prepare and submit a term paper on Contemporary issues in human resource management. Your paper should be a minimum of 1250 words in length.

You will prepare and submit a term paper on Contemporary issues in human resource management. Your paper should be a minimum of 1250 words in length. The study aims at highlighting the contemporary issues involved in human resource management, such as discriminations, job stress, safety issues, emotional labour, diversity, and employee burnout. In this report specifically the issue of Virgin Australia Airline has been chosen and their new policy of not allowing male passengers to sit beside children, as they are considered unsafe. This policy was regarded as a discrimination approach of Virgin Airlines, by its male customer. In such cases the role of human resource management and the department needs to be evaluated.

Human resource management (HRM) plays a very important role in the development of modern economies. The difference between developed and developing countries lies in difference in their human resources, otherwise most of the resources are same. It has been seen that though exploiting the financial, physical, natural resources are very important in modern times, but none of them are as important as committed and efficient work force. It is often said that most of the development come from the human minds (Robbins, and Coulter, 2008, p. 366-367). The traditional importance of HRM was due to the recruitment and selection process which they handled, but now a strategic approach of HRM in administration, personnel management and other accomplishments have made the role of HRM momentous in organizations.

There are numerous additional roles that the human resource department of the company has to supervise along with staffing and selection of the employees. These roles includes training the employees, monitoring performance of the employee for appraisal, job analysis, ascertaining the remuneration for a particular job position.., allotting incentives for good performance, taking care of the employee benefit policies of the company, acting as a communication channel between the employees and the top level management, developing employee welfare, safety and health care plans, taking care of promotions, transfers, maintaining industrial relationships, handling the issues of the Trade Union, solving disputes within the employees or departments, assessing the ethical issues in the department or organization, etc (Aswathappa, 2008, p. 5-6). The human resource department also has the responsibility to ensure that gender discrimination does not prevail in the organisation on the basis of gender, according to the Civil Rights Act 1964 (Kurtz, and Boone, 2008, p. 54). Problem Areas This section involves the contemporary issues of human resource with respect to Virgin Australia Airline. The company has recently reviewed its policies in which they have restricted men to sit beside children on the flights.

writing homework on COMPARING PLANNING SYSTEMS: Critically examine and compare urban planning cultures in developed and developing countries and. Write a 2250 word paper answering; It is the author’s considered opinion that Japan is a worthy case study of planning culture in a non-western country since the country escaped the late 19th century colonization and enacted her own statutory planning policy in 1919.

Need help with my writing homework on COMPARING PLANNING SYSTEMS: Critically examine and compare urban planning cultures in developed and developing countries and. Write a 2250 word paper answering; It is the author’s considered opinion that Japan is a worthy case study of planning culture in a non-western country since the country escaped the late 19th century colonization and enacted her own statutory planning policy in 1919. The historical chain of planning events in Japan points at a situation where the Japanese urban planning culture still directly influences the planning policies developed in the contemporary Japanese built environments. Analysis Although most planners argue as to portray planning as a universal concept, the essence of urban planning cultures questions this western-centred argument (Campbell and Fainstein 1996. Faludi 1973. Mandelbaum, Mazza, and Burchell 1996. Sanyal 2005). This is because planning systems in western states like England developed as a consequence of the negative effects of industrialization and urbanization (Cherry 1972. Hall 1996. Sutcliffe 1980).This This implies that planning policies in western nations like England emerged to solve urban ills such as environmental degradation and housing problems. This process enabled the western planners to reduce the effects of the ills that accompany market economy, and eventually served the needs of the majority working classes. On the flip, planning cultures in non-western countries like Japan emerged as a protest to a perceived western dominance and to enhance the spirit of national sovereignty through industrialization (Chatterjee 1993. Madanipour 2006). To adequately compare and analyses the urban planning cultures of Japan and England, it is imperative to study the influences that triggered Japan urbanism, including but not limited to: The Meiji Period, economic development of Japan, the dominance of central government, religious and philosophical dogmas, natural disasters and calamities, and technology (Tipton 2001) Meiji defiance against the imperialist order In 1853, USA fleets landed near Tokyo and Mathew Perry coerced the Japanese government to sign a treaty with the USA. It was the first time in 215 years that Japan was being forced to sign trade partnerships with a foreign country other than Netherlands and China. Japan also signed the same treaties with the UK (1854) and Russia (1857). In all these commercial treaties, Japan was not treated as an equal trade partner to the western countries. This was humiliating to Japan and disadvantageous to their economic interests. Japan was now faced with the real threat of colonization by western states. This situation triggered revolts and protests by the Japan feudal establishments (Tipton 2001). Initially, the public resentment was directed at foreign residents but later the hostility was driven to Tokugawa’s regime for what they viewed as failure of the regime to manage national security and sovereignty. Consequently, a regime change occurred and the lower-class Samurai alongside some wealthy aristocrats came into power (Norman and Dower 1975). Refreshed and reloaded, the new political regime immediately set out to build Japan as a sovereign modern-state nation against western imperialism spearheaded by UK and France.

