Write 5 pages thesis on the topic platos dialogue and the socrates’ argument. In the book by Michael Boylan and Charles Johnson, there is this Plato’s dialogue between Crito and Socrates. Socrates faces charges of disobeying the gods of Athens and misleading the youths of Athens through his teachings. Socrates is offered a chance to escape through the help of his friend, Crito, who would have paid the right people to make this easily possible.

Write 5 pages thesis on the topic platos dialogue and the socrates’ argument. In the book by Michael Boylan and Charles Johnson, there is this Plato’s dialogue between Crito and Socrates. Socrates faces charges of disobeying the gods of Athens and misleading the youths of Athens through his teachings. Socrates is offered a chance to escape through the help of his friend, Crito, who would have paid the right people to make this easily possible. Instead, Socrates turns down the offer and remains to face the law because he did not want to pay evil with evil.&nbsp.

According to the Philosopher, “…shall we insist on the truth of what was then said, that injustice is always an evil and dishonor to him who acts unjustly?” (Boylan and Johnson 55). Here, Socrates posed a question to Crito to ask him whether they were justified to do evil or insist on the truth. Crito agrees with him that injustice is always evil and dishonor to the unjust, therefore this would imply that Socrates needs to stick to what is right as doing an unjust act will lead him to evil and dishonor.

From Socrates’ argument, it is not just to do evil against many people. It means one must critically think of the consequences of their action before they act. By accepting to escape from the prison, he will be injuring the people of Athens since “…doing evil to another is the same as injuring him,” (55). In order not to find ourselves in positions such as these, then we need not retaliate or do evil for evil. This is because, when we do evil for evil, we do not tend to solve any problem, but add on a lot of problems to ourselves. Here, it is true what Socrates was talking about. Socrates is not in any way trying to justify the wrong he committed by going against the laws of Athens. He agrees to all that. Or this reason, he has been imprisoned. He feels&nbsp.that it is right to pay for his wrongdoing according to the law without running away from it. This is because, by trying to run away from it through planning to escape, he would be committing another evil to these people for having imprisoned him.&nbsp.

Write a paper on wireless keyboard for select mac computers vs sculpt comfort desktop wireless usb keyboard

I need some assistance with these assignment. wireless keyboard for select mac computers vs sculpt comfort desktop wireless usb keyboard Thank you in advance for the help! It allows the user to be comfortable while using it due to its thirty-foot wireless range.2 This means that a user can control, their IPad, Mac or even Apple TV while seated.

Automatic power down – the keyboard runs on 2 AA batteries and has the ability to enter into sleep mode when it is not being actively used. To return into full power, all a user has to do is press any button. The keyboard also comes with a power button that can be manually switched off during long hours of inactivity.3

Responsive keys – a user can avoid keying fatigue by adjusting the position of the keyboard and it will fit in almost all areas. In addition, one can also access volume controls and launch pads by using function keys.

Appearance: the keyboard usually comes in two colors. white or silver. They are uniquely made to bring out the sufficient aesthetics as Apple previous and current products. It has a modern look that also speaks of what Apple’s future products will be.5 The overall appearance is sleek, clean and simple.

Feel: it has a good feel on the hand, a beautiful outlay and a very soft texture that compliments the whole design. It has a sophisticated feel that makes the user seem to have a superior taste in gadgets.

Function / Performance: the keyboard works perfectly well with all the devices it can synchronize with. The performance is effective and optimized for these devices, the outstanding thing about the functions and the performance is that these the keyboard synchronizes just fine with these devices.6 It does not take a computer conversant user a lot of time to learn how to use this device.

Ergonomics: the keyboard happens to be light enough to be carried around by the user. It is also a standard size therefore. it fits perfectly on the laps of the user who is utilizing it from a couch, or a substantial distance. It also fits well on a desktop when the typing is being done here.

Concept of Success. The work is to be 5 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page.

