Compose a 1250 words assignment on whether abortion should be forbidden or allowed. Needs to be plagiarism free! I think that the pro-abortion choice (Pro-choice) is more liberate because giving birth is a matter of a woman and her life. There are multiple reasons why sometimes having an abortion is more profitable for both the mother and the child than forcing them to have the baby and ruin their lives for good.

Compose a 1250 words assignment on whether abortion should be forbidden or allowed. Needs to be plagiarism free! I think that the pro-abortion choice (Pro-choice) is more liberate because giving birth is a matter of a woman and her life. There are multiple reasons why sometimes having an abortion is more profitable for both the mother and the child than forcing them to have the baby and ruin their lives for good.

Thus, the most crucial argument for abortion is that giving birth to a child is a personal matter of each woman because it concerns her body, which belongs to her only, and its health. As far as in order to give birth a woman should go through rough times of suffering and physical discomfort, she might not want it for herself, so having an abortion is the best way for her to avoid such unpleasant feelings. Because of the fact that the body is a very personal kind of possession, it is probably the most individual property ever, so a person can do whatever one wants with one’s own body. However, being pregnant means holding a huge responsibility not only for the safety of one’s own body but also for the well-being of another body. Such a significant responsibility is very risky for multiple reasons. First, if something bad happens to the embryo, the woman’s body also suffers and her health worsens. Such a situation might even lead to lethal outcomes. Hence, some women just don’t want to take this risk and prefer to preserve their health, which is normal and is definitely welcomed.

As for the other kind of responsibility, which concerns the child’s body, it is understandable why a woman might not want to hold it. The point is that a baby is a very fragile creature and it is absolutely helpless, so having a baby is rather time-consuming because the baby demands a lot of attention and constant care. Furthermore, holding responsibility for oneself is normal and inevitable for every human being, when taking responsibility for another person is quite optional. However, as far as a person deals with one’s own baby, this responsibility for someone else becomes inevitable too, so many women just don’t want to hold it, and therefore they don’t have to.


Write 7 pages with APA style on Audit Risk of a Scapa Company.

Write 7 pages with APA style on Audit Risk of a Scapa Company. The Group might have been induced to manipulate the taxes because previous tax losses available for a claim might be expiring this year. Exceptional items were more than the current year in the previous year, yet there was no taxation charge in the previous year (Scapa Group, 2013a). The calculation of the tax over the exceptional items has to be checked in detail. The operating profits increased by 14 % and the tax charge on them increased by 32%. The application of the new (changed) tax rate over the profits has to be reviewed.

Classification of the exceptional items is also of high risk. The rationale for such classification of exceptional items has to be inquired for. Scapa has disposed of one of its subsidiaries and faced pressures from the European side (Scapa Group, 2013b). In order to present a better picture, Scapa might have engaged in showing a better Trading profit to Revenue ratio. This ratio is 6.5%, which is 1.1% better than the previous year ratio. Had exceptional items been included in trading profit, the ratio would have come down to 6% showing just 0.5 % improvements with respect to previous year ratio.

Other Receivables have decreased by 98.5 % from $19.6 mn to $0.3 mn. This variation is mainly because of the re-classification of the assets of the Georgia subsidiary (Scapa Group, 2013c). This amount pertained to the insurance claim. The status of the claim and its valuation is a critical matter. It might be possible that a claim might have decreased, but it is transferred at the amount of the opening balance. Moreover, this liability is discounted at a risk-free interest rate of 3.35% (Scapa Group, 2013d). The assumption on the basis of which this rate is taken has to be reviewed. Change in rate may change the valuation of the insurance claim. Secondly, the discounted asset has not been unwound by the&nbsp.rate used in this year.&nbsp.

Provide a 1 page analysis while answering the following question: Lean Manufacturing–Mass Customization & Marketplace simulation. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required.

