Write a 5 pages paper on earning a degree through distance education is better than through a traditional institution. In the long run, I thought, you have a title from an institution and generally speaking, people do not ask you where you graduated from.

Write a 5 pages paper on earning a degree through distance education is better than through a traditional institution. In the long run, I thought, you have a title from an institution and generally speaking, people do not ask you where you graduated from.

The institutions of higher learning used several mechanisms to teach their classes at a distance. They used teleconferencing, audio conferencing, and later on the virtual paradigm. I found that the teleconferencing and the audio conferencing are too expensive to offer classes. The virtual paradigm is less expensive to use to offer classes and it is a new way of reaching out to those that otherwise would not be able to attend to classes and earn a degree from a higher educational institution.

With the virtual paradigm I have been able to use my computer, a microphone (if it is synchronized for everyone to communicate simultaneously), use a web camera (if it is also synchronized for everyone to communicate simultaneously). I found out that it is less expensive if I take a class that is non-synchronized. This means that I do not need a microphone or a camera to communicate with the professor or with my classmates.

My views have changed since then. I believe that earning a degree through distance education is better than through a traditional institution. I find, however, that it is not an easy task to accomplish. I believe that going through the traditional education program may be easier to accomplish because it has been the model that we have followed for centuries. It is what I am used to. The teacher is present in a classroom and there is simultaneous feedback as I am accustomed to. If we observe the patterns in history, the traditional educational system has had its flaws: absenteeism, illiteracy, behavioral problems, and, low scores in standardized tests performances.&nbsp.&nbsp.

Create a 5 pages page paper that discusses shifting paradigms: creating meaningful learning. Due to globalization, technological advancements, and rapid political changes all over the world people are now more and more exposed to the changing environment.

Create a 5 pages page paper that discusses shifting paradigms: creating meaningful learning. Due to globalization, technological advancements, and rapid political changes all over the world people are now more and more exposed to the changing environment. Although this is a part of the development process it has to be dealt with critically in order to facilitate future generations in quick environmental adaptation. Here, the educators play a vital role in helping students to build up such competencies which are crucial for their efficient operations, comfort, transformation, and growing production. Hence it can be said that creating a paradigm of meaningful learning is extensively significant for innovations which are then followed by the transformational process. However, educational institutions cannot perform this job independently. They surely require the assistance and facilitation of other stakeholders and community leaders so as to express a coherent and conceivable idea of the shifting paradigms. For instance, leaders and educators would have to communicate the potential success of the dynamic changes while also creating an environment of motivation and commitment all around. They can also define the resources required to carry out the entire project of meaningful learning (Duffy, 2010).

Since stakeholders are responsible to undertake the changes in educational patterns therefore they would have to show flexibility in their approach and other working methods. This fundamentally involves thinking in different ways, perceiving the idea of shifting paradigms, and behaving accordingly. Moreover, the change also involves some of the unlearning&nbsp.processes, for example, educators and stakeholders would have to completely reject the conventional learning and behaving methods.&nbsp.

Provide a 5 pages analysis while answering the following question: Cultural Attitudes against Women. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. The traditional alienation might have ceased but the role-play in the society has given them a lower level of responsibility, this part of the culture. Therefore, cultural attitudes have not significantly changed to warrant a view that women can match men.

Provide a 5 pages analysis while answering the following question: Cultural Attitudes against Women. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. The traditional alienation might have ceased but the role-play in the society has given them a lower level of responsibility, this part of the culture. Therefore, cultural attitudes have not significantly changed to warrant a view that women can match men.

The proposition by Woolf that women are supposed to be provided with equal chances as their male counterparts is still valid. Our culture has granted women equal opportunities in various aspects such as education and in the provision of social services. The constitutions of the country and the various states contain the bill of rights that provides protection against gender discrimination. It is also evident in the society that gender discrimination on any grounds is being termed as immoral. Despite these aspects, there is an inherent view that women have a lesser capacity as compared to men. Having a global view, most of the senior leadership positions and most influential people continue to me men despite the number of women being higher than that of men globally. Despite the challenges associated with a woman having ‘a room of one’s own,’ it is necessary so that the community will continue to change the views held against women (Woolf 1). This makes the arguments by Woolf in the 20th century to have strong support. The cultural view has not been eroded, gender stereotyping is very prevalent. However, compared to other states especially the developing countries, the United States is far much ahead in eliminating gender biases in relation to cultural alignment.

Male dominance is still a key aspect in the society. this trend is not expected to be broken any time soon. The males have taken all the key positions in organizations and in governments. The laws have been implemented to encourage gender balance but the women are always on the lower end of the divide. The United States is a mix-up of almost all cultures across the world.&nbsp.

write an article on e-pedagogy for the future Paper must be at least 1250 words.

Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on e-pedagogy for the future Paper must be at least 1250 words. Please, no plagiarized work! Despite the many advantages that e-learning has brought to the educational system, there are many concerns about it as well. For instance, questions surrounding the future of e-learning in a field that is fast evolving have often dwelt on the predictability of future technological advances that will guide the sector. This is where e-pedagogy finds relevance – it addresses the concerns raised by reviewers and critics of e-learning, and attempts to build a bridge between the present and future pedagogical issues by developing a transitional framework (Jeffery and Craft 2004).

Some technological approaches used in enhancing creativity and improving engagement levels among students are highly beneficial. This is especially true for modern-day tools such as tablets and iPads. Research into the benefits of using technology to enhance educational input has been riddled with mixed outcomes for some of the methods used (Fullan and Langworthy 2014). For instance, research into the use of television programs as a tool for enhancing a fast understanding of concepts by younger cohorts of learners has often been marked with “discouraging” findings. Huffaker (2003) observed that, based on many research studies completed on the relevance of TV of learning outcomes, there was an almost overwhelming agreement that the devices were more likely to cause harm than good. In fact, the findings referred to alluded to a situation where TV often plays a role in reinforcing disengagement among learners. Further research has established that the level of control (including the amount of time young children spend watching TV every day) needed to sustain the benefits accrued from using the device for enhancing engagement is quite high, a requirement that most busy parents can hardly manage at their homes (Mentis 2008. Huffaker 2003).

More recent research has embarked on the use of more portable and trendy devices such as mobile&nbsp.Despite the many advantages that e-learning has brought to the educational system, there are many concerns about it as well. For instance, questions surrounding the future of e-learning in a field that is fast evolving have often dwelt on the predictability of future technological advances that will guide the sector. This is where e-pedagogy finds relevance – it addresses the concerns raised by reviewers and critics of e-learning, and attempts to build a bridge between the present and future pedagogical issues by developing a transitional framework.

Provide a 5 pages analysis while answering the following question: Data Collection Methods. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide.

Provide a 5 pages analysis while answering the following question: Data Collection Methods. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. As a common data collection method, interviews will be used in this research. Precisely, this research will overly rely on semi-structured interviews where participants will be asked predetermined questions. Apparently, the prearranged questions used in semi-structured interviews allow the researcher to probe interviewees beyond the answers they give regarding the prearranged questions, thus clarifying on various issues that might often be belligerent or not clear to the researcher (Berg, 2009. Gall, Gall & Borg, 2007).

My decision to use semi-structured interviews is informed by the ostensible fact that since each interviewee is asked the questions in a methodical and steady manner, the researcher can easily compare the responses from various respondents. Moreover, Berg (2009) affirms that its structure allows the elucidation of issues, and allows the researcher to delve into the specific issues presented by individual participants. An equally strong advantage of semi-structured interviews is that they are adapted to the specific needs of each participant making the interviewee reveal even the most sensitive information that would not have been obtained through any other data collection method (Gall, Gall & Borg, 2007).

Apparently, the best time to conduct the interviews will be the academic year 2014-2015 since the RET program will have ended and instructors will have, supposedly, reaped from the program. As a way of preserving the information collected, I will take brief notes during the interview. Moreover, the entire interview sessions will be audio recorded. While Gall, Gall and Borg (2007) consider recording and note-taking to be antique methods of preservation of data, I believe that they are still efficient in capturing the necessary details and provide a reference when and if the need arises. Additionally, the audio-recorded interview provides a comprehensive vocal record enabling a researcher to conduct a thorough study of the information as asserted by various scholars including Borg (2007) and Gall, Gall and Borg (2007).

prepare and submit a term paper on Engineering And Project Management In Oil And Gas Industry. Your paper should be a minimum of 1250 words in length. h the examination of the firm’s mission, reviewing the business environment of the firm and reviewing the resources of the firm, which can be used in the pursuit of the firm’s mission. Lastly, the firm will develop a strategy, featuring the activity areas to be covered in the work of the firm.

You will prepare and submit a term paper on Emgineering And Project Management In Oil And Gas Industry. Your paper should be a minimum of 1250 words in length. h the examination of the firm’s mission, reviewing the business environment of the firm and reviewing the resources of the firm, which can be used in the pursuit of the firm’s mission. Lastly, the firm will develop a strategy, featuring the activity areas to be covered in the work of the firm.

The scope of the paper is defined clearly. This is evident from the fact that it talks about the topic of the article, in its entirety. The title talks of strategic planning in the field of engineering and construction (Cakmak & Tas, 2012). After going into the paper, the reader is taken through the definition of planning, which gives them the framework for comprehending what the strategies will be used for. After going into the exploration of the article, the paper explores the strategic planning of construction firms in its entirety, starting with the company as an entity, where the focus is on the mission of the firm. Next, the discussion reaches out to the environment, which is outside the company, noting that the mission needs to be aligned to the business environment (Warszawski, 1996).

Further, the discussion returns to the company, to check the resources of the company, which will enable it to counter the business environment explored in the strategic planning process. After determining that the company’s resources can work well in the environment, then they discuss the integration of a strategy, which features the alignment of the business environment, the firm’s mission and the resources of the firm (Warszawski, 1996). Therefore, the scope of the paper is well defined, and well expressed through the title of the article, which is supported by the discussion of the different elements of the strategic planning process.

The objective of a paper is the complete, practical and hands-on nature of the paper in the given topic of discussion.

prepare and submit a term paper on Personal Theory of Constructivist Teaching. Your paper should be a minimum of 1250 words in length. The paper aims to fully explore the dimensions of the constructivist approach and apply a personal perspective to the methods that can be used in constructivist teaching (Fosnot, 1996).

You will prepare and submit a term paper on Personal Theory of Constructivist Teaching. Your paper should be a minimum of 1250 words in length. The paper aims to fully explore the dimensions of the constructivist approach and apply a personal perspective to the methods that can be used in constructivist teaching (Fosnot, 1996).

In order to follow the constructivist approach, the curriculum provided to students in schools should support the methods applied in the theory. Since the constructivist approach encourages learning through prior knowledge and focuses upon practically applying concepts rather than simply letting teachers give students information, the curriculum framework should be of an analytical nature (Zahorik, 1995).

Hence, the curriculum should contain problem-solving activities or application testing activities instead of lessons that have to be learned. Students should be allowed to comment and give feedback regarding their opinions on different topics, and the curriculum should thus involve participative activities in which maximum interaction with the students is required. Theories and other direct lessons should not be a major part of the curriculum, but students must be given the opportunity to ponder topics while teachers provide guidance regarding what experts say about the topic comparative to the students’ opinion. The student should not be forced to think a certain way or be given lessons to memorize, but the curriculum should be structured to allow students room to think (Zahorik, 1995).

The philosophy underlying the constructivist approach to teaching is that students learn from their own prior experiences and form knowledge on the basis of prior knowledge. Hence, it is not adequate to give the students a detailed lesson in which information is disseminated to the students. the students learn by providing opinions and views on a topic and listening to the views of others (Olsen, 1999).

The theory encourages a hands-on approach in which the students are required to&nbsp.construct their own learning process and are in charge of learning new things in their own manner. Students are encouraged to use their thoughts and analytical processes to decipher phenomena and understand concepts.

why and how can we improve primary education?

I need some assistance with these assignment. why and how can we improve primary education Thank you in advance for the help! In as much as immense gains have been made to increase the number of children attending primary school, there is a significant number of children who are yet to be enrolled and even more who do not complete primary schooling. Statistics by the World Bank (2013) indicate a significant 57 million children at their primary school age still not going to. The United Nations Development Group, UNDG (2014) puts this enrolment rate at 80% with a forecast of 56 million children not enrolled in a primary school in 2015 if the current trend persists. This is further marred by gender parity which stood at 97% with an even greater proportion of girls at about 60% constituting the number of out-of-school primary school children (The World Bank, 2013). As such, improvements need to be undertaken not only to increase enrolment into primary schools but also to ensure a proportional enrolment of both boys and girls.

