Create a 6 pages page paper that discusses a social problem in the field of clinical psychology. Upon examining individual neurological, behavioral, and psychiatric hazard factors, he recapitulated that perpetrators of intimate partner violence were affected by either one or more of these features – neuroanatomical factors, personality disorders, chaotic or insecure attachment, neurobiological factors, developmental psychopathology, post-traumatic symptoms or cognitive distortions. Thus, he established a very core relationship between psychological variables and intimate partner violence.

Create a 6 pages page paper that discusses a social problem in the field of clinical psychology. Upon examining individual neurological, behavioral, and psychiatric hazard factors, he recapitulated that perpetrators of intimate partner violence were affected by either one or more of these features – neuroanatomical factors, personality disorders, chaotic or insecure attachment, neurobiological factors, developmental psychopathology, post-traumatic symptoms or cognitive distortions. Thus, he established a very core relationship between psychological variables and intimate partner violence.

Intimate partner violence constitutes not just physical and sexual violence but also entails in its ambit emotional and to some extent financial abuse, all of which leave a very severe impact on its victim. The U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) approximated that in 2008, intimate partner violence comprised 22% of all violence against females and 5% of all violence against males in the country (Truman, 2011). The National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey (Black, et al., 2011) estimates that nearly half of them (48.4%) females and (48.8%) males in the United States have experienced psychological aggression by an intimate partner in their lifetime. Another study by BJS (Catalano, Smith, Snyder, & Rand, 2009) states that intimate partners killed an estimate of 1,640 females and 700 males in 2007, about 14% of all the homicides in the country.

Given the serious consequences of intimate partner violence and its very close relationship with clinical psychology, the author deems it fit to select the said topic for this paper.

While thinkers of different thought processes like socio-cultural, feminist, and social learning, have come up with a variety of explanations for intimate partner violence, only psychological and psychosocial theories have been able to provide enlightenment into this area with the least amount of speculation and assumptions.&nbsp.

prepare and submit a paper on the police code of silence. The Code of Silence

Your assignment is to prepare and submit a paper on the police code of silence. The Code of Silence

The Code of Silence takes its roots from military law which states that “what you see, what you hear, when you leave, leave it here” phrase. This means that you are not allowed to divulge any matters and events that you have observed or noticed in a certain societal setting such as in the government or an organization. Generally, a Code of Silence is when a person opts to withhold what is believed to be vital or important information voluntarily or involuntarily. The logic behind this principle is that being a whistleblower may endanger the rest of the association or organization.

In the legal setting, the code of silence is believed to be prevalent in the armed forces where data regarding operations and technological developments are kept secret for the sake of national security. It could also be found in the corporate setting especially in banks which can keep the anonymity of clients.&nbsp.&nbsp. The code of silence is usually either kept because of force or danger to oneself or being branded as a traitor or an outcast within the unit or organization which particularly holds true in a police setting as studies would show. It was famously practiced in Massachusetts police departments in cities such as Charlestown, South Boston and Somerville. All over the world, there are many stories about police abuse of authority or police/military brutality and death of a criminal and most of these stories are linked with the code of silence. The code also exists among many organizations even those which are criminal in nature. A more famous example of the code of silence is Omerta which made the Mafia such an indiscrete and almost impenetrable organization.


&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp. If we are to determine whether the appropriateness of the code, we will need to include a discussion on what constitutes the goodness or the wickedness of an act. However, venturing into this would be exhaustive and too wide a discussion. I would rather argue that the Code of Silence is inappropriate when it makes loyalty to people a higher priority than loyalty to principles. To qualify further, the principles should be within the bounds of moral and legal codes.

Policemen, for example, pride themselves in being the vanguards of society. Ideally, they should be promoting law and order. However, a study conducted by the National Institute of Ethics in the United States revealed that there were many cases of abuse of police officers particularly that of superiors that were undisclosed. This included excessive use of force, having sex on duty and taking marijuana. The Code of Silence was indeed prevalent and officers observed it as they fear for their life, employment and social status (Trautman, 2000).In this case, the code of silence was used to protect the people that were offenders themselves rather than upholding the principles that govern the institution. We ask then, in what situations will the code of silence be justifiable?

