Provide a 5 pages analysis while answering the following question: Historical Perspective of the Ministry. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required.

Provide a 5 pages analysis while answering the following question: Historical Perspective of the Ministry. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. Converting to Christianity meant the absolute belief in the teachings of Christ and serving Christ to the end with the hope of getting eternal life. Therefore the early church relied more on the teachings of the apostles on the expected practice of Christianity. There was no compromise to anything that fell short of Christian practice. nothing worldly was accepted in the early church but only true dedication to Christ. Paul’s instruction to the church was to reject those who did not follow the traditions delivered by disciples1. Self-sacrifice for the sake of Christ was a common practice among believers thus they persevered persecution for the sake of Christ. The roles in the church were subdivided to various genders with the men having the greater say in the church. Women were more of subordinates with a little role to play in the church2. Decisions concerning women in the traditional church were made by the female gender without much approval from the females. Leadership in the church was in the hands of men with women not supposed to contribute directly to the leadership.

Also, baptism was part of the practice of the early church. Baptism was a preserve of the adults-only who understood the Holy Scripture and was done after the person fasted. The practice of baptism was carried out by religious leaders after the person concerned had a clear understanding of the Christian religion. Running water was the most preferred venue for baptism to symbolize life. The holy trinity was involved in the ritual through immersion in the water three times in the name of the father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Only in the absence of running water was still water preferred. In case both the running water and still water were absent, water was poured on the person’s head three times by the minister baptizing them in the name of the father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.&nbsp.

Write 5 pages thesis on the topic soil mechanics.

Write 5 pages thesis on the topic soil mechanics. n-drained and drained were undertaken on the undisturbed soil samples to determine the shear strength parameters under drained and drained condition for the given soil sample from where the building will be constructed. Basing on the results, it is evident that the bearing capacity of the silt soil was much less as compared to the cohesion less soil ultimate bearing capacity. In this regard, the building codes permit higher bearing pressure for less cohesion soils like sand as compared to that of plastic soil (silt).

Tri-axial tests are laboratory testing techniques mostly applied to obtain shear strength parameters for different types of soil under un-drained and drained condition (Alshibli and Sture 2000). Conventional test entails a cylindrical soil sample which is subjected to radial stresses as well as axial displacement or controlled increases in axial stresses. Usually, the cylindrical soil specimen is of 200m height and 100 mm diameter. Preparation of specimen is based on the type of soil. For shear failure, the soil grains usually slide over each other along the failure surface hence there is no crushing of grains. At failure, along the failure surface, the shear stress reaches the shear strength. Basically, soils are known to be frictional materials. The strength is based on the stress applied whereby this stress is controlled by effective stresses and here water pressure is needed (Alshibli and Sture 2000). Also soil strength is based on drainage whereby different strengths can be measured for a certain soil that can deform at a given constant volume (un-drained) as well as deform without having pore pressure that is excess (drained). Angle of friction (ø) and Cohesion (c) are generally not soil constant parameters. They are based on the soil initial state and the loading type (drained or un-drained) (Widulinski et al., 2009).

Complete 2 pages APA formatted article: What is intellectual culture and how do college students and teachers might promote it.

Complete 2 pages APA formatted article: What is intellectual culture and how do college students and teachers might promote it. Promoting Intellectual Culture in Colleges Intellectual culture relates to a combination of two words that posses different meaning on their own but once put together present an overall different meaning. Intellectual is derived from the word intellect and is used to refer to an individual who engages in critical study, thought as well as reflection relating to the reality within societal systems while also ensuring presenting solutions for the normative challenges affecting the society (Ferrari 43). Through ensuring provision of such solutions, the person manages to gain command or possess authority on the basis of public opinion. Culture on the other hand relates to the way of life of a certain group of individuals that possess similar characteristics in the manner they approach issues or behave. From the college concept, intellectual culture will therefore entail developing culture that ensures value as well as supporting an intellectual approach to problems while it may also imply adopting concepts as well as methods comprising of cultures agreeable from an intellectual perspective. College students and teachers might promote intellectual culture through overcoming stereotypes, advocating on team work and adhering to rules.