Create a 3 pages page paper that discusses cinematography in bollywood and hollywood.

Create a 3 pages page paper that discusses cinematography in bollywood and hollywood. The research is aimed at comparing the cinematography techniques in Bollywood and Hollywood. The research will compare the various shooting methods used in the two film industries, especially in regards to the similarities and differences. This research is aimed at discovering the effect of the cinematography techniques on the final product of the film industry, which in turn provides the justification for the stiff competition in the industries. It is evident that the cinematography techniques used in film production goes a long way in affecting the culture of the final consumer. Quantitative research has indicated that culture in many countries is usually affected by the depictions in the movies, and this qualitative research will emphasize the effect of the cinematography techniques on the movie itself. Research Design As already stated, this research is a quantitative study that aims to compare the cinematography techniques of Bollywood and Hollywood. This comparative study will compare the techniques used by film directors to depict their movies, and thus affect the audience. The qualitative research design methodology that will be used is historical research design. In this process, two historical movies, one each from the Bollywood and Hollywood film production industry will be analyzed. As already stated, the research problem is the difference between the movies produced in Hollywood and those produced in Bollywood. The research will rely on inductive and logical reasoning to determine the differences between the two movie productions. After the identification of the research problem, the next step is the collection and evaluation of primary source data. The source data in this case will be the two movies being analyzed for the differences in cinematography styles. Scope and Sample The scope of research usually identified the areas that the researcher is trying to study and the expected conclusions, analyses and results. In this case, the broad research scope for this study is to find the differences and similarities between the two movie industries mentioned above. This research will focus on the cinematography styles used in the two industries, which will be a representative of the whole industry. As already stated in the research proposal, the research will focus on the following questions that will set out the scope of the paper. 1) What are the preferred shooting methods and techniques in Hollywood? 2) What are the preferred shooting and techniques in the Bollywood film Industry? 3) What are the effects of the shooting techniques and methods on the final products of the Bollywood films and Hollywood films? As already mentioned, the sample that will be used in this research is a cross-section of movies and films from the two movie industries. The movies will each be analyzed in terms of their cinematographic techniques and the effects of the techniques on the final product. Research Instruments Qualitative research based on historical or past events or procedures is usually evaluated differently from other kinds of research. As already stated, the two movies that will be analyzed will be analyzed in terms of their cinematography techniques. This means that the movies will be analyzed using inductive and logical reasoning. Since the research is historical, the two main techniques that will be used are external and internal criticism.

Create a 17 pages page paper that discusses perspectives on special education needs and disabilities.

Create a 17 pages page paper that discusses perspectives on special education needs and disabilities. ith students with learning disabilities has also indicated that a recognition of and capitalization on their specific strengths of mind fosters their development, whereas a focus on their specific weaknesses compromises their development. This would be a good guiding principle when dealing with children with all kinds of disabilities. In doing so, their self-esteem is built up and they are empowered to push themselves towards their optimal potentials. Studies such as Levine’s among others have encouraged the provision of education of children with disabilities in order to optimize their potentials. The Salamanca Statement has been influential in that all children have the right to receive an education regardless of their culture and social background (UNESCO, 2005). Concern for children with disabilities has already spread in the UK from the 1970’s thanks to some advocates such as Mary Warnock who raised the issues on helping children with SEN. The Warnock Report in the year 1978 was developed to appraise the provision for children with psychological as well as physical disabilities. The report had sponsored various ranges of abilities, from low-functioning to high functioning, of special needs for children. The report laid the foundations for the issuance of statements of special education need in the UK. Warnock’s committee found that 20% of children in schools have SEN but 2% of this group may need more elaborate services that are not offered by the mainstream school system. Hence, they need to be diagnosed, issued a statement that they are entitled to special needs provision (Douglas Silas Solicitors, 2010). The Warnock Report paved the way for the “Education Act” which was imposed in the year 1983.

