Various studies have demonstrated the bidirectional relationship between insomnia and mental illness. In fact, about 50% of adults with insomnia have a mental health problem, while up to 90% of adults with depression experience sleep problems

Insomnia is one of the most common medical conditions you will encounter as a PNP. Insomnia is a common symptom of many mental illnesses, including anxiety, depression, schizophrenia, and ADHD (Abbott, 2016). Various studies have demonstrated the bidirectional relationship between insomnia and mental illness. In fact, about 50% of adults with insomnia have a mental health problem, while up to 90% of adults with depression experience sleep problems (Abbott, 2016). Due to the interconnected psychopathology, it is important that you, as the PNP, understand the importance of the effects some psychopharmacologic treatments may have on a patient’s mental health illness and their sleep patterns. Therefore, it is important that you understand and reflect on the evidence-based research in developing treatment plans to recommend proper sleep practices to your patients as well as recommend appropriate psychopharmacologic treatments for optimal health and well-being.

Reference: Abbott, J. (2016). What’s the link between insomnia and mental illness? Health.,bipolar%20disorder%2C%20and%20attention%20deficit%20hyperactivity%20disorder%20%28ADHD%29

For this Discussion, review the case Learning Resources and the case study excerpt presented. Reflect on the case study excerpt and consider the therapy approaches you might take to assess, diagnose, and treat the patient’s health needs.

Case: An elderly widow who just lost her spouse. 

Subjective: A patient presents to your primary care office today with chief complaint of insomnia. Patient is 75 YO with PMH of DM, HTN, and MDD. Her husband of 41 years passed away 10 months ago. Since then, she states her depression has gotten worse as well as her sleep habits. The patient has no previous history of depression prior to her husband’s death. She is awake, alert, and oriented x3. Patient normally sees PCP once or twice a year. Patient denies any suicidal ideations. Patient arrived at the office today by private vehicle. Patient currently takes the following medications: 

· Metformin 500mg BID 

· Januvia 100mg daily 

· Losartan 100mg daily 

· HCTZ 25mg daily 

· Sertraline 100mg daily 

Current weight: 88 kg

Current height: 64 inches

Temp: 98.6 degrees F

BP: 132/86 

Post a response to each of the following:

· List three questions you might ask the patient if she were in your office. Provide a rationale for why you might ask these questions.

· Identify people in the patient’s life you would need to speak to or get feedback from to further assess the patient’s situation. Include specific questions you might ask these people and why.

· Explain what, if any, physical exams, and diagnostic tests would be appropriate for the patient and how the results would be used.

· List a differential diagnosis for the patient. Identify the one that you think is most likely and explain why.

· List two pharmacologic agents and their dosing that would be appropriate for the patient’s antidepressant therapy based on pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics. From a mechanism of action perspective, provide a rationale for why you might choose one agent over the other.

· For the drug therapy you select, identify any contraindications to use or alterations in dosing that may need to be considered based on the client’s ethnicity. Discuss why the contraindication/alteration you identify exists. That is, what would be problematic with the use of this drug in individuals of other ethnicities?

· Include any “check points” (i.e., follow-up data at Week 4, 8, 12, etc.), and indicate any therapeutic changes that you might make based on possible outcomes that may happen given your treatment options chosen.

Master of Business Administration MBA Project Guide







Sunderland Business School



Master of Business Administration

MBA Project Guide





Academic Year

2019 / 2020 (March 2020 cohort)



Module Leader

Dr. John Dixon-Dawson

Room 103a


St. Peters Campus

Tel: – 0191 515 3128


Email: –





TITLE:                                                MBA Project

CODE:                                                PGBM161

CREDITS:                              60

LEVEL:                                   7/MASTERS

FACULTY:                             BUSINESS, LAW AND TOURISM


PRE-REQUISITES:               NONE

CO-REQUISITES:                 NONE

LEARNING HOURS:            600 hours, the exact nature of which is specified in the module guide


Upon successful completion of this module, students will have demonstrated;


K1.       An understanding of specific substantive problems or issues within an organisation or business sector placing them into a strategic context within the research investigation.

K2.       A critical understanding of valid research questions via a review of the academic literature; a critical review of the activities and operations of the organisation/sector and the environment in which it operates.

K3.       A clear understanding of different research methodologies and their limitations, and be able to critically explain when one might be more appropriate than another in the context of the chosen research topic.

K4.       That the project findings have been logically derived and that the conclusions/solutions and recommendations are fully supported by the evidence presented.

K5.       That the recommendations for strategic change in the organisation/business sector investigated are capable of implementation

K6.       How the personal and organisational learning that has taken place has affected the development of your skills and competences during the completion of your programme of study.



S1.       The necessary skills to design and undertake appropriate qualitative and / or quantitative research as necessary to analyse your chosen organisation/business problem or task.

S2.       How to interpret record and analyse data relating to the research topic.




Final Project

Utilising an applied business research approach, students will choose the format of the final project:

  • Business Dissertation
  • Applied Corporate Project
  • Route Specialism – Applied Corporate Project or Business Dissertation


The chosen project will include:

A clear abstract.
A clear account of the organisation/business sector being investigated.
A review of relevant academic literature and derivation of valid research questions both from the literature and the organisation/business sector issues.
A review of the methodological issues concerning the research question including critical evaluation of alternative research methodologies and their limitations.
A review of the research method adopted and data collection techniques including interviews, observations, and participant observation and their implications and limitations.
Interpretation and analysis of qualitative, and if appropriate quantitative data, using appropriate statistical and computational techniques.
A clear presentation of empirical findings and implications for the activities and operation of the organisation/business sector.

