In this week’s assignment you will develop requirements that need measurable results through performance testing. Review the scenario and complete the activity below.

Measuring progress and requirements in a project can be completed through performance

testing. As you review the results, it leads to ways to maintain the project progress. In this

week’s assignment you will develop requirements that need measurable results through

performance testing. Review the scenario and complete the activity below.

The Recreation and Wellness Intranet Project team is working hard to ensure that the new

system they develop meets expectations. The team has a detailed scope statement, but the

project manager, Tony Prince, wants to make sure they’re not forgetting requirements

that might affect how people view the quality of the project. He knows that the project’s

sponsor and other senior managers are most concerned with getting people to use the

system, improve their health, and reduce healthcare costs. Users want the system to be

user-friendly, informative, fun to use, and fast.

Complete the following in a Microsoft Word document.


Develop a list of 6 quality standards or requirements related to meeting the stakeholder

expectations described in the Running Case.


Write a 45- to 90-word brief description of each requirement. For example, a

requirement might be that 90 percent of employees have logged into the system within 2

weeks after the system rolls out.


Write a 175-word explanation based on the list of standards and requirements on how

you will measure progress on meeting the requirements. For example, you might have

employees log into the system as part of the training program and track who attends the

training. You could also build a feature into the system to track usage by username,

department, and other criteria. Support your answer with 1 credible source outside of the

course materials.

Post an explanation of whether or not you think psychopathy should be classified as a mental disorder. Justify your position using specific examples. Then, describe at least one implication of classifying psychopathy as a mental disorder.

Required Readings

Bartol, C. R., & Bartol, A. (2017). Criminal behavior: A psychological approach (11th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall
Chapter 7, “Psychopathy” (pp. 178-210)

Heilbrun, K., Marczyk, G. R., & DeMatteo, D. (2002). Forensic mental health assessment: A casebook. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.

Chapter 5, “Case 1: Competence to Be Sentenced” (pp. 85–95)

Required Media

Laureate Education (Producer). (2014c). Psychopathy [Video file]. Retrieved from
Dr. Scott Duncan discusses psychopathy and how it relates to the study of criminal behavior. Consider how the measurement of psychopathy originated and the characteristics measured.

Note:  The approximate length of this media piece is 16 minutes.

Accessible player –Downloads–Download Video w/CCDownload AudioDownload Transcript

Discussion: Psychopathy

Psychopathy is an important and complex topic of study in criminal behavior, especially as the definitions associated with psychopathy and associated terms are not concrete. As students of criminal behavior, you are likely to encounter multiple definitions and uses of the word psychopath, as well as terms that are sometimes substituted for it, such as criminal psychopath, antisocial personality disorder, and dissocial psychopaths. Bartol and Bartol (2017) explain that the “true” psychopath, also known as the criminal psychopath, focuses on individuals who engage in repetitive antisocial or criminal behavior. Antisocial personality disorder is similar to the criminal psychopath, however, it only includes behavioral indicators and disregards the neurological and cognitive aspects. Bartol and Bartol (2017) continue to clarify that the dissocial psychopaths are known for their aggressive, antisocial behavior, which they have learned from their subculture (p. 179).

Behaviors associated with psychopathic personalities include: repeat offenses (both violent and nonviolent) without concern for consequences, manipulation that is often charming in nature, and strong resistance to treatment. Psychopathy does not appear as a mental disorder in the DSM-IV-TR (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders IV Text Revision), but it is closely related to antisocial personality disorder, which is a diagnostic category in the DSM-IV-TR. This nuance promotes continued debate about whether psychopathy should be classified as a mental disorder—a debate that has extreme significance because how psychopathy is classified has important consequences for both perpetrators and victims of crime.

By Day 3

Post an explanation of whether or not you think psychopathy should be classified as a mental disorder. Justify your position using specific examples. Then, describe at least one implication of classifying psychopathy as a mental disorder.

Note: Put your position for or against in the first line of your post. You will be asked to respond to a colleague who argued the opposite position you did.

Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the resources.

Based on your appraisal, in a 1-2-page critical appraisal, suggest a best practice that emerges from the research you reviewed. Briefly explain the best practice, justifying your proposal with APA citations of the research.

Conduct a critical appraisal of the four peer-reviewed articles you selected by completing the Evaluation Table within the Critical Appraisal Tool Worksheet Template. Choose a total of four peer- reviewed articles that you selected related to your clinical topic of interest in Module 2 and Module 3.

Note: You can choose any combination of articles from Modules 2 and 3 for your Critical Appraisal. For example, you may choose two unfiltered research articles from Module 2 and two filtered research articles (systematic reviews) from Module 3 or one article from Module 2 and three articles from Module 3. You can choose any combination of articles from the prior Module Assignments as long as both modules and types of studies are represented.

Part 3B: Critical Appraisal of Research

Based on your appraisal, in a 1-2-page critical appraisal, suggest a best practice that emerges from the research you reviewed. Briefly explain the best practice, justifying your proposal with APA citations of the research.



Kampiatu, P., & Cozean, J. (2015). A controlled, crossover study of a  persistent antiseptic to reduce hospital-acquired infection. African journal of infectious diseases9(1),69.  v9i1.2.

Ho, H. J., Poh, B. F., Choudhury, S., Krishnan, P., Ang, B., & Chow, A. (2015).  Alcohol handrubbing and chlorhexidine handwashing are equally effective in removing methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus from  health care workers’ hands: A randomized controlled trial. American journal of infection control43(11), 1246–1248.  .2015.06.005.

