The Second Chance Act- “Signed into law in April 2008, the Second Chance Act (SCA) aims to enhance public safety by breaking the cycle of criminal recidivism and improving outcomes for people returning from prisons, jails, and juvenile facilities.

Part I- My name is Michael Plyler, I live in Rock Hill, South Carolina.  I currently work for the York County Sheriffs Office as a Detention Sergeant.  I have worked for this Agency for the last 7 years.  Prior to this I worked for the South Carolina Department of Corrections for 2 years.  I enjoy my job and try to make a difference in the lives of those in custody.  My goal is to complete my degree and be promoted to Watch Commander.

Part II- The Second Chance Act- “Signed into law in April 2008, the Second Chance Act (SCA) aims to enhance public safety by breaking the cycle of criminal recidivism and improving outcomes for people returning from prisons, jails, and juvenile facilities. The SCA authorizes the awarding of federal grants to government agencies and nonprofit organizations to provide reentry services and programs, including employment and housing assistance, victim support, and substance abuse treatment. Additionally, SCA funds may be used to support general criminal justice system improvements.”  I believe that the Second Chance act has had some success in decreasing the recidivism rates in some areas.  While it has decreased in some ways I don’t believe that it will ever be entirely successful due to criminal behavior is a very difficult task to get away from.  Many offenders returned right back to where they committed original crimes and then fall into the same old habits.

Choose a famous person from a Spanish speaking country, area, region. It could be someone you admire or someone who inspires you–either in the past or present. You could select an artist, architect, musician, political figure, military leader, etc. Please add some images, sounds or video of maps, people, places etc. to enliven your post.

The rest of this discussion will be in English. You must write a minimum of 15 sentences. Each person is going to research one famous person. Credit will not be given to repeated posts of the same person. In the subject of your discussion, put the name of your celebration. Make sure to check which famous person has already been posted in the discussions so that you do not repeat. You may want to post your discussion early if there is one that you really want to present.Choose a famous person from a Spanish speaking country, area, region. It could be someone you admire or someone who inspires you–either in the past or present. You could select an artist, architect, musician, political figure, military leader, etc. Please add some images, sounds or video of maps, people, places etc. to enliven your post. Cite all sources used at the bottom of your post. In your response, please discuss:

  • The reason for your choice
  • The person’s accomplishments and their impact on society
  • The individual’s physical features and personality characteristics
  • You may present your famous person using different presentational tools to provide a more visual representation. Presentational tools can include: Power Point, Smore, Adobe Spark, Beautiful.Ai or another of your choice.

Additional resources:

In essence: tell us a story about why you admire this person.

Please Choose from Schizophrenia or Bi-Polar Disorder.  Introduction- 2-3 paragraphs about the general disorder Signs and Symptoms 2 Paragraphs about general signs and symptoms of the disorder suicide/ homicide/ substance abuse 

This is the shell you will use for your research papers.

Please Choose from Schizophrenia or Bi-Polar Disorder.

2-3 paragraphs about the general disorder
Signs and Symptoms
2 Paragraphs about general signs and symptoms of the disorder
suicide/ homicide/ substance abuse 
2-3 sentences about statistics of suicide/homicide/ substance abuse of the disorder
2-3 paragraphs of the general treatment of the disorder

The assessment part will be on the individual of the video I have attached for the week.

You will do Axis which is from the DSM-IV but a good teaching tool.  You fill in each axis; if nothing applies you write N/A.
Axis I- Major Mental Illness
Axis II- Personality Disorder
Axis III- Any medical conditions
Axis IV- Environmental and Social Factors
Axis V- Global Assessment of Functioning ( How well the individual functions in society)
Score 0-100
V Code is the code used in billing for DSM V.

Statistics is its own language; in fact, it is often called the language of science. Why do you think it is called the language of science? What does it mean to be statistically literate? Why is it important to be statistically literate?

Statistics is its own language; in fact, it is often called the language of science.

  • Why do you think it is called the language of science?
  • What does it mean to be statistically literate?
  • Why is it important to be statistically literate?