Create a 17 pages page paper that discusses perspectives on special education needs and disabilities.

Create a 17 pages page paper that discusses perspectives on special education needs and disabilities. ith students with learning disabilities has also indicated that a recognition of and capitalization on their specific strengths of mind fosters their development, whereas a focus on their specific weaknesses compromises their development. This would be a good guiding principle when dealing with children with all kinds of disabilities. In doing so, their self-esteem is built up and they are empowered to push themselves towards their optimal potentials. Studies such as Levine’s among others have encouraged the provision of education of children with disabilities in order to optimize their potentials. The Salamanca Statement has been influential in that all children have the right to receive an education regardless of their culture and social background (UNESCO, 2005). Concern for children with disabilities has already spread in the UK from the 1970’s thanks to some advocates such as Mary Warnock who raised the issues on helping children with SEN. The Warnock Report in the year 1978 was developed to appraise the provision for children with psychological as well as physical disabilities. The report had sponsored various ranges of abilities, from low-functioning to high functioning, of special needs for children. The report laid the foundations for the issuance of statements of special education need in the UK. Warnock’s committee found that 20% of children in schools have SEN but 2% of this group may need more elaborate services that are not offered by the mainstream school system. Hence, they need to be diagnosed, issued a statement that they are entitled to special needs provision (Douglas Silas Solicitors, 2010). The Warnock Report paved the way for the “Education Act” which was imposed in the year 1983.

Write a 5 pages paper on the impact of online selling on small businesses.

Write a 5 pages paper on the impact of online selling on small businesses. The paper tells that selling products on the Internet is just another method, in fact, one of the most modern means through which an entrepreneur can utilize the facilities of the Internet in his business. Apart from using it as a selling tool, the wide range of capabilities of the Internet can be made use of customer support, marketing, recruitment, procurement, communication, and for many other functions. Indeed, today there is hardly any business activity in this modern world that does not pass across the Internet. In the opinion of Adam, the most exciting function of the Internet these days is E-commerce and Online selling, where the provider uses the Internet as an intermediary to sell his products and services directly to the consumers in the global market. Online selling is expected to have a greater boom in the global village as the responsive audience is growing by millions every year. It is the process whereby customers are facilitated with the technology to directly buy goods and services from a seller in real-time, over the internet without any intermediary service in between. While considering the benefits of online selling many seem to disagree that online shopping will affect the percentage of retail sales in the future, arguing that only a small percentage of online selling will only obscure the market potentials. However, as Adam points out, concentrating on this idea a little deeper reveals that even if the Internet sales constitute only 5 percent of total retail within a few years, that still amounts billions and billions of dollars spent on online selling. As more and more organizations and customers are making the use of the internet to collect information before they make the final decision and to purchase online, it is certain that all business firms must have a web presence. Leaving the online selling, if the firm is not existing on the Internet, it does not exist. Another advantage of the small business that uses online marketing is that they have the ability to sell a wide variety of products due to “infinite shelf space”. Afuah also comments that online stores can easily make a higher proportion of their income out of the low-volume items rather than traditional stores, a trend called as the long tail effect. It makes possible for the firm to reach new markets and new customers. On the other hand, buyers can search for information to decide their final purchase and compare the products to see which offer sounds adequate to him/her. Small business organizations, especially in the developing countries have the advantage of diminishing the costs of a search for information as well as costs of the transaction. It broadens the effectiveness of transactions by reducing the time taken for processing, payments and other functions. As Gingrich points out, a small business is highly benefited by information provided about customers and markets together with the valuable details of product design, financial resources, and process technology. The widespread use of internet and its functions have changed the way the customers as well as the firms acquire information and operate their business.

Write 4 pages thesis on the topic all to be tall.

Write 4 pages thesis on the topic all to be tall. According to the report findings it is hard to believe that a person can sacrifice such a fortune to experience the severe pain that is associated with the lengthening exercise of legs only to gain an additional three inches to his height. The author’s claim is hard to believe and this is one of the major weaknesses of his article. Under normal circumstances, people seek medication when they have different healthcare problems. It may not be feasible for a healthy person to fork out such large sums of money to undergo a surgery that is meant to lengthen his height as this may turn out to be a nightmare if there are some complications experienced when the surgery has been performed.