The workshops will reflect and develop the lecture content to enable a dissertation/project proposal to be developed during the initial phase of the module and working with the academic supervisor, the student will identify the key issues to be analysed within the main body of the dissertation or project. The proposal is a purely formative element to enable the student to begin the investigation phase. The supervision process will involve a series of one-to-one meetings during which the academic supervisor will:

  • Aid the student with the strategic context in which the project is being set as well as determining the scope of the literature review to be undertaken by the student.
  • Help the student to clarify the research methodologies that will be used by the student in gathering data/ intelligence for the project.
  • Discuss with the student the findings arising in the project and help the student to reflect upon the conclusions and recommendations of the project.
  • Review with the student any final issues before submission.


Developing Leading and Management Competence

Part of the formal teaching will include the delivery of practice-based workshops covering critical skills, research practice skills and employability, this will support the portfolio element of the assessment to enable the student to demonstrate personal development and mastery of postgraduate skills.

The portfolio will also encompass an evidence-based approach to experiential learning opportunities embedded or available to students during the course of the programme. These can take the form of a study visit; company visits, guest speakers; interaction with professional bodies the MBA challenge events.

The overarching style will be critical self-reflection on the part of the student to enable them to build a portfolio that shows their personal development. The Portfolio will also show evidence of reflection on the personal and organisational learning as a result of undertaking the project and how that learning relates to the programme as a whole.


Scheduled activitiesIndependent studyPlacementTotal hours
20Research Methods Workshops     
20Developing Leading and Management Competence Workshops551Directed study  591
9Supervision       9



      Required For KIS return to HESA
Seq.Element% of module assessment weightingSummaryPass MarkLOWritten exam – central timetable

(% of the element)

Written exam – local timetable

(% of the element)


(% of the element)


(% of the element)

001Project/Dissertation70%  All    100   
002Portfolio30%  All    100   




Each element of the assessment strategy is assessed internally by two members of staff. A sample of work is also sent to external examiners.

Assessment 001

Students will be required to submit one written report of approximately 15000 words (this is for guidance only), containing a literature review, methodology, data analysis and recommendations. The issue of how recommendations for change could be implemented given the studies undertaken and will be based on prior experience of the organisation or business sector which has been investigated. Within the recommendations an outline plan detailing the timescales, management interventions and resources that would need to be available to implement the recommendations will be included.

Note: As part of the development of the dissertation/project, the student will be required to complete a 1500 word research proposal which the academic supervisor will confirm as appropriate and provide feedback to enable the student to continue with the dissertation. This element will be formative to support the student in preparation for the main phase of the research.


Assessment 002

This will be a portfolio of critical self-reflection supported by evidence and will take the form of a critical reflection upon the development of skills and competences derived from the experience of undertaking the programme of study, the added value activities and the final project. This element of the assessment will be approximately 2,500 words (for guidance only).


My Module Resources List Link

Relevant journals will be consulted by the students depending upon the area of study and chosen topic.

The module will draw upon a range of printed and electronic sources suitable to reflect on the contemporary issues of the subject material. Some texts are regarded as key to understanding the development of the subject and may not therefore be the current edition of a particular text but the reading list will be reviewed annually to ensure its relevance and appropriateness.








MBA (Core)

MBA (Finance) (Core)

MBA (Marketing) (Core)

MBA (HR Management) (Core)

MBA (Supply Chain Management) (Core)

MBA (Enterprise and Innovation) (Core)

MBA (Hospitality Management) (Core)

MBA (Cybersecurity) (Core)

MBA Final Stage (Core)


Is the programme delivered On Campus or off campus:            On and off campus


Various Approved Colleges

Work based learning:                                                                       Yes

Professional Accreditation:                                                            Yes



Dr. John Dixon-Dawson, Room 103a, Tel: (0191) 515 3128




John Dixon-Dawson











Dear Student,

Welcome to the module guide for PGBM161. I hope you find the guide useful and that it answers many of your questions. If not, then just get in touch or ask your Supervisor who will be able to assist.

We sincerely hope you enjoy the experience.

Good luck

John D-D.


MBA Project Supervision Team


The module has a number of Supervisors which will support you through the dissertation phase of your Programme. The contact details for those Supervisors supporting this cohort will be circulated separately and a note will be posted on the VLE.


The scheduled dates for meeting your Supervisor will be determined by your Supervisor in conjunction with yourself and it is your responsibility to make and maintain contact with your Supervisor. The Supervisor is there to support you not to do the work for you. Make use of their expertise in the subject area. They are a very experienced team and will support you in your studies.



Assessment Brief

Task Overview


Each Project is assessed internally by two members of staff. A sample of work is also sent to the Programme External Examiner.

Students will be required to submit one written report of approximately 12000 words (this is for guidance only). The main project will contain a literature review, methodology, data analysis and recommendations. The issue of how recommendations for change could be implemented given the studies undertaken and will be based on prior experience of the organisation or business sector which has been investigated. Within the recommendations an outline plan detailing the timescales, management interventions and resources that would need to be available to implement the recommendations will be included.

Note: As part of the development of the dissertation/project, the student will be required to complete a research proposal which the academic supervisor will confirm as appropriate and provide feedback to enable the student to continue with the project. This element will be formative to support the student in preparation for the main phase of the research.

The critical self-reflection element of the final report, supported by evidence, will take the form of a critical reflection upon the development of skills and competences derived from the experience of undertaking the programme of study, the added value activities and the final project. This element of the assessment will be approximately 2,000 words (for guidance only).

My Module Resources List Link

Relevant journals will be consulted by the students depending upon the area of study and chosen topic.

The module will draw upon a range of printed and electronic sources suitable to reflect on the contemporary issues of the subject material. Some texts are regarded as key to understanding the development of the subject and may not therefore be the current edition of a particular text but the reading list will be reviewed annually to ensure its relevance and appropriateness


Opportunities for Formative Assessment


Critical Self Reflection

Students are advised to begin thinking about the assessment at the earliest opportunity. During the delivery of the Competence workshops, workshop leaders will be available to offer advice on the development of the portfolio but of course it is your responsibility to complete all the tasks associated with your final submission.

