submit a 1250 words paper on the topic The Philosophical Importance of the Worldview. He defined that the culture, language, and linguistic communities usually develop simultaneously and they are related.

Hi, need to submit a 1250 words paper on the topic The Philosophical Importance of the Worldview. He defined that the culture, language, and linguistic communities usually develop simultaneously and they are related. They all require one another in a way, making them co-exist with each other. Humboldt believes that human beings play a part in the creative exchange, and they play their part by taking charge of the speech that they use and slowly continue to modify the language.

In the 20th century, the philosophical importance of worldview became clear to the people in the world. Philosophy is the study of the fundamental problems that are, in a way connected to reality, knowledge, values, reasons, mind, and language. James W. Sire, in his own ideas, defines worldview as an orientation of the heart and can be expressed as a story that may be true or not, and it holds a huge part in the construction of reality. Sire goes ahead to say that all the people’s decisions and actions should rely on the worldviews consciousness, and this will help people be able to communicate genuinely with all the other people. Worldview is a broad topic, and it touches on most of the fundamental factors that are related in a way to the society that we live in and the world at large (Hebert, 2008)

Having looked at the worldview and religion, it’s time to look at the Christian worldview as a whole and specifically on the kind of steps that can be able to integrate the faith of Christian. The Christian worldview is simply the framework of ideas and beliefs that people who believe to be Christian and groups of culture interprets and interact with the world. In the modern world, different kinds of Christians have different beliefs, and this brings around disputes of the meaning of concepts in a Christian worldview. Talking of different Christians, it’s the different denominations that different Christians have and are willing to follow to the end, depending on the kind of beliefs that they have. Northrop Frye tells the world that the Bible is one of the system&nbsp.metaphors that represent the Christian worldview.

writing homework on Mills Fallacy of Private Life. Write a 1250 word paper answering; As a point of departure, Stephen disagrees with Mill on the instruments to invigorate and expand a strong personal character.

Need help with my writing homework on Mills Fallacy of Private Life. Write a 1250 word paper answering; As a point of departure, Stephen disagrees with Mill on the instruments to invigorate and expand a strong personal character. According to Mills distinguishable features, Coercion has really announced and, but develops a character and its originality. Various examples will be outlined to indicate this position. In a bid to understand himself, Stephen tried to offer a corrective pattern of views, which are powerfully examined in Stuart’s Mill, who becomes the center of discussion in this essay (James, 34).

As a point of departure, according to Mill’s the public normally unites around political ideologies about how to get along together. This belief is guided by the basic constitutional ideologies. In addition, the identity of politics, such as the gay act According to Mill, were equal before, based on activities and rights movements should be left alone. The model of similarity applies to this incident, however, the bone of contention between this perspective and Mill’s belief takes us to the discussion, where Stephen disagrees with Mill’s ideology that, people should be left to do whatever they want as long as they do it in private (James, 37). This is a serious fallacy, which needs to be sorted. The underlying principle as to why the public, according to Mill should be allowed to do what they want is because of the presence of the harm principle, which dictates that, without legit reasons to limit people leave them alone. This brings us to a question that, Does Mill’s ideology in the liberty of people based on the Harm Principle.

If yes, then Stephen challenges this fallacy. Mills agrees with the harm section of the ideology on morals, however, Mills’ liberal mind is exhibited, when he disagrees with the section of the legal morals. Where he disagrees that when something is immoral, the immorality element should not be applied to make law on it. On this point, Mill asserts that communitarian morals are against the public order and should not influence our way of perception, particularly on political matters. Mills argues that communal thinking and way of doing things in a group should not be used to make a legal and informed decision against an individual or a group of people (James, 33).

Create a thesis and an outline on Fundamental Faith to the Human Condition. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. That is why it is highly advisable to analyze different spiritual concepts as they provide a valuable insight into human nature.

I need help creating a thesis and an outline on Fundamental Faith to the Human Condition. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. That is why it is highly advisable to analyze different spiritual concepts as they provide a valuable insight into human nature. This paper will argue that faith is fundamental to the human condition.