I will pay for the following article Concept of Success. The work is to be 5 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page. But people can and do define success in vastly different ways depending on their circumstances – for someone growing up in a rural community who is the first member of their family to receive an education, getting into an Ivy League school would be seen as an incredible success, but for someone who has Harvard alumni going generations back, only getting into Cornell might be seen as a terrible failure. This highlights one of the important aspects of success: you have to succeed or fail at something – so creating a general definition of success might be a very difficult thing. Bill Gates has succeeded in becoming a billionaire – but has failed badly at becoming a professional basketball player. To accommodate this fact any generalized definition of success must account for these expectations or contradictions. it must, in other words, take goals into account. But sometimes someone achieves success without ever necessarily meaning to: when Mark Zuckerberg founded Facebook, he had no intention of making billions of dollars – yet he is still successful (Veloso). Furthermore, if someone’s only goal is to get off the couch, then them doing so would not typically make them a success (barring situations like disability or injury). A close examination of the etymology of the word “success,” along with cases both real and imagined, can show that a good definition of success would be “achieving laudable or worthy accomplishments that bring satisfaction or joy to the person who has accomplished them.”

The etymology of the word “success” serves as a useful starting point for an understanding of its meaning. The word entered the language at the close of the beginning of the 16th century, with a meaning of “result, outcome,” from a similar Latin word which had the meaning of “happy result/outcome” (Etymology Online). This etymology reveals an important thing about the word success – it is inexorably linked to results. It has been linked to results from the very beginning of its entrance into the English language, and even before that.

Transcendentalism and Into the Wild. The work is to be 5 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page.

I will pay for the following article Transcendentalism and Into the Wild. The work is to be 5 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page. Into the Wild is a story of a young man from Emory, Chris McCandless, who is found dead in the Alaskan wilderness in 1992 at twenty-four. McCandless is from a wealthy background and is presented as a gifted athlete and a scholar. He has a strict moral compass that makes him seek his own way and life (Dalsted 27). After McCandless graduated from high school, he learns of a secret that his father had another family. McCandless develops anger over the betrayal. which drives him out of trust and attachment to his parents and the people around him.

Into the Wild is very elaborate in the way it represents the ideals of transcendentalism. The writer makes it clear from the beginning that the story of Chris McCandless elicits a lot of controversy and different reactions from people. Like the ideals of transcendentalism, which came at a time when the society was awash with materialism, the ideals elicited a lot of controversies (Rose 208). McCandless, like the ideals of transcendentalism, elicited both negative reactions and positive reactions in equal measures. For example, those people who met McCandless found something likable in him.

The first symbolic determination of McCandless to trash materialism happens when he gives all his life long savings to charity. This was a step to prove that men can live without materials. they can live as long as they seek their inner fulfillment. Transcendentalism was so strong an idea that in a few minutes of its explanation, people could like and understand it and actually commit to it (Dalsted 28). As Into the Wilderness, McCandless influenced people in a way that they had something positive to say about him even if they chanced to meet him for a few hours.

In Into the Wild, all people who meet McCandless&nbsp.doubt him because of his looks. They quickly assume that he is foolish, uneducated, and ignorant of his own life (Anderson 27). In the same way, transcendentalism ideas came in a way that it was confused with dogmatism. In fact, unless one is in it, it was very hard to know whether it is a religious, cultural, literary, or philosophical movement (Rose 209).

Write 5 pages with APA style on The State of Social Security in the United States. The increasing numbers of baby boomers and the recessive trends in the economy have been the major concern of the young people who are the main contributors to the social security funds of the state. The role of the state, therefore, has become crucial, while incorporating the new developments in the societal changes of the time in their social policy so that state benefit can reach everyone.

Write 5 pages with APA style on The State of Social Security in the United States. The increasing numbers of baby boomers and the recessive trends in the economy have been the major concern of the young people who are the main contributors to the social security funds of the state. The role of the state, therefore, has become crucial, while incorporating the new developments in the societal changes of the time in their social policy so that state benefit can reach everyone.

Social security is primarily insurance programs for the old age, survivors and widows of earning members, disability sector, unemployed and the people who need state benefits to survive with dignity. Popularly known as OASDI or Old- Age, Survivors and Disability Insurance, its major funding for the same comes from taxpayers who have to pay a contribution under the Federal Insurance Contribution Act or FICA. The tax deposits are transferred to trust funds dedicated under different programs like old age and survivors insurance fund, federal disability insurance trust fund etc. When the revenues exceed expenditure, the excess fund is invested in government ‘bonds’ that is nonmarketable and is often used by the government as deficit spending.

In recent times, it has come under huge controversy mainly due to myriad reasons like increasing number of baby boomers who have retired, the rising numbers of unemployed who are unable to contribute etc. and therefore the burden of contribution to social security fund has increasingly been borne by the current contributors. They feel that the fund might not be able to sustain their old age needs. The changing demographic equation and the old has necessitated reforms within the social security programs of the United States so that new mechanisms can provide equity in state benefits to the various segment of the concerned population.&nbsp.