Saito, H., Inoue, K., Ditai, J., Wanume, B., Abeso, J., Balyejussa, J., & Weeks,  A. (2017). Alcohol-based hand rub and incidence of healthcare-associated infections in a rural regional referral and teaching hospital in  Uganda (‘WardGel’ study). Antimicrobial resistance and infection control6, 129.

Kritsotakis, E. I., Kontopidou, F., Astrinaki, E., Roumbelaki, M., Ioannidou,  E., & Gikas, A. (2017). Prevalence, incidence burden, and clinical impact of healthcare-associated infections and antimicrobial resistance:  a national prevalent cohort study in acute care hospitals in  Greece. Infection and drug resistance10, 317–328.  2147/IDR. S147459

Sadule-Rios, N., & Aguilera, G. (2017). Nurses’ perceptions of reasons for persistent low rates in hand hygiene compliance. Intensive & critical care nursing42, 17–21.

Why I am applying for this scholarship and indicate if you are paying for any part of your education, if you are working and if you are working and if you have other sources of financial support. (No more than 600 words.)

Why I am applying for this scholarship and indicate if you are paying for any part of your education, if you are working and if you are working and if you have other sources of financial support.

(No more than 600 words.)

As the public administrator, in the role you choose, in 1,000 words do the following: 1. Describe how social responsibility and public interest intersect.

You will assume the role of a public administrator to complete this assignment. Choose an administrator role; some examples are below:

Police Chief

City Manager

FBI Director

As the public administrator, in the role you choose, in 1,000 words do the following:

1. Describe how social responsibility and public interest intersect.

2. Analyze your responsibility to stakeholder from an ethical standpoint. Describe how a code of ethics or oath of office for the position you choose informs your ethical responsibilities

3. Describe how you will make the decisions necessary to ethically execute your position as a public administrator in the role you choose.

4. Create a suggested code of ethics or add to an existing code of ethics for the administrative role chosen.

5. Explain why it is essential for you, in this role, to conduct yourself in a legal and ethical manner. How would your failure to conduct yourself in an ethical manner affect various stakeholders you are responsible for?

Use three to five scholarly resources to support your explanations.

Discuss the process that generates the power of AI and discuss the differences between machine learning and deep learning.

Discuss the process that generates the power of AI and discuss the differences between machine learning and deep learning.

Response should be 150-250 words and must be 2 APA formatted reference.

Conflict versus consensus. Compare and contrast the two as defined by Kretchmar (2019). Reference: Kretchmar, J. 2019. Conflict Theory. Salem Press Encyclopedia

Conflict versus consensus. Compare and contrast the two as defined by Kretchmar (2019).

Reference: Kretchmar, J. 2019. Conflict Theory. Salem Press Encyclopedia

Organizational performance is the fifth aspect of the model, reflect on the question, do certain leadership behaviors improve and sustain performance at the individual, group, and organizational level?  Please explain your response.

  1. Organizational performance is the fifth aspect of the model, reflect on the question, do certain leadership behaviors improve and sustain performance at the individual, group, and organizational level?  Please explain your response.
  2. There were two types of innovation addressed this week (product and process innovation), please note your own personal definition of these concepts and offer an example of both.

Please be sure to answer all of the questions above in the initial post.

WHY did the Chesapeake colonies not prosper during the earliest years of settlement? WHAT role did differences in religion play in the founding of the New England colonies?

  1. Each essay must have the question you are answering typed at the top of the paper.
  2. Each essay must be a minimum of 250 words. The question does not count toward the final word count.
  3. The essay must be relevant to the chapter you read. (This might sound obvious but you would be surprised the answers I get!!)


  1. The  following requirements to receive a top passing score are:
  2. Fulfill the first three requirements for a passing paper.
  3. Begin your essay with a thesis sentence – take a position in the answer that you have provided. Mere summary is not enough.
  4. The essay must in some way RESPOND DIRECTLY to some aspect of lesson/lecture, drawing connections beyond the textbook content.
  5. The essay must have citations.  These citations tell me on which page you gained your insight to your answer/thesis to your essay.  (This used to be a requirement for a passing paper but for most students this is too much to ask.)

WHY did the Chesapeake colonies not prosper during the earliest years of settlement?
WHAT role did differences in religion play in the founding of the New England colonies?
HOW did ethnic diversity shape the development of the Middle Colonies?
HOW would you contrast the founding of the Carolinas with the founding of Georgia?

Choose one of these to respond

1- As an HR intern you will be introduced to the different functions in HR, one of these main functions of HRM is “Training and Development”.

1- As an HR intern you will be introduced to the different functions in HR, one of these main functions of HRM is “Training and Development”. Explain what this function is and discuss how this function can help specifically the company you chose. (Below are some important issues to include in your discussion about this function of HRM) (40 pts.)


– Training needs analysis process

– Design of training program (lesson plans, learning outcomes, using different training methods, evaluation of training program, trainer, sitting arrangement…)

– Training delivery and methods

– Training evaluation and assessment


2a- As an HR student identify the skills needed to work in the training and development department?

2b-State why did you chose those skills and compare those skills with yours?

2c-If you were the Head of training and development department would you hire yourself to be part of that department state why? (30 pts.)


3- Find 4 latest training and development trends? List and explain each (20 pts.)


4- References (10 pts.)