in bold-italic (ex.St Jude University), you must choose an appropriate typeface. Using InDesign, set them in the typeface that best resonates the nature of the organization or topic. Be sure you’re clear on the specific usage of the example.

For each example, you must indicate:

  • The name of the typeface
  • Case (Title case, sentence case, all capitals, etc.)
  • Serif or Sans Serif?
  • Width (Normal, condensed, expanded, etc.)
  • Weight (Normal, light, bold, black, etc.)
  • Posture (Neutral, italic, oblique, etc.)
  • Color
  • Size (What size should this be practically, in points/pt)

Then, briefly explain for your selections/choices.

Examples followed by their respective bullet answers should be featured on InDesign. Brief explanations can be within the InDesign or in the comment section.


  • The typeface for the logo for St. Jude University, a catholic university that’s been around since 1920.
  • The typeface for the logo for The Miami-Dade Educational Center, a local community center providing workshops and training for adults.
  • The typeface for the HEADLINES AND/OR SUBHEADS for a brochure for a spa, “Skin Treatment” (headline) – Deep cleansing facial (sub-headline).
  • The typeface for the body copy of a book, “The life of Marie Antoinette
  • The typeface for the invitation to a little girl’s birthday party, Jenna is turning 5! Let’s celebrate!

This assignment should be done in InDesign. You must submit both IDML and PDF files.


Indicated the typeface, styling, attribute, color, and size. Provided a clear and accurate explanation justifying the font selected; correctly described the six aspects of type.