Final Dissertation or Applied Corporate Project

Research Proposal

A research proposal which will outline the approach you are going to take in your research. Although the proposal is not an element of summative assessment by developing a proposal to discuss with your Supervisor you will be able to focus your thinking and obtain feedback on the approach you are considering.


Students should complete their work in the format of the template attached and should ensure that this is completed in conjunction with the early meetings with the designated supervisory Tutor who will be asked to sign off before submission.

If for any reason your dissertation/project proposal has to change during the course of the subsequent research period, then this proposal must be updated and agreed with your supervisor to reflect new objectives and new subject and strategic interventions. The proposal and feedback sheet should be submitted with the final submission to ensure that we can assess the new intentions of the dissertation appropriately.


The aim of the proposal is to ensure that you become clear at an early stage of the boundaries of your study such that you can work as effectively and efficiently as possible. The selection and focus of the dissertation can be one of the most difficult early decisions you make but it is important that you make this as soon as possible. It will allow you to focus on the literature and direct it toward the research objectives effectively. Your reading and research will be more precise and targeted .It will also allow you to think clearly about the desired and valuable business performance outcomes that can be derived from the dissertation. The philosophy of a MBA is to develop leaders who are able to propose improvement and change that can have a significant impact on an organisation or a business sector e.g. banking, manufacturing etc.


The research proposal will review your ability to achieve the following:


  1. To identify a suitable strategic project for an organisation or sector and select a project that could if designed and implemented well be of strategic importance (not just operational) with a significant impact on results. For example, in reducing costs opening up new markets, introducing a new product or service, enhancing skills capability and knowledge, improving quality and or service, redesigning internal business operations etc. This is not an exhaustive list.
  2. To define and locate the main academic ideas, theories and business practices evolving from these ideas in a critical literature review. This should cover the main subject area (e.g. service quality) and thereafter briefly review the main ideas: the main ideas and business practices and key areas of possible contention where there are alternative issues either in the nature of the idea or methods of implementation etc. This review should aim to locate some of the primary sources / authors you believe it necessary to review. This will not at this stage be exhaustive as your study is at an early stage in its development.
  3. From this you will be required to specify the objectives of the dissertation as clearly as possible. These should be presented as outcomes to be achieved for the dissertation in terms of what business improvement or change the dissertation seeks to implement. The reason and rationale in terms of the sector/ organisation need to be covered under 1 above. You should avoid hypotheses and statements that reflect ‘what’ you are going to do in terms of say investigation or information review. These are not objectives.
  4. Finally you will be asked to identify some appropriate ways that you could investigate:
  • The subject you have selected to ensure that the objectives are met and that information is collected from both primary and secondary sources to ensure that the study can be completed in appropriate depth to achieve masters learning outcomes. These methods should aim to reflect the real methods that can actually be introduced rather than the theory.
  • Any limitations to data collection can be stated but the methods should reflect the realities of such things as sample size and availability, validity of the methods against the objectives, reliability of data and a blend of primary and secondary sources. As with point 2 above at this stage this aspect will not be complete and you have the opportunity to update and comment in more depth in the final submission of the full project.


The final dissertation/project must be submitted by the due date at the end of the term in accordance with the student guide.


The Dissertation or Applied Corporate Project will comprise a number of key sections;


  1. There should be an Executive Summary (approximately 300 words) at the beginning which should review what has been covered and the main outcome proposed.


  1. The main body of the work should cover a Strategic Project overview developing and enhancing the first section of the proposal covering the rationale for the project and its importance to an organisation or business sector. This may be expressed in terms of sustaining competitive position or improving that position. This section might usefully consider the subject from the threats, opportunities, and business contextual factors. It should avoid too broad a scope. This might discuss improvement to internal business processes: customer care, service quality, improvement in skills and or organisation of resources etc. It might include better service delivery, marketing strategies or identification of new markets and or products or services to the external business environment. These are illustrative only. (Approximately 500 words)


  1. The work will include a robust and critical literature review. The main purpose is to establish the important areas of research and enquiry such that the project objectives can be achieved. It serves an important purpose in expanding the body of knowledge that we have with which to understand current performance and as a secondary base to build better informed practices for the future. It should review both the academic literature and the empirical practices that organisations operate. Your ability to shape the ideas and practices is one of the key skills. It is not just a question of presenting other authors ideas without comment. The better marks are to be achieved whereby you identify areas of difference and consensus and from these works and draw a strong conclusion as to what is important in managing the particular area under review. The outcome is likely to have not much more than 4-6 key ideas and principles in the conclusions and will be framed around the question ‘what makes this a successful strategic business practice- and how can it be managed effectively in practice’. These will be the areas you will further examine in your research. This needs to be written in logical and coherent chapters that flow together. It should be clear as to what is being covered and it should avoid extending into too many areas otherwise critical depth is lost. The number of primary sources will vary. We expect a good range of relevant and contemporary sources but the treatment of them is more important than shear number. (Approximately 5000 words).
  2. The project must include a critical review of both primary and secondary research methods that are possible but more importantly those deployed in the project from the perspective of such things as selecting valid and reliable sources of information against the objectives. Discussion of sample sizes and drawing reliable conclusions). It should address specific tools used (interviews, questionnaires, case studies etc.) and the various strengths of these and how they can be best designed and used for the designated project.  Approximately 2000 words
  3. There must be a strong section which presents and discusses the research findings from both primary and secondary sources but emphasising new material collected specifically for the project. This section is important as this is the area where you engage with new and original material that you have collected and the skills deployed here are definitive in terms of the scope final assessment grade together with the recommendations. Data must be presented systematically and structured clearly around tables – if appropriate- or in terms of outcomes against the areas identified from the literature and linked back to project objectives. Having presented the data descriptively you will be expected to interrogate the findings by asking questions of your information such as: what is significant here, where is there key agreements between participants /sources what are the main areas of disagreement, how does this information reflect the outcomes (confirm or deny) from the literature review etc. What does this say about important ideas to shape policy /strategy and its implementation. Approximately 2500 words.


  1. You will need a conclusion. This needs to draw together the findings from your research and the literature review and start to feedback and comment on the possibilities that now arise in terms of meeting the objectives. It should shape the agenda and start to define what it is you now think can be done. It should summarise main points and decide what stance you are taking with respect to the practice /policies under review. It should flow naturally from the earlier work .This section should not introduce new ideas or new debates even if you have discovered new information! If this is the case earlier chapters need reworking. Approximately 1500 words.


  1. Recommendations should follow the conclusions. At this stage you move away from a research stance and adopt a leadership stance. Here you will advocate a possible direction for the organisation or sector. It can be specific as to future strategy and policy or it might offer an alternative view and scenario depending on particular future contexts. It should be carefully presented in management   Imagine you are presenting to a body of interested organisational managers with different levels of commitment to what you are proposing! It should clearly state what issue / opportunity is being addressed and the impact desired. It should state what should be done and it should say something on the implementation around; resources, barriers, risk, timescales and organisation of the changes. It should not overly direct to further work or decisions otherwise the project is likely to be overly ‘contextual ‘and general and not solution driven. Again no new ideas should be introduced here and it should be clear how the recommendations can be derived from the foregoing work. Approximately 2000 words.


The dissertation/project should be approximately 15000 words. However the exact make-up of the sections may vary (See Appendix 2 for a suggested format). It is unlikely you will be able to meet the learning outcomes in terms of depth and range of analysis in a study of less than 15000 words.


The remainder of the dissertation/project should comprise your research proposal (final) and the bibliography and any appendices that you have chosen to include.  Appendices should be carefully selected. They should be referenced in the main body of the study and should clearly relate to and provide further important reference for the reader. They should not be included if they have no central bearing on the study or simply a catalogue of all organisational information you can find.


Please treat all word guides flexibly as different projects will emphasise different priorities and weightings so these are indicative.



When considering the methodological approach to your submission it is important that you consider the ethics of your approach. It is crucial that you consider the following principles:

How your research should be designed, reviewed and undertaken according to the highest possible standards. It should comply with University Governance, Professional Codes of Practice and the law.

Research with human participants must protect their dignity, rights, safety and well-being.

Participants must be completely informed about the purposes, methods and intended uses of the research. They must be informed about what participation will involve and the risks and benefits fully explained. Any research proposing deviation from this principle may be approved but only in very specific contexts in which the lack of complete information is justified by the benefits of the research. Participants must consent to participate in the research having been fully informed about what participation will involve. Participation must be voluntary. The use of incentives to encourage participation is acceptable but these must be appropriate.

Participants must be allowed to withdraw themselves from participation at any time and for any reason without disadvantage.

Information and data obtained about participants must be confidential. Anonymity should be maintained wherever possible. All information held about the participants must be processed, retained, stored, and disposed of in accordance with the law.

The research must protect the dignity, rights, safety and well-being of the research workers who should completely understand the risks and benefits of the research.

The research must protect the reputation, safety and well-being of the University of Sunderland.


The issue of research ethics and data collection must be discussed with your Supervisor and their advice considered and observed.


Details of the Research Ethics Review process are found on the University website and by following the link below.


You must discuss the Ethics approval process with your Supervisor at the earliest opportunity.




























Name of Supervisor:


Registration number:




 Hand in Date of Proposal:



Project Background:


Rationale for selection – importance and potential impact of the strategic project for an organisation or business sector. Word Guide approximately 500













Literature Review: 

Identification of the key aspects of the business literature (e.g service quality) to be underpin the study. This review should briefly cover the main ideas and business practice that will be considered. It should locate a sample of the some of the main sources and identify key critical issues that might arise. – Word Guide approximately 750.   




Identify 3-4 objective outcomes from the dissertation in terms of what the dissertation seeks to achieve for the organisation or business sector. These objectives should reflect outputs not tasks to be completed and should emphasise the areas for improvement to business performance the dissertation will concentrate on.      












Candidates should include a brief statement as to what they consider the main methods of primary and secondary research are likely to be the most useful to achieving the project outcomes – Approximately 300 words.











MBA Proposal


Key Activities (Milestones) Time-scale

(Plan of action) 

Resources required

(Equipment, software, personnel etc)



























First Line Supervisors confirmation that the project has been discussed at a supervisory meeting and inclusion of any comment:


Name …………………………………………………… of meeting……………………………………………











Feedback on Project Proposal:


Quality of the Strategic Project overview and objectives 

















 Literature review synopsis and methodological synopsis 














Any actions to be discussed with Tutor:







Reviewed by:                                                                                      Date:


 Research Methodology Workshops

Ten two hour workshops will be provided to give you a sound understanding of the significance of research towards the development of an effective dissertation. The topics covered will consider the following areas although the exact allocation of time to topic will be determined in the workshop outlines.


Introduction to Business Research

Introducing you to the importance of business research in a changing business environment and helping you to identify the fundamentals of a valid research proposal.


Literature Review and Identification of Research Objectives

Helping you to understand the importance of a robust and critical literature review in shaping your knowledge and approach towards identifying and addressing research questions.


Qualitative Research Methods

Helping you to identify and evaluate the different stages involved within a qualitative research process i.e. project planning, sampling, data collection, data analysis etc. You should also be able to identify different qualitative research tools [projective techniques, brand mapping, word association etc.] available to a researcher in order to optimise research outcomes.


Quantitative Research Methods

Helping you to identify and evaluate the different stages involved within a quantitative research process i.e. determining sample size, sampling and non-sampling error, data collection, data analysis etc. Aiding you also to identify different statistical methods [studies involving means, studies involving proportions] available to a researcher in order to optimise research outcomes.


Analysing Data and Writing Recommendations

Helping you to consider the various ways of analysing primary and secondary empirical data that you collect as part of your research and analyse it by linking it with existing literature. Helping you to understand how recommendations for your dissertation can be derived from your analysis and findings.


Finally the workshop will help you to understand how your programme of work has helped you to build your managerial and leadership skills as part of your personal development plan.




You will be placed in a small supervisory group of students with whom you will work as a support group.  Your supervisor will set a framework of meetings that you are required to attend as normally supervision will not be offered outside of these sessions. The supervisory support will be based on the following –

Meeting 1 and 2 – These two meetings will be group meetings which will help you to ensure that you have a sensible and credible research proposal. Your supervisor will agree an appropriate date for submission of your proposal and provide relevant feedback.

Meeting 3 – This individual meeting with your supervisor will focus on the following:

Structuring the dissertation

The literature review

Key management concepts and theories to consider

Meeting 4 – This individual meeting with your supervisor will focus on the following:

Research methodologies – the extent of primary and secondary research being undertaken

Processes of data analysis

Challenges being encountered in gathering information

Ethical considerations

Meeting 5 – This individual meeting with your supervisor will focus on the following:

Presentation of Findings

Relationship between Findings and the Objectives of the Dissertation

Development of Recommendations

Review of Personal Development

Meeting 6 – This individual meeting with your supervisor will focus on any final problems/issues that need to be resolved prior to the submission of the dissertation.



SUBMISSION DATE FOR THE DISSERTATION – by 23.59 on 26th January 2021.

Submission Arrangements 

Students are required to submit their work through the module Canvass site. You must put your submission through the Turnitin process and include a copy of the Turnitin report with the work. Work should include a cover page detailing your full name (not informal names adopted in English), course, student number, the dissertation title and module number as relevant to the course. Work should be presented in word processed form using appropriate spacing. The remaining detail of the structure of the work is covered in the module guide and the related programme of research methods.

Finally we wish you every success with your work and will work with you to make it as fulfilling as possible. Good luck.



John Dixon-Dawson – Module Leader











  Generic Assessment Criteria – Postgraduate -These should be related to the level at which you are working and related to the assessment criteria for the module
 Grade Relevance Knowledge Analysis Argument and Structure Critical Evaluation Presentation Reference to Literature 
86 –


The work examined is exemplary and provides clear evidence of a complete grasp of the knowledge, understanding and skills appropriate to the Level of the qualification.  There is also ample excellent evidence showing that all the learning outcomes and responsibilities appropriate to that Level are fully satisfied. At this level it is expected that the work will be exemplary in all the categories cited above. It will demonstrate a particularly compelling evaluation, originality, and elegance of argument, interpretation or discourse.


The work examined is outstanding and demonstrates comprehensive knowledge, understanding and skills appropriate to the Level of the qualification.  There is also excellent evidence showing that all the learning outcomes and responsibilities appropriate to that level are fully satisfied. At this level it is expected that the work will be outstanding in the majority of the categories cited above or by demonstrating particularly compelling evaluation and elegance of argument, interpretation or discourse.

70 – 75%

The work examined is excellent and is evidence of comprehensive knowledge, understanding and skills appropriate to the Level of the qualification.  There is also excellent evidence showing that all the learning outcomes and responsibilities appropriate to that level are satisfied At this level it is expected that the work will be excellent in the majority of the categories cited above or by demonstrating particularly compelling evaluation and elegance of argument, interpretation or discourse.

60 – 69%

Directly relevant to the requirements of the assessmentA substantial knowledge of relevant material, showing a clear grasp of themes, questions and issues thereinComprehensive

analysis – clear and orderly presentation

Well supported, focussed argument which is clear and logically structured.Contains distinctive or independent thinking; and begins to formulate an independent position in relation to theory and/or practice.Well written, with standard spelling and grammar, in a readable style with acceptable formatCritical appraisal of up-to-date and/or appropriate literature.  Recognition of different perspectives.  Very good use of a wide range of sophisticated source material.

50 – 59%

Some attempt to address the requirements of the assessment: may drift away from this in less focused passagesAdequate knowledge of a fair range of relevant material, with intermittent evidence of an appreciation of its significanceSignificant analytical treatment which has a clear


Generally coherent and logically structured, using an appropriate mode of argument and/or theoretical mode(s)May contain some distinctive or independent thinking; may begin to formulate an independent position in relation to theory and/or practice.Competently written, with only minor lapses from standard grammar, with acceptable formatUses a good variety of literature which includes recent texts and/or appropriate literature, including a substantive amount beyond library texts.

Competent use of source material.

40 –


Some correlation with the requirements of the assessment but there is a significant degree of irrelevanceBasic understanding of the subject but addressing a limited range of materialSome analytical treatment, but may be prone to description, or to narrative, which lacks clear analytical purposeSome attempt to construct a coherent argument, but may suffer loss of focus and consistency, with issues at stake stated only vaguely, or theoretical mode(s) couched in simplistic termsSound work which expresses a coherent position only in broad terms and in uncritical conformity to one or more standard views of the topicA simple basic style but with significant deficiencies in expression or format that may pose obstacles for the readerEvidence of use of appropriate literature which goes beyond that referred to by the tutor.  Frequently only uses a single source to support a point. Weak use of quotation




35 – 39%Relevance to the requirements of the assessment may be very intermittent, and may be reduced to its vaguest and least challenging termsA limited understanding of a narrow range of materialLargely descriptive or narrative, with little evidence of analysisA basic argument is evident, but mainly supported by assertion and there may be a  lack of clarity and coherenceSome evidence of a view starting to be formed but mainly derivative.Numerous

deficiencies in expression and presentation; the writer may achieve

clarity (if at all) only by using a simplistic or repetitious style

Barely adequate use of literature.  Over reliance on material provided by the tutor.
The evidence provided shows that the majority of the learning outcomes and responsibilities appropriate to that Level are satisfied.
15-29%The work examined is unacceptable and provides little evidence of the knowledge, understanding and skills appropriate to the Level of the qualification.  The evidence shows that few of the learning outcomes and responsibilities appropriate to that Level are satisfied. The work will be weak in several of the indicators.
0-14%The work examined is unacceptable and provides almost no evidence of the knowledge, understanding and skills appropriate to the Level of the qualification.  The evidence fails to show that any of the learning outcomes and responsibilities appropriate to that Level are satisfied. The work will be weak in the majority or all of the indicators.


Statement of Originality and Authenticity


I confirm that the work I am submitting is an original and authentic piece of work compiled by myself that satisfies the University rules and regulations with respect to Plagiarism and Collusion.  I further confirm that I have fully referenced and acknowledged all material incorporated as secondary resources in accordance with the Harvard System.


I also clarify that I have taken a copy of the submission, which I will retain until after the Programme Assessment Board has published the results, and which I will make available on request in pursuance of any appropriate aspect of the marking and moderation of the work within the University Regulations.




Registration Number


Programme of Study




Please note that work will not be assessed without the inclusion of this declaration by the student.  
















Personal Competence Workshops (Indicative schedule subject to confirmation).                                                           Appendix 1

Week 1 of MBA teachingIntroduction to the module.   
Week 2What might your Project and Portfolio look like   
Week 3Library skills – research skills2 hrs interactive workshop  
Week 4
CT – introduction

Introduction to critical thinking skills

2 hrs  
Week 5


Reading week2 hrs interactive workshop  
Week 6


CT – feedback on task

Peer assessed group presentation on task set in previous CT session.

2 hrs  
Week 7


 CT – Researching academic development

Focus on reflective/reflexive writing skills and searching for and using literature.

2 hrs  
Week 8CT – self critique Critiquing excerpts from assessed work before applying skills to own work.2 hrs  
Week 9CV Development


2 hrs  
Week 10CMI Guest session – ‘Manager of the Future 2hrs  




The focus of this discussion will be on understanding the difference between economies of scale and economies of scope.  What are the key differences?  Use these concepts to determine whether gains in economies of scale or gains in economies of scope were the principle reason behind the merger or acquisition.


Firms seek growth. One source of growth is external growth from a merger or acquisition.  Often mergers or acquisitions are justified on the basis of the expected benefits from “synergies” created by the merger of acquisition. Economists know these as economies of scale or economies of scope.

The focus of this discussion will be on understanding the difference between economies of scale and economies of scope.  What are the key differences?  Use these concepts to determine whether gains in economies of scale or gains in economies of scope were the principle reason behind the merger or acquisition.

The Assignment:

Select one of the mergers or acquisitions below:

  • Sirius XM acquired Pandora, was this about scope or scale economies?
  • The merger of Sprint, T-Mobile and Metro PCS, was this about scope or scale economies.
  • The merger of Strayer University and Capella University to form SEI, was this about scope or scale economies?

Make sure you explain how economies of scale and scope differ.  Describe how growth in the case you select is created from either an economy of scope or scale

All America Grocery Inc – We serve communities in the middle of the income market providing low prices for all basic grocery needs. Our modest income consumers expect goods deals on good quality foods.  The Covid-19 pandemic has put upward pressure on the price of everything we sell.


In this week’s discussion your are going to be the CEO of a company.  In anticipation of the upcoming quarterly disclosure of profits, you prepare your Board of Directors for the challenge that cost-push inflation is having on profits.  Please make yourself CEO of only one of these hypothetical companies.

Profile of the Companies

All America Grocery Inc – We serve communities in the middle of the income market providing low prices for all basic grocery needs. Our modest income consumers expect goods deals on good quality foods.  The Covid-19 pandemic has put upward pressure on the price of everything we sell. We are also experience rising cost in every aspect of our operation as we have to put extra resources in to protecting both our employees and the public.  We are both fortunate and unfortunate that the price elasticity of demand for food is .20.

Very Big US Auto – Very Big US Auto is one of the oldest and one of the largest auto manufacturers of autos in the US.  Very Big US Auto’s supply chain is highly dependent components manufactured in China and assembled in the US.  The Chinese has rebounded quickly, much of the production capacity is still going to rebuild inventories so the supply of components still lag behind demand.  Additionally manufacturing facilities like ours must take extra precaution to keep workers safe.  Costs are rising on all aspects of production across the industry.  Given these supply side factor, we know that the supply of auto is relatively inelastic.  On the demand side, Very Big US Auto knows that demand is relatively elastic with a price elasticity of demand of 1.2. But we also know that pandemic has made some transportation substitutes less acceptable.

Big Time Entertainment – Big Time Entertainment is a nationwide firm providing movies, arcades and other entertainment venues such as bowling and roller skating.  Our operations have been heavily impacted during the Covid-19 pandemic.  On reopening we have been faced with a host of regulations that have greatly increased our cost of operations. We also face uncertainty as to the potential for additional shutdowns. Customers are fearful plus the guidance on operating our facilities means we are operating far below our optimal number of patron to cover the higher cost for cleaning and other measure to protect the public and our employees.  Price elasticity of demand is 1.6 and we are also faced with more competitors, online entertainment and gaming, that are not experiencing these cost pressures.

Now explain:

  • Is the demand curve for your product relatively elastic, inelastic or unitary elastic?  Demonstrate for your company’s product, by how much the quantity demanded will change if you pass on a 10% increase in cost. In other words, show your calculation of the percentage change in the quantity demanded if your prices are raised by 10%. You must provide a calculations showing the percentage change in quantity demanded. 
  • Given your company’s price elasticity of demand and the industry supply/competitive environment you face prepare a statement for your board as to the potential impact on profits.   Who will pay the larger share of the cost increases, your firm or your customers?

Clarification on policy on references.  In general you will not actually need a reference to reply to a discussion.  These are problem solving exercise. You are creating a solution, but you may chose to use a reference.  If you do use a reference, it must be an academically credible reference.  Remember that the reference you select is part of your credibility.  Never use investopedia, wikipedia, or any other predia.  These are not acceptable.  Use of one of these will mean zero credit on the exercise.

Second, the discussions are a learning activity.  We will assess your progress on the topic, but that is not a grade.  If you have not mastered all the insights, you will find feedback to help you improve your understanding.  Use that to do additional post to improve and we will re-assess our evaluation

Specifically, how does Porter’s analysis examine the stress on profits from all directions and all dimensions of a firm’s environment?


For this week’s discussion, the focus will be on examining Porter’s Five Forces as a tool for looking at the pressure on profits. Specifically, how does Porter’s analysis examine the stress on profits from all directions and all dimensions of a firm’s environment?  You will be applying this tool by specifically looking at the market structure in which a firm completes.  You will need to be able to distinguish an oligopoly from a monopolistic competitive market structure.


There are two groups of firms below.

  • Group 1: firms in the retail sector (e.g. Amazon;  Wal-Mart; Target; Kohl’s; Sears; Macy’s)
  • Group 2: firms in the wireless services industry (e.g. Verizon; AT & T; Sprint/T-Mobile) (this about telecommunication services, not about the sale of phones)

For each group determine and explain if the group is monopolistic competitive or an oligopoly. You need to specific for both in which market structure the firms operate)

Then choose one of the firms from one group.  Using a Porter’s analysis what are the threat to profitability?  This would be a great time to expand your research skills by checking out the firm’s investor relations page.  Use the Research Hub. Go to the ECO550 Library landing page and if you need help, Ask the Librarian to help you find the investor relations page

Examine Case Study: Pakistani Woman With Delusional Thought Processes. You will be asked to make three decisions concerning the medication to prescribe to this patient. Be sure to consider factors that might impact the patient’s pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic processes.

Psychosis and schizophrenia greatly impact the brain’s normal processes, which interfere with the ability to think clearly. When symptoms of these disorders are uncontrolled, patients may struggle to function in daily life. However, patients often thrive when properly diagnosed and treated under the close supervision of a psychiatric mental health practitioner. For this Assignment, as you examine the patient case study in this week’s Learning Resources, consider how you might assess and treat patients presenting with psychosis and schizophrenia.

To prepare for this Assignment:

· Review this week’s Learning Resources, including the Medication Resources indicated for this week.

· Reflect on the psychopharmacologic treatments you might recommend for the assessment and treatment of patients with schizophrenia-related psychoses.

The Assignment: 5 pages

Examine Case Study: Pakistani Woman With Delusional Thought Processes. You will be asked to make three decisions concerning the medication to prescribe to this patient. Be sure to consider factors that might impact the patient’s pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic processes.

At each decision point, you should evaluate all options before selecting your decision and moving throughout the exercise. Before you make your decision, make sure that you have researched each option and that you evaluate the decision that you will select. Be sure to research each option using the primary literature.

Introduction to the case (1 page)

· Briefly explain and summarize the case for this Assignment. Be sure to include the specific patient factors that may impact your decision making when prescribing medication for this patient.

Decision #1 (1 page)

· Which decision did you select?

· Why did you select this decision? Be specific and support your response with clinically relevant and patient-specific resources, including the primary literature.

· Why did you not select the other two options provided in the exercise? Be specific and support your response with clinically relevant and patient-specific resources, including the primary literature.

· What were you hoping to achieve by making this decision? Support your response with evidence and references to the Learning Resources (including the primary literature).

· Explain how ethical considerations may impact your treatment plan and communication with patients. Be specific and provide examples.

Decision #2 (1 page)

· Why did you select this decision? Be specific and support your response with clinically relevant and patient-specific resources, including the primary literature.

· Why did you not select the other two options provided in the exercise? Be specific and support your response with clinically relevant and patient-specific resources, including the primary literature.

· What were you hoping to achieve by making this decision? Support your response with evidence and references to the Learning Resources (including the primary literature).

· Explain how ethical considerations may impact your treatment plan and communication with patients. Be specific and provide examples.

Decision #3 (1 page)

· Why did you select this decision? Be specific and support your response with clinically relevant and patient-specific resources, including the primary literature.

· Why did you not select the other two options provided in the exercise? Be specific and support your response with clinically relevant and patient-specific resources, including the primary literature.

· What were you hoping to achieve by making this decision? Support your response with evidence and references to the Learning Resources (including the primary literature).

· Explain how ethical considerations may impact your treatment plan and communication with patients. Be specific and provide examples.

Conclusion (1 page)

· Summarize your recommendations on the treatment options you selected for this patient. Be sure to justify your recommendations and support your response with clinically relevant and patient-specific resources, including the primary literature.

Note: Support your rationale with a minimum of five academic resources. While you may use the course text to support your rationale, it will not count toward the resource requirement. You should be utilizing the primary and secondary literature.

Reminder: The College of Nursing requires that all papers submitted include a title page, introduction, summary, and references. The Sample Paper provided at the Walden Writing Center provides an example of those required elements (available at All papers submitted must use this formatting.

Johnny is a junior in high school at the age of seventeen and would turn eighteen in December of that year. He decided to find a summer job to make some extra spending money and noticed that Jack at Jack’s Used Cars was looking for someone who would wash and detail his inventory of cars during the summer.