Instructions Review the document Meaningful Use for Electronic Health Records. Meaningful Use is now over 5 years old and is nearing it’s final stage. Research the internet to find two articles that discuss Meaningful Use in today’s healthcare arena. Your articles must be current from 2016. Your essay should be at least 1-2 pages and adhere to APA format.

Review the document Meaningful Use for Electronic Health Records. Meaningful Use is now over 5 years old and is nearing it’s final stage. Research the internet to find two articles that discuss Meaningful Use in today’s healthcare arena. Your articles must be current from 2016. Your essay should be at least 1-2 pages and adhere to APA format. Your articles and essay should address the following:




Choose a topic: #3 Public Speaking Narrow the topic to identify a specific purpose: Managing anxiety when public speaking Develop a one-sentence thesis: There are three important steps to take in order to manage anxiety when doing a presentation.

Week 4 Assignment 2: Presentation Topic and Organization

Required Resources
Read/review the following resources for this activity:

  • Textbook: Chapter 11
  • Lesson
  • EBOOK: McLean Scott, (2018). Exploring Interpersonal Communication (2nd ed.) Boston, MA: Flatworld
  • Link (Word doc): Week 4 Assignment 2 TemplatePreview the document (Use this template to complete the assignment.)
  • Minimum of 3 scholarly sources (in addition to the textbook/lesson)


Template: PowerPoint Topic and Organization

Title page

Topic (from the list provided)

Specific Topic (you can narrow the focus if you want)

Thesis Statement (one sentence that incorporates the clear topic and the direction you are going with your points)

Main Points (stated in words or phrases)




Three Sources (just the titles for this week)

Source 1

Source 2

Source 3


(Paragraph reflecting on the cross-cultural aspect)

This assignment is an individual assignment that will start you on the road to completing your Week 7 PowerPoint presentation.

Although the lesson for this week already addressed this information, for ease of assignment completion, here it is again.

Here is a list of topics from which you can choose:

  1. Verbal communication
  2. Nonverbal communication
  3. Public speaking
  4. Cross-cultural communication in the workplace
  5. Listening in communication
  6. Gender and communication
  7. Communication and care management
  8. Perception
  9. Conversation skills
  10. Communication, technology, and social media

Click on the following link for an example of what you will be doing this week:

Link: Example Submission

Use this example to guide your submission for this assignment.

  1. Choose a topic: #3 Public Speaking
  2. Narrow the topic to identify a specific purpose: Managing anxiety when public speaking
  3. Develop a one-sentence thesis: There are three important steps to take in order to manage anxiety when doing a presentation.
  4. Establish your main points for the PowerPoint:
    • Main Point #1: Visualize doing the presentation well
    • Main Point #2: Take a deep breath before you begin
    • Main Point #3: Focus on the information rather than the performance
  5. Three sources (Include the titles of three potential sources here.)
    • Source 1
    • Source 2
    • Source 3

With the above example, the topic was narrowed to managing anxiety. This topic could have also been narrowed to eliminating “um’s”, presenting while using a visual aid, etc. There are many different ways in which you can make the topic of your choice more specific to your interests.

Now it is your turn. In order to write an effective thesis, you will need to do your research. Find a minimum of three scholarly sources that you plan to use to inform your teaching. Use the template for Assignment 2 to guide your organization of this information. You will receive feedback concerning your topic choice, thesis, organization, and sources in the grading process.

At the end of your submission, add a reflection paragraph addressing your consideration of a cross-cultural topic and why or why not this topic what chosen. What is about cross-cultural communication that interests you, concerns you, or creates a barrier for you.

Note: Any topic you chose is fine, but this is a chance to reflect on the added component of cross-cultural communication.

Powerpoint Presentation with Note

Writing Requirements (APA format)

  • Length: 0.5-1 page (not including title page or references page)
  • 1-inch margins
  • Double spaced
  • 12-point Times New Roman font
  • Title page
  • References page is not required as the 3 sources are listed in Section 5.


