submit a 1250 words paper on the topic Gendered Lives: Communication, Gender, and Culture. This discussion will look at the extent to which the three elements are related to one another and the mutual influences that cut across them.

Hi, need to submit a 1250 words paper on the topic Gendered Lives: Communication, Gender, and Culture. This discussion will look at the extent to which the three elements are related to one another and the mutual influences that cut across them.

Wood (2012) highlights the significance of gender, culture, and communication in any given society as elements that depend on one another for them to be functional. The link that exists between gender and communication is one that is likely to vary when taken into the perspective of the two main genders. male and female. These two genders, since time immemorial, have their own unique ways of initiating communication and as such, the mode of interaction they use will depend mainly on their emotions and insight. Wood (2012), therefore, is able to show the level of involvement that both men and women have on various issues that affect them within the society in which they live.

Culture has gained prominence as a base on which people’s values, pride, and dignity in many societies the world over rest. With that in mind, culture determines the way of life of people within a particular society and through which their perceptions, beliefs, practices, taboos, and prejudices originate. Wood (2012) stresses that a key component of cultural uniqueness is a language that makes it possible for both men and women within any cultural set up to communicate with one another. He highlights the cultural situation as one which determines the nature of relations male and female members within a particular society are likely to have among themselves and with each other. Therefore, the kind of participation by any particular person in the affairs of the society will be shaped by the gender of that person.

The level and nature of communication within any cultural setup varies between the male and female members of that particular society. Men and women can use verbal forms to interact with or non-verbal forms to pass vital messages to the other party. This makes it easy for both parties to exchange views in whatever form regarding their feelings, understanding, or perceptions on different situations that they encounter. Wood argues that the language used for communicating within a community shapes the perceptions among members of that society about the expectations society has of all that live within a particular community (2012).

submit a 1250 words paper on the topic Contrast of John Adams to Thomas Jefferson.

Hi, need to submit a 1250 words paper on the topic Contrast of John Adams to Thomas Jefferson. When he took over the Presidency of the United States of America, the country was facing grave problems due to the war between France and the British. The George Washington administration had earlier proclaimed American neutrality, a policy that was initially followed by Adams. He also sent three commissioners to Paris to negotiate a peace settlement, but the Prime Minister of France refused to entertain them until they paid him a personal bribe. The United States government took this as a huge insult and Adams appealed to the Congress to appropriate defensive funds. This whole episode is known as the XYZ affair ultimately led to the formation of a formidable naval force. But this issue, coupled with Adam’s decision to send peace envoys to Paris led to the formation of deep barriers within the Federalist Party. It resulted in the emergence of another fraction headed by Alexander Hamilton, and the rift between the two only grew wider with time. (Brown)

On the domestic front, Adams proposed the Alien and Sedition Acts, which were intended to empower the government against foreign forces and public criticism. These acts were also essentially reactions to the XYZ episode. But these acts later became extremely controversial as several high profile newspaper editors were prosecuted under them. The acts were seen as being antagonistic to the essence of democracy and free thought. It also embittered the relations between the Federalists and the Republicans, a hostility that was felt in the next general elections.

John Adams was generally unpopular among the masses. He was seen as being honestly stubborn, opinionated, and politically aloof. He believed that the executive branch should stand above politics, and thus exercised abstinence from major political matters. There has been a lot of ambiguity regarding John Adams among historians. The building of a strong naval force and avoiding a full-on war with France are considered two of his major accomplishments. (The White House) But on the other hand, many of his decisions created fractions within the party. As a result, the Federalist Party was extremely divided in the 1800 general elections, as opposed to the united Republican Party. These divisions cost the party and John Adams a second term as President.

Though John Adams might not be the people’s President, he did leave behind a remarkable legacy. He introduced to America the art of avoiding war and settling disputes through diplomacy. Even when he was faced with populist defiance, he chose not to go to war with France. Another war, immediately after the War of Independence could have proved fatal for the still juvenile country. Thus, his legacy was one of a coherent vision, peace, moral leadership, and meticulous planning.

Compose a 1500 words assignment on helpdesks in the modern corporate world. Needs to be plagiarism free! Operators have now been replaced with professional staff who understand the business and can serve not only internal organizational functions like redirecting calls but can also assist customers by making them get better service.

Compose a 1500 words assignment on helpdesks in the modern corporate world. Needs to be plagiarism free! Operators have now been replaced with professional staff who understand the business and can serve not only internal organizational functions like redirecting calls but can also assist customers by making them get better service.