&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp. If we are to think critically, there seem to be no grounds for the code of silence to be justified in the first place. The code is applied when an offense has been committed. An act only needs to be kept in the dark when it violates some of the fundamental virtues social norms in any setting such as an organization even if one might argue that the code of silence is necessary especially in matters that would place the majority of the stakeholders in a harmful position.

However, if we allow our selves to be unconcerned even for petty matters we may become too indifferent even on offenses that are indirect content of our principles. In any case, an offense that is deemed to be beneficial could turn out for the worse as it usually does.


Kusy, Mitchell (2004). Breaking the Code Of Silence: Prominent Leaders Reveal How They

Rebounded From Seven Critical Mistakes. Taylor Trade Publishing

Trautman, Neal (2000). POLICE&nbsp.CODE&nbsp.OF&nbsp.SILENCE FACTS&nbsp.REVEALED. Legal Officers

Section, Annual Conference International Association of Chiefs of Police.

Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment Modalities for PTSD in Police Officers. The work is to be 7 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page.

I will pay for the following article Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment Modalities for PTSD in Police Officers. The work is to be 7 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page. CBT modules that may be utilized in the cure of PTSD (posttraumatic stress disorder) either independently as “varieties” of CBT or utilized in combination comprise cognitive restructuring, exposure, a variety of coping abilities, or apprehension management, as well as psycho-education.

Whereas the diagnostic PTSD category has subsisted only ever since 1980 after it was principally included within the DSM III, numerous clinical trials have pursued to identify means of bettering its disturbing symptoms. These means have varied from pharmacological methods that directly remedy PTSD and associated symptoms to CBT (cognitive-behavioral treatments), which are grounded on standards of learning and conditioning. For instance, exposure therapy, a cognitive-behavioral treatment approach, is presently deemed as the leading-line therapy for PTSD granted its well- renowned clinical effectiveness. Police officers who experience traumatic or distressing incidents are more probable to quit the work within some years and seem to strain with suicide, spousal abuse, substance abuse, and split-up at rates, which are noticeably higher than witnesses in the overall population are. Therefore, it is not shocking that a proficient and popularized works now subsists with the purpose of tackling the privations of police officers dealing with traumatic events (Cahill et al., 598).

Exposure is a cure that encompasses confrontation with terrifying incentives and is sustained until apprehension is reduced. Varieties of exposure comprise either imaginal exposure that encompasses exposure to the distressing events via mental imaginings, memory fabricated by the client’s own description, or scene staged by the therapist centered on the provided information, also in vivo, in which a clientele confronts the real scene or related happenings in life.

submit a 1500 words paper on the topic International Accounting Standards. The International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) replaced the IASC which had stopped operations in April 2001(Schioppa,2004).

Hi, need to submit a 1500 words paper on the topic International Accounting Standards. The International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) replaced the IASC which had stopped operations in April 2001(Schioppa,2004). The new replacement board concentrated its efforts developing the International Financial Reporting Standards starting in the year 2001. Furthermore, the International Accounting Standards Board in London is a privately-funded and independent accounting standard-setter that headquartered in London, United Kingdom(Buthe,2005). They say that accounting is an art. Meaning, any accounting data can be written in whatever style the bookkeeper or accountant wants provided information is understood.

In summary, the International Accounting Standards (IASs) had been issued by the IASC from 1973 to 2000. Also, the International Accounting Standards Board had been replaced by the International Accounting Standards Council in 2001. Since then, the IASB has amended some IASs, it had inclusively proposed to amend other IASs, it had proposed to replace some IASs with new International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs), and had adopted or even proposed certain new IFRSs on topics for which there was no previous IAS. With the help of their separate committees, both the IASC and the IASB had issued Interpretations of Standards. Finally, the financial statements must comply with all of the requirements of each applicable standard and each applicable interpretation to be described as complying with IFRSs.

