Write an article on Emotional Intelligence in Educational Leadership. The work is to be 5 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page.

I will pay for the following article Emotional Intelligence in Educational Leadership. The work is to be 5 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page. This study would majorly focus on evaluating the causes and effects of neglecting the approach of emotional intelligence in educational leadership (George, 2000). &nbsp.As per studies in this field, emotional intelligence is an important factor for exhibiting leadership qualities. Leaders often possess the emotional intelligence to analyze the emotions of oneself and others. It is stated as self-awareness since it makes an individual aware of significant emotions and their overall impact. However, educational leaders, at times, neglect the concept of emotional intelligence. This occurs since leaders are more cautious about achieving the ultimate goal of providing quality education (Caruso and Salovey,&nbsp. 2004). There are certain causes and effects directly associated with the negligence of emotional intelligence. In most cases, it is observed that students suffer from traumatic conditions due to their teachers or principal not understanding their emotional construct.

Educational leadership is related to measures adopted by principals, staff, teachers, etc. to interact with students. For instance, principals are mostly responsible for repairs, school cleanliness, and attendance. Educational leadership denotes that principals will be responsible not only for traditional management practices but also for implementing teaching strategies. The focus should be more on the needs and wants of an organization. Management can be considered the central component, but professional and democratic issues are also considered. The mission of education or student learning is accomplished only by controlling and managing staff and students’ behavior. Student-centered leadership is observed in educational institutions (Bar-On, Handley, and Fund, 2006). Emotional intelligence is stated as the pillar of educational leadership. At times, educational leaders neglect the emotional aspect due to more emphasis given on the traditional structure of management. Emotional intelligence is a strength upon which leadership attributes are developed. It is often witnessed that cultural competency is not present within leaders. Emotional intelligence can be directly linked with the cultural factor. This is simply because while understanding the emotions of others, their culture can be determined.

Provide a 5 pages analysis while answering the following question: How Social Media Has Impacted Education. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. Proper use of social media can be used to facilitate education and improve learning in education. As Blankenship (2011) points out, the evolution of social media has led to the development of more effective education systems in the contemporary learning environment. On this note, social media has had a cumulative positive impact on the education sector.

Provide a 5 pages analysis while answering the following question: How Social Media Has Impacted Education. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. Proper use of social media can be used to facilitate education and improve learning in education. As Blankenship (2011) points out, the evolution of social media has led to the development of more effective education systems in the contemporary learning environment. On this note, social media has had a cumulative positive impact on the education sector.

The history of social media and its impact on education is long. In the traditional learning environment, the only social media that was common is the television, a technology that was only limited to only a few in the society. The access to social media was limited and there was little connection between education and social media. However, it is clear that the broadcasting media created awareness in society and encouraged society to take a keener interest in education. The media popularized education especially among the communities that had neglected education. This role of the media has become critical even in contemporary society as the broadcasting media give a greater focus on education forums and contribute to the streamlining of education. Today, social media channels have become many, including online social sites that have attracted more people in the world. In the emergence of internet technology, online social media channels such as Facebook, Skype, Twitter, and Linked In have become common in the world (Patrut, 2013). Moreover, access to social media has become much easier and cheaper. On this note, social media has become an important tool to influence education and learners.

In the recent past, the broadcasting media has enlightened society on the significance of education. Broadcasting stations provide crucial information to society and encourage them to take their young ones to school as part of the parental role in shaping the future of their children. Lack of awareness of the importance of education has undermined education development in society.

Provide a 5 pages analysis while answering the following question: The Course Which Helped Me Get to Know America. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required.

Provide a 5 pages analysis while answering the following question: The Course Which Helped Me Get to Know America. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. American government and politics are not very much related to my life as I am an international student in America. The influence of American government and politics on my life would have been more had I been a citizen of America. As of now, the biggest impact of the American government on my life has been in terms of the rules and regulations I had to face while entering America, the process I went through for being granted a visa, and my rights within this country as an international student. However, I am happy to state that the American government allows me the freedom to express my opinions freely without fearing undue accountability for the same.