To begin with, one should develop a rather broad perspective on the issue. It would not be an exaggeration to point out that the notion of faith belongs to the realm of abstract notions. In addition to that, it is quite understandable that it is one of the characteristic features of humans to perceive abstract notions. Indeed, while the majority of the organisms simply react to the stimuli that they experience in their life, humans are able to develop a reaction that the material stimulus of which does not exist. This is particularly true in the case of faith: the life of a true believer is affected by numerous spiritual doctrines which have material manifestation, but non-material origin. Indeed, for the point of view of biology, it is quite an irrational kind of behavior. however, there is no doubt in the fact that there are instances when adherence to the abstract principles regardless of logic is able to bring extremely positive consequences. Thus, this practice is usually enshrined in the form of religious guidelines that people are encouraged to follow. Since this may be found in the human society only, that is why faith might be regarded as a characteristic feature of a human being.

What is more important is that the concept of faith is closely connected to a firm belief in a different reality. Indeed, if one takes a close look at both world religions as well as local cults, they all appeal to the idea that the world of men and the world of deities operate in different dimensions. This kind of thinking may also be considered to be unique to humans. Thus, it is largely thought that the idea of time, especially the future, contributed to the formation of the primitive groups which were brought together by the necessity& coordinate actions while hunting a game.&nbsp.

prepare and submit a paper on arms to public places. Having a permit to carry loaded guns to these places is beside the point. Amusement and leisure parks are intended for family bonding time where young children are present.

Your assignment is to prepare and submit a paper on arms to public places. Having a permit to carry loaded guns to these places is beside the point. Amusement and leisure parks are intended for family bonding time where young children are present. “National parks are rare treasures. They offer havens of solitude and sanctuary. They are not meant to be places for the next shootout at the OK Corral,” Ms. Ditmer had emphasized in her article. It exposes young children to unnecessary danger. I am sure every one of us has a little kid we know, a son, a daughter, a niece or a nephew or even a grandkid who is exposed to this mindless danger. What if an untoward accident will happen and hit one of these innocent children who had come to expect enjoyment there? It would be a real heartbreaker no matter whose kid it is, right?

Ms. Ditmer is also accurate and perfectly correct in her assumption that carrying guns will inevitably lead to their use, eventually. It simply defies logic how our Congress can make dangerous situations even worse by being blind and deaf to the opinion of the majority of citizens who oppose guns. This situation can be compared to smoking in public places where there are people who are adversely affected. While people have the right to bear arms (for whatever they want to do with all those guns), our politicians must consider the greater majority who hate guns. There must be designated places where guns are allowed but certainly not in amusement parks where there are children around.

People have the right to feel safe too and guns in public places are not a very reassuring sight to anyone. Ms. Ditmer reiterated her strong opposition by stating, “That’s not reassuring to those of us law-abiding citizens who view guns as possible disasters.” Guns can go off accidentally, for example, and hit someone unintentionally. Ms. Ditmer also knows whereof she speaks by citing FBI statistics showing only 1.65 cases per 100,000 as against 462 cases in other places.&nbsp.

prepare and submit a term paper on Analysis of The Life of Pi by Yann Martel. Your paper should be a minimum of 1500 words in length.

You will prepare and submit a term paper on Analysis of The Life of Pi by Yann Martel. Your paper should be a minimum of 1500 words in length. In the first chapter, the birth and family life of Piscine Molitor Patel is explained. The change of his name from Piscine to Pi is mentioned along with reasons. In the second chapter of the novel author described Pi’s life (Martel 6). The chapter’s from 3-7 included the beliefs Pi had and his growth from a child to a teenager. In the eighth chapter, Pi’s father feeds a goat to a tiger in the zoo in order to explain Pi about the wild nature of animals. The remaining chapters explain about Pi’s understanding of animals and financial issues Pi’s father was facing during their stay in India.

In this section, Pi’s father induced fear in Pi against wild animals. He mentioned that wild animals could not be trusted. However, Pi believed that animals could understand people and he gained affection towards a tiger. This shows an unspoken friendship and bonding of Pi towards animals.

