Define and identify the four nation gangs that operate in the United States. Provide the history of Asian gangs in America.

  • Define and identify the four nation gangs that operate in the United States.
  • Provide the history of Asian gangs in America.

I need these two question answered and Use appropriate references and citations in assignments where required and according to the ASA academic style. Please make sure The post is accurate, original, and relevant, teaches us something new of academic value (beyond material provided in the assigned text), provides sociological analysis, and is well written. Ten point comments add to the overall class discussion and stimulates additional thought about the issue under discussion. The post must be at least 325 words (in the text of the post) in length and include a minimum of at least one properly cited academic reference (academic book or journal article other than the assigned materials). This reference should be a recent publication. Be sure to use the ASA format when citing references in-text and end of text (Bibliography) Also each question is 325 words each.

Cherry Pink and Apple Blossom White (4:08) Your analysis should include: The number of different musical ideas you hear in the piece (can we say that there are two ideas A and B? Or is there only one?)


The principles of unity & variety apply to all music, regardless of compositional style or historical period.

Now that you are familiar with the concepts in the first section of the course (Basic Musical Concepts), and you have seen how they work on different pieces of music, try your hand, mouse, and ears at how they operate in a music selection that you may not have heard yet.

Cherry Pink and Apple Blossom White (4:08)

Your analysis should include:

  1. The number of different musical ideas you hear in the piece (can we say that there are two ideas A and B? Or is there only one?)
  2. The timings (start and stop times) of the different sections of the piece. (Hint: Listen for changes in musical ideas and timbre, or for points when one instrument gives way to another.)
  3. How the following elements contribute to unity and variety in the sections you identified (give timings):
    • Dynamics: Where does the music get louder or softer? Is there any apparent reason for those changes?
    • Timbre: Where do different instruments take over the melody?
    • Pitch: What is the general pitch level of the piece? Are there wide variations in pitch level?
  4. Although there are sections that feature one instrument over others, do you think this is a piece for a solo performer or for an ensemble?
  5. List of the characteristics of the musical style closest to the one this piece exemplifies. (Hint: Revisit the class titled Folk Music, Art Music, and All That Jazz)
  6. Do you think this piece serves (or could serve) a specific purpose?
  7. Does this piece have any specific connotation(s) for you?

Choosing a sales compensation plan is an important decision.  However, there is no one-size-fits-all approach. What are some of the factors involved in the compensation process? Are there any best ways to compensate sales personnel?

Subject: Marketing Strategies

Q1. Choosing a sales compensation plan is an important decision.  However, there is no one-size-fits-all approach. What are some of the factors involved in the compensation process? Are there any best ways to compensate sales personnel? After reviewing this week’s resources and your research, in your own words identify at least three factors involved in the compensation process.  Share with your classmates your plan and why you feel it will be effective and adequately motivate your sales team towards organizational goals.

Note: 250 words with intext citations and 2 references

Subject: IT

Q2. Knowledge management concerns organizing the knowledge processes: create, store, share,

and apply in an organization. But knowledge processes can also be identified in your personal


  1. Can you think of any knowledge creation and/or knowledge sharing processes in which

you are involved?

  1. Are these processes formalized in some way or would you consider them as informal

knowledge management?

Note: 250 words with intext citations and 2 references


Create a 350- to 700-word Statement of Ethics in which you provide an outline of the organization’s ideals as well as the rules employees are expected to follow for your chosen company or policymaking group.

Assignment Content

Select a business organization to complete this assignment on ethical considerations in the current business environment.

Research changes in the company or its policies over the last 10 years.

Determine how changes were influenced by the most recent global economic developments and assess the ethical issues related to the decisions made by the company or policymakers.

Research statements of ethics for various business and political groups.

Assume the role of a senior staff member of the chosen company or policymaking group and consider the following scenario: As a senior staff member at the chosen company or policymaking group, you must analyze the influences of ethics and legal exposure to the organization and provide appropriate advice to its management group.

Create a 350- to 700-word Statement of Ethics in which you provide an outline of the organization’s ideals as well as the rules employees are expected to follow for your chosen company or policymaking group.

Write a 750- to 1,050-word Memorandum to the CEO or president of your chosen organization.

Describe the process by which this statement of ethics should be reviewed and revised.

Consider the public nature of this document and how stakeholders, competitors, and other interested parties may receive and react to it.

Consider management hierarchies and how this information is to be disseminated through your organization and to the public.

Support your choice and the advice given with findings from your readings and research.

Note: Submit one paper with two separate sections. The first section must include the Statement of Ethics and the second section must include the memorandum to the CEO or President.

Format your assignment according to APA guidelines.

