1. What does the term ‘shadow economy’ mean? 2. How does the shadow economy affect GDP in different countries?

1. What does the term ‘shadow economy’ mean?

2. How does the shadow economy affect GDP in different countries?

3. What are the main factors influencing the shadow economy?

4. Why is the shadow economy a challenge for the governments?

5. Reflection – the students also should include a paragraph in the initial response in their own words, using macroeconomic terminology, reflecting on specifically what they learned from the assignment and how they think they could apply what they learned in the workplace or in everyday life.

Please also note that your answers should be written in your own words. Don’t use quotes from the articles. 



Review the various definitions for the term “Restorative Justice.” Develop and present a comprehensive definition. What are the three basic questions that are asked in a Retributive Justice framework?

Required textbook: Wormer, K. & Walker, L. (2013). Restorative Justice Today.

Please use APA format.  No plagiarism nor similarities please.


Your post should be in paragraph form.

Chapter 1

  1. Review the various definitions for the term “Restorative Justice.” Develop and present a comprehensive definition.
  2. What are the three basic questions that are asked in a Retributive Justice framework?
  3. What are the three basic questions that are asked in a Restorative Justice framework?
  4. What is the “threefold concern” of Restorative Justice?
  5. Explain why the author of Chapter 1 avoid using the terms “victim” and “offender.”
  6. Explain the terms “Restorative Practice” and “Restorative Living.”
  7. DISCUSSION:  Identify a professional setting in which the principles of Restorative Justice can be used. Explain how. Be through in your Discussion.

Write a paper (at least 8 paragraphs including the introduction and conclusion paragraphs) that describes your plan for colonizing the moon.  A. The energy and resources required to colonize the moon

Write a paper (at least 8 paragraphs including the introduction and conclusion paragraphs) that describes your plan for colonizing the moon.

A. The energy and resources required to colonize the moon
 B. The energy produces by the colonization of the moon.
 C. A time line for colonizing the moon and the resulting benefits
D. The jobs required/produced as a result of colonizing.

Review your company’s current and long-term liabilities section of the most recently published balance sheet. Explain the details of the current and long-term debt based on the disclosures found in the financial statements.

For this project, you will be working in CLC groups of three or four students. Each student will individually research a company and analyze one of the Items for Analysis listed below. Each team member must select the same item so you can compare your companies. Refer to the Collaborative Learning Community Project Overview in the Course Materials for further information.

Items for Analysis:

Criteria for Requirement 1, Part 1 Submission (Choose item A or B).

A. Review your company’s current and long-term liabilities section of the most recently published balance sheet. Explain the details of the current and long-term debt based on the disclosures found in the financial statements. Do not complete a ratio analysis. Instead, focus on the details in the notes and determine how well the company presented the information to an informed reader. What did the company provide about its debts in the notes, and why is that information important? How does each company comply with the rules as provided in the FASB Codification?

B. Review your company’s stockholders’ equity section of the balance sheet. Explain the details of the stock transactions, including treasury stock (if applicable) or stock compensation, based on the disclosures found in the financial statements. Do not complete a ratio analysis. Instead, focus on the details in the notes and determine how well the company presented the information to an informed reader. What did the company provide about its equity in the notes and why is that information important? How does each company comply with the rules as provided in the FASB Codification?

Project Requirements

Prepare a comparative paper using the companies your team members selected for analysis. The first submission is a draft of your findings for item A or B, above. Remember, all team members must analyze the same item. Since this is a team paper, it needs to have one voice. Compare your writing styles and items included about each company so that it appears one person wrote the paper. The first portion of the assignment submission should include:

  • An introductory paragraph about the industry in which your companies compete. Provide this summary in approximately 200-250 words. Note – only one industry overview is provided, not one per company.
  • Body of the paper consisting of a comparative analysis of Item A or B for each company as well as an application of the FASB Codification to “prove” the items are reported properly by your project companies. The discussion for each company should be approximately 250 words. For example, if there are four students per group, the total for all four companies would be 1,000 words.

What elements are necessary for an effective offer? Provide an example of a valid offer and a nonoffer. What are the elements of a valid acceptance? Provide an example of a valid acceptance.