Pi believed in Hindu religion from the beginning because of his natural spirituality. Later Pi was convinced by the life of Christ and decided to follow Christianity. Pi was also convinced by the second Mr. Kumar to follow Islamic religion because he liked the concept that Islam is for beloved. In the chapters, 19-26, doubts raised in the mind of Pi regarding the wild behavior of animals. However, Pi was convinced by the priests of Church regarding the behavior of animals and Pi accepted Christianity. Later he thanked his Lord Krishna because he was able to accept Christianity.

Most of the chapters including 18-26 included the behavior of animals that questioned Pi’s faith.&nbsp.In chapter 33, 34 and 35. Pi and his family members started their journey to Canada. They took all the zoo animals with them to start a new life. The journey was going smooth but in the middle of the ocean, Pi realized their ship was struck by a storm. Pi wanted to take help of crew members in order to save his family and animals but he was thrown with a lifeboat in the sea so that the crew members could get rid of the animals.&nbsp.

write an article on Coming Home. It needs to be at least 750 words. Jeremy becomes quickly agitated when Sandra raises her voice, as he does not understand what is expected of him. He lacks the language to explain or tell his mother exactly what he wants. Despite the problems in communication, Jeremy loves his mother and wants to be near her constantly. He rarely explores distant toys or activities and he is lacking in self-confidence. Sandra does not know how to encourage safe exploration and play.

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on Coming Home. It needs to be at least 750 words. Jeremy becomes quickly agitated when Sandra raises her voice, as he does not understand what is expected of him. He lacks the language to explain or tell his mother exactly what he wants. Despite the problems in communication, Jeremy loves his mother and wants to be near her constantly. He rarely explores distant toys or activities and he is lacking in self-confidence. Sandra does not know how to encourage safe exploration and play.

Recently, when Sandra was arrested and taken to jail, Jeremy cried for hours. He stayed with Sandra’s mother Deborah, who eventually was able to calm him. However, she too lacks the skills to deal with Jeremy’s level of activity and with his tantrums or fits of frustration. Deborah is even more distant than Sandra when it comes to Jeremy. She rarely cuddles or converses with him other than to correct him when he tries to touch or explore something he shouldn’t. Jeremy’s tantrums have increased since his mother’s incarceration and he is trying Deborah’s patience. There is some concern that Deborah may try to hurt Jeremy, though there has never been any evidence of this. Sandra is complacent in jail and seems not to be as concerned about Jeremy as she should be. Sandra spends her days in jail chatting, doing minimal chores and playing cards. The Travis County Sherriff’s department does not offer any educational for parents like Sandra, who often fail to realize the impact their jail time has on their children. There is a missed opportunity to help these parents learn effective coping skills and become better role models for their children.

Family Matters, A program by Family Connections, helps children whose parents are in jail, by providing supervised visits and parenting classes. This unique program is designed to serve 500 children of roughly 400 parents who are incarcerated. Skilled and experienced parent educators will be used to help incarcerated parents learn how to connect with their children emotionally and how to properly handle situations such as tantrums. Parents will also learn how to select and provide age-appropriate toys and books for their children. They will learn active listening skills so they can be more in tune with the needs of their children. $10,000 will be provided by the Travis County Sherriff’s department for the program. It is hoped that other donations will come later. Family Connections will provide ongoing services to parents upon re-entering society. The organization also plans to refer the most severe cases in which there was previous CPS involvement to the agency’s CRADLES program, for those families with children ages 0-3 years. Family Matters staff facilitating the program will also receive additional training in the criminal justice system, substance abuse, mental health issues and rehabilitation, to more adequately meet the needs of the parents and children they serve.