Topic: Specific topic clearly matches topic choice

Thesis: Thesis statement is one sentence and indicates the focus of the paper.

Main Ideas: Submission lists 3 main ideas.

Sources: Submission provides title of 3 sources to be potentially used.

Reflection: Submission provides a detailed reflection of selecting or not selecting a cross-cultural topic.

In the case study below describes the recent reduction in population growth in Thailand. Based on the case study, complete the following: Suggest two lessons from Thailand’s experience that could be put into place elsewhere to reduce population growth.

Environmental Science. Week 4 Discussion

In the case study below describes the recent reduction in population growth in Thailand.

Based on the case study, complete the following:

  • Suggest two lessons from Thailand’s experience that could be put into place elsewhere to reduce population growth.
  • Determine the major links between wealth, birth rates, and shared environment within the United States and Thailand.
  • Speculate on one method that a country could employ to attain a sustainable population. Be sure to provide your rationale for selecting this method.
  • Be sure to support your responses with specifics and examples.





Case Study: Family Planning in Thailand: A Success Story

D own a narrow lane off Bangkok’s busy Sukhumvit Road is a most unusual café, Cabbages and Condoms. Not only is it highly rated for its spicy Thai food but it’s also part of the only restaurant chain in the world dedicated to birth control.  In an adjoining gift shop, baskets of condoms stand next to decorative handicrafts of the northern hill tribes. Piles of T-shirts carry message such as “A condom a day keeps the doctor away” and “Our food is guaranteed not to cause pregnancy.” The business is run by the Population and Community Development Association (PDA), Thailand’s larges and most influential nongovernment organization.

The PDA was founded in 1974 by Mechai Viravaidya, a genial and fun-loving former Thai Minister of Health, who is a genius at public rela-tions and human motivation (fig. 4.1). While traveling around Thailand in the early 1970s, Mechai recognized that rapid population growth—particularly in poor rural areas—was an obstacle to community development. Although Thailand’s economy was growing, poor families struggled to feed and educate their children. Rural communities re-mained depressed. And cities couldn’t keep up with growing demand for hous-ing, transportation, sanitation, and other services.

Mechai decided the most appealing way to teach family planning, and address the pains of population growth, was with humor. PDA workers handed out condoms at theaters, in traffic jams, anywhere a crowd gathered. They chal-lenged government officials to condom balloon–blowing contests and taught youngsters Mechai’s family planning song: “Too Many Children Make You Poor.” The PDA even pays farmers to paint birth control ads on the sides of their water buffalo.

The campaign has been extremely successful in slowing population growth. Birth control and family planning, once taboo topics in polite society, became normal and unembarrassing. Although condoms—now commonly called “mechais” in Thailand—are the trademark of PDA, other contraceptives, such as pills, spermicidal foam, and IUDs, are promoted as well. Thailand was one of the first countries to allow the use of the injectable contraceptive DMPA and remains a major user. Free non scalpel vasectomies are available on the king’s birthday. Sterilization has become the most widely used form of contraception in the country. The campaign to encourage condom use and to discuss safe sex has also been helpful in combating AIDS. In 1974, when PDA started, Thailand’s growth rate was 3.3 percent per year. In just 15 years, the growth rate dropped to 1.6 percent, one of the most dramatic birth rates declines ever recorded. Contraceptive use among married couples increased from 15 to 70 percent, and all this was done without coercive programs. Now Thailand’s growth rate is 0.5 percent, lower than that of the United States. The fertility rate (average number of children per woman) decreased from 7 in 1974 to 1.5 in 2017. The PDA is credited with the fact that Thailand’s population is 20 million less than it would have been if it had followed its pre-1970 trajectory.