  1. What elements are necessary for an effective offer? Provide an example of a valid offer and a nonoffer.
  2. What are the elements of a valid acceptance? Provide an example of a valid acceptance.

 Why is it important for HR management to transform from being primarily administrative and operational to a more strategic contributor?

 Why is it important for HR management to transform from being primarily administrative and operational to a more strategic contributor?

Your discussion is to be submitted in 12-point Times New Roman font using APA format.  You must have a minimum of two sources to support your answer. Min 200 words

1.What are possible challenges that you see for yourself regarding overcoming biases?  2.Have you ever tried to overcome a bias that you were aware of? What did you do to change it?

I need you to write Journal which is about the topic down:

we are focusing on diversity and the impact of diversity in organizations. This assignment reinforces and expands on this topic by exploring how our biases influence the way we interact with others and information.

Please reflect on what you know/think and write a journal-type entry of about 500-750 words. Below are questions to consider as you prepare to write. However, your journal

entry does not have to be limited to exploring and answering these questions:

1.What are possible challenges that you see for yourself regarding overcoming biases?

2.Have you ever tried to overcome a bias that you were aware of? What did you do to change it?

3.How would content from Chapter 2 related to overcoming biases?

4.What have been your experiences working with diverse colleagues? Colleagues of different ages? Colleagues from different cultures? Different backgrounds? Different demographics? Was the experience different from what you expected? Why or why not?

In the virtual event, “Subversives: Parasite,” the guest speaker and the moderator talked about the Koreanness in this film. Did you learn something new you did not notice when you watched Parasite? What new layers of interpretation can you make from this film? 

In the virtual event, “Subversives: Parasite,” the guest speaker and the moderator talked about the Koreanness in this film. Did you learn something new you did not notice when you watched Parasite? What new layers of interpretation can you make from this film?

150 words at least

Make a slideshow of the following paper

Name :






So much has been told, composed, and contended against soothsaying. Physicists will vehemently reject that Planets are incredibly far away from us and that gravity which holds the Sun and the planets together can’t impact individuals – objects of irrelevant masses contrasted with planets. Aside from the four central powers, electromagnetic, solid, frail, and gravity – some other power these colossal turning masses may incite on masses of our measurements will be with no booking thought about Physicists’ impious? The facts confirm that much of the time, the rant against crystal gazing is done by individuals who have not contemplated soothsaying in detail. This paper’s fundamental point is to feature certain logical parts of this puzzling, captivating and significant subject that educates us regarding our qualities, shortcomings, openings, and dangers so we can plan and lead a considerably more focused and fought life.

The intriguing point is that some fascinating likenesses can be found in countless horoscopes of guardians and their kids. A couple of planets, not Jupiter and Saturn, are in either relative positions or comparative mixes in guardians and their kids’ horoscopes. This can not be a fortuitous event. On the off chance that the planets do not have a hereditary connection, this above ‘legacy’ will not happen. Before the incredible French Astrologer, Michel Gauquelin had made this statement that had confounded even his solid pundits (Seymour 76). It is delighting in taking note of that, to date, this specific purpose of legacy could not be disregarded by every one of the individuals who had tried his information to denounce Astrology. This is perhaps the most grounded point which demonstrates the connection between hereditary qualities and Astrology.

In this association, the significant commitment made by Dr. Percy Seymour of Britain merits referencing (Muller 85). Without precedent for 1990, in his book supporting Crystal gazing, he had proposed a Scientific Theory relating planetary effects on human creatures. (Muller  90).  He had recommended that because of the differing gravitational impact of planets on the attractive field of the Sun, the attractive annoyances made in the sun, each being explicit to singular planets, produce varieties in the Solar Wind, which when comes to the earth ceaselessly, influences the hatchling at the hour of its introduction to the world, the impact of each planet on top of the all-around communicated (framed) hereditary qualities affecting the labor and further when it develops (Muller 85).

He has wholly portrayed that every person planet can assume a particular job in affecting individuals. His principle logical clarification is that Sun intensifies the planets’ gravitational impacts as attractive field variety communicated to the earth, along these lines influencing the human creatures. Even today, even robust pundits on Astrology think that it is hard to reprove this clarification. In crystal gazing, every planet is answerable for specific attributes.

