Create a 8 pages page paper that discusses the dry bulk freight market. The industry has also over the years witnessed some technical changes. Due to the ever-increasing level of world trade from the 1960’s, it became abundantly clear to the industry observers that the traditional “break bulk” shipping will not be able to carry around the world the increasing cargo. This, therefore, led to the palletization and containerization was introduced to resolve these problems.

Create a 8 pages page paper that discusses the dry bulk freight market. The industry has also over the years witnessed some technical changes. Due to the ever-increasing level of world trade from the 1960’s, it became abundantly clear to the industry observers that the traditional “break bulk” shipping will not be able to carry around the world the increasing cargo. This, therefore, led to the palletization and containerization was introduced to resolve these problems.

Another revolution that took place was the increasing use of bigger ships. Over a period from 1945 to 1995, oil tankers increased by the size of almost twenty times while dry bulk vessels became almost some fifteen times bigger. This increase in ship sizes led to a great reduction of shipping costs that industries increasingly preferred using ships than to the old railroad methods. The reduction in cost was of great advantage to industries to carry around their raw materials (e.g. this led to the cost of transporting coal by sea from Virginia to Jacksonville, Florida almost three times cheaper than by rail) (Chrzanowski, 1985).

&nbsp.The dry bulk freight market participants are in the most part price takers in that they accept the ruling freight rate as axiomatic. The market is an open market comprising of numerous individual firms of shippers and similarly large numbers of shipowners offering common carrier bulk transport services. The following assumptions hold true for this kind of market:

The market consists mostly of a large number of small firms of both shippers and shipowners. This means that each firm or player in the market produces or consumes a level of output which is extremely small in relation to the total quantity of the industry’s production, thereby leaving no one player with the power to be able to influence the level of freight rates on the market since no one individual firm is capable of affecting the freight rate by varying their own output levels or their demand for tonnage, since what the individual supplies or demands is insignificant in terms of the industry as a whole.

Writing assignment on . the principle of utility

I need some assistance with these assignment. the principle of utility Thank you in advance for the help! The Principle of Utility According to Alican et al (276), the principle of utility s that an action or a rule is right, will lead to goodness or happiness that is high for a big number of people. If further states that the behaviors or actions are always right so long as they promote pleasure and happiness, wrong as they have a tendency of producing pain or unhappiness.

Mill et al (57) observed that Mill formulated the principle by elaborating the ethical issue’s central issue as the quest of the ultimate end or the supreme good. The design of his argument shows that the maximum happiness or the general happiness s the moral food that is ultimate.

Attfield (176) pointed out the caution Mill gives his readers that anything he produces cannot be used as a proof in the popular and also ordinary meaning of the term. The reasons he gives are that ultimate end questions are not amenable to proof directly. Anything that is good and can be proved must be done by showing their goodness.

In a real life situation principle of utility gets portrayed in a free market economy case. Some people will have an argument that the free market as the best and people should be allowed pursue the goodness where they deem it fit. However, the negative side of the argument is the many disparities that exist between poverty and wealth. Despite the all the goodness the market has done, the weak continue to suffer (Alican et al, 336).

Work Cited

Alican, Necip F. Mills Principle of Utility: A Defense of John Stuart Mills Notorious Proof. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1994. Print.

Mill, John S, and Roger Crisp. Utilitarianism. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1998. Internet resource.

Attfield, Judy. Utility Reassessed: The Role of Ethics in the Practice of Design. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1999. Print.

research paper on mph 504. Needs to be 2 pages. Please no plagiarism. Screening for Diseases 5. If the OD ratio cutoff for tested positive is shifted from A to B the sensitivity will increase to the point where the all HIV infected individuals can be detected. Although the test become more effective in identifying the affected individuals same time it causes high number of false positives rate. This can lead to undesirable psychological, social and health problems when healthy individuals are misdiagnosed as HIV infected.

Need an research paper on mph 504. Needs to be 2 pages. Please no plagiarism. Screening for Diseases 5. If the OD ratio cutoff for tested positive is shifted from A to B the sensitivity will increase to the point where the all HIV infected individuals can be detected. Although the test become more effective in identifying the affected individuals same time it causes high number of false positives rate. This can lead to undesirable psychological, social and health problems when healthy individuals are misdiagnosed as HIV infected.