In addition to Mechai’s creative genius and flair for showmanship, there are sev-eral reasons for this success story. Thai people love humor and are more egali-tarian than most developing countries. Thai spouses share in decisions regard-ing children, family life, and contracep-tion. The government recognizes the need for family planning and is willing to work with volunteer organizations, such as the PDA. And Buddhism, the religion of 95 percen

The PDA isn’t limited to family plan-ning and condom distribution. It has expanded into a variety of economic development projects. Microlending pro-vides money for a couple of pigs, or a bi-cycle, or a small supply of goods to sell at the market. Thousands of water-storage jars and cement rainwater-catchment ba-sins have been distributed. Larger-scale community development grants include road-building, rural electrification, and irri-gation projects. Like many population planning organizations, the PDA recog-nizes that human development and eco-nomic security are keys to successful population programs.


What Global STEMtopics should we do for our project? You must spend time searching/researching the internet/libraryaboutone of the recommended topics. Minorities in STEM Fields

Women as Business Magnates
A. Capture reader’s interest: Everyone knows business magnates like Steve Jobs and Bill Gates,
but where are the women whose names are synonymous with power in business?
B. Build case through logic
C. Topic sentence/thesis statement: why are women not taking risks to become business
magnates as much as men are? What is holding them back and what can we do to support or
foster an environment that invites women into risk taking?
First main point (strongest):
A. Book (Taking Smart Risks)
1. Studies about women and men taking high risk
2. Why do we only notice men taking risk?
B. Women can be just as daring and risk-taking as men
1. Type of risks women typically make
2. How often do women take high risks compared to men?
C. Why are women not seen as risk takers?
1. Background (family)
2. Color of their skin
Minorities as business magnates: Oprah, Sofia Vergara, Carla Harris
Second main point (second strongest)
A. How successful are women who take risk?
1. “What’s holding women back?”
2. Why don’t men hold back
B. Why Female Entrepreneurs Need to Take More Risks
1. Because men don’t know what women like
2. Women need to be confident and prove themselves
Third main point (weakest):
A. Having more women as business tycoons can improve the social dogma of women in
2. Our legislators are mostly white males and they are not representative of the population
in our country. More women in power could lead to better representation in society and
in lawmaking.
B. Women in powerful positions can inspire younger generations of females to aspire to
be in that position.
C. Having more women as business tycoons can have a normalizing effect for women in
STEM fields.
2. It’s not about women against men, but about women helping make policies that aid
families, women, and children in general.
A. Restate topic
B. Summarize three main points
C. Revisit introduction or tie all ideas togethe

Healthy People 2020 identifies objectives related to nutrition and its role in promoting health and reducing chronic disease risk. Choose one preventable chronic condition from the list (type 2 diabetes). As a nurse practitioner, how will you educate your patient about nutrition to help prevent your chosen chronic condition? Support your answer with evidence-based research. 

Healthy People 2020 identifies objectives related to nutrition and its role in promoting health and reducing chronic disease risk. Choose one preventable chronic condition from the list (type 2 diabetes). As a nurse practitioner, how will you educate your patient about nutrition to help prevent your chosen chronic condition? Support your answer with evidence-based research.


Initial Post:

  • Length: A minimum of 250 words, not including references
  • Citations: At least one high-level scholarly reference in APA from within the last 5 years
chronic disease type 2 diabetes

In this assignment, you will analyze demographic data for various first, second, and third world countries.

Environmental Science -Week 4 Assignment – Population Growth and Decline


In this assignment, you will analyze demographic data for various first, second, and third world countries.


Review Chapter 4, “Human Populations” from Principles of Environmental Science: Inquiry & Applications and watch this five-minute video: Population Pyramids: Power Predictors of the Future – Kim Preshoff.

This week lecture is about population pyramids generated from this data illustrate the population distribution. Whether countries have a large, young population; a large, old population, or a population that is relatively stable, they all have unique challenges to address.

This lab will help you further explore the concept of population distributions and their effect on economies and societies.

At the most basic level, the increase or decrease in the population can be calculated by following this simple formula:


Birth and death rates are expressed in a number of different ways. Overall birth rates are often expressed as the number of births per woman over her life. Overall death rates are simply the number of deaths per year.

To predict population growth, however, population models use birth and death rates specific to each age group, over a step of five years.

Begin Work on Your Lab

To begin work on your lab, access: