Explain in four pages the importance of gaining a Bachelor of Arts degree in International Studies. Highlight the fact that you will be the first person in your family to go to graduate school.

Write a paper for graduate school. Explain in four pages the importance of gaining a Bachelor of Arts degree in International Studies. Highlight the fact that you will be the first person in your family to go to graduate school. Express you interest in gaining a Master in Legal Studies and have worked in the field of contract management for nearly 10 years and want to continue in the field as a career choice rather than a job. Describe your experience starting on Capitol hill as an intern and learning about Federal acquisition process on the federal and private sector side. Explain the importance of  You are the child of an immigrant and a person with a learning disability

Go to https://www.sciencedaily.com and search for any evolutionary biology article that interests you. In approximately 300 words explain the topic in your own words: Begin with a sentence like, “The topic covered in this article is…”

Science Daily Topic summary (due weekly): https://www.sciencedaily.com (Links to an external site.)

  • Go to https://www.sciencedaily.com and search for any evolutionary biology article that interests you.
  • In approximately 300 words explain the topic in your own words:
    • Begin with a sentence like, “The topic covered in this article is…”
    • Include this sentence, or one that is similar: “The significance of this topic is…”
    • And/or “This topic interested me because…”
    • And/or “I wonder why” or “I have a question about…

Discuss the difference between behavioral therapy versus cognitive-behavioral therapy. In which setting would one be better over the other? Explain your rationale.

Discuss the difference between behavioral therapy versus cognitive-behavioral therapy.  In which setting would one be better over the other?  Explain your rationale.

Using the ACM database in the Library Portal, find a study related to an area of Information Security that you are interested in to be the basis for your projects for this term. The study can be quantitative or qualitative, but needs to address a problem that you are familiar with. In the conclusions of the study, it should indicate areas for further research.

You will do this by writing a proposal that supports the extension of a previously published research project. (You will not actually conduct the research; you will be developing a short proposal that explains the need to extend the research.)

Using the ACM database in the Library Portal, find a study related to an area of Information Security that you are interested in to be the basis for your projects for this term. The study can be quantitative or qualitative, but needs to address a problem that you are familiar with. In the conclusions of the study, it should indicate areas for further research.

In Part 1 of the project, you will write a short introduction to the research proposal (2-4 pages) which includes the following:

  • A description of the problem that was addressed in the selected study
  • A description of the study population and the sample
  • A summary of the previous findings
  • A description of an area of research suggested by the author for further research.
  • An explanation of why this extension of research could be important or how it might yield more insight into the problem.

You just agreed to take a position of Economic Advisor for InoSmart Inc. The General Manager of the company asked you to describe the nature of salaries paid by the company to its employees last year.

Turnitin®Turnitin® enabledThis assignment will be submitted to Turnitin®.Instructions

. In 500 minimum-600 maximum content words (title page, abstract, and references not included in count), respond to the following questions:

Question 1 of 2

You just agreed to take a position of Economic Advisor for InoSmart Inc. The General Manager of the company asked you to describe the nature of salaries paid by the company to its employees last year. The Chief Accountant of the company delivers to you the aggregate monthly salaries data as follows:

Months Aggregate Salaries


Aggregate Salaries

























• Summarize the data and provide statistical conclusion based on your statistical output. (Show your statistical procedures that led you to the conclusion.)
• Provide your results to the General Manager (in one or two sentences).

Question 2 of 2

As a financial advisor, you are assigned a new client who is considering investing in one of two stocks, A or B. The table below shows information about the performance of stocks A and B last year.

(Average) Return

Standard Deviation

Stock A



Stock B



1. What factors would you consider as a financial advisor in making decisions about the data above?
2. Based on these factors, what stock would you recommend to the client?
3. What reasons will you convey to your client to justify your decision in recommending this stock?
4. How will this recommendation impact the client?

A patient presents to your primary care office today with chief complaint of insomnia. Patient is 75 YO with PMH of DM, HTN, and MDD. Her husband of 41 years passed away 10 months ago. Since then, she states her depression has gotten worse as well as her sleep habits.