Overcoming stereotypes certainly an essential factor to ensure achievement of intellectual culture. Teachers knowing the students and understanding their academic capabilities while students understand their teachers is essential. Overcoming these stereotypes is essential as all parties become well positioned without barriers to effective learning that as a result ensures creation of an intellectual culture where the students and teachers work towards a common goal of academic excellence.

Other than overcoming stereotypes, enhancing team work is an essential factor in creating intellectual culture within a College institution. Creation of team work ensures innovation, developing of learning approaches and critical thinking. Working together as a team ensures team members develop their learning approaches relating to how they tackle questions relating to various questions as they learn from their peers (Ferrari 79). Innovation is also enhanced among team members owing to the fact that a team finds it easier to start a project as opposed to an individual. Since group work involves discussions, and analysis of projects through presenting ideas or brainstorming, critical thinking is ensured among the group members.

While overcoming stereotypes and teamwork prove essential in ensuring promoting intellectual culture, adhering to rules governing an institution is equally important. Teachers and students need to ensure adherence to the set rules to ensure that they understand the system, understand the right curricular and avoid wastage of time. Understanding how the system operates furthers the goals of achieving intellectual culture with understanding the right curricular ensuring focusing time and energy on what is required. Time management on the other hand will ensure that both the teachers and students remain focused on achieving academic excellence.

In conclusion, teachers and students possess the capability of promoting intellectual culture through overcoming stereotypes, focusing on group work as well adhering to the set guidelines. Since intellectual culture calls for an approach that develops a way of life in learning institutions that support a factual way of solving challenges, application of these concepts in a college setup will prove essential. Attainment of an intellectual culture will require a concentrated focus on the concepts aiming at improving the intellectual capacity of every student with teachers proving essential in assisting with such requirements and platform.

Work Cited

Ferrari, Michel. The Pursuit of Excellence Through Education. Mahwah: L. Erlbaum Associates,&nbsp.2009. Print.

write an article on case study research in supply chain management Paper must be at least 1000 words.

Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on case study research in supply chain management Paper must be at least 1000 words. Please, no plagiarized work! Supply chain management is developing as one major approach in business management together with the administration. Supply chains are sets of organizations and streams of chains. These streams include finances and products. To achieve a competitive position, (Handfield and Nichols, 1999, p.2) notes. supply chain management should be integrated into improved chain relationship. In the research methodology, two issues were looked at, the first analysis of the research content then outline of the research. Through content analysis research process that was conducted was described according to five steps outlined by Stuart et al. (200) suitable for empirical methods. A model of this process has four steps comprising. material collection, descriptive analysis, dimension selection and material evaluation.

Case study research definition makes an empirical inquiry that seeks to establish a contemporary phenomenon within the context that pertain real life. The case study can be used for three different purposes. According to (Yin 2003, p. 3) one of those purposes is a determination of the feasibility of the procedure used in that research. Another purpose is describing completely the phenomenon within the context. It also explains the happenings of the data. For contrast, some cases use replication logic. However, they can be used in the selection of typical cases in the set domain (Eisenhardt, 1989). This particular context gives rise to the question whether the whole study was deeply based.

Compose a 500 words assignment on the struggle to be an all-american girl by elizabeth wong.

Compose a 500 words assignment on the struggle to be an all-american girl by elizabeth wong. Needs to be plagiarism free! The Struggle to Be an All-American Girl” By Elizabeth Wong The competition in the world has increased and every human being wants a better and more secure future. The prospects for a better life style and a safe and sound future are the main attraction for immigration from one’s homeland to another country. Though it seems very simple but this process is associated with many difficulties that a person faces in relation the cultural variations. All generations have different responses to these. Chinese immigrants in the United States now constitute a good proportion of the minorities there and Elizabeth Wong was one of the children in these immigrant families. The story of her childhood presents with a picture of the hardships that she faced because of the cultural diversity and her reading presents with the different immigrant responses towards the new culture and language from different generations.