The type and set-up of a helpdesk will largely depend on the structure of the organization, type of business and number of clients served. A huge telecommunications company will typically have a call center with tens (maybe even hundreds) of customer care assistants who will receive calls and attend to the needs of the subscriber. In the event that the first responder cannot assist then he passes it on to someone else who can. This chain ensures that the customer gets better service and his inquiry is answered. If the query requires more time then the customer is such informed and will get a reply as and when it will be ready. On the other hand, a small-sized company dealing in duplicate paper sales would rarely have more than one person at the help desk, who would quite often double up as the company secretary or receptionist. Or both.

Helpdesks are not only limited to telephone-based helpdesks. Another common use of e-mails. Typically these would take a lot longer to get a reply, simply for the reason that listening is a lot faster than reading, and speaking than typing. Speed of service is not the only edge that telephone helpdesks enjoy over e-mail. During a telephone conversation, one can easily clarify information that is not clear to him. An e-mail, on the other hand, would require a back-and-forth exchange which may last hours and even days. To solve this problem, most organizations have introduced the online chat assistant, where the operator and customer exchange instant messages online. In many ways, this system has been revolutionary and many customers have expressed their satisfaction with it. However, it isn’t without fault. Albeit more reliable than e-mails, it still has the handicap of overdependence on internet connectivity speed.&nbsp.

research paper on positive phenomenon of news on the internet. Needs to be 5 pages.

Need an research paper on positive phenomenon of news on the internet. Needs to be 5 pages. Please no plagiarism. The history of news reporting is replete with the introduction of newer technologies that have helped expand existing modes of communication and revolutionized the means through which individuals gather and respond to information. The previous century, on its own, was witness to several of these technological revolutions and innovations, moving from telegraphic communication to news radio, and programmatic news television to the instant connectivity and reach of the Internet. Of course, with each step in this process of technological progress, questions were raised about the salience and impact of newer sources of information dissemination. The same remains true for the current revolution in news reporting that the Internet has brought about, and the purpose of this essay is to study the effects of the same and to argue that the internet has indeed been a positive development in the field.

The most obvious impact the Internet has had on news reporting is that of expediting the process between the occurrence of an incident and the time it takes to inform the general public. Indeed, “[j]ournalists in this medium have the unique ability to publish news events as they happen” (De Wolk, 2001, p. 175). However, what truly aids this process is the convenience with which news can both be accessed and updated.

For instance, major newspapers enjoy readerships in the millions, while television news carries the import of visual and aural aids, which heighten the experience of receiving news. However, it is difficult for either of these mediums to provide constant updations of changing situations. while televised news can still respond to new events on the ground, newspapers must wait till the following day to notify their readers. Internet reporting does not suffer from any of these constraints: as and when news breaks, journalists can use the medium to update remote&nbsp.update remote readers and even use the visual and aural aids like televised news.


write an article on Aboriginal Drinking Problems to the Cultural Construction. It needs to be at least 1500 words. By using this group of people as an example, culture and its construction can be explored to see how it is socially and politically structured, especially by using articles written by both indigenous and non-indigenous Australians.

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on Aboriginal Drinking Problems to the Cultural Construction. It needs to be at least 1500 words. By using this group of people as an example, culture and its construction can be explored to see how it is socially and politically structured, especially by using articles written by both indigenous and non-indigenous Australians.

The most obvious things about human social interactions are that people like to socialize with people they have things in common with. For example, international students may enjoy talking to other international students because they have a culture in common or the same visa issues. People who like some music will talk to people who like the same kind of music. This has led to some groups using fashion and other things to advertise their hobbies and interest as this may be a way to signal to others that they are open for conversation with people who enjoy the same. This social grouping can lead to cultural identity because it can be a reflection of a culture or sub-culture that others may find difficult to enter (Haviland, 1999). The same applies to people like the aboriginal Australians who share a similar ancestry and may share similar social structures and therefore may group themselves or be grouped.

It could be thought that because aboriginal Australians are a race and that they are often part of the same cultural group that race is the most important part of cultural construction. This is not true because racial construction is based on social construction more than biology. In the United Kingdom or the United States, for example, the aboriginal Australians would be treated differently than they are in Australia and placed into a different cultural construction (Anon, 2010). This would lead to them being expected to act, dress, and eat differently than the Australians believe that they should act. The indigenous Australians may even begin to take up some of these expectations as they are forced into another cultural construction and may begin to identify more with this new group as these become the norm.

