Provide a 15 pages analysis while answering the following question: Magical sword, harp, oak tree, grail as archetypal symbols. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide.

Provide a 15 pages analysis while answering the following question: Magical sword, harp, oak tree, grail as archetypal symbols. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. It influences all of our experiences and behaviors, most especially the emotional ones, but we only know about it indirectly, by looking at those influences” (Boeree, 2006). Like Freud, Jung felt that dream messages were couched in symbolism, but differed regarding what these symbols represented. He felt that dreams would continue to present carefully selected symbols as a purposeful means of communicating specific meaning to the dreamer from the unconscious rather than attempting to hide these concepts. At the same time, he felt unconscious symbols were often used as well to help us understand and accept those aspects of ourselves that we have ignored or attempted to disown or to present archetypal figures that help us connect with the collective. “Jung thought that dreams could help us grow and heal through use of archetypal symbols. … Various archetypes are represented within myths, fairy tales, and religions, as well as dreams” (Bixler-Thomas, 1998). An archetype is described as an “unlearned tendency to experience things in a certain way” (Boeree, 2006) and Jung identified several, such as the mother, mana (or spiritual power), the shadow (or the unknown) and the persona (or public mask). His wife, Emma Jung, took these concepts and applied them to her own interests, specifically as they applied to Celtic myth and the Grail legends. Emma Jung’s theories regarding the archetypes of the magic sword, the oak tree, the grail and the harp will be closely examined to demonstrate how these archetypes and Jungian theory have become widely applicable within the Western world.

Carl Jung believed the most effective method for dream interpretation was the use of series correlation (Hutchinson, 2000).&nbsp. He gave hope to all dreamers who were looking for the meaning in their dreams without having to hire a ‘professional.’ Series correlation is a process involving the analysis of dreams over time.&nbsp.

Complete 6 pages APA formatted article: Paper on The Awakening of Civil Society. The paper will provide a reaction to Kubba’s arguments.

Complete 6 pages APA formatted article: Paper on The Awakening of Civil Society. The paper will provide a reaction to Kubba’s arguments.

Kubba begins by highlighting that Arab countries have shared certain aspects that define their political differences. Over the years, authoritarian governments have governed the Arab countries. None of those governments has given attention to the political liberalization of respected civil and human rights. It is unfortunate that the few Arab countries who vote leaders through a democratic system do not enjoy the fruits of democracy. Many of the authoritarian leaders have often used other strategies in an effort to stay in power. One of the intriguing arguments presented by Kubba is the fact that the dictatorships and authoritarian governments reigning in the Arab countries have registered increased access to public services. Notably, this is true, but an unexpected phenomenon in authoritarian governments. It is true that many of the Arab governments have recognized the salient need for altering the political environment without triggering an internal crisis (Kubba 2000, p. 85). It is strange that dictatorial governments in the Arab world offer people the hope for security, stability, as well as continuity. In other parts of the world, people base such hopes for democracy.

I totally agree with Kubba, who challenges the survival of democracies established in Arab countries after independence. Egypt, Syria, and Iraq, are the only countries that supported democracy for several decades after independence. However, the political crisis that has erupted in those countries in the recent past serves as evidence that democracy did not survive. Kubba is right when he notes that the established democracies by the European democracies did not give room for civil societies. In any case, the concept of civil societies in that era was entirely new.

Provide a 6 pages analysis while answering the following question: Shariah and Sufism in Islam. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide.

