submit a 1500 words paper on the topic When Learning Never Stops.

Hi, need to submit a 1500 words paper on the topic When Learning Never Stops. The unprecedented development of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) from the early Eighties revolutionized many fields of work and activity, including learning and education which has undergone radical changes. The coming of the Internet and the World Wide Web (WWW) introduced the concept of “learning anytime, anywhere, and anyhow” [1]. Students and teachers could be geographically dispersed in what is termed a virtual classroom. Distance education was prefixed with ‘online’ to give what is now known as e-Learning.

The roots of the present-day web can be traced back to the concept of hypertext and hypermedia which goes back to 1945 when Vannevar Bush introduced the concept of hypertext in a system called ‘memex’. Bush visualized a system in which the documents could be linked in a non-linear manner modeled after the associative nature of the human mind.[33] The same objective was echoed by Ted Nelson in 1987 when he envisaged “…a fast linking electronic repository for the storage and publication of text, graphics, and other digital information. permitting promiscuous linkage and windowing among all materials. with special features for alternative versions, historical backtrack and arbitrary collaging…” in his Xanadu system [34], Conklin who spoke of inter-documentary links [35] and Rada [36] who dreamt of connecting text across document boundaries. Hypertext and hypermedia gave the Web its interactivity and navigational maneuverability. “…concept of ‘hypertext’ is the base of all the web evolution.”[31]

Conventional learning has been restricted to the physical classroom in which the teacher teaches students according to a prescribed course and syllabi.&nbsp.The genesis of e-Learning can be found in the initial web sites that were developed by schools, universities, and colleges in the mid-Nineties.&nbsp.

Write a 8 pages paper on how to bring law and order to european countries. Except for treaties and international agreements, EU law comes mostly as regulations and directives intended to underpin the national laws of member states. Regulations are laws with general application, such that member states are under no strict liability to adopt them into national law. In the case of directives, that obligation is unconditional on the part of member states, although they can choose the form and methods by which to implement an EC directive 2.

Write a 8 pages paper on how to bring law and order to european countries. Except for treaties and international agreements, EU law comes mostly as regulations and directives intended to underpin the national laws of member states. Regulations are laws with general application, such that member states are under no strict liability to adopt them into national law. In the case of directives, that obligation is unconditional on the part of member states, although they can choose the form and methods by which to implement an EC directive 2.

These provisos in the new EU Constitution are highlighted by this paper in its discussion of how to bring law and order to European countries if the EU law relevant to a particular case contravenes the national law of a member state. if an EC regulation favors one national group over another. or if an EC law that could bolster a local case has no equivalent version in the member state that is hearing the case. In so doing, the paper presents two make-believe cases involving consumer welfare promotion and environmental protection, two areas of concern high on the agenda of the new Constitution as embodied in Article II-62 and Article II-97, respectively. Both areas need state legislation to give them real substance.

In 2006, EC issued Environmental Protection Directive 100/06 to all member states enjoining them to adopt its core provisions into national laws by March 25, 2006. The directive imposes criminal liability on anyone who keeps toxic chemicals& his property without sufficient safeguards to prevent leakage. If the stored chemicals, which were specified in the EC directive, escape into the atmosphere and cause harm to people, the offense carries a maximum fine of 150,000 euros or its equivalent. In the UK, authorities believed there was no need to enact a new law based on the EC directive because there is a similar environmental law already in place.&nbsp.&nbsp. In March 2007, or one year after UK member states were supposed to have introduced the EC directive into their own legal systems, a man named Simon fell ill after eating vegetable grown in his garden, which is adjacent to a warehouse of Otis Chemicals Ltd. that stored the chemicals identified in the EC directive.

Writing assignment on different approaches to addressing academic plagiarism

I need some assistance with these assignment. different approaches to addressing academic plagiarism Thank you in advance for the help! Concomitant to this is the importance of having faculty members who are proactive in determining and probing the causes of plagiarism, and who are also willing to perform their roles in dealing with each concerned student. Background Hexham (2005) defines plagiarism as “…the deliberate attempt to deceive the reader through the appropriation and representation as one’s own the work and words of others.” It was further mentioned in the article that academic plagiarism happens when more than four words are extracted from a source, without using quotation marks and proper reference, and when the material is composed mainly of continuous paraphrasing without the insertion of any original argument or addition of new material. Given this, Hexham (2005) likewise enumerates the different types of plagiarism, which are concisely discussed below: (1.) Straight Plagiarism—Occurs when minor changes, like deletion or addition of words, capitalization, and sentence structure changes, are done. Such changes, albeit “minor,” can still make a certain work appear as if it is “original.” (2.) Citing the original author without quotation marks or references—occurs when the writer acknowledges the real author and copies the original text without using quotation marks or proper references. (3.) Simple Plagiarism Using Footnotes—even though reference is given, plagiarism can still occur when quotation marks are not used and when little changes are made from the source so as to make the new material appear original. (4.) Complex Plagiarism Using Footnotes—this kind of plagiarism is less noticeable because the appearance of the original work is altered by means of many re-wording and paraphrasing, but still, the contents are the same. This type makes use of references without properly using quotation marks. (5.) Plagiarism with Hanging Quotations—this happens when a writer uses quotation marks and continues to quote even though the quotation marks are already closed. (6.) Paraphrasing as Plagiarism—this type of plagiarism is harder to prove because it is characterized by either paraphrasing without citing the original source or continuous paraphrasing and citing of sources, but no insertion of original argument, insights, and/ or discussions.

write an article on important preparations in pharmacology Paper must be at least 1250 words.

Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on important preparations in pharmacology Paper must be at least 1250 words. Please, no plagiarized work! Propranolol exists as a highly lipid-soluble drug and normally enters the brain easily (Rang et al., 2010). Experiments established that propranolol can reduce blood pressure, cardiac output, and other diseases amongst cats especially when administered intravenously (Aderg et al., 1969).

Sotalol is an important anti-arrhythmic, class II/III drug. Sotalol acts as an oral drug with equal amounts of two enantiomers including D- and L–sotalol. Both enantiomers have the potency to act as non-selective blockers. The L – enantiomer gives greater benefits by acting as beta-blockade for a long term period. In addition, the L- Sotalol has 38% protein binding capacity while D-sotalol has 35% protein binding capacity (Chhabra, Aseri and Padmanabhan, 2013). Notably, D-sotalol has no beta-blocking activity. The action potential of sotalol results from L-isomer activity that also acts as an alpha-blocker, while D-sotalol acts as anti-arrhythmic. However, D-sotalol has 30 to 60 times lower affinity than L-sotalol.

Propranolol has two isomers including D and L – propranolol. D-propranolol binds to proteins more extensively than L- propranolol. However, L–isomer of propranolol acts as the biologically active form of the drug. L–isomer of propranolol is nearly absorbed orally and metabolized in the liver on its first passage. On the contrary, D-propranolol is inactive in beta-adrenoreceptor blocking activity. Therefore, experiments established that isomerism leads to many therapeutic and adverse drug reactions (Chhabra, Aseri, and Padmanabhan, 2013). D and L–propranolol have a membrane-stabilizing property and this racemic mixture reduces heart rate and related force of contraction amongst treated animals.

The pharmacokinetic parameters of sotalol were studied in dogs and rats. Dogs had a higher volume of distribution and the elimination of the drug was through renal excretion.

Write a 5 pages paper on the ideology of englishness.

Write a 5 pages paper on the ideology of englishness. Lamming continues that Englishness is often defined in its colonizing and expanding terms, as an instrument to demonstrate superiority and class division. Laclau (1985) sees the social differentiation also as a geographical one – England and the colonized territories –West Indies, Africa, Australia. The geographical places also create ambiguity in the religious sphere, because if you are different on the bases of religious beliefs, historical background, social class, then one can not be included in the “Englishness” shared by the natives. . Lamming (1984) remarks that there is a linguistic barrier too – well-spoken English versus the broken English.