One of the main things that are important in cultural construction is whether the people themselves think that they are part of this group.

Create a 5 pages page paper that discusses development of language in the classroom.

Create a 5 pages page paper that discusses development of language in the classroom. This subsequently could lead to the risk of the students dropping out of schools in which they are and lead to problems that could be for a lifetime. Such problems could be the risks of unemployment and opportunities of having pleasure in their places of work and in their general life. This has been found to be a problem that is diverse and has been to occur in daily occurrences. For instance, the students who are not able to read are faced with absolute challenges such as poor skills to watch television sets in their homes. Other problems such as making phone calls to their peers and the unadorned skills of giving directions and literacy skills are a challenge to these students.

The improvement of the ability to read for these students thus is imperative to alleviate them from the problems that they probably would face in the future. The art of reading is essential and recounts to be more than just a mere collection of wording (Stewart & Clarke, 2003). Reading occurs to incorporate the value of symbols as well as deciphering the meaning of various test subjects. This, in turn, leads to fluency in creating meaning to the information that is available for them to complete their knowledge database.

Subsequently, the various strategies to raise the literacy skills shall be evaluated to capture the best for the deaf students in bringing into position their best academic skills.

So as to alleviate their reading problems and create a way in which students can learn, there are vital steps within which students can be taken through. To be in a position to learn effectively, the acquiring of the vocabularies that are elemental is the first step towards acquiring the best of their reading abilities. Studies carried out in the past show that there exists a relationship between the attaining of knowledge and the continuance of literacy. As such, the students that are deaf and have a hearing problem need this potential breaking down of language to jump-start their basis of learning (Stewart & Clarke, 2003). Unlike the normal students, this knowledge and structure have to be passed on and instilled in the students in a careful manner. This is in order to curb the negative aspects of the outcomes that the non-hearing students may have in their learning abilities.

Write a paper on the role of stainless steel in construction.

I need some assistance with these assignment. the role of stainless steel in construction Thank you in advance for the help! The understanding of metal materials is an integral part of component technology. Of all the metal materials in use today, the materials of metal (steel, stainless steel, metal, device metal, metal steels) create up the biggest percentage both by the quantity and commercial value. Iron alloyed with various ratios of as well as gives low, mid, and great as well as materials. A metal, as well as metal, are only considered metal if the, as well as level, are between 0.01% and 2.00%. For the materials, the hardness and tensile durability of the metal are related to the amount of as well as the present, with increasing as well as stages also leading to reduced ductility and sturdiness (Eggleston, 2008). Therapy methods such as quenching and tempering can significantly change these features, however. Throw Iron is determined as an iron-carbon metal with more than 2.00% but less than 6.67% as well.

Stainless-steel metal is determined as a regular metal with greater than 10% by bodyweight alloying content of Chromium. Dime and Molybdenum are typically also found in stainless materials. Other essential metal materials are aluminum, titanium, birdwatcher, and the mineral magnesium. Copper materials have been known for a long period (since the Brown Age), while the materials of the other three materials have been relatively recently designed. Due to the substance reactivity of these materials, the electrolytic removal procedures required were only designed relatively recently. The materials of aluminum, titanium, and mineral magnesium are also known and respected for their great strength-to-weight percentages and, in the situation of the mineral magnesium, their ability to give electro-magnetic defending (Eggleston, 2008). These components are perfect for events where great strength-to-weight percentages are more essential than large cost, as in the aerospace industry and certain automobile technological innovation programs.

write an article on Information Technology Infrastructure. It needs to be at least 1250 words.

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on Information Technology Infrastructure. It needs to be at least 1250 words. Many are the operations that computer systems can support. Organizations that embrace these systems in their daily operations are likely to experience time-based efficiency and reduced operational cost, translating into increased profit margins.Statement: The underlying principle of an enterprise network is that every system should be in a position of communicating, providing, and retrieving information. Attainment of this principle is not a one-time thing. it has to go through numerous evolutions that cut across several organizations’ spheres.The Value Added to the Statement is:A business’s social environment is one-factor shaping enterprise network evolution. Business enterprises need to engineer their societies to enhance operations routinely. A good example is a business resorting to embedding the Facebook follow button on its official website in response to the growing number of Facebook users.Globalization is another factor that shapes the evolution of enterprise networks. A business enterprise intending to provide services or products worldwide would need to use IT systems that comply with global standards. For instance, an enterprise intending to attain a global competitive edge would be compelled to use competitor enterprises’ business intelligence tools.Technological developments also influence the dimension that enterprise networks take. Technology constantly replaces low skill positions and roles even in the network arena. As such, businesses have to upgrade their enterprise networks as per the technological innovations to remain relevant in the face of this fast-paced business environment.Conclusion: Several factors dictate the dimension of an enterprise network. Every evolutionary measure that pertains to an enterprise network should put these factors into consideration if the attainment of the overall organization objectives is anything to go by.