When the OD ratio cutoff for tested positive is shifted from A to C the test become highly specific and nearly all the false positives can be eliminated. However this also eliminates high number of HIV infected individuals due to reduced sensitivity causing undesirable social and health problems (such as risk of spreading the disease and delay for the treatment). To overcome the problems of both extremes A is the most suitable OD ratio to establish the cutoff.

6. Director of Blood Bank: HIV is a deadly disease with no cure. Therefore the intention of screening the donated blood samples against HIV is to totally protect blood receivers from being infected with HIV. Therefore director of Blood Bank has to set the cut off where he can eliminate almost all the HIV infected blood samples. In other words he has to attain 100% sensitivity. Thereby he has to draw the cutoff line for OD ratio at B eliminating the risk of possible false negatives. However this decision dramatically reduces the specificity by increasing the number of false positives. This leads to rejection of higher number of healthy blood samples.

Investigator: The investigator needs to select high risk HIV infected individuals to test the efficacy of his potentially toxic antiviral drug through a clinical trial. Since the antiviral drug is potentially toxic he has to select only HIV infected individuals without any false positives. Consequently he has to achieve 100% specificity eliminating all false positive. In doing so he should draw the cutoff line for OD ratio at C. However as a result of this decision he has to reject high number of HIV infected individual who tested negative due to low sensitivity resulted from the newly defined cutoff. This makes him recruit a larger sample (than expected) to get the required number of eligible participants.

Create a thesis and an outline on Country Brief on Israel. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. The USA’s Obama administration has confirmed its commitment towards Israel’s QME by supporting and developing practices prepared by previous administrations and making new plans to make the security relation between US-Israel closer. For the fiscal year of 2011, the Obama Administration declared $3 billion for Foreign Military Financing (FMF) for Israel (Shapiro, 2010).

I need help creating a thesis and an outline on Country Brief on Israel. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. The USA’s Obama administration has confirmed its commitment towards Israel’s QME by supporting and developing practices prepared by previous administrations and making new plans to make the security relation between US-Israel closer. For the fiscal year of 2011, the Obama Administration declared $3 billion for Foreign Military Financing (FMF) for Israel (Shapiro, 2010).

National Purpose

The constitutional system of Israel is considered to be unique in the world. The United Nations declaration that took place on November 29, 1947, supporting the separation of Palestine into two autonomous states, Arab and Jewish, demanded the states consider the written constitution. ‘The Declaration of the Establishment of the State of Israel’, announced by the Provisional Government and the Provisional Council related to State, demanded the constitutional committee to prepare a draft constitution and also ordered it be adopted by an elected constituent assembly, not after October 1, 1948. After assembling on February 14, 1949, it was found that the Constituent Assembly, rather than sketching a constitution, transformed itself into a legislative body. Therefore Transition Law was passed, which was known as a small constitution. The fact is that the State of Israel could not agree to a formal shape. The main elements of Israel’s constitutional law are the ‘Basic Laws of Israel’. This law’s main function is to form the primary states’ institutions and aim at developing relations between the authorities of the countries (Elazer, n.d.).

The critical national interest of Israel is to protect and to enhance liberty to act independently. It also aims at developing Israel’s uneven power so that the country can remain one of the dominant actors (Kramer, 2011).

Major Adversary – Along with military support, Israel has been getting additional aids and benefits from the US. Israel has obtained significant economic assistance from the US (Sharp, 2010).

Minor Adversary – It can be stated that Israel confronts one threat, but there are many threats to Israel’s national purpose. Along with the external military threats, the country also receives a danger in domestic opposition, erosion of core values, and demographic trends. Terrorism is also one of the biggest threats to the nation (Oren, 2009). &nbsp.

Create a thesis and an outline on Health Care Communication Methods. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide.