The thing that has had the biggest impact on me in America is the attitude of people. Americans are different from people in other countries. Not that that look different. it is a behavior that they exhibit that makes them different. I find Americans to be open-minded and straightforward. Most American friends that I have to speak to-the-point, and don’t brag about things much. I have received a message to be as practical in my thoughts and approach as I can be. I believe the same attitude reflects in American politics also. The government makes such rules that it can implement also.

I did not experience any significant issues. We met each other using Google Hang Out. In fact, the group members were very collaborative. I was fortunate to be placed on the same team that my friends were in. My friends and I worked according to a schedule and a time table. We established our goals and took responsibilities considering our strengths and weaknesses through mutual consensus. We kept shifting the leadership responsibility from one team member to another so that everybody would have a fair chance to lead at least once. Likewise, when the exams approached, we conducted a group study. We helped each other out over the topics we knew better than the rest. Together, we were able to achieve complicated tasks with ease.

The Limitations of the Behaviourist Approach. The work is to be 5 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page. Chomsky’s works have been rated as the most influential pieces in the study of psychology, particularly concerning behaviourism. In this case, a lot of transformations were witnessed amongst learners who studied the language.

I will pay for the following article The Limitations of the Behaviourist Approach. The work is to be 5 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page. Chomsky’s works have been rated as the most influential pieces in the study of psychology, particularly concerning behaviourism. In this case, a lot of transformations were witnessed amongst learners who studied the language.

With his works labelled as classics, and having all the evidence in regard to the study of language, as opposed to behaviourism that is too general, this work shall aim to understand the limitations of the behaviourist approach, with the reference to Skinner.

In the views of Noam Chomsky, the aspect of behaviour cannot be understood in the study of B.F. Skinner’s operant conditioning. According to the thoughts of Routledge & Chapman (2005), Chomsky indicates that Skinner’s work is the worst ever written in the history of psychology. In this case, Chomsky indicates that his work comprises tangible evidence and conclusions as compared to the behaviourism standpoint. First, Chomsky argues against the viewpoint of Skinner’s learning through operant conditioning by arguing that one cannot study the behaviour of an individual, but not the components under study. The psychologists, in this case, must not rely on the existing evidence and the abilities portrayed by the individuals, but the psychologists must go a step ahead and analyze the contents of the brain of the persons under study. From the brain, the researchers are likely to understand how the behaviours portrayed by the individuals have come into practicality. The brain, according to Chomsky (2006), is the root of the behaviours portrayed by the individual. The behaviours are simply a replica of the processes that go on in the individuals’ brain and cannot be alienated from the end product that is the behaviours of the individuals (Chomsky, 2006). In relation to Chomsky, Skinner went for the end product- the behaviours portrayed- without getting to the grounds in which the behaviour has its roots. According to Altmann & Gaskell (2007), Chomsky emphasizes that the study of the brain gives evidence of the behaviours portrayed by the individuals.

In his work, Chomsky compares the study of&nbsp.behaviour to referring to Physics as readings in Science without considering the fact that the readings are mere data collected after an occurrence of a certain experiment by the learners or scientists in the laboratory (Randall, 2007).

Write 5 pages with APA style on Cultural Barriers to Health Care.

Write 5 pages with APA style on Cultural Barriers to Health Care. The cultural beliefs are determined by society’s view on health and wellness, religion, medication, sexuality, and childbirth as well as food beliefs and diet. For instance, other cultures do not believe in medication or hospitalization instead they believe in traditional medication such as the use of herbs to cure diseases. Others believe that illness comes as a result of supernatural phenomena whereas believing that illnesses can only be cured through spiritual intervention. Study shows that societies with minimal formal education especially in third world countries are affected since they do not have a vivid comprehension of how the body works (Driscoll & Nagel, 2008).

These social-cultural forces have a major effect on access to healthcare in different societies especially in children and women in developing countries. All cultures have systems of health beliefs that explain illnesses, their causes, diagnosis, how they can be treated or cured, and who should be involved in the treatment process (Andrulis & Brach, 2007). Cultures, therefore, determine the patience compliance to diagnosis and medication processes which as a result affects the overall wellness of that society. An example of such cultures is those from certain subpopulations in India and Pakistan where the societies there are reluctant to accept a diagnosis of severe emotional and mental illnesses because they believe that it reduces the chances of other members of the family getting married (Silva, 1994).

