What type of collective activities might help to sustain commitment to a particular movement? Might some such activities seem too demanding? Use the FMLN movement or the Democratic Workers Party as an example. 

Group A

    1. What type of collective activities might help to sustain commitment to a particular movement? Might some such activities seem too demanding? Use the FMLN movement or the Democratic Workers Party as an example.
    2. How might the escalation of a conflict between a movement and its opponents reinforce the solidarity of that movement? When might an escalating conflict lead people to disengage from a movement?

Group B

explain how each song below help arouse emotions that might sustain protest?  Be sure to address how music helps in framing and frame alignment.  Please listen to the music and jot down your impressions of the song upon first hearing it.  You may then do a little research on the song to match your impression to the intended framing. Please note these songs range from religious to quite radical

“Lift Every Voice and Sing.” https://youtu.be/MyS3HPInHtI

Lyrics by James Weldon Johnson; music by J. Rosamand Johnson. Key lyric: “We have come over a way that with tears has been watered / We have come, treading our path through the blood of the slaughtered.” Known as the “Black National Anthem”—the antidote to “America, the Beautiful.”


Performed by Pete Seeger, written by Florence Reece. “Don’t scab for the bosses, don’t listen to their lies / Us poor folks haven’t got a chance unless we organize.” Written during the labor struggles in Harlan County, Kentucky, in the 1930s, it was later adopted by the civil rights movement.

Performed by Utah Phillips – is an American folk song that responds with humorous sarcasm to unhelpful moralizing about the circumstance of being a hobo. “Oh, why don’t you save all the money you earn? / If I didn’t eat, I’d have money to burn / Whenever I get all the money I earn / The boss will be broke, and to work he must turn / Oh, I like my boss / he’s a good friend of mine / that’s why I am starving out on the bread line.”


2 full pages


Textbook: Goodwin, Jeff, Jasper, J. M. (2015). The Social Movements Reader: Cases and Concepts, 3rd Edition, Malden, MA, Wiley Blackwe

urself, “How does this poster market the movie? What does it tell us?” Write a thesis statement that makes a particular claim or argument.

Find and choose a movie poster for Crimson Peak. Include a link to the poster. IMDB is a good site for this: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2554274/?ref_=tt_mv_close

Ask yourself, “How does this poster market the movie? What does it tell us?” Write a thesis statement that makes a particular claim or argument.

the requirements of thesis statement is https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/general_writing/the_writing_process/thesis_statement_tips.html

Describe what you view to be the strengths and weaknesses of your group. What strategies can you implement to assist the group process? Implement one of these strategies and be prepared to reflect on your experience in Week 9.

Assignment 2: Assessing Group Process 3

A large part of being a social worker is being able to see the strengths in any situation. This characteristic can be described as having a “half full” view on life. As a clinical social worker, it is important to cultivate strength-based skills.

By now, your group should have developed a plan in completing the Group Wiki Project. In your Assignment, reflect on your group’s process in establishing the group structure (effectiveness of communication), and contracting assignments as you have chosen the family intervention and developed the literature review.

Provide a 600-word paper.

Describe what you view to be the strengths and weaknesses of your group. What strategies can you implement to assist the group process? Implement one of these strategies and be prepared to reflect on your experience in Week 9.

Group Process Assignments should integrate course concepts related to group process. Assignments should demonstrate critical thought when applying course material to your group experience. Support ideas in your Assignment with APA citations from this week’s required resources

Must contain at least 4 references and citations from the following materials:

If you are focusing on the snack food company, clarify the key ingredients and any flavors you plan to offer. 

Writing a business plan for:

  • A snack food company.

Read the guidelines for each option. Once you select an option, you will work on that company during this entire course, attached.

Create your company name and explain its significance.

  1. Describe the product or service you will produce or sell.
    • If you are focusing on the snack food company, clarify the key ingredients and any flavors you plan to offer.
    • If you choose your own company, and it is a service company, clarify the service options you plan to offer.
    • If you choose your own company and product, specify the options (flavors, versions of the product, et cetera) you will offer to consumers.
  2. Develop your company’s mission statement.
    • Enclose your mission statement within quotation marks.
  • attachment

How will using a database search facilitate your: scholarly work; nursing work (evidence-based practice); and personal self-development?

Choose a topic related to health that has meaning to your personal health, interests, and well-being. This may be a disease, such as diabetes, or healthy fitness activity.

Conduct a database search comparing one of the following database directories with Google Scholar.

  • CINAHL and Google Scholar
  • PubMed and Google Scholar

Explain how you were able to narrow down the number of articles hits you had initially, and present within your post a summary of the credible article you chose as your resource. How do you know your article choice is credible? Which database do you prefer and why?

How will using a database search facilitate your:

  • scholarly work;
  • nursing work (evidence-based practice); and
  • personal self-development?