A patient presents to your primary care office today with chief complaint of insomnia. Patient is 75 YO with PMH of DM, HTN, and MDD. Her husband of 41 years passed away 10 months ago. Since then, she states her depression has gotten worse as well as her sleep habits. The patient has no previous history of depression prior to her husband’s death. She is awake, alert, and oriented x3. Patient normally sees PCP once or twice a year. Patient denies any suicidal ideations. Patient arrived at the office today by private vehicle. Patient currently takes the following medications: 

  • Metformin 500mg BID 
  • Januvia 100mg daily 
  • Losartan 100mg daily 
  • HCTZ 25mg daily 
  • Sertraline 100mg daily 

Current weight: 88 kg

Current height: 64 inches

Temp: 98.6 degrees F

BP: 132/86 

  • List three questions you might ask the patient if she      were in your office. Provide a rationale for why you might ask these      questions.
  • Identify people in the patient’s life you would need to      speak to or get feedback from to further assess the patient’s situation.      Include specific questions you might ask these people and why.
  • Explain what, if any, physical exams, and diagnostic      tests would be appropriate for the patient and how the results would be      used.
  • List a differential diagnosis for the patient. Identify      the one that you think is most likely and explain why.
  • List two pharmacologic agents and their dosing that      would be appropriate for the patient’s antidepressant therapy based on      pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics. From a mechanism of action      perspective, provide a rationale for why you might choose one agent over      the other.
  • For the drug therapy you select, identify any      contraindications to use or alterations in dosing that may need to be      considered based on the client’s ethnicity. Discuss why the      contraindication/alteration you identify exists. That is, what would be      problematic with the use of this drug in individuals of other ethnicities?
  • indicate any therapeutic changes that you might make      based on possible outcomes that may happen given your treatment options      chosen.

Write a 500-750-word essay on the Stages-of-Life and the influence of age in health care from a patient’s perspective. Interview a friend or family member about that person’s experiences with the health care system. You may develop your own list of questions.

Write a 500-750-word essay on the Stages-of-Life and the influence of age in health care from a patient’s perspective. Interview a friend or family member about that person’s experiences with the health care system. You may develop your own list of questions.

Suggested questions:

  1. Do you feel that your stage-of-life had any effect on your interaction with health care professionals?
  2. Which areas of the hospital or clinic were most concerned with your well-being and feelings?
  3. Was your family with you during this hospital stay or outpatient visit?
  4. Was your family included in your treatment, such as post-procedure instructions?

For your assignment this week, identify three influential figures in social work – one person of color, one female, and one of your choice. Briefly, describe their accomplishments and their contributions to the social work knowledge base.

During this second week, you explored the knowledge base and history of social work. We have examined specific social work professions as well as the great strides social workers have made in the U.S. with helping individuals, thus making a difference nationally.

For your assignment this week, identify three influential figures in social work – one person of color, one female, and one of your choice. Briefly, describe their accomplishments and their contributions to the social work knowledge base.

Next, select one of the three and discuss how this individual might approach the social issue/problem you identified in Week 1. If possible or appropriate, include an example that illustrates how this individual might address the problem.

Support your assignment with at least three scholarly resources. In addition to these specified resources, other appropriate scholarly resources, including seminal articles, may be included.

Length: 2-3 pages, not including title and reference pages

Give examples of psychosocial factors that affect the health care professional and the effect those factors could have on patient education. Give examples of psychosocial factors that affect the patient and the effect those factors could have on patient education.

Write a short (50-100-word) paragraph response for each question. This assignment is to be submitted as a Microsoft Word document.

  1. Give examples of psychosocial factors that affect the health care professional and the effect those factors could have on patient education.
  2. Give examples of psychosocial factors that affect the patient and the effect those factors could have on patient education.
  3. Explain what is meant by personality styles and give examples of approaches that could be used to help the patient. Include self-perception as a factor.
  4. List the steps in adjustment to illness and how the patient copes with each step.
  5. Explain the health professional’s role in teaching the patient at different life stages.
  6. Define the role of the family in patient education.
  7. How might the family influence the compliance of the patient and what measures can the health care professional use in communication with the family?

Choose one population with which you are not familiar. After reviewing this week’s assigned readings, prepare a list of 10 questions to gain a deeper understanding of the selected population’s cultural needs. Your questions should reflect critical aspects of cultural competence that have been identified in social work research.

Choose one population with which you are not familiar. After reviewing this week’s assigned readings, prepare a list of 10 questions to gain a deeper understanding of the selected population’s cultural needs. Your questions should reflect critical aspects of cultural competence that have been identified in social work research. You will then prepare a 1-2 paragraph explanation for each question of why you believe each question would assist you in gaining a better understanding of the population’s social work needs. Remember to cite pertinent research to support your explanation.

You will conclude your assignment with a brief personal self-reflection in which you identify the types of clientele you might find particularly challenging, stimulating, and beneficial to work with due to their own background, values, and relationship style.

Support your assignment with at least three scholarly resources. In addition to these specified resources, other appropriate scholarly resources, including seminal articles, may be included.

Total Length: 4-6 pages, not including title and reference pages

Your assignment should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course by providing new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards. Be sure to adhere to Northcentral University’s Academic Integrity Policy.