Elizabeth’s mother was a strong believer of the fact that her children should know about the language of their country where they truly came from. This can be understood from the fact when she forced her children to go to the Chinese school to learn Chinese even though they were not at all interested (Wong p. 41). The reason behind this can be her strong association and attachment with her motherland and that she wanted her children to be brought up in a similar manner as she was. Elizabeth’s grandmother also seemed to be proud of her language and did not feel any disgrace while speaking in it loudly in public places (Wong p. 42). This was the view of their generation towards their language and culture.

Elizabeth and her brother who belonged to the new generation and were being raised in United States wanted to be Americans. They did not like their Chinese lessons and they were very content with English and preferred it over Chinese. They were having a difficult time adjusting with the language of the country from where they came and preferred the language of the country where they being raised. They wanted to be like other children of their ages in their locality and play with them rather than going to learn Chinese (Wong p. 41). Elizabeth also exhibits her dislike for Chinese which according to her was a language without any sense and emotions. She believed that she could speak and coordinate in a better way in English than in Chinese (Wong p. 42).

Thus this shows a difference in concept of different generations towards language. The reading also signifies that this gap keeps on increasing with age. This can be seen from the fact that Elizabeth’s younger brother showed a stronger defiance than her towards his mother with relation to language as he kept on pointing out her mistakes when she spoke English (Wong p. 42). Their mother wanted her children to learn Chinese so that they could be associated and integrated with their previous country as well. Elizabeth, on the other hand wanted to be a true American because she believed that she belonged there (Wong p. 42). This was the reason why she wanted to only know English.


Wong, Elizabeth.

Radiation exposure in computed tomography angiography

Radiation exposure in computed tomography angiography

Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on reducing radiation exposure in computed tomography angiography Paper must be at least 2250 words. Please, no plagiarized work! In the last twenty years, the diagnostic use of computed tomography scans has increased by a thousand percent. These scans do, obviously, make use of ionizing radiation to produce their images, which can be harmful to human health in even small dosages. Protecting the patient from harm is the cornerstone of the profession of radiology, and reducing radiation exposure while maintaining a high level of image quality and therefore diagnostic ability is vital. Key to this goal is understanding the use of computed tomography scans, the risks of their radiological effects, and the methods available to reduce exposure. Reducing exposure to radiation is the only way to make this important technology safer.

The use of a computed tomography angiography scan allows the practitioner to view a patient’s coronary arteries, their level of function, and even the quality of the arterial lumen. Computed tomography angiography scans are important to study when looking at radiation dosage because the scan area by definition includes such radiosensitive areas as the thyroid, the vascular tissue of the breasts, and of course the coronary arteries. Moving even further into imaging specialization for viewing the heart and related tissues is the technique of retrospective image acquisition, which produces images using 64-multi-row detector computed tomography angiography. This method scans the heart in overlapping slices, which allows it to show cardiac motion as well as all parts of the cardiac cycle.

Assignment 2

Need an research paper on the problem-solution speech. Needs to be 2 pages. Please no plagiarism. The Problem-Solution Speech on Beauty is Not What it Looks Like! Outline Introduction Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder The problem Wrong perceptions about beauty

My belief about beauty

The solution

Beauty is inside


The Problem-Solution Speech on Beauty is Not What it Looks Like!

My dear ladies and gentlemen,

Today I am here to give a speech on why beauty is not what it looks like. What I mean is that beauty is merely a quotient. What lies beneath it is essentially something that we need to understand precisely. The problem here is that beauty holds a great amount of significance within the lives of the people, i.e. when we are judging individuals, asking them to accompany us, be with them for a while, or to get married to. What we forget is that this beauty will not last long enough to keep us satisfied. There is when this problems starts to make headlines, and that too for all the wrong reasons.

It is true that beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder but then again beauty is also dependent heavily on the person who is being looked at – as to how he or she presents his or her own self towards the appreciating individual (Author Unknown, 2011). Beauty surely is skin deep as the world has come to this notion after much thought and consideration.

The problem here is how beauty has gained so much significance that it is seen as the most aspired characteristic of the personality that one talks about (Czarniawska, 2011). The problem thus seems to bother the best of us, and even you and me, which is nothing but a quagmire for all and sundry.

