Write a 1 page paper on ecosystem services.

Write a 1 page paper on ecosystem services. Due Ecosystem Services Humankind derives most of its essential goods and services from the existing natural ecosystems. From the seafood eaten in restaurants to the fresh water and air taken in, all are products of the often free resources found in nature that supports the wellbeing of humans on the earth’s surface. Ecosystem services, therefore, refers to the processes by which the environment avails the resources exploited by human beings either for direct consumption (such as air and water) or for the production of goods and services used by man (Wilson 307). The preservation of biodiversity and the production of ecosystem goods largely depend on these services. In particular, ecosystems services not only help in regeneration of soil fertility, balancing of the impacts of extreme weather, cycling and movement of nutrients, detoxification and decomposition of wastes, shielding man from the harmful ultraviolet rays emanating from the sun, but also provide humans with a range of services that are often unrecognized, yet vital (Wilson 243-45).

While the importance of the fundamental life-support services provided by the ecosystem may seem obvious from the definition above, the nature and value of placed on these systems have largely been ignored by the human race until their loss highlights the ultimate danger to the living populations. Intuitively, the society undervalues the ecosystem services. Given the non-tradability of these services in economic markets, warning signals that would hitherto regulate their supply are non-existent. As such, a huge chunk of the human populations are neither conscious of the vital role of natural ecosystem services, nor attentive to the consequential effects of their actions to the ecosystem (Wilson 244). It is now more obvious that the mismatch between the immediate needs and long-term societal well-being driven by the modern scale of human enterprises aided by advanced technology is not only a threat to the natural biodiversity but touches on the very existence of the human race in years to come.

The large-scale alteration of natural ecosystems has informed a number of competing perspectives towards ecological restoration. Scientists contend that biodiversity is a product of the ecosystems services, and that the loss of biodiversity is an effectual indicator of changing service provision in an ecosystem. As such, ecological restoration should target ecosystem service provision and not particular species. On the flipside, economists are of the view that the traditionally hidden costs must be accounted for. and so the remedy lies in the introduction of price tags on the service-providing functions of the ecosystem (Wilson 304). Notwithstanding the above views, ethical perspective places the ultimate responsibility to the source. the restoration and conservation of ecosystem services begins with taking concrete within immediate surroundings such as gardens (Johansson 430).

Work cited

Johansson-Stenman, Olof. The Importance of Ethics in Environmental Economics with a Focus

on Existence Values. Environmental and Resource Economics 11 (1998): 429-442. Print.

Wilson, Edward. The Diversity of Life. Cambridge, MA: Belknap Press/Harvard University

Press, 1992. Print.

research paper on lessons plans. Needs to be 2 pages.

Need an research paper on lessons plans. Needs to be 2 pages. Please no plagiarism. Lesson Plans Assignment One: Information Rationale There are a wide range and constantly growing number of digital resources available to teachers that purport to be educationally valuable. It is essential for educators to be able to critically evaluate these resources in order to determine whether they meet the needs of their students and to create lessons which use these resources effectively.

This assignment will focus on creating an interactive lesson which locates one digital resource that is useful to maximize interactivity in the lesson.

Step One

The selected year group is Years 11-12. This year group comprises of children between the age of 15 to 18. In this LA, they are expected to apply their understanding of English language from the texts learned in class to the world level and analyze the language used. The ideas are:

Discussion through changing cards: duration taken is 15-20 minutes. Its aim is to enhance fluent oral communication. The students are needed to change the cards after completing the task allocated.

Filling crosswords: duration taken is 20-25 minutes. Every student has a crossword puzzle that is less than half filled and they are required to seek for clues then alert a partner (National Curriculum Board, Australia, 2009).

Step Two: Interactive Lesson Creation

The following details will be included in the website:

Teacher’s menu with.

Home page title: Vocabularies in English with teacher and student entries.

Lesson plan

The lesson plan aims at teaching students on how to use vocabulary in sentence construction. According to the curriculum, the students of Year 11-12 should apply the vocabularies learnt in class in the world setting (Skocik, 2002),


a) List ten vocabularies in a card and exchange the cards. There after, read and explain the meaning of the vocabularies listed by the students and conduct a spelling check through the dictionary..

b) Fill in the crossword puzzle.


Dictionary.cambridge.org, http://www.cambridge.org/policy/copyright/


Commonwealth of Australia, (2009). Shape of the Australian Curriculum: English, NationalCurriculum Board, Australia.

Dictionary.cambridge.org, http://www.cambridge.org/policy/copyright/

Skocik, C., (2002), English Lesson Plans For Substitute Teachers. J. Weston Walch, Publisher,USA.