IT Infrastructure

Statement: IT infrastructure is a collection of computer software, hardware, resources, plus network services that a business enterprise needs to sustain, operate, and manage its IT organization. An IT infrastructure will often consist of different components working together to achieve a common goal.

write an article on Information Technology Infrastructure. It needs to be at least 1250 words.

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on Information Technology Infrastructure. It needs to be at least 1250 words. Many are the operations that computer systems can support. Organizations that embrace these systems in their daily operations are likely to experience time-based efficiency and reduced operational cost, translating into increased profit margins.Statement: The underlying principle of an enterprise network is that every system should be in a position of communicating, providing, and retrieving information. Attainment of this principle is not a one-time thing. it has to go through numerous evolutions that cut across several organizations’ spheres.The Value Added to the Statement is:A business’s social environment is one-factor shaping enterprise network evolution. Business enterprises need to engineer their societies to enhance operations routinely. A good example is a business resorting to embedding the Facebook follow button on its official website in response to the growing number of Facebook users.Globalization is another factor that shapes the evolution of enterprise networks. A business enterprise intending to provide services or products worldwide would need to use IT systems that comply with global standards. For instance, an enterprise intending to attain a global competitive edge would be compelled to use competitor enterprises’ business intelligence tools.Technological developments also influence the dimension that enterprise networks take. Technology constantly replaces low skill positions and roles even in the network arena. As such, businesses have to upgrade their enterprise networks as per the technological innovations to remain relevant in the face of this fast-paced business environment.Conclusion: Several factors dictate the dimension of an enterprise network. Every evolutionary measure that pertains to an enterprise network should put these factors into consideration if the attainment of the overall organization objectives is anything to go by.

submit a 1250 words paper on the topic Challenges, Strength, and Weakness of Adult Educator. Conversely, only twenty percent of the learning process takes place in the learning institutions. In this case, teaching done in the institutions is given bigger attention. This follows that this is the section of learning which involves adult students that can be influenced by using combined forms of learning.

Hi, need to submit a 1250 words paper on the topic Challenges, Strength, and Weakness of Adult Educator. Conversely, only twenty percent of the learning process takes place in the learning institutions. In this case, teaching done in the institutions is given bigger attention. This follows that this is the section of learning which involves adult students that can be influenced by using combined forms of learning.

First, it is obvious that knowledge is a prerequisite quality for a good teacher. In addition to professional knowledge, it is noteworthy for the tutor to consider enlarging his/her general knowledge of culture, humanity, society, methodology, psychology, politics, and history. This will, in turn, serve to boost the effectiveness in providing what the students need to know. In addition, this knowledge places the teacher in a good position to deal with the student’s curiosity and satisfy their diversified requirements.

Devotion and passionate love for students are another quality that a skillful teacher needs to have. In general, adult students exhibit diverse behavior. Consequently, the teacher must be well acquainted with methodologies of handling the students in a gentle and loving manner. Paying scrupulous attention to the students and knowing how to keep calm in any situation is imperative at this point. This will help much when giving the students advice and help them realize where they have gone wrong to realize positive change.

The only perfect and absolute trait of all good teachers is being reflective. This is so, as without it none of the other characters fully attains its goal. It has been observed that an outstanding teacher is required to think and reflect on their classes from time to time. In addition, the teacher gets so concerned over their students, methods of teaching, and even materials used to teach. Following these, comparisons are made and contrast drawn. The distinctions and parallels will be highlighted with respect to reviews and restoration. This works to ensure one keeps connected with the teaching and learning process.

A respectable adult teacher should be comfortable with not knowing. This is a case where one is required to be honest about the dilemmas that cannot be solved immediately. This is notable as one is dealing with mature minds that require honesty.