Englishness appeared as an ideology as early as the 18th, transforming itself into a modern phenomenon separating colonized people from the industrialized society and well-taught Christians from the elite class. The distinguished English attitude establishes boundaries between the white race and the others described as savages and primitive (James 1984). Consequently, the very skin color empowers the people to incorporate certain English attitudes towards the different ones, adding more features into the differentiation. In this way the white people disempower the colonized subject, disparaging both his culture and his human status. Lamming (1984) gives an example of the English writer embodying the Englishness and the West Indian writer which can not be grasped as intelligent and thoughtful as the English one. In this sense, otherness is seen as “part of his historic contract, the English critic accepts-for what else can he do?-the privilege so natural and so free of being the child and product and voice of a colonizing civilization (Lamming 30).”

The Englishness doctrine leads to hegemony and postcolonial supremacy (James 1984).&nbsp.

prepare and submit a term paper on The Truth about Relativity by Ariely. Your paper should be a minimum of 250 words in length.

You will prepare and submit a term paper on The Truth about Relativity by Ariely. Your paper should be a minimum of 250 words in length. According to Ariely, we should move toward more appropriate cliques (19). It is most difficult to change one’s own behavioral patterns in isolation. So, one way of effecting these changes is to switch social groups either gradually or immediately. What does that mean? That means avoiding people who are most profoundly engaged in the accumulation of wealth, the climbing of perceived social ladders, and the winning by comparison game. It means seeking like-minded people. For some, it will be a welcomed relief from the prima fascia nature of their lives, but for many people in Western society, this will feel very uncomfortable. They may begin to ask themselves certain questions. Who am I without my six-figure job? Who am I without my expensive car or my manicured lawn? The stark truth smacks of irony.

According to Ariely, no remedy exists for problems associated with the phenomenon of ownership (138). There are those who have diverted too much energy to competing for things that do not really matter that much on a cosmic level. They are themselves, completely secure in virtue of their accomplishments and possessions – completely dependent on externalities for a sense of self-worth. No amount of winning or having will ever make them be what they should be or ask the questions about themselves they should ask. Am I a decent person? If so, how can I help less fortunate people? It really boils down to reframing our values.

Write 7 pages thesis on the topic health society and paramedical practice. In the early 1960s, the United States established policies aimed at expanding access to healthcare for all citizens.

Write 7 pages thesis on the topic health society and paramedical practice. In the early 1960s, the United States established policies aimed at expanding access to healthcare for all citizens. These programs did result in expanding access to healthcare for low-income families, people with disabilities and the poor through Medicare, Medicaid and the 1964 Civil Rights Act. Despite these positive changes, disparities in healthcare continue to exist for minority populations in the United States. For a country that came into existence based on the premise of universal equality, the United States has, from a health-perspective, ignored some of the very principals under which it was founded.

More than 20 years ago in 1985, the United States Department of Health and Human Services released a milestone report on racial health disparities in the United States entitled, “Secretary’s Task Force Report on Black and Minority Health.” Revealing significant gaps in the health status among Americans of diverse racial and ethnic groups, this report was the first of its kind. This was also the first national report to document the health disparities of racial populations in the United States. Despite attempts at addressing these issues, health issues among minority populations continue to persist. Today, a number of studies have shown that minority populations have higher death rates and rates of diseases such as cancer, HIV/AIDS, and cardiovascular disorders. These studies represent the social model of health and data collected from independent studies over the years have concluded that African-Americans have the worst health outcomes when compared to other minority populations in America. For example, African-Americans have higher cancer rates and the survival rate for African-American women with breast cancer is half that of white females. Such disparities are generally ignored by the U.S. healthcare&nbsp.system because the system does not fully address the environmental causal factors which result in health inequalities.

Create a thesis and an outline on Global, not Western, Feminism: Localizing Global Feminist Values and Actions. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required.

I need help creating a thesis and an outline on Global, not Western, Feminism: Localizing Global Feminist Values and Actions. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. Nowadays, global feminism seeks to be more inclusive, in order to form alliances that promote “universal sisterhood” that can build a more humane and unified world. Feminism shows the tension between the local and the global by showing the differences in particular struggles and advocacies, which are made complicated by differences in social, economic, political, and cultural experiences, values, and priority goals, although global feminism provides tools that seek to address common feminist interests by analyzes intersectionality in feminist ideology and ethics and universalizing feminist issues for the creation of a humane and united international community.