Provide a 6 pages analysis while answering the following question: Shariah and Sufism in Islam. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. Shariah stands as the highest level of goodness one can achieve in this world, and to a Muslim nothing is more important than following Shariah. Shariah gives the Muslims a complete code of life and guides the Muslims on all matters of this world and the world hereafter. Muslims seek guidance for their matters of daily life from two main sources. First, their Holy Book Quran. Second, the Sunnah of their Holy Prophet Muhammed (P. B. U. H.). The Muslims’ consideration of the Holy Quran is as follows. Every machine we purchase comes with a handbook that mentions everything about that machine and guides the buyer on how to use the machine so that it would function safely and efficiently throughout the estimated life of that machine. The handbook gives complete information about what temperature and surroundings should the machine be used in, what is the maximum load the machine can take, what precautionary measures should be taken to ensure the machine’s safe functioning and also provides the user with guidance on the matters of repair and maintenance. Likewise, when Allah Almighty created human beings, He gave them a complete book to follow throughout their life. Allah named His Book “Quran”. He sent the Holy Quran for all human beings to seek guidance from through His Prophet Muhammed (P. B. U. H.). The Holy Quran serves as a complete guide for all human beings. It is a written form of Allah’s interaction with humans. Through the Holy Quran, Allah has conveyed his message to human beings. Allah has mentioned in the Holy Quran how humans are supposed to live their life. The Quran provides guidance on all matters in all walks of life. Hence, it is the guide sent for human beings just like the handbook that comes with a machine as mentioned in the example quoted above.

Create a thesis and an outline on World Issues of Human Rights. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide.

I need help creating a thesis and an outline on World Issues of Human Rights. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. An individual’s right to life is not violated if they die when a public authority utilizes the needed force to: stop an uprising or riot, make a lawful arrest, and stop them from carrying out unlawful violence or escaping lawful detainment. There is freedom from torture and inhuman or degrading treatment. This right protects a person from torture (mental, physical or both). degrading or inhuman treatment or punishment. as well as deportation if there is a real risk that the person might face torture or degrading or inhuman treatment or punishment. There is freedom from slavery and forced labor. The law relating to forced labor is not applicable to work that one must do as part of a prison sentence or a community sentence, work that the government requires one to do in a state of emergency, and also it does include normal civic obligations, for deducting taxes from your employees’ wages if you are an employer. Everyone has a right to a fair and public trial. however, it does not all the time apply to cases involving: extradition, voting rights, immigration law, or tax. Every person has the Right to liberty and security. However, this right can be limited if a person is: mentally ill, capable of spreading infectious disease, trying to enter the country illegally, going to be extradited or deported, or found guilty of an offence after conviction and sent to prison (Equality And Human Rights Commission, 2).

There is the freedom of thought, belief and religion. however, public authorities in some situations may impede with the right so as to protect: public order, public safety, the rights and freedoms of other people, and health or morals. Every individual should have the Freedom of expression, that is, the right to hold their own opinions and to convey them freely without interference from the government. This right is restricted in order to: prevent crime or disorder, protect national security or public safety, protect the rights and reputations of other people, protect health or morals, maintain the&nbsp.authority and impartiality of the judiciary, or prevent the disclosure of information received in confidence.

Write a 6 pages paper on the necessity of crime in society.

Write a 6 pages paper on the necessity of crime in society. Developing societies have crimes suited to their surroundings like property crimes, while developed societies experience more contemporary and advanced types of crime like embezzlement and identity theft. Crime as a phenomenon is a social fact (Webber, 2010: p17), meaning that if it is present in average societies, it is normal, although this does not mean that average crime in society is not pathological or destructive. Therefore, crime is necessary for society as long as it is not too destructive or pathological as to prevent the normal functioning of society.

It is not possible to infer immediately that there is normality in crime and that it is not destructive or pathological due to its inevitability and regularity in society. It is only possible to assert that it is a social fact, which means that one can only show its normality if it is constructive and serves a function in society (Webber, 2010: p42). In short, crime necessarily results from conditions in society that are desirable and is not simply contingent on avoidable but undesirable conditions in society. As one of the deviance’s subcategories, crime can be defined as an activity that departs from and violates social norms. While there is an overlap between deviance and categories of societal norms, all crimes can be classified as deviance. Rather than being an internal element of specific behaviors, deviance is an aspect or characteristic conferred on a specific behavior by society with regard to social norms. From the relativist view, it is possible to contend that morality and law differ according to society, while modification of conditions may result in changes within the same society (Webber, 2010: p42). Therefore, rather than acts being condemned because they are crimes, acts are considered crimes because society condemns them.

While using the notions of deviance and crime interchangeably within reasonable limits, it is possible to&nbsp.argue that crime is normal and necessary and not necessarily pathological. Crime as deviance can be argued to have a functional and normative effect (Arrigo & Williams, 2012: p98).

write an article on employment and discrimination law Paper must be at least 2250 words.

Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on employment and discrimination law Paper must be at least 2250 words. Please, no plagiarized work! The test for less favorable treatment is clearly an objective one and the question that is to be asked is whether the complainant would have been treated differently more favorably had it not been for his sex. Thus, the tribunal must ask what the ‘conscious or subconscious reason for treating the claimant less favorably was’ (Nagarajan v. London Regional Transport). The decision of less favorable treatment is for the tribunal to decide and it is not a difficult one.

In order to determine less favorable treatment, a comparison with an actual or hypothetical comparator is to be made, however, it is necessary that the relevant circumstances of the complainant and the comparative group are the same or not materially different. Thus, in Shamoon v Chief Constable of the Royal Ulster Constabulary2, it was stated that

From s.63A and Igen v Wong3 it is clear that the evidential burden to show facts from which Employment Tribunal can conclude that the employer has committed an act of discrimination and if such burden is met then the legal burden shifts to the employer who has to show that the reason for the treatment was not related in any way with claimant’s sex. Thus, if an inadequate explanation is provided the Employment Tribunal must find that the employer committed an act of unlawful discrimination.

In the current scenario, it is quite evident that Graham has received less favorable treatment on the ground of his sex and this is clear from what has been said by IRU in their reason for rejecting Graham. Furthermore, if a hypothetical comparator is drawn then in the same circumstances a woman would have received more favorable treatment and thus direct discrimination is established.

The remedies that might be available to Graham are a recommendation that IRU should take action so as to reduce the effect of the discrimination. Further, he could receive compensation which could include pecuniary losses if any and injury to feelings.

write an article on Lisp Programming Language. It needs to be at least 2000 words.

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on Lisp Programming Language. It needs to be at least 2000 words. Lisp is one of the oldest programming languages among Fortran and Cobol and it has also been linked to Artificial Intelligence (AI) since its inception. Up recently, it has been used vastly in diverse fields like finance, education, data processing of any type and in the research arena as well. Original Lisp used bracketed expressions for meta and symbolic expressions. It was used to run on IBM 704, which enabled its assembly language to run its first operations. Lisp original compiler was produced by Tim Hart and Mike Levin. It established the notion of incremental compilation in functional programming. In 1970, LISP usage in commercial programming by AI extended to an extent that it produced the need to invent machinery, which could support unlimited functioning of it (Ivancevic, Vladimir, Tijana and Ivancevic,&nbsp.139). Limited memory, garbage collection, internal structures, and internal environment needs to generate the need for innovative machinery.

Initially, the aim behind inventing lisp was to use mathematical formalism as a computation method. Thus, recursion equations were used for reasoning and till date it has evolved into a family of languages. After four decades of survival, lisp has been used widely especially, in AI (artificial Intelligence) since its inception. It is the second oldest and most used programming language, which has seen a modification in dialects. It is considered as a flexible language of programming that supports object-oriented programs with swift prototyping quality. The most general and popular dialects of lisp are Scheme and Common lisp dialects.

Common lisp enables a dominative macro system which facilitates the programmer to form and shape his applications with a flexible run-time environment. This advantage of lisp ensures adjustments and correction of running programs easy. Hence, it has been recommended as the most beneficial language for server-side progress and for software which needs to be run for long durations.

In what ways did the GREAT incentive system not conform to goal-setting theory?  (See the slide on Implications of Goal-Setting theory for Incentive Pay on Week 10 slides).

For Week 10, discussion forum, you need to first watch the video at the link below to learn more about Wells Fargo’s “GREAT” cross-sales incentive plan that led to fraudulent practices.  This incentive plan was in place from about 2006 until 2017 when it was revealed that more than 5000 Wells Fargo bank employees opened 2 million bank accounts for customers without their knowledge.  The bank’s senior managers claimed that the employees acted on their own and the employees were subsequently fired. The employees claimed that they opened the fraudulent accounts because of the pressure created by their sales commission program, GREAT, which included a goal that customers have 8 products with the bank (e.g., bank account, savings account, credit cards).