Include at least three scholarly references in your paper.

Explain the difference between data and information. What is the role of a DBMS, and what are its advantages? What are its disadvantages? What is connectivity? (Use a Crow’s Foot ERD to illustrate connectivity.)


Direction: Answer below questions (Need about 1 page)

  1. Explain the difference between data and information.
  2. What is the role of a DBMS, and what are its advantages? What are its disadvantages?
  3. What is connectivity? (Use a Crow’s Foot ERD to illustrate connectivity.)
  4. Typically, a patient staying in a hospital receives medications that have been ordered by a particular doctor. Because the patient often receives several medications per day, there is a 1:M relationship between PATIENT and ORDER. Similarly, each order can include several medications, creating a 1:M relationship between ORDER and MEDICATION.


Part2: Online Discussion

Direction: Please describe the database’s main components (Need about 500 words)




Direction: Provide your comments to a post below. Your comment must be substantive and detail (Need about 350 words)

“Organizations employ Database Management Systems (or DBMS) to help them effectively manage their data and derive relevant information out of it. A DBMS is a technology tool that directly supports data management. It is a package designed to define, manipulate, and manage data in a database.


Some general functions of a DBMS:

Designed to allow the definition, creation, querying, update, and administration of databases

Define rules to validate the data and relieve users of framing programs for data maintenance

Convert an existing database, or archive a large and growing one

Run business applications, which perform the tasks of managing business processes, interacting with end-users and other applications, to capture and analyze data

Some well-known DBMSs are Microsoft SQL Server, Microsoft Access, Oracle, SAP, and others.”

In your discussion post, write the author’s name, title, and year of publication of your chosen memoir along with a link to a description. Then explain why you chose your book. This discussion post allows us to make sure you’ve chosen a book that will fit our course objectives. If you can’t choose, please post your top 2-3 titles. 

You may choose to listen to your book, read it on a device, or read it the old-fashioned way, in book form!

In your discussion post, write the author’s name, title, and year of publication of your chosen memoir along with a link to a description. Then explain why you chose your book. This discussion post allows us to make sure you’ve chosen a book that will fit our course objectives. If you can’t choose, please post your top 2-3 titles.

Once you’ve posted, feel free to read what your classmates have chosen. Commenting on each other’s post is completely optional but highly encouraged 🙂

If you are stuck, please reach out to Neda or Cody and we will find you a good book!

Enjoy your search!


Some example lists for you to browse:


Find a NEWS article that addresses a current social problem facing your community (local, national, or global) that you are concerned about.


  • Find a NEWS article that addresses a current social problem facing your community (local, national, or global) that you are concerned about. (A news article is an article from a media source like a newspaper or magazine such as the New York Times, FOX, The Washington Post, VICE, etc. that addresses a current event. It does not include sources like Wikipedia, eHow, dictionaries, academic journals, or other information websites.)
  • Write a minimum 300 word essay that answers the following questions:
    • Based on the article you chose, what is the social problem and who does it impact?
    • How can the social sciences be used to research the issue? Name specific methods and disciplines from Chapter 1.
    • What are some solutions you can think of to address the issue?


  • Your essay should:
    • be a total of 300 words or more.
      • The 300 word limit DOES NOT include the questions, names, titles, and references.
      • It also does not include meaningless filler statements
    • have factual information from the textbook and/or appropriate articles and websites.
    • be original work and will be checked for plagiarism.
      • You will receive a zero if substantial portions of your work are taken from other sources without proper citation
    • have references and citations for your sources, including the textbook
      • Cite your sources in-text and provide references for each sources according to the APA Style Guide. FYI web addresses or links are not full references!

Identify and briefly discuss a national policy, law, or act that has been implemented in the United States. How do you think it has helped to shape public health?

Identify and briefly discuss a national policy, law, or act that has been implemented in the United States. How do you think it has helped to shape public health? Express and explain your opinion on whether the expected outcomes of the legislation were equally experienced across all populations and communities.  ( A MINIMUM OF 150 WORDS)

Write a short paragraph (< 100 words) on the importance of programming in data analytics. Also, write the advantage of open source language like R over other licensed programming software.

Write a short paragraph (< 100 words) on the importance of programming in data analytics. Also, write the advantage of open source language like R over other licensed programming software.

Requirements for Discussion Assignments

Compose a well-developed post (< 100 words) that is comprehensive in answering questions posed on the discussion board

Emilia gazed out her window at the sparkling sapphire waters of the Mediterranean Sea. On most days, looking out onto the deep blue sea and thinking about the mysteries unfolding beyond their waves made her feel exhilarated, but today she wanted the still waters to turn into angry waves to mirror the turbulence she felt within her heart.