Local and global feminist movements show tension because of diversity in particular goals due to contextual divergences. Basu argues that the local and the global movements of feminism are in conflict when they have different primary goals because of social, political, economic, and cultural differences. An example is the feminist movement in India that emphasizes the economic and materialist needs of women because of widespread feminized poverty and sexual violence experienced in their country (Basu 440). The Self-Employed Women’s Association in Gujarat, for instance, organized women to fight against low wages, dismal working conditions, and absence of access to needed credit lines (Basu 440). These concerns are within global feminism, although economic needs are not always the main or only focus of their advocacies. Furthermore, the feminist movement in India seeks to transform the Indian state by linking political and women’s issues. Indian feminists want to lobby for laws that protect women from sexual violence and cultural practices that socially justify women’s oppression, while also&nbsp.demanding reserved Parliamentary seats for women to promote and ensure greater political participation (Basu 441).&nbsp.Indian feminism asserts state transformation as part of gender equality. Moreover, as global feminism focuses on human rights in general, it may be clouding stronger local values and practices.&nbsp.

Create a thesis and an outline on Information Systems in Transport and Logistics. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. These individual companies use these type of systems to manage their own resources and alas carry out tasks involving transportation on behalf of their clients. However, these systems are best applicable if the transportation of goods is carried out using a single-mode i.e. a single transport vehicle from the origin to destination.

I need help creating a thesis and an outline on Information Systems in Transport and Logistics. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. These individual companies use these type of systems to manage their own resources and alas carry out tasks involving transportation on behalf of their clients. However, these systems are best applicable if the transportation of goods is carried out using a single-mode i.e. a single transport vehicle from the origin to destination.

Those systems applicable by authorities for the purpose of receiving information about either future or ongoing transport operations. Other systems that fall under this group include those used in managing traffic i.e. provision of information regarding infrastructure capacity as used by service providers involved in logistic. These systems are normally based on local levels i.e. Port Community Systems that are used for communicating purposes between authorities and other stakeholders in the commercial services around the port. Other examples involve those used at the national level for instance the National Single Window (NSW) systems that are applied in mostly for the regional level. Example of such a system is Safe Sea.

The figure below (Figure 1) shows the illustration of such a transport system. For instance from Figure 1, the individual providers of single transport services have developed their own legacy systems used to manage their fleet and also carrying out booking. The following services i.e. a terminal, rail and maritime transport services are centrally managed by a composite service offered by an organization. These organizations may include either a logistics integrator or a freight forwarder and they perform these functions with the help of application of a transport chain management (TCM) system. The second rail, terminal discharge port, warehouse or logistics terminal and provision of a truck for transportation are provided by another second company that is also ether using a second transport chain management (TCM) system or a supply chain management (SCM) systems depending on the situation at hand.

Write 5 pages with APA style on Acceptance of a Knowledge.

Write 5 pages with APA style on Acceptance of a Knowledge. It can be said that “That which is accepted as knowledge today is sometimes discarded tomorrow”. This is a theory that is easily supported by occurrences in the field of history and ethics where there are often changes in the information previously published due to additional information being discovered that is relevant to the previous claims made.

Take for example the Ethics behind the social standards of our modern society. Ever since the American civil war, social classes and ideologies have been changing from what was originally thought. Consider, for example, the fact that during the civil war, the slaves were thought to be dumb people who were incapable of learning and rising above their station in life. After being granted freedom and equality, the African Americans, as they soon came to be known, disproved the facts about their intellectual abilities over time. Some of the greatest and most inspiring people in American history happen to be Blacks — Martin Luther King Jr and Malcolm X from the most recent history of African Americans, and Oprah Winfrey and, the most important black figure in the history of African Americans, Pres. Barack Obama, in modern history. These people all proved that misconceptions of the past are nothing but that. Written as historically accurate because there was no other information existing at that time to prove otherwise.

Then there was this social theory that women could not be worth anything outside of the home. That the workforce should only be male-dominated because women are incapable of performing the same tasks as men. History once again, proved that this was a baseless theory as women not only began to dominate the workforce after World War II, but that in the 21st century, women now head Fortune 500 companies such as Pepsi and General Motors, and also have proceeded to gain ownership of their private businesses.