After watching the video, post answers to the following questions and then discuss them with your assigned teammates. Your teammates will be the same for Weeks 10-12.

  1. In what ways did the GREAT incentive system not conform to goal-setting theory?  (See the slide on Implications of Goal-Setting theory for Incentive Pay on Week 10 slides).
  2. To what extent do you think senior managers were responsible for the employees’ actions?  Justify your position.
  3. What can companies do to create an ethical culture and still have incentive systems with challenging goals?


In 2009, Mario Costeja Gonzalez, an attorney living in Spain, casually googled himself, and was startled by what he found. Prominently displayed among the search results was a legal notice that listed his property had been seized by the government for non-payment of debts.

1. Read the Google case in the textbook (p. 425-438). In particular, read carefully about the “Right to be forgotten” section.

2. Go to this link and answer the questions.

The Issue:  In 2009, Mario Costeja Gonzalez, an attorney living in Spain, casually googled himself, and was startled by what he found. Prominently displayed among the search results was a legal notice that listed his property had been seized by the government for non-payment of debts. This notice was more than a decade old, and he had paid his debts, a decade ago. He took his case to Spain’s Data Protection Agency (SDPA), which filed a lawsuit against Google, asking the company to take down “disputed personal data” from its search index. Google appealed, but in 2014, the European Court of Justice ruled against the company. It required Google to remove links based on an individual’s name, when those results were deemed to be “inadequate, irrelevant or no longer relevant, or excessive”. Google complied with the request and set up an online form for users (from the European Union only) to request the right to be forgotten. Google stated that each request would be evaluated individually and that the company would attempt to balance the privacy rights of the individual with the public’s interest to know and the rights to distribute information.”

This debate is about the Right to Privacy, and how important should privacy be in our online world today?

The Question: Should Google modify its search results about an individual, in response to that individual’s requests?

Pro Side position: Google should modify its search results. The right to privacy is important.

Con Side position: Google should not modify its search results. The right to free expression is important.

Both sides: To strengthen your argument…

1. Offer a coherent Ethical perspective: From Utilitarianism, Virtue Ethics, Rights, and Justice, which ethical theory is most appropriate for this situation? Why? Given your position, what should Google’s next steps be?

2. Explain the public policy implications of your decision. How will your decision affect public safety?

3. Explain the legal implications of your decision for the company. What liability will Google (and Facebook) have with linking to erroneous/dangerous information?

4. Explain the strategic (business operating) implications for small business owners that rely on Google. How will your decision affect the competitive position of small businesses in the market?

5. Draw arguments from this week’s chapter to explain how Google might balance the benefits of disclosing information with the negative consequences associated with its release.

Debate Guidelines: The classroom debates are exercises designed to allow you to strengthen your skills in the areas of leadership, interpersonal influence, team-building, group problem solving, and oral presentation. All group members are expected to participate in the research and development of your debate position.  At least 4 group members must participate in the presentation and rebuttal. Preparation will require reading the case debate topic and additional library research.  Each participating member will receive the same case grade. 

Debate Format:

8 minute Position Presentation – Pro

8 minute Position Presentation – Con

5 minute Work Period

4 minute Rebuttal – Pro

4 minute Rebuttal – Con

2 minute Work Period

2 minute Position Summary – Pro or Con (who goes first will be decided by coin flip).

2 minute Position Summary – Pro or Con

5 minutes Collection of Ballots. Results will be on iLearn by Wednesday that same week.

Last modified: Thursday, March 25, 2021, 8:40 AM

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The purpose of this task is to assess your team’s ability to critically analyse HRM issues in a real-world context, taking into consideration situational factors. The evaluation will clarify the objectives of the research project. The current issue is engagement.

The purpose of this task is to assess your team’s ability to critically analyse HRM issues in a real-world context, taking into consideration situational factors. The evaluation will clarify the objectives of the research project. The current issue is engagement.

The current issue is engagement. Section 3: Research Design & Methods 

a) Identifies the overall research approach to be applied to  investigate the issue or problem
b) Sets out what type of data you intend to collect (qualitative/quantitative), your sampling strategy, the specific data collection methods you plan to use, and your approach to data analysis