In terms of interpreting the international accounting standards, the International Accounting Standards Board has replaced the IASC’s Standing Interpretations Committee (SIC) with the International Financial Reporting Interpretations Committee (IFRIC). The replacement took place in the year 2001. This committee is mandated to reviews or not. on a regular basis inside the context of current International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs) and the IASB Framework, all accounting issues that will likely receive differing or unacceptable treatment in the non- appearance of authoritative guidance.&nbsp.

A New Health System for the 21st Century. The work is to be 2 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page. 2. Why did some speak of the death of managed care

I will pay for the following article A New Health System for the 21st Century. The work is to be 2 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page. 2. Why did some speak of the death of managed care

Both organizations and individuals in the U.S. managed care system is faced with a challenging situation. First of all, the requirement for high-quality care, doubled by the social responsibility to patients, is counterbalanced by an increasing pressure to lower costs and to remain afloat financially. For this reason, numerous health care providers are doomed to fail from a business perspective, being forced to close. More and more practitioners will perform as part of groups or systems, but the process of integration will not impose itself in the short term. Based on these considerations, it can be asserted that no standard model will emerge as dominant.

The Institute of Medicine released a few years ago a report that red-flagged the poor quality of health care in the US (Institute of Medicine 2001). A number of facts that contributed to this situation were identified, and special emphasis was put on the structure of the present health care payment system. Traditionally, doctors and medical institutions are paid regardless of the quality of the health care they provide, leading to no financial incentives or, in the case of certain clinical situations, even to disincentives for quality. These findings lead to an increasing demand to link payment to performance.

The concept of pay-for-performance in health care is an innovation of the new millennium and it has spread quicker than a virus. The major issue taken into consideration is the previously unexplored potential of the health care payment system to bring change into physician and health care system behavior. Scientific literature and popular press alike have become crowded with materials linking payments to performance in the medical world. The desired purpose of the payment system is to encourage a high level of quality in health care. However, any initiative has to be measured on account of its results, and the effectiveness of the above-mentioned programs has not yet been systematically evaluated. A theoretical approach based on logic would indicate that financial incentives are capable to stimulate high-quality health care. However, passing on to a more practical level, numerous questions arise. Any pay-for-performance program involves a number of policy choices and judgments.

3. What is the current state of managed care in the U.S. health care system

The most important external force forecasted to affect the U.S. health care system is of demographic nature. There are a number of aspects that should be taken into consideration when analyzing the future of the industry. First of all, the U.S. population is currently undergoing a process of fast aging. However, paradoxically, the life expectancy of the senior population is gradually extending. On the other hand, the aging population will put great financial pressure on the medical system. Predictions are pessimistic, as no less than 78 million baby boomers are expected to turn 65 by 2011 (Plunkett Research 2005). Hence the demographic factor has negative implications on the U.S. managed care system.

Writing assignment on nature vs. nurture in intelligence.

I need some assistance with these assignment. nature vs. nurture in intelligence Thank you in advance for the help! This suggestion became know as eugenics, “the study of the agencies under social control that may improve or repair the racial qualities of future generations, either physically or mentally.” Galton wanted to speed up the process of natural selection, stating that: “What Nature does blindly, slowly, and ruthlessly, the man may do providently, quickly, and kindly”.

Galton was convinced that “intelligence must be bred, not trained”. Such arguments have had massive social consequences and have been used to support apartheid policies, sterilization programs, and other acts of withholding basic human rights from minority groups.

In the heyday of eugenic IQ testing in the 1920s, there was no evidence for the heritability of IQ. It was just an assumption of the practitioners. Today that is no longer the case. The heritability of IQ (whatever IQ is!) is now a hypothesis that has been tested – on twins and adoptees. The results really are quite startling. No study of the causes of intelligence has failed to find a certain and often substantial heritability. What varies from study to study is the amount that can be attributed to heritability.

Evidence in favor of “nurture”

“Give me a dozen healthy infants & my own specific world to bring

them up in, & I’ll guarantee to take anyone at random & train him to

become any type of specialist I might select – doctor, lawyer, artist,

merchant, chef & yes, even beggar & thief, regardless of his talents,

penchants, tendencies, abilities, vocations, and race of his ancestors.”