Imagine a situation with a much more positive outcome, where Jeremy’s needs are more adequately met, he is happier and cries less, tantrums are minimal, and he is happy to explore and discover new things, with the guidance of his mother. He is shown love and affection and given plenty of praise. Sandra attends parenting classes and NA meetings on a regular basis, so she can get the support she needs to stay away from Cocaine and out of Jail. Sandra’s mother Deborah has contact with Jeremy, but Sandra understands that her mother’s parenting skills are lacking, so she sets limits and has requested that Deborah take parenting classes herself, if she is to take Jeremy for any length of time or away from Sandra’s house. Deborah begins to understand, after her first parenting class, that her skills in parenting were lacking as she was never shown another way. She is working on becoming a better grandmother and mending the awkward and sometimes hostile relationship with her daughter Sandra.

Jeremy continues to grow and is becoming more confident and interested in his world and in other children. He is now in school and doing quite well. He loves his teachers and can’t wait to share his day with his mother. Sandra has been clean for 3 years. She now realizes that she must stay this way for Jeremy’s sake. She still attends NA meetings and is now able to provide support for other group members. Through the parenting classes and interventions provided by Family Matters, Sandra became more confident in herself and her abilities. She even earned her GED, realizing she must do a better job of supporting herself and Jeremy financially. She is now taking college classes and working part-time as a legal assistant.

Create a thesis and an outline on Should Obese People Blame Society. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide.

I need help creating a thesis and an outline on Should Obese People Blame Society. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. At the turn of the millennium about “58 million overweight, 40 million obese, and 3 million morbidly obese” (Obesity Statistics 2007). (Position) Some researchers and overweight people are blaming unfair advertising and lack of medical attention to their problems which cause overweight, low self-respect and psychological problems. (Argument) To refute this position, it is possible to say that obesity and overweight problems are closely connected with the lifestyle, eating behavior patterns and attitude towards obesity problems and a social image.

For most people, obesity is a result of unhealthy eating behavior they follow from early childhood but changing nothing during their mature years. In general, obesity is defined as weight at least 20% in excess of the range suggested in standard height-weight tables or a body mass index greater than 27 (McIntosh 4). As a result, mental and physical health problems arise when two conflicting values are being absorbed by an individual such as becoming more desirable, if one is slim and beautiful, as opposed by a baser instinct to indulge one’s gastronomical appetite (McIntosh 34). Researchers found that:

Innumerable environmental changes that foster eating more fre­quently have occurred: the availability of more food and foods with higher energy content, the growth of the fast food industry, the increased numbers and marketing of snack foods, and an increased time for socializing along with a custom of socializing with food and drink” (Kaplan and Dietz 1579).

Many of children feel that they are not good enough, they are not capable of doing anything right, and have an illusion that their appearance is always scrutinized by others, have an incorrect perspective that they would be happier and life would be better if they could just lose weight. Negative body images contrast with media images of an ideal body and the importance of physical attractiveness.&nbsp.

Create a 5 pages page paper that discusses why parents should attend government parenting classes.

Create a 5 pages page paper that discusses why parents should attend government parenting classes. For new parents and those who have trouble when it comes to raising their children, parenting classes are a potential solution to helping them. Although some fear that parenting classes increase the socio-economic gap between citizens, government parenting classes will be beneficial in. mitigating the ripple effects of poor parenting on society, upholding children’s rights to getting quality parenting, and standardizing parenting information for reliability and consistency.

All parents should go to government-sponsored parenting classes because they will help reduce the negative impacts that bad parenting has on society as a whole. According to Casey and Kirby (2006), in matters regarding the bringing up of its future citizens, the government has a firm financial, practical, and moral concern. This is the reason why most democracies that are liberalist in nature extend pricey and broad child support systems in order to assist parents in the upbringing of young individuals who will turn out to be respectful, responsible, active, and upright members of society. These support systems include. arrangements for parental leave, nursery care that is free, and payments for child support. Casey and Kirby (2006) also raise the contention that preventive and proactive action brings about the best outcomes as opposed to waiting to deal with the problems after they arise. The success and cohesiveness of the next generations could be ensured by the implementation of mandatory parenting classes hence raising parenting standards for the benefit of current and future generations.