I need help creating a thesis and an outline on Health Care Communication Methods. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. This is a very effective method because the administration is assured that the message has reached the right people. In addition, the people would be given a chance to air their grievances which must be incorporated in the overall strategy so as to reduce the level of resistance. Furthermore, face-to-face communication method provides the administration with a platform to observe and note the real reaction of the people who are involved in the whole process. The people are the one to be affected by the process. As a result, they are likely to give out very crucial suggestions that may make the process to be more smooth and friendly. One of the major disadvantages of using this method of communication is that it is expensive and requires a large number of subordinates in order to pass the information to all people. The organization need to train them in order to ensure that the information passed is credible and according to the expectations of the administration. The method is also expensive. Hiring and assigning these educators is an expensive affair which might affect the overall performance of the organization (DuPré, 2010). Therefore, when it is undertaken, the administration must have considered all the other available methods of communication. Another disadvantage is that it is time consuming. The population that will be affected by the changes is very large. Reaching all of them would be a very hard task that will take time. In addition, some of the people may need more time in order to understand the whole concept. This may delay the process, an aspect that might affect its success. Therefore, other methods should be given the first priority. This is still an effective method of passing information to the people. The health care organization involved can post an advert in the local dailies. However, before this strategy is used, a research should be conducted to study.

Write a 2 pages paper on ismg 12.

Write a 2 pages paper on ismg 12. ISMG 12 Question Barton can surely restore confidence in the IT department and also the rest of the firm. This is because the IT department along with the whole firm trusted Barton and his actions, which is not an easy thing to forget (Austin, Nolan and O’Donnell 199). Barton used to come up with innovations, which brought success to the whole firm, but he came up with a creation, which did not bring in the success that it was projected. However, people make mistakes, and Barton seems like the person who does not make many mistakes. Therefore, the firm will gain confidence again, in Barton, as he will, in the future, come up with better innovations.

Question 2

The Doctrine of Completed Staff Work makes perfect sense in the world of instant information access. This is because the doctrine advertises for full participation of workers in an organization. This is because an IT company needs such individuals, as well as the ideas of every member of the organization (Austin, Nolan and O’Donnell 200). An IT company needs innovation. People who work in an IT company are creative, and should be allowed to share information with everyone. This is what brings success to a company. Even though, this might make the company vulnerable, it works to the advantage of the company when the corporate culture allows workers to be open (Austin, Nolan and O’Donnell 200).

Question 3

Barton should not bypass the CEO, and tell the board regarding his news. This is because the CEO is Barton’s immediate boss, and. hence, Barton is responsible first to the CEO and then the board. The CEO also expects his workers to share any vital information with him before handing the matter to the board (Austin, Nolan and O’Donnell 202). In only some exceptional cases is where a worker can share information with the board without talking to his or her CEO. However, in Barton’s situation, it is advisable that he consults the CEO before talking to the board. This is because Barton’s CEO might feel out, which might ruin the relation of Barton and his CEO (Austin, Nolan and O’Donnell 202).

Question 4

I agree with Maggie that it is advisable to maintain talks with Williams as this will honor him as the boss of the company. This will also keep the boss prepared in case of any bad news regarding the actions being planned (Austin, Nolan and O’Donnell 203). Maggie know that Williams could be a stubborn person, and when he feels left out in matters that should involve him, then the firm will suffer from his quarrels. It is essential to keep the boss posted, and ask him/her what they think about the action. The boss will feel appreciated when he or she give advice to the workers.

Question 5

Barton’s playlist just shows how much of an innovate person he can be. He was not afraid of change as he made the best out of everything (Austin, Nolan and O’Donnell 203). Barton is the kind of person that every firm needs, a person who is not afraid of change, and who will bring the success they need. Company executives require the right person who is willing to play around with their money for the right purpose. Barton, after incorporating his new playlist, proved to be a person who could shape change to success, and bring achievement to the company.

Work Cited

Austin, Robert, Nolan, Richard and O’Donnell, Shannon. Adventures of an IT Leader. New York: Harvard Business Press, 2009. Print.

Write 5 pages with APA style on Comparison Pratt’s. Therefore, presentation of conflict and tranquility at individual, local, social and international levels form the major components of contact zones.