Jeff Han Multi-Touch Sensor and Its Applications. The work is to be 8 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page.

I will pay for the following article Jeff Han Multi-Touch Sensor and Its Applications. The work is to be 8 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page. The multi-touch sensor in its simplest form is an advanced version of the touch screen interface. A touch screen is a unique input device that eliminates the conventional use of the computer’s mouse and keyboard and replaces it with the use of a human hand and a touch-sensitive screen. The concept of using human touch as the means to communicate becoming popular, owes its origins to the works of Sherrick (1985) and Rollmam (1999), changing the paradigm of commands and input devices in a computer-controlled environment. (1). Unlike its predecessor, the multi-touch system has the capabilities to recognize more than just one touchpoint. A touchpoint is a contact made on a particular touch screen. this is possible by sensors that pick up the pressure made from the human touch, the heat from a human hand, and or cameras that capture the actual touch made. Software programs can be written to make use of this technology to vastly enhance the interaction between the human and the computer. (2).

The significance of the multi-touch interface can not be adequately understood unless one knows the significance of a regular touch screen. Touch screens in general already eliminate the use of the bulky keyboard and mouse. This presents a friendly outlook on the computer experience which enables the creation of flux in user. It eliminates the analogy of the word desktop and actually transforms the computer into an actual desk. This effect is created by the touch screen interface that allows users to touch what they see. No longer are icons and images viewed as being an abstract object on a screen but through the means of the touch screen, they&nbsp.become concrete tangible objects that are at disposal of our fingertips. Now that we have understood what the original touch screen has given us we can now elaborate the significance of a multi-touch screen. As we stated before the multi-touch recognizes more than one touchpoint this breakthrough design gives us endless possibilities that we can incorporate into programs.&nbsp.

write an article on geography and gender, sharia law and it’s effects on women and men in countries with sharia Paper must be at least 2250 words.

Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on geography and gender, sharia law and it’s effects on women and men in countries with sharia Paper must be at least 2250 words. Please, no plagiarized work! Islamic law is derived from the Qura’n, the revelation of God to Prophet Muhammad. Life in an Islamic society is supposed to follow the tenets of Islamic law. Islamic law includes prayer, fasting, pilgrimage as well as laws pertaining to family, crime and commerce. Islam however does not have an official clergy. Therefore Islamic law or sharia, meaning the path, was developed by the ullema, the scholars who have come to assume a position of power and status in Islamic society. It is the ullema who issue fatwas or religious edicts.

However within Islam there have been voices of concern at a too strict interpretation of Islamic law without any consideration for the milieu into which Islam originated. The Egyptian Sheikh Muhammad Abduh had maintained that injunctions in the Qura’n relating to the observance of ibadat or tenets of worship were to be followed strictly but those relating to masdaba or rules of living should be interpreted with the consideration of the context they originated in. This is a view that is controversial and still unresolved in Islam. The view again that Islam is a patriarchal religion or misogynistic has been refuted by modern scholarly criticism which has proved that Islam inherited certain perceptions of women from biblical lore. Zayn R. Kassam states that interpretations about women entered Islam through certain strands of early Islamic literature such as the qisas al-anbiya, the asbab al-nuzul, the hadith, the tafsir and the fiqh. These were all oral sources of commentaries in Islam until they were collated and written quite later. The qisas al-anbiya literally means the “stories of the prophets” and was a principal source for the entry of biblical lore into Islam perhaps because the earliest Muslims were essentially converts from Judaism and Christianity.

Create a 5 pages page paper that discusses the military child.

Create a 5 pages page paper that discusses the military child. The requirements for military members, as well as their families, are not only becoming complex but are turn out to increase every day. During the deployment program, most children become vulnerable and in most cases, their inimitable development standpoint is put at risk. Additionally, most children experience emotional anguish during the disjointing period due to comparison. Children have a tendency of comparing themselves with other children. For example. children expect both of their parents to be available for a special occasion like birthday parties, graduation ceremonies, award ceremonies among others (Keller & Decoteau, 2000).

A family set up is a very crucial element. Even when there is no war, military children have to deal with the stress associated with frequent absenteeism and frequent moves of their parents. This becomes, even more, when the military members engage in war. There are very rare cases when a military family becomes comfortable even when the whole family is together. In most cases, there is concern, panic, or worry about the safety of the parent. Adolescents in a military family are the most affected due to the added duties and responsibilities. Where the military member is a woman, most families opt to share some duties with female youths. On the other hand, male adolescents take some responsibilities of a man if the man is a military. This addition to family duties may negatively affect the social life of the children as well as their academic life (Britt, Adler, & Castro, 2006).