If all parents attended government parenting classes, children’s rights to getting quality parenting will be upheld. Doward (2006) argues that making parenting classes mandatory would in a great way aid in the prioritization of the children’s best interests without putting a restriction on the educational choices of these parents. This is because it might not be possible to put into place supervisory or legal systems that would provide encouragement to parents to take better care of their children.

Write 5 pages thesis on the topic heideggers thought of authenticity. Thinking further than responsibilities and habits put the people face to face with their personal thoughts of infinity, with oblivion, with the possibility of non-existence.

Write 5 pages thesis on the topic heideggers thought of authenticity. Thinking further than responsibilities and habits put the people face to face with their personal thoughts of infinity, with oblivion, with the possibility of non-existence.

“Authentic means ‘my own’”. consequently, the authentic personality is the identity that is ‘one’s own’ – having a life that is owned by one’s self. While the inauthentic personality is the dropped identity, the identity lost to the ‘they’. Therefore, one might identify the authentic personality the ‘personal’, and the inauthentic personality the ‘others’, the second phrase as well highlights the point that dropped is a form of the one’s own personality, and not of someone else’s. For instance, when people view a work of art, they inquire whether this specific piece is authentic, or if it is a just a replica of the actual one. Therefore, authenticity is usually used to indicate ‘the actual thing. Consequently, while trying to apply the term authenticity to humans, one thinks that the authentic individual is the one who is original/unique, or is leading a ‘genuine’, ‘non-superficial’ life. Nonetheless, this perception of authenticity might not totally fit with Heidegger’s idea. Heidegger states that the single method to attain authenticity is to live a life in search of possibility and that one can follow this via resoluteness.

In addition, as a form of one’s own personality, dropped identity is not an unplanned aspect of Da-sein, but instead component of Da-seins existential formation – It is an element of care, which is the ‘Being of Da-sein’. Hence, in the particular sense that dropped identity is a crucial factor of one’s existence. people are eventually responsible for their individual in-authenticity.&nbsp.

Write 5 pages thesis on the topic platos dialogue and the socrates’ argument. In the book by Michael Boylan and Charles Johnson, there is this Plato’s dialogue between Crito and Socrates. Socrates faces charges of disobeying the gods of Athens and misleading the youths of Athens through his teachings. Socrates is offered a chance to escape through the help of his friend, Crito, who would have paid the right people to make this easily possible.

Write 5 pages thesis on the topic platos dialogue and the socrates’ argument. In the book by Michael Boylan and Charles Johnson, there is this Plato’s dialogue between Crito and Socrates. Socrates faces charges of disobeying the gods of Athens and misleading the youths of Athens through his teachings. Socrates is offered a chance to escape through the help of his friend, Crito, who would have paid the right people to make this easily possible. Instead, Socrates turns down the offer and remains to face the law because he did not want to pay evil with evil.&nbsp.

According to the Philosopher, “…shall we insist on the truth of what was then said, that injustice is always an evil and dishonor to him who acts unjustly?” (Boylan and Johnson 55). Here, Socrates posed a question to Crito to ask him whether they were justified to do evil or insist on the truth. Crito agrees with him that injustice is always evil and dishonor to the unjust, therefore this would imply that Socrates needs to stick to what is right as doing an unjust act will lead him to evil and dishonor.

From Socrates’ argument, it is not just to do evil against many people. It means one must critically think of the consequences of their action before they act. By accepting to escape from the prison, he will be injuring the people of Athens since “…doing evil to another is the same as injuring him,” (55). In order not to find ourselves in positions such as these, then we need not retaliate or do evil for evil. This is because, when we do evil for evil, we do not tend to solve any problem, but add on a lot of problems to ourselves. Here, it is true what Socrates was talking about. Socrates is not in any way trying to justify the wrong he committed by going against the laws of Athens. He agrees to all that. Or this reason, he has been imprisoned. He feels&nbsp.that it is right to pay for his wrongdoing according to the law without running away from it. This is because, by trying to run away from it through planning to escape, he would be committing another evil to these people for having imprisoned him.&nbsp.