Write 5 pages with APA style on Comparison Pratt’s. Therefore, presentation of conflict and tranquility at individual, local, social and international levels form the major components of contact zones.

In that vein, media, time periods, traditions and faculties form major points of reference while exploring a film. Consequently, zones describe and identify origins of conflict. explanations on how occurrences of conflicts reach others and to strive to understand ways that ordinary statesmen can work for peace (Grossman, 2013). Mary concept of contact zones encompasses colonialism, slavery, and results as is witnessed in various parts of the world. Mary eventually uses the word to reconsider most models of communities that many people use to teach and theorize conflicts in the world today. It is important to note that, Guaman Poma huge letter to Philip III exemplifies some social complexities that culminate to conquests and empires. The letter was written in two languages, Spanish and Quechua and in two parts. Nueva is the name of the first part that was constituted of the main official discourses.

New chronicles by Guaman Poma’s gives an instance that mary proposes to call an autoethnographic text. A text that individuals undertake to describe themselves in ways that other people talk of them in presentations they make (Grossman, 2013). Unlike ethnographic texts used by people in European metropolitan subjects to represent themselves, autoethnography represent texts that the so-defined others develop in response to other texts. Important to note, autoethnogrsphics are not equivalent to autochthonous way of expression or self-representation that many fondly mistake. Rather, it involves choosing collaborations that can are appropriated with idioms of the conqueror (Grossman, 2013).

prepare and submit a term paper on Advertising Strategy Evaluation and Development: Jeep Wrangler.

You will prepare and submit a term paper on Advertising Strategy Evaluation and Development: Jeep Wrangler. Your paper should be a minimum of 1250 words in length. The latest model, the Wrangler JK made its debut at the North American Auto Show, and in the US market, it was first sold in 2007. From the beginning, it has been offered in two models. the long wheelbase and the short wheelbase with four and two doors respectively, as well as Rubicon, trim levels (Ackerson 25). Its biggest competitor in the US market is the Toyota FJ Cruiser due to its similar SUV qualities, especially its off-road capabilities.

The current Jeep Wrangler is a result of the 2007 model’s complete redesign that introduced four doors for the first time in the brand’s history. According to Ackerman (p. 43), its chassis was transformed to a JK platform and the car is now noticeably wider with an 86 mm wider track in comparison to earlier models. The factory available tires for this model are also larger at thirty-two inches, while the 4-door model possesses a wheelbase that is at least 510 mm longer at 2,950 mm, which enhances the seating room at its rear (Ackerson 44). After the production of the Jeep Wrangler was moved to the complex at Toledo, it gained a distinction from its predecessors through its grille angle. While earlier models had flat grilles that were even in comparison to the front Enders, the current Wrangler has an angled grille towards the top, which, from mid-way to the bottom, continues as a straight line. The effect of this remodeling has been a decrease in hood length and a concurrent increase in fender length (Ackerson 44).

SUVs are generally defined as off-road vehicles, although no single definition for this category of cars has been settled on. However, this category is considered as a light truck, which means that there is less regulation compared to passenger cars under the Clean Air Act and the Energy Policy and Conservation Act for the economy of fuel and emissions respectively (Henshaw 38). However, the Environmental Protection Agency now&nbsp.considers SUVs as being under similar standards of tailpipe emissions to other cars. In the United States, therefore, the SUV is considered a truck together with minivans, delivery vans, and pick-ups.

Write 2 pages with APA style on A reflection on your personal development over the first month of university. Teacher Personal and Professional Development Plan My first month in the was exciting. This was the time where I experienced college life. I met new people and gained friends. It was also challenging because I have to adjust with the academic and social rigor of college.

Write 2 pages with APA style on A reflection on your personal development over the first month of university. Teacher Personal and Professional Development Plan My first month in the was exciting. This was the time where I experienced college life. I met new people and gained friends. It was also challenging because I have to adjust with the academic and social rigor of college.