The following recommendations are designed to evolve innovative input into the state policy matter vis-à-vis social security.&nbsp.

prepare and submit a term paper on Correctional Interventions and Programs. Your paper should be a minimum of 250 words in length.

You will prepare and submit a term paper on Correctional Interventions and Programs. Your paper should be a minimum of 250 words in length. Victim awareness, monetary penalties, and juvenile supervision interventions are rating poorly on their effectiveness (MacKenzie, 2006).

Guts feelings help inform decisions about many things in life and experience helps sharpen gut feelings. The experience of community correctional officials enables them to infer about the effectiveness of certain aspects of correctional programs. Even so, there are elements about correctional programs that gut feelings cannot capture accurately and that need the input of research. Research provides scientific ways of testing the effectiveness and flaws of a correctional program (Craig et. al., 2013). An added advantage with research is that the findings can be replicated to test for their reliability, something that is difficult with gut feelings. The research uses empirical ways of generating knowledge whereas gut feelings use intuition. Overall, both research and gut feelings are important and community correctional officials should combine them in assessing the effectiveness of a program (White et. al., 2008). The inputs of the two should complement each other.

Write 2 pages thesis on the topic organization change.

Write 2 pages thesis on the topic organization change. The implementation of change in an organization is mostly the responsibility of the managerial staff. Whenever a company is not performing well the managers must assess the situation and implement change accordingly. A variable that affects the way in which a manager implements change is the corporate culture of the company. Corporate culture can be defined as a system of shared actions, values, and beliefs that develop within an organization which guides the behavior of the workers (Shermerhorn, Hunt, Osborn, 2003). A way for a manager to influence change in a company is through his personal leadership skills. Employees will follow the guidance of a leader they believe in. Getting the respect of the employees is important in order to gain their trust. A leader must have superb communication skills to facilitate the change process in an organization.

Often change requires that the employees gain new skills and capabilities to be able to handle the work challenges. The manager of a company can facilitate change by providing the employees of the firm with training and development opportunities. The use of training and development can help the employees accept change because the employees become better prepared. A technique that can be used to implement training and development faster at a lower cost is online training. Another technique that can be utilized to facilitate change at an organization is the use of intrinsic and extrinsic rewards. To motivate the employees to achieve greater production the company can offer financial rewards to the employees. It is important to demonstrate to the employees that the company cares about their work-life balance. The use of flexible time is a way to change the operations of an enterprise to allow the employees to be able to better meet their family responsibilities. Change can also be enhanced at a company through the implementation of teamwork. Teamwork enhances the leadership and communication abilities of the employees and it offers the workers a new dynamic work environment. Teamwork has become a critical success factor in the work environment of the 21st century.

The employees of a company can also get involved in the change process of the organization. The managers must keep the lines of communication open with the employees at all times. A way for the workers to get involved in the change process is through the implementation of a feedback system. Sometimes the employees are intimidated by the managers and they do not feel comfortable giving feedback. Implementing an anonymous feedback system resolves that problem. A second way the employees can positively impact change is by not experiencing symptoms of resistance to change. “Resistance to change is the action taken by individuals and groups when they perceive that a change that is occurring as a threat to them” (Changingminds, 2012). Employee willingness to accept change can help managers implement change faster. A third business concept that allows the employees to become a part of the change is empowerment. The use of empowerment gives the employees greater responsibility and newer tasks to perform. Empowerment helps include the employees in the decision making process.


Changingminds.org (2012). Resistance to Change. Retrieved December 11, 2012 from http://changingminds.org/disciplines/change_management/resistance_change/resistance_change.htm

Schermerhorn, J., Hunt, J., Osborn, R. (2003). Organizational Behavior (8th ed.). New York: John Wiley & Sons.

Create a 6 pages page paper that discusses concept of an academic institution.

Create a 6 pages page paper that discusses concept of an academic institution. Paul Barrett determined that several specific points on which the scandal at the University of North Carolina could be best described. The first point was that the deceit was spread throughout the campus faculty and administration. It was in existence for 18 years, where 3100 students took courses that were nothing but classes on paper and where there was no oversight by faculty or actual class attendance. More than half the students are athletes, and many were directed to these courses by academic counselors. Counselors were encouraging academic fraud to keep members of the teams playing either basketball or football.