Similarly, in the Vietnamese culture mental and physical illnesses are explained as a harmonious balance between poles of hot and cold that govern the functions of the body. As a result, the Vietnamese do not readily accept the modern mental treatment of counseling, especially where self-disclosure practices. Russian immigrants also view western medical care with a lot of mistrust since they do not believe in the disclosure of personal information to other people (Silva, 1994). As a result, Russian patients find it difficult to openly disclose personal information and medical concerns to physicians or to question the physicians.

Writing assignment on sustainability challenges associated with urban dynamics

I need some assistance with these assignment. sustainability challenges associated with urban dynamics Thank you in advance for the help! A lack of understanding of unexpected growth consequences may also lead to urban sprawl. The government, in most cases, has not taken into consideration the implications of urban sprawl. The government’s action of allowing developers to do as they wish may also cause urban sprawl.

When people over depend on automobiles for transportation, urban sprawl may also result. Developments in the urban areas involve the use of materials such as stone, cement, and asphalt.

Subsidies on automobiles play a critical role in the spreading of urban sprawl. This, according to Hanson (1992), enables automobile owners to incur low costs of transportation and thus encouraging urban sprawl. People will find it easy to commute by cars from the suburbs. The table that follows gives subsidies for the years 1983 according to the value of the dollar in 1987, Madison, Wisconsin.


Though the statistics date back to more than a decade ago, the subsidies for automobile users imply that people found it easy to own and maintain vehicles, and thus suburbs grew rapidly. This is because. such people could live away from the town center and still drive there. We can imagine the gradual increase in automobiles’ use leading to nitrogen emissions, including sulfur oxides and carbon dioxide. The scenario led to impacts including air pollution, personal injury, and environmental damage due to salt on roads. Air pollution came in the form of acid rain and climate change. Rampant use of automobiles led to injuries from accidents, property damage, and fatalities. The use of salt on roads during winter has brought problems of acid rain and water pollution. According to Hanson (1992), Madison’s total damage from air pollution, personal injury, and road salt amounted to $4.7 billion. Amazingly, vehicles and highway structures were responsible for 90 percent of the damage.

Consequences of urban sprawl

Although urban sprawl looks desirable and satisfying for the urban rich, it has brought various undesirable environmental impacts. This paper deals not only with ecological impacts but also social and economic effects. Social and economic effects relate to the environmental impact because the two can lead to the latter.

writing homework on Intellectual Property Law: Trade Marks. Write a 4000 word paper answering; After defining trademarks, the relevant trademark law was addressed. In this connection sections 5 and 10 of the trademark act 1994, which deal with the registration of trademarks, were discussed. Next, the role of registered trademarks in granting monopolistic rights to their owners has been examined. After this the rescission period of trademarks was discussed with reference to relevant case law.

Need help with my writing homework on Intellectual Property Law: Trade Marks. Write a 4000 word paper answering; After defining trademarks, the relevant trademark law was addressed. In this connection sections 5 and 10 of the trademark act 1994, which deal with the registration of trademarks, were discussed. Next, the role of registered trademarks in granting monopolistic rights to their owners has been examined. After this the rescission period of trademarks was discussed with reference to relevant case law.

Next, several instances in which the court exhibited reluctance to grant trademark rights to applicants were described. After this cases dealt by the European Court of Justice in respect of trademark rights were discussed. Subsequently, the landmark case of Arsenal v. Reed was analyzed in detail.

Thereafter, the House of Lords decision in respect of a criminal prosecution under the trademarks act was discussed. After this the applicability of the Harmonization Directive of the EU to the Member States was discussed. After this cases supporting the view that trademark infringement constitutes an overt attempt at establishing a monopoly were discussed. In this context, cases dealt by the ECJ and the UK Courts had been discussed.

Complete 8 pages APA formatted article: The Musician of Today. Originality, in this respect, is an important word.