My initial stay in the university in the first month also revealed core aspects of my strengths and weakness. I learned that I like the university life despite its challenges and tend to be more interested in the subjects being taught. This interest translates to me working harder because I like my classes and the university environment in general. I also found out that I can easily adapt to different kinds of people and environment. I can easily work in team which is an asset because there are some school works that needs group effort. These strengths pose an opportunity for me to get better grades and because I am genuinely interested in my lessons and that I may have a bigger social network after I graduate college.

My weakness is that I tend to procrastinate school works especially if they are challenging. Getting started is a challenge for me albeit I work harder once I get started. I am aware that this is a common challenges among student but I do not want to make that as an excuse to justify procrastination. I have to correct this because procrastinating threatens my performance in school and ultimately my grade because procrastination makes me cram during exams.

To be able to do better in the university, I have set a SMART Goal for myself. Smart Goal stands for specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and time bound


Specific – get a good grade and graduate my course in the university

Measureable – At the minimum, I must pass all of my subjects. I am however aiming to at least get 85% on my subjects.

Attainable – I believe that my 85% grade goal is attainable because it is within the 100% grading. I just need to work hard for it and if I need help, I would ask assistance for tutorial to reach that grade. Moreover, the goal of graduating my course in the university is also attainable as most students who studied and work hard for their lessons graduated.

Realistic – Considering my aptitude, interest for school and ability to work hard, getting an 85% percentile grade is very realistic. I also do not see any reason or impediment why will I not graduate college eventually knowing that I have the capacity just like the others who have graduated.

Time bound – the 85% percentile grade goal is only for this semester. At the end of the semester, I will do another personal reflection on my performance and then set another SMART goals. In principle, I will increase my grade objective in the succeeding semesters once I have achieved my initial objective.

With regard to graduating from the university, I expect that I will finish in on time which is four years.

I am driven to achieve my goal to prepare myself for the future, make my family proud and also to become a learned person. The only factor that I find that could prevent or restrain me in achieving my goal is my own willingness and drive to achieve them.

Compose a 1000 words assignment on a concluding theme. Needs to be plagiarism free! The upper class mainly comprise of the top world economic giants followed by the developing world that comprise most countries in the Far East such as Malaysia and finally the lower class where most states in Africa and Asia belongs. It is on this backdrop that the books Poor Economics: A Radical Rethink of the Way to fight Global Poverty by Abhijit V. Banerjee and Esther Duflo , Whiteman by Tony d’Souza, and Little Princes by Conor Grennan where authored to evaluate these changing cultural dynamics across the globe.

Compose a 1000 words assignment on a concluding theme. Needs to be plagiarism free! The upper class mainly comprise of the top world economic giants followed by the developing world that comprise most countries in the Far East such as Malaysia and finally the lower class where most states in Africa and Asia belongs. It is on this backdrop that the books Poor Economics: A Radical Rethink of the Way to fight Global Poverty by Abhijit V. Banerjee and Esther Duflo , Whiteman by Tony d’Souza, and Little Princes by Conor Grennan where authored to evaluate these changing cultural dynamics across the globe.

Aside from death and taxes, there exists one more aspect that can be added to life certainties list in school thought policy. These are mechanisms on how to extricate the global south from poverty. According to the World Bank’s definition of poverty, poverty is the inability for a person to utilize at least $ 1.25 in a day. 1. 3 billion people across the globe live below these standards. Paul Collier, a development economist refers these as the bottom billions. There is increased desire for the world to help people in the third world countries. It is on this premise that an academic discipline has emerged with several scholars advances theories related to poverty alleviation. These scholars include Jeffrey Sachs with the Pre- Foreign –Aid, Dambisa Moyo and the theory of Trade, not Aid and Paul Romer’s view of creating charter cities. It tempts to make an assumption that all books on issues related to global development seems to advance poverty alleviation theories to assist in poverty reduction in the Global south (Abhijit and Duflo 297).

Abhijit and Duflo have alienated their development concept on possible ways of reducing poverty in the global south through development of a modest premise outside the anti- foreign aid and pre- foreign aid discussions. They argue that poverty alleviation strategies on international development aimed at alleviating poverty in the developing nations have to be formulated on an international platform.