Please review the assigned chapters for week-1 (chapters 1 and 2) and prepare a summary. Include the important areas (concepts, tools, and techniques) covered in the assigned chapters and what you have learned from the readings in your weekly summary.

Please review the assigned chapters for week-1 (chapters 1 and 2) and prepare a summary. Include the important areas (concepts, tools, and techniques) covered in the assigned chapters and what you have learned from the readings in your weekly summary.


Managerial Accounting: Creating Value in a Dynamic Business Environment Author: Hilton and Platt Publisher: McGraw-Hill Edition: 12th ISBN: 978-1259969515

Read the descriptions of the 4 areas and of your type and reflect on the following questions.    1.  What is your type?  Was there anything about it that surprised you? In what ways does it fit you? In what ways is it not a good description?

Read the descriptions of the 4 areas and of your type and reflect on the following questions.

1.  What is your type?  Was there anything about it that surprised you? In what ways does it fit you? In what ways is it not a good description?

2. Think about the implications for how you will communicate on the job. Does it change if you have different roles in your job?

3. Being this type, is there anything you will have to work on or improve at to achieve your career goals?


Would a Public Health Approach to child abuse/neglect decrease rates of mental health in minors living in the United States?

PowerPoint Outline

  • Introduction (1 slide)
    • Define injustice
    • State purpose of presentation
  • Scientific and Economical Perspective
    • Make link between injustice and health issue (1 slide)
    • Body system (or medical condition) 1 (1 slide)
      • Define
      • Link to injustice
    • Body system (or medical condition) 2 (1 slide)
      • Define
      • Link to injustice
    • Body system (or medical condition) 3 (1 slide)
      • Define
      • Link to injustice
    • Economic Burden (1 slide)
      • Healthcare burden
      • Other economic burden it applicable
    • Cultural and Ethical Perspective
      • History/cause(s) of injustice (1 slide)
      • Cultural norms (1 slide)
        • Identify specific cultural norm
        • Relate to injustice
      • Legislative (1 slide)
        • Discuss specific law
        • Relate to injustice
      • Money, power and control (1 slide)
        • Specific industry
        • Tactics
      • Ethical obligation (1 slide)
        • Concrete evidence of nurse’s obligation
      • Conclusion (1 slide)
        • Solutions
        • Consequences of continued inaction
        • Conclude with statement of your topic qualifying as a public health issue


Build a wireframe of an e-commerce website of your own. Build an E-commerce strategy and website architecture, let us see the customers journey on your website.

Build a wireframe of an e-commerce website of your own.

Build an E-commerce strategy and website architecture, let us see the customers journey on your website.

1-Choose one e-commerce store project and what they offer

2- Determine your target audience

3- Draw the architecture and journey of the customers inside the website you can use 

https://creately.com/lp/draw-aws-diagrams-online/ or any other tool you like

4- You may draw the home page wireframe using https://www.mockflow.com or any tool you like 

Goals.- Reflect what you have learnt in the course and the process of building e-commerce solution in consideration of the right target audience and the implementation of the UI/UX process

Format.- This activity must meet the following formatting requirements:

·  1500 words

·  Upload two files:

a PDF copy of the presentation.

Harvard Referencing System

To begin our discussion this week, I’d like you to think critically about how the authors (Henry Louis Gates, Jr. and Tricia Rose) approach writing the history of hip hop and answer the following questions. What historical facts do they rely upon to write this history? What are the political stakes of hip hop, according to each author?

Our readings and film for this week introduce some of the key debates (in the public sphere and in academic hip hop studies) related to the popularization of hip hop culture, especially the commercialization of rap.


Reading guide

Please keep these questions in mind as you work through the texts.

  • What historical facts do the authors (or participants in the Google debate) rely upon to construct hip hop’s history?
  • What are the political stakes of hip hop? Why does a critical discussion of hip hop matter?
  • What do the two assigned readings share in common?


Readings & Film

▢ Complete readings and answer discussion questions by Wed @ noon.


(Write down how you feel in this debate) Here is the link for Film.

Here is the questions:


To begin our discussion this week, I’d like you to think critically about how the authors (Henry Louis Gates, Jr. and Tricia Rose) approach writing the history of hip hop and answer the following questions.

  • What historical facts do they rely upon to write this history?
  • What are the political stakes of hip hop, according to each author?
  • What do the two pieces share in common?

Both of our authors are professors, so after you’ve named them initially, you can either call them Dr. Gates, Jr. or Dr. Rose (or Professor instead of Dr.) Also, I am not asking you to pit these two writers against one another or to declare one easier to read than the other, etc. It’s not necessarily a compare and contrast (though a little bit of that is fine). I’m asking you to be observant of their writing styles and each writer’s overall approach to chronicling the history of hip hop.

For this hw, you have two things to do. One is read what I upload and answer those questions.

Second watch the debate, and write down you thought.