Complete 8 pages APA formatted article: The Musician of Today. Originality, in this respect, is an important word. Originality may be described as a phenomenon that caters to the personal sense of creation that an artist indulges in. This sense of creation is something that is an outcome of the artist’s sense of aesthetics and what he or she feels will have wide acceptance and appeal in the long run. In this regard, artists generally regard qualities like timelessness and mass appeal in the creation of work that will be demonstrated before people. Originality is an important concept for this paper due to the nature of the topic. Is it possible to remain original by playing classics – that too without adding a touch of your own to a piece of work? The role of originality here is in the creation. A musician may create a classic on his own and it will be called recreation. Most people might argue that it is important to render your own elements even when playing classics so as to ensure that there is a demonstration of how a person can improvise. In this regard, the counter-argument is that the listener is usually not concerned with the technicalities. It very often happens that a recreation of a certain piece of work is not taken to well in its “improvised” form as there are constant comparisons with the original. This works against the musician in question, therefore making his work ‘a cheap imitation’.&nbsp.&nbsp.

research paper on three different forms of reading instructions. Needs to be 5 pages.

Need an research paper on three different forms of reading instructions. Needs to be 5 pages. Please no plagiarism. Much of the knowledge is gained through the use of print media and this also means that readers are inherently more successful at comprehending text that is dealing with a familiar subject. Additionally, the interpretation of the text is also based on a number of external factors such as the use of life experiences in comprehension and understanding of the text.

Apart from this, the level of understanding is highly dependent on the interrelation of different parts of the text as well as the degree of redundancy of the information being discussed upon (a partially redundant text helps the reader stay in greater touch with the text). The way in which a text is organized also allows the users to make certain predictions and compare them with the actual outcomes of the subsequent information. This comparison between the desired and the most logically believed outcomes and the actual outcomes determines the level of coherence between the message being conveyed by the text and the manner in which the reader interprets the meaning.

The purposes of reading are themselves multi-faceted. A reader can pursue such an interest for the purposes of gathering information or for pleasure. In fact, the importance of the reading process determines the intensity with which the reader would be focusing on the reading process. Readers contract mental images of how they perceive the thing to be and assess whether they understand it totally. In case of a mismatch, the reader may switch to another text in order to utilize the time in a better way. As such, it is always important to ensure that the pattern of instruction is well defined and properly structured (Michael Pressley, 2005).

A reader may not receive information from text alone. In fact, the word ‘text’ has been referred to all along with deals with the process of knowledge sharing through a number of mediums. However, all such mediums and their associated patterns and procedures are varied in nature and need to be discussed in detail. It is in this context that the term reading instruction has arisen.

Write a 5 pages paper on data mining: the personalization of the organizations business processes. Data Mining tools often predict future trends and current behaviors. This enormously assists in the making of knowledgeable decisions. Hidden patterns are often the resultants of Data Mining processes. These patterns may most probably be missed out by humans as they lie out of their expectations. Thus Data Mining does the wonders for an organization that may otherwise seem impossible.

Write a 5 pages paper on data mining: the personalization of the organizations business processes. Data Mining tools often predict future trends and current behaviors. This enormously assists in the making of knowledgeable decisions. Hidden patterns are often the resultants of Data Mining processes. These patterns may most probably be missed out by humans as they lie out of their expectations. Thus Data Mining does the wonders for an organization that may otherwise seem impossible.

The key to Data Mining, for any respective organization, is the Mining of Data concerning the requirements of its users. This emphasizes the fact that the evaluation of raw data would be of substantial value to the concerned organization only if it is produced in line with the requirements of the stakeholder. The Data Miners can work on the data and produce varying trends of results but if they are the results that are already obvious or are beyond the scope of the stakeholder then they are most probably not going to be of any good for the organization that is bound to receive them.

“Data mining, the extraction of hidden predictive information from large databases, is a powerful new technology with great potential to help companies focus on the most important information in their data warehouses.” (Thearling, 1997)

Data Mining is often given the names of Knowledge Discovery from Database and Business Intelligence. Data Mining is in fact the key step in the acquisition of knowledge from a vast data bank. Other processes that contribute to Data Mining for the final discovery of information are often referred to as Pattern Recognition, Data Cleaning, Selection, Integration, and Transformation.

Data Miners have always deployed Data Mining algorithms for mining data. However, several issues need to be taken off by data miners to execute successful data mining operation for the respective organizations.

Enabling access of precious data to users and stakeholders alike, pose a potential threat to the security of the data itself.