This study stresses that one of the major strengths of the article is that it captures the widely held perception by many people that tall men in particular are more attractive than short ones especially to women. The author uses superlative words to describe tall men in the article. For instance, Kita quotes the survey by Henry Biller which shows that tall men are “more mature, uninhibited, positive, mature, confident, masculine, secure, dominant, optimistic and outgoing.” The author also supports this claim by highlighting that the majority of women in Hollywood films admire tall men. In different societies, tall men are regarded as role models and they are also portrayed as the epitome of success. Outgoing people also believe that tall men are charming and many beautiful ladies enjoy the company of these people.

Write 10 pages with APA style on Personal Framework. Whereas, my practice has demonstrated the efficacy and limitations of the nursing theories I have learned. This has enabled me to better grasp the theoretical knowledge I have gained which before have been too abstract to me. Both have strengthened my foundation, and have broadened and deepened my understanding of nursing.

Write 10 pages with APA style on Personal Framework. Whereas, my practice has demonstrated the efficacy and limitations of the nursing theories I have learned. This has enabled me to better grasp the theoretical knowledge I have gained which before have been too abstract to me. Both have strengthened my foundation, and have broadened and deepened my understanding of nursing.

My nursing practice has demonstrated concretely that health care optimization largely depends on patients’ cooperation. The Roy Adaptation Model, a client-centered model, which promotes patient cooperation, as it focuses on enabling the patient to respond positively to environmental changes (Hargrove & Derstine, 2001, p. 15) has been my personal practice framework. With this framework, I learned a lot of things as a bedside nurse. I learned to look for the specific factors and various nursing interventions that in any way may have an impact on my patients’ adaptation process. My assessment skills have greatly improved. I am able to identify the abnormal. and I have learned effective methods to evaluate my output, if it has been the product of my nursing care or not. Putting into practice the Roy Adaptation Model has compelled me to spend more time with my patients, enabling me to focus on their problems/needs. Resultantly, I have developed a mutually respectful relationship with them that they cooperate with me in their healing process.

However, in the course of my practice, I came to realize that developing self-care in my patients would capacitate them to adapt more easily to their changing environments. Hence, Dorothea Orem Self-Care Model has supplemented my personal practice framework. Orem’s three central theories of self-care, self-care deficit, and nursing systems are congruent with the Roy Adaptation Model. Self-care comprises those activities performed independently by an individual to promote and maintain his/her well-being. Self-care deficit happens when self-care is not possible.

Create a 4 pages page paper that discusses marketing: toyota prius: green or geek machine.

Create a 4 pages page paper that discusses marketing: toyota prius: green or geek machine. In case of Toyota’s Prius launching, the company has developed its technological expertise. The primary aim of Toyota was to develop a fuel efficient car for consumers who are environmentally conscious. Prius is an efficient car with multiple facilities which attracts a large number of consumers. However, due to lower economies of scale, Toyota was unable to restructure its internal value chain activities to reduce the cost of Prius. However, Toyota has efficiently controlled its target consumers by implementing successful promotional strategies. Dealers were also major factor that have influenced the introduction and sales of Prius. Toyota included the dealers and salespersons in promoting the car in market. It provided proper training to salespersons and they were responsible for educating the consumers. Overall effort of Toyota in promoting and introducing Prius in market was efficient and applaudable. Question-2 Outline the major macro-environmental factors that have affected the introduction and sales of the Toyota Prius. How has Toyota dealt with each of these factors? Marco-environmental factors are external forces that affect the growth of an industry and its players. These factors are also knows as the PESTLE which stands for political, economic, socio-cultural, technological, legal and environmental (Drews, p.6) . In case of Toyota’s Prius, these six factors were very crucial for the company. The primary concern for Toyota was the technology. The technological advancement was the most important strength in introducing the eco-friendly car, Prius. The tech-savvy consumers were the major buyers of Prius as it offered latest technological advantages. However, due to higher price and higher servicing costs many consumers were unable to afford this car although it was very fuel efficient. In this respect, government plays crucial role as it offers incentives to consumers for encouraging them to buy hybrid cars. Besides, hybrid car manufacturers including Toyota approached to governments for reducing taxes on hybrid cars. The primary objective of hybrid cars like Prius is to maintain healthier environments and Toyota’s technology for producing Prius was efficient in this purpose. Question-3 Are most consumers ready to buy hybrids from now on? What are the main driving factors? What are constraining factors? There have been significant changes in consumers’ thought process and in their buying behaviour. The twenty-first century consumers are more tech-savvy and environmental concern. People have realized their responsibilities towards the environmental protection. Besides, government and international organisations like the Environmental Protection Agency have become stricter in controlling global-warming. Hence, they are constantly pressurizing and encouraging buyers to use hybrids and other eco-friendly cars. However, in the global car industry, the demands of cars with high speed are higher. Besides, the prices and services cost is prime concerns for them that hinders the popularity of hybrid cars. Hybrid cars are as efficient as other cars in offering comfort, value spaces and power. Therefore, proper strategies and policies taken by governments and manufacturers may lead to increase the demand of hybrid cars. However, the consumers are now becoming conscious regarding hybrid cars. Toyota has experiences a hike in its hybrid cars’ sales during 2010.

submit a 250 words paper on the topic Kola King Advertising. King Kola

Hi, need to submit a 250 words paper on the topic Kola King Advertising. King Kola: The Latest in Soft Drinks! The newest addition to the soft drink family introduces King Kola, a unique competitor to the Pepsi and Coke out there. It offers a different twist without compromising the taste and delights the customers are used to. The familiarity of the drink combined with the new design and quality of the product will help to endorse consumer satisfaction and demand. The test market will be the metro area of Columbus, Ohio with the campaign running for three months. The time chosen for our special advertising campaign are the summer months of June, July and August. This will help us get in touch with a wide variety of consumers, specifically the kids and young adults. Summer is a great time to enjoy the outdoors, spend time with the family, and enjoy cool, refreshing drinks. So why not enjoy the summer with us? With a dedicated team of trained professionals, the campaign will kick off on the first of June. All team members will be wearing T-shirts and caps featuring the unique King Kola logo and design. There will be numerous stalls and tables strategically designated around the metro area handing out King Kola brochures and pamphlets detailing product info and company history. There will be skilled team members at each place ready to answer consumer questions and concerns. One main location will be picked to hold regular weekend BBQ’s where people and families from all over will be able to enjoy the summer fun and get a taste of our new product, King Kola. Staff will be available handing out free samples of the product along with short surveys to gather consumer opinions and feedback. A local celebrity or spokesperson will be sponsored for the campaign and be fully trained about the product and its uniqueness. The celebrity will be present at the summer BBQ’s and share in with the consumers’ experience. Using a local celebrity will not only be more cost effective, but their familiarity to the people of Columbus, Ohio will build the consumers’ trust and confidence in the product. Also, the neighborhood schools will be able to participate in this exclusive campaign by holding a summer long competition allowing students to design a unique billboard slogan for us. The winners will be announced at the end of the summer campaign with the top two receiving $5,000 each in scholarship funds. Around 30-40 percent of the budget will be used in employing various media to help with the marketing of King Kola. A website will be launched detailing the product info, regularly updated with consumer feedback. A local channel will be utilized to launch a short King Kola commercial highlighting its distinctiveness and taste. Also, Columbus’s major newspapers will be used to advertise King Kola in their papers. Special attention will be paid to training and educating the local media services in helping us to launch King Kola. The local news channel will be paid to provide coverage of the big BBQ events. This campaign strategy would be different and effective because it realizes that launching an advertisement like this is a process instead of a single event. Modifications and updates have to me constantly made in order to adapt the campaign to the changing consumer needs and feedback. Using a local celebrity and actively engaging the neighborhoods and students helps them to feel part of this building process and get more in touch with the new product, increasing their trust and confidence in it. Also, investing time and money in the local editors, analysts, and media services will help to propagate and launch King Kola in the community. Even though their percentage is little, they will be the ones writing and conveying messages about the product. These few percentages will be able to influence the larger percentage of consumers out there. The King Kola three month campaign recognizes the need to monitor, change and update its advertisement strategies as the program progresses, effectively laying the groundwork for the successful launch of the king of soft drinks. Works Cited Gordon, K., T. “Marketing Tips for Launching a New Product.” Entrepreneur Magazine. 21 Feb., 2005. Web. 14 May, 2011.