The other reason why primary school education needs improvement is informed by the relatively low completion rate. As of 2011, the completion rate in primary education reached 90 percent. This has largely contributed to adult illiteracy which has remained at high levels in the recent past at about a sixth of the global population (UNDG, 2014). This indicates the need to make adjustments in the systems governing primary education to ensure that relatively all enrolments complete their studies.

Finally, primary education receives limited budgetary allocation to meet its demands. Statistics documented by Lips, Watkins and Fleming (2008) indicate that a majority of Americans feel that the Federal and State governments allocate limited resources and funding to primary education, this being a major problem among public schools. These statistics show a shortfall of about $48 billion among 29 states with a high likelihood of more states falling victims in the future.&nbsp.

Therefore, there is a need to improve on the budgetary allocation to primary school education.

Write a 5 pages paper on defining the boundaries of case studies.

Write a 5 pages paper on defining the boundaries of case studies. The research process is implemented effectively. Therefore, what is research planning? A plan can be defined as a course of action that is predetermined (Creswell, 2002).&nbsp. It has a purpose to evolve a sound, realistic and defensible program of action. Therefore, a research plan intends to give an answer to all the questions that are pertinent when it comes to conducting actual research. The research plan should therefore cover the specific time frame, it should be flexible and always a bottom to top hierarchy levels should be involved in the process of research planning (Creswell, 2002). This paper, therefore, seeks to discuss research planning through identifying Preliminary decisions that need to be made relative to types and source of evidence, Sampling strategies to be used for each type or source of evidence, Strategies for choosing the most appropriate technology tools for data management and analysis, Criteria to be used to make these decisions, and the advantages and disadvantages of each choice. Additionally, it will support the chosen decision-making process with rationale. Finally, the essay will give a short summary conclusion on the findings.

The types and sources of evidence that are to be used in any research would depend on many factors. This may include the purpose of the research, the time that is available for the research study and the accessibility of the resources. For instance, in my case, the research topic is effective violence prevention activities within a community set up. This research topic focuses on some of the violence prevention techniques that can be adopted to ensure violence is reduced at the community level. Therefore when deciding on the best evidence types and sources to use in this study. The following preliminary decisions are instrumental: Messick, (2001) identifies: Definition of the various evidence forms available. identifying the standards of rigor that the best available research evidence may apply. the sources, as well as ways of collecting the evidence that is contextual and experimental too, needs to be taken into consideration.

These decisions will enable one to&nbsp.evaluate the usability and accessibility of the evidence to be used in the research study. The evidence decision will broadly cut across these three areas: contextual evidence. experimental evidence and best available research evidence.

Writing assignment on do students learn better in electronic classroom environments.

I need some assistance with these assignment. do students learn better in electronic classroom environments Thank you in advance for the help! Not only has the internet presented something indispensable to those who want to learn online, but it has also become the most favored habitude for autodidacts. Those who previously had to go to libraries and archive centers for self-learning can simply spend a few hours a day on the internet to learn much more than that, both in quantity and quality, by the help of time-saving search tools and the information available all in one place. at your desk. Now the question arises, how does it affect those who want to learn from another. in a classroom, a lecture, or tutoring from a professor? Most apparent quick arguments would cite the lack of eye contact and physical presence and would be in favor of a traditional classroom where learning or tutoring is supposedly unhindered. I will start with two basic arguments to stand in favor of online learning and electronic classroom environments. Firstly, an electronic classroom environment allows the student to take the class at a location of his choosing. a library with pin-drop-silence, a park in the suburbs with soothing nature all around and not much noise (since the sound is not unwanted), the student’s own bedroom or even a classroom with a small group of choosing and a multimedia projector to study with those who can be of mutual benefit or when the instructor can not reach the location. This makes electronic learning something that, rather, alleviates hindrances more than increasing them. Secondly, there is no way to simply put it than to say, moving electrons is much simpler and less costly than moving atoms. transferring data and telecommuting is much more feasible than actually going to the place of work or education.

The benefits of electronic learning can boost up a lot more potential in those who already know what is being taught and help the ones lagging behind to keep up in multiple ways.&nbsp.