Similarly, facial looks and sexiness of the body does not actually count towards what we know as beauty. My dear ladies and gentlemen I need to tell you that beauty is more within than being outside. It is comprised of thinking ideologies than facial cuts and dimples. This is indeed true because beauty within any person is difficult to judge since it is hidden deep down inside.

I believe that beauty could be judged by this person’s actions, behaviors and talks (Holbrook, 2005). He or she could be written off as an ugly person if he or she does not know how to talk to people, how to interact with them and how to be considerate towards their issues.

The solution is that beauty is just present because the beholder believes it so. There would be no beauty if he knows that the face of the body cuts are for a certain period of time, and would vanish away quickly.

Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to suggest that beauty must not be looked inside people with an exterior eye alone. It needs to be based on past events, present understanding of matters and how things would shape up within the future. Beauty comprises of all these tangents to be called as beauty in essence (Anastasia, 2010).

I would like to end my speech by making a point here. Beauty of face and body could vanish with the changing times but it is the inner charisma known as innate value system of which beauty is just a single part that never leaves an individual alone. Beauty is indeed more than skin deep. I would like to thank each one of you present in this august gathering.

Thank you

[-Your Name-]

Works Cited

Anastasia, Desire. Living marked: tattooed women and perceptions of beauty and femininity. Advances in Gender Research, 14, 2010

Author Unknown. Body Dysmorphia. Health Education, 111(2), 2011

Czarniawska, Barbara. Richard Rorty, women, and the new pragmatism. Research in the Sociology of Organizations, 32, 2011

Holbrook, Morris. The Eye of the Beholder: Beauty as a Concept in Everyday Discourse and the Collective Photographic Essay.

Assignment 3

Provide a 1 page analysis while answering the following question: Article #5 Joy in School by Steven Wolk. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. Joy in school For learning to be joyful, an educator has to make sure that a child enjoys learning. This gives internal motivation and creates the ability to tackle difficulties in learning as part of learning (Wolk, 2010).

Students should be given a chance to choose what best suits their interest. They learn a wide range of activities. In class, learning is shallow because choice is hardly administered. An educator can also give a student freedom to choice topics to study in an exploratory study. Students should be given a chance to build new thing from imagination. Coming up with new things gives a student sense of importance. They become empowered and given a chance to experience how demanding invention is (Wolk, 2010).

Teachers should provide space in school and exhibit students’ original work. They can decide to place photographs of students against their work. A student comes up with ideas and teachers help to design and develop them. School space should be welcoming and lively. They give a feeling of freedom to learn than boredom and rigidity (Wolk, 2010). Students should have free areas where they can read from and discuss. They should be colorful to set in a vibrant and joyful sight.

Students should be allowed to spend some time outdoors and interact with nature. Going for recess and having outdoor classes set them in a jovial mood. Reading of excellent books like story books gives joy to students since they are not too serious books. Arts and gym classes should be considered as valuable as the other classes. Students have different talents, which can only be realized if given a chance. Assessment in school should be made more friendly experience (Wolk, 2010). Students should be helped to learn that failure is part of learning.


Wolk, S. (2008, September 20). Joy in school. Educational leadership , p. 7.

research paper on russian scientists’ contribution to the world science. Needs to be 5 pages.

Need an research paper on russian scientists’ contribution to the world science. Needs to be 5 pages. Please no plagiarism. It was stated that Mendeleev derived the Periodic table in his dreams. Mendeleev had the vision of the Periodic table in his mind but unable to put them into table. He worked continuously for three days to create the table. Ultimately he slept in his table and had a dream of the arranging the 63 elements in the Periodic Table of Elements. Then he wakes up from the dream and derived the table that he dreamt. It was perfectly correct with only a few corrections made in it. It took nearly 20 years to construct this precious table and his contribution helped greatly to learn the characteristics and property of the elements. Later he discovered Gallium, Scandium and Germanium. He worked as a professor at the St. University of Petersburg from 1868 to 1890. His other studies and contributions are

The derivation of 40° vodka formula was really an interesting story. It was the time world over running researches on weight analysis on alcoholic solutions. Mendeleev received the accurate results by missing the alcohol with water-based on weights while the whole other world used to mix by volumes. Then he formulated as the precise content of spirit in vodka to be 40°. Upon reciprocal dilution the largest compression a mixture can be made. That is 45.88% of anhydrous spirit can be mixed with 54.12% of water. To explain this exactly 1 litre of 40° vodka weights 951 grams exactly (Allaby & Gjertsen, 2002).