Additionally, the planets, two specific focuses in space (Rahu and Ketu), speaking to the two crossing focuses in the orbital plane of the Earth (Ecliptic) to that of the Moon (circling the earth), are likewise viewed as significant to such an extent that they are treated as two planets. For an understudy of soothsaying, the significance of these two focuses on anticipating specific significant perspectives like thriving, mishaps, misfortunes, life span, and so forth are notable. Once more, planets between Rahu – Ketu hub and planets between Ketu – Rahu hub have special meanings in soothsaying (Seymour 78)! On the off chance that crystal gazing is not a science, why should two focuses in space, also, that as well, associated with the orbital plane of the earth expect such a lot of importance?

Crystal gazing manages every person as a dimensional element and portrays all the attributes of the person. It discusses appearance, wellbeing, abundance, insight, relations, family, spouse/husband, companions, life span, sicknesses, honor, calling, karma, and even misfortunes. While a portion of these perspectives is observable, others including possibilities like karma, capacity to procure riches, ability to get aptitudes, and the wide range of various natural viewpoints related to the individual like mother, father, sibling, sisters, family members, spouse, youngsters and so forth are undetectable and covered up (Seymour 76). Accordingly, here is a territory where his/her multi-dimensional qualities depict an individual – both noticeable and undetectable. It is presently unequivocally settled that people’s rates are owing to their grades.

The noticeable qualities like appearance, discourse, astuteness furthermore, illnesses, to give some examples, are identified with the qualities. That planetary blends can likewise depict them is another obvious sign that planetary impacts play a conclusive part in controlling hereditary articulations in people. The manifestation of qualities that result in specific attributes and concealment of a few qualities that may show at a later stage in life likewise indicates that they should be controlled via planetary movements. The hereditary factor is the one that draws out the contrasts between people conceived at the same opportunity to various guardians at a similar spot, including the twins (Barton 34).

The distinctions in the degree of articulation ought to rely upon the individual hereditary make-up, which represents a distinction of degree and not of the sort. Bound together Field Theory and its connected String (and as of late Brane) Theory are examining 10-32-dimensional (or more) universe with four elements of reality and the leftover likely shrouded measurements. Soothsaying unmistakably portrays the multi-dimensional attributes of the universe (Barton 45). Subsequently, Astrology joins huge masses like planets on the one hand, and the people described by qualities comprised of strands of DNA particles. This way, it speaks to the four elemental powers (electromagnetic, solid, frail, and gravity). However, Science is unfit to bring all these four significant powers together, gravity resisting unification while the other three powers solid, frail, and electromagnetic powers coordinated.


It is fascinating to see that the planets’ proposed impacts in crystal gazing are similar—none minimal, independent of the majority and distances of these planets from the earth. Gravity, be that as it may, changes with mass and distance. The impacts of Retrogression of planets is another region worth referencing where the evidence in reverse movements of the planets caused by the planets’ overall movements regarding that of earth unmistakably shows that movements of these planets have articulated logical ramifications. Around the dates of Retrogression and De-retrogression (resumption of direct movement) of particularly Saturn and Jupiter, one can encounter the event of certain things that had been hauling without end for quite a while previously.

Works Cited

Barton, Tamysn. Ancient astrology. Routledge, 2012.

Muller, Arno. “Planetary influences on human behavior (” Gauquelin Effect”): Too absurd for a scientific explanation.” Journal of Scientific Exploration 4.1 (2019): 85-104.

Seymour, P. A. H. “Astrology: The Evidence of Science (revised and extended paperback version).” Great Britain: Arkana-Penguin (2020).



For each audit risk, your assignment should: • explain the potential impact of the audit risk on the company’s financial statements and  • detail the auditing procedures to verify the account balances impacted by the risk

you will select a listed public company (JB- Hifi) from the ASX200.

You will identify the major audit risk areas (at least 2) for your selected company. For each audit risk, your assignment should:

• explain the potential impact of the audit risk on the company’s financial statements and

• detail the auditing procedures to verify the account balances impacted by the risk