Provide a 1 page analysis while answering the following question: Lean Manufacturing–Mass Customization & Marketplace simulation. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. Lean Manufacturing–Mass Customization & Marketplace simulation due: There are steps that a company would need while in the marketplace business in order to accomplish mass customization in various customer segments. According to Cagan, & Vogel, (2002) the company should be able to know their targets in the marketing process. The company should be able to balance the efficiency of mass marketing. This means that a given company should be in a position to serve the customers or rather to take to the market exactly what the customers expect. This means that the company should have made at least a survey to their market place before supplying the product. Knowing what the clients or rather what the customers want is very essential. Thus, the company should be in a position to understand the need for market segmentation. This is because, in today’s marketplace, it is necessary for a company to understand the need of market segmentation because of market fragmentation. In addition, the company should be in a position to explain how the marketers evaluate segments and choose a targeting strategy. In order to choose more segments and to target more clients, the company should be able to evaluate the potential for and success in the marketplace (Cagan, & Vogel, 2002).

The process to which a computer producing company needs in order to have a good and continuous improvement is by knowing how much, and the quality and stability of computers the company supplies to the market. The computer company should be able to isolate and validate the goods they process, for instance: keyboards mouse, monitors, and processors among others. While in the market place target other markets. This particular computer company should not only focus on the current marketplace, and it should try to reach out to other markets for more profits. If the computer company invest in more designs and improve the quality and the designs of the machines it produces, it will be able to accomplish the market business stimulation it needs in the field.


Cagan, J., & Vogel, C. M. (2002). Creating breakthrough products: Innovation from product

planning to program approval. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Financial Times Prentice Hall.

Provide a 1 page analysis while answering the following question: Lean Manufacturing–Mass Customization & Marketplace simulation. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide.

Provide a 1 page analysis while answering the following question: Lean Manufacturing–Mass Customization & Marketplace simulation. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. Lean Manufacturing–Mass Customization & Marketplace simulation due: There are steps that a company would need while in the marketplace business in order to accomplish mass customization in various customer segments. According to Cagan, & Vogel, (2002) the company should be able to know their targets in the marketing process. The company should be able to balance the efficiency of mass marketing. This means that a given company should be in a position to serve the customers or rather to take to the market exactly what the customers expect. This means that the company should have made at least a survey to their market place before supplying the product. Knowing what the clients or rather what the customers want is very essential. Thus, the company should be in a position to understand the need for market segmentation. This is because, in today’s marketplace, it is necessary for a company to understand the need of market segmentation because of market fragmentation. In addition, the company should be in a position to explain how the marketers evaluate segments and choose a targeting strategy. In order to choose more segments and to target more clients, the company should be able to evaluate the potential for and success in the marketplace (Cagan, & Vogel, 2002).

The process to which a computer producing company needs in order to have a good and continuous improvement is by knowing how much, and the quality and stability of computers the company supplies to the market. The computer company should be able to isolate and validate the goods they process, for instance: keyboards mouse, monitors, and processors among others. While in the market place target other markets. This particular computer company should not only focus on the current marketplace, and it should try to reach out to other markets for more profits. If the computer company invest in more designs and improve the quality and the designs of the machines it produces, it will be able to accomplish the market business stimulation it needs in the field.


Cagan, J., & Vogel, C. M. (2002). Creating breakthrough products: Innovation from product

planning to program approval. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Financial Times Prentice Hall.

Write 1 page thesis on the topic plagiarism. Plagiarism paper due Plagiarism Deliberate plagiarism is a form of cheating.

Write 1 page thesis on the topic plagiarism. Plagiarism paper due Plagiarism Deliberate plagiarism is a form of cheating. It involves copying other people’s work and turning it to be yours. Accidental plagiarism happens when a writer or researcher does not intend to copy but fails to cite the resources used well and completely. This type of plagiarism can be removed by taking notes carefully and understanding well the rules for quoting, summarizing, and paraphrasing the sources (Lunsford & Rober, 1995). The student has plagiarized the original document. Some words from the original document are used in the document without citation. When three or more words are used in a sentence from the original source and there is no clear citing, plagiarism occurs. The writer does not appropriately cite the sources used. He or she should have included in-text citation in the passage to avoid plagiarism (Strout & Frame, 2004, p. 171-181).