Military families especially the youth are significantly affected by frequent moves by their parents in the course of their duties. The adolescents are even more affected in the case of military deployment to war. The adolescents and entire families face a number of challenges at the time of movement and after the movement. The emotional cycle of the children begins after the news about deployment is released. It begins with a period of intense emotions such as anger and fear. As the time to leave gets close, a period of withdrawal and detachment may occur.

Write a 7 pages paper on ios development using watchkit.

Write a 7 pages paper on ios development using watchkit. From this paper it is clear that in the mobile platform, a large market share is held by the iPhone. this being the reason behind interest in learning about iPhone development. The process of development entails an outline of how to establish the hardware for the applications. Setting of the software requirements and the final system requirements is also part of the process. Apple Inc. has made it easier for people who want to become developers with them. All a person needs is an account charged $99 annually, a mac computer, Xcode platform and a coding experience, such as the Swift and Objective-C coding languages. A developer page is availed that allows for download of the latest software and SDKs. The page also enables a certification for creation of profiles and groups and one has is free to manage the account and report any difficulty or bugs faced.

As the study highlights&nbsp.the apple Inc. created a modern programming language called swift. It is specifically developed to be more precise and flexible that the Objective-C. Swift has LLVM (Low Level Virtual Machine) compiler framework that utilizes the objective-C runtime allowing C, C++, Swift code and Objective-C to run in a single program. The flexibility of Swift is attributed to its capacity to support widespread late binding, dynamic dispatch and extensible programming.&nbsp.The Swift programming language has several features that indicate some similarities to the Objective-C, though are easier and more flexible.

submit a 250 words paper on the topic The Effects of Music on Sexual Attitudes. In the music video, Candy Shop by 50-cent feat Olivia some of the stereotypes are adversely revealed. Men are depicted to be more aggressive and adventurous than women. Conversely, women are portrayed as more affectionate and nurturing (Bar-on et al, 2001).

Hi, need to submit a 250 words paper on the topic The Effects of Music on Sexual Attitudes. In the music video, Candy Shop by 50-cent feat Olivia some of the stereotypes are adversely revealed. Men are depicted to be more aggressive and adventurous than women. Conversely, women are portrayed as more affectionate and nurturing (Bar-on et al, 2001). They are also ‘sex objects’. they are shown wearing skimpy clothing most of the times and tend to be pursued sexually more often than men. The message also emphasizes the physical appearance of the women, depicting them as passive and seekers for men attention. These views are consistent with Kalof research findings (Bar-on 191-194).

Notably, these are not the only images of gender roles young men and women are exposed to while enjoying the visual entertainments. Music video No More Drama by Mary J. Blige tries to depict women in a more empowering manner. The gender stereotypes images shown do not necessarily affect different views by both male and women. Kalof study involved young, educated white college students. thus this result does not apply to other racial groups, social classes or people with less education.

In addition, Kalof (378-385) study focused to prove if sexual images on videos affected people based on their gender. However, in her article, she refers to the participants as women or men, which are terms used to describe one’s biological sex rather than male and female. In light of this indistinctness, one’s biological sex can probably be the link to one’s sexual attitudes and not gender.

research paper on professional demeanor. Needs to be 7 pages. Please no plagiarism. &nbsp.Subsequently, the college context has been applied to the professional behavior. and it is followed by the section detailing the friendship circle. Before the conclusion part, both positive and negative aspects of personal branding and personality issues along with personal branding have been detailed.&nbsp. &nbsp.

Need an research paper on professional demeanor. Needs to be 7 pages. Please no plagiarism. &nbsp.Subsequently, the college context has been applied to the professional behavior. and it is followed by the section detailing the friendship circle. Before the conclusion part, both positive and negative aspects of personal branding and personality issues along with personal branding have been detailed.&nbsp. &nbsp.

&nbsp.Dress code remains an important part of the organizational subculture. The dress code enables me to identify myself as a part of the organizational subculture where we share similar values, perspectives and commitment towards achieving the organizational objectives and missions as well. For this purpose, I need to follow the dress code and wear the specific type of dress code. This specific nature of subculture attaches me with a ltor community or group in a particular manner. For example, based on this dress code and as part of the organization, I find myself attached with the core professional values of the organization. In this regard, it is worth highlighting that the requirement of a specific dress code directly supports my perspective relating to the professional demeanor. More specifically, I prefer to follow professional rules, beliefs, values and customs that are highly essential for obtaining the objectives of group expectations. At the same time, I do not find myself to be coerced by the dress code instead the workplace environment is so congenial that I do not find anything that is different from my own perception relating to the professional demeanor and outlook as well.

prepare and submit a term paper on Virginia Slims Advertising. Your paper should be a minimum of 500 words in length.