Prompt 1—Shakespeare Essay Argumentative Essay Essay Checklist: 1. Did I write an introduction with a hook, a claim, and three reasons? 2. Do I have 2-3 body paragraphs explaining each reason for my claim? 3. Do I have a conclusion that summarizes my main points and emphasizes my main lesson? 4. Does each paragraph have 3-7 sentences? 5. Did I include textual support with citations from sources? 6. Did I proofread for errors in grammar and spelling? 7. Did I list or cite my sources in correct MLA format? 8. Did you use a mainly academic tone, with one or two conversational phrases for effect?

Sonnet 29: When, in disgrace with fortune and men’s eyes – YouTube

David Tennant Explains Why Shakespeare Still Matters – YouTube

Hamlet Summary (Act 1 Scene 2) – Nerdstudy – YouTube

Hamlet Summary (Act 2 Scene 2) – Nerdstudy – YouTube

Hamlet by William Shakespeare | Act 3, Scene 1 Summary & Analysis – YouTube

Hamlet by William Shakespeare | Act 3, Scene 3 Summary & Analysis – YouTube


READ: Emilia gazed out her window at the sparkling sapphire waters of the Mediterranean Sea. On most days, looking out onto the deep blue sea and thinking about the mysteries unfolding beyond their waves made her feel exhilarated, but today she wanted the still waters to turn into angry waves to mirror the turbulence she felt within her heart. Tomorrow she would be wed. She knew she was supposed to feel happy and grateful. She remembered the joy her older sister felt the day before she was married in 1427, just a few years ago. On the other hand, she also knew the despair Maria had felt since her wedding day. She took a deep breath and ranted at the sea.

“I do not understand why I have to do this. Didn’t Mama and Papa learn anything from the mistake they made with Maria, and don’t they see how unhappy she is? Why don’t they care? Bittersweet memories flood my mind as I stand in this spot. Maria and I huddled close together at this same window, staring out at the sea and dreaming about her future. We had not yet met Alfonzo, Maria’s betrothed, but Papa and Mama told us he was a wealthy merchant from a respected family. They heard he was very handsome and generous and kind to his mother, and they swore he would be a perfect match for Maria.

“I feel so foolish to think about how giddy we felt imagining what Maria’s life would be like once she was married. She would be the lady of her own household, free to do as she pleased. That is to say, she would finally have the chance to do what we both desired more than anything else. She would finally be able to see what lay beyond the vast Mediterranean Sea as she traveled the world at her new husband’s side. But, in reality, after Maria became Alfonzo’s wife, her world became smaller. Yes, Alfonzo travels all the time, but he never takes Maria with him. Instead, he leaves her to care for his mother, and Maria has to do everything according to the old woman’s rules. From how she decorates their home to how she raises their children, Maria has no power to make any decisions on her own. It was not the life our parents had been promised for their daughter, but it was too late.”

After the family had learned the truth about Alfonzo, Emilia begged her father to let her choose a husband for herself, but he rejected her plea. “That is not how the world works, my child,” he explained. “Although your happiness means everything to me, I have no sons to carry on our family name. It is the responsibility of my daughters to make connections with the right people so that our family tree can continue to blossom and thrive.”

Emilia did not think her sister was thriving. On the contrary, Maria was wilting in front of their eyes. Every time Emilia saw her sister, she seemed smaller and quieter. When her father announced that Emilia, too, would marry a man she had never met, her heart shrank with fear that her life would turn out like Maria’s had.

Meanwhile, Emilia’s wedding day was almost here, and there was nothing she could do to change her future. Emilia mused to the salty sea air. “Mama and Papa have promised that Diego is different than Alfonzo. For instance, Diego makes his swords nearby, and he must stay in town to run his shop, so he will not sail away and leave me alone. But how am I to know that he will not invent another reason to abandon me with our children? They say that he is kind and, as an illustration, they recall tales told by his apprentices about his patience and generosity, but that does not prove that he will be kind and patient with a woman. There is so much about this arrangement that I do not understand, yet there is nothing I can do to stop it. I must send my fears out into the sea and accept my fate as Diego’s wife. I do not know if Diego will be a good husband, but he may be. I must remember that I am not Maria, and he is not Alfonzo.”

At the end of this declaration, Emilia closed her eyes, bowed her head, and stepped away from the window. She needed to get some rest. Her new life would begin tomorrow.


Please note: This is not a Shakespearean text, but highlights our theme of human love and emotion. It is organized within a stream-of-consciousness soliloquy style, which can be compared to the different Shakespearean styles and forms in other texts you have read in this course. Note the writer’s use of certain connecting words and phrases to help create meaning in this complex text.