The student should have used direct quotation in writing about doctors whose allegiance is always torn between the drug researchers and trustworthy consumers, leaving the important lot, the patients, unattended. Paraphrasing involves taking someone’s idea and presenting it in your own words. Changing words from the original document is still considered plagiarism even if the author is cited. The paraphrased sentence, on how hard it is to know whether a conflict between researchers, doctors and the drug stakeholders has tainted results should have been in-text cited. He should have included an in-text citation after the sentence. Hence, there is plagiarism in the sentence (Lunsford & Rober, 1995).

How to recognize plagiarism

Materials or documents that use facts, statistics, figures, arguments, speculations or opinions without proper citing are plagiarized materials. This is because the writer is not the source of the work, and therefore could be cheating deliberately (Strout & Frame, 2004, p. 171-181).

Paraphrases with no citation are also plagiarism. A paraphrased document or work should be properly cited to acknowledge the author. Changing words in the original word without citation is plagiarism (Lunsford & Rober, 1995). Misplaced citations give rise to plagiarism. If direct quotation or paraphrasing is used, the reference should come at the end of the document or material cited. Any summarized, quoted or paraphrased idea that comes after the citation is plagiarized (Grunabaum, 1944, p. 243-53).

Ways to avoid plagiarism

Every piece of information that does not come from someone’s research or common knowledge should be cited. This includes facts, statistics, figures, arguments, speculations and opinions. Use of quotation marks also avoids plagiarism. Every time another author’s words are used, quotation marks should be used (Lunsford & Rober, 1995). In the beginning of a sentence in which someone’s idea is to be applied, show that what comes after is a borrowed, summarized, or paraphrased idea. A parenthetical citation should be inserted at the end of the last line containing paraphrased, quoted or summarized material (Strout & Frame, 2004, p. 171-181).


Grunebaum, G.E. (October 1944). The concept of Plagiarism in Arabic Theory. Journal of near eastern studies, 3(4), 243-53.

Lunsford, A., & Robber, C. (1995). St. Martin’s Handbook. 3rd edition. New York: St. Martin’s press.

Stout, E. J., & Frame, M. W. (2004). Body image disorder in adolescent males: Strategies for school counselors. Professional School Counseling, 8(2), 176–181.

Create a thesis and an outline on Requirements Analysis and Design in Software Development. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required.

I need help creating a thesis and an outline on Requirements Analysis and Design in Software Development. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. Software Engineering (SE) is a complete and isolated field of engineering that is concerned with the development and maintenance of software systems. Basically, the objective of software engineering is to provide software engineers with a wide variety of guidelines, processes, techniques, and principles through which they can develop dependable, affordable, and efficient systems at the same time as satisfying all the requirements specified by the customers for those systems. In fact, the role of software engineering is becoming more and more important and critical with the emergence of huge and costly software systems and their implementations in safety-critical areas. It has a close relationship with a large number of other disciplines such as mathematics, physics, and computer sciences (ACM, Inc., 2006).

Basically, software engineering provides a wide variety of principles, practices, and tools for software engineers throughout the software development process. However, the software development process is followed through a software development life cycle. In this scenario, a software development life cycle is a conceptual framework or a map, which defines the stages of a software development process. Basically, a software development life cycle divides the software development process into a number of stages. Additionally, each stage of a software development life cycle is aimed at achieving a particular objective (Rouse, 2009).

Up till now, a large number of software development process models have been developed taking into consideration the objectives of particular software. For instance, waterfall process model, spiral model, iterative models, agile models, and so on.&nbsp.Though, each software process model is based on a specific ideology. In this scenario, each software development model divides the software development process into different stages such as requirements analysis, system design, coding, testing, implementation, and maintenance.

Create a 2 pages page paper that discusses summarizing.

Create a 2 pages page paper that discusses summarizing. Article summary and analysis How Fredrick Douglas Taught himself to think Frederick Douglass was a slave who underwent many difficulties to overcome his status and be one of the ex-slaves who are celebrated to date. When he was born in Maryland, it was difficult overcoming the practices since slavery was common among the bourgeoisie. However, he used different tactics to overcome the situation and acquire a new status. For instance, Douglass found his way to England where he opened his eyes and saw the evils, which were taking place in the society. Through this, he learned about different ways he could bring change to alleviate the mass who were enslaved by their masters. The suffering he saw around him as a slave and all that was said about slaves made him to learn a lot, which he placed on practice to minimize the impact.

Secondly, Frederick Douglass learned the power of words and this enabled him to publish magazines where he expressed himself by giving deep feelings about slavery. For instance, he published different magazines, which aimed at pushing the government towards initiating reforms and exercising equality among all races. He learned that the publications had power to influence changes in the country to guarantee freedom to all (Caesar 4-9). Therefore, he learned that whatever people did had an impact in pushing the government of the day to bring reforms. Hence, his continuation to publicize enabled him to learn a lot, which led to changes realized today.

How the narrator responds to another person

In the poem, Langston Hughes, the narrator is a black person who tells a white man that he is his father. However, the white man says, “you are my son! Like hell” (Utley 5). The white man does not acknowledge that the black speaker has something to offer, and this leads to abuse. For instance, the white man calls the speaker “bastard” and this annoys the speaker making him call him by the same name (Utley 9). The speaker also informs the white man that he (white) is a “nigger” because they come from the same father and do not want to recognize the other. However, the white man does not want to accept that he is also a person of color even if he came from the same father and argues that he is okay. Because of this notion, the black speaker finishes his poem by stating that the white man’s son is “a little yellow bastard boy” (Utley 15).

The poem is trying to fight for equality among the biracial children, a notion that the white families are trying to avoid. For instance, the speaker says that they need to be equal in case they are from the same father rather than looking at the skin color. Through this assumption, the speaker is trying to neutralize racism, which comes because of intermarriage taking place in the society. Most white fathers want to disown their black children and that forms the central argument of the speaker in the poem since he is being victimized without playing a role in his social status or race.

Work cited

Caesar, Rebecca. Frederick Douglass Relationship with Abraham Lincoln. 2005. Web. 2015.

Utley, Octavia. Voice in Poetry: Dream a world with Langston Hughes. 2015. Web. 2015.

Create a 2 pages page paper that discusses summarizing.

Create a 2 pages page paper that discusses summarizing. Article summary and analysis How Fredrick Douglas Taught himself to think Frederick Douglass was a slave who underwent many difficulties to overcome his status and be one of the ex-slaves who are celebrated to date. When he was born in Maryland, it was difficult overcoming the practices since slavery was common among the bourgeoisie. However, he used different tactics to overcome the situation and acquire a new status. For instance, Douglass found his way to England where he opened his eyes and saw the evils, which were taking place in the society. Through this, he learned about different ways he could bring change to alleviate the mass who were enslaved by their masters. The suffering he saw around him as a slave and all that was said about slaves made him to learn a lot, which he placed on practice to minimize the impact.

Secondly, Frederick Douglass learned the power of words and this enabled him to publish magazines where he expressed himself by giving deep feelings about slavery. For instance, he published different magazines, which aimed at pushing the government towards initiating reforms and exercising equality among all races. He learned that the publications had power to influence changes in the country to guarantee freedom to all (Caesar 4-9). Therefore, he learned that whatever people did had an impact in pushing the government of the day to bring reforms. Hence, his continuation to publicize enabled him to learn a lot, which led to changes realized today.

How the narrator responds to another person

In the poem, Langston Hughes, the narrator is a black person who tells a white man that he is his father. However, the white man says, “you are my son! Like hell” (Utley 5). The white man does not acknowledge that the black speaker has something to offer, and this leads to abuse. For instance, the white man calls the speaker “bastard” and this annoys the speaker making him call him by the same name (Utley 9). The speaker also informs the white man that he (white) is a “nigger” because they come from the same father and do not want to recognize the other. However, the white man does not want to accept that he is also a person of color even if he came from the same father and argues that he is okay. Because of this notion, the black speaker finishes his poem by stating that the white man’s son is “a little yellow bastard boy” (Utley 15).

The poem is trying to fight for equality among the biracial children, a notion that the white families are trying to avoid. For instance, the speaker says that they need to be equal in case they are from the same father rather than looking at the skin color. Through this assumption, the speaker is trying to neutralize racism, which comes because of intermarriage taking place in the society. Most white fathers want to disown their black children and that forms the central argument of the speaker in the poem since he is being victimized without playing a role in his social status or race.