Lebedev was born in 1834 in Lubin. He completed his graduation at St. Petersburg University. After his graduation, he moved from university to university in charge of the work and finally settled down at the Petersburg Margarine Factory (Encyclopedia Britannica Inc, 2002). His main works are devoted to the invention of the polymerization of the hydrocarbons of ‘diene’ type. He was the first to produce the polybutadiene&nbsp.synthetic rubber. This synthetic rubber replaced the natural rubber and was produced during World War I as there was a shortage of natural rubber.&nbsp. His wrote a book named as ‘Research in the polymerization of by-ethylene hydrocarbons’ in 1913, which became the basics guide for studies on synthetic rubber.&nbsp.

Write a 5 pages paper on the impact of users’ interface on users trust in e commerce. (p. 920) For online transactions wherein customers buy products and conduct their financial activities, trust is everything. Ecommerce is deeply interwoven with risks for consumers that is why organizations have to work hard in order to earn it.

Write a 5 pages paper on the impact of users’ interface on users trust in e commerce. (p. 920) For online transactions wherein customers buy products and conduct their financial activities, trust is everything. Ecommerce is deeply interwoven with risks for consumers that is why organizations have to work hard in order to earn it.

One of the most important features in the design of ecommerce website that achieves for an organization the trust of its visitors is the user interface. (Lumsden, p. 867) This paper will explore and examine this area and, specifically, will outline the relationship between user interface and trust.

Consumers’ trust in an e-retailer, wrote Zhou (2006), can be defined as the consumers’ willingness to accept vulnerability in an online transaction based on their positive expectations in regard with and E-retailers future behavior. (p. 335) This is mainly achieved through a positive relationship that are sustained through time. The behavior of E-retailer towards its consumers can both do and undo this.

Smith and Salvendy (2007) explained that trust is based upon perception, the process by which individual’s select, filter, organize and interpret information in order to create a meaningful picture of the world. (p. 68) What this highlights is that trust falls under the behavioral and psychological sphere, wherein individuals are affected by and react to symbols and signs that enable them to perceive dependability, credibility and competence. In applying this in ecommerce, one could say that those people, who encounter symbols, read them through their own individual eyes and the symbols acquire meaning in the organization through recurring experiences. (Smith and Salvendy, p. 68) In user interface, integrating this behavioral and psychological consideration would be able to increase value for the website including its trust warranting properties.

The trust requirements in ecommerce have produced several guidelines and standards in regard to user interface development and design.

prepare and submit a term paper on Prenatal and Post-Partum Scenario. Your paper should be a minimum of 500 words in length

You will prepare and submit a term paper on Prenatal and Post-Partum Scenario. Your paper should be a minimum of 500 words in length. Life-Span Development: Pregnancy and Postpartum Scenario Advice to 6 month pregnant woman The developing fetus depends on the mother completely fornutrition. The nutrition enters the baby from the mothers blood through placenta. Thus a pregnant woman must take appropriate calories, proteins, minerals and vitamins. However, caution must be taken not to become obese. While malnourishment in the mother can lead to malformation in children, obesity in the mothers can contribute to neonatal death, still birth and developmental defects in the central nervous system (Santrock, 2004).

2. The pregnant woman must avoid stress and stressful activities. Anxiety, fear and other intense emotions which are a part of stress cause exaggerated production of adrenaline which causes restriction of blood flow to the uterine area causing deprivation of adequate oxygen to the fetus. Thus stress can lead to premature delivery and its consequences. Stress in pregnancy also have long-term consequences like behavioural problems in childhood (Santrock, 2004).

3. The pregnant woman must undergo ultrasound examination for fetal anomalies between 18- 20 weeks of gestation. At this point of time, all organs are developed and it becomes easier to detect any obvious congenital anomalies through ultrasound at this stage.

According to ecological theory, several biological and environmental factors affect the growth of the fetus and the child (Santrock, 2004). Thus a normal nutrition and a stress-free environment is essential for normal development of the fetus.

Advice to postpartum woman

1. The child must be breast fed as much as possible. According to Freuds theory of development, infants are in the oral stage of development and derive gratification from sucking (Santrock, 2004). Derivation of such pleasure at this stage allows them to have satisfaction and facilitates growth and development.

2. The mother should shower affection on the child and not do any thing to harm the child. According to Eriksons first psychosocial stage, trust is developed at this stage and the infant sets stage for expectation that the world is a pleasant and goof place to live. the expectation which begins at this stage lasts life long.

3. The mother should allow the child to touch, feel and explore various things on his/her own. According to Pigets cognitive developmental theory, the first stage is the stage of sensorimotor stage during which time the infant develops and understanding of the world through coordination of various sensory experiences through various physical actions (Santrock, 2004).


Santrock, J. (2004). Essentials of Lifespan Development. London: The Mcgraw-Hill.

Write 2 pages with APA style on How Can Chipotle enter Chinese Market. How Can Chipotle enter Chinese Market?

Write 2 pages with APA style on How Can Chipotle enter Chinese Market. How Can Chipotle enter Chinese Market?


Entry into new market prospects requires strategic decisions that will enable the firm to realize sales and generate maximum earnings. Chipotle Mexican Grill Company wishes to enter the Chinese fast-food industry, having established branches across America and Europe. It is apparent the Chinese market is different since it has many consumers and rival firms that run a similar chain of restaurants. As a result, Chipotle must conduct a marketing survey with the view of identifying opportunities and trends evident in the country. The correct entry strategy or method is through the joint venture by collaborating with the local firms.

Chipotle should embrace the joint venture strategy to access the Chinese market since it allows more time for the establishment and launch of products. It involves identifying an established firm in China and increasing investment through the sharing of resources. The joint venture strategy is appropriate since it will enable Chipotle to gain knowledge of the local market. This takes place through the host firm’s ability to analyze competitive conditions, culture, language and political systems (Trost, 2011). Considering these aspects, it becomes easy to understand the preferences of the host clients and the competitive trends in the country. Another advantage of Chipotle using the joint venture entry strategy is that the costs and risks experienced in starting up a foreign market are shared between the partners. This is viable, especially if the host nation charges high duties on foreign firms or if the business will take longer to adapt to the new situations. Similarly, through joint venture strategy, Chipotle can avoid the threats of nationalization or other unfavorable government hindrance that may arise (Trost, 2011). This implies that a government policy that may affect the entry of foreign firms is avoided through the collaboration with the local firms. However, this entry strategy may also attract challenges to Chipotle if appropriate measures are not put in place. For instance, the use of the joint venture may enable the host firm to control the production technology. It is also apparent that a firm may lose the tight control over subsidiaries, which it might require to actualize the location economies. This reduces the potential of the firm to expand to other markets across the host nation. There are also instances where joint ventures might lead to conflicts due to losses or control of resources (Trost, 2011).

The correct timing of the entry mode should be as a second mover in order to benefit from the experience curve. This might involve the avoidance of pioneering costs associated with new entrants for launching products, administrative or setting up expenses. As a second mover, Chipotle will be capable of using the infrastructure already set up by the first movers in the market. However, the disadvantage of being second movers is that Chipotle may fail to build up sales volume after the strong presence of the first movers (Trost, 2011). Another demerit is that the firm may not be capable of forming switching costs that bind customers into their products. This implies that the penetration of the market might not be easy, making it expensive in terms of promotions.


Trost, T. (2011). Joint Ventures: The benefits and perils – why some are successful and others

Fail. München: GRIN Verlag GmbH.