The black studies department hosted the fraudulent courses under the title African and Afro-American studies, where hundreds of their regular courses were offered to them. Although red flags were evident, no faculty member questioned the courses. The courses were overseen by the ex-chairman Julius Nyang’oro and the top administrative aide, Deborah Crowder. Barrett finds this corruption particularly offensive because the UNC sports teams’ athletic ranks were disproportionately African-American, where the students have come to get a real education rather than one that was fraudulent. UNC-Chapel Hill Chancellor Carol Folt apologized to the students because they violated the students’ trust in terms of getting an education (Barrett).

Federal prosecutor Kenneth Wainstein led the investigation where employees were fired and five more disciplined in terms of their roles in this fraud. The investigation found that the scandal was much deeper than just fake courses and that there was an intentional system through which athletes were pushed through the academic portion of their college careers. Gerald Gurney, the Drake Group president, commented that this was one of the worst scandals in the NCAA&nbsp.history. It involved a depth of counselors, academic administrators, coaches, athletic administrators, and faculty that had not been seen previously.

writing homework on Propper Educational Plan. Write a 1500 word paper answering; TThe first guideline of the UDL where a student’s perception is taken into consideration, and with Rodney being a computer fan and one who is used to having his freedom.

Need help with my writing homework on Propper Educational Plan. Write a 1500 word paper answering; TThe first guideline of the UDL where a student’s perception is taken into consideration, and with Rodney being a computer fan and one who is used to having his freedom. His freedom will still be maintained and his perception of things from such an angle considered. Therefore, the first day will act as an introduction day to simple writing and reading where the student is only exposed to what he is used to as he is prepared to be introduced to a new strange environment in terms of vocabulary.

For proper understanding to be obtained on any given written material. a reader must be fluent, which is necessary for the second day. This can only be achieved by having Rodney read a given portion of a book continuously to help him become conversant with the words in writing, how they are pronounced, and their meaning. Using Thunder Rose as the material, introduce the first six pages then stop and ask Rodney what he thinks has happened in the story and tell him to write it down in his T-chart (Read Write Think, paragraph, 11). Deal with the six pages that day and note if, with conversancy, Rodney is able to regain confidence and thus improve on his self-esteem where he will then be able to read out aloud before his fellow classmates.

The objectives can only be achieved if one utilizes Marzano’s strategy of Reinforcing Effort & Providing Recognition. This is simply because the strategy will make Rodney feel appreciated, and for a child whose parents are never around recognition is something that he will receive with much joy (Resourcefortechers.pbworks.com, pg. 15). Therefore, the strategy will help improve his reading skills not to mention help boost interaction between him and his tutor thus ensuring that his participation is high.

research paper on why safety education is important for engineers. Needs to be 6 pages.

Need an research paper on why safety education is important for engineers. Needs to be 6 pages. Please no plagiarism. For the construction and tunnelling industries, there are specific requirements for “tailgate” safety meetings. To enable its insured employers to fulfill their workplace safety and health training responsibilities, State Fund has produced an extensive selection of Safety Meeting Topics in English with Spanish translations. The informative topics are intended for use in on-the-job safety training meetings (best held at the beginning of the shift, right after lunch, or after a break) to educate employees on potential hazards and prevent work-related injuries and illnesses. A record of the safety meeting – stating the date, safety topic, attendees, and recommendations or additional comments – should be kept on file for the duration of each attendees employment. To do so, for those requirements that the article talked about it just the education gives knowledge about safety class to reduce the problems it might happen in factories. There is one aspect engineers need to learn which is the safety class is and how it is important.

In his article “How best to teach safety,” Martin Pitt presents suggestions on how to effectively teach safety to engineering students. And it says that teaching safety effectively takes a teacher who knows the technical sides of each course, plus a few other matters such as law and human behavior. In this article, the author discusses the experience in Britain of teaching safety to engineers, and the engineers who have experiences of safety volunteer to go back to university to teach. The author’s audiences are engineer students, governments, and universities as well. That’s how the author focuses on bringing engineers who have experiences on safety education to go back to the university to teach fresh engineer students on safety education. Moreover, that helps to educate new engineer students on safety and how to be safe inside the atmosphere of manufacturing engineers and the&nbsp.other fields of engineers.&nbsp.