Work cited

Caesar, Rebecca. Frederick Douglass Relationship with Abraham Lincoln. 2005. Web. 2015.

Utley, Octavia. Voice in Poetry: Dream a world with Langston Hughes. 2015. Web. 2015.

Write a 5 pages paper on dismissal of rabban gamaliel.

Write a 5 pages paper on dismissal of rabban gamaliel. This indicates how the two Rabbis differed constantly in their opinions. The two contradicting responses raised concerns in the disciple and he informed Rabban Gamaliel about what Rabban Joshua had said earlier (Cohen, 2013). Rabban Gamaliel then asked the disciple to wait for the champions to enter the Beth ha-Midrash and he will get a clear response. The champions were on higher hierarchies than the rabbi were. When the champions arrived, someone asked the same question and this time around, Rabban Joshua admitted that it was compulsory hence contradicting his initial answer (Cohen, 2013). This showed that the Rabbis honored their authorities hence Joshua could not say something contrary to what was originally right. Rabban Gamaliel then sought to inquire why Rabban Joshua had given a contrary answer when a disciple asked him prior (Cohen, 2013). He asked Rabban Joshua to stand up and let the people testify against him. Joshua however stood up and said that if he was alive, and the disciple who spoke to him earlier on was dead, the living could contradict the dead. He further said that they were both alive and questioned how he, who was living could contradict the disciple who was also living (Cohen, 2013). He meant that he was guilty as charged and he could not deny. Rabban Gamaliel remained sitting and expounding on the words of Joshua and Joshua remained standing until people started shouting and asked the interpreter to stop speaking. They wanted to know how long the insulting from Rabban Gamaliel to Rabban Joshua would go on (Drazin, 2008). Gamaliel&nbsp.had insulted Joshua during New Year when he asked him to bring his staff and wallet before him on the Atonement day (Drazin, 2008). He also insulted Rabban Joshua in the matter concerning the firstborn affair of Rabban Zaddock and he had now done it again (Babylonian Talmud 27b). The people advocated that they should remove him from the leadership of the academy and chose somebody else to take his place. This explains that it was against their practices for the Rabbans to insult others since they were to act as good examples to the rest. They also expected their leaders to be wise and answer any question brought before them. In this case, Rabban Gamaliel was not able to respond to the question posed to him by Rabban Joshua. The people, therefore, felt that they needed a better and wiser leader.

write an article on communist manifesto on religion, law and morality Paper must be at least 1250 words.

Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on communist manifesto on religion, law and morality Paper must be at least 1250 words. Please, no plagiarized work! Marx’s theory of dialectical materialism asserts that conflicts between the social classes are triggered by material needs. The bourgeoisie class desires to maintain the status quo through controlling production whereas the proletariat class seeks to overthrow them and in turn control production. This paper is going to argue in favour of Marx’s claim that law, morality and religion are tools used by the rich to keep the poor in line.

The bourgeoisie class is the class or the rich because it controls production in the economy hence the ruling class. According to the Marxist philosophy, the law is a means by which the ruling class disadvantages the other classes (Engels & Marx, 2014). It is a fact that some legislations are meant to submerge the minds of the poor so that they can feel relevant within the economy. For instance, the laws on free trade work to the advantage of the rich within the economy since they can produce goods in large numbers and release them to the market at cheaper prices. This is evident when we consider the case of developed and third world economies having equal access to markets. Since the competition in the market will be unfavorable, weaker economies will be overpowered by stronger economies that will in turn control the markets. According to Marx, the bourgeois education policy perpetuates the subordination of the proletariats, ensuring that they do not own property (Engels & Marx, 2014). As such, the rich ensure that they continue to control the economy whereas the poor continues to be poor.

According to Marx, bourgeois moralities allow private property ownership and personal freedom and independence. It is therefore moral for one to own property just as it is moral for the property owner to employ the poor to work for them. He argues that wage labor creates no property for the employee, but only creates capital, which is a property that works to escalate abuse of workers. Freedom allows the capitalists to&nbsp.constantly revolutionize production in order to expand and exploit their markets. This leads to globalization which in turn leads to economic imperialism which dictates that other countries acculturate to the bourgeois practice or be sent to the economic outback.