You will prepare and submit a term paper on Virginia Slims Advertising. Your paper should be a minimum of 500 words in length. Advertising typically creates a picture of perfection and goals of happiness not only to make its product desirable but also to create anxiety within its target market where its product can position itself to be the panacea. Advertising also appeals to our sense of vanity that certain product can make us beautiful that could make us happier. All of these are of course created perceptions to serve a certain marketing objective which is induced and/or create demand for a certain product.

This is the marketing thrust of Virginia Slims to induce women to smoke by inducing anxiety among its target market then later provide Virginia Slims cigarette as the panacea to relieve the women of its distress through the use of beautiful images in their advertisements. As a product, without the gloss and twist of advertising, Virginia Slims was really nothing but just a cancer inducing tobacco which causes bad breath, cardiovascular disease and lung cancer. But with the fuzzing or altering of the target market’s perception, the product suddenly became desirable where its smokers became an epitome of class, sophistication, confidence and seems to be happier.

Virgina Slims does this by distorting reality through the use of beautiful images in their promotional campaigns whereby they associate that such beauty, class and sophistication can be achieve by smoking their product of which we know to be untrue. It is an unhealthy advertising because it creates discontent to make or induce the market to become receptive of its harmful product.

The pervasiveness of this kind of advertisement that uses beautiful images of men and women to sell harmful products lowers the self-esteem of the target market. It is because the audience of these idealized beauties inadvertently compare themselves to these images that are unrealistic where the models themselves will have hard time achieving without the aid of computer enhancement. It also makes the audience frivolous because these idealized images inadvertently makes an individual tie up his or her self worth to physical appearance which is not a healthy gauge of one’s sense of self. It is also unhealthy because it makes the audience strive for an idealized concept of beauty that has no other value than its aesthetic worth. It benefits none except those who purveys those idealized beauty because they profit from it. It also breeds discontent and unhealthy personal disposition because it induces its audience, men and women, to strive for something that is not only unrealistic, but also of no use to better one’s life, society nor does it contribute to a common good except to enhance the profit the client of the advertiser.

This idealized concept of beauty that advertisers capitalized on can even be used to manipulate one’s psychological make-up to serve a particular end that does no good to an individual. In a study by Duan, it was reported that these sense of beauty which is ingrained in western society as a pre-requisite to be desired or loved is used by companies to induce its consumers to get hooked on an unhealthy habit of smoking to sell its product. It capitalizes on using women’s image as models which are considered to be beautiful and made it an archetype of confidence and beauty that women must feel compelled to meet (2003) when in fact it can only make them weak and sick in the long run. It is troublesome because the effect of this kind of advertising makes its prospective target market dig for his or her own grave.

Citizenship and Human rights in Australia. The work is to be 4 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page. (Freckelton, 1991)

I will pay for the following article Citizenship and Human rights in Australia. The work is to be 4 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page. (Freckelton, 1991)

The colonial masters imposed a police force amongst the Australians in the year 1834. The force was poorly received because most people thought they were inefficient and that they were performing duties which should be exclusive only to the military. Fifteen years later, an ordinance for the Police was passed and Police responsibilities and powers were laid out. Chain of command and powers of its members was clarified in the year 1861. This was closely followed by the Police Act of 1892. Some elements of this Act are still in force today. (Lewis, 1999)

During the 1970s and 60s, there were cases of people engaging in demonstrations from all parts of the world. (Australian Law Reform Commission, 1978) Most of these images became quite disturbing when they depicted police conducting themselves in an inappropriate manner. Similarly, within the country, there were some accusations against police with claims that some of them were engaging in corrupt acts. (Wood, 1997) This necessitated a sort of measure to correct these insufficiencies. However, one should not make the assumptions that the entire police force was corrupt at that time. There were a few cases that were tainting the image of the entire force.

One of the major efforts that were directed towards curbing these malpractices was through the formation of the Australian Law Reform Commission. It was formed in the year 1975. The Commission was supposed to deal with the latter mentioned cases as required by Federal Law. However, this commission was replaced by other bodies that were similar in function but different in name due to loss of power by the federal government. In 1982, there was the Police Integrity Commission. The purpose of this group was to ensure that there is equality in the enforcement of law within the country.