Johnny is a junior in high school at the age of seventeen and would turn eighteen in December of that year. He decided to find a summer job to make some extra spending money and noticed that Jack at Jack’s Used Cars was looking for someone who would wash and detail his inventory of cars during the summer. Johnny applied for the job and was hired for the summer. While working at the used car lot, Johnny had his eye on a red, two-door sports car. In July, he told Jack he would sure like to buy that car. Jack said, “I tell you what, I will sell that red sports car to you for $3,000 cash.” Johnny said, “I do not have that much money, but I have $1,000 saved and can pay you the additional amount over the next ten months because I plan to get a job after school to pay for the car.” Jack, “We have a deal.” Jack prepared a valid written contract and the contract was signed by Johnny and Jack, and Johnny took the red sports car. The valid contract indicated that there was a down payment for $1,000 with ten monthly installments beginning in August of the summer Johnny was working and ending in May of the following year. In January, Johnny began to have trouble in school and with the law. He began to lead a reckless life. He wrecked the red sports car, resulting in some minor damages, but made his car payment to Jack in January. Johnny decided that he would not have the red sports car fixed and decided to let it sit in his parents’ driveway. Johnny decided in February not to make the payments on the red sports car because he did not like Jack anyway because he felt Jack had underpaid him and charged him too much for the red sports car. Johnny did not make the February, March, April, and May payments.

Discuss the following:
1. Common Law Contract versus UCC Contract and discuss whether this is a Common Law Contract or a UCC Contract. In your discussion discuss the differences in Common Law versus UCC and conclude as to why the elements fit the facts.

In Questions 2 through 9 below, write a short answer concerning the definition of the element and relate the elements to the facts in the case.

2. Statute of Frauds and whether this contract is subject to it.
3. Offer and relate the facts to the Offer, if there is an Offer.
4. Counteroffer and relate the facts to the Counteroffer, if there is a Counteroffer.
5. Acceptance and relate the facts to the Acceptance, if there is an Acceptance.
6. Consideration and relate the facts to the Consideration, if there is Consideration.
7. Incapacity as an Infant and relate the facts to Incapacity, if there is Incapacity.
8. Ratification of a contract as related to Incapacity as an Infant, if there is Ratification.
9. Breach and determine from the facts whether or not there is a Breach, and if there is a Breach, whether the Breach is a Material Breach or a Minor Breach.

Explain the use of Marijuana and it’s purpose in the American culture. Include what therapeutic strategies would be used if a person becomes addicted to this drug?

Explain the use of Marijuana and it’s purpose in the American culture. Include what therapeutic strategies would be used if a person becomes addicted to this drug?

Learner check-in and expectations. Please check into the course online forum with information regarding: •    Your background in leadership, including accounting, social value, and reporting. •    Your anticipated value from this course: What you want to learn?

Pre-Course Check-in and Expectations
Please post your pre-course check-in information here. Thank you!
Online Dialogue Assignment #1 (worth 80 points out of a total 200 possible for Online Dialogues) Minimum 400 words, maximum 750words

Learner check-in and expectations.
Please check into the course online forum with information regarding:
•    Your background in leadership, including accounting, social value, and reporting.
•    Your anticipated value from this course: What you want to learn?
•    What you value and count as most important in your life at this time of your life?
•    Your future goals as they relate to tying your present learning goals and your overall life goals.
•    One ‘quote’ from someone you know, personally, professionally, or a family member, describing you as a person.
•    How you plan to measure the successful completion of your goals?
Important: I will review the information to determine the depth we go into each element of the course to balance our course content and reflection as we progress through the course with as much real-time experience as possible.
Don’t be boring. If you regurgitate questions to complete your bio, it will look like the millions of bios already out there in various organizational and BA Program intros around the world. I don’t grade creativity, but you owe it yourself to be creative in expressing this important introduction of YOU. When working with others, a first impression is often all we get to present.

In this essay you will explore a problem related to science  and  technology  and  propose  a  solution. The  purpose  of  a  problem-solution essay is to motivate the reader to act on and think about the problem and the solution presented.

In this essay you will explore a problem related to science  and  technology  and  propose  a  solution. The  purpose  of  a  problem-solution essay is to motivate the reader to act on and think about the problem and the solution presented.  Using  the  problem-solution  analytical  strategy  allows  you  to  organize  your  essay  into  sections  that  each  serves  a  different  purpose.    One  section  of  your  essay  will  present,  define,  and  explain  the  problem.    Another  section  of  your  essay  will  present,  define,  and  explain  the  solution to that problem.  For  this  assignment,  you  will  use  both  assigned  and  outside  research  sources  as  evidence  to  define  and  explain  your  essay’s  problem  and  its  solution.  NOTE:    The  solution  you  choose  to  solve the problem should be based on evidence from your sources, not just your personal idea about a possible solution. Use MLA in-text  source  citation  to  give  credit  to  your  outside  sources  &  include  a works Cited Page listing your sources.

Reading from Radical Evolution: Ch. 6, Prevail Scenario, Pages 189-205, 210-223

Final Essay: 2 pages with MLA, in-text citation & works cited page:   Write:
1.) Identifies, explains, and defines a problem taken from/connected to your selected chapter of Radical Evolution;
2.) Incorporates 3-5 outside sources as evidence for proposing a solution to the problem;
3.)  Uses  specific  examples  and  support  quotes  from both the  assigned  chapter  and  your  outside research sources;
4.)  Includes  M.L.A. in-text  citation & works cited  Page  (Works  Cited  Page  does  not  count  towards the essay page length). Your essay must include balanced and thorough direct discussions/explanations of both assigned and outside research sources (use Nuts and Bolts of College writing Ch 6).  Underline your thesis statement.