– John B. Watson, 1924

This was a famous quote in the heyday of behaviorism when the child was considered to be a ‘tabula rasa’ (blank slate) onto which anything could be sculpted through environmental experience. This would be a 100% environmental view, but virtually no psychologists would accept such an extreme position today.

So, what can we say about nature vs. nurture as causal determinants of intelligence

A conservative, seemly safe position is that:

“In the field of intelligence, there are three facts about the transmission of intelligence that virtually everyone seems to accept:

1. Both heredity and environment contribute to intelligence.

2. Heredity and environment interact in various ways.

3. Extremely poor as well as highly enriched environments can interfere with the realization of a person’s intelligence, regardless of the person’s heredity” (Sternberg & Grigorenko, 1997, p.xi).

4. Although most would accept a causal role of genetics, the exact genetic link and how it operates is very far from being understood – another point that most psychologists would agree on. It is certainly not a single gene.

prepare and submit a paper on data available on the trends in the prescription of drugs for children having behavioral disorders.

Your assignment is to prepare and submit a paper on data available on the trends in the prescription of drugs for children having behavioral disorders. The national and international standards on drug administration and prescription are referred to as benchmarks by researchers arguing for both points. However, it has been reported that there is a large gap in the information available on the safety and efficiency of drugs used in childhood. Several reasons are being attributed to this gap. It has been argued that the nonparticipation of children in clinical trials owing to ethical, financial, and resource-related reasons. Thus there have to be specific measures to ensure information for the optimal prescription of medicines for children with behavioral disorders.

There is enough data available to prove that there has been a marked increase in the prescription and administration of drugs to children. Specific researches focusing on children with behavioral disorders also highlight similar trends. (Zito et al., 2003) has concluded that the rate of psychotropic prescription in children has increased three times as compared with the rates of pre-nineties. A notable fact regarding this study is that it covered a very large sample size including almost a million children. The official records on drug prescription state that in the year 2002, alone 11 million prescriptions for antidepressants were issued for children less than 18 years of age. This notes an increase of 49% as compared with the rates of 1998 (Rigoni, 2004). Similarly, with the case of spending on psychological medicines, there has been a remarkable increase proportional to the increase in the increase in prescriptions. Connecting these two data, it can be assumed that most of the medicines which are prescribed are being administrated in children.

The spending on Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is reported to have increased by 183% in between the time span of three years from 2000 to 2003. (Medco Health Solutions, Inc., 2004).&nbsp.&nbsp.

Write 7 pages with APA style on Alzheimers disease and Its Neural Correlates.

Write 7 pages with APA style on Alzheimers disease and Its Neural Correlates. Several studies have tried to understand the disease by utilizing the method of neuroimaging since neuroimaging is extremely accurate. Most of the studies have concentrated on understanding the reasons behind the delusions that are elicited. Ismail et al (2002), presented a review paper where 23 such studies have been thoroughly reviewed. Majority of the studies have concluded right-sided pathology with special emphasis on the frontal lobe.” Left-frontal predominance and release, secondary to right-sided pathology, may create a hyperinferential state resulting in the formation of delusions” and such imbalances that arise in normal neural networking has been associated with the delusions. Different neural substrates have been shown to be associated with delusional problems such as paranoia and misidentification. Trail-Making Test on 20 subjects showed that executive functioning is impaired in patients with AD (Hunt et al,2011). Positron emission tomography along with neuropsychological testing established that different TMT tests could be correlated to glucose metabolism primarily in the frontal lobe.

One of the major problems that have been associated with the disease is a language problem. Scientists have tried to identify the relation between neural correlates and the problem of languages such as naming and fluency. Several studies had been conducted on subjects to understand the phenomenon and Melrose et al (2009) conducted an experiment on 60 patients with potential Alzheimer’s diseases to help associate the disease to language impairments. The subjects were assessed using the Boston naming Test with FAS and semantic fluency. Phonemic cueing was used for extra words that had been stated. The results revealed that owing to hypermetabolism in the inferior temporal lobe region, subjects were unable to name a particular object. however, it was seen that when the phonemic cue was used there was higher metabolism in the inferior frontal gyrus, superior frontal lobe, left temporal and occipital areas leading to better performance during naming. Semantic problems could also be related to hypometabolism in the inferior frontal gyrus. Hence, the language problems that have been associated with the disease is related to the growing compromise between the frontal regions and the temporal regions.

writing homework on Smoking during Pregnancy. Write a 750 word paper answering; The introduction is not very clear.

Need help with my writing homework on Smoking during Pregnancy. Write a 750 word paper answering; The introduction is not very clear. There is quite a lot of information there but this reader found that it had to be re-read several times to assure that it was understood. It does create interest in the study and there is a good reason for the target audience to read it. It just needs to be better organized and more succinct. The problem was stated twice and in a clear manner and it very clearly important to nursing. This about turning patients and preventing pressure ulcers. It is definitely a caring, patient advocate type of problem. A qualitative approach could have been used here but the quantitative approach makes more sense and the result would lead to a process change.

The study question, “does repositioning alternately 2 hours in a lateral position and 4 hours in a supine position reduce the incidence of pressure ulcer lesions in comparison with repositioning every 4 hours in patients lying on a pressure-reducing mattress” In looking at this in PICO statements, it meets the needs of a research question and the literature review is consistent.

The synthesis of the literature review was quite well done, organized, and easy to understand. This reader has some questions as to whether it is up to date as many of the articles were written between 1992 and 1996 and this particular research was conducted in 2006. There have been many changes in nursing and nursing process since the 90’s so this reader is concerned that there may have been better research out there. There is definitely reason after this research to continue to study this problem in an effort to solve it.

Conceptual Framework

The key concepts are well defined and well organized as is the framework of the study. There is also a good description of how the randomization was done and the methods used to frame and carry out the work


This a well-conducted and well-written study though in places such as the introduction, it is wordy and unclear. The information is there but is cumbersome to read.

This abstract is more succinct though it is more in narrative form than the quantitative study. It does clearly summarize what is in the study.


The introduction is short and really does not say much. It does talk about some of the recommendations that have been made by other researchers and how those recommendations tie into this study but overall it does not tell me what to expect of the study.&nbsp.

Writing assignment on obsessive-compulsive disorder, its symptoms and treatment

I need some assistance with these assignment. obsessive-compulsive disorder, its symptoms and treatment Thank you in advance for the help! OCD is proved to have genetic, biological, and psychological factors combination as the reason. Neurochemists connect OCD with abnormalities in serotonin and dopamine balance while genetics claims that the disorder can be inherited. There is some evidence that OCD is often misdiagnosed and mistreated as it is usually accompanied by chronic depression, bipolar disorder, and other types of anxiety disorder. A combination of several approaches, such as cognitive therapy, behavioral therapy, and medication therapy, is utilized for OCD treatment and gives positive results for most patients. Counseling is directed to exposure of the patients with OCD to repetitive rituals for their further responses prevention and challenging obsessive fears and ideas. Medication includes a course of serotonin reuptake inhibitors which show high efficacy in the treatment of the symptoms of OCD.

Obsessive-compulsive disorder is a type of anxiety disorder that is diagnosed in 2-3 percent of the adult population on the planet. The most obvious symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder can be logically divided between compulsive behavior and obsessive ideas and thoughts. Patients with OCD often have daily rituals such as washing hands several times an hour in order to prevent infection or arranging things symmetrically. Patients also can check something permanently or count in any stressful situation. The inability to perform these rituals makes a patient feel uncomfortable and anxious. People with obsessive-compulsive disorder can even feel that some catastrophe can happen if they fail to perform their daily rituals (Jenkie, 2004). Additionally, patients with OCD are affected by intrusive and recurrent thoughts, images, feelings which they cannot avoid and which become obsessive if patients do not perform any of their rituals (Bystritsky, 2004)

OCD is a severe chronic impairment.